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It turns out having an agent pass on your manuscript after they've read the whole thing sucks a lot worse than getting a rejection after they've only read a couple chapters.

Past Me, when I first realized how much my writing gave away about my anxiety, neuroses, and trauma

Now Me, leaning into it and using my writing as free therapy

Round 2 of Queries sent
I got an (honestly very kind and nice) rejection on a partial manuscript request, leaving me with one open request for a full manuscript that is still open and 3 submissions over 90 days that I hadn't heard from.
So, time for another round of submissions.
Here's how the first round went - pretty damn good I'd say. 4 requests for further material out of 14 subs is a 29% request rate, which is GREAT.

I completed another 7 submissions today. So. Now it's time for... more waiting!
Another rejection, from the agent who'd requested a partial manuscript, but this one was at least very nice.

That leaves me with one outstanding request for a full manuscript, and a lot of open queries at 3+ months, so... time for another round of queries.
Editing my current WIP, and I'm pretty proud of this sentence:
Corey's answering smile was relieved as his shoulders descended from his ears to almost where shoulders were usually supposed to go.
Pretty sure the definition of hell is re-writing a time skip scene.
Snippets from Book 2 I'm particularly proud of
Editing Book 2 right now, and the massive suck of doing a second draft is at least sometimes mitigated by those moments where you come across a really clever bit. Here are some of the ones I'm really proud of. ---
Dee shook their head, overwhelmed by the prospect of being casually told to delete a good portion of what they’d spent a lot of money learning. “That… sounds hard. And like a lot of work.”
“It is,” Rav agreed cheerfully. “But when you find what it is you love to do—”
“You never work a day in your life?” Dee finished wearily.
Rav looked offended. “Hell no. I’m here to help you, not give you Insta platitudes. I was going to say that when you love what you make, that’s inevitably what people respond to the most.”
They aimed for casual and landed on cringe when they responded with, “that’s what friends are for.”
Corey blue-screened, which Dee decided was their cue to make way for a paying customer. “See you at five,” they called over their shoulder as they absconded with their thank-you pastry.
Dee berated themself for being weird the entire way back to their car. That’s what friends are for? What were they, some lovable scamp from a 20’s themed Broadway musical about newspaper-selling orphans?
“I mean. I’m not as good as you…” they disclaimed, breaking off in dismay when Rav rolled his eyes.
“Okay, first - we’re completely different artists. Second, take the compliment, okay? I was walking around the whole time and you still captured a lot of detail and got a really good likeness.” Dee’s embarrassment only increased when he pulled out his phone and snapped a photo.
“But. You’re not..” They sputtered as they watched him send it to Aspen, only for their cousin to respond immediately with several sparkling heart emojis.
Rav gave them a quelling look. “You’re going to be praised and you’re going to like it.”
It wasn’t exactly possible to slide down in their seat while sitting on a backless stool, but Dee gave it their best shot anyway. “Um. Thank you?”