zydeko - zydeko

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Zydeko - Zydeko - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago


(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

5 months ago

Discworld is the only fantasy setting I know of that opens with The Magic Is Going Away and everyone is just kind of okay with it. Like “Welp, got to move with the times, can’t run a condom factory when there’s elves all over the place”

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5 months ago

just some lads, being fellows

5 months ago

Any thoughts on Discworld daemons, if you don't mind me asking?

Vimes has a mutt.

There’s really not a nicer way to describe her, a bow-legged cross between a terrier and a feral sewer rat, mostly the color of dishwater. And she doesn’t really clean up—it becomes more embarrassing after he’s married Sybil, whose pygmy hippo daemon can go from placid river god to defensive bellowing ferocity in seconds flat, and might as well have stepped from the Morpork coat of arms. But even freshly cleaned and trussed in a gold ducal collar, his daemon looks like it was dragged backwards through a nasty bit of the Ankh.

she’s a patient tracker, though, and a rat-worrier and a sheep-herder and a snarling, protective beast—there must be some wolf in that mongrel of yours, Wolfgang tells him on that snowy plain, and Vimes figures it’s pretty likely, he’s got a wolf in him too.

Vetinari has a golden orb-weaver, who only occasional deigns to make an appearance—usually resting on the back of Vetinari’s hand, as if to make a point. (There are heads of guilds with enormous bull daemons who shiver in fear of that little spider, on that pale hand.)

Carrot has a frankly impressive lioness, whose presence made the whole watch-house fall silent the first time Carrot walked in. Vimes had been a little taken aback at the sight of her, gold and somehow not of their world, standing in their grubby and undistinguished midst.

(No one has ever asked Carrot about her, not even Angua, who has her own lovely wolfdog daemon.)

Moist has a mockingbird who perches on his shoulder, the same color as dust and utterly forgettable. (In his old glory days, he would sometimes bring a turtle or mouse with him, hiding her under his hat—sorry, wrong daemon is not an ironclad alibi, but it’s enough of a distraction to run away.) She gets along well with Spike’s terrifying peregrine, though she’s a little too excited by the feeling of being snatched out of the air in Moist’s opinion.

William de Worde has a hedgehog, who immediately curled up in a ball when faced with Sacharissa Cripslock’s ermine. (It took a while to get him to relax.)

Witches tend toward cats—or women with cat daemons turn out to be witches, they never quite decided that one. Granny Weatherwax has pure grey cat, utterly unremarkable in every way but that. (She has always been privately disappointed in him, for it. She would have preferred something a little more imposing, more obviously witchy—which, of course, is ridiculous, it is choosing that makes a witch, not her nature. But still.)

Nanny has a fat piebald cat whose amorous adventures with other daemons rival Greebo’s—he’s been known to slip off for days, only returning when Nanny is called out. Magrat has a cream shorthair who looks very handsome beside Verence’s—slightly excitable, a little graceless—hare. Even Susan, though technically not a witch, has a cat daemon, a sleek black thing that likes to play with the Death of Rats when he’s bored.

Tiffany is among the few witches who doesn’t have a cat daemon—hers doesn’t settle until she faces the hiver, until she ushers it through the black door to its death. Afterwards, Tiffany Aching knows herself to be a witch, and walks the downs with her sheepdog daemon at her side, her hat full of sky.

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5 months ago
Owning This Cicada Lamp Made By @cady_the_creator Would Solve All My Problems
Owning This Cicada Lamp Made By @cady_the_creator Would Solve All My Problems
Owning This Cicada Lamp Made By @cady_the_creator Would Solve All My Problems

Owning this cicada lamp made by @cady_the_creator would solve all my problems

5 months ago

Gotta stay hydrated somehow...

Gotta Stay Hydrated Somehow...
Gotta Stay Hydrated Somehow...
Gotta Stay Hydrated Somehow...

Acht... we know why you watch the stage you don't have to hide it anymore.... grand fest more like freak fest...

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5 months ago

I'm sorry I can't remember who on my dash said they were going to have a ton of spoiled food because of the hurricane.

If you have any kind of home insurance (owner or renter) there is likely a clause to cover spoiled food in the event of a power outage or disaster. It's generally between $200 and $500 and often no questions asked about the food itself. But you do have to call them and request it.

If you know anyone who's having this trouble please tag them in on this.

5 months ago
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself
Saw People Use This Quote For Other Fandoms And Couldn't Help Myself

saw people use this quote for other fandoms and couldn't help myself

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5 months ago

Human Observation Log 53

Several crewmates have witnessed Human Carter thanking the automatic doors and food replicators, as well as apologizing to a table after running into it. When asked why they did such a thing, Human Carter said it was because they’re ‘Canadian’. Human Rielly informed me that Canadians are part of a religious sect that worship inanimate objects. The offerings made to the silicon fern now make much more sense.

Carter’s Journal: entry 89

I accidentally apologized to the table again after running into it. I don’t know why I keep running into it but it’s driving me crazy. Next time I might just kick it out of spite. Several crewmates have started thanking the replicator, which I think is actually very sweet of them. I’m still feeding the plant in the Galley. Jonson thinks it’s weird but I swear that thing is actually an alien. The food disappears every time and I’m not about to be eaten by a carnivorous fern several hundred lightyears away from home. If I wanted that I would have stayed stationed on Galzabab.

Rielly's Journal: Entry 92.

So I have about half the crew converted to Canadianism and the other half mimicking Carter out of respect for his beliefs. I can’t wait to see what happens when Carter finally loses it and breaks the table. I’ve been moving it a little every day. They still think the plastic fern is alive too. I’ve been eating all the offerings and today Jonson tried to explain that it was plastic and not an alien and half the Galley started yelling at them for challenging Carter’s beliefs. Jonson just sat there gobsmacked for a good ten minutes. Another great day in space.

5 months ago
5 months ago
Baby Girl Aint Ready For More Trauma

baby girl ain’t ready for more trauma

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5 months ago
HAPPY 3/8 TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE I Did Not Make Anythig Int Time But Heres. Doodle. And . Two Old Things
HAPPY 3/8 TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE I Did Not Make Anythig Int Time But Heres. Doodle. And . Two Old Things
HAPPY 3/8 TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE I Did Not Make Anythig Int Time But Heres. Doodle. And . Two Old Things

HAPPY 3/8 TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE i did not make anythig int time but heres. doodle. and . two old things i made withh them that i still like. erm ^_^

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5 months ago
Ill Erase All The Witches!

I’ll erase all the witches! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১

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5 months ago
Orbulon And Mall Wizard Ranni Will Fuck You UP

orbulon and mall wizard ranni will fuck you UP

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5 months ago
Its Almost Time
Its Almost Time

it’s almost time

5 months ago
Oh Look, It Seems Like There's A Republican-led Movement To Purge Voter Rolls In The Lead-up To The Election!
Oh Look, It Seems Like There's A Republican-led Movement To Purge Voter Rolls In The Lead-up To The Election!
Oh Look, It Seems Like There's A Republican-led Movement To Purge Voter Rolls In The Lead-up To The Election!
Oh Look, It Seems Like There's A Republican-led Movement To Purge Voter Rolls In The Lead-up To The Election!

Oh look, it seems like there's a Republican-led movement to purge voter rolls in the lead-up to the election! It's almost as if your vote matters and they don't want you to vote! Anyway, I whipped up a quick map (based on this) that shows when the voter registration deadline is in each state. There are a few deadlines coming up in the next week or so.

If you live in a state that regularly purges voter rolls for infrequent voters (the orange ones in the first map), or if you moved recently, it's good to check if you're still registered to vote.

Vote.org makes it super easy to check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/

Just put in your address and DOB and they'll tell you whether you're registered. (And they give you a quick link to register online if it turns out that you're not! Only the 9 states in white on my map don't have online registration, and for those they provide instructions on how to do it via mail or in person.)

So yeah, give yourself peace of mind -- do a quick check. :)

5 months ago
Finally Beat Side Order 100% !! Got Me Itching To Draw Some Gay Squids.

Finally beat side order 100% !! Got me itching to draw some gay squids.

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5 months ago
zydeko - zydeko
zydeko - zydeko


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5 months ago

Looks like a nudibranch, but it’s a Gold-spotted Flatworm, Thysanuzoon flavomaculatum, Red Sea.

5 months ago
5 months ago
ARCANE | 1.03 The Base Violence Necessary For Change
ARCANE | 1.03 The Base Violence Necessary For Change
ARCANE | 1.03 The Base Violence Necessary For Change
ARCANE | 1.03 The Base Violence Necessary For Change

ARCANE | 1.03 “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

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5 months ago

Grief is so fucking wild. It sinks into your muscles, forces itself to be felt. It steals your appetite, floods your brain with cortisol. It makes you so, so tired.

If someone you know is grieving, telling them "just let me know what I can do" means nothing. They can't. They don't know. And the small things are too embarrassing to ask for.

Bring them a cheese platter. Pre-Cut fruit. Peanut butter pretzels. Protein shakes (like slimfast) Food that requires no prep and does not create dishes.

Do the dishes. Take out the trash. Sweep the floor. Vacuum the carpet. They won't ask you to do this, but it will help.

A bottle of acetaminophen honestly might help more than flowers. Grief really can cause muscle aches.

5 months ago
ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) X Tweets On Caitlyn And Vi
ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) X Tweets On Caitlyn And Vi
ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) X Tweets On Caitlyn And Vi
ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) X Tweets On Caitlyn And Vi
ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) X Tweets On Caitlyn And Vi

ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 ↳ Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) x Tweets on Caitlyn and Vi

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5 months ago
zydeko - zydeko
zydeko - zydeko
zydeko - zydeko
zydeko - zydeko
zydeko - zydeko

Go read @theashemarie 's story Sequencing!


"Pearl’s on a mission. A mission to retrieve her most important thing: her wife, her partner, her beautiful, guiding light, who was stolen from her very dramatically in the middle of the night. Knocked her out after a concert when they were transferring from the car to their apartment and whisked Marina away. The last thing Pearl heard before she was pistol whipped by an octoshot was Marina smashing some poor octoling into the ground and the shattering noise of a pair of hypno goggles as they made contact with the concrete. When Pearl woke, Marina was gone..."

Marina: kidnapped and trying to escape. Pearl: trying to find her. A boombox: the bridge between them.

[A partially silly, partially serious take on a hypothetical Splatoon 3 hero mode.]

I really enjoyed drawing all these sketches, especially that shot of Marina absolutely decking that poor Octoling in the face (beacuse I love giving her muscles) and Pearl with her entourage! Hopefully this entices people to read this and other stories by her. They're all really good and made me go down the Pearlina hole!!!

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