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Zealousobservationbread - Deranged Anime Thoughts

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Let’s talk about Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship
And basically just how gay they are.
I want to start off by saying that I haven’t watched the entire Good Omens tv show but HOWEVER I got a little too obsessed and watched all the scenes I could find. And by all I mean all. And some clips on it. And the thing that made me want to write this were the quite concerning amount of people categorising it as queerbaiting.
I won’t say anything related to the book because unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to read it.
Okay so first of all the author confirmed that Good Omens is a story about two people in love. I do not have the time nor dedication to find where this was first mentioned but trust me on this one. But like I get it why people say it’s queerbaiting. I mean there’s no romantic interaction and all we have is subtext, right?
well I, personally, wouldn’t say so. I mean yeah all we have in the actual show is pretty much subtext but there are also things that we have to take into consideration. First of all we have to remember that they are both (former or not) celestial enitites. They were both angels at some point. And what have those random posts and tiktoks taught us? Angels don’t look the way we think they look. Angels aren’t what we really think of them.
Crowley and Aziraphale are spiritual entities, only having the bodies we see ,as some kind of vessel to help them integrate in human society. Therefore they are only human (biologically, we aren’t here to get into the entire moral structure and stuff, maybe another time idk???) by the way they look.
Now, why does that matter? Because the way we express love and the way we think about it is entirely a human thing. We basically created it, somehow, based on our biological desire to procreate. Spiritual beings don’t have the desire to procreate, cuz they don’t need to. Therefore they haven’t really evolved a way to show the romantic love, and at first or even always will be reluctant with the human ways.
How do we know our ineffable husbands (they’re non-binary most probably, spiritual entities don’t need gender) are actually in love? OHH BOYY I haven’t even watched the show and it’s obvious that they truly share a profound bond (destiel reference to mourn after sp’s ending). I mean there are a lot of scenes, but I decide to be less professional and just say exactly why, not when.
1. I meannn the amount of times Crowley made compromises for Aziraphale and for him only, and just those sweet little things like always asking him for lunch or dinner or whatever and being careful with his books. I mean not to be sad but like my best friends wouldn’t have really been that careful with the things I appreciate. There gotta be something
2. Aziraphale was always telling Crowley (sooner or later) what he had found out and what he should do. He always wanted him to be on the right path, despite him being a demon and by definition being on the wrong path, a fallen angel.
3. Just Aziraphale being worried about Crowley and vice-versa. I mean that’s clearly a thing friends share as well but like they are basically on opposite sides. They should be fighting each other but, instead, go on cute little lunch dates together for like 6000 years???
4. Also this is a when one, but remember when Crowley asked Aziraphale to run away with him? Running aways is a gay thing, I’m sorry I’m not accepting any criticize on this one.
Anyways what did I try to prove with this long post? That love can be shown in many forms, some being sexual, some being romantic and some just being slightly romantic but not in an obvious way. Our little angle x demon ship does not do harm to the LGBTQ community, it does not practice in queerbaiting either, it just shows another way of showing love, a love that is so strong it doesn’t need to be proven. They both know it, it’s obvious, and they love each other in their own way.
Basically they’re asexual because they’re angels and honestly I am yearning for a relationship like theirs.
Anyways I’m down for any other opinions, this was just one out of hundreds.
anyways look at them I love them

unfriendly reminder: this is a sex worker positive space. I will not tolerate the disrespect of sex workers here, and if you cant agree with that without a doubt then you're not welcome here.
This is a petition to make a pokepark 3 game. If you like pokemon games please take some time to sign it.

thinking about dl-6
thinking about how children are psychologically unequipped to deal with the fact that adults, who are supposed to be their protectors, can be chaotic, abusive, or even murderous
how children's minds automatically choose "i am bad" over "adults can be bad"
because "i am bad" provides a semblance of control, while "adults can be bad" means annihilation
means "i am a vulnerable child alone in the woods, and there's no one to protect me"
for miles, "i am a monster who killed his father due to a single act of impulsivity, and i will suffer severely for this every day of my life" was the far, far, far superior option
it meant "as long as I'm perfectly controlled, this will never happen again"
and "my ptsd serves as a just punishment for my misdeeds. the world is just, and justice is predictable"
the alternative, the truth, would demolish a small child: "an adult authority figure killed my father out of nowhere due to a random act of god (earthquake). my world is chaos and can be destroyed at any moment. i can trust no one and am fundamentally unsafe"
the child's perma-activated nervous system might believe this, but the child cannot believe it consciously. it is unacceptable
"i am evil" is the infinitely better option
"justice means a predictable, 100% conviction rate" is safe. phoenix's "justice means finding the truth" is life-threatening. because the truth can be random and filled with evil authority figures and wildcards like larry butz
miles couldn't fall for someone like phoenix "lives by the seat of his pants" wright. it would not only be ill-advised. it would be deadly
it would annihilate him
"unnecessary feelings"? understatement of all time. apocalyptic feelings. sky is falling
to a traumatized child, "i am evil" equals life. "adults can be evil" equals death. but also,
"adults can be chaotic good" is death to a child too. the end of safety. dying in the woods while your erratic protector cross-examines a parrot
"i am a demon" means life. "i was never a demon" means death. and phoenix proved the latter
miles edgeworth didn't choose death. phoenix killed him.
So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom
It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education
602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡