Dr. Mammon's youngest son

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Vore World

Vore World

Daichi the sport swimmer series

Daichi is a handsome Japanese guy , and he has a buff muscle on his body, and his sexy six pack.

Daichi is a sport swimmer predator who eat his opponent as his meal.

And today, Daichi's opponent is Luke a handsome American guy , who's come to the Swimming Race.

Daichi starts as charge into the pool, and Luke did the same thing as Daichi.

After the race ends with the winner is: Daichi, he's can eat Luke bow in front of people.

Luke give his swimming pants to Daichi as his gift, before he lick his lips and starts to open his mouth wide to consume his prize.

Luke's head is gulp down first, Daichi tastes Luke's body before continues to swallow him.

Daichi feels that Luke's head now enters his stomach, and he's sees his stomach starting to bulge.

Daichi continues to swallow Luke, and when he sees a group of people from the cheered station say" You can do it, Daichi-san." , that's Daichi heard from a group of people.

Finally Daichi gulp down Luke's legs, and his legs enters his stomach, Daichi looks down at his own swollen gut.

Daichi let out a satisfied belch of the meal that he has, it makes him look blushed in front of a group of people.

Daichi looks up from the ground , and takes his new Swimming pants with him.

At Home, Daichi still feel Luke squirmed inside his bloated stomach gut, and his swollen squirmed gut let out a sound of happiness, that Daichi never felt before.

Daichi goes to take a shower, and he pats his own swollen gut of his opponent Luke, inside his squirmed gut, Luke uses his own body to touch stomach wall of his famous swimmer Daichi, he squirmed inside so hard, and Luke plays his hard dick to making cumming inside his Famous Swimmer Daichi.

Daichi feel strange to see his own fanclub like Luke, that Luke's his own fanclub, but he can't believe that Luke wants to be his next opponent and get eaten by him too.

Daichi come out from the bathroom , he goes to his bedroom, Daichi looks down at his swollen squirmed gut, he rubs and pats his belly.

Daichi tells Luke that he's going to sleep now and digest Luke, he agrees and Daichi fall sleep after that.

In the beautiful morning come, Daichi wakes up from his dream, and looks down at his gut, he sees that his belly goes back to normal, Daichi rubs his buff sexy six pack of his own stomach, he feels buffed than before.

Daichi flexes his pecs , abs and biceps to see how strong he is now.

Daichi thinks that he wants to going to workout ,that he misses for sometime.

Daichi wears his own bodybuilder outfit and goes to the Workout Gym to exercise his new looks and finds his meal too.

But Daichi thinks again that he wants to have a breakfast first, so he decides to make a fried egg and healthy fruit to eat firs.

Daichi goes to the bathroom, he plays his hard dick up and down, now his hand is wet by his cum.

Daichi looks blushed and satisfied by his own thoughts, he decides not go to the Workout Gym, but he decides to jogging at the Park for finding his next meal.

  • zealousartisaneggsshepherd
    zealousartisaneggsshepherd liked this · 10 months ago

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I like your story.

Himbo on Campus

Himbo On Campus

Sam was dissatisfied with his life. He was cute, extremely smart and had a very loving family. A family that even supported him when he came out as gay. But Sam’s life was permeated with a sense of longing. He wanted more.

Sam had always loathed his skinny stature. Sam always prioritised his education and his intelligence over exercise. He liked being smart. But he couldn’t help but be jealous of all the sexy muscular models on his Instagram feed. Their bodies. Their popularity. He envied them. Sam let out a sorrowful sigh and mumbled:

“Life must be so easy for those big popular jocks. I wish my life was that simple.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Sam began to get dizzy. It felt as if the entire room was spinning. Sam stumbled towards his bed. He sat down as the spinning slowly came to a halt. He knew that something was different but he didn’t know what.

Suddenly, Sam felt his chest began to tingle. Sam hopped up from his bed as the tingling sensation became more intense. Too intense for Sam to handle. Sam began moaning and writhing. He looked down at his chest and let out a big shriek. His chest was inflating. Becoming bigger. Growing meaty and thick. Rounder and fuller. Sam was in shock. His huge pecs were unnaturally large for his skinny frame. It was as if the skinny nerd had developed a hefty set of perky breasts.

Sam didn’t have time to panic. The tingling feeling began to change his entire body. His legs became defined and beefy. His skinny stomach filled with muscle and a six pack began to form. His biceps inflated becoming the size of footballs. His ass got juicier and fatter becoming more round and voluptuous. His body looked like that of a sexy quarterback.

Himbo On Campus

Sam looked at his body in awe. He was beautiful. He had the body every gay man dreamed of. He had an ass that every top would want to dominate. Sam jumped with glee causing his new fat ass to jiggle and his new perky tits to bounce. He finally had it all. He had always been smart but now he was sexy and handsome too. He was every gay man’s wet dream.

Sam heard his phone buzz. He was shocked to see that his phone was blowing up with messages from the most popular girls in his college. The messages were filled with heart emojis and flirty comments. Some woman even sent Sam explicit photos of her breasts. Sam was confused. He was openly gay. They knew he wasn’t interested in girls. Why were they they texting him?

Sam’s face began to tingle. Sam examined his face in the mirror. His face began to change. His jaw became more pronounced and squared. His brows became more pronounced. His lips grew fat and fuller.

“Perfect dick sucking lips” Sam joked.

His face was now the epitome of masculinity. He looked like every stereotypical college football jock. Just when Sam thought the transformation was over, he began to feel the tingling sensation invade a part of him that he hadn’t expected it to. His brain.

Sam’s brain began to tingling intensely. Sam slowly felt his intelligence drain from his brain. Years of studying and hard work lost. With each IQ digit lost, Sam became more relaxed. More happy. More dumb. His smarts slowly becoming drool that would gather in his mouth and eventually dribble out onto his bedroom floor. Sam couldn’t help but let the drool slowly drip out of his mouth. He couldn’t close his mouth. It felt so natural for Sam to leave his mouth open. It made him look like he was always confused. His dumb vacant expression made it so people could tell that he was just a big booty himbo. A dumb himbo who will never achieve anything in his life. Sam’s expression became more and more vacant until eventually all he could let out was let out a dumb chuckle. He looked at his new self in the mirror and mindlessly bounced his new big tits. He let out a big dumb laugh as his squeezed his pecs together, pretending they were breasts.

“Me dumb” he chuckled at the mirror as he brainlessly poked his new reflection and made a stupid face.

Himbo On Campus

Sam stood staring vacantly at his new naked reflection. His hair turned into a light blonde, the perfect colour for a dumb himbo like him. The tingling traveled down through Sam’s body and made it’s way to the dumb jock’s cock and balls. Sam, or Sammy as his bros like to call him, was completely oblivious. The tingling targeted the weaker sperm in his balls. The tingling eradicated any evidence of weaker sperm and replaced it with thick potent alpha sperm. His average sized ballsack inflated, becoming fat and droopy as it slowly filled with new potent cum. His penis shot forwards in length giving Sammy a nice thick 10 inch cock.

Suddenly, the gay pride flag on Sammy’s bedroom wall began to disappear, being replaced by posters of sexy women who’s breasts were almost bursting out of their bikinis. The jock slowly began to lose all memories of having slept with men or being attracted to men. Sam’s memories of getting fucked by guys were replaced with memories of his new jock body breeding women. As Sammy became straighter and straighter, his body oder became more pungent. He didn’t care for showers or hygiene anymore. In fact, Sammy found body oder funny. He loved messing with his bros by shoving their faces into his smelly pits and forcing them to take a big whiff of his stench. Sammy also loved to burp and fart around his bros. He would chug his protein shakes, whip out his ass and then release a big groaning protein fart onto his bros’ faces and sometimes even their food. But his bros were disgusting too. They found it funny to eat the food that had been subjected to Sammy’s fowl gas. They also found it hilarious when Sammy farted directly into their faces. It was just bros being bros. Sammy loved his bros and they loved Sammy. But more importantly, Sammy loved the hot babes on his campus.

“I so horny. Need fuck” he grunted like some kind of animal.

Sammy’s asshole began to be changed by the tingling sensation. Sam’s loose hole that had seen many years of penetration began to close up. It tightened. It became so tight that no penis would ever be able to enter his ass again. His ass would only be used for farting in his bros’ faces and shitting. Not any gay shit.

Sam’s old personality and his homosexuality were banished into the himbo’s balls. Sammy’s boner does the thinking for him from now on. Sammy dumbly chuckled and browsed through the girls’ messages. When he saw the image of the girls’ big bouncing tits, he immediately shot his potent load all over himself. It was like a waterfall. Along with the potent sperm, Sammy also shot out his smarts, his homosexuality and his old personality.

Sam was now nothing but an empty headed horny himbo. A big dumb jock who’s only purpose in life is to look sexy and dumb. Just like he always wanted. His life was so much simpler now. All Sammy does is drink protein shakes, work out, fart on his bros and impregnate. How much simpler could someone’s life get?

Himbo On Campus

I like your vore short video.

You're the ice cream now. 🍦

I like your vore short story.

zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito
zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito
zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito
zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito
zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito
zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito

Look like he has a good meal in his belly.

zealousartisaneggsshepherd - Shirohito