zxvak47 - liv

I am so sad lmao | 16!she / her | PLEASE REQUEST! (pinned post) cod,rdr, fallout <3

117 posts



I love graves. And some hate him BUT HES THE ANTAGONIST THAYS WHAT THEY DO GUYS.

SECOND. SOAP IS NOT DUMBBBB. yes write how u please go ahead but he’s not dumb y’all he’s actually pretty tactical and intelligent. Ofc hes funny and silly! But he’s not dumb.

anyways, carry on everyone! 💕

More Posts from Zxvak47

1 year ago

141 with a gf who has been cheated on in the past and it kind of destroyed her confidence?? Like just how they would prove themselves as true and how they would go about a relationship with her. Love your writing, friend!!!! <3

141 with a (fem)partner who's been cheated on in the past

Some headcanons about things that Simon Ghost Riley, John Price, Kyle Gaz Garrick and Johnny Soap MacTavish do to reassure you after learning that your previous partner/s cheated on you.

Word count: 1k || No warnings. || Reader: FEM reader. Pronouns "you", but feminine terms used ("missus, girl, lady") [I could make a gender neutral version too if anyone would want it!]

141 With A Gf Who Has Been Cheated On In The Past And It Kind Of Destroyed Her Confidence?? Like Just

Simon Riley, who, half joking half serious, reminds you that he’s a difficult bastard to get close to. So you don’t have to worry. I mean, look how much time it took you to make him open up and let you become part of his life. He has a hard time openly admitting how he feels about you and how he only has place for you in his heart and mind. So instead, he jokes that you’re the only person on this planet, crazy enough to approach him. Though sometimes, when you have late night conversations, he admits in a hushed voice, that as much as he enjoyed the solitary life, leaving it behind for a lifetime with you was the best decision he's ever made.

Although he prefers to avoid crowded places, he starts taking you to pubs more often to prove that he’s right about being unapproachable. It also gives you a reason to dress up all pretty, so he can shamelessly compliment you and tease you about wanting to show you off.

If someone is silly enough to walk up to you two and try chatting him up, he immediately cuts it short, not even trying to be polite – “No, we’re alright. We’re busy.” And if they’re persistent, he uses his “Lieutenant Ghost” voice on them – “You’re interrupting my date. With my girl.” He keeps his hand on you for the rest of the night.

He asks you if he should get your name tattooed on his arm and you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. But he is dead serious. Have you seen his tattoos? Not to be judgemental, but… He wouldn’t mind tattooing your name on himself once he thinks you’re the one.

141 With A Gf Who Has Been Cheated On In The Past And It Kind Of Destroyed Her Confidence?? Like Just

John Price, who relies on communication. He asks you to talk to him whenever something feels wrong – whether it’s caused by your thoughts or something he’s done. But he doesn’t just wait for you to bring the issue up either. He’s a true leader and he’s very observant. Sometimes he notices the heavy thoughts starting to cloud your mind before you can even cotton on. He’s also really good at reading between the lines. If you ever do that self-sabotaging thing, where you ask his opinion about other women on the street or on the internet, he immediately gives you a stern look and, without even looking at the lass you’re pointing at, gives you a lengthy pep talk. Why would he even need to form an opinion about another woman’s appearance, when he only cares about you? 

He’s got the patience of a saint when it comes to you. He’s told you what he feels towards you and how you are the only one for him many times already. And he would repeat himself, over and over again. Until he loses his voice.

If he got approached by someone and offered a drink, while you’re hanging out in a pub, he would point towards you and say “I’m alright, but you can buy my lady a drink if you insist,” with a cocky smile on his face.

141 With A Gf Who Has Been Cheated On In The Past And It Kind Of Destroyed Her Confidence?? Like Just

Kyle Garrick, who attacks you with “I love you”-s and compliments whenever you start doubting yourself. Literally. Won’t let you finish your self-derogatory comments, even if they’re well hidden in what you’re saying. Starts yelling ILYs from afar. Then once he gets closer, he grabs you and holds you close, repeating it against your ear until you laugh from the sensation. But he doesn’t ignore your worries. He often sits you down so that the two of you can have a conversation about your feelings, your boundaries, behaviours and things he can do to assure you of his loyalty.

He has pictures of you everywhere and he’s proud to show you off. There are polaroids of you alone and both of you together in his wallet, in his car’s sun visor, in the pocket of his uniform. You’re his phone’s wallpaper. He posts pictures of you on social media. Obviously, he does all that while making sure it won’t affect your safety. And as for him bragging about you, you probably learnt about that from Price. What you don’t know though, is that he went out of his way to introduce you to his captain in hopes of Price telling you how often he talks about you. And only you.

If someone tried to chat him up while he’s with you, he would give them the nastiest, most offended glare possible. He looks at them, at you, at them, at you… He throws a simple “Uhh, no thank you,” while he grabs your hand and pulls it to his chest, using it to ground himself. Before the person can even turn away, he’s looking at you with a “can you believe this shit” stare. He gets upset for the both of you.

141 With A Gf Who Has Been Cheated On In The Past And It Kind Of Destroyed Her Confidence?? Like Just

Johnny MacTavish, who’s physically glued to you.While off duty, he doesn't give you much space for doubts or anxieties cuz he follows you everywhere. You’re going to run some errands? He’s coming with you. He’s going to run some errands? Can you please come with him…? One time, when you went to the toilet in the middle of the night, you found him sitting half-awake on the floor next to the bathroom door. Later, he can’t even explain why he did it. He wasn’t even fully conscious. It was pure instinct – you go, he follows.

He takes you to buy matching rings. You can take your relationship at your own pace, but others don’t have to know it. He’s more than happy to pretend to be already married to you. Especially when he’s deployed away from home. And when he comes back, he proudly shows you a tan line on his ring finger, proving he’s been wearing it the whole time.

If someone approaches him and offers him a drink, he scoffs and tells them that HIS MISSUS can buy him his drinks just fine, thank you very much. If you’re there with him, he turns to you and, before the person can walk away, he starts playfully flirting with you, saying you can take him home if you buy him a drink. If you’re for some reason not there, he immediately calls you (or at least texts you if he’s with the lads) and proudly tells you about how clever his response was.

141 With A Gf Who Has Been Cheated On In The Past And It Kind Of Destroyed Her Confidence?? Like Just

I hope that some loose headcanons like these are alright.

Also, if this happened to you – I'm really sorry and I wish you all the best! And if anyone needs to hear it: remember, the fault is never in the person who got cheated on but the one who cheats. Screw them. You deserve to be treated kindly.

1 year ago
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.
I Just Wanna Eat Fruit, Drink Tropica And Wear Bathing Suits All Day.

I just wanna eat fruit, drink tropica and wear bathing suits all day.

1 year ago

Bathing ghost after a long mission. Like not bathing with him but literally washing him because he's exhausted. He'd be so grateful 🥺

bathing simon after a long mission

Bathing Ghost After A Long Mission. Like Not Bathing With Him But Literally Washing Him Because He's

he's grateful as he leans back. the bathtub doesn't fit someone of his size, so he's crouched up to keep the warm water from overflowing the edge.

he feels your soft hands against his rough, scarred skin. simon is always fascinated by the smooth and soft texture of your hands in comparison to his calloused, rough hands. your palms heavenly against his milky skin.

you apply a non scented body wash onto his skin, lathering it until it became bubbly and foamy. you hum softly, the essence of the cinnamon and vanilla candle finding their way into your nostrils. he leans his head back and closes his eyes as you apply it onto his chest, slowly working your way around his ribs, making sure he shows no signs of discomfort.

“'s alright, si... you're with me.” you soothe simon with your words. your gentle tone making the sides of his mouth curl up into a tender smile – the smile you fell in love with.

the bubbles in the water, the soft smell of his natrual musk and the lights dimmed. it was soft and calming for the deeply traumatized man – your sweet boyfriend, a member of the SAS who broke his back working for his country. he works so hard for you, for those who care about him.

“thank you, dove...” he mutters out, barely above a whisper. you smile, giggling softly and rinsing the soap from his body. “'s no problems, anything for you.”

1 year ago

I was thinking about height and names in the wasteland.

Height: I think humanity would slowly evolve to become shorter just like how through the centuries we evolved to become taller.

In the Wasteland, I think, being shorter can help with survival. Or not. But to think about it we started to become taller because our lifestyle became much better than it was before and it, for some reason, led us to become taller means, to me at least, in the Wasteland while struggling with survival the reverse would happen.

Might really do something with survival, like better hiding or something with muscles, someone might know better than me anyway.

Names: Names are pretty important to us. We not only give names to humans, we name... well, just about everything. I think this might be different in the Wasteland. Names might lost their meaning. Some might not even have names. They might abandoned it or was never given any.

And so when you come across generic raider #5 then it might be his entire persona. He might think he is a raider, takes his entire identity as this, and that is all.

Or perhaps they just feel like they don't want to share their names while shooting at... well, anyone.

Also, as a bonus. Many people must have some mutations but not the super mutant kind of. Instead some little ones, what might not even be noticed. I heard somewhere the blue eye and when someone looks into the sun and sneezes is some kind of mutation, I was immediately thinking about it. Even if these 'facts' are not true, for idea they are cool.

Let's say we have Jimmy. Jimmy has, I don't know, thicc skull. The kind you can hit with a damn hammer and the hammer would break. He finds it completely normal because he was always like this, and he just jokes about it with others.

Not every mutation must be a bad kind of mutation because that just makes no sense. To me, at least.

The entire Earth was ravaged through nuclear fire, it become irradiated, many things, if not all, mutated. That amount of radiation caused that. Humans are not the same as they were before the war. They must have changed. In many ways. Those living the longest in the Wasteland, like being the descendants of others who also lived there, means they might have more than those who just recently moved out into the Wasteland.

1 year ago


featuring: butterfly who is only mutated because it is pink. click read more for no butterfly version! :)