20 Day Ikesen Challenge
20 day ikesen challenge
Day 13 - What's your most prized castle or attire item?
That's my best kimono from my attire list, from Kenshin's route 👘

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you wish Sasuke 😚
Each IkeSen warlord before an exam (modern AU)...
Now featuring the three new boys: Motonari, Ranmaru and Yoshimoto!
Nobunaga: What a waste of his valuable time.


Hideyoshi: He will work his very hardest, although he can’t stop himself from worrying…

…or nagging others.



(He’ll get through every last one, too. Yes, even the dictionary.)
Mitsuhide: He sharpens his skills as a future saboteur by practicing on his teacher…


Shingen: He tries to seduce the teacher to ensure his grades stay up. It works.




(He’ll be sure to replace ‘Jesus’ with ‘Buddha,’ though…formal education is just too uptight and uncompromising for the naturally compassionate Kennyo.)


Yoshimoto: Unless it’s an artsy subject, he’s out.

MC before an exam:

20 day ikesen challenge
Day 12 - What's your favorite BGM (background music) in the game?
Hmm, I don't really know because I usually play on mute 😅
But I like the opening song 😂😂😂

I never think I will make it 😍😍
Just so0o happy, thank you all,
U r the best followers,
To celebrate reblog this, and I will choose 5 girls, I will make for her special memes and add her photos with her favorite warlord ( u can choose any warlord from ikemen series)
I’ll choose after three days from today’S date