Castlevania (2017) - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 year ago

Mi Lsta Maestra (Masterlist)

¡Abajo están mis Drabbles que he escrito, tanto fluffs 🥰/ yanderes ❤los de contenido nsfw o smut🔥!

Yandere Adrian Tepes x Lector Femenino

Su mas dulce compañía


Lo que tuve que hacer por ti. Nsfw 🔥❤

Fluff Adrian Tepes x Fem!Lector

Fluff 🥰/ Nsfw o Smut 🔥

Su Luz 🥰

El Dahmpir que se robó una doncella prometida 🥰🔥

Tardes tranquilas 🥰

Recistente 🔥

Primera lista que hago, espero que a las personas que lean cada pedacito de mis fanfics, les guste y me den oportunidad para seguir compartiendo más ☺🤗

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1 year ago

¡Hola! Perdón por desaparecer, no he tenido buena salud últimamente y por eso no publicaba nada, gracias por leer también, me alegro mucho cuando veo que alguien leé mis tonterías, sé que no tengo muchos seguidores pero me hace feliz cuando alguien leé lo que he publicado. Aquí está otro drabble y espero sea de su agrado.


Título: Hechicera.

Resumen: A veces se preguntaba si eras una hechicera, porque solo tú podías hacer que se perdiera en tu mirada, un solo minuto de ella y Alucard quedaba hipnotizado. Lo tenías hechizado sin saberlo.

Alucard Tepes x lector

Hola! Perdn Por Desaparecer, No He Tenido Buena Salud Ltimamente Y Por Eso No Publicaba Nada, Gracias

Recostado en su amplía cama, con un libro olvidado y prefiriendo la cálida compañía de su esposa, Adrián Tepes, el primogénito, el hijo de Drácula y una mortal, aquél que los valacos llamaba Alucard, ese hijo que había terminado con la vida de su propio padre, prefería sentir la cercanía de una mujer mortal, tal como lo había hecho su padre.

Antes de conocerla y dejar que existiera una cercanía tan pura entre ellos, ya había aceptado vivir alejado del mundo. Él no merecía nada, más que estar oculto de los demás. 

Pero tan pronto como entraste en su vida, supo que ya no podría alejarte. Llegando como un rayo de sol, después de que cometiera aquél terrible acto contra su progenitor. 

Él siendo una mezcla de un vampiro y una mujer humana, alguien que podía tener tanta vida como un vampiro normal, desgarrar y arrancar el último aliento a los demás si se lo propusiera, había caído ante el hechizo que desprendes.  Ya sea que supieras que lo tienes atado entre tus dedos o no, él estaba a tu merced. Puedes pedirle lo que sea y él, con gusto, lo haría. Mándalo a las montañas más heladas y él iría. 

“ Alucard…” Tu voz hizo acto de presencia, acariciando los fuertes brazos que te tenían, mientras tus ojos buscan los de él.

A veces se preguntaba si eras una hechicera, porque solo tú podías hacer que se perdiera en tu mirada, un solo minuto de ella y Alucard quedaba hipnotizado.

Lo volviste a llamar, tu ceño fruncido y ojos buscando cualquier indicio que te dijera que algo andaba mal con él. Sin saber que tenías un gran poder sobre aquel hermoso hombre. 

“¿Si, querida?” 

“¿Te sucede algo?” Preguntas.

Él también quería saber qué sucedía, cada vez que estaba ante ti, tu voz llamándolo, tus ojos cálidos y amorosos, un solo toque tuyo o tu sola presencia provocaba que entrara y cayera ante tu poder. Eras una mujer normal, sin magia pero parecía que la tenías porque lo hacías caer en un estado de debilidad. 

“Por supuesto, cariño.” Contestó, había notado como buscabas algún indicio que te dijera que algo estaba pasando en él.

Murmuras algo para tí sola, no te creías nada de lo que te dijo.

“Me preocuparé si estás enfermando de algo que afecte a los vampiros.”

Una risa suave fue lo único que recibiste de él.

“Te lo prometo, no tengo nada y no estoy enfermo.” Sus brazos se movieron para acercar el cuerpo delicado de su esposa, escuchar el latido de su corazón era para él la más perfecta melodía. Te preocupas tanto por él, después de la guerra contra su padre había pensado que ya nadie se preocuparía por él. Pero ahí estás tú, haciéndolo.

“Solo para estar segura, mañana iré a la bóveda Belmont y buscaré algún libro que explique si los vampiros pueden enfermar de algo raro.” 

“Te preocupas demasiado…” De un santiamén, estabas sobre él. Sus manos aferradas a tu cintura, mientras te miraba deseoso. 

“Alucard.” Estabas sorprendida, no habías predicho su movimiento.

“¿Y si le demuestro a mi  dama que no estoy enfermo?”

Tus ojos se nublaron en lujuria y buscaste los de él, haciéndolo perderse en tí.

Si, eras una hechicera.

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11 months ago
 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With
 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With

──── 𝐀 𝐃𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 ˊˎ - ☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: a commission for @ladybambivamp who was lovely to work with <3 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x OC 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 2.3k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: hurt/comfort, body insecurities

 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With

You bite the inside of your cheek as you look over the foundations of a new village from where you’ve returned with a basket in the crook of your arm from foraging out in the forest. There they stand at the top of the castle steps, each holding one side of the paper upon which the plans for the village are drawn out, sidled up to each other like a pair of lovebirds.

Greta’s so beautiful. She’s tall, gorgeous, strong, brave… Everyone around here looks up to her. And she makes Adrian smile so much. You march towards your destination, the very castle upon whose doorstep they are standing, as a pang of jealousy stings your chest. You swallow down the lump in your throat as you walk past them and head towards the kitchen within the castle to properly store away your findings. Adrian says something as you walk past and you’re not sure if he’s talking to you or not but you don’t turn your head to check, not wanting to be around the two of them together when you’re stung with a betrayal that you have no right to feel. 

As you step inside, the warmth of the sun upon your back leaves, as does the pleasantly cooling breeze that had been whispering through your wavy hair. You get to work on storing away the mushrooms, berries and veggies accordingly as you try to think of anything other than Alucard. Though, that seems to have the opposite effect than intended and you end up being unable to think of anything but him. You nibble your bottom lip in worry over these feelings bubbling in you. You shouldn’t feel this jealous over him being so close to Greta; the two of you aren’t a couple, you’re nothing exclusive, even if you have been more flirty and vulnerable with him lately. 

You sigh and your thoughts drift off to the other night… you’d watched over dinner as he clearly had a difficult time in resisting drinking more and more wine. He’s been struggling a lot since having to kill his father and you’ve done all you can to support him through that. The two of you ended up in the study that he had been taught by his various tutors in. The same room in which he ended up crying on your shoulder as you soothed him and calmed him down. Much to your surprise, once he was finished crying, he had let out a soft sigh and laid on the carpet you’d been sitting on so he could rest his head in your lap. You’d taken to gently running your fingers through his silken-gold hair which seemed to further relax him and he buried his face against your belly, wrapping an arm around your waist as he let you just pet his hair. 

It’s just been the two of you since Trevor and Sypha left. The twins were a trial you overcame together and now the people of Danesti are making their new home right on your- his doorstep. You let out a sigh as you realise that these intimate moments between you and Adrian – the night stayed huddled up together in his father’s library reading books, the dances in halls as he toured you around the castle, the times he’s cried in your arms and you’ve buried your face in his hair to hold him close and hush him softly – they’ve all made you fall in love with him. Perhaps he might have fallen for you too if it were still just the two of you making this colossal castle a little less lonely together, but with Greta around, that nagging little part of your self-esteem that makes you insecure is reminding you that you don’t stand a chance with her around. 

As you leave the kitchen, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and that insecurity increases tenfold. Your lips purse into a pout as you turn this way and that, knowing deep down that you’re not doing yourself any good. You’re fairly short and you’re not unaware that you’re a chubby girl. Beside Greta who’s tall, lean, subtly muscular, you feel foolish for letting your heart cling so tightly to your dear dhampir. You decide to walk away and busy yourself with chores for the rest of the day. 

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

That evening, you make your way to the kitchen as Adrian stands over the stove, cooking. Since Trevor and Sypha left, you cooked for him for a while as he struggled to deal with having killed his father and since he’s made his steady recovery, the two of you have taken turns cooking each night. Even with the people of Danesti now making their home on the doorstep, many of them in guest rooms or the castle foyer due to the new village not yet having enough homes, the two of you have kept up this little tradition. 

It helps to ease your mood a little, knowing you still have this with him, even if you’re now caught feeling like you’re losing a man who was never yours in the first place. You start to silently set the table all while stealing glances to him, the smell of mushrooms warmly filling the air. 

You always see Alucard’s hair before you see Alucard. It falls like spun gold around his shoulders, long and bright. He’s tall, towering so, and his shirt clings to the muscles in his back and shoulders. His sleeves are pushed up past his elbows, material cinching at the bottom of his biceps, revealing pale, elegant hands and the veins running up his forearms. 

He’s already heard you come in but now he looks over his shoulder to spot you sitting in silence, watching him. He smiles softly at you, hoping to ease whatever he’s noticed seems to be bothering you today. 

“How did foraging go today? It seems like you found a lot.” He comments, wanting to break the silence and get to the bottom of what’s causing your bad mood. It wasn’t lost on him how you seemed perfectly happy in the morning but in such a terrible mood when you returned, walking past him without even noticing how he was trying to get his attention; or outright ignoring him, he thinks. But Alucard holds you very dear to his wounded heart and would not like to think that you’d do such a thing to him. 

“Good, it was alright…” You say quietly. He frowns a little, your mood not seeming to lift. His lips purse in consideration for a moment as he plates up the mushroom ragu and sets your plate in front of you at the table you’ve set. Usually, Adrian sits opposite you when you eat together – it just makes it easier to talk and always seems appropriate – but today, he sits down beside you. He leans in close and you catch the soft scent of soap on his skin. He sets his hand between your shoulder blades. 

“Bambi… I thought we were closer than this. You can tell me if there’s something bothering you.” His voice is like thick honey and wine, like warm silks in cool air. He’s effortlessly captivating, seducing your insecurity and stubbornness enough for you to feel a lump build at the back of your throat, tears threatening to prick your eyes. You exhale a shaky sigh and cast a glance to those eyes that shine like suns, quickly losing your courage and looking away, down at the table, at your lap. You decide to broach the matter steadily, not plunging straight into how you truly feel about him. 

“We don’t spend as much time together as we used to… I know that we’re busier these days, that we’re doing good, we’re helping people… But, I don’t know…” You glance away. Alucard’s brows raise in a hopeful surprise upon hearing your words. He wasn’t aware that you had been feeling the decrease in time spent together as much as he had. 

“You miss me?~” He asks in a playful tone, leaning a little closer. You nod your head yes, being genuine. You’re already spending less time with him than the two of you used to and now you can’t help but fear that you’re going to lose him to Greta. You’re not sure that you will be able to stick around if you have to watch that. He drops the teasing the moment he realises that it isn’t helping and you’re genuinely feeling quite tender about this topic. “Hey…” He wraps an arm around you and gently neatens your wavy bangs, swiping his fingers gently through them. “Nothing’s going to change between us. We’re going to be here for each other, busy or not. We’re still here, aren’t we?” He gestures to the table, to your tradition of ending your days with dinner together. But his words have a double meaning that he doesn’t yet understand, one that plucks cruelly at your heartstrings. 

“I think that’s the problem…” His head rears back a little as he looks at you in confusion at your vague words. He had been comforting, hadn’t he? He thinks for a moment over what you said. 

“You… want something to change?” You nod your head and dare to look into his eyes again. His entire expression has softened, lips slightly parted to reveal a peek of the fangs that hide within his mouth. He then smiles and tilts his head, hair falling over one shoulder. The hand that had played with your hair now gently strokes your cheek with the back of his knuckles, admiring the contrast between his cool, pale skin and your pretty, warm tone. You feel your heart flutter in your chest, surprised at the affectionate gesture. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, voice barely above a whisper. 

“Because…” You trail off, beginning to feel silly now that you can practically see hearts in his eyes as he softly blushes, smiling down at you. “Because I see you and Greta together and-” 

“Greta isn’t you.” He cuts you off immediately. “She’s not the woman who was my angel when I needed one.” He tucks some hair behind your ear to better see your face, “Angels aren’t something a creature such as myself deserves but you were mine anyway.” His blush deepens as he realises just how that sounded, “Am I allowed to call you that? Mine.” 

“Don’t you want better?” You whisper, barely able to muster your voice. This seems to be going so well, too well even, and so your insecurity, your own demon upon your shoulder, just cannot let that be. “She’s so much prettier. Everyone looks up to her. She’s so tall and fit and-” 

“Bambi…” He almost looks hurt and shakes his head, “Don’t do that, don’t compare yourself to other people. I don’t want a Bambi who looks like a Greta, I want you as you are. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” You don’t know what to say and so you just shyly turn your eyes down, “You’re so cute, so soft, do you have any idea how often I’ve thought of that time where my head was in your lap? How much I’ve wanted to be so close to you again but have been so afraid that this isn’t what you want?” His fingers cup your chin and coax you to look at him. He gently leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to your soft cheek, testing the waters with you. 

“Do you really think that?” You feel silly for asking considering he’s speaking in a tone like you’re the most revered being on the planet, delicate and sacred. But you can’t help but ask for further reassurance. 

“Of course I do. You’re everything, all I want; if you’ll have me.” He’s speaking quietly and his face is so close to yours now, breath fanning gently against your cheek. His words fill your belly with butterflies and your nose nudges against his, silently testing the waters. Neither of you are too hasty, unsure how well you’re both reading this situation and his lips graze featherly against yours. Your heart flutters in your chest, pounding in your ears and you wonder if he can hear it too, if even his inhuman heart has picked up in speed. 

You dare to slide one hand into his golden hair, feeling like gossamer between your fingers, and he reciprocates with an arm around your waist to tug you closer, chair scraping against the floor slightly. And that’s when you decide that one of you needs to break this tension and you press your lips to his ardently. He’s cool to the touch and eager, one long, chaste kiss lasting upon each other’s lips until it quickly bursts into something far more passionate. It almost feels like all this tension that’s been building up between you over the last few weeks has finally reached its brim and spilled over as your bodies sway with each other, trying to get as close to the other as possible even if there’s already no space left between you. He deepens the kiss and you shiver slightly at the way his fangs scrape ever so gently against your lips. They’re weapons, lethal ones, and yet he’s doing nothing more than kissing you, than loving you more than you ever thought he could, perhaps more than you ever could. 

When the two of you finally pull away for breath, he stays close to you, a hand cupping the back of your head as his forehead presses to yours and he looks down at you through lidded eyes beneath long, blond lashes. He smiles softly at the way your eyes glitter with such profound emotion and presses another peck to your mouth. 

“Now eat up or your food will get cold.” His familiarly teasing tone returns as he pulls away and picks up his fork, leaving you dumbfounded for a moment. It would seem some things change and others don’t. 

 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With

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 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With
 ' - / : A Commission For @ladybambivamp Who Was Lovely To Work With

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