Hi. I'm Jo. she/her. Welcome to my little corner of the world. I write fanfiction and I'm learning to draw

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Till The End - Ch. 2 - Pt. 2

Till the End - Ch. 2 - Pt. 2

Chapter 2

The New

Till The End - Ch. 2 - Pt. 2

photos from Pinterest, moodboard by me

Once your eyes adjust to the light you see that inside is all grey. They have shelves and racks of food and bottles of water. You follow Daryl down the steps and towards a table. You watch from a small distance as he unpacks the food he took from your house and sets it all on the appropriate shelves. “C’mon, let's get you settled in somewhere.” Daryl says after putting everything away. He tries to use as gentle of a voice as he can and less sharp movements. “Can’t I stay with you?” Crimson asks, catching up to Daryl as he walks through a door. When they enter the room Crim realizes they’ll be staying in cells. The thought scares her a little, but not as much as benign alone outside. “Nah kid, yer gettin' put in yer own cell.” Daryl sounds a little ruder than he means to, but no way was this kid sleeping in the same cell as him. He saved her and that's it. “Oh, ok, well where’s your’s?” Crim is slightly saddened that the man won't let her sleep near him, it would make her feel a whole lot safer, Something about him just feels like she can trust him, like he will keep her safe no matter what. “Up ‘ere.” Daryl mutters, pointing up the stairs. “Can I pick one next to you?” Crimson asks, looking up at him with as much of a puppy-eye look as she can muster up. Daryl stops for a second and looks at her. Does she really think that look is gonna work on him? It is kinda cute, and she is only little. No, snap outta it, he thinks to himself. Why was he suddenly sympathetic towards this random kid? “Pick whichever one ya want.” Daryl waves his hand in the air as he runs up the stairs and into his cell. Although Crimson can tell that he doesn’t like her, he is the only person she knows around here. She slowly walks up the stairs and peeks into Daryl’s cell. She sees him throwing the bag he used on his top bunk, then turning and sitting on his bottom bunk for a moment. Crimson then realizes she’s spying and backs away. She checks the cell to the left of his and it’s empty. She decides that this will be her cell. She takes off her backpack and puts it on the bed. She then sits next to it and takes out Moo Moo. She sits and observes the empty walls for a while, swinging her legs and talking to herself in her head. Some time later Daryl opens the curtain that divides her from the rest of the cell block. He sees the young girl passed out on her bunk, Moo Moo under her head for a pillow, and her feet are still hanging off the edge of the bunk. Dary enters the cell as quietly as he can. He grabs the pillow out from under his arm and places it at the head of the bed. He then lays down a thicker blanket he had on his bed, it's not like he needs an extra blanket anyway. Daryl sets the rest of the blankets he brought in on the end of the bed. He carefully removes Crim’s shoes, thankfully they were easy to slide off. He then picks her up and moves her to the center of the bed. While he’s moving her he realizes it's only the middle of the day, but he then also realizes that he doesn’t know the age of this kid, and she may be used to taking naps every day. By the time he snaps out of his train of thought he’s put the other two blankets over her. He puts her shoes on the floor at the foot of her bed and puts her backpack on the table on the opposing wall. He grabs the stuffed animal from where it has fallen on the floor when he picked her up and sets it next to her. He stands there observing for a moment before swiftly exiting the cell.


Part 1

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More Posts from Zillobeastbait

1 year ago

Learning Moments

Daryl’s Daughter Daryl Dixon x Daughter!Reader 1263 Warnings/Notes: None

Learning Moments

not my image

“Eat up.” Daryl says as he throws a plate of food in front of you. “I don’t like broccoli.” You cross your arms and whine. “I don’t care, you have to eat.” Daryl stands above you with his hands on his hips. “The other kids are eating just fine.” He waves his hand in their direction where they’re eating with their families. “I will eat I just don’t like broccoli.” you look up at him with a pouty face and your arms crossed. “I don’t want it.” “Fine, don’t fuckin’ eat.” Daryl throws his arms up and walks away towards the tent you two have been sharing. You watch him until he zips the door shut and you see his shadow lying down on the bed. You look back down at your food and stare for a minute before picking up your spoon and eating the funny-looking soup Daryl had heated up for you just a little earlier. You take a spoonful and chew. It was the perfect temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. The perfect temperature and it didn’t taste too bad. You continue to eat and realize that he always makes things a good temperature and gives you the better of the things he found or hunted for that day. After a little while you finish the soup and look over at Carl sitting with his mom and dad, and the other kids sitting with their families. You watch as the other kids eat the food without complaining and they finish and go play after. Lori waves at you and you smile and wave back before quickly looking back down at your food. You pick up one of the pieces of broccoli and realize that he heated it up for you. You chew and swallow, chew and swallow. It's still nasty, and you still hate it, but you know you're not supposed to waste food.

“I ate all my food.” You say as you unzip and walk into your and Daryl’s shared tent. You get no response so you just put your plate and silverware next to the others to be cleaned tomorrow. You climb into the cot and pull your blankets up around you, hugging your stuffed animal close. “Goodnight Daryl.” you say before drifting off to sleep.

You wake up the next morning and turn over to look at Daryl’s cot. As always, he’s not there. Probably out hunting or something like that. You get up and change into your clothes for the day. You exit the tent to find Carol waiting by a tree nearby. “Hi, Carol.” You wave and give her a small smile. “Hi sweetheart, would you like to come to wash the clothes with me and the girls?” She asks me, getting up from her spot under the tree. “Sure, let me grab Daryl and I’s clothes real quick.” You say before running back into the tent to gather everything.

“Alright, let's go.” you come out a couple of minutes later with a rather large bucket full of a mix of your and Daryl’s clothes. “Alright, c’mon.” she nods her head in the direction of the rest of the camp and starts walking. “Wait, do you know where Daryl is, I should probably tell him where I’m going.” You ask while catching up with her. “I don’t know, but I’m sure it will be fine. I bet we’ll be done before he even gets back and then you can surprise him with your hard work.” She smiles down at you. “Alright.” you walk with Carol to the quarry where some of the women are already at work cleaning things.

“Carol, will you teach me how to clean this stuff, I don’t really know how?” “Of course, just do what I do.” “Ok”

You spend a good portion of the day cleaning with everyone. You realize that it’s a break from all of your normal activities, which at this point are boring and repetitive. You’ve finished cleaning all the clothes and ran back up to get the dishes. You're halfway through the dishes when you hear familiar shouting. “Y/N! What the fuck!?” you shoot up and spin to face the shouting. You see Daryl coming down the hill and he looks pissed. You stand there in shock, unsure of whether to move or not. The other women have gotten up at this point and are gathering around to see what's going on. “What the fuck are you thinking!?” He screams again and is still coming towards you at a quick speed. “Hey! What are you screaming for?” Lori steps up and runs up towards him, meeting him halfway. “Get outta my way Lori, this is between me and the kid.” “No, you have no right to scream at her.” Lori has her hands on her hips and she looks pissed too. “Lori, this is between me and my kid, if she keeps fucking disappearing we're gonna have a problem.” He points at you over her shoulder. “Now let me talk to my kid.” “Ok, so that's what this is about.” She lets out a sigh. “Daryl, I would be pissed if Carl just walked off too, but screaming at her like that is only gonna scare her.” Daryl takes a second to process what Lori has just said before you see his body relax. “Sorry, she just worries me sometimes.” “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” Lori gives him a look before stepping out of the way so he can get to you. “Listen, kid, I’m sorry for yelling, can we talk for a minute?” He kneels down on one knee so he's face to face with you. You just nod in agreement and follow him as he starts to walk back up the hill.

You make it back to his tent before either of you say a word. You sit on your cot and wait for him to say something. After a while of watching him sit on his cot and stare at the ground, he finally says something. “First off, I’m sorry for yelling.” he pauses and glances up at you. “And second, I didn't mean to scare you, I just got worried when you weren't where you were when I left this morning and you weren't doing activities with the other kids.” He finally looks back at me and holds eye contact. “I'm sorry too. I knew I should have asked I just didn’t know where you were and Carol said you were ok with it.” “Ok kid, just next time come find me or leave a note, ok?” “Ok.” you say back, agreeing with him. He holds his hand out towards you and you stare at him blankly, not knowing what he’s doing. “It’s called a handshake, kid.” he reaches out slightly farther and nods at you to do the same. You extend your arm to meet his and he gently grabs your hand and shakes it up and down before letting go. “I washed all of our clothes by the way, Carol and the others taught me how. I thought it might be of some help.” “Thanks, kid, you would have never caught me doin’ that.” he smiles at you and moves over to sit next to you on your cot. You suddenly lean over to hug him and he puts his hand on your head. “If anyone catches you huggin’ me your dead by the end of the week.” you can practically hear the smirk on his face. “Got it.” and now your smirking too.


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1 year ago

The Meeting

Daryl’s Daughter

Daryl Dixon x Daughter!Reader

Words: 1486

Warnings/Notes: None but what happens in the show

The Meeting

not my image

You sit in the closet's darkness, afraid to move even an inch. You can hear them outside, moving and groaning. You hear the wind as it blows through the house's open windows. Your parents were nowhere to be found. They put you in the closet in a hurry. It scared you when it all started, they jumped up in a rush after watching the TV one day. They grabbed you and a pillow and blanket off the couch and ran straight towards the closet under the stairs. They practically threw you in there with the pillow and blanket. They told you not to make a sound or move an inch till they got back, before shutting the door. You could hear them talking, something about a disease, and leaving for supplies. You sat and listened as their footsteps went all over the house, upstairs and downstairs. Up and down the halls and in all the rooms. Eventually, they came down the stairs with something heavy, you could hear it thudding. After a minute of them talking about things you couldn't hear, they open the door and tell you to come out. You don't remember the conversation much. Something about getting supplies and then coming back. You begged them to take you with them but they just kept saying no. They then gave you your backpack filled with whatever they were running around the house for. The thing is, they left with suitcases and bags and never came back. It's been weeks, and you are still too scared to leave the closet. You’ve gone through what they gave you a million times. 2 shirts, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 5 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, 2 books, 1 notebook, 2 pens, a pair of scissors, and all of your mom's colorful string. They also gave you a pillow, blanket, your favorite stuffed animal, a sweatshirt, a pair of shoes, and a ton of food and multiple waters in another bag. Your mom had taught you how to make bracelets with the string so for the past couple of weeks you've kept yourself busy coloring, reading, and making bracelets.

You awake from your sleep to hear a loud bang. You shoot up, holding your stuffie close.

“Hello?” you hear a deep voice shout out. You don't say anything or even breathe too loud.

“Anybody home?” the voice calls out again. Your heart feels like it's going to pound out of your chest as you listen to the footsteps run all around your house. They get right outside the door and stop in front. Time seems to slow down as they reach for the handle and turn. The door swings open all of a sudden and you look up to see a man looking down at you with a crossbow pointed straight at your head.

The man suddenly lowers his weapon and kneels down in front of you.

“Hey kid, I’m not going to hurt you.” He hangs his bow over his shoulder and reaches his arm out to you. “My name is Daryl, Daryl Dixon, what's yours?”

“y-y/n y/l/n” you stutter out.

“That's a nice name y/n, do you wanna come with me and we can take care of you.”

“My parents said to wait here.” you tell the man you know as Daryl.

“I hate to break it to you kid, but they aren't returning. If you want to survive you have to come with me.”

“Can I bring my stuff and wait for them with you, I’ll leave a note so they can find me.”

“Sure kid, just try and hurry.” he stands back up and turns to look around the house, we gotta go so pack your shit quick.”

“Hey! My mommy said that a naughty word.”

“Whatever kid, just hurry up and pack.” Daryl turns and points at you before turning back around and walking around your house collecting random things. You quickly pack up your things and write a note to your parents. You leave it in the closet and shut the door. 

“I'm ready,” you say as Daryl comes walking down the stairs.

“Alright, let's go.” he glances at you before nodding towards the door and walking towards it. You quietly follow after him. He opens the door and checks around before leaving. You continue to quietly walk after him.

After a while, he stops and kneels in front of you.

“Alright kid, I need to check this last store before we head out. There's gonna be walkers so I need you to wait out here got it? If one comes at you scream for me and run inside the store ok?”

“Ok.” you nod your head before sitting against the wall where he showed you to sit.

“I shouldn't be long,” he says before checking through a store window and going inside.

You wait outside for a little while before you start to get bored. To take up some time you decide to look around. You didn’t plan on going far, just to look at the street. You end up wandering further than you thought and can't seem to find your way back.

“Daryl?” you call out. You hold your stuffie close and turn yourself in circles. All of a sudden you see someone rounding the corner. But it's not someone, it's one of the other things. You still don't know what to call them, you just know that they're bad. You scream for Daryl again but there's still no reply.

“Daryl, help please!” you decide to run so you start running. You don't know where to you just let your legs carry you. 

“Daryl, please help!” you trip over a rock while looking pack and the walker is almost on top of you. That's what Daryl called them right? Walkers? You start sliding backwards but you bump into a car. 

“No! Daryl Please!” you scream one last time before closing your eyes and covering your face. And just like that it was quiet. The moaning and scraping of the walker's feet was gone. You slowly open your eyes and peek through your arms. There you see Daryl with a knife in his hand. 

“C’mon kid, I told you to stay there,” he says, a little louder than he meant. The girl looked frightened already and yelling probably just made it worse.

“Look kid, I’m sorry, but we have to get back, it's going to get dark soon,” he says, kneeling down. “C’mon” he reaches for you and before you know it he’s carrying you down the street. Before you know it you passed out on his shoulder. 

Daryl continues to carry you down the streets till he gets to his motorcycle. You wake up when he bounces you a little and stay awake enough to sit up on the seat while he puts his findings into the side bags. When he's done he sits down behind you and makes sure you're sitting right.

“Alright kid hold on.” he starts up the motorcycle and the sound wakes you right up. You hold onto the middle of the handlebars right where he showed you and he takes off. You enjoy the ride down empty streets and through the forest. After a short ride, you arrive at what looks like a camp. You see many people coming out of the tents and the woods to look at you guys coming in. Daryl parks the motorcycle and picks you back up. You get shy with all the people around you and snuggle your head into the crook of his neck. You can feel people looking at and talking amongst each other.

“What are we gonna do with her?” you hear one man say.

“How is she still even alive by herself?” you hear another say.

“We can talk about this in a minute, right now I’m going to get her some food and water and let her sleep in my tent. She's had it rough today.” Daryl only stands there for a second more before walking away. You peek back at everyone and see men and women, and even a couple of children. You quickly look away and turn to face in front of you. Daryl opens a tent and brings you inside.

“Here, eat this.” he sits in front of the cot he set you down on and opens a can.

“It’s fruit, kids like that, right?” you nod and take the can from him and look inside. From what you remember it looks to be pears. You quickly scarf them down and take a couple of sips of water from the water bottle he hands you.

“Thank you,” you say after swallowing a swig of water.

“No problem kid, get some rest.” he pats your head before opening the tend and closing it behind him. It doesn't take you long to fall asleep.


Thanks for reading! As always, support your writers by not only liking but also commenting and re-blogging!

Commissions: Open

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1 year ago

Meet Crimson Rue Mills

Meet Crimson Rue Mills

Photos are from Pinterest, mood board created by me.

This is Crimson, also known as Crim. She was only 5 when the world ended. Yet in a way, it was when hers began.


Her story is currently in progress. As always like, comment, and re-blog to support your writers and other artists on Tumblr

Thanks for taking the time to view my work, see you next time.

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1 year ago

But imagine Daryl comforting you after you freak out because you just barely escaped a bunch of walkers and you're having a panic attack and you can't breathe and the world is just too much in the moment and you can't take all the noise and you just need someone to hold you so he pulls you into his lap and covers your ears and tells you that you're ok.

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1 year ago

#13 from the prompt list please!

Hey Anon! So I was going to start working on this, but then I realized that I didn't know how you wanted it done!

If you're new here, I usually write Daryl x Daughter!Reader. However, I didn't know if you wanted that or just Daryl x Reader. I promise I'll get started just as soon as you get back to me. Or the second option is since a lot of my followers are here for Daryl x Daughter!Reader, but some may want it the other way, I write the same start and when it gets to the ending just switch it up to fit both and write "2" different fics.

Let me know what you want tho and I'll get right on it.

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