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Sims 4 FatasySave File ::: Fantasy Save File Collaboration ::: Beta :::
Hi Everyone!
So sorry for the text being so hard to read … I guess, click on it to open ?? sowwie … I promised a 2nd September release and super running out of time with everything that still has to be done tonight. Granite Falls and Selvadorada are ready too! This was a massive undertaking and I apologize in advance for any boo boos and so much to write up I did my best - aiming to have an interactive pdf ready for us for the release of the alpha version. But I know so many people are ready to play and have been waiting a long long time! Follow my suggestions on how to track all creators and collaborators on my patreon.
Where to download: Patreon (Free)
When: 2nd September, 9am EST
Thank you so much - blown away by each and every contribution! Tag me! And tag on the gallery if you make something for this save with the hashtags suggested on the images. If in doubt, hashtag #fantasysave on the EA gallery (and look up the hashtag too some amazing things there that weren’t necessarily included in the save). Keep adding to the hashtags, if you’re inspired and make the save a super fun and evolving and dynamic save to play!! Yay! Enjoy!

Inst: zhabushkina 🌾

Inst: zhabushkina 🌾

Inst: zhabushkina 🌾

Inst: zhabushkina 🌾