zoanthropic-army - Zoanthropic's blog and BTS Appreciation center
Zoanthropic's blog and BTS Appreciation center

Kaliey/27/🇺🇸♍/Reading weirdo/Science nut🌠/Draws sometimes/🐎Therian 🐺/Anime novice/A.R.M.Y💜/ Fic reader More about me: speak adequate Spanish, some Japanese and Korean, somewhat physic and inquisitive. second blog: @newly-found-euphoria

775 posts



YOU STOLE FIZZY LIFTING DRINKS! YOU GET NOTHING! ((Watching the movie and the particular part just came up irl))

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More Posts from Zoanthropic-army

6 years ago

First Entry: A Very Scratchy Sunday

As the heading states, I'm very itchy. It might be the fabric of my outfit but man, is it distracting. I really want to wiggle and shake like a wet dog (which I can actually do) but I'm in public listening to a long-winded sermon and I don't think anyone would appreciate it. Everything is so quiet and respectful, I get trapped in my mind so easily....and that's when the weirdness gets out:

- I look left and right, always taking in my surroundings. My nose twitches constantly smelling scents of random perfumes, musty jackets and previous home cookings. I snarl at every shrill sound from people's phones and troublesome children. Humans can be so annoying. With all the raised speaking done by the speaker, my ears twitch up and down and I pause at every piece of information wondering how I should perceive it. It kinda looks like I'm spacing out every 6 minutes. I lowered my eyes as I try to stop shuffling around and think about what might happen later today-

This goes on for a good 20-35 minutes, so I spear you the details. I normally see the world like this a majority of the time and I think this blog will help my express myself in a way that no one understands. I'm going to make 2019 my most happiest and expressive year.

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10 years ago

Mid-term Monster

well... i've got my first mid-term test coming up. AND ITS MATH!!!! I've been told i'm doing better but at this rate it won't be pretty. its like a monster, hellbent on making me fail. 

9 years ago

Wednesday short poem


Finally after quite some time

One force reconnects them

Reliving a simplier past

Giving it my all

Everybody’s on it


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5 years ago

This song literally taught me my social security number. Odd enough.

6 years ago

I Think I'm finally ready to use this thing.

As the title states, I think I'm finally ready to start posting things on Tumblr. Based on my handle, I gonna be writing about myself living with zoanthropy. I hope it's not too weird but just weird enough. I already do this on Sundays *kinda* so I guess I wouldn't mind doing it here. Its like writing a short story, a weird first-person animalistic short story. That it.