Hi. I'm Jo. she/her. Welcome to my little corner of the world. I write fanfiction and I'm learning to draw

43 posts

Google Classroom - Daryl Dixon

Google Classroom - Daryl Dixon

(and the rest of the walking dead)

Please come and visit! We would love to talk and see you around!

All of my work is collected here, as well as a place for us to talk, for you all to share your work or what your working on, get help, and of course, to talk about whatever we want!

Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTI5ODk0MjU4Mzc1?cjc=4o3eotm

Class Code: 4o3eotm

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More Posts from Zillobeastbait

1 year ago

Hey! I was the anon who requested #13. I figured you'd do darylxdaughter since that's also how I found you and I love how you write them! Thank you!

Ofc ofc ofc! I'll get right on it! Thanks for the clarification! <333 (also I'll reblog this when it's done or you can send me another ask and I'll attach it there. Sorry wasn't thinking ahead lol)

1 year ago

Meet Crimson Rue Mills

Meet Crimson Rue Mills

Photos are from Pinterest, mood board created by me.

This is Crimson, also known as Crim. She was only 5 when the world ended. Yet in a way, it was when hers began.


Her story is currently in progress. As always like, comment, and re-blog to support your writers and other artists on Tumblr

Thanks for taking the time to view my work, see you next time.

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1 year ago

But imagine Daryl comforting you after you freak out because you just barely escaped a bunch of walkers and you're having a panic attack and you can't breathe and the world is just too much in the moment and you can't take all the noise and you just need someone to hold you so he pulls you into his lap and covers your ears and tells you that you're ok.

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1 year ago

Chapter 3!!!

For those of y'all in my Google Classroom Till the End chapter 3 is up! For the rest of you, it will be up 12:00 am EST, 10/14. If you'd like to join my Google Classroom it's attached to my pinned post or there is a separate post somewhere.

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1 year ago

Till the End - Ch. 1 - Pt. 1

Chapter 1 Endings and Beginnings

Till The End - Ch. 1 - Pt. 1

photos from Pinterest, moodboard by me

Crimson sits coloring in her book in her living room. Her parents went out a while ago and haven’t come back. Although when she thinks about it they’ve gone out for a while before and come back every time. Plus, at the age of six, a kid isn’t thinking about how long their parents have been gone. Crimson finishes one page after another as she waits and waits for her parents to come back. Just like she does every time. She tried to go with them one time. She was curious and wanted to see what they did every time they left the house. She was never allowed to go outside anymore. She got to open the upstairs windows sometimes, and the fresh air was always nice but she wanted to go outside. She saw people walking all the time. Up and down the streets. Sometimes they would walk with each other. She didn’t understand why they never talked to each other or why they just bumped into each other until she went out.

Going outside was the most terrifying thing she's ever done. She watched as what she once thought were people attack her parents. She watched as they stabbed each and every one. Over and over again. Until she couldn’t watch anymore and she ran inside. She hasn’t looked out a window since. And now she's finished another coloring page since her parents have been gone. Eventually, she looks towards the window and it’s dark. Now she starts to worry, a weird feeling rising up in her stomach. She decides to go upstairs and put herself to bed, thinking her parents would be proud to come home to her already in bed. She changes into her pjs and even reads her book to herself, or at least she tries. She puts her book on her bedside table and grabs her favorite stuffed animal cow. She named him Moo Moo when she first got him. It’s been her favorite ever since. She gets under the blankets and pulls them up to her neck. She grabs Moo Moo and pulls him under with her. She pulls him in close, snuggling with him, her little body curled into a little ball. “Goodnight, Moo Moo.” She quietly says to the stuffed cow, as if it would speak back. Crimson’s eyes quickly grow tired, and she quickly falls asleep.


Part 2

Part 3

This is kinda the sucky intro chapter but I hope y'all enjoyed anyway. make sure to go look at pt. 2

As always thanks for taking the time to read and support your artists by liking, commenting, and re-blogging!

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