Athf Shake - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

9 months ago



(art by bestosunglass on tumblr+tiktok!!)


so, one of my fav oc x canon ships is with my oc grizznok & frylock!! im so absolutely obsessed w them ahaha lol so Iā€™d like the time to write a short (?) ship analysis! bcus I would like to display their dynamic and a little bit of their backstory.. how they met etc and how they get along :3



grizznok heard about frylock through the grapevine from some of his other plutonian friends/acquaintances, as they have a knack for coming down to earth quite often and annoying the aqua teen hunger force lol - and by word, grizznok heard about how frylock was quite an intelligent scientist!

now, grizznok isnā€™t stupid - heā€™s quite smart himself (he just has a very silly and joyous personality) as he has his own ship and develops his own plutonian technology which helps him communicate with the different races throughout the galaxy, the only issue is that he wasnā€™t sure how to acquire a human form. this was something he was searching for a very long time as he wanted to investigate and document the human race without being drawn much attention to himself. hearing that this scientist - who was named frylock - had a lot of experience and was supposedly ā€˜one of the smartest beings on earthā€™, grizznok decides to pay him a visit!

landing outside the house of the hunger force (and destroying poor carlā€™s car in the process, you canā€™t have an episode where his car is in tact lol) in his spaceship, the group are immediately interested. frylock floats outside and instantly starts to question him. grizznok leaves the ship and introduces himself to frylock, telling him how he wants him to help produce the technology for a human form. frylock is instantly fed up because he knows exactly where grizznok received this misinformation and he isnā€™t happy about it, but frylock knows that the plutonian isnā€™t going to leave unless his request is fulfilled. since frylock is so busy, he tells him that his ā€œassistantsā€ will be able to help him out. frylock then turns to explain to shake and meatwad that they should just take grizznok out his sight and maybe take him to the mall for a ā€œmakeoverā€ and claim that theyā€™ve given him a human disguise.

obviously, the two are happy to oblige: 1. meatwad is able to get a new friend and have a fun adventure 2. shake is able to lie and transform grizznok into a punk-metal rockstar of sorts, just as he should be in his image. shake and meatwad take grizznok to the mall as shake goes on his whole tangent about how his buddy frylock trusts him with all this human disguise technology because shake is actually the smarter one out of the three. this ā€˜technologyā€™, however, is a couple hundred piercings, spiked cuffs and black eye makeup. shake explains that grizznok himself isnā€™t going to be able to see the disguise - but other people will be able to see him as a normal human.

ecstatic, grizznok insists that the two take him back to their home so he can thank frylock for using this very special technology on him, and reassuring him that he will be careful and not hurt this human body.

on the side, frylock has been working on another particle accelerator machine and has also been having to listen to carl all day as heā€™s lecturing frylock to ā€˜pay and fix his carā€™ once more.

the group return home, and grizznok isnā€™t late to going up to frylock and absolutely showering him in compliments as heā€™s frantically shaking one of his fries. a little overwhelmed, frylock eventually thanks him sheepishly. grizznok has now gained an admiration for frylock. grizznok returns to his ship and leaves.

shake is holding back his laughter and meatwad is just happy to have gained a new friend. frylock gets mad at shake for gaslighting grizznok into believing he truly has a human form, but calmed down when heā€™s eventually reassured by shake that they havenā€™t destroyed any property and that grizznok wonā€™t be in their hair anymore.

ā€˜and how does their relationship develop?ā€™

great question!

upon receiving one of frylockā€™s ā€˜pieces of technologyā€™, grizznok is determined to come back down to earth and display his plutonian technology to frylock as any old scientist would wanna hear about space gadgets, right?

so, grizznok (being as annoying as usual), returns to his car-destroying breaking-and-entering antics.. but is is really breaking and entering if they just leave the doors open?- is grizznokā€™s exact mindset.

frylock, by surprise, is quite intrigued by these gadgets - itā€™s safe to say this isnā€™t grizznokā€™s last trip to their home. it eventually gets to the point where frylock insists that he comes down more often to show him more of this technology, or that he can show grizznok some things heā€™s working on/has invented. itā€™s becoming increasingly obvious that frylock is starting to enjoy grizznokā€™s company and that heā€™s spending a lot more time with him.

frylock has even offered to grizznok that heā€™s free to stay the night wherever, but has to sleep on the cushioned chair in front of the TV.. shake isnā€™t happy with this as he has to sleep in meatwadā€™s closet when grizznok decides to stay over.

time passes, a lot more interests are shared and a lot more ā€˜datesā€™ are went on and frylock decides to ask grizznok to be his boyfriend. grizznok obviously says yes!


ofc!?! why wouldnā€™t I stick them here!?

- ever since frylock has recognised his feelings, a lot of his research has actually gone into figuring out how to create a machine that can shapeshift species - so that he can give grizznok what he really wants.. a human form.

- despite the calendar barrier, frylock and grizznok have tried their hardest to celebrate each otherā€™s birthdays.

- frylock has very easily picked up on grizznokā€™s personality traits, hobbies, habits, and so much more - most of which grizznok hasnā€™t even recognised in himself.

- with this, frylock has noticed that grizznok is quite the hypersomniac. he isnā€™t sure if this is a sign of grizznok overworking himself, or if this just comes with his species, but nonetheless he allows grizznok to sleep whenever he does doze off and occasionally carries him to his (frylockā€™s) bed or back to his sleeping quarters on his ship.

- grizznok occasionally cooks plutonian meals for frylock, even considering the fact that heā€™s awful at cooking..

- when grizznok got into playing the guitar, frylock taught him how to set up the amps/speakers.

- frylock is grizznokā€™s no. 1 supporter when it comes to his music! heā€™s also helped him produce it!

- grizznok likes to brag about frylock to all his space friends, giving a good word about frylockā€™s invention and to his reputation overall.

- grizznok gets into the things frylock likes in secret so he has an understanding on what heā€™s talking about, because he knows it makes him happy.

this is all I have so far - it Iā€™d love to hear some headcanons you guys have for them!!!

theyā€™re my favs heheā€¦

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