20 Day Ikesen Challenge
20 day ikesen challenge
Day 7 - What's your favorite IkeSen moment overall? And why?
I love all the meetings Sasuke plans to gather the warlords, but there was a moment, in Masa's birthday story event, that the warlords and MC were spying on Masamune to know what to do to his birthday. And on the market, Masa "gets the scente of strong people" (animal instinct).
And then MC says that the conga line of warlords started shaking by the surprise and the fear of being discovered LOL 😂

illaddgravitytoyourfalls liked this · 5 years ago
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Ranking IkeSen routes
My current rank for IkeSen routes:
1° route: Nobunaga (2/5)
Nobu ended being too sweet for me, but since I played his route so long ago maybe I'll give it another chance. All I remember from his route is that he was just too cute for me.
2° route: Masamune (4/5)
I just love his fun loving way. Masamune has made me laugh countless times and even out of his route he still stays himself. Maybe the one guy that was honest about himself from the beginning. I think he would be the best friend you could ever get, and best lover too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3° route: Kenshin (1000000000......./5)
Love of my life!!! I loved his route so much I already played it like, 4 times in a row? For me, Kenshin has all the qualities Masamune has, but wining in the husband material. He starts rude but turns gentle really fast, and his love for you out of this world. Also, best written route so far in the game.
4° route: Hideyoshi (3/5)
Hideyoshi was so much fun being Mama-yoshi. The thing about self care was annoying because WHAT A STUBBORN MAN! But everything turns well, of course. I think I just expected more of him...
5° route: Ieyasu (4/5)
Ok, I wasn't expecting to like him so much. I usually don't like tsundere characters, they tend to annoy me, but Ieyasu is a different tsundere. His talk, for me, is just indifferent and cold, and for bad or for worse I grew up in
Each IkeSen warlord on the day he marries his MC (modern AU)...





Mitsuhide: When he sees his bride for the first time…


Shingen: The usually dignified Shingen just can’t hold it in any longer…




MC on her wedding day:

20 day ikesen challenge
Day 4 - Which is your least favorite warlord?
I'll be fair and don't judge the routes I haven't played yet, and that includes Nobu's and Yuki's (of course, from the released in the english version)
About the others, I guess I'd have to choose Hideyoshi's route... I don't know what's my problem because I like him so much in other's routes, but not in his own 😥
I think his stubbornness gets in the way in his route... but I sure had good laughs (Nobu stealing candy is too hilarious 😂 )
I. Love. Uesugi. Kenshin.

Otome Husband
Reply with the first person who popped into your mind!