20 Day Ikesen Challenge
20 day ikesen challenge
Day 7 - What's your favorite IkeSen moment overall? And why?
I love all the meetings Sasuke plans to gather the warlords, but there was a moment, in Masa's birthday story event, that the warlords and MC were spying on Masamune to know what to do to his birthday. And on the market, Masa "gets the scente of strong people" (animal instinct).
And then MC says that the conga line of warlords started shaking by the surprise and the fear of being discovered LOL 😂

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20 day ikesen challenge
Day 5 - What's been your favorite event? (Story/Birthday/Gacha/etc)
It's hard for me to choose one because there are so many events all the time... but I guess I'd choose Kenshin's birthday event 💙
I take part in all events when possible, but I can't afford all the itens I want, so I commit to myself to only buy what is really special, like Kenshin's.
But I live all the mini warlords the eventa can give me 😍😍😍
PS: I love mini sasuke rool in my castle, ready to be sliced by mini kenshin 😂😂😂
Waited until day 1 to start because day 20 is my birthday and I want to finish it as a gift to myself 🤗
20 Day IkeSen Challenge questions

I saw this challenge HERE, and i thought: “why not try doing it?”. (^ω^)
So…starting tomorrow i will be doing this challenge…and i’ll tag as #20dayikesenchallenge
And…i already predicted that most of my answers will be Kenshin…lmaaoo..
If anyone want, please feel free to make this challenge as well…i’d love to see your answers.
✩ ✩ ✩
1. Who is your favorite warlord?
2. Which warlords voice/voice clip is your favorite?
3. What is your favorite route? (Which Warlord, romantic/dramatic)
4. Which is your least favorite warlord or route?
5. What’s been your favorite event? (Story/Birthday/Gacha/etc)
6. What’s your favorite MC moment?
7. What’s your favorite ikeSen moment overall? And why?
8. Which character design is your favorite? Or alternatively, which guy is the hottest?
9. IRL which warlord would make the best husbando for you?
10. If Cybird came to you for advice on an AU for ikeSen, what would your suggestion be?
11. Which ikeSen moment was the most surprising for you?
12. What’s your favorite bgm (background music) in the game?
13. What’s your most prized castle or attire item?
14. What’s your favorite cg?
15. You’re stuck on an island, which warlord(s) would be there with you, and why? (Pick three max xD)
16. Which route (or story/event/etc) did you think you’d hate but ended up loving it?
17. What’s your least favorite character design?
18. Which warlord has the best booty?
19. Who’s on your IkeSen homescreen?
20. Rank the Warlords, least to most favorite.

20 day Ikesen Challenge
Day 2 - Which warlord/voice clip is your favorite?
Well, this one is I must give to Masamune. I love Kenshin's voice, but Masa's is so perfect to his personality that I just can't get over it. He was my first love character and I could never ask for a better first 😉

And that's how I fell in love with Ieyasu ( • • ;
Ranking IkeSen routes
My current rank for IkeSen routes:
1° route: Nobunaga (2/5)
Nobu ended being too sweet for me, but since I played his route so long ago maybe I'll give it another chance. All I remember from his route is that he was just too cute for me.
2° route: Masamune (4/5)
I just love his fun loving way. Masamune has made me laugh countless times and even out of his route he still stays himself. Maybe the one guy that was honest about himself from the beginning. I think he would be the best friend you could ever get, and best lover too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3° route: Kenshin (1000000000......./5)
Love of my life!!! I loved his route so much I already played it like, 4 times in a row? For me, Kenshin has all the qualities Masamune has, but wining in the husband material. He starts rude but turns gentle really fast, and his love for you out of this world. Also, best written route so far in the game.
4° route: Hideyoshi (3/5)
Hideyoshi was so much fun being Mama-yoshi. The thing about self care was annoying because WHAT A STUBBORN MAN! But everything turns well, of course. I think I just expected more of him...
5° route: Ieyasu (4/5)
Ok, I wasn't expecting to like him so much. I usually don't like tsundere characters, they tend to annoy me, but Ieyasu is a different tsundere. His talk, for me, is just indifferent and cold, and for bad or for worse I grew up in