Fic:jjk - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

2 years ago

this was so good i loved it !! really can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen in part two!

Kiss it Better (JJK)

Kiss It Better (JJK)
Kiss It Better (JJK)

Pairing: Bodyguard! Jungkook x Reader

Genre: Angst, smut, fluff.

Au: Bodyguard au.

Summary: You know you shouldn't be falling for Jungkook, the man who's in charge of your security. But you can't help it. You have already fallen for him. The fact that you know he doesn't feel the same for you, makes things all the more difficult. 

Word Count: 2.6K

Warnings: Curse words, smut.

Kiss It Better (JJK)

You have no idea how things escalated this quickly. 

One moment, you are happily enjoying the club music and dancing with your date and the very next moment you are pinned against the wall with your said date's hands around your neck. Not the kinky way.

"It was much easier than I thought it would be." He mumbles with his face inches away from yours. "Miss Y/L/N, such a sweetheart you are playing right into my game."

As he speaks, you notice the absence of the smell of alcohol from his breath.

You both had agreed on getting drunk and letting it loose. But it's now that you realise that you were the one who was getting drunk while he was only pretending to take shots. It was all pre-planned so that you put your guard down which would only give him the perfect opportunity to shoot his shot. Which is exactly what he's doing right now.

The realisation itself is enough to sober you up.

"Now that you are right where I want you to be-", his grip on your neck gets tighter and a hard frown replaces the cruel smile on his lips, "-you have two options. You either be the good girl I know you can be and do everything I say or we can have it the hard way." 

A cold shiver runs down your spine at the various possibilities of what this man can do to you but you try your best to hide it. 

Your attempt, however, seems futile.

"Scared?" He whispers, with a sadistic undertone. 

You know better than to answer any of his questions, so instead of replying to him, you keep mum hoping this nightmare will soon be over.

Your quietness possibly triggers something inside him and his grip on your neck gets even tighter. "You bitch, I want you to answer-"

His sentence gets cut off abruptly and the next thing you know, he's lying on the ground and groaning in pain. 

Your eyes snap from his crouched body to figure out what or who might be the cause of your attacker's current state.


Jeon Jungkook. The man who's in charge of your security. 

Words can't describe how relieved you feel to see him but underneath that relief and gratitude, there's also a sense of genuine surprise because he shouldn't be here. No one knows you are here.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" You ask, a little breathless because of the tight hold the man had on your throat only a few seconds ago.

"I should be the one asking you that question." Jungkook answers without looking at you, his eyes locked on the man who's now surrounded by at least three more men. Each wearing black suits similar to the ones of Jungkook.

"Take good care of him." He instructs and then turns towards you. "Car is waiting for us, let's go." 

As he waits for you to start walking, your mind starts reeling. Everything is happening too fast for your mind to process. Seconds ago, you didn't know what would happen to you, where the guy will take you, what his motives were behind his actions, since when has he been planning all this, what would he benefit from this? But now, you're free and safe. You feel like you can breathe again. 

In the midst of all these thoughts, there's also another thought that echoes in your mind; is he mad at me? 

Nevertheless, not deciding to aggravate him, just in case he was, you decide to silently head towards the car with Jungkook trailing behind you.

The moment you two are inside the car and the doors are locked, he turns towards you once again, this time his features morphing into that of worry. "Are you okay?" 

"I am. Thankfully, you came before he could do anything severe." You mumble, softly. 

Jungkook nods and offers you a water bottle. You take it and gulp down and it's only then that you realise how dry your throat had become.

Once you're done and feel like your thirst has been quenched, Jungkook asks the driver to start the car.

There are a few moments of silence until you just can't anymore.

"Are you mad at me?"

Jungkook looks at you, and by the expression on his face, it looks like he wasn't expecting you to ask that. 

Nevertheless, he shakes his head. "No, what gave you the impression that I was mad at you?"

You look away from him and settle for focusing on the moving scenery outside. "You did warn me that I shouldn't go out with him but I still sneaked out. That too without any security."

"I'd be a fool to believe that you'd actually listen to what I had advised." He says with his fingers absentmindedly tapping on his clothed thigh. 

By now, you know him well enough to know that he is not mad. His voice doesn't sound like he's disappointed or mad, rather it conveys exactly what he said; he saw this coming.

You know you shouldn't have gone even after he had warned you against it. But you still did. Simply, because you wanted to distract yourself from the feelings you have started harbouring for Jungkook. It's honestly a bit embarrassing, considering how tonight ended. The frustration you're feeling right now, however, is greater than your embarrassment.

"Can you blame me for sneaking out though? I don't get to go anywhere without bodyguards. While I do appreciate it, it just sometimes gets frustrating. Sometimes you just want to be yourself without constantly feeling the eyes of others on you." Huffing, you lean back on your seat and close your eyes. "Moreover, who would have thought that a person pretending to be my romantic interest would turn out to be a potential threat."

"Well, it's actually very predictable," Jungkook replies, without missing a beat. "You are under the spotlight and the men you date, more often than not, make it to the news. And anyone, who keeps a tab on that, can tell that you have a type. Thus, whoever wants to get to you, might as well shoot their shot by sending someone who's just your type." 

Your eyes snap open at his words. "What do you mean by I have a type?" 

"Well, you do have a type." 

"If, so please kindly enlighten me as to what my type is." You retort.

Jungkook hums. "Let's see, tall, brunette, outgoing, a bit nerdy, dry sense of humour, someone who's into physical affection and is into sports. Those are the major qualities, yes." 

You blink in surprise and astonishment. Because, what the fuck, he's accurate. You have always gone for guys who fill in these boxes. Well except for Jungkook, of course.

Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he indeed is right, you roll your eyes and instead shoot him with another statement. "You just ignored the part where I said that me sneaking out is justified because of me feeling the need to have some sort of control and freedom in my life, because you know my point is valid." 

From the corner of your eyes, you see Jungkook smirking as if knowing that he has won. "I didn't ignore it and yes, your point is valid. It is understandable why you would feel the need to sneak out. But that doesn't mean that it is going to stop me from accompanying you to places. I can't have you in danger. I'd do whatever it takes for you to be safe." 

His words cause a certain warmth to spread through you. Feeling flustered and a bit bashful, you find yourself at a loss of words. So, you mutter a small 'thank you'.

He tilts his head to look at you. "You don't have to thank me, it's my job."


It's his job. That's the only reason he said all the things he said and here you were feeling butterflies in your stomach, thinking you are special. He's with you at the moment, simply because it's his job. It could be anyone in your place and he would treat them the same. You're not special to him. 

Your disappointment must have been visible on your face, causing Jungkook to think that your source of disappointment is his and his team's constant presence around you.

"Hey," he mutters, voice softer than before. "I know it can get tiring, but if you can, please try to look at it differently. Instead of feeling like it's your freedom that's being stolen, try to look at it as if you're safe enough to feel free and that no matter where you are, there is a group of well-trained men trying to ensure your safety."

You downcast your eye, feeling guilty for making him feel like you don't appreciate all the work he does. Because, you do! It's just the fact that having feelings for him made you feel helpless because you had no clue what to do about them. With each passing day, your feelings just keep intensifying and you feel incredibly vulnerable in his presence. A few words from him can make your day or break your day. It doesn't help that he has never allowed himself to be vulnerable or open with you. Not even in the slightest. 

His smiles, his expressions, his behaviour everything is always under control and in check. Nothing that hints you that he views you as anything more than a client he is supposed to protect. Which is why you had decided to go on today's date, even when he had asked you not to. 

Going to the club with the person he had warned you against, was your way of rebelling. It made you feel strong. You thought going out would prove to him that you can be well and fine without him protecting you, it would be your own way to show him that you are not helpless. When in reality, it's just you who didn't want to feel helpless. 

However, when you were proved wrong, you tried to justify your actions because you were desperate. Desperate to feel like you were in the right. To add to that, was the frustration you felt towards yourself. Which is why you said what you said, to feel some sort of power over the situation.

Sometimes you indeed wish you had more freedom in your life, it's only reasonable for you to feel so. But you also know and understand why your parents have employed a whole team of bodyguards for you. They mean well and so does Jungkook. You know it very well. Thus the negative feelings towards the matter hardly ever rise. But today it did. When that wasn't even the reason why you were frustrated. You were frustrated with yourself.

"I'm sorry," you say, as sincerely as you can. "I didn't mean it that way. I do appreciate all the work you and your team do and I'm lucky that I have such a hardworking team ensuring my safety."

Jungkook nods, giving you a small smile to let you know that he appreciates your words.

A calm silence falls in the car and you relish in it, letting your thoughts wander. Unsurprisingly, your thoughts revolve around the person sitting right next to you.

When he listed out the characters that you usually prefer in your partner, it was only then that you realised that Jungkook doesn't necessarily fit in that description. 

He is tall, yes. 

Brunette, yes. 

Nerdy? You don't think so. 

Dry sense of humour? You wouldn't know because he never jokes around with you. 

Into sports? Again, he only discusses professional matters with you. 

Into physical affection? Huh, this is something you can only ever imagine knowing, when it comes to him.

Even then, you realise it doesn't affect your feelings for him. Because you fell for Jungkook for completely different reasons. 

He's kind, sweet, thoughtful, considerate, smart, intelligent, hardworking, and dedicated. Not to mention how safe you feel around him.

Which is why, even when the man had you pinned against the wall, you were not as scared as you think you should have been. Yes, you were scared but somewhere deep down you knew Jungkook would track you, sooner or later. Although, to be fair, you didn't think it would be that soon. But it explains why you aren't shaken up about the whole incident. 

When it comes to him, you don't care whether he is the kind of guy you usually prefer or not. He does not need to fit in any box, for your feelings are simply based on who he is. It's also why you believe your feelings are way deeper than you let yourself imagine.

You would have confessed, had it been anyone else. But it's Jungkook. The guy who doesn't allow himself to get comfortable with you. The guy who's here because he's employed to protect you.

Today, when he saved you, he only let his worries show after the two of you were inside the car. That's him being good at his job. Not showing emotions in front of others because any display of emotion can be used as a weakness. He only let his concerns show when there was no one around and when the man was taken away.

You do appreciate Jungkook's professionalism a lot. Although, sometimes you just wish he would fuck all sorts of professionalism.

You wish he had asked whether you are okay or not, on the spot, the very moment he freed you from the man's grasp. You wish he had shown concerns towards you right there. Almost, as if it's on instinct. If you were in his place, you know you'd have. You'd have wanted to make sure that he's okay. That would have been your priority. 

You know, it's his priority too. But the lack of emotions tells you it's his priority only because it's his job. It was only when he was sure that his job is done, that he bothered to ask if you were okay.

Which again, makes you feel helpless, mad and vulnerable.

"Your favourite ice cream place is open." Jungkook's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. "Do you want to go there?"

And then it's times like these, when you let yourself entertain that maybe, just maybe he cares for you more than just a client.

From the corner of your eye, you can see that he googled the place to check if it was open or not. It makes you think that maybe he's aware that you are in need of some cheering up. It also doesn't help that it was just once, six months ago, that you had casually mentioned that you love the ice-creams from that particular place. It's the fact that he still somehow remembers this small detail.

But you convince yourself that this doesn't mean anything. After all, he's been trained to observe. Perhaps, that's why he remembers the place.

You feel your brain and heart hurt, trying to not give yourself too much hope because you know how much it will crush you, if you let yourself believe in the possibility of something more.

"I'll just order it online." Saying so, you once again lean back in your seat and close your eyes, this time with the intention of taking a small nap to quiet your mind.

You hear a hum from Jungkook in response and the last thing you remember before drifting off is the one question you desperately try to avoid.

Why did he Google the ice-cream place? 

Kiss It Better (JJK)

Part two of this fic will be uploaded on my patreon on 10th of October.

Kiss It Better (JJK)

Permanent taglist:

@bloodline1632 @embrace-themagic @jeonsorchid @fragmentof-indifference

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2 years ago

just finished binge reading all three parts in one night and i’m hooked, i’m in love with these two! they’re so cute and hot and i love it when he calls her sparkles <3 i dunno,,, took me a while to finish part 2 but whew i’m glad i did cause that was such a roller coaster ride, the angst was perfect and the smut scenes? uugh i think i’m in love w you <3 now i didn’t expect THAT in part 3 but omg jk getting railed by his hot gf was so hot !!! you really had me screaming into my pillow at 4am i’m serious! the talk abt the brownies again was hilarious they never gonna let this topic go lmao i love them :(

Leave The Door Open 3 | JJK



Pairing: Jungkook x (f)reader

Genre: smut, fluff, humor, just straight up porn.

AU: established relationship

Wordcount: 7,020

Summary: Jungkook keeps buying toys to torture you with, but this time he bought one for you to use on him.

Warnings: Language. Just a whole lot of smut.   

Smut warnings: Explicit sex. Unprotected sex (Wrap it folks). Pet names (Sparkles, Baby, and Kookie are used an OBSCENE amount). Edging. Pegging. Oral (f & m receiving). Fingering. Light choking/breath play. Use of sex toys. Anal and anal play. Spanking. a lot of Biting. Multiple orgasms. Overstimulation. Technically cum eating. Creampie. I’m sure there’s more. I’m tired.

Rating: M / 18+

AN: Here we are again. Where I say this wasn’t meant to happen. Part 2 was the final and I was happy. But @btsgotjams27 is a genuine menace to my brain and after three or four rewrites, here we fucking go again. This is straight up porn. There’s not a single moment where it isn’t. Read More right at the beginning so you know it’s smutty. Thank you @here2bbtstrash​​ for beta-reading my filth. and the gorgeous @classicseffects​ for the banner and divider. I do not deserve either of you in the slightest.

and as usual, please leave feedback. Either with a reblog or send me an ask. It’s greatly appreciated. 💜

Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AskBox | Coffee?


Jungkook after two weeks of celibacy was no joke.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

jesus this was so fucking hot,, possessive jk is literally my weakness !! and you’re such a great writer pls i love ur writing style, gonna read sugar moon next <3

FADE INTO YOU 🦢 jeon jungkook.

FADE INTO YOU Jeon Jungkook.
FADE INTO YOU Jeon Jungkook.
FADE INTO YOU Jeon Jungkook.

pair. barista! jungkook x f. reader | genre. friends with benefits, romance, jealousy, angst | warnings. possessiveness, profanity, pet names, unprotected sex, slight toxic behavior, degradation kink, zenophilia, oral sex, edging, spit kink, exhibitionism, smoking | word count. 4.7k

synopsis. “oh angel, for how fucking adorable you are, you sure don’t use that pretty little brain of yours much,” or jungkook has no limits when it comes to you. you’re his, he’s gonna get it through your head, eventually.

You dared bring another fucking guy in his work place.

Was it deliberate? God knows you love your little fucking mind games, especially if Jungkook’s on the receiving end. Oh, he was beyond furious. He had half a mind to spit in the fuckers coffee and smugly watch as he drinks that shit, completely unaware as he desperately tries to shove his tongue down your throat after that, one date in.

But you’d know. You were always better at reading him, deciphering the different expressions on his face. He ought to bruise your fucking ass for this, spank you till you’re dripping wet for him, and then shove his cock in your mouth, facefuck you until your stupid hole is sore, and your cunt is clenching for no one but him.

What a pathetic loser. What the fuck did you see in this clown?

“Dude, you’re shaking. You okay?” Jimin nudges him with his elbow, raising a questioning eyebrow, black hair falling in his curious eyes.

Jungkook shakes his head, and removes his apron angrily, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and phone with him. He knows he’s being unreasonable; you’re single, and beautiful, God so fucking beautiful it physically hurts him, and he’s just the lucky guy that gets to fuck you whenever you’re up for it, nothing more, nothing less. A supporting character. Fuck, he knows. But his feelings are for him, they’re private, and right now they’re out of fucking control.

The urge to punch your date in the throat is driving him up a wall. He needs to get the fuck away from here—away from you and your innocent, ignorant ways. Deep breaths, deep fucking breaths Jeon, she hasn’t fucked him yet, and don’t you dare picture that, don’t be a fucking dick, walk away, walk away now.

“I’m going on break,” he announces, but he’s already on the other side of the counter, going for the door, hands busy with the lighter you gifted him on his birthday.

You’ve said your hello’s, you exchanged the necessary, polite words you do every time you see each other in public so there’s nothing else to say. He doesn’t look at you as he passes by, can’t bear to. There’s nothing else you could possibly want with him, not unless it’s after hours, behind closed bedroom doors. Or bathroom ones—or rooftops, staircases, couches, balconies, the beach that one time, his car, the steering wheel digging into your lower back, just last week—no.

Not fucking going there.

Sitting on the ledge right outside the shop, he puts the cig in his mouth, bringing that silver lighter close to it, lighting the edge of it. Taking an inhale of the stick between his fingers, he feels the harmful calm it produces overtake him for the first time that day. He needed nicotine like he needed your pussy pressed against his face, especially since you walked in with that lame looking motherfucker after you told him you’d call.

You never did.

Jungkook doesn’t want to be this way; he never used to curse this much, smoke this much, not before he met you. You’ve tested him in every possible way a man can be tested, have haunted his every waking thought, have wrapped him around your pretty fucking finger and are twirling him around in a never ending, whiplash inducing dance out of which there’s no escape. He’d do anything for you, be anything for you, god he already has, but you couldn’t care less. There was no love in you for him—not the kind he has for you.

Trust him, he wishes he could cut all ties with you, forget you. Stop loving you so goddamn much. But there’s no button for that, no way he can get out of his own body, discard his heart.

Goddamn him, his fucking dick is hard just with the proximity of you. Knowing you were near, having smelled your perfume earlier, the sweetness of your scent mixed with vanilla and something floral, something he’s only smelled on you, and that cursed mini skirt, fuck him, with those legs of yours… legs he’s had wrapped around his torso, over his shoulders, legs he’s kissed a thousand times over, has run his hands over, has worshipped.

No, you couldn’t do this to him. This is the last time you fuck him over, the last time he lets you—he’s going to put you in your fucking place, he decides. He’s going to have to show you who’s been there for you, who fucks you dumb, senseless—who’s cock you’ve been screaming for over and over again, who’s cum you’re craving down your throat almost every night.

Who you belong to. Because fuck anyone that dares so much as think they can have you. You’re his. He just has to get it through that thick head of yours, once and for all. Before he goes fucking insane.

Finishing his smoke, he ties his hair back and away from his face, getting off your Instagram page at once. Look at him, obsessing over your whereabouts, the tags on your pictures, who you’re with when he’s not with you. In you. Fucking ridiculous.

He goes to your last text conversation, a curt message from you two days ago at three in the morning. His eyes skim over it, reading it in your drunk voice, that delicious slur of your tongue, the way you must’ve slowly blinked at his texting you so late in the night. He wants you to think of him always, all goddamn day. As much as he does.

He wants you as obsessed as him.

[03:21am] just came home.

[03:22am] it’s late (y/n). go to sleep.

He decides to text you, then. Make sure you know he’s not going to let this go, that you’re taking it too far coming there, dressed like that, and with another man when his seed is still inside of you.

[19:07pm] is this my replacement? disappointed in you sweetheart.

If Jungkook’s good at anything—he knows how to get a good rise out of you. All that’s left is to sit patiently and wait. You’ll come to him, eventually. You always do.

FADE INTO YOU Jeon Jungkook.

A half an hour later, you’re standing in front of him, manicured nails digging into your crossed arms in barely contained anger.

He wipes his hands with a rug, giving Jimin the drinks he’d just made, completely ignoring your thunderous glaring. He feels those eyes pierce through his soul, though. How can he not—he’s never been very good at pretending, and God knows you demand all of his attention.

“Replacement? Really, Jungkook?”

Jimin looks between the two of you, sensing the tension. He’s always suspected there’s something going on, but that just confirmed it. Failing to hide his smirk, he balances the tray in one palm and fucks off to the last remaining table for the day.

“Am I wrong?” Jungkook stares at your mouth, the dark stain of your lips, the curve of your jaw, those ample cheeks of yours—you’ve such a cute fuckable face, it’s one of his worst weaknesses.

He can never stay mad at you for long.

“You are.”

“My apologies, angel.”

The sarcasm doesn’t escape you.

You sigh, leaning against the counter, extending both hands towards him. He blinks at them, his own morphing into fists at his sides. He wouldn’t cave in, not this time. You needed to be taught a lesson. You needed to stop refusing him, treating him like second choice.

“Can we talk about this later?” You say in that velvet voice of yours, the one that never fails to hypnotize him into submission. “He’s waiting for me outside.”

Jungkook let’s out a dry laugh, nodding his head bitterly at your words. There’s no magic behind them today, no spell. “We wouldn’t want him to wait,” he deadpans.



You huff, and remove yourself from the bar completely. His body instinctively moves closer, but his mind is set. A terrible fucking jealousy is eating him alive, setting him aflame.

“You’re acting childish.”

“Sweetheart, I’m not the one two-timing people,” he retorts as calmly as possible, wanting to hurt you a little. Nothing like how you’ve hurt him. “Does he know how filthy you like getting fucked? How there’s another man that knows his way around your body like the palm of his fucking hand?”

You step back, face betraying guilt. “Stop it.”

He shrugs, and winks at you, proud of himself. “It’s the truth, angel. Don’t bring him into this if you don’t want him getting hurt.”

“You’re such an asshole, Jeon Jungkook,” you snapped, eyes glittering with tears. Jungkook looked away at once, his jaw clenching in annoyance.

Are you really taking that fuckers side? How long have you known him? Maybe a fucking week, if he had to guess. Jungkook has had you for years.

“Don’t ruin this for me,” you demanded, stomping your foot like a little kid.

Jimin had returned to his post next to his friend, and was witnessing your amusing temper tantrum. He also noticed the younger man’s struggle, the effort it took to stay put in that place of his.

“Ruin?” He mused over the word out loud, then laughed wholeheartedly, with his entire chest. It was an empty sound, a patronizing thing. “If you want to go with him, be my fucking guest baby girl. But if you do,” he warns, forearm resting on the wood in front of him. “you better forget about me. I’m not fucking sharing you.”

You stood hurt, a sour expression curving those perfect lips downwards, weighing your options. This was the moment Jungkook would finally see if you truly thought anything of him, if he mattered enough for you. Or at least if he was more important than a random guy you picked off a club. And God he hoped, for your sake, you picked him. Otherwise he would not be responsible for the Hell he’d give you afterwards.

Who he’d become if you dropped him. He’s scared of himself.

“What’s it going to be?” He presses, pinning you in place with those dark orbs. “Don’t make me become someone I don’t want to be, honey. You and I both know you’ll regret it.”

“Fuck you.”

Jungkook smiles at you, all charm and danger. “It’d be my pleasure.”

When you sulkily sit on the bar stool, and start typing on your phone, your decision sets in him. You chose him. His chest swells, his cock straining against his pants. He’d take you right then and there if he could; lift you on top of the counter, and fuck into you until all you know is his name, until all other men pale in comparison to him. What he does instead—he pulls your face in for a bruising kiss, his big hand cupping your jaw tightly, his tongue forcing your lips open.

“Get a room, Jesus,” he hears Jimin mutter, but he could give less of a fuck. He’s waited way too long for this. Let them watch, I know how to put on a fucking show.

You melt under his touch, letting him consume you. He growls low, and bites down on your bottom lip. You moan, and everything blurs—you’re alone. He craves nothing but you, needs to have you before insanity renders him incapable of fucking you properly.

“I’m getting off early,” he hesitantly pulls back and slaps Jimin’s chest, apron coming off in a blink of an eye.

“Sure, yeah, cause you can do that,” his friend sarcastically replies, but lets him go anyway.

“Don’t be too mad at him,” you add, smiling sweetly. Jimin smiles back, can’t help it. Jungkook glares, messenger bag over his shoulder, and jumps over the wooden top in one swift move.

“Stop fucking staring, Park,” he wraps an arm around your waist protectively, and takes you away. “I’m off!”

You barely made it to the car, before Jungkook turned you around, locking you between the passenger door and his muscled chest. His knee pushed between your legs, your hands on his sides squeezing the skin there. His head dipped to your ear, voice soothing you open, receptive. When his fingers disappeared beneath your skirt, a gasp tore through your throat, goosebumps rising on your skin.

You wanted him too, your pussy told him so. Your panties were all creamed up, thighs begging to be rubbed together to provide any sort of friction. He gave it to you, the pad of his thumb rubbing over your clit. You were throbbing—fuck how much he loved this.

“Tell me baby girl, were you going to keep him around for me to watch while you get fucked? You know you only have to ask,” he whispered, teasing you with those long fucking fingers of his.

In plain sight, for everyone to see. Christ.

“Like Hell you would,” you retort, breathless. “You’re a selfish man, Jungkook.”

He smirks at that, clicks his tongue against his teeth, and chuckles darkly. “You’re right on that,” he pulls you on him and rubs his erection against your clothed cunt. “Can’t let no one touch what is mine.”

“I’m not yours.” A weak remark, as your hips moved with his. He ignored it entirely.

He saw your naked neck, the way you swallowed, and attacked the sensitive skin there, grazing it with his teeth, sucking harshly on it. You hissed at the sensation, yet wanted more. What a contradiction of a woman, Jungkook thought, pulling me in but pushing me away. Unfortunately, for what he was planning on doing to you, he couldn’t be seen.

“Oh, but you are,” he whispers against your cheek, cuffing both of your wrists in one hand behind your back, slowly opening the car door for you to get in. “Oh angel, for how fucking adorable you are, you sure don’t use that pretty little brain of yours much.”

He lowered his head to be on eye level with you. He couldn’t possibly make it any clearer, not unless he bought a ring and put some babies in you.

“I own you.”

Your eyes told him so. The musk on his fingers guaranteed it. He smacked the door shut, licking your juices clean off. You tasted like fucking paradise.

He’d fucking destroy you.

FADE INTO YOU Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook loved your neck, how easily it could turn purple, how perfect his hand fit around it, almost like it was made for him. He wouldn’t doubt it for a fucking second—the rest of you molded all over him, every nook and cranny.

Lifting you up the kitchen table, he felt like taking you raw, just like that; pushing your skirt up and burying himself in your folds. His thumb hooked between your lips, pressed down to open your mouth, your gaze following his movements closely. Pudding in his hands, to do whatever he pleased. Every time.

“Look at my little slut,” he admired, pushing his thumb in his second favorite hole of yours. “Suck, baby, show me what that mouth does best.” You did, your tongue swiping all around, over and under, wetting and sucking dry, repeating again and again, until Jungkook was satisfied.

He never was. If he could, he’d fucking snort you up, have you run through his bloodstream for the rest of time. His perfect fucking girl, the one that refuses to give into him, the one that drives him mad.

“Are you thinking about him?” He asks you, the same jealousy nibbling at him. It never left—it never leaves. “How his fingers taste, how they’d curl inside that cunt of yours? It’s fucking morphine, did you know, sweetheart? Why do you think you got me on my knees for you?”

He removes his digit, and decides playtime is over. He’s been lenient enough. You notice exactly when the change takes place, when his eyes darken, and your breathing quickens, fear replacing exhilaration. This was the cruel man that could make you come just with his filthy words. As much as you fucking loved it, he was ruthless—absolutely brutal.

“No,” you mumble, shaking your head. “No, Kook, no, I never—”

Not your coffee boy, but the one that uses a belt to teach you lessons. The one that always knows just how far you’re willing to go.

“Shut the fuck up. You knew what you were doing.”

Jungkook spits in your open mouth, squeezing your throat submissive. You struggle to breathe, but you take it, tightening your thighs around his hips in shameful arousal. He watches you swallow, tongue coming out to show him, just as he likes. He rewards you with a suffocating kiss, before he does it again.

“I bet you wondered how his dick would feel against those velvet fucking walls of yours,” he continued his verbal torture, his other hand pushing your panties to the side, feeling your slick, lapping it with his index, before shoving three fingers inside you at once. You hissed, nails digging holes on his shoulders.

“Yeah?” He fucks you with his entire hand, palm rubbing against your clit. You can’t think of nothing else but getting filled to the brim. “Your mouth works doesn’t it, honey?”

“No one’s fucked me but you in two years,” you confess in a haze, looking at him through your eyelids. Silver shone on his lip and eyebrow under the hidden lighting of his apartment. A shadow draped in gold.

You saw the movement of his jaw, the way his mouth became a thin line. He obviously enjoyed hearing that. But was it enough? Fuck no.

“But they’ve touched you,” he bitterly concludes. “They’ve tasted my pussy, my lips… haven’t they?” He sounded so miserable, so resentful. Your heart ached for him.

You loved this man, but he would never believe you, and you can’t blame him. You loved him in a different way, the only way you knew how. And he did the same. You met and crashed like waves. Your silence was answer enough.

The next moment struck like lightning. All you felt was pain, as he pushed you down on your elbows and ripped your panties off you in one movement. You weren’t even able to scream, the action barely registering in your brain.

“Unbutton my shirt,” he instructed you, no part of him touching you whatsoever. A shudder rippled through you, and down to your unclothed pussy. You scrambled to do as told, afraid of the consequences, hands shaking.

Jungkook groaned impatiently. “Stupid fucking whore, can’t even do something as simple as this,” he snarled at your face, every ounce of affection gone. “D’you need help, sweetheart? Perhaps a manual? None of this is helping your case, you know.”

“I’m—I’m sorry, please,” you whimper, hurrying to undo the stubborn buttons.

He cocked an eyebrow, gaze vicious. Hateful. Something kicked inside of you, a horrifying feeling—you were losing him. He was going to leave you after this. All he’s ever wanted, all you very much were aware of that he craved most—to have you all to himself, to call you his. You never gave it to him, always held back, and for what you’ve no idea. But this, having your body, pleasuring the both of you, it was the one thing if not the only part he had, the one thing he could do, he was allowed.

“Please,” he repeated, the word seemingly unfamiliar to him. “Please, what? Are you sorry at all, baby girl? Do you want me to go easy on you?”

You shake your head again, pushing the shirt off him, bulky muscle now exposed, the chiseled chest you so loved running your tongue over, and the V disappearing beneath his boxers, inviting, nearly a threat.

“Fuck me,” you pleaded, reaching a hand out to touch him, his most private part. “Please. I know I’ve hurt you, I’m sorry, please set me straight, fuck it out of me, I want only you, I promise, only you.”

“Lies,” he shouts, and lunges at you, pinning you down by your waist, skirt pulled roughly from your body. You’re met with the ceiling, but won’t dare move, won’t make a sound unless he tells you to. It’s a thin fucking line you’re walking on, one you haven’t experienced a whole lot.

You hear a shuffling of sorts, before a thud and then you feel it—his hot breath on your cold folds. Those veiny hands on your hips again, before he devours you. The vibration of his growling sends you into a frenzy, and you clench around nothing. Your clit between his sinful lips he sucks painfully at first, wanting to hurt you, but gently afterwards, after your cries settle and you’ve accepted your fate.

You’re at his mercy, and you better behave.

“Used fucking pussy,” he spits on it, fingers working together with his mouth to get you ready for his bulging cock. “What am I supposed to do with a second hand slut like you, huh? Begging to be filled with dick, dripping over my kitchen table…” he tsk’s, tongue flat against your wetness. “You don’t fucking need me, right, I’m just another naive guy wrapped around your goddamn finger, you could have me replaced at any time.”

“That’s not true!” you cry out immediately, hand getting lost in his thick brown locks. “Fuck!” A slap cuts the air—on your pussy. And he does it again, smacks the sensitive area until it’s red and throbbing and licking all over his chin.

“Quiet,” he snaps. “I can make it hurt like never before, honey, don’t fucking test me.”

You’re certain you’re losing your mind by that point, the ache between your legs overwhelming everything else, the thought of needing his cock like you need oxygen the only reasonable solution to making the pain go away. You’re coming before you know it, and Jungkook is a starving man, he licks it all up, licks you dry, marveling at the way your body responds to him, always has.

If only your heart would do the same. If only there was something he could do to make it beat only for him, as his does for you.

“No one will make you come like I do, sweetheart, God my fucking witness. No one knows their way around this pussy like I do, no one will fucking take the time.”

You go to sit up, pull him into you, needing comfort, needing your friend back, the one that made you feel good because you asked, not the half mad one, the obsession, the misshapen thing—for once you need his warm love, the one he’s been talking about, the one hiding behind the heartbreak. You don’t care how awful that is, how selfish you sound.

His palm presses down on your stomach as he towers over you, taking all light with him, flushed cock standing proudly between you, inches away from where you need it most. If he would just move closer, if perhaps you could wiggle further down the table…

“Do not fucking move, angel,” he warns, kissing your sobs silent. With a flick of his wrist, your breasts are in full view, his fingers pinching the erect nipples, calloused palms slapping the plump skin, abusing it.

Every touch vibrates directly in your cunt. You’ve become a blubbering mess, needing nothing but that long stick between his legs. A whore, as he said, a whore with no other purpose than taking dick, his dick, only his, because he’s the only one you want, the only one you need, the only one touching you like this, pushing your limits, driving you over the edge—

“Look at you, my beautiful mess,” he kisses your lips again and again, yet refuses to touch your core. Endless torture, when will it end, when will it end! “Do you understand now? This is what it feels having you under me every night, yet not having you at all,” he shushes your gut wrenching cries, removes your hands from your face, forces you to look at him. “My baby, my love…” he coo’s tenderly, caressing all the way down your body, before his arms hook under your thighs.

He positions you just at the edge of the round table, and quickly leans to lap at your cunt one last time. Christ, fucking Heaven in a woman; it’s alright sweetheart, it’s over, shhh, no more crying, I got you where I want you, I’ll take care of you now, no more crying, fuck if you could see yourself right now, so goddamn hot, a fucking vision just for me, just for your man, you perfect angel, you perfect fucking thing, all for me, all this for me—

You couldn’t describe the tidal wave of relief that washed over you as soon as he buried himself inside you. Both hands on your waist, he slammed you down onto his rock hard cock, his pace fast, relentless, absolutely everything you could’ve ever asked for.

“Harder, fuck, fucking kill me! Don’t stop, please, please, please, please…” incoherent thoughts jumbled together in a string of words, yet Jungkook understood perfectly.

Of course he did.

“Fucking slut…only way you deserve to be fucked…I’m gonna flip this cunt inside out, sweetheart, so no one will be able to screw you. You’re taking my cock so well, baby girl, fuck I want to tear you apart, I want to write my name in this pussy, mark it,” he growled in your ear, manhandling you like a goddamn lifeless doll, pistoling into you with incredible force, so much so you’d think he’d bruise you from the inside, but you couldn’t stop begging him to do so, all of it feeling oh so fucking good.

You want me to mark you, don’t you, you want me drilling into you all fucking day, I know you do, you insatiable goddamn pain in the ass, let me hear you, scream for me, baby, let me know who’s fucking you—say my name, he tightens his grip on your throat, his eyes insane with lust.

“Say my fucking name.”

“Jungkook,” you moan into his hair, nails scratching down his back.

“That’s right, baby. Again.”


I fucking love you, sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck if you never love me back, just give me this pussy, let me drown in it, let me get lost and hide forever in your folds, yeah baby? Come for me now, cream on my dick sweet thing, c’mon, one two three—you scream at the top of your lungs, holding onto him for fear life as your body convulses violently, his own release spurting in thick white strips on your stomach as he barely manages to pull out, and everything goes black. He keeps you on him until you calm down, his pace slow and steady, fucking you both back down to reality.

Your breathing is incredibly labored, hair sticking on your forehead. You look so fucking beautiful to him, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. His pretty girl. He kisses your forehead overtaken by the strange feeling in his chest.

“God—I love you, you know?” You mumble against his chin, suddenly very shy.

Jungkook stills, his entire world pausing its spinning. “What did you just say?”

You try to cover your face, but to no avail. He’s much stronger than you, much more determined to look into those eyes that could never lie to him. You could make him the happiest man on earth or send him down to the darkest pits of Hell with just three words.

“I love you,” you repeat hesitantly, looking up at him. His expression crumbles. “I know it doesn’t mean anything, that I’m late and you probably want nothing more to do with me after this, but—”

His palm slams your mouth shut. Your eyes widen in surprise.

Jungkook then, still inside you, looks at you with the fondest look on his face, his body weight pressing down on you in the most delicious way.

“You’ve no idea what the fuck you’re saying right now, sweetheart, so I’ll forgive you,” he blinks, bewildered, in disbelief. “I never said I’m leaving you. It’s never crossed my mind.”

You furrow your eyebrows, but your words are muffled. He seems to comprehend perfectly well, anyway.

“You could kill me if you wanted, and I’d willingly die by your hand, (Y/N). Have you any idea what it means to love you?”

When he kisses you again, you think you can begin to understand.

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2 years ago

finally got to finish this masterpiece for the second time, i didn’t cry my eyes out this time but THIS is still the best jk series i’ve ever read !! i love it so much, you’re really so talented <3 planning to read love again next, alr know it’s gonna be just as good as this one!

Always You | JJK (One)

Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?

Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader

Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack

Word Count: 10.2k (yikes, I know) (I will try to shorten future chapters, ya girl is sorry)

Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, puking, reader is a drunk cry baby, reader is kinda embarrassing, jk is kinda jelaous, mentions of sleeping around, reader and jk are pretty affectionate, jk’s thighs are mentioned—that’s like, a warning in itself right?

Notes: hiiiii, the first part is here! Once again, really nervous about this so please go easy on me but mostly, just enjoy! :) also sorry for any typos!!!!

© taestefully-in-luv



The sun is a magical thing. It lights up and warms the Earth, it enhances your mood, it helps plants grow, it literally provides for life. Without the sun, life on Earth would cease to exist. What the sun also does? The sun also shines down on us and lights up the most beautiful things. The sun today, however, is especially highlighting the most beautiful thing. The way the glittering rays gleam through the windows you can see how todays sun focuses on him.

That’s right, you guessed it. Kim Taehyung. His skin is absolutely glowing in the rays, his eyes sparkle in the light that shines down. Yes, Kim Taehyung is an other-worldly being. The way he just stands there and shimmers you can’t help but stare but also like, shy away because his beauty is so god damn blinding. Wait…was this dramatic? This might be dramatic. You’re too far gone to care though. His boxy grin, the way his hair falls into his eyes, the mole on his—

“I just want you to know, you are fucking drooling.” You hear the scoff of the man across from you, Jeon Jungkook, also known as your best friend.

You lazily shake your head as the two of you sit nice and snug in the booths of your favorite coffee shop. It’s one of the colder spring days, the breeze biting at your skin when you were outside but now, you have Jungkook’s scarf wrapped loosely around your neck and hot coffee in your hands.

“I mean, I get it. He’s gorgeous but do you really have to go this far?”

You bring the white mug full of black coffee to your lips. It’s hot and burns the tip of your tongue, but not anything you’re not use to.

“Yes.” You state plainly. You know exactly to what he is referring to. You don’t usually come here at this time, in fact you are usually a creature of habit and come at the same time on the same days… Tuesday and Thursdays in the evening but its Friday and like 1pm. But you knew Kim Taehyung was going to be here when he snapped a picture of the famous white mug with the shops logo on it and posted on his story. You bring your hand up to your forehead, saluting to the sky, “Thank you Snapchat.” So yes, naturally when you saw he was at this coffee shop you hurried to make sure you were too. Maybe it is fucking desperate. Okay it is. But could you blame a girl? He was one of the hottest guys you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

“This is ridiculous,” Jungkook huffs into his own mug, “You could just talk to him…”

Now it was your turn to scoff.

“As fucking if!”

Jungkook smirks into his mug, taking a sip of the burning hot coffee. “That incapable, hmm?”

“It’s not that I’m incapable JK,” You blow on the drink nonchalantly, “I am simply just not worthy.”

“You are so stupid, I swear.” He huffs into his mug again.

“What do you mean?”

Jungkook breathes out slowly, biting his lip as if contemplating what to say.

It’s like, what can he say? He wishes he could tell you a million things that would ease your mind, that could possibly give you the confidence you need or maybe just slap the reality on you that Taehyung doesn’t deserve you. But then he will get asked ‘why’ and he can’t have that.

“What?” you whine into your cup before setting it down.

“You’re really cool and also pretty?” he says quirking a brow in question. Because apparently that’s all he can come up with.

“That’s a question? Also am I dying? You’re complimenting me?” you tease, giving him an exaggerated look of satisfaction.

“I just mean…” Jungkook runs a hand through his messy dark locks, “You have nothing to worry about, ya know?”

Nothing to worry about he says! What does he know? He can literally get any girl—or guy for that matter—that he wants. You dip your head, frowning at the idea.

Jungkook has been your best friend since your freshmen year and there’s nothing you treasure more than his friendship. You bite your lips and tilt your head trying to recall his first presence in your life…oh! That stupid frat party freshmen year…you met at a frat party during your first semester and totally hit it off. Did he try to get into your pants? Okay, yeah maybe. He offered a room just up the stairs that night, but you refused…seemingly too shy. But Jungkook was nothing but understanding. He pat your back and said he knew a better place, and that was the 24 diner down the street. And the rest is history

“Obviously I don’t know and oh my god don’t look but—” You try saying before Jungkook is completely turning his head around to look. Classic Jungkook.

“Oh hey Tae.” Jungkook says in The Kim Taehyungs direction. Taehyung walks up to your table, you thought the sun only highlighted his beauty but up close he is the sun. You knew it was a magical thing.

“Hey guys! “ Taehyung stands there as bright as a fucking light, waving at you and your best friend. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention Jungkook is also friends with said Kim Taehyung? Okay, so maybe talking to Taehyung shouldn’t be that hard, since you share the same fucking friends. And you guys are technically friends too.

“Sup dude.” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly, picking up his coffee mug once again. His long fingers wrapping around the porcelain, warming him up. You watch as Jungkook takes a sip of his beverage with his doe eyes on you, he nods his head towards Taehyung and winks at you as he gulps down the drink. Of course, he’s teasing you.

“Hey y/n!” Taehyungs smile shines so brightly you want to actually kill yourself. What is up with this dude and being so blinding?

“Hey Taehyung…” you gulp your coffee awkwardly, giving him a small wave of the hand.

“y/n I told you to call me Tae!”

“Right…” you chuckle into the coffee creating bubbles of the liquid like the fucking pathetic lil thang you are.

Yeah, talking to The Kim Taehyung is not your specialty. Never was.

2 years ago

Your head is buried in books on the table of your campuses library with Jungkook fast asleep next to you. Statistics shouldn’t be this hard but it fucking is and you are groaning into your book, on the verge of pulling your hair out when a deep voice that rumbles your insides interrupts you—actually fuck it, you don’t feel like getting into a flashback. Just know that you met Taehyung (officially through Jungkook) and he ended up calling you pretty and you’ve thought about it every day since. Because you are pathetic. What’s new?

And that was it, that’s all it took for you to gain a massive crush on the boy.

“What’s up dude?” Jungkook asks again. He is now scrolling through his phone, probably swiping through Tinder, if you have to guess. And you’re right because he’s turning his phone towards you showing you some random girl, his wide eyes asking for your opinion. You roll your eyes and nod your head ‘yes’. As you can guess, this happens quite often.

“Ummm…” Taehyung runs a frustrated hand through his hair, you slowly tilt your head to soak him in when you notice he looks almost…panicked? “I need help with something actually,” but he isn’t looking at Jungkook as he says this, no. He’s looking at you.

“You see that girl at the counter over there? The one with long hair, not the other one.” He nods his head in the general direction while still remaining discreet.

You tilt your head to steal a glance at the counter and yes you do see the girl he is referring to. She’s got long brown hair that reaches her waist and man, she is gorgeous. Big, bright eyes. Full, pouting lips. Long legs and yeah, the works. Taehyung sure knows how to pick them. Did he need help to get her number of something? Like a wing woman? You mean, does he really need the help?

“Yes, I see her.” Is all you say to him and you expect him to ask you to go over there but instead he says,

“Great. I need you to be my girlfriend.”

You blink lazily at him as you process his words while Jungkook chokes on his drink.

“You want her to be your what?” Jungkook is the first to speak.

“My girlfriend.” He says again before his eyes go wide, “Like, like my fake girlfriend.” Taehyung turns a wonderful shade of red before his hand is reaching to scratch the back of his neck, chuckling to himself. “This girl—Anna…she is a bit obsessed? Ya know? Won’t leave me alone type thing and …and I have tried saying I have a girlfriend but she followed me to this coffee shop when she heard I was here. Like, who does that?”

Now it’s your turn to turn red, because you. You would fucking do that.

“That’s horrible Taehy—” you begin to say before Taehyungs large eyes pierce into your own, “Please y/n.”

“Anna???” Jungkook cuts in setting his phone on the table. “Like Anna Anna?” Jungkook squints his eyes at his friend before scoffing. “...She’s not doing it.” his eyes go between Taehyung and this girl Anna. “Don’t involve her in whatever game you—"

“I’ll do it.” You say, even surprising yourself. “I mean, it’s just pretend and for this moment so why not?” you begin to explain yourself. Plus for a few minutes you can pretend you’re really his girlfriend and your delusional mind will thrive off that.

Tae is quick to straighten his back and smile widely before he is ushering you to scoot over in the booth to let him in. “Scoot scoot” he whispers, grinning from ear to ear.

“Tae, you can’t be serious—” Jungkook is quick to say something, anything. His hands scrambling to grab his phone and hands it to Taehyung from across the table. “Here. Call up some other girl to do this. Don’t involve y/n.” Taehyung gives Jungkook a look of panic before Jungkook speaks up again, “Plus, y/n would be the worst fake girlfriend,” And that’s it. That’s all it takes. Jungkook’s constant negativity pisses you off so much that it drives what you say next.

“No need Taehyung.” You snatch Jungkook’s phone and shove it back in his hands. “Why don’t you call up one of your girls yourself and leave us alone?”

Jungkook looks at you shocked, his brows furrowing so deeply you are almost concerned for his face and the wrinkles that might set in.

“y/n…?” his stupid doe eyes look at you with so much confusion.

“I just mean, I can do this Jungkook. Don’t have to be so concerned.”

At that, Taehyung lights up.

“Great!” and his long arm wraps around your waist and when he was sure Anna is looking he leans in to plant a soft kiss to your cheek. “Thanks for doing this…” he whispers in your ear before placing another kiss.

Your eyes meet Jungkook’s shocked ones. He looks like he just saw a ghost, all the color drained from his face as he watches you and Taehyung.

“Uh….” You don’t have any words for Taehyung—or Tae as he likes to be called.

You don’t even have the balls to glance his way, you don’t even have the balls to breathe in his direction.

“Look at me?” Taehyung’s finger is on your chin, guiding it towards his face.

“No…” Jungkook spurts out, “I mean, y/n don’t we have to go?” Jungkook looks at you with a look you’ve never really seen before. Maybe it’s desperation but you don’t really care.

“We don’t actually” you respond nonchalantly.

And with that you turn to face Taehyung more properly. His face is so close to yours it’s almost suffocating.

“What is it…Tae?” you try out his nickname for the first time. His cheeks flush and he scoots back just an inch.

“Thank you for doing this but…” his eyes slide to the side, eyeing Jungkook. “I was thinking we could do this for a couple of weeks, at the least. Ya know, to make it believable.”

Surprising you and Taehyung, Jungkook rises from his seat at the booth,

“y/n let’s go.” He simply states, not even looking at you. Taehyung looks panicked as you look between the boys.

“Tae…” you started to say before Jungkook reaches over the table to grab your wrist, “Come oooooooonnnnn” But you are quick to yank it back.

“Stop Jungkook, you’re being childish.”

Taehyung tightens his hold on you, “Yeah Kookie, sit back down…please.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes at Taehyung, giving him a look that screams ‘are you serious?!’

“Childish? Okay.” He gives you a look of disappointment before grabbing his phone and his bag and walking away from the table. You watch in disbelief as Jungkook’s figure disappears from your view. What was up with him?

“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with him…”

“Right…” Tae responds quietly, his grip on your waist loosening up. “He’s just really protective over you, huh?” Taehyung bites his lip in contemplation, “y/n. I’m serious, let’s do this. I’ll pay for your coffee for the next month if you do this with me. Please, I am quite literally begging you.” He breathes out through his nose in an attempt to laugh. “She won’t leave me alone otherwise.”

You bite your lip in deep thought, your brows pulled together. Taehyung couldn’t help but find you cute.

“For a month? What happened to a few weeks?” you ask, a playful smirk gracing your features.

Taehyung couldn’t help the grin that made its way on his face.

“1 month.” He breathes out. “Unless you fall in love with me during that time and beg for more time….” He pokes his tongue out, his teasing tone going straight to your lady bits. If only he knew.

“Fine, but we should set some ground rules…don’t you think?”

“Okay. Like what?”

“Oh…I don’t—”

Taehyung raises a brow, “Don’t say something stupid like ‘no kissing’…because we want to make it as realistic as possible, don’t we?” he leans in just a bit more. Without Jungkook around Taehyung seems a bit more confident.

“Oh, you want to kiss me then?”

“It’s just for show. We don’t gotta think too hard about it.” His face inches closer and closer.

“Love…” you say, in a complete daze. Too lost in Taehyungs big brown eyes.

“What about it?” he doesn’t blink, just continues to stare into your eyes.

“We…would if one of us catches feelings? Then we should stop it, right?” You choke out.

Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut as an impossibly cute giggle escapes his lips, “You’re so cute. How many romcoms have you watched to come up with that line?”

“I’m serious.” You push your head back, “This could become hurtful if one of us falls in love…” You say this knowing it’s you. Well, obviously. Just because Taehyung called you pretty 2 years ago doesn’t mean he likes you.

“Okay, sweetheart.” Taehyung gets close again, “I’ll tell you.” And then he leans in, just an inch from your face. His lips hovering over your own and you can see his eyes still on you, like he’s silently asking for permission. You can’t help the nod of your head and you, yourself don’t stop yourself from leaning in.

Taehyungs lips are just as soft as you had always imagined. His lips only peck yours, the kiss is short but sweet. Once he pulls back you see his eyes slide to the counter where that Anna girl stands, and a look of relief washes over his features.

“Thank God, she bought it. She looks pissed,” he laughs loudly, “She saw us and is totally storming out!”

Oh, right. This is all for show.

“Oh, good.”

“Thanks y/n!” Taehyung’s smile is so wide it takes up the entire booth. He goes in for a quick hug, pulling back he smiles again before reaching his hand to pat your head.

“You’re a good girl.” He says and slips out of the booth. Welp, you wish those words didn’t go straight to your vagina.

“Uh, thanks.” You sputter out, not entirely sure what just happened.

“See you later?” he asks then his face lights up, “I’ll bring you a coffee.”

“Well, that is the deal.” You shoot him some pathetic finger guns.

You stare down at your now cold coffee, and look across from you at the now empty booth where Jungkook once sat.

“I’ll text you with more details later!” he shakes his phone in his hand,

“Bye bye…girlfriend.” He finishes off with a wink and skips, yes fucking skips away.

You are left alone at your table, with an empty seat across from you and a cold coffee. And now a fake boyfriend with the guy you have a massive crush on. This couldn’t possibly go all wrong, could it?


“This is definitely going to go all wrong, you realize that, right? This is a bad idea y/n and you know it.”

Jungkook’s legs are swung over your own as he lays on the couch, his focus on his phone in his hands. He wears his gray puma sweat suit you love so much and smells exactly the same as always—clean laundry and his own musk. You can’t help but eye him over, his dark strands of hair falling into his eyes as he bobbles his head to rid himself of the stray pieces. You aren’t blind, Jungkook is like, crazy hot and sometimes your staring can become a problem.

“Like, ‘we can’t fall in love with each other’” he mocks, “What sort of bullshit? You already in love, aren’t you?” he peeks over his phone to get a look at you waiting for some sort of rejection of his words.

“It’s just a crush, Jungkook.”

“Sure.” His eyes go back to his screen. “You’re pretty dumb for doing this.”

“Did I mention we kissed?”

“Only 100 times now you sicko.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and you can’t help but giggle.

It’s no secret that Jungkook is against this—whatever this is. He always has been…ever since you mentioned it 2 years ago sophomore year.


“What do you mean ‘no’?!” you ask in disbelief.

You just confessed your little crush on Taehyung to Jungkook, the two of you sitting across from one another in the library when he rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed.

“Can you not yell? We’re literally in a library. And I don’t feel like getting kicked out this week…again.” He rolls his pen between his fingers as he speaks.

“Okay one: that’s your own fault for getting caught with your hand down some girls pants. And Two: what do you mean ‘no’?”

“Taehyung is off limits for you.” He says, totally unbothered.

“What the hell does that even mean?”

“It means, he’s my friend for one so gross, and also he’s kind of like…emotionally unavailable.”

You chew on your pen, wondering what that could mean. Like, he doesn’t date? He doesn’t ‘do’ relationships? He’s already in love with someone else?

“I’m not telling you.” Jungkook’s pen slides against his paper as he writes, “His life.”

Oh, you asked that out loud.

“Whatever Jungkook, it’s just a crush.”

It feels nice to have a crush on someone other than…


Your phone goes off and you hurry to check it. What? It could be Taehyung wanting to go over the details of the ‘plan’. But much to your disappointment it was just Jimin.

Jimin 9:42pm

Where are you guys? Party has BEEN started girl

Y/N 9:42pm

We’re about to leave babe, see you soonish

Jimin 9:43pm

You guys fuckin? *smirk face emoji*

Y/N 9:43pm

Did you just…write smirk face emoji instead of putting the emoji itself

Y/N 9:44pm

Also how many times do I have to tell you JK and I aren’t like that

Jimin 9:45pm

Whatevs, see you soon babe xoxo

You set your phone down in your lap, your fingers going to massage Jungkook’s calves as you sneak a glance at him, he closes his eyes in satisfaction as you continue massaging the muscle.

“We gotta get go—also, that’s now what you’re wearing right?”

“Not going tonight. But have fun.” Jungkook sets his phone on his chest, letting out a long breath while folding his arms behind his head. He looks comfortable like, you almost believe him that he’s really staying in.

“Yeah, okay.”

“I’m serious.”

“What do you mean?”

“Y/N why don’t we just stay in tonight?” He whines, he unfolds his arms and reaches for your hand. “Let’s go buy a 12 pack, get fucked up and just ya know, stay in.” Though this doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it also sounds like every Friday night with the two of you and you want to do something different tonight. But it would take some convincing. You interlock your fingers with his and he melts at your touch, his dopey smile growing.

“It’s a good idea, right?” he says, blinking up at you.

You smile back, tilting your head just the slightest before your smile drops altogether.


“Ugh!” Jungkook throws his head back on the sofas armrest, “Why are you like this?”

“You still love me.” You chirp swinging his legs off yours and standing to your feet.

“Now get dressed and I promise that I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the weekend and you can bring whatever poor girl back to the apartment.”

Oh yes, your best friend is also your roommate. You’ve been living together for the last year—it just made the most sense. He was always over at yours or vise versa. So it made the most sense to save money and just room together. It worked out almost perfectly—almost. He paid his half of rent on time, he cleaned the dishes, he did laundry. Wait a minute, what the hell did you offer? That’s beside the point, the best of all he was always there when you needed him. The one downfall…the girls he brought over.

It got so bad that you couldn’t even sleep. You get it, your best friend is obviously…gifted. If the girls whines and moans and screams were any indication. So you had to set some rules for your sanity! For one, the other must always warn the other when bring home a person for the night. And two, its best if the other is already like, not home. Jungkook quickly agreed…something about how he doesn’t want to hear you either.

So, offering to be gone all weekend so he can have as much sex in his bed as he wants is probably going to be convincing enough.

You study Jungkook’s features, his brows pinched together almost comically, and his lips formed into the cutest pout.

“All weekend?” he asks, kicking imaginary rocks with his feet. “Like, no interruptions?”

“No interruptions you absolute whore.”

“Fine, deal.” He looks into your eyes and something flashes across them that you cant pinpoint. “I guess I’ll get dressed…but wait, where will you stay?”

“Probably with Jimin.” You shrug.

“Hm, okay.” Jungkook walks towards his room while lifting his sweatshirt over his head and throwing it behind him, the article of clothing landing on the floor. “And you’re doing laundry.”

“Brat.” You say rolling your eyes but you can’t help but smile.

You don’t take long to get ready yourself, you settle for a casual look tonight…okay, semi-casual, meaning you’re wearing jeans but you are wearing a nice, low cut blouse that shows a generous amount of cleavage. It’s your go to titty shirt. You aren’t really looking to get laid tonight or anything but you do want onlookers to wish you were.

You bounce your knee up and down while sitting on the sofa as you not so patiently wait on your bff, you call out for him but he only yells back that you need to like, chill out. After what feels like forever, the creak of his bedroom door opening can be heard and you quickly stand to your feet to face him.

“Woah.” Is all you manage to say as Jungkook walks out of his room, his cologne filling the air around you. “You look…” you can’t even finish your sentence without Jungkook’s stupid smirk already on his face. His pants are skin tight, the material practically melted on to his thick thighs that are deliciously exposed thanks to rips and holes. His plain white tee is accompanied by a fine leather jacket and his hair is split down the middle, the waves adorning his face. He looks damn good. And you both fucking know it.

“I look?” he teases, walking closer to you. His cologne suffocating your nostrils but you aren’t upset about it.

“You look…fine. You look better than before at least.” You choke out. It’s not that Jungkook is capable of making you nervous but sometimes he has this aura about him…no, you don’t even want to get into it. Those are thoughts you’ve trained yourself to push away.

“Whatever.” His eyes skim over your body shamelessly, “You look fine too.” He winks, walking past you.

“Ready to go?” he calls out over his shoulder. You can’t help but watch his tight ass walk away. Did you really say tight ass? Well it is!

“Yeah, lemme grab my purse and uh, uh we can go. You’re driving.”


“About fucking time, sluts.”

“Hello to you too, Jiminie.” You crack a smile as your friend goes in for a quick but tight hug.

When Jungkook finally introduced you to all his friends the one you hit it off with the most was good ol’ Jimin. He immediately became one of your closest friends.

“Yo Park.” Jungkook’s eyes are all around the place, not even sparing Jimin a glance. No doubt looking for his girl for the night already. What? It’s a safe assumption.

“Jeon.” Jimin rolls his eyes playfully. “You guys took forever, too busy fucking?”

You hit Jimin’s shoulder with your own, giving him a look that says you’ll scold him later.

“She wishes.” Jungkook finally puts his attention on the two of you, a wide smile growing on his face.

“Shut up.”

“What? It’s true! Oh my god Jimin, you should of seen her face when she saw me walk out in this fit.” Jungkook stands tall, hands grabbing onto the material of his leather jacket,

“She was like “oh my god Jungkook you look so go—” You go to hit his stomach with your fist but thanks to his rock hard abs you only end up hurting yourself. “Fuck! Ow! What’s under your shirt?” you yell over the music.

“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He says with a wink.

The words ring a bell of familiarity in your head, each syllable echoing softly. A small smile forms on your lips and Jungkook gives you the softest smile in return. Did he just say the same line he used on you 3 years ago when you two met?

3 years ago

The music is booming so loudly you can’t even hear yourself think. This isn’t your first frat party and probably won’t be your last but you just can’t get use to it. You let your dormmate drag you to this stupid party only for her to ditch you in the first 10 minutes. Great.

You weave through the crowd trying to locate the kitchen to get your hands on the strongest drink you can find, lord knows you need it.

The kitchen is just as crowded as the rest of the house unfortunately. So many bodies. Bodies doing shots. Bodies doing shots off other bodies. Bodies playing games. Bodies grinding against other bodies. So many fucking bodies. It is honestly overwhelming. You walk towards the punch bowl, reaching for a red solo cup when another hand bumps into yours.

“Whoops sorry, go ahead.” The hand is attached to this boy—or man? Should you say man? He sure looks like one. He eyes you up and down before smiling down at you.

“Freshmen?” he asks.

You slump your shoulders, “Do I really look that outta place?” you pout.

“It’s not that…I just have a way of knowing.” He laughs. “I’m Namjoon, by the way.”

Namjoon, huh? He is cute that was for sure. “Y/N.” you say placing a strand of hair behind your ear.

“Pretty!” he smiles, then his eyes look behind you. “Ay! Jungkook! What did I say?! No more Keg stands!!!!” Then Namjoon’s eyes are back on you, “Sorry Y/N gotta go, gotta take care of this brat.” Then walks past you to this mysterious Jungkook person.

Your eyes follow Namjoon as he rushes to whoever this Jungkook guy is. Namjoon pulls him to the side obviously scolding him for apparently doing too many keg stands. Jungkook looks like a small child who is about to get grounded, and you can’t help but giggle. Unfortunately, this caught Jungkook’s attention. He looks straight at you, his eyes narrowing. Wait a minute. You recognize him! He definitely looks like the same guy from your Lit class on Tuesday and Thursdays. Yup, you get one long good look at him and he is definitely the same heartthrob of a dude from your class. All the girls go crazy for this guy, you mean, you guess you get it. He is really hot. He’s got on a black t shirt and some ripped jeans, and tousled hair.

Jungkook looks at you again with furrowed brows then smirks. Fuck, you were staring. And got caught. You see Jungkook pat Namjoon on the shoulder a few times then walk past him, much to Namjoon’s annoyance.

And he’s walking towards….you. FUCK. In a total panic, you twirl around to face the wall, yes the fucking wall when you feel a tap on your shoulder.

“’Scuse me?” a voice says from behind you. You’re not going to play dumb, you know who the voice probably belongs to. You stay facing the wall, like a fucking weirdo.

“Wanna turn around?” his voice is light and teasing and you can’t help the long release of breath before turning to face him. Wow. Up close he’s even more handsome….

“Hi?” you sputter out, completely unaware of how lame and shy you sound.

“Hey, like what you see?” he nods his head in the direction he just came from, clearly amused.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Apparently playing dumb is how you decide to go about this. You stare at him with a blank expression, swaying from side to side. Lucky for you it’s in beat with the music so you look kind of cool. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.

“I mean, you kept staring at me so.”

“No, its…it’s not like that”

“Then, what’s it like?”

“I just…I thought I recognized you so…” you wipe your sweaty hands on your black denim skirt. “That’s all.” You finish, still looking at him like you haven’t done anything weird tonight.

“Anderson’s Lit class right?” he asks with a pointed look. “I recognized you too.” His smirk does things to your lower half but you shouldn’t be admitting that right now.

“Oh?” is all you manage to say.

Jungkook studies you for a few moments, his gaze so dark and intimidating and you feel so flushed with his eyes on you. Then he groans with fingers rushing through his messy hair,

“Do you understand this week’s assignment?”

He…he wants to talk about school?

“Yes, I do. Because this assignment is wack as fuck.”

OH. You must of asked that out loud.

“Yes, you did.”

Oh, that too.

“Umm, yeah. What aren’t you understanding?” you finally say something relevant.

“It’s just more like, I think it’s a stupid assignment.” He chuckles, “Oh, you got something—” he reaches his hand forward to your hair, his fingers brushing through your long strands, pulling back with a piece of string. “Got it.” He says with a sly smile.

HOW CHEESY!!!! But like, it still made the heartbeat in your vagina go boom boom.

“Ya know…” he begins, his eyes never leaving yours as he talks. You actually don’t even know what he is talking about but his lips move so quickly you try to follow them. Your eyes on his lips the whole time, you don’t even realize it.

“…and that’s why I think it’s stupid.” He finally finishes with an obnoxious laugh. “Hey—hey are you even listening?” he says, his lips in a pout. You would know because they are all you’ve been staring at.

“Huh?” you blink lazily up at him, “Oh. Yeah. I totally agree.”

Jungkook stares at you seriously for a second before breaking out into a cackle, yes a cackle like he’s some hysterical witch. Which sounds really unattractive but honestly you’re digging it.

“It’s okay, you weren’t listening. I guess I’m not that interesting, huh?”

“No no! You are!” You’re quick to say, your hands waving frantically in front of you.

“Oh? So you do find me interesting?” he smirks, folding his arms across his chest.

You scoff at his words, appreciating his moves on you with a sly smile.

“Are you always this smooth?” you ask, a light teasing tone laced in your voice.

“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He teases back.

Feeling so at home lost in your memories with Jungkook, you finally break free from the flashback. For some reason that’s a flashback you don’t mind reliving.

“Smooth.” You grin at Jungkook, you can’t help the blush that paints itself on your cheeks.

“For you? Always.” He grins back. You two just stare at one another, basking in the memories of your friendship.

“Okay, enough.” Jimin cuts in, his hands on both yours and Jungkook’s shoulders, “Either actually get a room and finally fuck or get on with your nights.”

You and Jungkook exchange awkward glances before turning towards the living room to join the party. Jimin is left at the houses entrance by the front door, totally dumbfounded. “these two idiots…” he scoffs under his breath, his eyes rolling so far back into his head.

Hours pass and you know what? The party isn’t as lame as you thought it might be. You are lost in the music on the living rooms dance floor with a red solo cup in one hand and your phone in the other.

“y/n!” you hear the call of one of your closest girlfriends.

“Trina!!!” you stumble towards her with a lopsided grin, you reach for her bringing her in for a long hug.

“Woah, someone’s drunk.” She laughs her loud laugh that you love so much. “And damn, the titty shirt is out tonight? Nice.”

“Not drunk” you giggle, and then continue to giggle again for no apparent reason.

“Right…” Trina slaps your back enthusiastically, “Where’s…” she then lowers her voice with a smirk, “lover boy?”

“who? Jungkook?” you ask with the tilt of your head.

Trina’s head pushes back with a confused expression, “What? No! I’m talking about…” she lowers her voice again, “Taehyung!”

OH. Right. You had texted Trina as soon as the whole ordeal with Taehyung unraveled. She knows of your long time crush and totally supports the idea of fake dating because as she puts it:

“Girl! This is your chance! Show him what a great girlfriend you would be, he would totally fall in love with you for real for real.”

And you have to say, you like where her head is at. Complete opposite of what Jungkook is always saying.

“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t see him around.” You sway side to side, your lit up phone catching your attention.

Jungkook 1:22am

Don’t come home tonight ;)

You can’t help but roll your eyes. How is he so quick?

Y/N 1:23am

Alreadyasydy tslked 2 Jiminie, staying w hum toniteeee.

Jungkook 1:24am

y/n…you’re not too drunk right?

Jungkook 1:27am


You are back to shaking your ass with Trina by your side, the bass of the music thumping so loudly you can feel it vibrate your whole body. Body after body pushes into you, causing you to stumble every few seconds. But your grip on your refilled solo cup doesn’t loosen, not as you chug back your drink.

“Gonna grab another!” you slur, nodding your head towards the kitchen. Trina only gives you a thumbs up as she continues to dance with some random girl.

The walk to the kitchen feels like it’s taking forever, the way the walls swirl around you makes you feel sick. You stagger through the kitchens walk way when you feel two arms wrap around your middle.

“My girlfriend!” You hear the slur of words in your right ear, loud and clear.

You turn in the man’s hold with squinted eyes,

“Oh hi Tae.” You giggle, encasing him in a hug. Drunk y/n is way more confident. For some reason seeing him like this you don’t feel as nervous or awkward. Then you feel it. The weird, uncomfortable pang in your chest. Why is that? You look up at Taehyung when the sensation of guilt begins to surface. You remind yourself of the mission you’re on, completely ignoring the inner truth that tries to bubble over and smile at him.

Taehyung looks down at you with a goofy grin, his fingers digging into your waist to keep you steady.

“Oh, you’re drunk drunk.” He teases.

“Am not!” you shake away your confusing thoughts and giggle some more. “wanna take a shot with me?” you excitedly ask him, nodding in the direction of the liquor bottles.

“Hell yeah girl!” he says, taking your hand and leading you towards the counter.

“Y/N are you okay????” Taehyung voice is laced in concern as he holds you. Yes, the Kim Taehyung is holding you. “Shit, I shouldn’t have let you drink this much….” But like in a totally pathetic way.

“You…” you lean back, hitting his chest with your pointer finger, “Don’t tell me how much I can or can’t drink!” your voice buzzes as you fall forward but Taehyung catches you again.

“Right right…” he chuckles but then he looks concerned again. “We need to get you home…let’s call Jungkook.”

“No! we caaaannnnoottt do that…” your words are all jumbled together, Taehyung has a hard time understanding you.

“Where’s your phone?”

“Back pocket.” You wink. Like a fucking sleaze.

Taehyung looks conflicted, but in the end he reaches around for your phone and turns it on.

“Holy shit y/n… you have 8 missed calls from Jungkook. And whole lotta texts.”

Jungkook 1:30am

Are you okay??

Jungkook 1:40am

y/n…Youre a big girl so ill just assume youre okay.

Jungkook 3:02am

Just talked to jimin and you aren’t with him?? where are u??

Jungkook 3:18am

Answer your fukin phone

Jungkook 3:23am

Are you still at the party?

Jungkook 3:41am

You aren’t with Trina either? y/n where are you?

Jungkook 4:00am

Don’t make me go back there….pls just answer your phone so I know if youre like, idk fucking alive

Jungkook 4:10am

Fine im going to look for you

“Fuck.” Taehyung hisses under his breath. “I gotta call him…I’m gonna call him okay?”

Your eyes go comically wide at Taehyungs words.


“too late” he says, the phone to his hear.

“Hey man, no its me…Taehyung, yeah…yeah….she….” Taehyung eyes you carefully as he speaks on the phone, “She’s fine. She just has had maybe too much to dri—” Taehyung drags a hand down his tired face, “No for fucks sake I didn’t do anything to her. Really dude?”

You lean into Taehyungs space, trying to put your ear to the phone as well and Taehyung can’t help but laugh.

“I read all your texts to be honest…if you have a girl over…what? No, I’m saying y/n can just stay with me…”

Stay with Taehyung? That should make your heart race but—

You think all the alcohol is catching up to you at once and the world becomes even more blurred and a spinning mess. You would give anything to be cuddled up in your blankets with Jungkook taking care of you—wait, no. You don’t need Jungkook to take care of you. You have a perfectly good Taehyung who just offered his place to you.

“I swear man, I’ll take care of h—” Taehyung rolls his eyes, “she might be too drunk to talk….okay, I’ll ask her.” Taehyung lowers the phone and faces you.


“Hm?” you blink lazily, swaying into Taehyungs chest. Oh no. You feel it, you feel the nausea building up in your tummy, making its way up your chest. On a scale of 1 to 10 how dead would you die if you threw up on Taehyung?

“Do you want Jungkook to come pick you up?”

Jungkook? Like, your Jungkook? Unfortunately for you, your eyes gloss over and probably also unfortunate for Taehyung as well as he looks at you with an alarmed expression . You feel sick. You want to go home. You want to sit on your bathroom floor and throw up in the toilet with Jungkook sitting next to you while he hums a soft tune to soothe you.

“Y-Yes.” You murmur shyly, you begin to sniffle and Taehyung begins to panic.

“Okay man yeah come pick her up.”

“want Jungkook…” you say as a few tears spill over. You are trying your hardest to keep the puke down but its threatening to exit your poor drunk body.

“I think she’s gonna be sick so please hurry…” Taehyung rushes to say over the phone before hanging up.

The next few minutes are a blur, you know Taehyung rushes you to the bathroom. He is overly sweet the whole time you see nothing but blurred, spinning images. He holds your hair back as your body threatens to release tonight’s dinner and says comforting words but nothing makes you feel better. The puke won’t make its guest appearance and your whole world is spinning at a inhumane pace. You’re about to give up on life and fall to the bathroom floor of this gross frat house and try to sleep when you hear him.

“Lemme in dude.” It’s Jungkook. You stir from your sleepy state and turn your head towards the door. He barges in, his eyes landing on you and they soften. He immediately falls to the floor to caress the back of your head and you immediately begin to sob. The tears are out of your control as they slide down your cheeks.

“Don’t...don’t...feel good.” You say between wails, gripping desperately onto his shirt.

“I know baby, I know.” He pulls you into his chest, his hand soothingly running up and down your back. “Has she thrown up yet?” Jungkook looks up at Taehyung with expectant eyes. Taehyung is so caught off guard while watching the two of you.

“uh, no.”

“Okay, can you leave us alone for a while?” Jungkook says somewhat harshly then his features soften as he whispers “She will probably be embarrassed later if you saw…”

“Right.” Taehyung says, his worried expression not going unnoticed by Jungkook. Then Taehyung is on his way out, but he turns one last time to get a look at you.

“feel better y/n” then he is out the door, shutting it behind him.

“Okay y/n…remember what you gotta do?”

“finger?” you slur.

“Yup. Put your finger…yes like that,” he says as you begin to push your finger down your throat to get yourself to throw up.

“I promise you’ll feel better.”

You begin gagging on your finger as you finally throw up in the toilet, Jungkook rubbing your back the entire time giving you words of encouragement.

“Good girl, good girl.” He whispers.

Your face is a fucking mess. Your makeup smeared beyond belief. The black streaks from your tears marking your cheeks in the most horrific way. Jungkook watches you as you cry into his lap on the floor, his heart breaking at the sight. He hated when you drank too much and got like this. He should of never left you alone tonight.

“Jungkook?” you choke out, your tears still spilling from your dark eyes.

“Hm?” he responds, his fingers brushing back your hair.

“Did I ruin your night? Or did you still get some?” you chuckle pathetically.

“Don’t worry about that.” He brushes more hair out of your face, he lifts your head up and places it on a towel. He stands to his feet at the sink, reaching for a towelette and running it under warm water.

“Gonna clean your face okay?” he warns softly.

“kay…” you close your eyes when you feel the wet warmth of the towelette on your cheek. Jungkook is careful to clean you delicately, wiping away the makeup and leaving you spotless.

He’s back under you, your head in his lap and his hands back in your hair.

“you told me you were going to be with Jimin tonight yet you were with Taehyung…”

“It just happened like that” you whisper, sleep beginning to take over.

“I was…really worried about you when I didn’t hear from you, stupid.”

You smile at his words, his touch making you melt.

“Ya know, you’re not the only one allowed to get some Jungkook. I can be like you and have sex too if I want.”

“What are you talking about?” his hand stops in your hair.

“Would if I was getting some? That’s why I didn’t answer?”

“Were you?” his voice is low.

“Well, no—”

“Okay good.”

“Why is that good? Hm?” you open your eyes just a little bit, taking in the hazy world. “Wish it was you I was getting it on with?” you say quietly.

“You’re drunk.”

“I wanna go home.”

“take a nap first, okay?” his fingers begin playing in your hair again, “I’ll wake you up in 30 minutes.”

Your eyes are already closed when he says this, sleep already welcoming you in its warm embrace. “Kay” you murmur.

Jungkook plays with your hair as you snooze in his lap, he watches the rise and fall of your chest and wonders what it would be like to lay his head on it and sleep too.

Bbrrrr bbbrrrrr bbrrrr brrrrrr

A phone call. The most horrifying buzzing occurs next to your face as you sleep peacefully in your bed. Wait, how did you get home last night? You remember drinking and dancing the night away, you remember hanging out with Taehyung…oh no, you remember Jungkook coming to the rescue. Oh no...

You try to open your eyes, but the light from the sun is too damn blinding. You squint at what is in view. Right in front of you, you see black locks of hair poking out of the blanket, a dark blue blanket. You recognize this blanket. Jungkook’s blanket. You are in Jungkook’s bed. With Jungkook. This isn’t so surprising, you imagine you had refused to sleep in your own bed last night—

Bbbrrrr bbbrrrr brrrr brrrrr

Right. Your phone.

You fumble the phone trying to pick it up and answer it when Jungkook groans next to you,

“Hurry up and answer it” he says, sliding deeper under the covers.

“Hello?” you croak out, your voice hoarse and honestly? Disgusting.

“Hey y/n!” This voice is way too damn chipper for whatever ungodly hour it is.


“Good afternoon sleepy head! Did I wake you?” Afternoon? What time is it? You pull the phone away from your face to check the time.


Holy shit, you’ve slept the day away.

“No no,” you lie, “Just in bed…” you say sitting up from where you lay.

“Great! Do you think maybe I could…come over? We can discuss the whole fake dating thing.” He chuckles into the phone. COME OVER? Immediately you begin smoothing down your hair with your free hand and start to peel back the covers to get out of bed.

“Umm, when?” you glance over at sleeping Jungkook, his face mostly hidden behind the blanket.

“Maybe around 6? I could cook you dinner? I know you had a rough night…”

Fucking great. You don’t want to think of last night, you will die of fucking embarrassment.

“yeah…listen, you don’t have to do all that—”

“I want to!” Taehyung is quick to cut you off, “As your boyfriend—fake boyfriend it is my duty to take care of you!” you feel like you can see the boxy smile on his face. It makes you motherfucking swoon.

“Okay then, 6.” You smile into the phone. “Bye tae.”

You bring the phone down into your lap, clicking the end button. Dinner with Taehyung? Like a date? You can’t help but feel internally giddy at the thought. You squeal for a second before Jungkook speaks up.

“What’s at 6?” he peeks from under the covers, his voice husky and groggy.

“Oh… nothing” you sing, a bright smile on your face.

“Something with Tae?” he begins to sit himself up as well.

“We’re just going to have dinner and talk about the whole fake dating thing.” You beam.

“You’re still doing that shit?”

Automatically you go from super excited to annoyed. Only Jungkook can do that to you.

“It’s harmless, Jungkook. Plus…”

“plus what?” he raises a single brow.

“Trina says this is a good opportunity…”

“y/n I have told you not to get too involved with this guy, but you don’t listen to me.” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, then bows his head down in defeat.

“But whatever, learn your fucking lessons by yourself.”

You can’t help but feel like Jungkook is once again looking down at you, like you aren’t good enough for Taehyung. Your breaths become unsteady as you just stare at your best friend like he isn’t constantly hurting your feelings on the matter.

“I—I will be fine. I want him, Jungkook. And this is—this is a good opportunity to show him I can be a good enough girlfriend ya know—”

“Just stop.” Jungkook cuts you off in a harsh tone. “I never said you weren’t good enough? You’re just not what he wants.” Jungkook can see how his words break you further. “Fuck. Forget I said that, y/n…”

“Why can’t he want me?”

Jungkook hates just how quietly you ask that…he hates how defeated you sound, how defeated you look…your head hanging low with no attempt to even look at him.

“He’s just…”

“No, it’s fine. Don’t answer that” You stand from the bed and begin walking towards his door. You look down to see you’re wearing nothing but Jungkook’s t shirt and some panties, you groan at your own shamelessness when you hear the rushed ruffling of the comforter behind you and the plop of feet landing on the ground. Jungkook stands behind you, his fingers wrapped around your wrist.

“Just move on y/n…”

I’m fucking trying to, is what you want to say but instead you opt for a harsh ‘leave me alone’ as you exit his room.

You spend the next couple of hours pampering yourself, you had a rough night and you totally deserve a piece of cake, this bubble bath and face mask. You want to feel relaxed but you can’t get the image of Jungkook out of your head. You hate it when the two of you fight. You mean, to others this would hardly come off as a ‘fight’ but you and Jungkook never really have negative energy. So, yes. It’s a fight. He’s the last person in the world you want to fight with. Yet here you are.

But then the image of Taehyung cooking you dinner enters your mind and somehow you feel a little more at ease. Was this a date? You giggle to yourself, blowing bubbles that reaches your lips as you sink deeper into the tub. You have an hour before Taehyung was to arrive at your apartment…your shared apartment. God, you hope Jungkook takes a hint and goes and hangs out with Jimin or something.

You finally rise from the tub and dry off your now freshly cleansed body. The scent of lavender fills the air and you feel satisfied with how your bath turned out.

You read the clock…5:30pm and you know it’s time to get dressed.

You settle for some high waisted shorts and a white tank top with a purple bralette where the straps are generously shown. Looking into the mirror, you decide to do light makeup and tinted lip balm. You don’t want to try too hard for the boy you’re trying to woo.

And bam. 6pm right on the dot you hear the door being lightly knocked. You begin walking towards the front door but stop to see if Jungkook is in his room or not. He’s not. Relief washes over you as you continue to walk towards the front door. But where did he go? You’re relieved he isn’t home but feel anxious that you don’t know where he could have gone. Maybe to Jimin’s? Maybe to some random girls? Somehow this makes you feel more anxious. You shake away those thoughts and swing the front door open.

“Hey there.” Taehyungs boxy grin is enough to get you pregnant. Like, god damn. He looks amazing. He’s got dress pants and some floral shirt and his hair looks slightly wet. That’s not the only thing slightly wet. You internally cringe at your thought.

“Hey Tae, come on in.” you open the door wider to let the boy through. He walks past you and makes himself comfortable in the kitchen, setting down a bag of what you assume is probably groceries.

“You like spaghetti?” he asks excitedly, almost like a child.

“Who doesn’t?” you smirk walking his way and sitting down at the breakfast table. “Need any help?” you offer.

“Not at all.” Taehyung begins unpacking his things and gets to work in the kitchen. You watch in awe, your head nuzzled in your hands as he does his thing.

“Dinner was amazing Tae.” You go to compliment the chef. It really was. The noodles were long and soft and the sauce was very flavorful. Did you really just compliment the length and softness of fucking noodles? Wow, you are whipped. You almost wish Taehyung was your roommate and not useless in the kitchen Jungkook. Oh. Jungkook. The thought of him enters your mind and it has you hurting. You may be having a blast with your crush but you and your best friend are still in the middle of a fight. About said crush. But this really is your chance. You can get Taehyung to like you, maybe even fall for you. And you need this. You need this. So you can’t give up, no matter what Jungkook says.

“Not as amazing as you” Taehyung winks but then his face drops, “Sorry that was cheesy, wasn’t it?” he drags a hand down his handsome face. “I suck at flirting.”

You look up at him, completely intrigued.

“You’re trying to flirt with me?” you can’t help but to smile slyly.

“Of course I am!” Taehyung laughs loudly then reaches for his backpack in the chair next to his and pulls out a notebook.

“So I wrote some ideas for this whole fake dating thing.” He becomes just a tad more serious as a nervous grin lights up his face.

“Oh really? Should I have a look?” you say reaching for the notebook with grabby hands, “Gimme!”

Taehyung chuckles while pulling the notebook to his chest, “No! Miss Greedy.” He teases. “How about I just read them and we can discuss?”

“fine.” You pout, “Whatever you say.”

“Whatever I say? I like the sound of that.” He smirks then his eyes fall to the paper in front of him. “First, we should go on dates…like all the time. The more time we spend together the more believable it’ll be. Ya know?”

“Okay, makes sense. Makes sense.”

“Second, we should attend all parties together and leave together too.” Then his eyes go wide, “I just mean—like don’t worry, I’ll make sure I get you home.”

You can’t help but giggle, nodding your head to his words.

“Third, we should post each other on social media! For example, I can take a picture of tonight’s date and post it on the gram.”

“Tonight was a date?” you ask, a delighted smile making its way on your face.

“Well, yeah…” he answers shyly.

“anything else?” you question, leaning your head in your hands as you look into his big brown eyes.

“Well….. there is one more thing I wrote down….” He answers awkwardly. His eyes sliding to the side to avert your gaze.

“oh? What is it?” you try to take a peek at the paper, curiosity getting the best of you—as usual.

“I’ll just let you read it…” he then pushes the notebook on the table in your direction, you excitedly pick it up and skim the paper. You look at all the things he wrote down, smiling because he even added his own tips.

Buy her flowers.

Movie dates?

Netflix and chill

Cook her dinner

How cute. He even added little doodles. Your eyes continue to skim the page as your smile grows at how much thought he has put into this. Your heart is beating out of your chest…you know this is all fake and for show but you cannot help how happy its making you feel. You continue to smile and hum as your eyes skim lower and lower until you see the last thing on his list.

No Jungkook.

Huh? Your smile begins to falter. No Jungkook? What does that even mean? You look up to meet Taehyungs eyes. He’s already anxiously staring at you.

“I don’t understand?” you breathe out, “What does that mean?”

“No Jungkook.” He half whispers.

“You—you realize he is my best friend? Why no Jungkook?” you pinch your brows together in confusion.

“It’s just…” Taehyung begins to explain himself, “You two are awfully close. And people already get the wrong idea about you two. Like, all the fucking time. Even I think sometimes…that’s not important. It just means for one month, you’re mine. And I don’t want people to get the wrong idea if you’re always with Jungkook.” He pulls at the hair at his neck. “Is this making sense?” Taehyung looks flustered trying to get out all of his words.

“It would make me look pathetic don’t you think? That my supposed girlfriend is always with some other guy? I mean, y/n it’s just for one month…”

One month without Jungkook? Would you really choose a boy over your best friend? Even if only for a month?

“Tae… I don’t know.” You look down at your hands as your breathing begins to pick up.

“I can’t just abandon my best friend for an entire month…”

“I mean, you guys live together so it’s not like you won’t be seeing him. Just in public…ya know?”

Taehyung has a point, you try to reason. If you have a boyfriend it’s only natural to spend most of your time with them. But it still felt wrong. But… a part of you feels like this is a good idea, actually. You’ve always been meaning to put at least some distance between you and Jungkook, ya know, for your own sake. But this feels wrong. You’re about to decline his request when you hear the front door open and Jungkook’s shuffles in. He has his airpods in and doesn’t even spare you a glance. He walks straight to his bedroom and slams the door shut.

You feel embarrassed in front of your guest that your roommate and also yeah, your best fucking friend didn’t even acknowledge you.

“Uh, he’s in a mood” you try covering for Jungkook. Then you feel the buzz of your phone and you go to check it

Jungkook 8:02pm

Watching you fawn over him is just pathetic, but like, good luck.

All you see is red. Jungkook once again shitting on your love life and raining on your god damn parade. You know what? This is your chance with Taehyung and you aren’t going to let your bratty best friend ruin that for you.

“You know what, Tae?” you say setting your phone on the table.


“You’re right. I agree with your list.”

“Wait—you do? Even the Jung—”


Taehyung tilts his head to the side as a wide grin makes its way across his face, “should we shake on it?” he asks with his hand pushed out in front of you.

You take his hand in yours, squeezing tightly before you pull him in and seal the deal with a quick kiss. Taehyung’s shocked expression makes you giggle, “Thought that would make it more official”

“I like having you as a girlfriend already.”

One month without Jungkook? Bring it on.

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2 years ago

ughh this was so good but my heart hurts oc deserves better :( i need my girl to leave his ass asap he doesn’t deserve her one bit 😭

fool me once | jjk


You never expect anything from Jungkook, but somehow he always manages to let you down.

pairing: jungkook x reader

genre: fuckboy au, fwb au, smut, angst

warnings: multiple (2) sex scenes, protected sex, breast play, clit smacking, the smut is for angsty purposes tbh, one-sided pining, jk is an asshole (srsly, this jk does not deserve any rights)

word count: approx. 3k | moodboard

note: inspired by the song ‘birthday’ by maisie peters bc i listened to it on repeat for days when i was going thru a shitty fling a few years back ;; again, this isn’t as edited as i’d like but it iz what it iz

— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡


“My birthday is on Saturday.”

You don’t know why you’re telling him, especially since you’re almost positive that he doesn’t care. Jungkook is deep inside of you for the third time in the last seven days, and you’re telling him about your birthday. It feels… wrong.

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2 years ago

no sweetness


☇ “It’s funny because you remind me exactly of this drink I made last night. Yeah, yeah, it was the black tea with boba. Bitter, with tiny balls.”

➣  pairing: reader x jungkook

➣  genre: fluff, comedy, bobarista!reader, lacrosseplayer!jungkook, e2l!au

➣  word count: 23k (of pure disgusting e2l fluff) 

➣  warning!: slight implicit smut 

➣  a/n: header title credit to the loveliest @yehdayums​ !!! a sweetheart for making this cute header hehe <3 also support small businesses! 

➣  summary: jungkook has a thing for pretty girls who work with tiny balls, especially the new fiery bobarista at his favorite boba shop, whom he finds absolutely adorable, but finds out later that she’s just as sweet as she made his milk tea order— not sweet.


Jeon Jungkook is absolutely whipped as cream.

Why, you may ask?

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2 years ago

how long will we fall


pairing: jungkook x reader

wordcount: 14k

glimpse: if it’s fate, it should already be set onto your skin — that’s why jungkook’s initials are already on your finger. he’s always there for you, but not only for you. if you’re his fate, he’d rather not have it.

alternatively, jungkook’s your soulmate, but he doesn’t want to be.

[ soulmate au, painful f2l, unrequited love (at first), a lot of angst, more fluff n wholesome moments, emotional constipation, yearning, jealousy, swearing, reverse cards that make u cheer, redemption arc, i swear to u that this does not hurt as much as heartburn did ]

notes: i’m back with a big fic!!! :D this was originally supposed to be named something else but i realized that the title was Too Serious and u know what,,, ten listens later as i write this, i realized that i’m obsessed with this song that i received from this ask and wow thank u so much anon <33 although the rec isn’t originally for this fic, it fits perfectly and i can’t thank u enough <33

as always, lmk what you think <3 send in feedback n love to my askbox anytime!! even replying to this post sends me over the moon :)

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2 years ago

never be friends | jjk


⇥ pairing: best friend!jungkook x reader

⇥ genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, crack, suggestive

⇥ rating: 18+ bc of their convos<3

⇥ warnings: swearing, convos kind of suggestive, constant cute bickering, jk’s lip ring, bit of jealousy, kissing and making out💋 + confessions ig

⇥ wc: 3k

⇥ author’s notes: this is a repost!! it was my first drabble thingy, so it might not be super great, sorry!! better things to come but i still hope it’s okay😗

⇥ summary: A healthy mix of irritation and amusement leads to kissing and making out with your best friend. Everyone knows that.

The crowd seems to tense more whenever you blink.

With each passing second, there’s another inebriated, blabbering individual who’s clinging onto Jungkook’s neck. How he’s not suffocating yet is beyond your understanding.

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2 years ago
 Take You Like A Drug, I Taste You On My Tongue,

⊹₊ ⋆ “take you like a drug, i taste you on my tongue,”

TAGS — unprotected sex, older!jk, praise kink, unplanned pregnancy, reader’s a little shy, dubious the first time, slight daddy kink, possessive!jk, slight degradation, creampie

WORD COUNT — 2.4 k

 Take You Like A Drug, I Taste You On My Tongue,

"y/n what–how? Do you know who the dad is?" Your friend asks in disbelief with a mix of shock and sympathy.

You bite your lower lip and stare back at her, it wasn't easy to just go and say "Oh yeah did I mention the baby daddy is your father? We may or may not have hooked up MANY times." You couldn't possibly ever tell her, this was something you'd take to the grave.

"I do.." You softly begin, fiddling with the hem of your skirt with obvious nervousness, "It just happened okay? I wasn't being careful with my birth control and I was late but by then. I think when I realized, I was already pregnant."

She lets out a deep sigh, oh no, your heart begins to race as you stare at her in desperation. You want her to say something, anything at this point. The thought of disappointing her like your parents doesn't sit right in your stomach.

"I'm not going to judge you." She finally says, "I'm here for you, whatever the hell happened with the guy isn't going to stop me from supporting you." She cracks a tiny smile and reaches for your hand, "I always wanted to be a auntie."

You smile back in relief, "Thank you." You softly say and snuggle close, "You're the best."

"Hey, that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Who is this guy anyways?" She grins, "You didn't tell me anything about no boy," she wags her finger in your face which causes you to giggle, "I didn't know you were getting busy like that." She winks.

You grow hot in embarrassment and hide your face, "It's a long story..."


You don't know when or how your small puppy crush on Jungkook started. When your friend mentioned why she didn't like inviting her friends over for dinner, you were a bit taken back by her words.

"I'm serious y/n," she said, "I don't like bringing anyone cause of my dad, they always act so fucking weird about it too. But I know you're not like that."

Those words sting a bit. You aren't so sure what she means exactly but you decide to let it go and just find out for yourself why she has so much faith in you going over. Then it hits you. Her dad is literally sex on legs. You grow embarrassed at your reluctance to make eye contact with the older man.

From there on you get more familiar with the man. He asks you about your day and actually looks interested in holding a conversation about your hobbies and interests. You've never had someone who was so invested in you like he was.

You wonder why he was so interested. You were a simple person, always so shy and bashful with others. Maybe that's why your friend protected you the way she did.. Cause in everyone else's eyes you were a baby. A sweet, sweet pretty baby. Too sweet for your own good.

You were somewhat of a prude, always covering up and never showing off "the goods god gave you" as your friend put it. What could Jungkook possibly ever see in you? You ask yourself that a lot.

The dealbreaker happens when your friend insists on you going to the club with her. She dresses you in a simple yet sexy bodycon dress that fits like a glove. It ends right above your knees, mid-thigh (which is something you have never worn because to you it was scandalous), and a pair of black heels.

"Dad we're heading out now!" She yells, hurrying down the steps with her own heels in hand, "Be back in a few hours!"

You timidly follow her, a hand on your chest as you take slow steps constantly tugging the hem of the dress down because you think you're too exposed. She even put makeup on you! Not that you don't wear it already, you just tend to go for simple looks.. not this fiery red lipstick (you admit you look amazing though).

"Careful, be sure to keep an eye out for each other and don't go with strangers." Jungkook turns around the corner of the hall and stands at the front door.

Your friend says something back but all you can really focus on is the way Jungkook's eyes slowly drift to you. They widen slightly in shock but he recovers quickly, gaze drifting over your whole body from head to toe.

"Dad are you even listening?" Your friend huffs in annoyance as she bumps her shoulder with him.

Jungkook forces himself to look away, "Yeah.. uh have fun okay? Be safe the two of you." He nods and lets you both pass. "y/n," he stops you right when you're stepping out from beside him, "you look beautiful." He smiles and lets you go with a nod.

The entire time you're at the club all you can really think about is the way Jungkook looked at you with hunger and lust in his eyes. He was basically eyeing you like a piece of meat the entire time. You even forgot you were in the club for a moment, letting your friend bring you to the bar for drinks and to the dancefloor. 

It's about three in the morning when you and your friend head back to her place. She's drunkly stumbling around and giggling as she tries to be quiet. "Shhh... don't want my old man waking up." She giggles, not exactly being quiet either.

You're only tipsy, swaying occasionally as you balance yourself against the porch. "Mmm I'm so tired." You mumble out and step out of the heels. 

"I got it!" She squeals in excitement and opens the door, "I'm homeeee...!" So much for being discreet..

You stumble in after her and watch as she drunkly makes her way to her bedroom, "See you there..." She slurs out and disappears upstairs. 

"See you.." You softly reply and head into the kitchen for a glass of water. The house is eerily quiet, you make quick work of filling a glass up with water. You hum softly and tentatively take sips from the glass, enjoying how the cool liquid feels going down your throat. 

"Had fun?" Jungkook suddenly speaks, interrupting the silence in the room.

You jump a little and turn around to look at him, gulping the water in your mouth as you wipe your lips. "Y-Yeah." You say softly, averting your gaze because your drunk fueled mind plays images of earlier when he was checking you out. He looks so handsome in a white tee and low hanging sweats with a very obvious bulge in his pants. 

He chuckles quietly, toying with his lip ring as he nods, "Looks like it," he pushes himself off the doorway and steps into the kitchen, nearly crowding you against the counter as he opens the fridge and pops a beer open, "bet you had all the boys after you." He's looking at you with those dark eyes again. 

"Sorry..?" You refuse to believe he just said those words to you. This type of conversation was headed in a very much inappropriate direction. "I don't understand what you mean." 

"What I said," he calmly sets the beer down and leans against the counter, trapping you against it as he stares down at you, "I refuse to believe no one wanted a pretty thing like you in their bed tonight." He lowly says, reaching up to play with a curl that was over your shoulder. 

You look down at his hand and then look back up at him, "Mr Jeon," you start but he interrupts you with a low 'Jungkook' as his fingers toy with the strap of your dress, slipping it down your arm slowly. "J-Jungkook.." You whisper and take a step back. 

Jungkook crowds you against the sink and sets both hands on either side of you, licking his lips as he stares down at you and releases a quiet chuckle, "Such a pretty girl," he murmurs, "almost didn't wanna let you leave the house looking like that. All dolled up... you could make a grown man cry sweetheart." He smirks.

You're unsure on what to say, you stare up at him shyly and soak in his praises and pet names. "Hani's sleeping upstairs.." You whisper and turn your head to the side, trying to move past him, "She could wake up any minute."

"She's a heavy sleeper." Jungkook replies simply before hell breaks loose.

He grabs you by your face and gently holds it as he presses his lips to yours. You make a noise of surprise and reach up to hold on to his arm. You lack the experience he has as he kisses you like no tomorrow. His lips move over yours smoothly, he rubs his thumb alongside your face as he presses you into the counter with his hips. 

Jungkook's other hand slides up your side, rubbing it idly before he creeps his hand downwards and grabs on to your thigh. You whimper softly into the kiss and raise your leg, you hook your thigh around his waist as you timidly reach up to grip the back of his neck with both hands.

"That's it sweetheart, doin' so well for me." He whispers amidst the kisses and quiet little moans you let out here and there. "Be a good girl and stay quiet for me yeah..?" He softly murmurs and taps your other thigh, signaling that he wants you to jump, "Gonna treat you real nice sweetheart." 

And with that your relationship with your bestfriend's dad begins.


Hani knows your relationship with your parents isn't the best, they practically ignore you and only provide the necessary: a roof over your head, clothes and food. You lack that parental affection and unconditional love. It results in your obvious desire for attention and validation. 

So she invites you to move in with her and Jungkook. She says something about the guest bedroom never being used and that Jungkook wouldn't mind having you stay over because in her words he "sees you as his daughter". You're guilt ridden because if only she knew. 

Moving in with them opens a whole new door to your relationship with Jungkook. You always fuck when Hani leaves for her shift or for a late tutoring session she has. He couldn't keep his hands off you nor his pants on. You were surprised that Hani hasn't walked in at this rate, you doubt she'd be very happy to see her father fucking her friend.

Today was no different,  as soon as Hani had left the house for a shift she was covering Jungkook was on you. You laid flat on your back in the living room, leg thrown over his shoulder with your panties dangling around your ankle. Soft moans and meek whimpers escaped your lips as his cock rubbed up against every nook and cranny inside of your pussy. You felt stuffed, your pussy lewdly squelched with each thrust as his cock slid in and out. 

Jungkook was hunched over you, quiet grunts and growls leaving him. "Fuck sweetheart, you're so fucking wet for me. Gonna make a mess on my cock baby? You gonna be a good girl and cream for me?" He whispers harshly against your lips as he rocks up into you roughly. 

You're jolted a little from his thrust, lips parting as lewd little "uh's" escaped your lips. You weakly nod and dig your perfectly manicured nails into his back, toes curling from the hot pleasure you're feeling. "J-Jungkook.." You weakly stammer out, your breath hitches when his cock hits something inside of you. "Mmph," you lean your head back, "r-right there." 

Jungkook licks his lips and starts thrusting into that particular spot, "Yeah?" He breathes out as he rolls his hips faster and faster, "Such a dirty girl.. baby likes getting fucked by older men doesn't she? Basically a slut for it, letting your bestfriend's dad fuck you like this," he cruelly whispers against your lips, "you gonna let me cum in your pussy baby?" He purrs. 

A loud moan escapes your lips as you buck your hips, "Y-Yes!" You whimper, "I'm your dirty girl," you mewl, "only yours... d-daddy." You hesitantly say.

Jungkook growls softly and sucks a dark hickey under your jaw, "That's right, only mine baby." He pins you down and begins jackhammering into your cunt. 

You loudly cry out and bring your hand down to grip his back, loud pleas for more and his name leave your lips. Jungkook's groans rise in volume as he works his hips back and forth, cock sliding in and out of your pussy. His free hand comes down to rub circles into your clit with his thumb, occasionally he flicks the bud side to side. He perfectly aims his hips to bury his cock up against your g-spot. 

The two pleasures all at once has you shaking and crying out. Your pussy leaks sloppily all over his cock and the mess begins sliding down your ass crack and on to the couch. His balls slap loudly against your ass with each deep press of his hips. Your skin slaps together and the crouch begins creaking in protest from the weight being added. 

"Jungkook!" You wail in pleasure and dig your nails into his back, "I'm gonna c-cum..!" You whimper and shut your eyes tightly. 

Jungkook goes faster at this, determined to get you to cum on his cock. "Go on baby, been such a good girl for me. Cum for Daddy." He purrs softly. 

With that you unravel under him. Your thighs weakly shake and little choked sobs escape your lips. Your cunt tightens around him and pulses weakly as spurts of your slick covers his cock. Jungkook slows down and grinds deeply into your pussy, he helps you ride out your orgasm. It only takes a few more minutes for his moans to stutter and his cock to throb. 

His cum leaks from the side's of his cock, you feel it add to the creamy mess down below. You untangle your arms and lie there bonelessly, panting softly. Jungkook rumbles in satisfaction, he licks his lips and slowly pulls out watching as his cum trickles out. "Fuck you look so good baby."

You smile shyly and bite your lip as you stare up at him, "I think we need a shower." You say innocently enough but Jungkook knows what you mean. 

He grins softly, "We do don't we?"

Neither of you mention the stain on the couch, and if anyone mentions it, you spilled your ramen broth. 

 Take You Like A Drug, I Taste You On My Tongue,
 Take You Like A Drug, I Taste You On My Tongue,

small spoiler: the upcoming fic “summer tights” is a direct sequel to namjoon’s “sugar” fic hehe..

Tags :
2 years ago

again! your writing is so beautiful, i loved every single moment of this!! the dynamic between jungkook and oc is insane and this friend group in general is just *chef’s kiss* i love how we get to know little details abt everyone of this group, it makes the story so much more interesting and fun… ughh i can’t even describe how much i love your writings in general and this story?? i’m obsessed, gonna read part two now <3

Rule #5 | JJK (1/2)

Rule #5 | JJK (1/2)

Summary: You strike up a fwb deal with your childhood friend Jungkook after kissing him one night after a dare. But you have rules…5 of them to be exact and it seems Jungkook doesn’t want to follow any of them.

Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader

Genre: fwb au, friends to lovers, fluff, maybe a little angst, SMUT

Word Count: 20k (part 1) (twc:42k)

Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, mentions of oral (fem rec.), vaginal fingering, protected sex, toxic parent, oral (male rec.), lots of teasing, power plays, finger sucking, grinding, mention of boner, uh spoiler to the movie the notebook lol

Notes: after almost a year here is part one! Lmao. I will post the second part in just a few days! Hope you enjoy, I love hearing from you guys<3 also the banner is by my lovely friend @bangtansmauyeondan :)

© taestefully-in-luv

Part Two


Since you were a kid, you were incredibly well trained in keeping the ins and outs of your live very private. You had to—your mother being a rather important political figure and all. You were taught on things you had to say, things to never bat an eye about and all the things in between. You have had the mindset of keeping your private life…well, private since you can remember so it’s barely a surprise when you bring those same elements and rules into your actual personal life.

But well, you’re an adult now. And your mother is retired so not too many eyes are laser focused on you specifically anymore. But still, the mindset isn’t so easily changed. Even when it shouldn’t matter.

“You’re…” You gasp a little when you feel Jungkook’s fingers slide up between your inner thighs, “Mm, Jungkook…you’re going to get us caught.” You whine, wondering how you ended up on the bathroom counter. In Taehyung’s house, nonetheless. Surprised that you’re even letting him do this but…it’s not like you don’t have the situation under control.

“Caught?” Jungkook raises a single brow, his hands disappearing under your skirt, “You say that like we’re 16 and I’m some boy you snuck into your bedroom at your parent’s house.” The thought makes Jungkook laugh since at one point he was a 16 year old boy you used to sneak into your parent’s house. It wasn’t for sex though. No, that’s new.

“Feels that way sometimes,” Your breathless laugh makes Jungkook roll his eyes, watching as your head bumps into the mirror. “What…what do you plan on doing anyway?”

“Hmm…” Jungkook’s fingers find the band of your underwear, “Eat you out.” He tells you simply, a crooked smile on his face while he silently urges you to lift your hips so he can slide your panties off. 

“This is the fourth time this week…” You relax into the mirror behind you, your half lidded eyes falling to Jungkook who lowers himself between your legs. “You’re breaking another rule.”

Jungkook looks up at you, as always, a fire in his eyes. And he smirks, “Aren’t I always?”

“Jungkook,” You try to lift yourself up more, hands going to his dark hair, “I told them I was just going to fix my make up really quickly…I swear you’re going to make things so obvious.”

Jungkook stands again, his fingers go to your ankles when he slides your underwear off completely and he bunches them up before shoving them in his front pocket.

“Really?” You laugh a little, “You know Taehyung’s goal tonight so I’m not sure some girl is going to be ecstatic finding those later.” 

Jungkook slots himself between your legs, his hands gripping your hips as he drags you closer to the edge of the counter. “What girl?”

You can’t help but roll your eyes, “Anyway—”

“Also,” Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, playful glint in his eyes. “Who cares if it’s obvious?” 

“I care.” You drop your head to his chest, “You know I hate when people know my business.”

“People.” Jungkook gives you a pointed look, “They’re not just people, y/n. They’re our friends and it’s not—”

“It’s not like we got married behind their backs,” You inhale his scent before raising your head, “We’re fucking and actually…honestly that might be worse. You know how they are.”

“Yeah, I do.” He hums. “They’ll make fun of us for the night and then they’ll move on to other things since everyone has a life outside of ours.”

Jungkook is probably right, in fact, he’s almost certainly right. But no matter how silly they are, your rules are rules for a reason. He reminds you basically daily how unnecessary your rules are yet he goes along with them—though he constantly breaks them.

“It’s so things don’t get complicated,” You tell him but he scoffs at you, he gives you that same look as always.

“You realize rules are probably the thing that complicates things, right? We’re adults, y/n. There’s no need—”

“Humor me then, Jungkook.” 

“Anyway, we should get back out there. You know Taehyung…he’s probably already setting Jimin up on hook up apps as we speak,” You start softly pushing Jungkook back. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to follow your lead. He knows when you aren’t going to do something then you aren’t going to do it. He blames it on you being a ‘control freak’.

“Yeah, we should probably save him.” Jungkook chuckles, finally backing away from you, his fingers wrapping around your waist as he helps you down from the counter. “He’s probably giving Jimin the ‘Being single is the key to happiness’ speech.”

“Yeah, well, Jimin’s lucky he isn’t getting the PowerPoint presentation like I did 4 months ago.” 

“Was it really 26 slides?” Jungkook’s thumb goes to the corner of your mouth and wipes the skin softly. “Smeared lipstick.” He tells you with a grin.

“And whose fault is that?” 

“Mine.” He says proudly. “Come on, let’s go.” 

You and Jungkook exit the bathroom and walk down the barely lit up hallway. The closer you get to the living room, the louder the music becomes. You see how empty it is but the voices of your friends get louder the closer you both approach the kitchen.

“Can’t we just stay here?” You can hear the obvious whine that Jimin slurs out, “I’m too sad to go anywhere.”

“Jimin.” You hear Taehyung yell out dramatically before you’re entering the kitchen and seeing your friends gathered around the kitchen island. “You can’t get over that girl if you stay here. The club has new girls!”

“But he doesn’t want a new girl.” Hoseok brings his beer to his lips, “He wants Sung back.”

“Oh come on,” You walk between Namjoon and Taehyung, “Jimin has been single for like 8 hours, let him grieve for a moment.” 

“Imagine being at work for 8 hours…the place stealing your soul…you really don’t think that’s a long time?” Taehyung throws an arm around your shoulder, cozying up to you. 

“When he puts it like that…” Namjoon tips his beer towards you all, “Taehyung has a method for these things.” 

“Did you just imply Sung was stealing my soul?” Jimin shakes his head before adding, “I wish I was like y/n…she got over Jihoon so fast.” He walks to the fridge to grab another beer. “Who wants another?”

“She’s been single for like 4 months now, right?” Taehyung squeezes you tighter, “And I’ve never seen her happier. What did I say guys?” He looks around the kitchen and everyone starts groaning, “Repeat after me! Single is the…what is it guys?”

“The key to happiness.” Jimin rolls his eyes, “Anyway, Taehyung did you order our ride yet?”

“Yeah, it’ll be here in like 9 minutes so you got to chug that.” He wiggles his brows at Jimin before his face drops when he realizes something. “Oh yeah. The ride can only hold 6…” He starts nibbling his lips, glancing around anxiously. “We’re 7…we’re going to need two cars. Can someone order anoth—”

“I got it.” Jungkook sings out, pulling out his phone. “y/n, want to ride with me?” 

“Sure.” You hum nonchalantly, “I guess Jin is meeting us there?” 

“He’s coming from Yumi’s parent’s house so he will probably meet us a little late.” Yoongi lets you guys know, “He was meeting some of her cousins, you know how she is…wants to make sure every person in her family approves of him before they finally set a date.” 

You giggle at this, “Please list even one person who doesn’t approve of the lovely Seokjin.” 

“That’s why he’s up to the challenge.” Yoongi snorts, “He’s something else.” 

“Apparently you’re the only person he couldn’t charm.” Jungkook looks up from his phone to wink at you, “Wonder who could though.”

“Oh god, I don’t want to remember the dark days of Jin trying to woo y/n.” Taehyung starts cracking up, “It was so sad to watch…he tried so hard but she…” He finally unwraps himself from you and pats your head. “She’s only into assholes.” 

“Ah, she’ll grow up one day.” Jungkook clicks his phone off, “Won’t you?” 

“Shut up.” You grumble, “You guys know nothing.”

“I don’t know, y/n…Taehyung and Jungkook have known you forever they might know you just a little bit.” Namjoon chuckles, “Although, I really thought Jihoon was kind of okay?”

“He broke up with her on Valentine’s Day!” Taehyung reminds everyone, “And then got a new girlfriend like two weeks later.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” You roll your eyes.

“What are best friends for?” He hooks his arm through yours, “But don’t worry, single you is thriving. We all shall continue to thrive tonight! Jimin is officially thriving from this point on as well. I want to see everyone making out with someone on the dance floor of the club tonight at the minimum.”

“I’m literally married.” Namjoon shakes his head.

“Fine, then tell your wonderful wife to meet you on the dance floor for a hot make out.”

“She’s seven months pregnant.” He deadpans but before Taehyung can open his mouth to retort Namjoon speaks again, “And before you say something undoubtedly stupid, just drink instead.”

“Fair.” Taehyung nods, raising his beer towards Namjoon. “Anyway, I want everyone hooking up but our main focus is Jimin. He needs this more than anyone, I’m afraid.”

“What I need is to cry in bed for a few hours.” Jimin slumps his shoulders as he leans back against the counter.

“Nonsense.” Taehyung’s lips curve into a sly smile, “Only thing you’re going to be doing in bed is—”

“Anyway,” You cut off your friend before he can start thrusting his hips into the air as demonstration. “Ara is already on the way to the club, she’s with some other friends of ours, and yes, before you ask, Taehyung…they are hot and single.”

“Oh!” Hoseok sets his empty beer bottle down on the counter, “I can’t remember her name but remember the girl that was with you guys last time? The one with short hair? Pretty one? Is she, you know, coming?”

“You’re talking about Lily!” You smile, “That’s perfect!”

“How’s that perfect?” Jungkook asks.

“Because she asked about Hoseok last time too. Seems there’s mutual interest.” 

“He says he doesn’t remember her name but…” Yoongi starts chuckling, “Then how does that explain the search you did on social media?”

“I think calling Hoseok out is Yoongi’s favorite past time.” Namjoon finishes his beer, setting it down as well. “What’s the status on the ride, Taehyung?”

“Uh,” He unlinks his arm from you before pulling his phone from his pocket. “Oh. It’s almost here!” 

“Me and y/n still have like six minutes.” Jungkook looks at his phone too, “We can just wait outside, I guess.”

“Okay, let’s head out. Jimin, are you ready?” Taehyung walks over to Jimin and links arms with him instead.

“No.” Jimin rests his head against Taehyung’s shoulder. “But I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“I’m doing this for you, buddy.”


“Your rules are stupid.”

“You’re stupid.”

“Oh, good one y/n.”

You and Jungkook are in the back of the cab, his hand somehow ended up on your inner thigh, stroking your soft skin that your mini skirt exposes. Your eyes slowly close at the contact, but you’re quick to shoot them open when you feel his fingers ride up higher and higher.

“Jungkook.” You say his name is warning. 

Jungkook’s hand immediately slows it movements before he’s bringing his hand back to his own lap. 

“You know I love this skirt though…” Jungkook leans in, his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear. “And then I’m not even allowed to touch you in it?” He’s teasing you like always. 

“Or look at me for too long. I don’t want anyone to become suspicious of us. Jin already made comments before. You swear you didn’t tell him, right?”

“y/n…” Jungkook groans, “If I said I didn’t tell anyone—”

“I know, I know.” You glance over at him, noticing how his messy hair falls into his eyes. “Then you didn’t tell anyone.”

“Which is stupid. It’s a stupid rule.” He reminds you for the hundredth time. “Your rules are stupid.”

“So you’ve told me.” You roll your eyes, “But I know you’ll try to follow them, right?”

“Mhm baby.” Jungkook’s glazed eyes scan your body again, “I can try.”

“That’s rule number 3 Jungkook. No pet names. Like, what’s the point?” You lay your head back, “No need for us friends to say things like that.”

Jungkook gazes at you for a moment before he shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s cute.”

You crack a small smile, “Anyway, but honestly it’s not that hard. There’s only 5 rules.”

“And you know I hate all these rules.” He groans again, his hands running through his hair, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he recalls your 5 rules.

1. No one can know.

2. No PDA.

3. No pet names.

4. Not often—only 3 days of the week.

5. No feelings.

“Rule number 4 is my least favorite one.” Jungkook cracks open an eye to look over at you. “Why the hell can I only fuck you 3 times a week?”

“I don’t want us to lose track of our friendship first and foremost, Kook. We need more days where we’re just friends…so we don’t get too used to…” you gesture between your bodies, “You know…”

“Once again, your rules are stupid.”

You turn your head to look at Jungkook. It’s dark but you can see his face thanks to passing street lights and he’s looking right back at you. You sometimes have to reflect on this…situation. You know, the situation where you and one of your oldest friends from your childhood, have somehow created this secret friends with benefits relationship in your adulthood. 

Well, you know how it started. Thanks to your other oldest friend…Taehyung. Four months ago you got dumped and Taehyung gathered you and your friends for a fun night to cheer you up but you know Taehyung is always up to no good…especially when he dared you to make out with Jungkook. But drunk and up for the challenge…you did. And that’s how this all started.

A simple fucking dare. But later that night you two found yourselves hiding in Taehyung’s bathroom with your tongues shoved down one another throats. Greedy hands exploring each other’s bodies, fingers unbuttoning jeans, hair being pulled, moans escaping parted lips. It was the beginning of a new side to your friendship. A friendship you cherish. And you never thought in a million years that it would turn out like this. 

“Yet you agree to them.”

“Because I…” Jungkook’s fingers find their way back to your inner thigh and then he speaks slowly, “Because I really like fucking you.”

You both glance towards the driver but he’s in his own world, playing his music and checking his GPS.

Coast is clear and you both lock eyes again and your heart feels a little jittery in your chest. Oh god, why do his words make your entire body react? You let his fingers ride up this time, your self control wavering as you do little to stop him. He’s testing the limits, of course, he always is. You can’t help the way your eye lids slowly shut, your breathing picking up, your chest moving much more quickly before he pulls his hand away completely. You open your eyes again to see that he’s got that inviting and bewitching grin.

“So…what’s the plan tonight?” Jungkook leans back in his seat, adjusting the seatbelt to rest against his chest more comfortably.

“What do you mean?” You ask, you open your eyes wider as you give him your attention. 

“Oh come on.” He rolls his eyes, “Taehyung is on a mission to get everyone laid tonight.” 

“Oh yeah, that.” You chuckle, “I guess we get laid?” This causes Jungkook to raise a single brow at you. “What?” You groan, knowing where this is going.

“We don’t have to…we can say we couldn’t find anyone interesting enough? And then you can come over after the club?” 

“Kook, we already agreed fucking other people is probably better than being like…exclusive or whatever.” 

“Why do I need to fuck anyone else?” Jungkook asks, like he does every time this is brought up. “That’s the great thing about what we got going on, isn’t it? I have you.”

“Jungkook. That feels too…you know.”

“Ha…” Jungkook feels himself become irritated, turning his body towards the window now. “Like you can find someone who fucks you better than me.” He mumbles quietly. But you hear him. 

“Please tell me when I ever told you that?” You laugh, “Plenty of men in my life have fucked me just fine.” You say in more of a whisper.

“You literally have said ‘no one has ever fucked me this well’.” Jungkook continues to look out the window, his tone bored.


“When I was fucking you.” He turns his head to look at you now, “Multiple times.” He grins but it drops when the driver clears his throat and they make eye contact through the rearview mirror. 

“Oh please,” He gets playfully annoyed seeing how you roll your eyes before continuing. “No one ever means what they say during dirty talk.” Your voice is clearly teasing, your eyes locking with his again as you challenge him.

“That so?” He leans in, his face so close to yours as his hot breath fans over your lips. “So I guess I should take my talents elsewhere tonight?” 

“Tonight, maybe. You know,”  You lean in as well, “You’ve already had me three times this week, so…tonight we’re just friends.” 

“That so?” Jungkook says even more slowly, eyes falling to your lips, “I wonder if the guys would have thought that if they walked in the bathroom earlier when I was kissing you.”


“But you know,” He replaces his usual look with something much softer, “I do think your rules are dumb because we aren’t kids, you know? There’s no reason to hide but I do enjoy privacy as well so it’s not horrible. I know you scold me for being the rule breaker—especially when you’re such a stickler for rules but everything’s fine… as long as you’re enjoying yourself.”

You chew on your lips as you watch him, his tender gaze set on you and it makes you relax. He’s always going to tease you but he’s always like this too. He’s always been fairly mature even since you guys were kids but when did he surpass you this much?

“I am.” You breathe out, “And—”

“The street ahead is blocked off because of all the people.” The driver suddenly informs you both, “I’ll have to drop you here but the club is right down there.” He points. “This okay?”

“Yeah.” Jungkook looks ahead, nodding along. “This is fine. Thanks, man.”


 You aren’t entirely sure what club needs three stories…like, why is it necessary? But Taehyung claims each floor offers something different. You’re all currently on the second floor, drinks getting passed around like candy. This floor offers a more lounge type of environment…the overall atmosphere is more relaxed than the ground floor. You look over the balcony and see how the blinding lights shine over the crowd of dancing people.

“Already looking for your potential hook up for the night?” Taehyung comes next to you, smirk on his lips. “Smart. Scoping out the good ones.”

“I was just looking at people dancing but okay.” You giggle, “I was wondering when we were going to head down there where the actual fun is.”

“Patience, young one.” Taehyung’s lips find the straw to his drink before he’s sucking up the different liquors. “We will wait for everyone to get here, start chatting amongst ourselves until everyone is just the right amount of tipsy before we adventure down to the wild zone.”

“You really do have a method for everything.”

“You think I’d let any of you head down there without having enough liquid courage running through your veins?”

“So thoughtful.” You playfully roll your eyes, “Where would I have ended up without you?”

“I don’t even want to think about what kind of sad life that would be for you.” Taehyung bumps your shoulder, his lips spread into a boxy smile while he looks at you. “Anyway, you are planning on getting some tonight, right?”

“Would it be the end of the world if I don’t?” 

“y/n,” Taehyung sips more of his drink before continuing, “Have you even gotten any, you know, action…since what’s his face? I highly doubt it.”

“Seriously?” You groan, eyes still roaming the dance floor below you. “Who says I haven’t gotten any action?”

“Kissing Jungkook a few months ago because I dared you to does not count.” Taehyung glances behind him, eyes finding Jungkook who is laughing with Hoseok about whatever. His head turns back to look at you again, “But I mean…the way you two were making out,” He starts nudging your shoulder…annoyingly, his voice getting higher pitched as he teases you, “Well, it was pretty steamy.” He starts making mock kissy faces before you’re slapping his forearm. 

“Ew.” You say, feeling your cheeks get warmer. “Why do you always bring that up?!”

“It’s fun.” Taehyung shrugs. 

“Well, if it isn’t my best friend and the most annoying boy in the world?” You hear Ara’s voice from behind you. You both turn to face her, your face lighting up as you and Ara greet one another with a tight hug. “You look hot but this is my shirt isn’t it?” Ara says into your shoulder, “Always stealing my shit.”

“You know,” Taehyung  continues to stand here, dark smile forming, “Being called annoying doesn’t rile me up the way you think it does, Ara.”

“Yeah.” She pulls away from you, “But being called a boy does.” 

“I’ve decided it’s because you just want me to show you how I’m a man, right?” Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest, an amused look on his features. “Just say the word, Ara.”

“In your dreams, Taehyung. One of these days I’m really going throw up when you say shit like that…” Ara begins rubbing her temples dramatically, “I’ll make sure it all lands on you though.” 

“What if I said I was into that?”

“Then I’d say please seek psychiatric help.” Ara says unenthused. 

“You’d say please?” Taehyung smirks at her, taking a moment to suck up the rest of his drink through the straw. “I love a girl with manners.” He winks, then glances down at his empty drink. “Be back, going to grab another.”

“Be back?” Ara raises a brow, “Please don’t.”

“You’re so into me, Ara.” Taehyung grins at her before walking away from the two of you, his shoulder brushing hers and you watch as she remains still.

The moment Taehyung is truly away, Ara’s eyes meet yours and she releases a long breath, “He’s so fucking sexy.” She blinks at you with her wide eyes, “God, I feel like jumping his bones every time I see him.”

“I just really…don’t understand you.” You shake your head, laugh threatening to leave you. “But it’s for the best actually. You know how he is…”

“Unfortunately, I do.” Ara rolls her eyes, “No one is more anti love than that guy!” 


“Oh but I am so tempted to hook up with him at least one time.” She tells you, “Just to get it out of my system!”

“You say that but you’re also fully prepared to have his children.” You deadpan.

“One? Three? Five?” Ara yells out, “I don’t even care just fill me up with your good stuff Ta—”

“Ew!” You start laughing, “Seriously, ew.” 

“Oh please,” Ara narrows her eyes at you, knowing smile on her lips. “You don’t ever say that to the guy you’re currently hooking up with?”

At this, you start choking on your drink. Eyes expanding and it’s making Ara chuckle to herself. “You really think I don’t know?” She quirks a brow at you before she starts fake moaning, clearly mocking you, “Oh! Yes! Like that! I’m going to—”

“—Dude!” You smack her arm and she doesn’t even laugh, she just shows you a satisfied smile.

“W-What are you talking about?” You glance around, eyes on your friends who are just a few feet away. “I’m not—”

“You totally are.” Ara says matter of fact, plum colored lips wrapping around the straw.


“I don’t know who the guy is though.” She shrugs, “But whoever it is? He must be crazy good to have you sounding like that.”

Your eyes are continuing to grow bigger and bigger, anxiously darting around, making sure no one is hearing this. “And how would you know that?”

“Remember like a month ago when you went out of town to visit that friend of yours that I don’t like?”


“Yeah, that bitch. Anyway, you made me take care of your plants for those few days while you were gone? Well, I didn’t see your text that you went home a day early…”

At this you feel your heart start pumping a little harder. You know exactly what day she is referring to…you went home early and Jungkook went over and you two had your usual fun.

“And I still went to your place to water your plants and I got the shock of my life when I realized you were actually home.” Ara starts snickering to herself, “Anyway, I started piecing it together that you’re definitely seeing someone.”


“Eh, you’ll tell me eventually.” She shrugs again before continuing with her drink. “Let’s join everyone else, shall we?”


“If I take another shot…I will make bad decisions!” Jimin slurs, his body still moving expertly to the beat despite how drunk he is. 

“Bad decisions like hooking up with the pretty girl you’ve been talking to all night?” Hoseok asks, head shaking with a grin. 

Jimin points at Hoseok and nods, “Exactly!” 

“Too bad,” Taehyung leans against the busy bar top, “Bad decisions all night, baby.” 

“I think y/n and Jungkook said they wanted a flavor shot instead of the hard stuff.” Namjoon comes beside Taehyung, “Maybe they’re taking it easy tonight.”

“Losers.” Taehyung smiles before glancing behind him, eyes landing on you and Jungkook dancing in the middle of the dance floor. “I bet they’ll want to stay and dance instead of joining us.”

“They always want to dance.” Namjoon agrees before adding, “It’s crazy how they really act like nothing happened when you made them kiss a few months ago.” Namjoon chuckles, “I would be so awkward if it were me. It wasn’t even a simple kiss either…imagine kissing one of your best friends?!”

“Ah, well…” Taehyung’s got his usual devious glint in his eye, “It’s not like that’s the first time I made those two kiss.”


“Back when Jungkook was a little fourteen year old boy with zero experience in the love department, I came up with a genius plan.” Taehyung reminisces with a smug grin, “I told y/n she should give him his first kiss.”

“…You what?” Namjoon eyes Taehyung warily, “Isn’t that weird?”

“Nonsense.” Taehyung waves him off with a single hand, “y/n had already kissed like 3 people by that time! Poor Jungkook was going to end up a virgin for life if he didn’t lock lips soon.”

“He was 14…you really think—”

“—Anyway, he was way too shy and nervous to ask her himself so I helped a brother out.”

“Wow.” Namjoon shakes his head, “And then?”

“She said no, of course.”

“Of course.”

“But then I reminded her how Jungkook totally saved her ass like a year prior when she got her period.”


“Yeah! He cleaned the blood of her chair—disgusting by the way—and even let her use his sweater to wrap around her waist. Even bought her pads. She owed him, big time.”


“—He got blood on his fingers bro…when he clean—”

“—Okay, that’s…anyway, so you guys guilted her into it.” Namjoon narrows his eyes, “Teenage boys are truly the worst.”

“She finally agreed. But those nerds went into her bedroom and wouldn’t kiss in front of me so I was hurt obv—”

“—Scratch that, teenage Taehyung was the worst—”

“—Anyway,” Taehyung ignores Namjoon, “She was afraid he was going to bite her but I assured her I taught him how to practice with his hand so she shouldn’t worry.”

“God, you’re being so serious.”

“So they go to the room and after a while I hear y/n scream. He fucking bit her.” Taehyung snorts at the memory, “I was standing outside the door the whole time. I go inside and they’re so fucking embarrassed and she vowed she would never do that again and you should have seen poor Jungkook’s face.” He’s cackling to himself. “But to be fair, she stuck her tongue in his mouth and even I didn’t know she was that bold.” 

“He bit her?!” Namjoon is trying not to laugh now too. “Damn, can’t believe she was his first kiss though. That’s pretty cute. Even though, he… you know, bit her.”

“I wish I would have seen that.” Taehyung starts giggling, “I only got to hear about it.”

“Hear about it from them?” Namjoon raises a brow at Taehyung, “Or hear about it because you were listening outside the door?”

“Potato, potato.” Taehyung lifts his shoulders in a dramatic shrug, “I told them they never know what the future might hold!” He grins, proud. “Hilarious that their first kiss was so disastrous yet that make out legit made me horny. ” 

“It’s hard to compare kissing when you’re kids and kissing when you’re adults.” Namjoon points out with a laugh, “But huh,” He glances behind him to eye you and Jungkook. “They seem good though!”

Taehyung raises a hand towards the bartender to get her attention so he can order the drinks before he’s got his lips curving into something so menacingly mischievous. “Oh, I bet they are.” 


“Jungkook…” His name falls from your lips in something like a whine…maybe because you are whining. But you meant to say it more sternly. 

“Hm?” Jungkook’s lips come from behind you, landing on a spot on your neck that he knows drives you crazy.

“Go dance with someone else.” You tell him despite your fingers buried in his hair, “Go before someone sees us.”

“But I want to dance with you.” Jungkook’s hands grip your waist, fingers digging into your blouse as he pulls you closer to him. “Plus, they all went up to the third floor. We’re the only ones who wanted to dance.”

“This is a dangerous game.” You murmur, eyes closing when you feel him from behind you—the clear evidence that he’s enjoying this. 

“Games are for children, baby.” Jungkook tries to turn you in his grasp and when you’re successfully facing him, he leans forward. “Let’s leave, y/n. Let’s go to my place.” 

You feel tempted, of course you are, especially after feeling something resembling a boner on your ass. But you only crack a half smile his way, “Not tonight. Go mingle with someone.” You say before winking at him.

“Seriously?” He asks with a smirk. “You really want that?”

“Yup.” You tell him, your own smirk forming. “I’m going to go upstairs with everyone else.” 

“You think there’s going to be some guy up there for you to mingle with, huh?” Jungkook isn’t jealous, you know this. He just likes to tease. 

“Maybe?” You tilt your head, “I’m kind of just curious now.” You lift a finger to your chin, “You know?”

“Curious about what?” 

“Curious if you really are the best at fucking me?” You continue to look innocent, “I feel like I have to test it, you know? Maybe someone could be bett—”

“You know there isn’t. But sure, have a try.” He shakes his head with one of those alluring grins.

“Thanks for the permission.” 

“Didn’t realize you were seeking permission.” Jungkook leans in, his mouth at your ear. “You sure you want to give me that kind of power?”

You lean back from Jungkook, a disapproving smile on your face. “Annoying.” You tsk at him before swatting his chest lightly, “Let’s go.”

You don’t forget to roll your eyes before turning away from Jungkook, plans on heading towards the elevator to get to the third floor but warm fingers wrap around you wrist before you get the chance to move your feet. Jungkook.

“Yes?” You turn your head to eye him over. He’s looking more serious, smugness no longer lingering on his features. 

“You’re sure?” He asks you. “About wanting to hook up with other people tonight?” 

He’s being considerate, you think. You have no doubts that he will find someone to fuck tonight, even in the last hour you could probably point out 5 different girls who have had obvious interest in him. Whatever. “I’m sure.” You tell him without trying to think about it any further, “Now let’s go.” 

The third floor is an outdoor bar with a stunning set up. Lots of hanging lights, live band playing acoustics and a gorgeous view of Seoul. You spot your friends sitting on some fancy patio seating, a few faces you don’t recognize as well. Ara sees you first, her hands immediately rising to the air when she excitedly flags you down and waves you over. 

“You guys finally done dancing?” She beams at you, her cheeks rosy from the alcohol. “You missed it, Taehyung tried hitting on this girl and she turned him down so hard. God, it brought so much joy.” Ara smirks while glancing at Taehyung who just groans in response to her words. “Nothing makes me happier to see you fail.”

“Oh Ara, Ara, Ara.” Taehyung shakes his head, arms folding across his chest before he finally smiles at her. “The joy is because that means you still have a chance, right?” 

“You wish, Taehyung.” Ara’s smirk drops and she gives him the middle finger.

“Uh, yeah.” He agrees right away. “You don’t have to keep playing these games, you know you just have to say the—”

“Never going to happen.” She cuts him off before glancing at you and Jungkook now. “Wow, you guys are sweaty.”

“Well, you know dancing is the most fun thing about clubs.” You tell her, fingers at your hairline as you try to wipe some sweat. You look over at Jungkook who is shining as well. The outside breeze feels nice though and you’re sure he’s thinking the same thing.

“Careful,” Jungkook chuckles, “Taehyung will say the best thing about clubs is all the hooking up.”

“Because it is.” Taehyung gestures around the place, like it’s so obvious. “Like, look.” He nods towards your friends, “Hoseok and what’s her face, they’re totally going to fuck in the—oh, look. Even Jimin seems to be understanding club culture. He’s got his arm wrapped pretty tight around that girl. She’s hot, huh?”

“You know he’s just going to feel crappy tomorrow when he realizes he even stood 2 feet from a girl who isn’t Sung.” You remind Taehyung.

“She broke his heart! He deserves to at least flirt, y/n.” 

“I don’t totally agree with Taehyung,” Jungkook begins carefully, eyes on you while you’re already giving him a look of disapproval. “But come on, flirting won’t hurt the guy.”

“Hmm, I agree.” Ara chimes in, “And let’s be honest, Sung was…” She kind of vaguely gestures around with her hands, unsure expression on her face.

“Exactly!” Taehyung nods, “Ara is so smart. Is her intuition ever wrong? She’s like me.” Then he’s facing her fully, excited glint in his eyes. “Ara, imagine if we had babies, oh my god, they’d be the smartest—”

“No chance there, dude.” She puts a hand up. “Anyway, we made some friends, let’s introduce you guys.” She motions towards the rest of the group, trying to guide you guys. “Okay, first this is Hae and Youra!” 

Two girls who stand next to Lily and Hoseok suddenly lift their heads in your directions when they hear their names. The one on the left is probably the shortest one here, she’s petite with light brown hair and siren eyes. She’s the first to perk up when she hears her name and her eyes land on you and Jungkook as she grins.

“Hae.” She offers her name, “Your friends have been talking about you two. Glad we’re finally meeting.” She laughs now, hand covering her mouth as she bumps into the other girls side. “This is Youra.” Hae says cutely, winking at her friend who just brushes her off.

“Hi.” Is all she says. She’s taller, much taller and really, very pretty. Long, black hair that’s swept to the side as she eyes you and Jungkook over. Mostly Jungkook. Then she smiles.

You offer a short greeting, introducing yourself and immediately asking what your friends have been saying about you. Hae continues to giggle before she stands on her tip toes to whisper in your ear.

“You and your bestie here,” She glances at Jungkook who is greeting Youra. “Are super fun to drink with, but also your friends may have mentioned that Jungkook is super good looking and Youra is probably his type.” Hae leans away from you, grin on her face as she wiggles her brows in the direction of Youra and Jungkook. Well, she’s not wrong. Youra probably is his type. 

“Ah.” You nod in understanding and force a small smile. “I see.” You feel stupid for forcing a smile and you feel stupid for the stupid feeling in your gut but you told him to find someone tonight and the way he’s chatting with Youra, you imagine he’s listening for once. 


It’s not that the guys you’ve been meeting and chatting with every now and then tonight aren’t interesting—they just aren’t interesting enough. It’s a little boring, a little stressful and a little annoying trying to talk to a decent guy who you might want to hook up with. You understand Jungkook’s point of view…this is annoying. Why go through this when you have him? 

You’re almost tempted to tell him that but he is having a more successful night than you. He’s currently sitting across from you and this guy who you don’t remember his name, with Youra laughing into his chest every time he says something funny. Jungkook glances at you every now and then though, probably making sure you’re safe and comfortable. 

You’re safe and not exactly uncomfortable…but damn, you wish you were anywhere else. Jungkook’s eyes go back to Youra, her hand on his bicep and you’re trying so hard not to roll your eyes when Jungkook subtly flexes. You don’t think he does it on purpose…probably just instinct. Or maybe he just wants to impress her. You watch for them a minute and it feels like you just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar when Jungkook catches your eyes.

You look away quickly, gaze set on the bar when you begin to stand up. “I’m going to get another drink.” You tell the guy next to you but Jungkook and Youra can hear as well.

The guy next to you begins to stand as well, “Great, I can get it for you.” He offers with a smile and you’d be dumb to reject it. But…

“Actually, I owe y/n a drink!” Jungkook stands now too, “Guess I should get on that. Youra, would you like one as well?” He glances down at Youra who just nods her head with a pretty smile.

“Oh, cool.” The guy grins at you both, “I guess I can keep Youra company in the meantime!” 

“Okay. Be back.” You sing out before walking away and towards the bar. Jungkook follows behind you and you feel his chest on your back when you get comfortable at the bar top.

“Ever heard of personal space?” You lean forward, chin resting in your hands. “Also, why do you owe me a drink?” You turn your head to see him, his eyes on the busy bartender. “I mean, I’m not complaining but I don’t remember—”

“Just wanted to check in with you.” Jungkook’s gaze falls down to your eyes now. “You don’t seem too interested in Dal.” Dal. That’s his name. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah.” You hum.

“Okay…” Jungkook says slowly, “Then are you going to—”

“No.” You cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to ask. “I don’t think I’m in the mood.”

“I could get you into the mood.” Jungkook says nonchalantly as he eyes the bartender again, lifting a finger to get her attention. You try to keep a straight face but crack an inevitable smile.

“Could you?” You decide to play along.

“Mhm.” He looks at you again, “That’s why you’ve been looking at me so much, right?” 

You try to swallow your spit but end up choking on it. “What?” You cough out. “What are you talking about?”

“Well,” Jungkook pauses to order a few drinks. When he’s finished with the order, his eyes find yours. “You were either looking at me so much while Dal was talking to you because A, you kept thinking about how much you want to fuck me. Or B, you were looking at me and Youra and being, you know, jealous.” He finishes with a straight face and when you don’t give an immediate response he smirks. “Oh?”

You stare at him until you start laughing, “Seriously? I only get two options?” 

“You want C? Okay…” Jungkook pretends to think hard about it, “C is that you suddenly came to the realization you are deeply in love with me!” He tells you dramatically but you’re quick to hit his chest but he’s faster, grabbing your wrist. “But that couldn’t be, huh? You’d never break a rule.”

You’re about to retort but the bartender is sliding over the drinks and Jungkook is taking his card out with a wink. 

“You’re so annoying.” You grumble. “But anyway, I wasn’t even looking at you.”

“You were.” He laughs. “It’s okay. Don’t I only know because I was looking at you too?”

You snort at him, shaking your head. “Fine. So why were you looking at me?”

“Because I keep thinking about how I want to take you home. It’s stupid you want to hook up with other people. I mean, I’m right here, baby.” He grins at you before putting his card back in his wallet. You feel heat crawl over every inch of your body.

“What about Youra?” You ask, feeling your body tingle in excitement but you’re telling it not to.

“Her?” He nods in the direction of Youra and Dal. The two are sitting next to one another, laughing and based off their body language—definitely hitting it off. “Yeah, I think she will be okay.” Jungkook chuckles. 

“Hmm, I don’t know.” You drag out the words, trying to look nonchalant while reaching for a drink but Jungkook only scoffs at you.

“You do know.” He says, grabbing the two other drinks. “Let’s finish these and leave. Say you don’t feel good or something.”

You aren’t going to fight him on this when you both know it’s what you want. “Okay.”


“And then Yumi’s cousin had the audacity to say ‘Well, I got married after two years of dating. You’ve been together what? Four years? And still no wedding?’ So, I looked at her and said, ‘Yeah but your husband could never look as good as me.’ And then I blew her a kiss. Just to piss her off more.” Jin says proudly, arm wrapped around Yumi, his fiancé.

“…Did you really?” Yoongi asks.

“He really did.” Yumi says with a straight face but then she smiles softly. “But it felt nice actually. I get along with everyone in my family except for her.”

“She’s a bully!” Jin shouts, “My Yumi is way better in every single way so it’s crazy that this girl thinks there is anything to compare.”

“Ah, Seokjin.” Yumi coos, her hand grabbing his cheeks. “My hero.”

“That’s right!” He grins at everyone. “You here that?”

“We heard.” Jungkook chuckles. “So does this mean you guys will set a date soon?”

“April next year.” Yumi confirms. “I already booked the place a couple months ago.”

“Wait, huh?” Jin turns his head in shock.

“What?” Yumi looks at him innocently. “Remember you said your dream wedding was at the venue in Jeju Island?” 


“I got it.”

“Yumi!!!!!” Jin yells out excitedly before wrapping her in his arms. “My future bride is the best!”

“I know.” She says, “But anyway, sorry we got here so late. Did we miss anything?”

“Not too much.” Ara takes a sip of her drink, “Besides Taehyung getting shut down by a hot girl and Hoseok and Lily disappeared like 30 minutes ago.”

“My guy.” Taehyung raises his drink to the sky. “Doing what we wish we could.”

“And I’m sad!” Jimin says with a drunk smile.

“…Oh.” Yumi smiles awkwardly, worried eyes going to Jimin. “I’m sorry about Sung.”

“S-Sung…” Jimin says her name slowly before his smile disappears. “It’s okay. I’ll just cry later.”

“What happened to the girl from earlier?” Taehyung asks, eyes searching for said girl.

“Oh her?” Jimin slumps his shoulders, “She told me something along the lines of ‘wow, I’ve never had a guy talk this much about their ex.’ Or something like that. Anyway, she’s gone.”

“…Damn.” You lean over and rub Jimin’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Jimin. Best part of getting over an ex is actually just spending time with your friends and having a good time.”

“No, the best part is hook—” You cut Taehyung off with a slap to his arm. “Fine, whatever.” He gives up.

“Where did Namjoon go though?” You look around but Yoongi gives the answer you probably should have assumed.

“He went home a while ago.” He sips his drink, “Pregnant wife and all.”

“Speaking of going home…” You say carefully, eyes locking with Jungkook who just sits across from you, his drink long finished. “I think these drinks aren’t really agreeing with me. Uh, kind of feel like heading home.” 

“What?!” Taehyung whines, “But but…”

“Don’t look so sad.” You laugh it off, “It’s not like you have to leave!”

“I’m not going to let you get a ride home this late by yourself.” Taehyung scolds you, “I’ll just—”

“I’ll make sure she gets home.” Jungkook says, “I’m tired too anyway.”

“Oh?” Taehyung looks between you both, “You’re such a gentleman.” 

“I know.” Jungkook stands, “Should we go, y/n?” 

You look around before standing as well, “Yeah.”

“Can I also go home?” Jimin raises his hand with a pout.

“Absolutely not.” Taehyung grins, “Yoongi!”

“Hm?” He continues to sip on his drink.

“Ready to get some ass?”

Yoongi is quiet as he sets his drink down onto the table, standing up and patting down his clothing. “I guess I could find another person tonight.”

“Anoth…it’s always the quiet ones.” Yumi whispers towards Jin. 


“I thought we were going back to mine?” You ask Jungkook as the two of you take the elevator up to his apartment. 

“I have to work early tomorrow so it will just be easier to leave from here.” He tells you, “Plus, we both know my sheets are way better than yours.”

“That’s true.” You shrug before pouting. “But I was thinking about the leftovers I have in my fridge that would totally hit the spot.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be the one hitting the spot tonight.” Jungkook says, smirk in his voice as he eyes the numbers inside the elevator as the floors get higher.

“God, do you just have a line for everything?” You laugh.

“You make it easy!” He laughs with you, his head turning in your direction. “You set it up so nicely.”

“So it’s my fault you’re so smooth?”

“You think I’m smooth?” He steps closer to you, hands going to your hips. “I’m trying not to be.”

You narrow your eyes at him, “Why not?”

“Don’t want to turn you on too much.” He smirks, “If you recall, I have your panties in my pocket. What’s to stop you from dripping down your thi—ow.” He winces when you hit him, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth. “You don’t think I could turn you with my words alone?” His fingers dig into your hips. “You don’t think I could sit you down and say dirty things to you and you wouldn’t get so wet?” 

“Jungkook…” You turn your head, eyes avoiding his. 

“Oh,” He pulls you closer to him, mouth nearing your ear. “You just don’t want me to have that kind of control, do you?” He whispers, hands sliding down until he’s cupping your ass. “That’s a pity.”

Your body feels like it’s being pulled down to the ground, your heart is loud, thumping in your ears. You still can’t look at him but you want to. You want to look into his eyes and see the darkness swirling around. See the lust coat over and the fire begin to crackle. Even looking into his eyes might be hard because you might really give him what he wants—

Ding. The elevator doors open and Jungkook squeezes your cheeks before letting go of you altogether. “Come on,” He takes your hand now, warm and calloused. 

Jungkook lives in a very nice apartment complex, the building is tall and towers over the city of Seoul. You guess this is what happens when you own your own successful business. The hallway to get to his front door isn’t a very long walk, it’s quiet save the sound of your shoes clicking against the floor. 

Your hand is still in Jungkook’s, his thumb brushing over your skin like it usually does. You glance down at your joined hands and wondered when you two got so comfortable with touches like this. You’ve always liked Jungkook’s touch more than anyone else’s. Even since you were kids…Taehyung kind of forced you to become more affectionate with his constant hugging and you love it, of course. But Jungkook’s touch always offered something more comforting. 

“It was option A by the way.” You suddenly say, voice softly echoing in the hallway. Jungkook stops walking, causing you to stop as well. He looks at you for a moment, eyes still filled with lust but the fire that was beginning to crackle is now growing into a strong flame. 

“A guy was talking to you and your thoughts were on me? How you want to fuck me?” Jungkook breathes out, dark smile beginning to form. “As much as I love that I was hoping you were a little jealous so you would want to do dirty things to me in hopes it would teach me to never want anyone but you.”

Your eyes slightly expand and you quickly move your legs closer together and Jungkook’s gaze falls lower before he lifts his eyes again. “See?” He turns to begin walking again, “I told you my words could turn you on.” 

“Shut up.” You follow him when you both stop at his front door. He enters the code and the door unlocks, he’s quick to open the door and tug you inside.

“Make me.” He says, shutting the front door and pushing his back against it. Offering himself to you. You eye him over and he shows you a small smile before reaching for you and dragging you closer to him, “I’ve been wanting you since you got to Taehyung’s house…please don’t make me wait any longer, y/n. Please kiss me. Or touch me. Both. Anything.” He’s looking into your eyes, “You know I have no shame…I will beg you all night if I have to.”

“Would you?” You get closer, your hands rising towards his chest. Fingers splaying over the material of his shirt. “Would you have begged Youra?” You ask, tone laced in a quiet confidence because you know the answer.

“Youra?” Jungkook quirks a brow, “Careful, y/n. You do almost sound jealous. Bringing up another g—”

“Not jealous.” Your fingers drag down his chest lightly, you feel his abdominal tense beneath you the lower you get. “Just curious.”

“Curious?” He chuckles, the sound shaky as he anticipates how your fingers will move against him next. “It’s okay, y/n. Jealousy doesn’t have to have a deep meaning…I could understand if you just didn’t want to share.” 

“Have I been sharing?” You ask carefully, tone still confident. Your eyes lowering to his belt. You swiftly begin untucking his shirt from his dress pants and he sucks in a sharp breath.

“You keep talking like you want to. But I know you, don’t I?” He watches your hands, fingers trailing back to his chest as you begin undoing the buttons of his shirt, one by one. “You,” He pauses, head tilting back against the door as your cold fingers graze over his exposed chest. “You and I both knew that the only one I was fucking tonight was you, huh?” 

“Hmm, how should I answer that?” You ask thoughtfully, eyes finally rising to his. “The answer you want or the truth?” You’re teasing him.

“The answer I want is also the truth.” He tells you, lips curving into a grin. “Right?”

“You’re so cocky.” You chuckle, fingers spreading his shirt further apart before you’re dragging the material down his arms and off his body. You eye his physique. Lean yet strong, muscles defined in a way that has heat pooling in your lower stomach. “God, but I guess you have a right to be.” 

Jungkook laughs a little, eyes closing when your fingers dance across his flexed stomach. “Kiss me.” He sighs out, “Anywhere.” 

“Hm, I don’t know, baby—” You stop, fingers pausing as well. You blink at nothing as you realize the term slipped out. But Jungkook releases a long breath and a quiet moan, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, you look up at him, his eyes now fully on fire.

“Fuck, please…” He brings your wrist to his lips and he starts slowly placing kisses there. “Keep calling me that.” His other hand goes to your waist, pulling you even closer. Your chest up against his, “I’ve been wanting to hear it for months…”


“What do you want from me tonight?” He asks, “How many times will you make me come? How many times do you want me to make you come? Because I am running out of patience. Fuck, feel my dick, baby. Feel it.” 

You do feel it. The way you’re pushed up against him, you feel the outline of his hard length, you can only imagine the way it’s throbbing painfully in his pants. He’s flushed and desperate. He must need to be touched so badly. 

“Okay…” Your breaths are more erratic than you want to let on, but he knows you’re getting tired of all the talking as well. Your hand slowly reaches for his cheek, “I want you to fuck me on your couch.”

“Yeah, I can do that.” He nods, his eyelids are heavy. “But can I check something first?” He asks you, his tone is dark and teasing.

“Yeah.” You breathe out, “Go ahead.”

The corner of Jungkook’s lips turn upward and you feel his hand leave your waist and then suddenly his fingers are at your inner thighs. “Thought so.” He smirks at you, “Dripping down your thighs.” 

And another second is not wasted. Your lips slot between his quickly, rough and sloppy as you two desperately feel every inch of the other. His hands wander all around while yours tug his hair. He groans into your mouth while he urges you to jump and wrap your legs around him. You don’t even realize how quickly he’s got you, carrying you over to the sofa and sitting down. His back against the couch cushions while you straddle him, lips still moving against his.

Your skirt is bunched up around your waist and your exposed core is rubbing against his pants uncomfortably. Your fingers slide down his torso, quickly undoing his belt and dragging down the zipper. “Fuck, take these off.” You pant into his mouth, “Let me feel you properly.” 

“Hold on,” He moans, wanting nothing more than to feel your bare pussy sliding against his cock. “Let me…” His hands go behind him, pulling his wallet out when he gets a condom. And then he’s throwing the wallet across the living room and you lift up so he can take his pants and briefs off. 

“Oh god,” Your eyes fall to his crotch, his member springing free, hard and long and you want to wrap your lips around it, knowing it drives him crazy. And the look of him drowning in pleasure because of your mouth is a sight for sore eyes. But the look of him when his cock is embraced by your heat is even more satisfying. 

“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, you know that?” He looks up at you, lips parted as he pants. “So fucking pretty.”

This is what you meant…no one ever means what they say during sex. You don’t bother to respond to that. You only lean forward to kiss him again and your mouth falls open when you feel his fingers brush against your pussy. He’s soaking two fingers, gathering all of your wetness before teasing your hole. 

“Will this be the first way you come?” He asks, eyes finding yours. “Or should you ride my face?”

“Jungkook—” You gasp a little, his fingers pushing inside you. “Oh…” You slowly close your eyes as your forehead rests against his. His fingers feel like they’re massaging your walls, curling into you with expertise. 

“This is how you like it, right?” He starts working his fingers a little faster.

“Yeah.” You hum, hips grinding down onto his hand. “You know exactly what I—” You can’t finish that as you breathe heavier, your lips finding his again. He kisses you back, firm against your mouth. 

Jungkook feels his ego growing larger when your wetness drips down his hand, he feels more motivated to keep you going. You’re enjoying this, yes. But you realize—

“I want you.” You barely pull your lips away from his, “I want to come around your cock, Jungkook…I’m losing my mind.” 

“Yeah?” His thumb circles your clit and you struggle to keep most your weight off of him. He doesn’t mind as your body lowers, his fingers leave you and your body loses more power, you can feel his cock resting against him. “Fuck, you’re so wet. I know that’s a typical thing to say but holy hell, I’ve never felt it like this…” He’s straining. 

“Grab the condom.” You instruct him, feeling desperate. “Put it on slowly,” Your eyes are on his twitching member. “Let me see how you struggle to pace yourself.”

“You love watching me go crazy for you, don’t you?” He chuckles, hand patting the sofa as he tries to find the condom. He finally grabs it, ripping the package open and rolls it on slowly. He focuses his gaze on you, his fingers working the condom over his cock. You’re staring down at it, breathing heavy as you anticipate the way he’s about to split you open. 

“It’s only fair.” You finally respond, your fingers replacing his. His breaths are bated as you hold onto his member, lifting yourself to angle it just right at your entrance. “Since I’m going crazy for you too.” And then you start to slowly sink down onto him. You have to pause several times, his size stretching you apart and the burn is inevitable. 

“Take your time, baby.” Jungkook groans, his eyes watching how he disappears inside you inch by inch. “Could never dream of hurting you.” 

For reasons unknown, your heart pinches a little in your chest at his words. But the feeling quickly dissolves and is replaced with ecstasy when you’re fully seated in his lap with his member shoved so deeply inside of you. 

You stay still for a few moments, heavy breaths as you try to relax around him. He’s patient with you, he always is. He’s studying your expressions, eyes never leaving your face. His hands go to your waist, holding you so tightly, “At least take this shirt off.” He tells you softly, “Want to feel your skin.” You nod and he’s quick to get it off of you. Nothing but this skirt and a lacey bra. “Fucking pretty…”

“You feel good.” You sigh out, face barely an inch from his. “You always feel so fucking good.”

“Yeah?” He accidently bucks his hip into yours, the feeling of his cock somehow reaching deeper makes you moan for him. “Fuck, y/n. You’re squeezing me…”

You start to move your hips slowly, not exactly bouncing on his dick or anything. Just grinding and it’s something he really enjoys. Other guys in the past have complained about this particular move but Jungkook loves watching your hips move so effortlessly. 

“That feel good?” He asks you, struggling to keep himself from fucking you crazy. “You love the way I feel inside you, don’t you?”

You don’t answer with words. You only move faster. Finally you lift yourself, his cock beginning to slide out of you before you lower again making Jungkook tighten his grip around your waist. He’s panting below you, letting you do what you want with him. 

“That’s good, baby.” Jungkook bites his lip. “So good.”

And then you’re consistent with riding his cock, the pace is enough for your thighs to burn but the pleasure it brings is so worth it. “Ah, Jungkook…” You moan his name and he bucks his hips into yours again, the pleasure double. “Fuck yeah, do that.” You whine, feeling tired. “Fuck me like that…” You wrap your arms around his neck and Jungkook’s fingers slide down to your hips where he stills you, holding you in place before he’s thrusting up. 

His pace is quicker than yours and he’s hitting you so deeply. “Fuck.” He mumbles, “You sound so pretty…”

“Jungkook.” You cry his name as he roughly brushes against any spot that could bring you to orgasm. “Just like that…” Your words are broken, “Fuck me like this…making me come.” 

A loud moan is drawn out from his lips, his eyes squeezing shut as he fucks into you harder and faster. “Come, y/n. God, please come…” He keeps going and your legs feel so weak, your entire body is tensing, your face falls into the crook of Jungkook’s neck as you try to brace yourself.

“Yeah, I am…” You warn him, “Fuck, I am.” You let go of every little feeling in your body, it rushes out of you with no warning of how good this all feels. You’re tight around him, walls sucking his cock in as you come all around him. “Come too. Come, Jungkook. Come, baby.”

He’s pounding up into you, his eyes opening as he kisses your shoulder over and over, “I’m coming, fuck, my god, I’m coming…” He stills his hips once he’s buried so deep inside you. His hips stuttering for many moments as he tries to calm down his heavy breaths. 

You’re out of energy as you drape your body over his, shamelessly. He doesn’t mind, his hands loosening their grip on your hips before his fingers stroke your back soothingly. “Is this what you wanted?”

“Yeah.” You laugh into his neck, “I’ve also been wanting you since you got to Taehyung’s house.” You admit to him, face lifting as you make eye contact with him, “Bedroom next?”

He just chuckles and looks at you with a teasing glint in his eye, “You broke two rules tonight.”

“Don’t get used to it.”


You know it has to be pretty early, the sun feels more like it’s glowing through the window instead of the Saturday afternoon blindness that you’re used to. You squint, eyes going around the room when you see Jungkook’s bathroom light is on and he’s not in bed with you. 

You pull the sheets closer to your face as you try to lull yourself back to sleep. He’s probably getting ready, he mentioned he was going to his company today to work. You know he won’t mind if you stay and sleep in—wouldn’t be the first time. Right when you’re about to close your eyes again and drift, he is walking out of his bathroom. Dress pants and button up shirt and surprised eyes on you.

“You’re awake?” He asks, coming closer to the bed. “Shocking.”

“Only momentarily.” You murmur sleepily. Jungkook chuckles at you, walking to your side of the bed before taking a seat. 

“Want to hang out later when I’m done with work?”

“I think we exceeded our hook up limit.” You pull the sheets higher.

He raises a brow at you, clearly amused. “I meant as friends.”

“Oh.” You blink at him before tucking the sheet under your chin, “We’ll see. Anyway, it sucks you have to work today?”

“Big project coming up. But well, that’s what happens when you’re in charge.” He sighs out.

“Well, you do like that.”

“Yeah, you’d know, huh?” He smirks at you before feigning a shock expression. “Oh wait, you wouldn’t.” 

“Shush.” You feel the heat start to creep up your neck.

“Hmm,” Jungkook leans down, face hovering above your own. “Maybe one day…you’ll let me…” He whispers against your lips before kissing you. He’s gentle. Soft. Warm. 

He pulls away from you and you know the heat has made its way to your cheeks. “We’re just friends, why are you kissing me?” You ask, trying to hide a smile as you tease him.

He breaks out into his own smile, front teeth poking from his lips before he’s laughing. “I’ll see you later, don’t forget to lock up later, okay? Enjoy your sleep.” 


“I’m not saying it’s a big deal but she’s my mom! I would have liked to know she has a boyfriend! I had to find out through my aunt.” Ara tells you, her hands deep into a bag of chips. “Apparently he’s rich though, so like, good for her.” 

“Maybe she just hasn’t found the time to tell you.” You giggle, “Or she’s avoiding it because you’re terrifying and test every man she brings home. It’s like you’re the parent.” 

“It’s because she’s sensitive!” Ara pouts, “My mom is not like me at all. She’s like the easiest target for a broken heart.”

“Are you saying no one ever breaks your heart?” You lean towards her to grab the bag of chips, “I remember differently, I guess.” You tease her. 

“That was one time!” She argues, “Never again!”

“Uh huh.” You munch on a few chips. “Right.”

“Anyway, speaking of moms.” She says the words slowly, carefully. “Have you talked to yours recently?”

“Eh, kind of.” You shrug, “She called me like a week or so ago to chat.” 

“Oh.” She looks surprised. “That’s good!” 

“I guess.” You laugh, “You know, I think you guys care more about the relationship with my mom more than I do. It’s fine, really.” You try to assure Ara. “I accepted a long time ago that this is as good as it gets. And I’m content with that, believe it or not.”

“Okay, okay.” Ara raises her hands, “If you say it, I’ll believe it.” 

“Mhm.” You reach for more chips.

“But anyway…I’ve kind of been texting with this guy I met through Lily.” She steals the bag of chips from you. “Also, you got crumbs on your sofa. Can’t blame me this time!” She points next to you, “But anyway, we’ve kind of been texting for a bit and—”

“What about Taehyung?” You ask, brushing the crumbs to the floor…you’ll vacuum later.

“What about Taehyung?” Ara rolls her eyes playfully, “I might be in love with him but I also have some dignity.” 

“You do?!” You throw a hand to your mouth, shocked expression while Ara glares at you. “Kidding, kidding.”

“Anyway, so this guy….”

“Uh huh…?”

“He has a friend.” Ara gets out quickly.

“…Ara…” You immediately give her a look of disapproval.

“Hear me out! Hear me out!”

“Fine, I’m listening.”

“I maybe kind of….like sent a picture of both of us and his friend saw and now they want to double.” She flutters her lashes at you, “Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“Literally, not at all.” You answer with a straight face. 

“Look, I know you’re fucking someone but considering you haven’t mentioned this dude even once, I highly doubt there’s anything romantic happening, right?” 

You stare at her, mouth parted as you think of her words. Of course there isn’t. So tell her that. But instead you blink at her repeatedly until she’s narrowing her eyes at you. Then finally you blurt it, “No!” 

“…Right.” She says the word slowly. “Do you see a romantic future with this person?”

“No!” You say a lot more quickly this time, cheeks feeling hot. 

“Hmm…okay.” She tries not to smile, instead she gets on her phone. You decide to do the same and you notice a bunch of unread texts from one of your group chats. 

Jimin 3:03pm

Guys last night for real cured me!!!!!!!!

Taehyung 3:06pm

I told you bro

Jimin 3:06pm

Im being fuckin sarcastic dumbass 

Jimin 3:06pm

Anyway what I really need is snacks and sad movies?🥺

Jungkook 3:10pm

I told u taehyung

Taehyung 3:11pm

Shut up 

Taehyung 3:11pm

Jimin, be happy that ur finally free bro…free from the shackles of a relationship

Jungkook 3:14pm

Here we go 🙄

Taehyung 3:14pm

This is freedom buddy

Jimin 3:18pm

y/n…how did you get over Jihoon so fast??

Taehyung 3:20pm

Obvious…she didn’t even like him lol

Jungkook 3:20pm

Agreed 👀

Jimin 3:23pm

Oh I thought maybe she was seein someone lmao

Taehyung 3:23pm

LOL pls. she left with JUNGKOOK last night. She’s def not

Taehyung 3:23pm

Unless 👀

Jimin 3:24pm

Oh 👀

Jungkook 3:25pm


You roll your eyes at the last few texts before finally sending in your own messages.

y/n 3:28pm


y/n 3:28pm

what movie do u wanna watch jimin?

Jimin 3:28pm

The notebook? 🥺

“Movie night tonight with some of the guys,” You lift your head to eye Ara, “You in?”

“Can’t.” She clicks her own phone off, “Meeting with the girls at a café. Ditch the boys and come.” 

“Ugh, I would but I don’t think Jimin would forgive my absence in his post break up state.” You chuckle, “He needs emotional support.”

“That’s fair.” Ara laughs as well, “I’m glad Sung is out of the picture, never liked her. I guess only me and Taehyung saw through her evil ways.”

“What?!” You laugh, “Was she that bad?”

“I need you to work on your intuition.” She starts munching on chips again. “Sometimes you got to notice the things around you…” She says more quietly before looking at her phone again. “Oh, this dress is cute, right?” She shows you the screen. “Maybe I could wear it on our double date.”

You snort at this, “What double date?”

“Ah, you’ll give in.” 


“You’re lucky I like this movie too, Jimin.” Taehyung says as he sits down on his couch, next to Jungkook. 

“Oh really?” Jimin lifts his head from your shoulder. “And what’s your favorite part?”

“When they die.” He says monotonously.

All three of you twist your heads in Taehyung’s direction and he blinks at all of you before slowly nodding his head, “Okay.” He snorts now, “I know how that sounded. But!” He raises his hands in surrender, “I meant it because I think it’s cute that they loved each other until the end. Jeez, do you guys really think I’m that heartless?”

“Never surprised with you, Taehyung.” You laugh out loud, “Never surprised.”

“Hey,” Jimin looks at you guys, soft eyes before he continues. “You guys are going to cry too, right?”

“Obviously.” Jungkook nods. “Now press play.”

You guys watch the movie, sniffles can be heard from everyone but Jimin is especially worked up as he mutters how beautiful the movie is. You guys eat snacks and debate another movie when Taehyung lights up excitedly. “Oh yeah! y/n!” 

“Hm?” You hum, mouth full. 

“When do you start the new position at work?” 

“Oh.” You swallow the food before looking a little unsure. “I didn’t accept actually.”

Taehyung’s lit up eyes lose all light when his eyebrows furrow, “And why not?”

“I don’t know, I’m just not that interested, I guess.” You avoid his gaze but Taehyung does not take the hint that you don’t want to talk about it.

“Not interested?” He asks, “Seriously? God, y/n. Are you always just going to hide in the shadows? Call your boss.”

“Excuse me?” You blink at him, almost amused he’s trying to tell you what to do. But mostly annoyed.

“Call him and said you made a mistake.” He says it firmly. “You’re not going to give up on this opportunity again.” 

“Taehyung.” Jungkook warns his friend. “Relax, she’s already made her decision.”

“She didn’t make any decision?” Taehyung looks at Jungkook incredulously. “You know better than anyone how dumb she’s be—”

“Dude.” Jungkook narrows his eyes at Taehyung. 

“Right, right.” Taehyung sits back on the sofa, clearly annoyed. “I’m not the bad guy here.” He mumbles, then he finds your eyes. “Just like Jungkook over here, I also care about you. I want the best for you and sometimes the best comes knocking and you ignore it.” 

“I just…” You chew your lips, feeling a little anxious. “I don’t think I can do it,” You tell him but your anxious eyes find Jungkook who is looking at you already with a softness that comforts you. You know he will talk to Taehyung and have your back. He always does. 

“You can do it.” Taehyung leans forward, shaking his head slightly. “You’re just so scarred—”

“Hey,” Jimin stands from the floor, “I think I remember seeing ice cream in the freezer. Want some?” He smiles at everyone, hoping to ease some tension. 

“Yeah.” Jungkook nods, “y/n? Ice cream?”

“Okay.” You stand too, “I’ll help.”


“You sure you want to leave and drive this late?” Jimin asks you as he pulls back from your hug. 

“Jimin.” You laugh at his dramatics, “It is barely 11. I think I’ll survive.” 

“Okay, let me rephrase…you sure you want to leave while I am emotionally compromised?” He jokes with you, “Ah, fine. I’ll just make Taehyung stay up with me, binging more sad movies.”

“He secretly loves it.” Jungkook chuckles while he slips on his shoes. “I’ll walk her out.”

You nod at Jungkook when Taehyung comes towards you, scooping you up for a tight hug. “Sorry for earlier.” He mumbles, pulling away but keeping his hands on your arms. “Love you.”

You look up into Taehyung’s eyes and you feel his sincerity and it makes you feel a little bad, “I know.” You tell him with a smile. “Love you too.”

“I’ll head out too.” Jungkook tells the boys, but they already assumed. “You guys still wanted to hit the gym tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah.” Jimin nods, “I’ll text when I’m up.”

“Same.” Taehyung adds. “Get home safe.”

You and Jungkook walk out of Jimin’s place and stroll down the street a little to get to your car that’s parked. You stop before unlocking it, facing Jungkook as your head bobs around. “Where did you park?”

“A little more down that way.” He points behind you. “But uh, hey…” Jungkook eyes you carefully, trying to read your expression. “About Taehyung—”

“It’s okay.” You shake your head with a small smile, “He’s—”

“He’s just being hard on you because he cares. You know that, right?” Jungkook tilts his head, big, doe eyes staring at you. Hoping you know the answer. 

“I know.” You laugh a bit humorlessly, “He makes it clear every time we get into conversations like this. But I just wish he would listen to me and just…I don’t know, let it go and let me be.” 

Jungkook lightly snorts at this, smile on his lips. “Have you met him? Is he one to ever let something go?”

“It’s just…” You look down at your feet, wondering how to word it…”It’s harder to get my feelings across to him. I…it’s always been easier venting to you and saying what I really want to say. When it comes to deeper things…you always know everything. It’s not his fault he just doesn’t get me.” 

“Hey…” Jungkook reaches for your shoulder, fingers rubbing it gently. “He does get you. I get you, yeah. But he does too…we just get you in different ways.” He tells you, a small blush on his cheeks and you wonder if it’s from the night breeze. 

“I guess.” You blow out a puff of air, shoulders slumping a little. 

“So,” Jungkook brings his hand back down to his side. “Can you tell me why you turned down the promotion?”

You look at him and feel the defeat settling, “Fine. I just…I don’t like roles like that, you know that. You know how I am. I prefer being off to the side, you know, very low key. Something—”

“Yeah. Well, we can thank your mom for that.” He says, annoyance evident.

“Jungkook.” You say his name vigorously but he ignores it. 

“What?” He takes a deep breath, “You know it’s true. God, she really messed up your whole perception of…” He gestures his hands around but you look at him, expecting an explanation. “Oh come on,” He drags out the words, “She didn’t want you to be the center of attention for anything. Literally anything. Remember when you were in middle school and you were the lead role for some play? She made you give up the role so ‘other kids had a chance.’ Or when she literally canceled your birthday party because it was ‘insensitive’ to other kids who couldn’t have parties??” 

You exhale a breath, waiting for him to continue…because you know he wants to.

“She was selfish, y/n.” He tells you softer now, “Her excuses were bullshit. She just wanted the entire spotlight on her and her campaign. Everyone and everything else was background. And now here you are afraid to receive any amount of attention that you deserve. Fucked you up.” He shakes his head, eyes going to the sky. 

Finally, you speak. “It wasn’t really like that.” You say calmly, “My mom had it rough and she wanted to prote—”

“I’m not saying that wasn’t part of it…” He looks back at you. “But she just isn’t the parent that wants better for her kid…but rather she wanted you to suffer the same way she did. To teach you what? How to be anxious?”

“It’s fine.” You glance away from his gaze. “I don’t really like the spotlight anyway.”

“Really? I can still remember how excited you were for that play.” Jungkook chuckles, “You practiced in front of your mirror all the time and you cried for like ever when she told you to give it up. Then I guess you got used to it.” 

“She really wasn’t that bad…” You say, knowing that’s not totally truthful.

“y/n…she didn’t even show up to your University graduation.” Jungkook reminds you. It should sting but this is old news. You’ve honestly healed a lot since then but it seems this is one event he really cannot let go. You were devastated at that time and Jungkook is the one who witnessed it all. You think he might continue but instead you hear him start cracking up, you lift your eyes to him and express your confusion. What is funny?

“But you know what was hilarious about that night?” He asks you, teeth poking out, ready to tease you. Ah, so that’s what’s funny. Well, you should have guessed he was going to bring it up. 

You roll your eyes and look at him, almost in a challenge. “And what exactly was so funny about that night?”

“You know how everyone always brings up the night Taehyung made us make out a few months ago to tease us?” He keeps grinning at you, devious little thing. “I wonder what they’d say if they knew.” He smirks now.

“Knew what, huh?” 

“That you tried to kiss me. The night of your graduation. You totally tried to kiss me.” He keeps smirking.

You glance away, pout on your lips. “I was drunk.”

“Uh huh.”

“Drunk and vulnerable!” You quietly shout, eyes back on him. 

He softens at this, “Yeah, you were vulnerable.” His gaze somehow eases even more. “That’s why I didn’t let you kiss me.” 

That’s why?

“Then…” You bite your bottom lip, pausing to gaze into his eyes. “Would you have if—”

“Oh.” Jungkook glances down, hand feeling his pocket before he’s pulling out his phone. He looks at the screen, “Sorry, my brother is calling me. He’s supposed to swing by my place to drop off some stuff.” He clicks the phone off though, “I’ll call him back when I get to my car.


“—Look, about the promotion…I’m not telling you to call your boss and tell him you’ll take it…but at least reconsider.” He reaches for your hand, thumb brushing your skin, “And you might not want to be the center of the universe but to some people you are. So,” He bites his lip, concealing a smile. “Just humor us.” 


It’s Tuesday in the afternoon, fingers busy at your desk computer, trying to finish up one of your team’s projects. You work for an ad agency and you tend to do a lot of the background work but your boss has insisted you move up in the company as the lead director for all upcoming projects within your team—meaning you’ll be in charge of traveling to other places and be the head of presenting. 

You’ve already declined twice. But your boss reasons that no one is better for the job than you. He offered it a year ago, hired someone else but they’ve left the company and he’s asked you again just recently. Maybe Taehyung and Jungkook are right…maybe you should reconsider. But Jungkook is also right about you feeling a weird pressure anytime something like this happens…your moms words still echo in your mind. You laugh at yourself, feeling pathetic for still hearing her voice. You’ve healed, you’ve moved forward yet you’re still afraid and you still put restrictions on yourself. 

“y/n.” Your boss, Mr. Kim comes towards you with a flash drive in his hand. “Mind if you look over this?” He waves it around, “Hito’s team finished it up but I’d like for you to give it a once over and see if it’s actually ready.” 

“Sure.” You smile, taking the flash drive from his hand. “When do you want my thoughts?”

“As soon as possible, if you can.” He tells you. “By the way…” He glances around, “I know you’ve already rejected my offer but—”

“I’ll think about it.” You cut him off, eyes widening when you realized that you did. “Sorry, I just…you want me to reconsider the promotion, right?”

“Yes!” He grins at you. “Think about it. I’ll take it. Think you can give me an answer by the end of the month?” 

“Yeah.” You nod, smiling gratefully. Wondering where the hell your burst of motivation came from. 

“This is great news, y/n.”


You get home, small apartment quite a bit away from your work building—hey, maybe if you do take the promotion, you could afford something nicer and closer. Only Tuesday but the week feels long already and a bubble bath sounds so nice.

You dip your toes to test the waters, a pleasant burn from the tub makes you sink into the tub before you know it. Body already relaxing as bubbles swarm every inch of skin. Your phone that sits on the ledge of the tub vibrates and you try to somehow dry your soapy fingers before grabbing it.

Ara 9:58pm


Ara 9:58pm

Double date this Saturday?? For me?????

y/n 9:59pm


You look down at the screen contemplating the situation…for Ara. 

y/n 9:59pm

fine whatever

Ara 10:00pm


Ara 10:00pm

Btw love the enthusiasm girly!

y/n 10:01pm

shut up

You laugh to yourself before deciding to scroll through your phone when an idea comes to mind.

y/n 10:06pm


You leave the message thread before continuing to scroll through your phone. It’s been a few minutes and still no reply. You brush it off, maybe he’s already asleep. You set your phone back down on the ledge and then sink deeper into the tub. Bubbles meeting your chin and you close your eyes. Yes this feels—your phones buzzes and your eyes shoot open as your stomach swirls in excitement. You dry the tip of your fingers again before reaching for your phone.

Jungkook 10:17pm

Hey baby

y/n 10:17pm


Jungkook 10:18pm

Lol okay okay

Jungkook 10:18pm


y/n 10:18pm

what are you doing?

Jungkook 10:20pm

Just walked in the door

y/n 10:20pm

from what?

y/n 10:20pm

from work???

Jungkook 10:23pm

Yeah its been a long ass stressful ass day 

y/n 10:23pm

its after 10 and youre just getting home?

y/n 10:23pm

lol r u lying….really from work?

Jungkook 10:24pm

Where else?

y/n 10:24pm


Jungkook 10:25pm


Jungkook 10:25pm

Yes, from work y/n

y/n 10:26pm

I wasn’t insinuating anything!

Jungkook 10:28pm

Uh huh sure

y/n 10:28pm


Jungkook 10:28pm

Lol so do you want me to come over? I can shower really quick and go 

y/n 10:29pm

oh no its okay…im sure youre really tired 

Jungkook 10:31pm

So tired

Jungkook 10:31pm

But also stressed. So seeing you might be good for me 

y/n 10:32pm

wow…sex to relieve stress, huh?

Jungkook 10:32pm

Get your head out of the gutter! I was just going to VENT 🤥

y/n 10:33pm

uh huh sure

Jungkook 10:35pm

Lemme shower and ill text when im on my way 😘

After your bath you find some comfy clothes to slip into. Just a pair of shorts and an old, oversized t shirt from University. Jungkook texted like 20 minutes ago that he was on his way so you’re expecting him any minute now. And like clockwork, you can hear the ding of each number being pressed into your lock and suddenly the door is opening and Jungkook is letting himself in. 

“Hey.” He notices you coming through the entry way, “I brought stuff for tomorrow.” He holds up a duffle bag. “Figured I would just leave from here to go to work in the morning.”

“Probably a good idea.” You nod towards the bedroom. “Want to vent in bed?”

“Anything involving a bed sounds great.” He chuckles, “This day drained me.” And you think he’s right. He looks exhausted. 

You both make it to your room and he pulls the blanket back before settling in your bed, a long puff of air leaving his mouth as he relaxes into your mattress. You join him, getting cozy in your bed as well.

“Two of my most reliable employees both came down with the flu this week.” He begins his vent session, body turned towards you. “Which is not great timing considering we have a big proposal due at the end of the week for a major client. I’m basically covering all the extra work and there just isn’t enough hours in the day.” 

“Shit…that sucks, I’m sorry.” You don’t envy him. “Isn’t there anyone else who could help?”

“Everyone’s chipping in, picking up slack but only so many have knowledge on what I need help on exactly. So,” He sighs out, “That leaves me doing majority of it.” 

“Sorry, Kook.” You snuggle further into your pillow, kind of wishing you were snuggling up to him instead—as a way of offering your condolences or some kind of comfort. But you two don’t typically cuddle in bed.

“It sucks.” He laughs. “But it feels good to complain.” 

“Complaining can be fun.”

“Can be. But this is the only place I can do it. Can’t let it get to me at work, you know?”

“I get you.” You offer a small smile, “Complain to me all you want.”

“Hey, you offered. No take backs.” He grins now. “How was your day? Hm?” He snuggles into his pillow as well.

“It was…” You try to hide a sheepish smile. “Good?”

“Yeah?” He quirks a brow, trying to pry further. “How so?”

“I told my boss I’d…think about the promotion.” You admit. “I mean, I didn’t give an answer but—”

“But you’re thinking about it?” Jungkook cuts in, his eyes sparkling with something.


“Wow,” His hand goes to your cheek and he pinches it softly. “I’m proud of you. That’s something, y/n. Really proud of you.”

Ah, so they were sparkling with pride.

“Thanks.” You murmur and then crack a smile when you see Jungkook yawn out, his eyes looking tired. “You don’t really look like you have the energy for sex.” You giggle and he laughs too.

“You might be right.” He gazes at you, a look of regret passes over his features. “But don’t worry—”

“—No, you’re tired, Kook. It’s okay.”

“Don’t forget stressed.” He chuckles, cute smile on his face but yeah, the exhaustion is evident. And then you get an idea.

“Well…” Your fingers reach for his cheek, gliding them across his lips before they drag down his chest. “I could always help you relieve some stress…help you relax more.” 

Jungkook’s breath gets caught in his throat, eyes on you as he processes your words and then he’s swallowing. “Yeah?”

“Mhm.” You wiggle closer to him and he’s quick to grab your waist and help you push up against his body. “Could go down on you,” You whisper, “If that’s something you’d like.”

Jungkook playfully scoffs at you but his eyes stay on yours. “Why wouldn’t that be something I like? You have the prettiest lips. You don’t think I wouldn’t want to see them wrapped around my dick daily?” He breathes out, “Oh but I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with three days of the week, huh?”

“You’re such a smart ass.” You laugh a little, your hands sliding down his body before you have a palm lightly rubbing against his crotch. “So is that a yes?” 

“It’s always a yes,” He sighs contently, eyes slowly shutting when you’re palming him expertly, his member growing hard beneath your touch. 

“Okay.” You pause the action of your hand, both hands on Jungkook’s chest as you hint for him to lay on his back. He follows your lead, head hitting the pillow and eyes on you as you move to crawl over his body. “You smell good.” You tell him before leaning in to kiss his lips. He kisses you back slowly, lips moving together when he barely slips his tongue into your mouth. He tastes good too. 

Your hand is back on his erection but this time inside his sweatpants. The skin of his cock is warm, so warm like it’s been ready for you to touch. Waiting, anticipating, wondering where you are. Jungkook moans into your mouth when your fingers wrap around the head, thumb spreading his precum. He’s relaxing beneath you, his body sinking into the mattress.

You make your way down his body, fingers tugging at his sweatpants as you pull them down his legs. He’s not wearing underwear and you aren’t surprised. He typically will forgo them when he sleeps. Your eyes are set on his length. And his eyes are set on you. 

“Pretty.” He murmurs and you look up at him before giving him a small smile. “So pretty.” 

You take his cock in your hand, stroking him slowly before hovering over it. Your tongue licks up his base, eyes on him, gliding your tongue to the tip before circling it around a few times making Jungkook tense. “y/n…”

You continue to swirl your tongue until you wrap your lips around the head of his cock and suck on it, making him whine. God, you love the sounds he makes when you have him in your mouth like this. You want to tease him, you want to make this last so he can come hard but you also know he’s tired. And he probably wants have his cum sliding down your throat and then go to sleep. 

Your fingers continue to stroke him while you begin bobbing your head up and down, tongue working him from base to tip while your other hand fondles his balls and he’s breathing heavy, hands going to the back of your head. “You don’t want me to last, do you?”

You only hum around his cock and he laughs breathlessly, mixing a moan in there making your lower stomach fill with desire. You watch him watching you. Your head moving quicker, his cock going deeper, hitting the back of your throat and you struggle not to choke on his length—it’s impressive. 

“Baby.” He whines again, “Can I come in your mouth?” He’s trying not to come until you answer. You look up at him with your eyes that bewitch him and you hum in approval. He sighs in relief, his hips moving on their own as you continue to suck on him, fingers still stroking him, fingers still playing with his balls and you feel the way they tighten. “Coming,” He warns you, “Fuck, yes, y/n…I’m…” And then he stills himself, his hands trying to stop you from moving anymore while you feel his hot cum spill into your mouth. The way he groans loudly the moment he’s releasing into your mouth is a sound you will save for a rainy day. 

Jungkook chuckles to himself, clearly experiencing euphoria, an arm thrown over his eyes as you make your way to lay next to him. “Feeling less stressed?” You tease. He moves his arm back to his side before he’s snuggling closer to you and planting a kiss to your lips.

“Mhm.” He smiles into the kiss, adding another and another. You don’t mind. Kissing Jungkook feels nice and hey, there’s no rule that says you can’t.


You’re on your way home from the store, you were wanting to buy something cute for tomorrow’s double date—you aren’t trying to impress or anything but hey, dressing cute and buying something new is always great. You don’t have any plans tonight, maybe just some Netflix and cooking something simple for dinner.

You’re at a light when your phone starts ringing through your car’s Bluetooth and you see Jungkook’s name across the screen. You push the answer button and sing out a melodic ‘hello’.

“Are you in your car?” Jungkook immediately asks, “Your voice sounds far.”

“Yup.” You drum your fingers on top of the driving wheel. 

“Perfect. Drive here!” He tells you excitedly and then you begin to pay attention to the background noise, “We just ordered some take out and I ordered your favorite without realizing. So, come over and eat.”

“Wow,” You laugh, eyes still on the light as you wait for it to change. “You didn’t want to invite me beforehand?” You tease him. “Who’s there?”

“Are you complaining? Should I eat your share then?” He teases back. “It’s just me, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok. We were playing games and got hungry.” 

“I thought I heard Hoseok laughing in the background.” 

“He’s loud.” Jungkook chuckles, “And he knows he’s loud because tell me why I said that and he looked directly at me and asked if I was talking about him.”

You start giggling at that, imagining Hoseok’s innocent face. Finally, the light turns green and you quickly try to switch lanes since you’re going to go to Jungkook’s now instead of your place. “Fine, I’m on my way.” You tell Jungkook, “I was out shopping on the other side of town so I won’t be there for like 30 minutes.”

“Good timing.” Jungkook tells you distractedly, the other boy’s voices in the background. “The food will get here around then. Just let yourself in. Drive safe!” 

“Okay, okay.” You smile, he can’t see it but he can probably tell. “See you guys soon.” And then you hang up. 

There’s traffic so it’s taking longer to get to Jungkook’s place. The weekends are usually like this, lots of people out and about and It’s after 7 on a Friday evening so it’s not surprising. But your stomach rumbles and you’re getting impatient since you’ve gotten really hungry. You can see Jungkook has texted you, probably asking where you’re at and then after a couple more minutes you are receiving another phone call.

“What?” You answer playfully annoyed.

“Where are you?” He asks, “Food got here already.”

“I think like ten minutes away.” You say. “There’s been traffic.”

“Oh.” He hums along, “Drive safe but hurry.” 

“You’re so impatient.”

“I just miss your pretty face.” He says into the phone quietly. “Miss every pretty thing about you, actually.”

You feel your stomach twist in panic? Maybe desire? Anxiety? Lust? “You didn’t say that in front of the guys did you…” You ask him slowly, your voice sounding so close to scolding.

There’s a beat before Jungkook sighs out, “I’m not telling you if I did or not.” He finally says, his tone is teasing and you swear you are going to make him pay later. “Anyway, I’m just trying to butter you up because I definitely ate your share of dumplings.”

“Jungkook!” You whine out, “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously.” He starts laughing annoyingly into the phone. “Should I keep going about how pretty you are?”

“You’re the worst, I truly hope you know that.”

“And I truly hope you know you’re the prettiest most gorgeous—”

“—I’m going to hang up on you.” You threaten him but he just keeps cackling to himself.

“Don’t do that.” He sings out and then you hear the toilet flush in the background. You roll your eyes at the sound.

“Were you on the toilet this whole time?” You ask him and he hums into the phone nonchalantly. “Anyway, I’m going to be there soon so don’t eat more of what you ordered for me!”

“I’ll try not to.” 

And then you hang up again.

Like you said, around 10 minutes later you’re already inside the elevator of Jungkook’s fancy apartment building, waiting to reach his floor. You stand here, watching the numbers go up and you recall the last time you were in this elevator. With Jungkook. And all his teasing. The way he said he could have you so wet if he just sat you down and talked dirty to you. You believe him. He could. But also like he said, that might be too much control that you’d be giving him.

That’s a hard one for you. You typically are the one who guides a situation when you two are being sexual with one another. You just like to feel like things are under control—your control. Jungkook doesn’t mind though, you know he enjoys it but you also know he is itching to have you lose yourself for him—sexually of course. 

The elevator dings and the doors open. You stroll down the hall until you reach his front door, fingers pressing against the key code to unlock it. As soon as the door opens, your ears are met with loud laughter and talking.

“Hello.” You sing out as you slip off your shoes. You hear various ‘Hi’s’ and ‘Hey’s’ as you walk through to see your friends all in Jungkook’s living room. “Please tell me you guys left me some food.” You put your hands on the back of the couch before glancing towards the kitchen. “Or I am making you order me more.” You say, head twisting back to the living room, eyes going straight to Jungkook.

“Yes, my liege .” Jungkook dramatically bows to you but then he grins. “But there’s plenty.”

“Oh, yay.” You smile in delight, clearly satisfied. “Then carry on, I’m going to eat.”

“We’re allowed to carry on?” Taehyung asks, exaggerated shock on his face. “Oh my god, our liege is so good to us! Thank you, thank you, my queen, my—”

“—Shut up.” You laugh before heading towards the kitchen, “You aren’t going out tonight, Taehyung?”

“Nah,” He calls out, “I’m meeting a girl after this though.”

“Who?” You can hear Hoseok ask, “Someone new?”

“As if I hook up with someone twice.” Taehyung scoffs, “Well, except there is someone from the past I would totally hook up with again. She knew how to—“

“—Oh let me guess.” Yoongi cuts off Taehyung, “It’s the girl who left you the morning after. You like the chase, dude. That was the first time someone beat you to it.”

“Listen,” Taehyung’s voice gets louder, clearly getting defensive. “I was only disappointed because I thought we would hook up again in the morning!”

“Doesn’t that count as twice?” You yell out so he can hear you, your mouth getting busy with some food. 

“No!” He shouts back, “It’s the same occasion! Doesn’t count.”

“Morning sex is the best.” Jungkook chimes in, “I have to force myself not to come within 5 seconds though.”

You laugh to yourself quietly, mouth still stuffed with dinner. He’s right, he is a big fan of fucking right when he wakes up but he does struggle with not getting too lost with it and coming quickly. 

“Dude, I remember hearing you hooking up with someone back in college. It was like 7 in the morning, you had a class at 8 and the girl was screaming.” Taehyung tsks his tongue, annoyed. “I never hated being your roommate more than that moment.”

“What can I say?” You hear Jungkook chuckle and you roll your eyes. You take a few more bites of the take out Jungkook got for you before making your way into the living room. 

“Taehyung do you not remember when you hooked up with one of my friends in high school at my parent’s house? My mom told me you weren’t allowed back over for at least a month because she was so disturbed.” You remind Taehyung and he starts cracking up.

“Oh my god, I remember. It was my first time getting a blowjob, it was a big moment for me. I’m sure your parents could understand.”

“They didn’t.” You deadpan. 

“Did they hear him or something…?” Hoseok asks, almost afraid to know the answer.

“Worse.” Jungkook joins Taehyung in laughing. “Her mom walked in the bathroom that Taehyung was getting his dick sucked in.”

“Jesus, Taehyung.” Yoongi murmurs, shaking his head. “At y/n’s house?”

“Her friend was handsy, I couldn’t just say no, right?” Taehyung shrugs. But everyone looks at him with disapproval but he scoffs. “A blowjob.” He says like it’s enough reason. “A motherfucking blowjob!” 

“My mom told me I couldn’t host any gatherings after that for a while.” You take a seat next to Hoseok on the couch. Almost a week ago you were having sex with Jungkook exactly where Hoseok is sitting. 

“Remember your mom told you to stop hanging out with Taehyung because she was convinced he was going to corrupt you and take your virginity?” Jungkook looks between you and Taehyung and you both offer a grossed out face.

“Ew.” You shudder, “But yeah.”

“That’s funny that your mom thought you could actually get some action like that.” Taehyung snickers, “But you’re prude self didn’t get wild until college.”

“Hey,” You roll your eyes, “Jungkook didn’t lose his virginity until college either!”

“Okay, you lost yours during like your third year or some shit.” Taehyung gives you a pointed look before gesturing towards Jungkook, “My man over here lost his shit during the first week.”

“Truly the best first week I ever had when it came to school.” Jungkook smirks.

“You were so wasted you don’t even really remember it though?” You look at him and he shrugs.

“But I know it happened and that’s what matters.”

“You were wild back then,” Taehyung nudges Jungkook’s shoulder with his, “Too bad you’re in a dry spell now, huh?”

“Who said that?” Jungkook raises his brows at Taehyung. 

“I haven’t seen or heard anything so—”

“—You know I don’t say all the details of my sex life like you!” Jungkook counters, eyes big and defensive.

“So?” Taehyung suddenly gets more interested, his eyes narrowing and you can see the annoying curiosity lingering in them. “You’ve been—”

“—Yeah, there’s someone.” Jungkook cuts him off with a proud glint. You feel your stomach twist again for the second time today. 

“Someone?” Yoongi asks, his own curiosity growing. “As in singular? One person?”

Jungkook just nods.

“What the hell?” Hoseok’s lips lift into a grin. “Who?!”

You watch Jungkook anxiously. You know he won’t say anything…but the way he just glanced at you…you know he’s about to have his fun.

“Just someone.” He shrugs. “But I can’t tell you guys too many details, you’d get envious of me and what not.”

“Envious?” Taehyung quirks a brow, “Now I got to know more.”

“You really don’t.” Jungkook smirks, his eyes going between all of you. But they linger on yours more. “But—”

“—We really don’t need any details.” You start awkwardly laughing.

“Are you serious?” Taehyung blinks at you, “We totally do!” Then his eyes go back to Jungkook, “How good is the sex like rate it from one to ten.”

“Seriously?” You ask Taehyung, unamused. “We rate sex now?”

“y/n is just bitter because her sex with Jihoon was like a 3. She told me herself when she was drunk.” Taehyung outs you and you glare at him. But like, he’s right.

“A 3, y/n?” Jungkook’s eyes slide over to you, “Well, I hope you’ve gotten something better than that since then.”

“How long did you date Jihoon again?” Hoseok asks you.

“She was with that loser for like 5 months!” Taehyung answers for you, “Imagine have a 3 scale sex life for 5 months…”

“Was it really that bad?” Yoongi asks you and you take a deep breath.

“It wasn’t that bad!” You pout, “But okay, yeah, it wasn’t that good either.”

“Why did you,” Jungkook’s eyes find yours, his tone softer. “Why did you stay with him that long anyway? You weren’t that into him by the looks of it.”

“She was settling and then he still dumped her on Valentine’s day!” Taehyung jumps in, “God, I wanted to kick his ass. But don’t worry, y/n, the girl he’s with now is not nearly as hot as you.” 

“Getting called hot by you just doesn’t feel that flattering.” You deadpan.

“Can I say it?” Yoongi smiles at you, “Because Taehyung is right but I totally understand it just doesn’t feel like it counts when it comes from him.” He starts teasing. 

“I feel like it doesn’t count from me either for some reason.” Jungkook sighs out, “I tell her she’s pretty and she doesn’t even respond half the time.”

Stomach twists again. 

“Because you’re usually just teasing me.” You huff out.

“Oh?” Jungkook gazes at you with a darker expression, “I don’t think every time I say it it’s in a teasing way? Should I refresh your memory of moments—”

“—Nah.” You wave him off, “Anyway, when are you meeting up with your date tonight?” You direct your focus to Taehyung now.

“Late.” He answers.

“Oh,” Hoseok blurts, eyes on his phone. “Jungkook do you have a charger I could use? My phone’s on 2%.”

“Oh, yeah.” He nods, “I’m charging mine too but I know I have another charger in my room somewhere.” 

“It’s in your closet, on the top shelf inside a box.” You tell him, “I doubt you knew that since I’m the one who organized your closet last time.”

“Oh shit.” Jungkook cracks a smile. “What would I do without you?” He stands up and starts heading down the hall towards his bedroom. You look at the other guys with a straight face.

“How much you guys want to bet he won’t find it and is going to call for help?”

“A million dollars because you’re right.” Taehyung chuckles, “Not only that but he’s going to give up within a minute of searching.”

“Definitely.” You nod in agreement. “I give him another 30 seconds before he starts whining.”

“You guys are so generous because I give him maybe 10 seconds.” Yoongi says.

“You guys don’t know Jungkook or what because I give it,” He holds up 5 fingers before he’s lowering a finger one at a time, counting down. “4…3…2…1…and—”

“Hey!” Jungkook’s muffled voice echoes in the distance. “I can’t find it!”

“What did I say?” Hoseok asks around, looking proud of himself.

“I bet he didn’t even try.” You roll your eyes as you stand up, “I’ll be back.” 

You walk down the long, dark hall that leads to Jungkook’s bedroom, his walls decorated in framed photos and some other décor. Right next to bedroom door, a photo hangs that makes you heart swell every time. A picture of you, Taehyung and Jungkook when you were kids. Little Jungkook has a huge bunny grin, you with an angry expression as Taehyung has an ice cream cone getting smashed into your cheek while he’s laughing his ass off.

Some things never change, you think, the memory fond. 

You enter Jungkook’s bedroom and see his closet light on and him mumbling to himself before you walk inside. “Having trouble?” You tease him.

“You said box on top shelf but y/n there’s like 5 boxes.” He glances at you while gesturing towards the boxes above. 

“You’re right this is all my fault.” You brush past him, sarcasm thick in your voice. “How could I steer you so wrong?”

“At least you know.” He grins to himself, “I love how self-aware you are.” 

“Uh huh.” You stand on you tip toes to reach the box furthest to the right. “It’s in here.” 

“I’ll get it.” Jungkook tells you, quickly coming next to you to grab the box himself. “Let’s see…” He sings cutely, hands on either side before he’s bringing it down. “Oh.” He glances down and sees the charger right on top.

“Told you.” You say cockily, “What would you do without me, I’m so serious you’d be—”

“—Well, without you I wouldn’t be having 10 out of 10 sex.” He cuts in, his tone is playful. You gape at him, already shaking your head.

“Did you really rate our sex?”

“I knew you were secretly curious, y/n.” He grabs the charger before placing the box back on the shelf. “I didn’t want to leave you hanging.”

“You’re being so…” You motion your hands around, “I don’t know. Are you trying to rile me up today?”

“Is it working?” He asks you, his feet moving closer to you. “I told you I was missing you earlier.” 

“Oh,” You try not to smile, “You miss me because it’s been a whole 3 days? Wow,” You lift a hand to his jaw, fingers brushing against it softly and then you gaze into his eyes and speak slowly, “How have you survived?”

“Barely making it through.” He smiles lazily. “I’ve only had you once this week and it barely counts.” He tells you quietly, his forehead going to yours as his hands find your waist.

You look up into his eyes and you see he’s already affected. “Barely counts?” You ask, pretending to be offended. “Well, since it means nothing I guess I don’t have to suck your—”

“—Noooo,” Jungkook laughs, his hands rubbing your sides. “I just mean I didn’t get to do anything for you.” He leans back from you, hands going to your hips now. “But I could.”


“Come on,” He tries pulling you closer to him. “How about you be good for me, hm? I’ll finger you and have you coming in no time. Guys won’t even think we’ve been missing for too long.” 

You raise an amused brow, “Be good for you?” You start pushing him back, leading him outside of the closet. “Are you trying to tell me what to do?” 

Jungkook stumbles backwards, doe eyes on you as you keep guiding him backwards. The back of his knees hit his mattress. You glance towards his open door, the distant sound of laughter coming from your friends can be heard. It’s a risk but…

You lift a hand to his chest, pushing him gently, forcing him to sit on the bed. “You want me to surrender myself to you, don’t you?” You ask softly, your body moving before your brain even tells it to. You lift a knee to the outside of Jungkook’s thigh and then the other, successfully sitting in his lap, straddling him. 

He looks up at you, eyes filling with need. “Yeah.” He tells you honestly, voice gentle. “But I have no control over you, do I?” 

You lower yourself more onto Jungkook’s lap, putting weight and pressure onto his cock that rests beneath you. One of your hands goes to the back of his neck, “No.” You finally tell him.

He releases a long breath, eyes lighting up in excitement. “Never say never, baby.” His hand goes to your thigh but just to prove a point, you slowly take his hand and bring it away from your legs.

“I control how you touch me, Jungkook.” You say quietly before you grind your hips a little, his member twitching from the feeling. He continues to look up at you, eyes heavy with lust, knowing this is exactly what he wants. He’s teased you enough today and you’ve always been a fan of playful revenge.

You take the same hand he originally had on your thigh and bring it your hip. You cover his large hand with your own, guiding it over your body. Hips to your waist to your breast. You cup your breast with his hand and he breathes heavily beneath you. His cock getting harder.

Finally, you pull yours and his hand back and clutch onto one finger. He watches you with curious eyes as you stare down at him. You bring his finger closer to your mouth, never breaking your eye contact with him and you roll your hips over him as you stick your tongue out and lick up his finger.

“y/n…” He sighs out.

You smirk before placing his finger between your lips and you suck on it, your tongue swirling around his single digit and he’s losing his mind as he watches you. You’re both gazing so intensely at the other. 

“Baby.” He wants to pull his finger from your mouth and crash his lips over yours and grope every inch of your body that he can. He wants to tear your clothes from your body and bend you over this very bed and fuck you until you’re crying for him. He wants to. And he knows you know that he wants to. 

He sees in your eyes how fucking delighted you are with his reaction. He knows you can feel how hard he is under you. You smirk, looking satisfied as you pull his finger from your mouth.

“Well, you survived three days.” You tell him quietly. “Let’s see if you survive a fourth.” And then you give him a smile before leaving his lap. He watches as you exit his bedroom to go back to your friends.

He stares at nothing for a moment, almost in disbelief before he’s quietly groaning to himself, little smile growing on his lips before he falls back to his bed in defeat. He looks up at the ceiling and tries to breathe evenly again. 

“God damn it.” 


Part Two

Tags :
2 years ago

nooooo why are they so fucking cute i love them so much 😭 love their chemistry and the way jungkook had the control during sex was so so hot too i can’t get enough of these two, i’m glad it worked out for them at the end !! ALSO tae had me fooled since the very beginning?? like i had no idea and did absolutely not think he’d had this planned out for his besties lmao i love his character! anyways i enjoyed this so much,, you really never disappoint!

Rule #5 | JJK (2/2)

Rule #5 | JJK (2/2)

Summary: You strike up a fwb deal with your childhood friend Jungkook after kissing him one night after a dare. But you have rules…5 of them to be exact and it seems Jungkook doesn’t want to follow any of them.

Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader

Genre: fwb au, friends to lovers, fluff, maybe a little angst (barely), SMUT

Word Count: 22k (twc:42k)

Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, bit of jealous!jk, jk is a little dry with oc, mentions of discomfort & vulnerability, lots of discussion over ‘control’, open communication :], Taehyung is a meddler. Okay…smut warnings: so much kissing (cute & sloppy), lots of teasing, teasing use of the word ‘slut’, technically switch!oc and switch!jk, finger sucking, dirty talk and comm in general, lingerie (tearing of it too), jk is demanding but so soft, use of restraints and blindfold, boners, vaginal fingering, oral (fem rec), overstimulation, edging, multiple orgasms, multiple orgasm denials, cum eating, clit slapping, cream pie (?), protected sex, rougher with multiple positions. But still so soft. Oc describes feeling of vulnerability during sex. (positive)

© tastefully-in-luv

Part One


It’s over an hour into this double date and you aren’t having a horrible time. Not an amazing time…but not a horrible time. You can see Ara is clearly into the guy across from her, he is handsome and seems to be pretty funny. Even you’ve laughed quite a bit at his playful banter with Ara.

Now, the guy across from you is not as outgoing as Ara’s date. He’s almost intimidatingly handsome, sharp eyes that come across off as judgmental. But you realized the judgmental one is you because as soon as he talks he is soft spoken and kind. He’s just a bit shy.

Chul, Ara’s date is sharing a few stories about a disastrous holiday work party last year. You and Ara both cracking up when Ren, your date, chimes in. “I just hope this year isn’t as bad.” 

“Well, maybe it won’t be if these two wonderful ladies accompany us.” He winks at Ara who just rolls her eyes, but you can see the blush on her cheeks.

“It’s summer.” She points out, “You’re already trying to plan for something so many months in advance?”

“Is it bad to be that hopeful?” Chul eyes Ara innocently and you can’t help but snort but you quickly cover your mouth.

“Sorry, sorry.” You conceal a smile, “I didn’t mean to make that sound.”

“It’s okay.” Ren chuckles quietly, “Chul really is that hopeful.” Then he leans over the table a little, eyes on you. “He’s been talking about Ara nonstop since they started chatting.”

“Oh.” You glance at Ara who is giggling to something else Chul said, “It seems like they’re hitting it off then.”

“Yeah.” Ren takes a look at the other two as well before whispering, “Should we give them some space?” 

You turn your head back to Ren with wide eyes and then decide maybe he’s right so you nod. He smiles as he stands up and gestures towards the bar instead of the table you four are currently occupying, “We can grab another drink.”

You stand as well and you both make it to the bar top and take a seat at the stools, “I don’t think they even noticed that we left.” You laugh.

“Highly doubt it.” Ren shakes his head gently, “He was nervous to come by himself, honestly. So he asked me to come too.” Then his eyes expand, “But I mean, after seeing your photo it’s not like he had to force me.”

You giggle at this, “It’s okay. I get it.” 

He relaxes, “If I’m being honest with you…I’m kind of going through a break up.”

“Ah really?” You tilt your head, “Rough breakup?”

“Yes and no.” He sighs out, smile tugging at his lips. “It was clean and mutual but for some reason that’s what’s making it feel so rough.” He laughs. “Sorry, probably not the topic of conversation you are wanting to have.”

“Can I be honest too?” You show him a crooked smile and he nods. “I wasn’t necessarily thrilled about going on a double date. Like, in general.” You decide to clarify, “Nothing against you, of course. I’m also helping out a friend.” And he nods in understanding since he’s doing the same thing. “But it feels strange for some reason. Being here.”

“Strange?” He lifts his brows in concern, “Did I do something?”

You’re quick to wave your hands around, shaking your head. “No. No.”


“Fine, I’ll tell you but you cannot tell anyone.” You chuckle to yourself, “Well, not Ara, anyway.”

Ren eyes you curiously, “Are you seeing someone else?” He guesses almost correctly.

“Yes and no.” You repeat his answer from earlier. “It’s complicated but not complicated.” You shrug now, “I have a friends with benefits?” 

“That’s a question?” He grins at you. “But wow, good luck with that.”

“Good luck?” You ask, amused.

“Yeah.” He nods. “I mean, unless your relationship is strictly the benefits and hardly friends then I guess it could work.”

You blink at him before your cheeks heat up and you frown, “He’s one of my best friends actually. Not to mention my friend since we were kids. Super close.”

“Then I will emphasize my ‘good luck’ because you’ll need it.” He chuckles. “Be prepared for chaos.”

“Actually that’s highly unlikely.” You say confidently. “We have rules in place. So things don’t get chaotic. Everything is under control.”

“Rules?” He raises a single brow, “Which are?”

“Well,” You look up, trying to recall the rules. “First one is that we can’t tell anyone and the sec—”

“—Didn’t you just break the first rule?” He snorts, “No offense, but I don’t feel confident in your other rules now. You’re probably breaking those too.”

“Wow,” You look at him, surprised. “How dare you call me out? I thought you were shier than this?”

“Well, considering we’ve been honest about why we’re here, I feel more comfortable” He smiles at you.

“So comfortable that you can tease me like that?” You laugh, “But you’re the first person I’ve told!”

“Regardless of your other rules,” Ren softens, “Going out on a date feels strange? Are you not overthinking yet? You know, the ‘why’?” 

“Why would I?” You ask and Ren studies you for a moment. He doesn’t know you like that but why do you look so genuine, like you really don’t understand.

“How would you feel if he was out right now? With someone else?”

“Like on a date?”


“He wouldn’t.” You shrug, “He—”

“—Maybe that’s why you aren’t overthinking it.” He realizes, “Because you feel like you don’t have to worry about him getting busy with someone else. And this double date doesn’t have meaning for you so what’s to overthink, huh?” He chews on his bottom lip, “But does he know you’re here? How would he feel?”

“He…” You pause, trying to really think about it. Well, he wouldn’t mind. Just a week ago you were both going to hook up with other people. He doesn’t get jealous. He doesn’t care. “He wouldn’t care.” You finally say, “He would probably brush it off.” 

“Because he knows the context or because he doesn’t care if you see someone else?” Ren questions you, small grin. “Because those are two different things. And if he finds out, do you think he will assume the context? That you’re just here for you friend. Or will he assume you’re wanting to see other people?” 

“Why do I feel like I’m speaking to a therapist?” You joke.

Ren laughs, apology in his eyes. “Sorry, sorry. It’s easier to focus on someone else’s problems instead of my own.” 

“Oh, right. Your clean but rough break up.” 

“Exactly. Together two years but going on different paths.”

“Ah,” You nod in understanding. “Aka, you’re still in love but the logical decision is to part ways.”

“Exactly.” Ren looks shy again. “What’s the saying? Right person wrong time?” 

“I guess they say that for a reason.”

“I feel like we should probably order a drink now.” Ren chuckles, “And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”


It’s a little after 9 when the double date comes to an end. Ara is definitely giving you the look. She’s totally going to spend more time with Chul so you give her a hug and wave bye to the two men. Ren was super nice the entire evening. You two continued to talk at the bar but it’s clear there isn’t anything there between you both. You’re relieved he wasn’t interested either.

Once in your car you try to decide what to do—go home or call Jungkook. You’re honestly proud but upset with yourself, for yesterday. You loved teasing him but his offer to finger you quickly in his closet also sounded tempting and nothing feels better than Jungkook making you come. 

You won’t lie…you feel a little needy and getting touched by Jungkook sounds like the perfect Saturday night. Plus, you kind of wore what you’re wearing for a purpose. You perhaps planned ahead—you’re wanting to see Jungkook. Pulling out your phone from your bag, you find Jungkook’s name and press ‘call’. It’s ringing and ringing and you think he won’t answer. Maybe he’s busy? Then Ren’s words from earlier make you stomach do its usual twisting. No, he wouldn’t be out with someone else.

“Hello?” He finally answers. He’s quiet and his voice came out in a mumble. Maybe he was asleep..

“Hey.” You respond, “Were you sleeping?”

“No.” He says simply. “What’s up?” Still mumbling.

“Well,” You press the phone harder to your ear, his voice is too quiet. “Are you busy?”


“Okay…” You say slowly, “Want to hang out?”

He silent on the other end, soft breaths barely even heard. “Hello?” You check to see if he’s still there. “Jungkook?”

“What?” He asks with a bite to his voice. “What’s up?”

“No, I was just seeing if you wanted to hang out, jeez, never mind then.” You respond equally annoyed.

“No, wait.” He sighs out, “Sorry, I was just—sure, you can come here if you want.” He tells you.

“If I want?” You frown to yourself, “I’ll only go if it’s what you want.”

“You’re so annoying, y/n.” He kind of laughs to himself but it’s distant. “Yeah, I want you to come over.” 

“Hmm,” You try to tease him, it sounds like he’s in a bad mood. Maybe he had a long day. “I don’t know.” You hum. “Should I?”

“Yeah,” He tells you dryly.

You try to brush it off, “Okay, well, I’m actually nearby so I’ll be there in like ten.”


“Okay.” You take a breath, “See you soon.”

“Just let yourself in.” He says before hanging up.

Well, okay. You’re wondering if he had to go into work today and it was long and stressful…hopefully seeing you could make him feel a little better. He can get moody sometimes so it’s not like you aren’t used to it. But it always sucks when he’s dry with you.

Before you know it, you’re entering his apartment. It’s dark inside, all of the lights turned off in the living room as well as the kitchen. Once you’ve slipped your shoes off you start walking towards the back, a soft glow coming from the long hallway where his bedroom is located. You get closer to his bedroom, his door only cracked open, where the only light in his apartment is spilling through.

You gently push it open and see Jungkook laying on his bed, propped up on the pillows while he scrolls through his phone. His eyes lift from his phones screen and checks you out shamelessly but he keeps his face neutral.

“Nice dress. New?” He asks before his eyes go back to his phone.

“Oh.” You look down at your outfit.  A black dress that falls right above your knees, it hugs your body in all the right ways with a revealing neckline. “Yeah, I was shopping around before I came over yesterday.” You tell him.

“Right.” He answers, eyes on his phone. “Cool.”

“Yeah.” You say the word slowly, eyeing him as you continue to stand by the doorway. “Are you okay?”

Jungkook sighs before clicking his phone off and throwing his legs over the edge of the bed to sit up, “I’m great.” He says with a straight face.  “What about you?”

“I’m good.” You walk closer to the bed, hesitantly looking at the spot next to him before taking a seat. “You seem annoyed.” 

Jungkook chuckles dryly, “What, that’s crazy.” 


“—But enough about me,” He turns his head towards you and smiles. “How was your date?”

Your eyebrows climb up your forehead in surprise, “Huh?” You blink at him. “How…how did you know about that?”

“Taehyung.” He keeps his eyes on you. “He mentioned it last night after you left.”

“Taehyung?” You look more confused.

“Ara told him, I guess.” He shrugs, “Anyway, how was it?”


“—You look really nice. Bet the dude was all over you, huh?” His expression is completely unreadable but you’re trying to understand his annoyance. You can read into it that much.

“He wasn’t.” You furrow your brows, “It really—I’m sorry…” You shake your head just slightly. “Are you mad about this?” 

“Do I look happy?” He narrows his eyes. “You didn’t even tell me.”

“It wasn’t…I didn’t think it would matter?” You mumble, “I didn’t think it was something you’d mind?”

Jungkook’s eyes somehow narrow more, a look of disbelief on his face. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, seriously.” You answer, your own annoyance starting to build. “Why should—”

“You know what,” Jungkook releases a long puff of air, his eyes leaving yours to stare down at his lap. “I mean, you’re right. Why should I mind? It’s always been clear I have no control over you and what you do, who you see—”

“Oh my god,” You huff out, eyes rolling. “You realize controlling someone like that is bad, right?”

His eyes widen before he’s snapping his head to face you, “No, no. I know.” He rushes to say, “Not what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean?” 

“That,” He stares at you, his eyes are now doe like and innocent and you see some guilt swirling in them. “I don’t know.” He admits. 

“You don’t like that you didn’t know I was on a date with someone?” You ask him directly.

“Yeah, no, I did not like it.” He tells you honestly. “Not just that I didn’t know. I don’t like that you went out with someone in general.” 

“Oh.” You nod your head a little, trying to understand. He doesn’t look away from you, his eyes boring into yours and you stare back just as intently. 

You didn’t think he would care. Especially because this double date wasn’t like…it was literally meaningless and for Ara. But he doesn’t know that. You continue to look at him before softening, “Why?”

“I don’t know.” He tells you. “I’ve been sleeping with you for like 4 months now. Kind of hate the idea of sharing at this point.” He scoffs to himself before glancing down again, his voice gone quieter. “You make me feel like I don’t have any control over anything.” 

You frown a little at his words, “Jungkook…” Your hand goes to his thigh. “Last week you didn’t care though? If we—”

“—I knew damn well we weren’t actually going to hook up with anyone else.” He cuts in, looking dejected.


“I might not be cut out for this kind of arrangement.” He tells you, eyes still on his lap. “I thought I was but finding out you were out with someone else made me feel like…” He looks back up, contemplating his words. “Like you’re just playing with me.” 

You push your head back, confusion on your features. “I’m not.” You say quickly. “God, I would never—”

“—I know.” He cuts you off, “But I’m so into what we do but you aren’t satisfied with me?” He looks hurt as he asks that. “You feel the need to—” “—No.” You squeeze his thigh. “It wasn’t a real date or anything. It was just for Ara…the guy and I both made it clear we weren’t interested in one another. Seriously, Jungkook.” You gaze at him, trying to get your words across. “I’m telling the truth.”

“Not a real…date?” He questions you, “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t think to say anything because it was barely on my mind!” You lean into him, “Seriously, Jungkook. I don’t want you to feel like I’m not enjoying this.” You squeeze his thigh again. “I am. More than anything else right now.”

He raises a brow at you, his expression looking less serious. “Yeah?” 

“Yes.” You nod. “So…” You start nibbling on your lips, feeling anxious now. “Don’t say something like you aren’t cut out for this…we’re having fun, right? You’re enjoying it too, right?”

He looks wary to answer for a moment. 


“Yeah.” He blurts, “I am but I think this whole day I had a different mindset and it kind of fucked with me.” Jungkook admits, “I really don’t want to share what we’re doing with anyone else. Is that unfair? Plus, it’s safer that way…” He glances to the side, “But I just feel like I have no reigns over you.” 

You stare at him before your lips curve into a subtle smirk, “Is this because you want to make me feel I only belong to you, Jungkook?” 

He look taken aback, head already shaking. “I told you, I’m not saying I want to—”

“Do you want to make yours tonight then?” You ask, your voice calm, which only makes him more nervous.

“What are you talking about?” He whispers, brows pinched together.

“You feel like you have no sense of control when you’re with me, right?” 

“Okay…” He says slowly.

“Then I’ll give you the control.” Your hand leaves his thigh. “Tonight.”

He leans in a little, eyes boring into yours before he softens, “That’s what you mean…” He pauses. “No.”


“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“There’s always going to be a little discomfort when it comes to vulnerability.” You tell him. “But it’s not like I haven’t fantasized about it. You’re the only one who comes to mind too, when I think about something like that.” You look off to the side, feeling a little embarrassed for admitting that. You aren’t sure you’re a fan of giving up the control to someone else but when you fantasize when you’re alone, the thought of Jungkook makes your body set itself on fire.  

Jungkook is quiet as he stares at you, his eyes studying your face with such intensity. “You want to let me have my way with you?” He asks in a whisper. “You want me to be in charge of your pleasure?” 

“Believe it or not, but you’ve been in charge of my pleasure for a while.” Your eyes go back to him.

“How so?” He looks down at your lips before going back to your eyes. 

“Since you’re the reason for it.” You give a small shrug, “No one else has been a reason for so long.” 

“Ah, right.” He smiles, “Around 4 months, huh?”

“Something like that.” You admit and his brows pull together before you speak again. “Don’t overthink that.”

“You want to be mine tonight?” He asks, genuinely. “Because if you give me that permission…god, are you really letting me have that kind of power, y/n?” 

“I’m giving you tonight.” You say. “To do whatever you want with me. I’ll be good for you. Just like how you want.” You have a teasing glint in your eye. Like you’re mocking him but you’re also so serious.

His fingers go to your jaw, “You’re always good for me, baby. Believe it or not.” Jungkook smirks and your stomach twists. Again. But the way your stomach is turning isn’t totally uneasy. It’s flopping and making you feel something so strange as it shakes up. You want to think it’s nerves but instead it feels like excitement. 

“What exactly do you want to do?” You lean into his touch.

“I want to see you like I’ve never seen you.” He leans in more, his lips ghosting yours. “I want to see you completely lost, completely gone, completely fallen apart. Completely mine.” 

“Why do you want me like that so badly?” You whisper against his lips, your eyes beginning to shut. 

“Because I’m the only one who will know that side of you, right?”

“You think no guy has ever had me—”

“—No.” He stops you from finishing that, his lips pressing against yours. He’s kissing you slow before pulling back, lips still brushing yours. “Because you only want me to have you, don’t you?”

You exhale a deep breath, your hands going to his neck, fingers gripping his hair as you push your lips against his. Kissing him while  breathy moans get shared between you both. You feel needy as you slip your tongue into his mouth, your fingers lost in his hair and an undeniable ache between your legs.

Jungkook’s hands are all over your waist and hips and finally one hands slips behind your neck as well as he deepens the kiss more passionately. He groans into your mouth when he feels how your hand slides down and you cup him over his sweats. He pulls away from you, breathless and you can’t help but look disappointed.

“You really want this?” he asks, eyes on you. “My way?”

“Yes.” You breathe out, “Fuck, yes. I want this, Jungkook—I want you, I want you so badly.”

“Tell me a word you’ll remember.”


“A word. Safe word.”

“A safe…” You mumble, “Uh,”

“It’s just so I know if it’s too much, baby. I won’t do anything to hurt you.” His expression loses some of its lewdness as he stares at you. “I’d never do anything to make you uncomfortable, y/n. I just want you to feel good. But if it’s too much, I want you to tell me.”

“Then I’ll just tell you.” You say, “Who says I’ll remember a word if you’re making me fall apart for you, Jungkook.” 

“You’re talking like you know I will.” He smirks, lewd expression returning. 

“I know you will.” You bite your lips before speaking so slow, the teasing only continuing. “Do you want to fuck me like I’m your slut?”

Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words. Oh. You’re teasing him. Maybe even mocking but it’s working for him. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, taking his time to breathe. Fuck, you’re something else. “Would you let me?” a sly grin grows on his face. “Hm? Would you let me treat you,” His hand goes to your thighs where the dress rides up, his fingers inch closer to your core. You still, breath hitched as his fingers find the band of your underwear and he dips inside. “Like you’re mine?” Two fingers rub at your clit and he smirks at the wetness that’s pooled. “Someone who is dirty for me? Nasty?” He asks slowly with his deep voice before he’s pulling his hand away and putting his two fingers to your lips.

You glance down at his fingers before your big eyes go to his dark one. “You’re the one who wants me to fuck you like a slut yet you can’t suck on my fingers?” He teases you, softly nudging your lips apart. “I thought you said you’d be good for me, baby.”

You keep quiet, eyes still on him as you let his fingers push through your mouth. Your taste spreads instantly, your tongue recognizing your flavor. You finally lick at his fingers before sucking on them. 

“Do you taste good?” He asks you, “You look a little shy like this, y/n.” Jungkook pulls his fingers back, the wet digits outlining yours lips. “You’d rather taste my cum, huh?”

The corner of your lips lift before you answer, “I hope you’d let me.”

“Let you?” He quirks a brow, “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t let you do.”

“Okay.” Your hands go to his chest, before you lean forward and give him a simple kiss. “Then there is nothing I won’t let you do to me too.” You whisper against his lips, “In fact, I am hoping you do everything to me, Jungkook.” 

“If I’m lucky you’ll say something like that to me again.” He sighs out when your hand goes back to the bulge in his sweats. “And again.” He closes his eyes now. “And again.” You rub his erection over the clothing, the feeling of it hard beneath your palm. “All,” His breaths become more bated, “The fucking time.” 

“If I’m lucky,” You plant another kiss to his parted lips. “Then you’ll make me want to say it to you over and over.”

Jungkook releases a long breath before opening his eyes again, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, guiding your hand away from his body. “What are you wearing under this outfit of yours?”

“Something you’ll like.” You admit almost sheepishly, “It might have been a part of my shopping yesterday.”

“That I’ll like?” His eyes scan your figure, “Yet you wore it on your date?”

“Didn’t wear it for him.” You nudge your nose against his, “Not saying I’m wearing it for y—”

“—No, no…” Jungkook’s hands go to your waist, “I want you to tell me the truth. Did you wear it for me?”

“I’m just saying I know you’ll like it.” You lean away from him a little, eyes looking playful. 

“I’ll play along, babe.” Jungkook’s fingers go to your thighs again, his fingers riding up your dress even more, fingers working up your thigh when his expression shifts when he notices something. “But with how this night is going to go, I want you to know that you’ll be admitting every little thing you do that is to please me.” 

“You sound confi—”

“—I want you to take off your clothes. Leave on whatever it is you think I’ll like so much. And then lean back on the bed for me.” Jungkook’s hands leave your body and he’s standing from the bed. “I’ll be back.”

Your eyes follow him as he goes into his closet and you’re quickly standing as well. You go to unzip your dress, shrugging it off your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Leaving you in nothing but the lingerie you bought.

You look down at your body, fingers tugging on different parts of the lingerie because suddenly you’re feeling more nervous. Not bad nervous. Thrilled nervous. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, an undeniable warmth surrounding you but god, it feels exciting. You make your way onto Jungkook’s bed, propping yourself up as you lean back on his pillows. One leg down while the other is up, bent at the knee. Then you slide it back down. Then up again. Okay, maybe you are nervous, nervous.

Your eyes trail down your body again, making sure all the lace material is sticking to you in the right ways when you notice the closet light turning off and Jungkook is making his way out. His eyes are on his hands as he inspects the box he’s holding. He comes to the foot of the bed, “Okay,” He starts, “Took me a second to find what I was look—” He lifts his head to lock eyes with you but he’s lost the words he was wanting to say. Lips slightly parted as his eyes widen at the sight. “Oh, fuck.” He swallows.

You stare at him, breaths getting stuck in your throat. “Is that good or bad?” Your hands go to hug yourself a little. He stares back before rolling his head back and he chuckles.

“In what world would that be a bad thing?” He laughs out, his voice sounding deep. “You were right though.” He takes a breath before looking at you again. “I do like what you’re wearing. A lot.” 

A small smile begins spreading on your lips before your hands go to your sides, “Oh.”

“I change my mind. Come here, to me. Stand up my pretty girl.” He orders you softly, your body tingling. “I need to see you properly.”

“Jungkook…” You glance to the side, “That feels—”

“—It feels like what I want.” He cuts you off, his eyes darkening. “So be good for me and come here.”

Well, this is what you asked for. You take a deep breath before lifting yourself from his mattress and you try to feel confident even though his eyes are glued to you…it feels like he’s sinking his teeth into every inch of skin your body offers. 

“You know, when you look shy like this it only makes me want to have more fun with you, you know that, right?” He smirks, eyes going to your eyes finally. 

“I’m not shy.” You mumble, “I’m just…” 

“I know.” He softens, he drops the box he’s been holding to his bed before his hand reaches out for you. “Now come here.”

You stand from the bed, legs slowly taking you closer to him. He keeps his hand extended for you and you finally reach for it and he guides you closer and closer. “Let me just look at you.” He says, eyes leaving yours.

Jungkook sees the black straps that cling to your shoulders, raking them lower to see how this lacey black bra is completely see through. He bites down onto his bottom lip, seeing how your nipples poke through the material. His eyes go lower, a brow raising for a moment when he sees the black garter belt wrapped around your waist, above your black and completely see through panties. 

“Hm.” His fingers reach to touch the garter belt, he traces one of the suspenders down to where it connects with the lace garter around your thigh. “I knew I felt this when I touched you earlier.” He hums, referring to the garter. “It’s why I asked what you were wearing.”

“I figured.” You say quietly. Breaths bated.

“You look so beautiful.” He tells you just as quiet, “But I need you to turn around for me.”

You feel the heat rush to your cheeks, your own teeth nibbling your lips and Jungkook suddenly looks amused.

“Embarrassed?” He muses, “Here.” He reaches for your hand and lifts it above your head. “Spin for me, baby.”

You exhale a deep breath…you know he’s going to like this. But you feel fucking exposed like this. “Okay.”

You turn slowly, feeling his eyes on your backside. His hand leaves yours before both his hands come to your shoulders and he’s leaning forward, lips pressing against your shoulder. “I thought so.” He whispers. “A thong, huh?” Jungkook chuckles darkly, “Your ass looks amazing.”

“Yeah?” You whisper, cheeks still on fire. 

“Mhm.” He says, his hands brushing down your back before he’s cupping your ass in his hands. “You know how badly I want to fuck you?”

“Then fuck me.”

“No.” Jungkook steps away from you, hands going to your shoulders again when he turns you around to face him. “Not yet.”

“Not yet?” You gaze at him, “Don’t tell me something like you want to take your time with me?” You tease. Jungkook lightly scoffs, his hands dropping and fingers curving around your waist.

“That wasn’t going to be my answer but it also works.” He whispers, his eyes are filling with something you don’t totally recognize. “But,” One of his hands leave your waist, fingers trailing up your body before he’s got his fingers brushing one of your cheeks. “My original answer is that I have to ruin you first. Get you so desperate that you’re begging and crying for my cock.” He tells you slowly, fingers still stroking your cheek. “Get you saying and doing anything I want.”

You lick your drying lips, heart rate speeding up in your chest. “You think you’re capable of that?” You aren’t even challenging him. You’re genuinely asking.

“It’s for me.” His fingers stop stroking your cheek, instead he cups your jaw before leaning in and placing a long kiss to your lips. You close your eyes, staying closed even when he pulls away from you. “I think you’d be surprised what you might do for me.” 

Eyes opening as you stare into him. Your breaths aren’t as even as you’d like, his words always make your body react even when your brain tells you to calm down. But he might be right. You are also questioning it…what all would you do if it’s with Jungkook?

“Now you can lay on the bed.” He tells you, backing away from your body when he glances down at the mattress where he placed the box he got from the closet. “Once you’re laying down, put your hands together above your head.”

Your hearts stops. “W-What? Why?” 

“Because it’s what I want?” He looks at you, “And you trust me, right?”

You sigh out, “Okay, yeah.”

“Then lay down. Put your hands together. And put them above your head.” He grabs the small box from the bed, opening the top and you see exactly what you figured. “Also, have your legs spread a little.”

You can’t help but swallow hard, your knee lifting to the mattress as you make your way to the head of the bed, laying down against his pillows. You look down at your hands, hesitantly connect your wrists before slowly raising them above your head. You see how your chest rises and falls heavily, your breaths coming out almost harshly—the anticipation is killing you. 

Jungkook sets the box down, his fingers inside, moving some things around before he’s pulling out a couple of things. You gulp, knowing this was his plan…your hunch was correct. He’s got some silky material rolled up before he unravels it, smile on his face, looking satisfied. He sets it down before pulling out something else silky. You aren’t dumb. You can recognize a proper blindfold anywhere.

“Don’t worry,” Jungkook lifts his eyes to you, “We won’t jump into this quite yet. Got to get you comfortable first with the idea…but this…” He grabs the other silky material from the bed, unraveling it further. “We can start here.”

You take a deep breath before nodding your head. Jungkook smiles at you before he closes the box and sets it down onto the floor. He grabs the two items he took from the box and walks to your side of the bed. “Okay,” He sets the blindfold down onto nightstand. “It’s very convenient my head board is like this, huh?” 

“I’m starting to think you bought it like this for this reason now.” You tease him, your hands resting against his steal railing head board. 

“Nah,” He shrugs cutely, “I like the style. But like I said, very convenient.” He leans over you, grabbing your wrists gently. “Also, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined you like this when I bought it.” 

You laugh, “You bought it like two years ago.” 

“And?” He chuckles, bringing the silk restraints to your wrists, wrapping the material somewhat tightly around them. “If you think I only started imagining what it would be like to fuck you since a few months ago then you are gravely mistaken.” He ties the ribbon tighter, then he is lifting your hands a little higher, “Tying you to the bed now.” He says, making a knot around the steal rail.

“You…thought of me—”

“—What can I say?” He pulls your wrists away from the rail, making sure the restraints are secure. “I’m a man with taste.” 

Your breaths become a little heavier, a flame burning at your skin. “Oh.” Then you crack a smile when he leans back and gazes at you. “You must be horny if you admitted that.”

“Well, I am fucking horny. Look at you.” He chuckles, his hand going to his sweats, trying to adjust them. “But you should know I admit anything I want whenever I want.”

“Question for you,” You roll your lips together, “You aren’t going to wear all of that right?” You nod towards him, “I would prefer if you lost some clothes.”

Jungkook’s lips curve up, “Would you? Hm,” He lifts his shirt off his body, “I can give you a little bit of a view, I guess.”

“Pants too?” You ask him innocently, making him exhale a long breath.

“Keeping my briefs on.” He narrows his eyes, “It’s only fair. You’d be wearing more than me at that point.”

“That’s fine with me.” You bite your lip, “At least I can see your thighs like that.”

“Oh?” He chuckles, “Yeah, you’ve gotten off on them a few times, huh?”

“Yeah.” Your eyes drop to his lower half when he starts dragging his sweatpants off. “You’re so fucking hot.”

Jungkook pauses, mouth falling open in slight surprised. “You think so?” He asks before slowly finishing taking off the pants, kicking them away.

“Of course.” You nod, “You’ve always been cute.”

“Nah, you said hot just now. Not cute.”

“You’re both.”

“Hm, okay.”

“Um,” You pull at the restraints for a moment, “I have an itch.”

Jungkook raises his brows before laughing, “Tell me where.”

“Left cheek.” You whine, “Hurry.”

He leans down a little, fingers going to your cheek before you whine again, “My left.”

“Oh.” He laughs, “Okay.” He’s scratching your other cheek and you sigh in relief. “Is it fucked up that even seeing how you feel good from just that made me want to fuck you more?”

You snort, “Jungkook, what the hell?”

“I mean, because of the noise you made.” He explains, “Can you see how hard I am already?” He looks down at his crotch, your eyes following. You definitely see a bulge. “It’s too bad you’re not allowed to touch me for some time.” 

“You know, as much as I love talking to you…you do have me here, in these kinds of clothes…with my hands tied together to your bed…and you haven’t done anything to me yet?” 

“Maybe I’m giving you time to get comfortable with it.” He smiles at you. “Nothing matters to me more than your comfort. But if that’s you saying you’re ready for this night to begin…then I am happy to oblige.”

“Then oblige.” You take a deep breath. “I don’t want you to hold back.”

Jungkook laughs a little, his hand going to your thigh, fingers sliding down until he’s wrapping them around your ankle. “Didn’t I tell you to spread your legs?” He asks, tugging your leg closer to him. “We’re barely getting started and you don’t even know how to listen…thought you were going to be good for me?” His fingers unwrap from your ankle before they travel up your thigh again. 

“I am…” You sigh out, his fingers playing with the garter. “Not sure I’d let anyone else do this to me…ever.”

“What happens when you like it?” He asks lowly, fingers now barely skidding across your hips. 

You slowly close your eyes at the feeling, “I would just have to keep coming back to you.” You say. Jungkook pauses his ministrations, his eyes shooting towards your face when he looks at you with a certain hopelessness that you completely miss.

“And I’d probably never turn you away.” He whispers, fingers going back to touching you. 

You lift your lids to eye him, “Probably?”

He smirks, “Oh, should I tell you that I definitely wouldn’t turn you away?”

“It’s preferred.” You say before your body tenses. “Oh.”

Jungkook’s fingers have made their way to your breasts, the thin material does little to stop the feeling he’s causing. The tip of his finger circles around your covered nipple…Jungkook stares down at you, your chest rising at his touch, back arching and head falling more into the pillows behind you.

“Prettiest girl.” He tells you, his own breaths picking up. You think this is one of those times he is saying it without him trying to sound teasing. Maybe he was right. With the way he’s staring down at you, maybe he does mean it. And that just makes your body feel even more on fire.

“Jungkook…” The breathless way you say his name makes him shut his eyes and sigh out. 

“I know.” Is all he says before he maneuvers his way onto the bed with you, his knees between your spread thighs as he leans down, arms on either side of you. “y/n.” 

Jungkook’s face is just inches from yours…you wish you could wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in so you can kiss him but…you fucking can’t. His eyes dart up where he sees you slightly pulling at the restraints on instinct. “Already?” His lips turn up. “Oh, this is going to be fun.” 


His lips connect with yours, soft against your mouth but still so firm in the way that makes your toes curl. He moves his lips against you slowly, his breaths and taste feel hypnotizing, as if your inability to touch him has made you focus only on his lips. You felt tense at first but the moment he sighs into your mouth, you feel the way you melt. Body turning to goo on his mattress. 

Jungkook pulls away for a moment, eyes studying your face with such a lascivious expression. His hand comes to your jaw and he angles it up towards him, eyes growing heavy. “You need to breathe.” He tells you nice and slow.

You blink at him, not realizing you had even been holding your breath. You breathe out a heavy puff of air, your own eyes half lidded and furrowed brows. “I wish I could touch you.” 

“I know.” He licks his lips, “I love your touch.” His fingers grip your jaw a little tighter, turning your face to the side. He leans in, mouth at your ear. “I get so fucking weak when you touch me.” 

Jungkook lowers his head more, lips going right below your ear before he kisses it. Then a little lower, more kisses. Your eyes flutter shut at the softness of his lips, breaths still heavy. But your brows really pinch together when he starts sucking on your skin, teeth nipping and you release a moan in response. One hand on your jaw and the other behind your neck as he continues kissing and sucking. You squirm beneath him, toes curling in and out and your wrists softly pulling the restraints again. 

The hand on your jaw lowers until you feel him massaging one of your breasts, thumb brushing against your nipple and you start to close your thighs around him from how good you feel, the ache between your legs only growing stronger.

“No.” Jungkook lifts his face, eyes going to yours. “I don’t think so.” His fingers travel to your inner thigh. So fucking close but not close enough. “Spread them again.” He softly demands, fingers pushing your thigh away from him. 

“Jungkook.” You look up at him, the way he’s hovering over you makes you feel so helpless.

“Yes baby?” He leans down, nudging his nose with yours. “Be a little more patient,” He whispers, “Because the more impatient you act…the more I will make you wait.” 

Your breaths are erratic now, your expression shifting into something more desperate than before. “It’s not my fault.” You whimper and he swears the way you sounded makes him want to forget all of this and just fuck you, fast and rough. 

“I know it’s not your fault.” He shuts his eyes, body lowering itself closer to you. “It’s mine.” He says it so proudly, lips colliding with yours, the action rougher than before. You react quickly, kissing him back harder. His hand is at your jaw again, tight and possessive. He barely pulls away, lust completely taken over as he traces your bottom lip with his tongue. God, the action feels so lewd. 

You’re struggling beneath him, body on fire from his touch, his kiss, his expression, his smell, his taste. You feel completely out of your element, helpless as you let him do whatever he wants, taking his fucking time and making you lose your mind.

Jungkook smirks at you, planting one more kiss to your lips before he starts kissing down your chest. Your heaving chest, with a lace bra that does nothing to cover your tits. His hands are busy, lifting the bra above your breasts, his kisses landing everywhere, tongue flicking your sensitive nipple. You arch your back more, breathy moans beginning to slip out. 

He doesn’t stop there, he continues kissing down your stomach, in all the places the garter belt doesn’t cover. Hands gripping your hips tightly, stopping you from moving them so much. You look down at him and bite down onto your bottom lip, hard. His hair is messy, falling into his dark eyes that concentrate on your body. 

You watch him, breathless, anticipating for his lips to find your wet cunt so you can finally feel some sort of relief but much to your dismay…he completely skips over your center. His fingers continue to dig into your hips as he lowers himself more, biting at your thighs as you whine for him.

“Jungkook…fuck, please.” You struggle to hide your desperation now. “Please, Jungkook. I need you. I don’t know if I can handle this pace anymore…please…” 

Jungkook does stop…a smile forming on his lips as he lifts his head to look up at you. “Did you finally just beg? Properly? For the first time?”

You continue to bite your lips, hips still trying to move but he’s firm in holding you down. 

“You did.” He tells you, clearly satisfied. “Okay, babe. I think it’s time I give you what you want.”

Thank fucking goodness because you are honestly feeling pathetic at this point. And you hate that it makes your lower belly swirl in desire because Jungkook looks so fucking pleased with it.

His fingers go to your inner thighs, his eyes glued to your pussy, the see through panties showing him everything. “Spread your legs further apart.” He orders and you listen. Jungkook’s fingers get closer, trailing slowly towards the most sensitive part your thighs have to offer. 

He takes one finger and barely brushes it over your underwear. Your hips buck up, a soft cry leaving your lips. “Fuck, Jungkook.” You moan. 

He bites his lip, eyes concentrated on you. His fingers pull your underwear to the side, exposing your wet heat that immediately makes him gulp. “Fucking hell, y/n.” He struggles to breathe evenly, “I can’t believe I was worried today. Look at what I do to you.” His cheeks are blazing. “I’m the only one who can do this to you, aren’t I? With you spread like this, your pussy is on display for me.” He keeps the underwear pushed to the side as his other hand come towards you, a single finger touches you. You tense, once again feeling so helpless. 

Jungkook gently strokes your pussy with his one finger, getting it soaked in your juices. You feel like this one motion alone could have you trembling. He uses two fingers now, the digits exploring everything between your folds. You’re unable to keep quiet, being touched by him feels like heaven. You shut your eyes, hips circling.

Jungkook keeps playing with you, his fingers finally lowering until he’s toying with your entrance. You squeeze your eyes, teeth digging into your bottom lip, waiting so fucking patiently to feel him enter you. And he does, both of his fingers push inside and you let out a long, drawn out moan. He momentarily looks away from your heat, eyes going to your face when he sees how fucked out you look.

“Do you know how much I love your pussy?” He asks you, the tone of his voice makes you clench around his fingers. “So fucking much. Love eating it, making you come on my tongue.” 

Your wrists pull at the restraints again, the urge to just push his head down with your hands and pull his hair as he eats you out is strong. But of course you cannot. He smiles when he sees you open your eyes to gaze down at him. His fingers begin sliding in and out of you, your walls tight around them before he’s curling them…you finally feel more of a relief. 

“I know exactly what you like, hm?” 

“Yes.” You sigh, content that you’re finally being touched like this.

He keeps moving his fingers expertly before his face comes closer to your core, he breathes you in and licks his lips. “I want to cover your pretty pussy in my cum…” He breathes out roughly, “I bet you’d love that, huh?” His fingers move faster.

“Yeah, I would…” You admit, biting your lip to conceal a smirk. “I would love to have your cum anywhere on me.”

“Yeah?” He looks up at you, nose so close to brushing against your clit. “Hmm…” 

“Jungkook…” Your eyes roll around, pleasure building but you want more. You’re about to tell him but he’s not dumb, he knows exactly what you want. And he gives it to you. His tongue is suddenly dipping between your folds, pressed against the place that is throbbing, aching, screaming in desperation. 

You don’t mean to cry out, the feeling so overwhelming after all his teasing. He licks your clit with calculated strokes, pressed against you, so warm and wet and god, the way his tongue starts moving around, swirling and flicking…you swear you could finally come. 

His fingers don’t stop as he groans into you, the sound only turning you on even more. You’re going crazy, squirming and struggling to stay still as the pleasure builds and builds. You feel so good though, surprised how being restrained has made this experience much more exhilarating. 

“Fuck, that’s good…Jungkook, yes…” You whine, “Mm…” Your hips rise and his free hand forces them back down to the mattress, his tongue absolutely about to bring you over the edge. “I’m so close…” You watch him, brows pulled together with sweat at your hairline. “You’re going to make me come.” 

He keeps working his fingers inside you, feeling the way you pulse around them. He wraps his lips around your clit, sucking on it as you cry out loudly. Yeah, you’re coming. You move your head around, unable to control how strong it is…wrists knocking against the steal rail, body finally going tense as Jungkook’s name falls from your mouth over and over.

The high has infiltrated every part of your body. The feeling so good, coming all over Jungkook’s tongue. You’re panting, thighs squishing his cheeks as you ride it out, the fall of your orgasm happening so slowly but god, it feels incredible. His fingers leave your core and you almost miss them.

Jungkook looks up at you, the lewdness in his eyes only grows more and more before he’s letting go of your clit and flicking his tongue over it again and again. Your soft cries turn into full on whimpers when you get hit with a different feeling…

“W-What are you…” You continue to pant, “Fuck, what are you d-doing?” You look down at him, face twisting at the new feeling. “Fuck…w-wait, Jungkook…” Your head falls back, deeper into the pillow as your eyes roll around.

It’s almost painful, the way he’s still eating you out. You’ve never dabbled in overstimulation before, not even to yourself. But you’re choosing to trust him even though you think you cannot handle it. 

“Fuck.” You almost scream out the word, body set on fire until suddenly…the warmth isn’t blazing, instead it feels good. “Jungkook…” You say his name in a content defeat. Pleasure taking over anything that was once uncomfortable. He moans into your pussy, clearly satisfied that you’re being good for him…just like you said you would be. 

You had no idea what to expect but coming again just a minute after your last orgasm wasn’t something you thought would happen. This time though, it’s more intense…the buildup was quick but fucking powerful and you aren’t sure you’ve ever came this hard before. Moans and words that make no sense leave your mouth. 

You grind your hips against Jungkook’s face and he lets you ride it out exactly the way you want, he hums, praising you for being so good. When your orgasm finally comes down, you finally relax your body and manage your breath control. It’s hard because you feel so weak now. 

Jungkook rises from your body, a small smile on his shining lips. “You’re so perfect.” He rasps out, “I’ve been wanting to do that for you for ages.” 

“Jungkook…” You say his name so softly, your voice almost shaky and he feels his heart swell in pride. Your head sunk into the pillows behind you, your hands limp above you, eyes closed as you still try to even out your breathing.

“Hm?” He rises from between your legs and crawls over you until his face is over yours, “What is it, my pretty girl?” And then he leans in slowly, pecking your lips a few times. You don’t kiss back but you do start to smile between his kisses. 

“Are…” You finally start to open your eyes so you can look up at him, his gaze already on you. “Are you going to untie me now?” You ask, fingers twitching above you.

“Why would I do that?” He leans in again, lips finding yours for a firmer kiss before he pulls back, “One more thing before I do.” 

“Which…is?” You blink at him, “You aren’t done?”

“Done?” He pushes his head back slightly, a sign of disbelief on his features. “I am not done with you, y/n.” Jungkook’s eyes are so soft on you, a small smile on his lips before he lowers his head into the crook of your neck. “…Will I ever be done with you?” and then there’s a barely there kiss being placed right below your ear. You aren’t sure if it’s the action or his words just now that is making your insides feel all jumbled.

“I want to touch you…” You mumble, cheeks feeling warmer than usual. 

“I know.”

No, he doesn’t know. You know he’s thinking about how you probably want to touch him in the way that has his head being thrown back, curses leaving his mouth as you make him feel good. But that isn’t even what you meant. You almost hate what you did mean. 

“Want to touch you so bad, Jungkook.” You murmur quietly, eyes closing again.

“I know you do.”

He still doesn’t know, you think. A slight frustration building but you can only settle for defeat. You want to touch him, yes. But in the way that has him staring into your eyes with his usual look of tenderness and understanding. You want to touch him, yes. But in the way that it’s just your fingers stroking his cheek as you praise him, words letting him how well he treats you and how good he makes you feel. That’s how you want to touch him.

Jungkook lifts his head, eyes on yours again. “But I told you, your touch makes me weak, y/n. And I can’t give into you yet…I’m still making you mine…” He pauses, tongue poking out to lick his lips, almost anxiously before he continues with a hushed tone, “You’ve already made me yours, it’s my turn…” 

It’s quiet between you both for a moment. He’s staring into your eyes and you aren’t sure what you’re feeling. You want to feel anxious because this feels too much. But the urge to reach out and touch his cheek is still here and you don’t know what to do with that.

“You still trust me, right?” He smiles again now, “And are you feeling comfortable again? We can continue?”

You blink in slight surprise, he’s changed the subject. But right, this is about sex. “I do trust you…and yeah, I’m feeling better.”

Quick kiss to your lips before he’s lifting himself away from you, his feet landing on the floor. You turn your head to the side to see him standing in front of the night stand, he’s chewing on his lips, clearly thinking. “Okay…” He breathes out.

“Oh…” You realize he’s staring at the blindfold. The thought of not being able to move your hands but also not be able to see…is a little interesting. And also a little scary. But it’s Jungkook.

He reaches for the blindfold, fingers grasping the silk material before he glances at you, “I know you might be tense at first,” He speaks calmly, “But it’s just me. Remember, my goal is to make you feel good. Trust me…and I promise, I will give you everything from your fantasies.”

“I do trust you.” You assure him, “I just hope…” Your voice gets quieter, “That I am also something out of your fantasies.”

Jungkook’s lips part but he doesn’t speak. He keeps his eyes on you and you can tell he’s wanting to say something but no words leave him. It makes you feel dizzy. Did you say something wrong? 

“I just mean—”

“—This doesn’t compare to anything my dumb imagination could come up with.” He says quickly before clearing his throat. “Believe me.”

Your body relaxes instantly at his words. “Okay.”

Jungkook’s lips curve and then he’s getting closer to you, the blindfold being fiddled between his fingers, “Going to cover your eyes now. Answer me this…do you want me to tell you everything I want to do before I do it? Or do you want the element of surprise but I walk you through it? Might do things you don’t expect…but I will not hurt you…” He assures softly, “I will check in with you and never hesitate to tell me if you don’t like something. Okay?” 

“Yeah.” You nod, “Element of surprise.” Your stomach tightens at the sight of the blindfold, his fingers playing with the material and suddenly there’s a welcomed sensation beginning to electrify your body again. 

Jungkook smirks down at you before he’s placing the blindfold closer to you, your eyes focused on him before your sight goes dark and his fingers are at the back of your head, tying it. Your eyelashes flutter against the silk, the new darkness suddenly feels strange to you. “I’m still here, baby.” Jungkook whispers, his fingers now at your cheek. “Try to relax.” 

Once again, you haven’t realized you were holding in a breath, stomach still tensed but his voice and touch is all the comfort you need. You try to relax your muscles as you release a long breath. “Will you kiss me?” You ask him, your eyes darting around but it’s just the darkness that has you.

“Yes.” He responds, his fingers leaving your cheek. You feel strange again. The absence of his touch has you moving your head around, as if looking for him. But still, the silk over your eyes takes that away from you. One moment. Two moments. Three moments. Still nothing. 


And then you feel his warm breath over your lips…he’s close, obviously. But he still isn’t touching you. The feeling makes you feel almost antsy, it’s still strange but your lower belly is starting to swirl like lava. You swallow hard, lips parted as you try to breathe even once again.

Suddenly, Jungkook’s finger, you’ll assume thumb, comes to your bottom lip, pulling it down. He’s still softly breathing over your mouth as his thumb softly tugs at your lip…and now you can feel how your breaths pick up because his pacing is driving you mad. 

They say that depriving one of your senses can heighten your other senses but you’re learning quickly that anticipation is another sense. And it is a highly sensitive one. His breath is warm on your lips and suddenly you can feel the tip of his tongue sliding over your bottom lip, it’s wet and soft and you feel your heart start to race.

Jungkook’s tongue is barely touching you though, the way he glides his tongue, tracing your bottom lips feels so featherlike. Then you are silently gasping when his teeth nip at you before he’s sucking your lip…your stomach tenses again. Lava still swirling and the feeling between your legs is a subtle but taunting tingle. 

You release a breathy moan, unable to stop yourself. But it gets swallowed, his thumb quickly dropping from your mouth and his lips land on yours as he groans, his hands cupping your jaw now. You feel completely enveloped in his touch. Back arching as you push your chest up into his. His lips are perfectly slotted between yours. But he’s he is quick to pull away. 

And then you feel nothing but coldness again. His hands leave you, his lips leave you, his breath that brought you comfort…leaves you. You’re left breathing heavily, surrounded in darkness with no way to even reach out for him. “Jungkook?” You call out.

“Still here, baby.” He tells you but his voice sounds more distant. “Wait for me for a minute.” And then you can hear his feet quietly shuffling away and suddenly you feel strange again. You feel stuck, lost, helpless. But instead of fear you feel that new sense, the anticipation. And it feels scary in the way that feels exhilarating.

Your body does feel a sense of comfort, your skin rubbing against his sheets and it’s like your skin knows these are Jungkook’s sheets…your head leaned against his pillows and it’s the same feeling. You know it’s his pillows.  The smell of the room, it’s him. It’s all him. He’s everywhere despite the fact he is not near you. Your breasts are still exposed, nipples perked at the AC blowing into the room, small goosebumps beginning to infect your skin. 

You slide your feet towards you, knees bending as you wait. Your panties are covering your heat again since Jungkook’s fingers are no longer pushing them to the side and you feel the stickiness of your previous and current arousal on the material. You wait. And wait. Focusing on listening for Jungkook’s footsteps. You miss him.

You think you hear that box from earlier being opened again, the same sound of his fingers scrambling through it. It doesn’t last long…the sound. Quiet footsteps again. You’re wondering if he’s being this quiet on purpose, yes, you know he wants to make you as comfortable as possible but he also wants to make it fun too. You kind of appreciate it, if you’re honest. Comfort is nice but the way he’s making you feel from all the mystery is also making you ache in the best way. It’s quiet for some time and you think he’s left the room. Waiting and waiting…sounds in the distance. More waiting.

Suddenly, you can feel the bed dip near your feet. Your head turns in the direction, lips parted as you try to breathe again. You know it’s him, obviously. But being left in the dark creates this doubt that eats you from the inside.

“It’s me.” He whispers, his warm hand landing on your ankle. You can feel the bed dip more, his body going between your legs again. His hands on either side of your ankles, his fingers wrapped loosely around them. “You don’t know but,” His fingers unwrap themselves from your left ankle, fingers sliding up your leg. “You look so beautiful like this.” Suddenly, he’s urging you to lift that same leg, he bends it back until he’s lifting it over his shoulder. 

“You like it that much?” You bite your lip, concealing a smile.

“Can you admit it now?” His fingers drag over your leg until you feel them tugging at the garter on your thigh. “You wore this for me, right? You wanted to please me?” He asks you, voice husky.

“Did I?” You breathe out, “I don’t—”

He pulls the garter back before snapping it against your thigh, a slight sting. “Tell me.”

You gasp quietly at the action, breaths picking up more before you decide to be honest. “Fine. I did. I knew you might like it and I wanted you to think I looked nice.”

“Good.” He says, fingers messing with the garter, you can feel how he unclips the suspender. “I’ve enjoyed how you look with all of this on. You look more than nice. You look…” He pauses, fingers beginning to drag the garter down your thigh as he slides it up, getting if off you at your ankle that rests on his shoulder. “You look obscenely indecent.” He says slowly, smirk in his voice.

You laugh a little, the sound is airy. “Indecent?”

“Yes.” He murmurs, “I don’t want anyone else to ever see you like this.” And then he’s lowering your leg and giving attention to the other one. He repeats the actions…lifting it over his shoulder, unclipping the garter and sliding it off of you. The leg lowers back as well. 

He’s still in between your legs, but you feel how he moves closer. Suddenly, his hands are around your waist, your body tensing at the way he lightly grips you. You feel how he falls forward, his head burying in your stomach before you can feel soft kisses over your skin.

“Pretty,” He says, fingers playing with the garter belt, “But it has to go.” He lifts himself before sliding it down, over your hips. You lift your ass some to help, his hands pulling down the material quickly. “These too.” He says, snapping the band of your underwear against your skin. 

You can’t help but moan, feeling breathless. “You want me naked, huh?” 

“Yeah.” He says, urging you to lift your hips again so he can drag the panties off of you. “It’s a view I love even more.” 

The air is chilly against all your exposed skin. You want to close your legs together but Jungkook’s body between them does cause a nice warmth but you aren’t sure if it’s from his actual body heat or because it’s Jungkook…you know, between your fucking legs. You feel his fingers at your breasts, your chest rising and falling quickly when he barely drags a finger over your nipple.

“I will buy you more lingerie.” He tells you in a whisper. “So don’t be mad.”


His hands pull your bra towards him, stretching the material before you hear it rip. He is tearing the flimsy, lace bra in half. 

“Jungkook!” Your eyelashes flutter against the silk quickly, “Why did you—”

“—Your hands are tied up.” He lets the bra fall before he’s dragging it from under you. “This was the easiest way to get it off.” You can hear how his voice sounds so fucking proud. 

“You’re right.” You pout. “You are buying me more.” 

“Without a doubt, babe.” He chuckles, “But whatever I buy you is only for me.”

You release a long sigh, “Baby…babe…you really don’t follow rule number 3, do you?” 

“Nope.” He says cutely, “Just like your other rules, it’s stupid.”


“—And that’s me being easy with you, I have to hold myself back from calling you a million other things.” 

“Oh,” your lips lift a little, “Like what?” 

“No, no, no.” He sings, “Don’t want to break your rules too crazily.” His hand comes to cup your jaw, “You’re feeling more comfortable, right?” He asks, voice not teasing anymore. “Because I want to ruin you, the prettiest girl in the world, god, I want to ruin you.”

Your breath hitches, your eyes focused on the darkness the silk offers, wrists straining against the steal rail above you. “Do what you want with me, Jungkook.” You finally say, voice close to shaking. “Anything you want, anything…”

Jungkook is quiet, his hand leaves your jaw and you start tensing again. He’s still hovering over you but he isn’t speaking, he isn’t touching you, he isn’t giving you anything to work with. One moment. Two moments. Three moments. 

Finally, you can feel the back of his fingers at your elbow, his touch lightly cascading down your inner arm. It tickles but there is no sense to laugh, it tickles in the way that makes your heart start racing, tickles in the way that feels like this tingle is traveling across your entire body. His fingers continue to dance down, falling down your side now, passing the edge of your breast, passing your waist, your hips. 

“You like being touched by me?” He asks, lowly.

“Y-Yeah.” You gulp, “It feels good.” 

Jungkook lowers his head, lips ghosting over your lips before he speaks again. “What else do you do to please me?” 


“I said,” His other hand suddenly comes to your breast, fingers pinching your nipple before he softly rolls the nub, leaving you gasping. “What else do you do to please me?” 

“I don’t know.” You respond slowly, your eyes finally closing, a pitch black darkness. “Maybe everything.”

“You’re admitting something like that?” He chuckles over your mouth, lips brushing against yours with each word he speaks. “Did you answer like that because you know it would also please me?” 

“I answered like that because it’s the truth.” You whisper, “I like making you feel good too.”

Jungkook’s slow to move his lips over yours for a kiss. He loves kissing you, he loves your lips, he loves how you sound when you get into it, he loves passing moans between your mouths, he loves tasting you. You kiss him back just as slow. Mouths moving together languidly as he barely slips his tongue into your mouth, nice and smooth and lazy. 

His hand tightens around your jaw before his fingers go to your lips, keeping them spread, forcing your mouth to fall open when he sucks on your tongue more messily. God, the feeling is so lewd but you can only imagine how hot this looks.

You moan out loud, playing with his tongue just as expertly, the feeling feels like velvet. He lets go of your face, his lips slotting over yours again and then he’s really kissing you, faster, rougher, messier. He’s moaning into your mouth and you eat them right up. You aren’t sure how long you two have been kissing for but it’s long enough to have the ache between your legs start to feel mind numbingly painful. 

Your hips are stirring, your wrists are pulling at the restraints and your vision is nonexistent. Jungkook pulls away, breathing heavy over your mouth, a quiet whine leaving his lips. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” Is all he says, leaving you more breathless than before.

And then there is coldness again. He’s leaving you. And he takes all the heat with him. “Jungkook?” You call for him, still trying to catch your breath. “Jungkook?” You bob your head around but of course you cannot see. You squeeze your thighs together and you are met with your arousal, the stickiness coating your skin. 

Suddenly, there is something dripping onto your lower stomach. Some kind of liquid? It’s warm…really warm. The new feeling shocks you, something new and unexpected. You can feel this liquid dribbling over your skin, sliding down your sides, a heat following it. 

“I heat up some oil,” Jungkook’s voice is suddenly heard. “It’s going to be really warm but it should feel good…to relax you.”

Your mouth has fallen open, slow, deep pants following. It does feel good. Suddenly, more oil is dripping, you feel the wet warmth fall to your breasts, down your sternum. It rolls over your skin, probably dripping to the sheets but you don’t think Jungkook cares. 

You can feel each droplet of oil on your skin. It’s hypersensitive. It’s like you can imagine the thick liquid rolling down your sides, tickling you, a path of fire in its wake.  “Is it too warm?” He asks “Or is it good?”

You’re still breathing heavily, “It feels so good.” You squirm a little, the oil tickling your skin. 

“Good.” He says before you feel his hands on you, fingers spreading the oil into your hips. It feels even warmer, like it’s spreading into the wildest of fires. “I wasn’t sure if it cooled down enough. But I tested it, I thought you might like it this warm.”

“I do.” You sigh in content now that his hands are finally on you again, “It feels amazing.”

His hands explore more, he’s spreading the oil down to the tops of your thighs, fingers digging into your skin, the heat following. Then his hands are on your chest, the oil coating your breasts, he’s massaging your nipples, a drawn out moan leaving your lips. 

Suddenly, His hands leave you and Jungkook is in between your legs again and your ears perk up. A sound you weren’t expecting gets your attention…a sound that is slick, fast and unholy. Is he…? You’re still breathing roughly when you can hear the consistent sound in front of you and Jungkook is moaning himself. 

You know exactly what he’s doing. And you fucking hate that you cannot see him.

“Jungkook…” You whine, “Take this blindfold off…I need to see you.”

“Too bad, y/n.” He groans out, the slick sound is obscene. You know he has his oiled fingers wrapped around his cock and he’s stroking himself above you. “Just to clarify,” He moans again, “You are on birth control still, right?”

“Are you going to—”

“—Not going to come in you.” He says, struggling to keep his voice clear. “But you are, right?”

“Yes.” You feel so helpless and upset you cannot touch him or see him. “Are we—”

“—No.” The sound suddenly stops. “I’m not fucking you yet. But,” He lowers himself a little closer to you, the subtle feeling of his hard length brushing against your inner thigh just barely. “I am going to enjoy this view as much as possible.” He says before your body finally sets itself on fire. The head of his cock rests at the tops of your folds, suddenly, his length is moving side to side, spreading your folds apart and he’s rubbing against your clit. You both moan in unison.  

“Oh fuck,” He cries out softly, “I make you this wet?” 

You only whimper in response, his cock sliding vertically now, just moving against your folds. He’s whining above you, moving his hips to barely brush against your wet, dripping cunt, rubbing against every nerve in your clit, the feeling making you go crazy. You move your legs, wrapping them around Jungkook’s waist, trying your hardest to push your heels into him so he will lower himself even more but he’s stronger than you.

“No, baby.” He pants out, “This is for me. Not you.” Suddenly, he stops moving and you’re left feeling insane, wanting nothing more than to continue the feeling that was starting to build. His cock leaves your heat and you hear him breathing erratically above you. Then, the head of his cock drops to your clit, the feeling is heavy. The action repeats. He’s slapping his cock down onto your clit, repeatedly dropping it making you gasp as he moans. 

He starts rubbing against it more roughly now, quick and heavy. You’re squirming in your spot. Jungkook is still panting, his fingers wrapped around himself so tightly as he stares down at you. Your mouth has fallen open, your entire expression is wonton and dreamy. He wishes he could see your eyes now, he wants to see your entire face, he wants to see you and how good he makes you feel. He’s stroking himself as he rubs your clit repeatedly, his fingers moving faster and faster and he’s squeezing his eyes shut for only a moment, listening to your moans with all his focus. He’s so close. He’s going to come. He is going to come because of this view that is just for him. He is going to come because you did this for him. And he just wants to respect that.

“Ah, Jungkook…” You moan out his name, fuck, you must be close too. “Rub it faster, I’ll come…” You let him know, erratic breaths filling the room. 

Jungkook opens his eyes again, gazing down at your pussy. “No, baby.” He strokes faster, slightly lifting his cock from your folds. “This is for me, not you.” He groans, gripping the head of his dick and rubbing it quickly. He starts moaning continuously, the sound is whiney and salacious. He finally slows his movements as he loudly groans, pushing his cock back down to your folds again and warm cum starts spilling from his throbbing member. 

You’re met with such a hot, wet feeling. His cum coats and soaks the top of your pussy, the seed dribbling down your folds. Jungkook is still moaning above you, wet sounds as he still slowly strokes his dick. His eyes focused on the way his cum covers your cunt in white. The sight alone could make him come again. 

“Jungkook…” You cry out, “Holy fuck,” Your hips stir like crazy, swiveling in dire need. “I was so close too…”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be coming soon.” He sighs out, his hand finally coming to a stop. Eyes still on your pussy that is coated in his cum. “And I will finally give you something you want.” He tells you, out of breath. 

“What?” You ask but then suddenly you feel his fingers at the back of your head, untying the blindfold and it drops from your eyes. You shy away from the sudden brightness the room offers, not yet totally adjusted to the light. 

“I wouldn’t take this from you…” He whispers, lowering himself to kiss you. Lips barely giving you a proper kiss since he’s still breathing so erratically. You blink at nothing until he raises his head to look down at you. He’s got a layer of sweat coating his skin, beads gathered at his hairline and they slide down the sides of his face. 

“You look so fucking sexy.” You breathe out, eyes on his eyes. 

“You.” He whispers, lowering his face to your chest to kiss over your breasts. He goes lower and lower, lips pecking your hips, your pelvis. You watch as his dark eyes stare up at you before he’s licking his cum off the top of your cunt. He looks forever lost in you. And then your body goes rigid the moment he’s wrapping his lips around your bundle of nerves and his tongue is lazily moving. The right amount of pressure though. Pleasure instantly returning as he eats your pussy.

“Fuck,” You relax, eyes filling with more lust he’s ever seen. His tongue moves faster, harder against you and you’re squeezing your thighs on either side of his face, hips moving in rhythm. You’re moaning again, louder this time and he’s groaning so heavenly. The pleasure is building fast, it’s climbing and ready to jump off the highest of cliffs. You can’t wait to feel the sensation of free falling as you come all over his tongue. “Close, close, close.” You pant.

And then he fucking pulls away. You almost want to scream, the pleasure comes to an abrupt stop. You’re left with desperate movements and moans and he does nothing but smile at you. “Look at you, y/n.” He wipes his mouth, “Look at what I’m doing to you, my baby.” 

“Holy fuck, Jungkook…” Your wrists are pulling so hard at the silk tied around them, your brows pulled together in painful frustration.

“Your eyes are watering.” He tells you proudly. “Going to cry for me?” He taunts you, “Going to cry because I ripped away the thing you wanted most?” 

“Jungkook, Jungkook…” You feel dizzy. 

“I’m going to fuck you now.” He says, voice deeper than before. “Going to fuck you really hard. Going to fuck you so hard that you do cry.”

You blink back the sting in your eyes, “Jungkook…”

“Could you imagine that?” He continues to taunt you, expression growing darker. “Miss little control freak crying because I own the pleasure she wants to feel so badly? You’d look a little pathetic, wouldn’t you?” He asks before speaking slowly, “And so fucking sexy.” 

You stare up at him, brows still furrowed as his words process in your mind and you feel your pussy throb. Why are you enjoying this so much? Why are you ready to give yourself up for him? Why? Fucking why are you losing yourself to his words alone?

Jungkook’s lips curve into a dark smile, he reaches over you, fingers at your wrists as he quickly undoes the knots he created when this night first began. You’re free. Your wrists are free. And you don’t waste any time in pulling him down, crashing your lips to his, moaning into his mouth with zero shame. He’s never heard you like this. So fucking needy. So fucking loud.

He pulls away, dark eyes piercing into yours. “Turn over and raise your ass for me.” 

You gulp, entire body weak yet it listens to Jungkook’s demand, shaky limbs turning until your knees land on the mattress. Ass raised for him. His hands go to the sides of your hips, rubbing your skin so soothingly. He gets on his knees himself, positioning himself behind you. 

“Ah, fuck.” He rubs his hardening cock against your cheeks. “You’re all mine…” He says, hands rubbing the swell of your ass now, massaging your skin. “Are you enjoying this?”

“Y-Yes.” You moan, cheek pushing against the pillow. “You can…you can spank me, if you want.” You close your eyes in satisfaction at the way he’s massaging your cheeks, cock rubbing against you.

“Yeah?” He sounds pleased. “Good to know.” He squeezes your ass in his hands. “I have the condom here, hold on…” He reaches down to the mattress and you hear the packet rip and you imagine he’s rolling the condom on. “You’re still feeling okay?” He asks, one hand going to your ass, fingers exploring before you feel the tips of his fingers between your thighs, brushing over your folds, spreading them. 

“Yes…” You sigh in content, “I really need you.”

“Yeah?” He asks you, his other hand wrapping around his hard length. “You miss my cock inside you, huh?” “Fuck, I do…” His fingers rub against your clit for a moment before he’s pulling his hand away. “I need it so badly, Jungkook…I need you so badly.”

“Careful, baby.” He releases a long breath, position his member at your entrance, the tip poking against you teasingly. “Almost sounds like you’re getting desperate for me.”

“I am, Jungkook.” You moan, squeezing your eyes shut when he starts pushing himself forward. “God, I am…you’re making me go crazy.” You admit, breathing heavily as you feel the head of his cock get sucked into your pussy, walls hugging him.

“Oh, y/n…” He tries to breathe, “Fuck, you feel…” He pushes forward more, also using his hands to guide you backwards, pushing yourself onto his cock. “Amazing.”

Your legs are weak, shaky, your pussy stretching as he inserts himself more into you, inch by inch he is disappearing. It burns, his size splitting you apart but it feels so good. He’s thrusting forward softly, sighing heavily as he gives you time to adjust.

“How are you feeling? Hm? My pretty girl?” His hands rub your hips soothingly again, his body so tense as he controls his desire to fuck you. 

“Good.” You swallow hard, “Fuck, Jungkook, please, please, please…” You push your ass back more, “Fuck me.” You plead, your body moving on its own. You start moving your hips, needing more friction but Jungkook grips your hips tightly, stopping you from moving. 

Then one hand leaves your hip and you’re gasping, tightening around his cock the moment you feel his palm slapping against your ass. “I’m fucking you.” He groans. “Not the other way around.” 

Your legs shake more. Your walls gripping his length with insane arousal. “Jungkook…” You cry out, “Please.”

“I know, baby.” He rubs the spot he just slapped. “I’m going to make you feel,” He starts pulling out of you, cock brushing against your walls with tender movements. “So fucking good.” He pushes forward again, pelvis meeting your ass, making it jiggle. “So good.” He slides out again slowly before slapping his hips into you more roughly. 

You moan, body jolted forward when he starts repeating that same motion. He’s slow to pull out but he’s quick to thrust into you. Hitting you deeper and deeper each time. Your elbows are barely holding you up, your arms slide up, head completely buried in the pillow. Jungkook rocks into you, fucking you in rhythm now. His moans mix with the sound of his skin slapping your skin. 

“God, I love having you like this.” He almost growls, voice so deep, rumbling in his throat. “Fucking you like this, yeah,” His breaths are heavy, rough, almost a cry for help. “You look so fucking gorgeous…” He thrusts faster, “Your ass…” He squeezes it before slapping it again making you cry out. “Fuck.” He yells out aggressively, “My baby.”

Your stomach tenses, your knees wobble, your throat feels rawer from how loudly you’re moaning for him. The angle he has himself in is making you feel like you could come around his cock alone. He’s hitting the spot inside that you that has an orgasm threatening to erupt. “Jungkook…” You whine, eyes still slammed shut. “Fuck,”

Jungkook hands going under you, at your lower stomach before he’s urging you to lift yourself, “Come on, baby.” He groans, “Come on…”

“Can’t,” You whimper, “So fucking tired.” 

“Baby, come on…” He keeps fucking you, cock sliding into you roughly, no pain, just pleasure. 

You try your best, weak arms lifting your upper body and he helps you, his arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you towards him, back meeting his chest. Your head rolls back, landing above his shoulder, neck completely exposed as you breathe heavily, moaning with furrowed brows. 

“Jungkook.” You quietly cry out his name, barely even a whisper. He keeps rocking into you from behind, sweat dripping from his hairline. His lips connect to the side of your neck, sucking into your skin and you moan more. “I—”

Suddenly, his fingers find your clit, wet and messy as he rubs it with his usual skill that makes you feel even weaker. Brows pinched together so strongly, pleasure skyrocketing. “Come like this first,” He says in your ear, lips kissing down your neck again. “Come for me, fuck, want to feel you squeezing my cock.” Your hands go behind you, feeling the back of his head, fingers threading through his damp hair. 

He’s still fucking you so deeply, fingers bringing you somewhere so dangerous. Jungkook starts fucking even faster when he feels how you get tighter, your drawn out moans almost sounding like you’re on the verge of ecstasy. You’re saying words neither of you understand, eyes opening to glance down at his tatted hand at your pussy, fingers lost between your folds.

Your orgasm is around the corner, building up so nicely, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, shameless cries leaving your mouth as he pushes onto your clit harder. And that’s it. Your mouth falls open, heavy pants escaping as you start coming. You come and come, squeezing his cock and he groans loudly at the feeling. 

“Fuck, yes.” He moans for you, “You’re amazing, baby…keep coming for me.” He keeps fucking into you, your body so tense as you continue to come around him. You’re unable to make another sound. Lips parted, breaths erratic. Vision blurry. Your body goes limper, growing so weak as Jungkook holds you up. 

“Jungkook.” You moan his name, “Fuck…” You drag the word through your teeth, your grip on his hair loosening. He slows down his thrusts, kisses on your neck and shoulder. Jungkook eases you back to the mattress, his chest still sticking to your back as he keeps fucking you, slower, deeper. You’re dizzy again. His cock is making you dizzy. 

“Let’s turn you around again,” He kisses the back of your shoulder before rising from your body, cock momentarily leaving your hole as he tries to flip you over carefully. You’re tired. Fucked out. Eyes so heavy but lust still lingers. He’s at a loss of words because he’s never seen you look this incredible. “Are you losing yourself to me, y/n?” He whispers before sliding his member back into you, making your eyes open wider, your hands going to his chest, fingernails digging into his skin. 

“You’re…” You struggle to speak, “Not done with me, are you?”

“No.” He leans down, kisses your parted lips. He grabs your leg and lifts it to his shoulder, his cock sliding deeper than before. You gasp, eyes stinging again. “You’re going to cry for me.” And then he’s moving into you, faster, deeper, rolling his hips as he struggles himself. He’s so close, closer than close. He’s going to come. But he needs you to come again first. 

“Fuck, Jungkook…you’re—” His fingers are back on your clit and you slam your eyes shut.

“No,” He leans forward, rocking into you with enough force. “Look at me.”

You struggle to pry your eyes open, tears filling them because you think you’re going to explode. Your body is on fire, flames surrounding you both. He gazes into your teary eyes, an excited but endeared glint can be seen before he’s kissing you. Lips devouring yours as he fingers work so expertly and you’re whimpering into his mouth, a few tears sliding down your cheeks as you come again.

Jungkook pulls away, his own eyes heavy, “Good girl.” He moans, his hips slapping into you before he’s groaning loudly. “I’m coming.” He cries out, hips stilling. You feel dead but you still manage to wrap your arms around his back, fingers stroking his skin as he comes. 

His face is barely distanced from yours, his hot, heavy breaths fall to your lips. His entire expression so focused until he’s kissing you, smiling as he does so. His body losing all energy as well before he’s struggling to hold himself up. You both wince the moment he begins to slip his softening member out from you, a soft whine leaving you both. Another peck to your lips before he rolls over your body, fingers on himself as he discards the used condom.

“Wow,” You murmur tiredly, eyes closed as you remain dizzy from everything. 

“I’m going to grab some water, we need some.” Jungkook says, still uneven breaths. “Just relax, don’t get up.” 

Well, you were not even planning on it. You don’t think your body is even capable of moving. Your limbs have retired, giving up and leaving you useless. You hum noncommittally, too tired to even drape your arm over your eyes to save you from the light. 

Jungkook isn’t gone long, you feel the bed dip near your side as Jungkook sits next to you. You crack open an eye and you see a tall glass of water in one hand. “Drink slowly.” He nudges the cold glass against your cheek and you groan. “Come on.”

Tired, you try to sit up a little, still dizzy. In multiple ways. “Okay,” You reach for the glass but he still holds on to it too, helping you sip the water. Almost instantly, your body and head start to ease from the dizziness. Damn, you really did need some. 

“How are you feeling?” Jungkook’s hand brushes against the top of your leg. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah.” You glance at him before taking another sip. “I’m really tired though.” You chuckle at your own admission, “You really did a number on me.”

Jungkook grins a little at this, a brow lifting. “Did I?”

“Mhm.” You sink back down, head in the pillows.

“And how did it feel? Did you enjoy yourself?” He asks you, fingers still stroking your leg. “I didn’t cross any lines, did I?”

“No,” You weakly shake your head, “You made me feel really good…I enjoyed it. Enjoyed you.” You mumble quietly, eyes closing again. “I do feel kind of gross though…but god, I am so tired.” 

“Don’t worry, I came prepared.” He chuckles, hand leaving your leg to wave around a wet towel, despite the fact you aren’t looking at him. “We can shower when we wake up,” Then he looks down at the sheets. “But we should still change the sheets regardless.” 

“Good idea.” You whisper, “Help me up then.”

He smiles down at you, his hands going to your body to help you rise from the bed. He’s so gentle with you, his warm hands feel like your safe zone. You laugh because it almost tickles how weak you are, Jungkook keeps his hands on you. He passes you the towel as he starts cleaning up around the bed, replacing the sheets and all. You clean yourself up.

After everything is replaced and you’re both not totally gross…he hands you some boxers and one of his t shirts, you easily slide back into his bed, body relaxing against the fresh sheets. And then you get the shock of your life—Jungkook’s hands reach for you, his arm sliding beneath you before he’s pulling you into him. A content sigh leaving his mouth.

You blink at nothing, the dark room in sight but you’re still trying to process the cuddling. You two never cuddle in bed. Never. After sex, you’ve always just felt good enough to be near one another. But you ease into his body very naturally…his scent and touch enough to make you close your eyes again. If you’re honest, this kind of affection after the night you two have had, feels good. Feels right.


You wake up with the featherlike feeling of Jungkook’s fingertips outlining the curve of your figure, soft strokes on your hip. Your shirt is has ridden up, his hand coming from behind you as he touches you so innocently. You’re facing away from him, his body forming your own as he snuggles into you from behind. 

“Hi.” You speak groggily, turning in his embrace to face him. “You’re already awake?”

“Yeah.” He hums, eyes finding yours. “For a little while now.” 

“Oh.” You swallow, “Sorry…you should have waken me.”

“When do I ever wake you?” He smiles lazily, “I was just relaxing so it’s okay. But I am getting hungry…should we make breakfast?”

“Br—oh, yes.” You return his smile, “What should we make?”

“Lots of stuff. To…you know, replenish the rest of our energy.” He winks at you and you feel an undeniable heat creep up the back of your neck, spreading to your cheeks. “Come on.” 

It took more than one ‘come on’ for Jungkook to actually get you to get out of bed, but finally, you decided to get up and wash up before heading to the kitchen. Jungkook is already at the stove, eggs in a pan as he sings some tune. You step towards him, making it to his side and as soon as he feels you, he glances your way. 

“Can you make me a glass of water?” He asks you, eyes going down to the eggs.

“Sure.” You nod, about to turn away from him before you feel his hand on your lower back, you look at him and he’s leaning in, lips finding yours for a kiss.

“Thanks.” He mumbles against your mouth, “Should be done soon.” And then he turns back towards the stove, a satisfied yet soft smile on his face. You stare at his side profile for a moment, warmth enveloping you as you watch him. As always, he’s making your body react in ways that you don’t feel like finding an explanation for. Parts of your body that don’t require to be physically touched to feel good. Places like your heart but that sounds lame so you’ll push that thought away.

You shake your head a little, forcing your feet to move away from him. 

After a little while, you and Jungkook are sitting at his table with plates of food in front of you. He’s already digging in, mouth full and content hums as he enjoys it. You laugh a little, taking a few bites of your own breakfast. It feels nice. Just sitting together, eating, enjoying the company. The peace.

“So,” Jungkook lifts his big eyes towards you, a loud swallowing sound as he downs his food. “Can I ask you something?” He takes another bite of his eggs, chewing, waiting for your answer. 

You raise your brows a little, head nodding. “Sure.” “Your rules,” He says, still chewing. “Um,” He finally swallows. “Can you give me an actual explanation for why they exist? You know,” He lightly gestures between you both with tender eyes, “Between us.”

You gaze at him, sighing in defeat because it’s not like you can’t talk to him…him of all people. So, you slightly nod, shoulders shrugging. “Expectations. Disappointments.” You say simply, as if the two words go into a deep explanation. 

Jungkook narrows his eyes, frown on his face. “What about them?” 

“So there isn’t expectations.” You mumble, “You can’t expect anything from me…me for you. And no one can get disappointed.”

“I don’t really get it.” He admits, carefully.

“Example,” You exhale a deep breath. “Rule number 3. A rule you always break, by the way!” You playfully roll your eyes, small smile on your face before your lips drop. “Say I get used to it. I would start expecting it, wouldn’t I? Then I would start overthinking if you suddenly just stopped.” You shrug again, “I don’t know, that philosophy works for all the rules I think.”

“Oh.” He subtly nods, eyes going down to his food before he’s eating again. He’s quiet as he eats, chewing as he thinks. 


“—You think we would end up disappointing one another somehow?” He swallows his food, eyes going back to you. “Isn’t that a really negative way to think about it?”

“Negative or realistic?” You chuckle bitterly, “That’s life, Jungkook.”

“That’s not life, actually.” He furrows his brows, clearly concentrating his attention on you. His gaze makes you feel smaller. But then he brushes it off, small smile before he’s going back to breakfast. “Sound like you already have expectations, y/n.” 

“I don’t—”

“—It’s not a bad thing,” He assures you softly. “And for the record, you wouldn’t disappoint me. Not when it comes to the rules.” Jungkook tells you, “It’s funny…sometimes you lack confidence,” Then he smirks. “Yet you still know how to act so cocky.” He lifts a thumb to the corner of your mouth, “You’re cute. But let’s work on that.”

He watches you, lips curved into the cutest smile as you give him the middle finger. His insides are melting, turning into gooey liquid and he’s wondering, truly wondering, if this is something he can actually do. His smile only grows and his heart only beats faster when you stick your tongue out and go back to your food. 

Yeah, he isn’t so sure he’s cut out for this. Because this just might not be enough. But he doesn’t want your ‘expectations’ and ‘disappointments’ to make sense. Because he is the one most understanding how they make absolute perfect fucking sense.


“I am crazy proud of you, dude.” Taehyung is still hugging you tight to his body, “You’re going to do amazing!” He still does not let go. He rocks you back and forth and his arms are wrapped so tightly. “Proud, proud, proud!” He chants.

“Okay, okay.” You laugh into his chest, patting his back. “I get it. Thank you, thank you.”

“I’m proud of you too, y/n. I’d also give you a hug but Taehyung might start barking and growling at me or whatever.” Yoongi tells you with a gummy smile. “Still, accepting your promotion is a huge deal.”

“Of course it is a huge deal.” Namjoon takes a seat at the table that the server just brought you all too, “Hence why we are celebrating.”

“Sorry that only we could make it, y/n.” Jimin pouts, taking a seat next to Namjoon. “Jin and Hoseok feel terrible about not being able to come.”

“Ah, it’s not a big deal.” You keep patting Taehyung’s back. “Okay, let go of me already, dude.” You tell him but he doesn’t let go of you fully, just placing you at arm’s length.

“See? I was being hard on you because I needed you to open your eyes! Now look how excited you are about this promotion!”

“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes, “Right.”

“You don’t believe me?” He cocks a brow at you, “You know what they say about me. I have a method for everything, y/n.”

“Totally, totally.”

“For real though…” Taehyung gets more serious, “You’re going to love this new position…you were made to shine like this.” He smiles now, finally dropping his hands. “What did Jungkook say when you told him?”

“He’s proud too.” You smile, “He should be here any minute…Ara too.”

“Oh.” Taehyung smirks to himself, “Ara, Ara. The love of my life.”

“Stop.” You glare at him, “You just like that she hates you.”

“Hates me?” He pretends to look shocked, “She’s totally in—”

“—Finish that sentence and I’ll consider murder. Super planned out, never get caught kind of murder.” Ara cuts in, heavy sigh leaving her mouth as she walks between you both. 

“That’s so flattering,” Taehyung puts a hand over his heart, “You’d plan something that meticulous for me? You’d spend that much time on me?”

“Something is seriously so wrong with you.” Ara shakes her head.

“Yet is does it for you, doesn’t it?” He grins at her.

“Anyway,” Ara turns to you, giving you a quick but tight hug. “Congrats on the promotion!”

“Thanks, thanks.” You tell her, gesturing towards the table so you can all sit with everyone else. “I was so nervous when I was going to accept it! Ah, but when my boss came to check on another project…I kind of just blurted out that I would take it.” 

“Seems like your subconscious made the decision.” Ara laughs, taking a seat next to you.

“I guess so.” You giggle, “He says I can give the main presentation tomorrow to one of our teams as like a test run. So I was preparing all day!”

“You’re going to kill it!” Taehyung takes a seat next to Ara, “And—”

“—Why me?” She groans, “Sit on the other side of y/n.”

“Uh,” Taehyung gives Ara a pointed look. “Jungkook is going to want to celebrate right next to our promoted princess.”

“Oh yeah.” Ara blinks, head nodding. “So true.” 

“Jungkook would survive not sitting next to me guys.” You deadpan.

“I don’t know,” She shrugs. “Even yesterday when we met for drinks…Jungkook didn’t want be anywhere if you weren’t right there.”

“T-That’s not true.” You defend, cheeks heating up.

“It is true.” Taehyung says nonchalantly, he and Ara share a look, “Childhood friends are close like that.” He nods, “I’m actually going crazy because I’m not right next to y/n either.” Taehyung offers a very straight face and Ara returns it.

“I can imagine.” She nods.

“You guys are annoying.” You laugh, “But speaking of Jungkook…” You pull your phone out, “He’s taking forever. Oh he called. Let me send him another—”

“—Well, maybe I would have been here earlier if you would have told me where this table was located! Or you know, answered my calls.” Jungkook suddenly has his hand on the back of your chair, “I’ve been searching for you guys everywhere.”

“Hey man.” Yoongi nods up at Jungkook.

“My bad…” Jimin looks at his own phone, “Didn’t feel my phone.”

“You’re here.” You turn your head to look at him, bright smile. He immediately looks down at you and he returns your smile. 

“Hi.” He says, eyes only on you now. “Congratulations.” He grins, hand going to your shoulder as he squeezes it gently. “I’m really happy for you.” 

“Thank you.” You answer, hand patting the seat next to you. “I’m a little nervous.”

Jungkook sits next to you, his fingers itching to give you comfort but he is trying to respect rule number 2. “That’s normal. But you’ll be great.” He assures you with just words instead. You gaze at him, eyes clearly still holding some doubts but you take a long, deep breath before leaning into him, head resting on his shoulder.

“If you think so maybe I will be.” You tell him, trying to gain some confidence.

“You will be.” He tells you quietly, a little surprised you’re leaning against him so openly but what really shocks him is when your fingers find his on his lap, you grip them softly before you lean away from him again, your attention on Ara when she says something. But your hand remains on his.

Jungkook tries to breathe normally. It isn’t a big deal. But these sudden nerves remind him of the first time he ever kissed you when he was 14 years old. All nerves and no chill. He clears his throat, his hand giving yours a gentle squeeze as he tries to join in on the conversation Namjoon and Yoongi are having. But then, you pull your hand away to reach for a water the server just brought as you continue chatting with Ara 

He hates that he feels disappointed. 

Oh. Wait. No…he gulps, throat drier than before.

He stares at nothing for a moment, trying to rid that thought with the shake of his head. “Jin and Hoseok couldn’t come or?” He asks Namjoon.

“Jin is on a business trip until Monday and Hoseok is sick.” Yoongi answers for him. “Hoseok wanted to come anyway but he sounded horrible on the phone.”

“Eh, probably for the best then.” Jungkook chuckles. He glances around the table, watching how Namjoon and Yoongi continue to talk, Jimin and Taehyung chatting about going out this weekend and Ara telling you about some guy. 

He stares at your side profile as you speak, your hands moving around animatedly, words falling from your mouth…something about how this guy is funny and cute…and then he’s noticing an uneasiness. What guy? Expectation and disappointment lingering as he tries to listen more carefully.

“You guys really seem to get along,” You continue, “A perfect match!” 

Oh. Jungkook relaxes. You’re talking about the guy for Ara. Disappointment averted. Expectation rising. He continues to gaze at you, a lazy smile starts growing on his lips as he watches and listens to you. You’re so cute. Pretty. Bea—everything. He wishes you’d believe him more when he says that to you. He rests his chin in his hand as he keeps staring.

“You’re so pretty today.” He suddenly blurts. You whip your head towards him, blinking repeatedly before you snort.

“Oh.” You laugh awkwardly, “I look the same as usual.” 

Ara and Taehyung look at you both as well. “So you’re pretty every day.” Ara sings out.

“Well, according to Jungkook.” Taehyung whispers towards Ara and she swats his arm and he pretends he’s wounded, chuckling to himself. “But anyway, Ara…” He pouts at her. “Who is this guy you are even seeing?”

“Someone who really likes me.” She grins at him, proud glint in her eyes. But Taehyung squints at her.

“But you like me.” 

“Nope.” She raises her nose in the air, “Not a chance.”

“So,” You eye Jungkook over, “You think I’m pretty today?” You ask him, voice directed only towards him as everyone chats. He doesn’t doubt the blush on his cheeks.

“You know this already.” He tells you, “But I still like telling you.” 

It’s like his words are the match that lights a fire to your skin. You try to conceal an undoubtedly shy smile. Hating that like usual, he gives you such reactions. “Then thank you.” You mumble, still trying not to smile. You lean into him again, hand landing on his thigh. “Sometimes I can tell you aren’t teasing.” You say playfully, fingers squeezing his muscular thigh before bringing your hand back to your own lap. 

Jungkook feels the absence of your touch again. And again, he’s disappointed. And then your words on expectations ring louder than ever. He finally gets it. Because he wants to expect this—your touch, words, anything. He wants that and he’s disappointed otherwise. He hates that you were the one with the worries but all along he’s the one understanding them.

“You’re affectionate today.” He mumbles quietly, eyes locked on yours. You raise your brows a bit, trying to think about it when you smile, looking a little embarrassed.

“Sorry, sorry…I didn’t—”

“—It’s okay. It’s kind of a relief I’m not the only one who broke a rule today.” He says, eyes looking a little more distant as he stares at you. “But…” He looks down for a moment, brows furrowed. “I think I broke a whole new rule. Well, I’m admitting it but it’s probably been broken.”

You study him, confusion falling onto your features, “What do you—”

Suddenly, his eyes rise again and he looks more determined. “Can we talk? Outside?”

You blink a few times, mouth fallen open. “Now?” You look around, “But—”

“—Please.” He says the word softly. 

“Okay.” You sense how serious he is about talking so you agree. You excuse yourself from everyone else with Jungkook following. You both head outside of the restaurant, finding a quiet and empty spot on the side of the building. Jungkook leans against the wall, his eyes so focused on your face.

“So?” You sway into the wall as well, “Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know.” He takes a breath, “Maybe?”

“What’s going on?” You take a one step towards him and his hands want to reach out for you but he controls them.

“I broke all of the rules.” He tells you simply. His eyes serious, with the slight furrow of his brows. “Every single one.” 

“What?” You ask, looking genuinely confused. He can’t help but crack a smile, a weird relief flowing through his veins…because you’re just you.

“I had a hunch I was breaking it but I I’ve confirmed it.” He smiles at you. “Rule number one, I broke it a while back. I told my mom.” He grins now while you gape at him.


“Not a big deal,” He shrugs, “She liked the whole idea.”


“—I guess I broke the second rule a few times. Rule number three, I clearly just didn’t believe in that one. Rule number four, first of all, fuck that rule.” He keeps smiling at you.

“You break it!” You scold him.

“Thank god that I do.” He shrugs again, devious smile on his face but then he softens considerably. “And rule number five,” He takes a deep breath. “I broke that one too. I’m breaking it now. It might even be the first rule that I broke.” 

You process all his words very slowly. Starting from the beginning…but your brain is catching up. You don’t even separate your lips. They stay glued to one another as you look at Jungkook with pure confusion. 

“I know you don’t really get it.” He says softly, lips spreading into a barely there smile. “Since you’re such a stickler for the rules.” 

“Are…” You finally try to speak, head shaking a little. “Are you saying you …?”

“That I have feelings for you?” He looks up at the night sky, “Yeah, breaking rule number five would mean that, wouldn’t it?”

“Jungkook…” You say his name slowly. 

“I know. I get it.” He looks back at you, nothing but a content expression. “But for obvious reasons we should stop this fun little arrangement because I was right…” He chuckles, “I am not cut out for it.”


“—And please don’t hate me. I want to stay and celebrate but I also want to give you some space to think and process and what not.”

“Process?” You blink at him.

“I don’t really know. Maybe it’s me…is it okay if I go home for now? I promise,” He looks at you sincerely, “This won’t change our friendship, y/n. But can I have just a couple days to work through it by myself?” 

You really don’t know how to respond. Your throat feels dry. You only nod at him. 

And just like always, he makes you entire body react. Including your fucking heart.


You’re sure everyone could tell you were acting strange during your celebratory dinner. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that after Jungkook left you got into a down mood…no one knows why, of course. You still tried to have fun with your friends despite the giant hole that’s broken your chest apart. 

You told everyone that Jungkook had a sudden work thing he had to take care of and they bought it—well, you think so anyway. Doesn’t matter. It’s now almost 11pm and you’re trying to focus on tomorrow’s presentation but Jungkook is the only thing you’re really thinking about. You keep opening and closing your laptop, thinking maybe you’ll get something done but you keep glancing at your phone. You need to talk about this.

Finally, you reach for your phone, fingers poking at the screen harshly as you try to make the phone call you are trying so desperately for. Ringing. It’s ringing. Still ringing. Words risen from your throat, so close to spilling shamelessly from your mouth. You take a deep breath…you need an answer.

“Hello?” Finally.

“I lied earlier.” You blurt quickly, needing to get things off your chest now.

“Hm,” Ara hums out softly, “Let me guess?” 

“You won’t—”

“—Just get into why Jungkook left earlier. Wasn’t for work, so…?”

“Oh.” You grip your phone a little tighter, pushing it against your ear. “You knew I lied about that?”

“I didn’t think you were so freaking sad just because he had to leave for a work thing.” Ara chuckles softly, “You’re more easy going than that.” 

“I wasn’t that sad.” You keep your voice even.

“You took two bites of your food, y/n.” Ara says with the kind of tone that you know she rolled her eyes. “What happened?”

“God, okay.” You sigh out, “Remember how you thought…or you know…you know how I’m hooking up with someone?”

“I do know that, yes.” She responds calmly. “You’ve been seeing someone for a little while now.”

“Well,” You take another deep breath. “I’ve been sleeping with Jungkook. Since the night of the dare…when Taehyung made—”

“Yeah, I know the night.” She laughs into the phone, “We knew it was going to turn out like this.”

“Yeah, so—wait, what?” 


“What do you mean?” You ask her slowly, “Knew what?”

Ara is quiet for a moment before you hear her release a long breath, “It’s not like we didn’t know.” She says.

“Who the hell is ‘we’?” You furrow your brows, phone pressing closer to your ear. “Ara?”

“Hmm,” Her voice is light and airy, “Well, you know what they say about Taehyung.” 

Your brows only pull together closer…what does that mean? You try to think about it because what do they say about—oh. Your mouth falls open as realization hits you. “That he has a method for everything.” You say, putting it together now. 

“Mhm.” Ara laughs faintly, “So I’m probably not the one you want to be talking to. You thought cupid was a little angel baby. But he’s actually a tall, hot devil. Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.” 


But she hangs up as you hear her laughing on the other side. Wait, wait, wait. You want more time to think and process what she just said but your fingers are moving faster than your brain.

“Hey,” Taehyung answers on the second ring. “What’s up—”

“—Are you home? I’m coming over.” You rush to speak, legs already moving as you find your bag and keys. “I’m leaving now.”

And not even 20 minutes later you’re standing outside of Taehyung’s front door, foot tapping against the ground as you not so patiently wait for him to let you in. You feel like you have waited an eternity but the reality is probably around 15 seconds. But finally his door swings open and Taehyung is here.

“Hello…” You narrow your eyes at him, speaking slowly. “Cupid.”

Taehyung’s eyes go wide before his lips settle into an annoying ass smile, smug and knowing. “Oh?” He crosses his arms over his chest before continuing, “I’ve been found out?”

You squint even harder at him, lips set into a firm line before you push past him, making your way inside his place. “Please explain to me whatever the hell Ara said about you.” You walk inside, getting comfortable on his loveseat. But then you tilt your head, “Why does Ara know? You told her?”

Taehyung closes the door before following you inside, “Uh, I praise Ara all the time for her incredible intuition. Her and I would make the smartest fucking kids.”

“You know what…whatever. Just explain to me what she means when she says you have a method for everything.”

“Well, where to start?” He asks, voice all cocky before he sits next to you.

“Uh, the beginning. So the day I got dumped. The night you dared—”

“—You think that’s the beginning?” Taehyung cuts in, laughter threatening to erupt. “Oh wow, no.” He shakes his head, “I’ve been playing the long game.”

“What?” You look at him incredulously, “What does that even mean?”

“It means you guys are dumb and I’m the best friend ever.” He says lightheartedly.

“You are the last person I would think would play cupid, Taehyung. You don’t even like romantic love!” you shout at him.

“But you guys do!” He shouts back. “Um, news flash, you guys are my best friends and I wanted to help out.” He shrugs now, “It all started back when Jungkook was 14.”

“Huh?” You blink at him, mouth open. Not totally getting it.

“Oh, poor Jungkook had the hugest crush on you, y/n.” Taehyung shakes his head, eyes down at his hands, looking solemn. “It was genuinely tragic because you didn’t even register he was of the opposite sex.”

“For real?” You deadpan.

“For real.” He nods, still solemn before he lifts his head and smirks. “But I had a genius plan.”

“The fucking first kiss.” You tell him.

“Yup, so genius.” Taehyung looks proud, “He still hadn’t had his first kiss because only lips he was thinking about was…” He pretends to gag, “…yours…” 

“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, “But continue.”

“Anyway, I told him we should just ask you!” He gestures towards you, “It’s not like it was a big deal to you anyway. He was like guy number 4 for you.”

Your cheeks grow warm, “Well...”

“So yeah. Genius plan. But I didn’t know you were going to stick your tongue in his mouth and I didn’t know he was going to bite you.” Taehyung cackles, shrugging his shoulders. “Classic, classic.”

“Oh god…” You feel yourself grow embarrassed.

“Anyway, you vowed you’d never do that again and poor Jungkook was so traumatized from your reaction but well,” Taehyung shrugs again. “At least he got over you for a little while.”


“That’s when I helped Jungkook.” Taehyung leans back onto his sofa, “I helped you the night I made you guys make out.” 

“What are you talking about?” You ask him slowly, body tense but you try to mirror his body as you lay back into the couch cushion as well.

“I was helping both of you actually.” He chews his lips for a moment, “God, I would have done so earlier but you kept wasting your time with guys you didn’t even like. Jihoon, for example.” 

“Oh.” You nod subtly, piecing it together.

“It was pretty obvious you two started hooking up after I dared you guys to make out.”

“How was it obvious exactly?” You eye him suspiciously. 

“First, goodness gracious, the sexual tension was…” He brings his pinched fingers to his lips and gives them a kiss. “And also, I have both of your locations. You were always at his and he was at yours…especially at 2 in the morning…technology wasn’t on your side.” He says with a straight face.

“Damn…it never is.” You say with an equally straight face. 

“So…you guys are…” He motions his hands around.

“Yeah, we were hooking up, Taehyung.”


“I had five simple rules.”

Taehyung looks at you, almost comically ashamed. “Should have guessed.”

“Rule number one, no one can know.” You begin listing them, “Rule number two, no pda. Rule number three, no pet names. Rule number four, not often, just three times a week.”

Taehyung looks at you with obvious disapproval before he silently mouths, ‘lame as fuck’. But you continue, “And rule number five…no feelings.” 

“Okay…” He says slowly.

“He broke all of the rules. All of them. He told me.”

“…Okay.” He says slowly again, as if waiting for the point. “Is that supposed to be bad?”

You stare at him before snorting, “Uh, it’s weird! We’re best friends and now he apparently…it’s weird, right?”

“Uh, you guys are already fucking. Not sure it could get—”

“—I’m serious!”

“I’m serious too!” Taehyung starts laughing. “Y/n…be honest. You broke all the rules too at some point, right?”


“And if I helped you out doesn’t it just mean I’ve known about your feelings before you? Stupid, stupid.” He keeps laughing. “y/n, you broke that fifth rule before you even created it.”

“What?” You look at Taehyung, disbelief on your features. “I did not…well,” You suddenly glance to the side, teeth nibbling into your bottom lip. “Well, I don’t…I don’t know.”

“You do.” Taehyung shrugs. “You know exactly when you realized your feelings for him. Right?”

“No?” You blink at Taehyung, restless eyes now darting all around his living room. “Do I?” You question yourself quietly. “Oh…” You begin to chew on your lips again. “If I had to guess—”

“—You made those rules because like usual…you put restrictions on yourself.” Taehyung cuts in, his voice much softer now. Not much of his usual playfulness. “But the rules don’t matter, y/n. Jungkook was honest with you. Why don’t you try being honest with yourself as well?”

“Are you…” You look at Taehyung, choosing to be careful with your words when you decide you don’t want to be careful with them. “I have feelings for Jungkook too and I should tell him.”

“Well, yeah.” Taehyung chuckles, “He would probably like that.” 

“I…” Your body goes limp against the cushion. “Honestly, you’re right but wow, I felt like this would be a bigger revelation.” You mumble more to yourself. “Why doesn’t it feel like I just realized something so insane?”

“Because you realized it years ago.” Taehyung answers you carefully. “You aren’t dumb, y/n. You know exactly when your feelings shifted…I saw it happen but after that it was lame guy after lame guy.”

You stare at the floor, teeth still digging into your lips. “Yeah, maybe.”

“You already know how he feels so isn’t it easy to just…tell him too?”

“Not really.” You sigh out, “I don’t have the confidence to tell him anything to make it all make sense.”

“It’s Jungkook…” Taehyung conceals a smile. “He gets you, no matter how much your ass doesn’t make sense."


You almost cannot believe it. You killed that presentation. Your boss sat at the end of the table, eyeing you with pride as you spoke so smoothly, going over the presentation like you knew the ins and outs with such expertise. Probably because that’s true. You were awesome, it’s true. You spoke clearly, smoothly and did the right things to keep everyone engaged.

“I knew this was going to be the perfect fit, y/n.” Mr. Kim tells you, big grin on his face. “You were a natural in there and you really know how to lead the team. I got a few new projects I want you to work on…I know you’ll do incredible.” And then he’s giving you a pat on the shoulder before heading to his own office.

You take a seat at your desk, legs shaking in obvious excitement. You can’t contain it. All the praises and the high you feel from presenting in front of a room of a dozen people is so fresh and contagious. Your entire body is tingling and you feel such a sense of motivation. The confidence is continuing to sky rocket and the only place you want to put this energy is into Jungkook. 

It's Friday and you aren’t sure if he has plans or not but you have decided to go straight to his apartment right after work. Taehyung was right…you know exactly when your feelings shifted and you know exactly how to word everything. The high you feel has suddenly given you the confidence you need…you’re going to wing it. But somehow you know it will all makes sense.

It’s after 5pm and you’re sitting outside of Jungkook’s apartment door. You aren’t letting yourself in because somehow that feels wrong at this time. But after checking his location you can see he’s still not home from work. It’s after 6pm now. He’s still not home. You check his location again and you see he’s at the store…probably grocery shopping. 

Almost 6:30pm when you start to feel anxious again. Too much time is passing and you’re growing further apart from all that confidence and motivation that was running through your veins earlier. You sit here, leg shaking in nerves now. Finally, you hear the distant ding of the elevator down the hall and you just know it’s him. You take a deep breath before standing up from the ground and leaning against his door. He comes towards his door, hands carrying several bags of groceries while he looks at you with big, doe eyes.

“y/n?” He says your name and you feel your muscles tighten. “Why…” He glances around, “Have you just been waiting here?”

“Yes.” You blurt, “I was waiting for you.”

He gazes at you with curious eyes before he lightly snorts, “Why did you wait out here? You should have waited inside.” He smiles now. “But uh, can you actually open the door. My hands are…” He lifts the bags with a sheepish expression and you immediately nod and turn to unlock the door.

“Umm, how was…” Your fingers are pressing against the key pad, “um, your day? How was your day?” You finally get the door open, holding it so Jungkook can slip through.

“It was okay.” He walks past you, his scent hitting your nose. He takes the bags into the kitchen and you follow him. He sets the bags onto the counter before facing you, his attention nowhere on the groceries. “How was yours?”

“Good.” You nod, “I did the presentation and it went so well and now I really need to talk to you.” You step closer towards him and he takes a step back, hands going to the counter as he leans against it.

“Oh, I knew it would go well.” He smiles, eyes sliding to the side. “You just needed a little—”

“—Not here to talk about the presentation.” You cut him off, taking another step. “I—”

“—Well,” His fingers grip the edge of the counter a little, “What exactly—”

“—Rule number one.” Another step, eyes boring into his. “I broke it when I went on that double date.”

Jungkook blinks at you, looking caught off guard. “Huh?”

“Told my date about you. Me and you.” You lift a second finger, “Rule number two, I broke that rule numerous times, didn’t I? First time was when we went to the movies with Jimin and when he wasn’t looking I kissed you. It was in public so I broke the rule. And last night…” You sigh, small smile on your lips. “Broke it again without realizing.”


“—Rule number three, I broke that rule the night we were celebrating Jimin’s new found singleness.”

“Or you know, mourning his new found sadness.” Jungkook cracks a smile.

“Oh, right.” You nod, “Sorry I guess Taehyung wore off on me.”

“It happens.” He chuckles, “But—”

“—Rule number four. I broke that rule every single time you wanted me to. You’re right, that rule is the stupidest one.” You smile wider now. “Three times a week? What was I thinking?” You begin to make fun of yourself. “No wonder I didn’t really try very hard to keep you from breaking that one.”

Jungkook eyes you carefully, smile on his lips but it looks unsure.

“And rule number five.” You pause, taking a moment to take a deep breath as your eyes fill with sincerity. “I broke that rule a long time ago.” You admit to him and he scrunches his brows together, almost looks like he’s doubting you.

“Yeah.” You continue, “I broke it the day I graduated from University. The same day I tried to drunk kiss you.” You look at him with a serious expression now and he raises his brows in slight shock and realization. “I was devastated about my mom…but you made me feel like I could move past that sadness because you made me feel so much better.” You frown a little, “That night alone I realized if the only person in this entire world who cheers me on is you…then I could probably be happy about it.”


“These rules were stupid excuses, Jungkook.” You take another step now. Your eyes going to Jungkook’s hands that grip the counter. “I’m sorry…” You watch as his hands fall from the counter and to his sides. “I was never a stickler for them…god, I am just as bad as you are.”

Jungkook stares at you with big eyes, his fingers twitching because he wants to reach for you. 

“Also,” You bite your lip, trying to stop a chuckle from leaving your mouth. “I have another confession.”

“What’s that?” Jungkook’s expression looks soft as his fingers finally go to your waist. Your body losing all of its tension as soon as he touches you. 

“You were also my first kiss.” Your entire face feels hot. “I lied about my other kisses…everyone else was always talking about it so…”

“Wow,” Jungkook’s fingers hold onto your waist tighter as his lips spread into a knowing grin. “That explains so much.” He teases you, “I mean…the sudden tongue in my mouth…”

“Hey!” You pout at him, “It wasn’t—”

“—Hey.” He cuts you off, fingers spreading over your blouse before his hands find your lower back and he’s pulling you closer to him. “If it makes you feel better, you’ve really improved.”

You frown theatrically at him before he starts really laughing now, one of his hands leaving your back to come to your face. “Really improved. Best in the world now.” He whispers, playful glint in his eye.

“You’re just saying that.” You roll your eyes, your own hands finding his chest. You splay your fingers across his shirt. “So,” You bite onto your bottom lip.

“So.” He strokes his thumb over your cheek. “I have feelings for you. You have feelings for me.” 

“Yeah.” You breathe out, eyes trailing across his face. “What does it mean?” You ask him slowly, carefully. Fingers right over his beating heart. His cheeks turn rosy as he gazes at you, a blush turning him into a pink dream.

“It means we have new rules.” He smiles, teeth poking out adorably. “Five to be exact. And we actually will follow these.”

You quirk a brow at him, “Which are?”

“One…we tell everyone. Everyone has to know you’re mine now. Officially.” He smirks at you, his hand guiding your face closer to his before he plants a kiss to your lips. “Two…I’m going to hold your hands, hug you, kiss you…all the time. Everywhere” Another kiss.

“Jungkook.” You laugh into his mouth before he pulls away again.

“Rule number three…all the fucking pet names. You’re my baby and I’m going to call you that all the time.” Another kiss. “Rule number fucking four.” His hand tightens over your jaw a little, “We are fucking all the time. Like, all the time.”

You laugh, eyes staying on his before he kisses your lips again.

“And rule number five…” He leans back a little, soft eyes gazing at you and you can feel your body react like usual. Heart going crazy. “You should probably go ahead and tell me you’re in love with me now. Have feelings.” He looks at you so lovingly before leaning in again, lips slow to find yours for a long kiss. You sigh into his mouth, heart thumping wildly. “And,” He barely pulls his lips off yours. “You can never break that rule. Because for once, I think we finally found some rules I could follow.”

You pull away from him, just a few fingers lingering on his chest. “You think you can finally listen to me?” You ask him, cocky tone in your voice. “We should put it to the test.”

The corn of Jungkook’s lip start to turn, crooked smile forming on his face. “Yeah? Go ahead and test it, baby. Tell me to do something. You know I would do anything you wanted me to.”

“You would, wouldn’t you?” You can’t help but smirk, front teeth digging into your bottom lip. “Okay,” You slide your fingers down his chest, eyes following as you start messing with the zipper on his pants. “You’ll really do anything I want?” Your eyes rise back to his.

His mouth falls open as he exhales a long breath, eyes already filling with desire. “Anything.”

“Hm,” You lick your lips, eyes glancing around. “Then put away your groceries.” You tell him with the nod of your head, “I can see there’s ice cream. Don’t let it melt.” And then you drop your hand from his body and turn to walk away from him.

Jungkook blinks at where you once stood. His mouth shuts and he conceals the smile that wants to spread so badly, “Fucking tease.” He huffs out, slightly shaking his head.

“I know,” You call out, stopping at the entry of the hallway, a hand on the wall. “But if you want more demands from me, you can meet me in the bedroom when you’re done.” You wink, disappearing into the hall.

“Cocky.” He talks to himself, rolling his eyes and turning his body towards the counter to start putting away the groceries. He chuckles, an endeared smile on his face, “But just like the new rules, I’d follow her to the ends of the Earth.” 

Tags :
2 years ago
 Youre A Doll,

⊹₊ ⋆ “you’re a doll,”

TAGS — pussy eating for the winnnn, almost getting caught like multiple times by hani, pregnant sex, unprotected sex, smutty smut, fingering, cunnilingus, creampie at the end, getting interrupted, dirty talk

WORD COUNT — 3.4 k

 Youre A Doll,

The bed dips low with a soft creak, you frown in your sleep and open one eye to see who it was climbing into your bed at this hour. "Hani?" You softly whisper.

"No baby," Jungkook murmurs lowly and wraps his arms around your waist as he tugs you closer to him, "just me." He leaves open-mouthed kisses up your neck, his warm hands slip under your sleeping shirt as he splays one over your tummy and then the other around your soft tit. He gives the soft mound a squeeze and flicks your hardening nipple with his thumb.

A soft moan escapes your lips, you gently push back against his hips and bite your lip. "Hani's still awake." You murmur, quietly gasping when Jungkook's hand slips from your tummy to your pussy as he dips his hand into your panties.

Jungkook quietly hums as his fingers toy with your pussy folds and dip in to press against your clit. He rubs in slow circles, idly teasing you while simultaneously toying with your nipple. Quiet little moans leave you, your hips gently roll forward to chase more of the pleasure he's giving you. "Jungkook," you tug at his arm again.

"Daddy just wants a quick taste sweetheart." Jungkook whispers in your ear, "You'll spread your little legs for me won't you baby?" He nips at your earlobe and then kisses down your neck.

Your pussy slicks up at the thought because his tongue certainly did wonders on you. "Mmhm," you nod and turn so you're facing him. You stare into his eyes and lick your glossy lips as you gently press a sweet kiss on him.

Jungkook chuckles and slips his hand out of your panties, "Lie back for me sweetheart." He grins softly and watches as you. He slides down your body and parts your soft thighs, "Look so pretty under me baby," he purrs as he eyes you, "gonna eat your little pussy up like you deserve."

He yanks your panties down your thighs and hooks both legs over his shoulders as he kisses up your thighs. He gently sucks on a patch of skin, intending to leave his mark on you before he has to go.

You whimper softly and reach down to gently pet his hair and grip it, "Please," you gently cant your hips upward, as if you were offering your pussy up for grabs.

"Baby's needy?" Jungkook chuckles, "Need something in that greedy little pussy of yours don't you? What do you want baby?" His hot breath fans over your pussy, making your clit tingle in anticipation.

"You daddy," you softly whine, "want you to eat my pussy out."

"Who's pussy?" Jungkook growls.

A low mewl bubbles out of your throat, "Yours daddy." You spread your thighs a bit wider for him, "Your pussy." You lick your lip and watch him with glossy eyes.

Jungkook releases a low growl at that and finally leans down to dip his tongue into your pussy. He licks up your folds and noses at your clit for a moment. You softly sigh and squirm around, "Daddy," you softly whisper and lean your head back, "not there, want you here." You reach down to spread your pussy apart with two fingers, showing off your throbbing little clit.

"You're a fucking dream." He growls lowly, eyes dark with desire and hunger as he immediately dives in to mouth at your clit, tongue coming out to lay flat on your clit and lick over it.

You relax into the bed with a blissful sigh, "Mmm," you close your eyes and gently grip his hair, "so good." You moan out.

Jungkook flicks his tongue over your clit repeatedly, his eyes are closed in concentration as he practically eats you like it's his last meal ever. Your pussy clenches down around nothing given that Jungkook's making out with your clit.

"Daddy.." You softly call out and reach down with one hand to nudge at his own.

He makes a questioning noise and looks up at you before getting the message (so he thinks) and gently intertwines his fingers with yours. "No," you quietly say and guide his hand towards your pussy, "need you here." You whisper and bite your lip.

Jungkook grips your hand tightly with narrowed eyes as he pulls away, "Baby really wants to get fucked up? Isn't that right?"

You eagerly nod and wait patiently for him to slip his thick fingers into your needy pussy. Jungkook raises his hand up to your face, "Suck," he growls lowly and prods at your lips with his middle and ring finger.

Your lips part for his fingers as you take the digits into your mouth. You eagerly suckle and coat them in your spit, sucking them like you do when you have his cock in your mouth. Jungkook watches you with dark eyes before slipping his fingers out and going back to work. His mouth immediately goes back down to your clit, and his fingers slide into your messy pussy.

A surprised moan escapes your lips, "Daddy." You arch your back and buck your hips.

Jungkook growls lowly, his fingers slip in deeply and curl upwards to stroke your sensitive walls. Your moans get louder and you eventually bring your hand up to cover your mouth. Jungkook is relentless with the way he sucks and licks at your clit.

You bury your hand once more in his hair and tug at the soft strands, "Jungkook..!" You gasp out, body writhing against the sheets.

His fingers plunge in and out faster, slick squelching noises filling the quiet room as your pussy leaks profusely around his fingers. Jungkook softly pants against you, hot breath fanning over you as he opens his eyes to look up.

"God you're so beautiful baby," he whispers, "wish I could take a photo for memories. You'd like that wouldn't you baby?"

You nod eagerly, a choked cry leaving you as your eyes blur with tears. You're so close, your walls begin to tighten around his fingers. Jungkook notices and begins to plunge his fingers in faster and faster, practically shaking your lower half with how fast he's fucking his fingers into you.

"J-Jungkook–" you cry out, slapping a hand over your mouth as you sob.

You cum with a muffled cry, thighs shaking and tears spilling from your eyes. Jungkook slows down and rubs his thumb over your clit gently. You ride the rest of your orgasm out on his fingers as Jungkook whispers softly praises and kisses your hips and tummy.

"Such a good girl," he whispers.

You hear Hani downstairs nearby the kitchen as you stiffen up. You gently push Jungkook away and sit up shakily, "Go, now," you whisper softly as you wipe his cheek since he had a bit of your slick on there.

"Give me a kiss sweetheart." Jungkook rumbles, "Then I'll go."

You gently cup his face and kiss him tenderly. He groans softly and holds the back of your head. The kiss lasts until you run out of air, you softly pant with a blush on your cheeks, "G'night.."

"Good night sweetheart." Jungkook chuckles and gets out of your room quietly.

You sit in silence before sighing deeply as you fall back on the bed and lay there with a hand over your stomach.


You finally reach a full month without telling anyone or making it too obvious. Hina either genuinely doesn't know or she's playing dumb because she brushes off your sudden aversions for certain food you used to love eating. Jungkook picks up on your constant state of sleepiness and random spouts of nausea you get. You really want to tell him but you're terrified of what his reaction would be. 

Today was no different from any other day, you came home from an early class with the intention to take a shower and nap. You couldn't hold down anything at the moment because you'd throw it up right away so you settled for not eating until your morning sickness decided to calm down. 

"Hi baby," Jungkook greets you from the kitchen as you pass by to get to the stairs, "how was your classes?" He stands in the doorway with a apron (that you bought him), "I made your favorite by the way." He grins holding the plate of hot food. 

You smile tiredly and open your mouth to say something when you catch a whiff of the food, you feel nausea hit you immediately. You gag and cover your mouth, running upstairs in hurry because you can feel the contents of your stomach bubbling up. 

"y/n?" Jungkook worriedly runs after you, appearing moments later in the bathroom with you as he holds your hair up whilst you vomit. "You okay baby? Was it something you ate last night?" 

You tearfully look at him and shake your head, "Ugh I feel," you whisper softly as you sway dizzily, "so... so bad.." You suddenly fall forward into his arms and whimper. 

"Fuck, stay with me baby. Let's get you to bed." Jungkook lifts you up into his arms and carries you off to bed, whispering soft promises to take care of you in your ear. 

It keeps going on like that for a week, you try to control your sickness but it's getting out of hand at this point. At dinner when Hani presented a box of fried chicken and beer, you gagged and proceeded to vomit all over yourself after she had opened the box and let the smell of chicken linger in the air. It was embarrassing to say the least. 

 You were in the middle of showering under the hot water when Jungkook's body slid up behind yours as he wrapped his arms around your body. "Baby I think we should take you to the doctors. You've been getting sick constantly and you're always tired." 

"Jungkook," you sigh, not really in the mood for the interrogations and such, "I'm just going through something. It isn't serious." 

"For almost a month now? Baby this can't be healthy or normal for you, I don't want you to hold it off until it gets worse. Let me take you to see a doctor yeah? Just to make sure." Jungkook softly whispers as he kisses down your neck and then your shoulders. 

You turn around in his arms and cup his face gently, staring into his eyes and pecking his lips gently, "I need you to listen to me and be calm okay?" He nods at your words and you carry on, "I've been sick yes, but it's not anything life threatening so please don't worry about that.." You whisper and sadly smile at him, "Jungkook I'm pregnant." 

The silence is so loud after that. You can only hear the sounds of your soft breathing and shower water running. Jungkook doesn't show any signs of being upset but his words could totally mean a different thing. You anxiously wait for him to reply, gnawing at your lip nervously.

 "We're having a baby?" He softly asks as he gently cups your tummy and presses his hand to it. 

You nod timidly and suddenly find yourself being kissed by Jungkook. He passionately holds you to him as he brings you close in his arms. You whimper softly and happily sink into his arms. This whole time you had been worried about losing him or Jungkook not accepting the baby but it seemed he wanted this more than you did. 

You were perfectly fine with that.


A few months pass and by now Hani knew you were pregnant by your mystery man. Jungkook was a doting father to be and it didn't seem like Hani was suspecting a thing. Things were going pretty well with the pregnancy, you were happy that you didn't need to hide it anymore. There was only one tiny problem. Your sex drive. 

Your hormones were through the roof and suddenly you found yourself horny like twenty-four seven. It was ridiculous because it was as if the roles were reversed now, instead of it being Jungkook who wanted some all the time it was now you. You'd jump this man's bones if you could, but not that he was complaining about your newfound libido. 

It was so bad that Hani almost caught you guys on two different occasions, and you'd think she would find it funny that Jungkook cared more about "your" baby than you did yourself. The first time she almost caught you guys was when she had unexpectedly came home from her shift early. 

"Fuck," Jungkook whispered softly against your lips as he rocked hips into your over and over again. His thrusts were forceful and deep yet slow and sensual, shaky little moans escaped your lips here and there whenever his cock brushed past your sweet spot. 

"Jungkook..!" You gasped quietly, toes curled a little from the overwhelming pleasure running through your veins, "God you feel so good," you breathe out, shuddering when another wave of electrifying pleasure ran down your spine.

He lifts himself up and off of you, panting quietly as he begins to roll his hips quickly. "Look at you baby, so fucking pretty for me." He licks his lips and eyes your hand that's splayed over your tummy protectively. "Bred you well didn't I baby? Now look at you, all knocked up with my baby." 

You moan softly at the implications, how taboo all of this is given that your bestfriend now has a half-sibling, which is pretty fucked up on its own. You stare up at him with lustful eyes, bringing your free hand down to rub at your clit slowly and gently. "But you like me this way don't you? What you always wanted," you moan breathily, "isn't that right Daddy?" You lick your lips. 

Jungkook groans, "Damn right it is baby," he bites his lip to muffle his moans whilst rolling his hips into yours like crazy, gently jostling you on the bed.

The bed begins to creak and hit into the wall, lewd slapping noises and wet squelching filled the room with how desperate Jungkook's thrusting was getting. Your moans were rising in volume, you were getting lost within the pleasure and it seemed like Jungkook was too. Jungkook let out a low growl and opened his lips to say something when the front door to the house opened. 

"Dad? y/n?" Hani called out loudly from the main foyer downstairs. 

Your breath hitched as you gently slapped your hands on Jungkook's chest, "Get off! Off!" You whine out, heart racing and fear filling your entire soul. 

Hani's footsteps could be heard on the staircase, she was making her way up the steps slowly, still calling out for you both because there was no way she didn't see your shoes and his by the door. You couldn't make any excuse as to why you were in her dad's room alone with him..

"Shit, hold on baby." Jungkook whispers as he gets off of you and goes to lock his door, "Hani I'm changing right now what's up?"

Hani stops in front of the door, you can see her feet from under the doorway, "Hey dad do you know if y/n's home or not? I brought her some snacks from work," she huffs softly. 

"I don't think so baby, y/n told me she had to go out and get some things for the baby." 

"Oh okay, well I'm gonna go take a nap in my room if you need me. Can you let her know I brought the snacks she likes when she gets home later on?" 

Jungkook stares down at your naked form, licking his lips slowly as he climbs back on the bed quietly, "Yeah, sure.." He trails off before going back down to you. 

The second time it happens you're almost sure you were going to finally be found out by Hani. You had gotten pretty careless then and there, fucking out in the daylight where Hani could see or walk in. It started when you and Jungkook were relaxing together and doing some laundry in the living room. He joked about fucking you on the washing machine, but you took that shit literally. 

"Fuck," you grit your teeth and toss your head back, you were struggling to keep a hold on the machine because your grip kept slipping from the edge. 

Jungkook held your legs open for him as he positioned them up against your chest with your feet dangling in the air. He had his sweats pushed down under his balls, his cock glistened with your slick. He worked his cock in and out of you, his hips smacked into yours over and over again as low smacking noises filled the room. 

"Right there baby? Need me to fuck your needy little pussy and fill it with cum?" Jungkook growls softly as he tightens his grip on your thighs. 

You nod eagerly and bite your lip, "Want you to breed me all over again Daddy, fuck me till me I'm crying." You whisper and bring him down for a kiss, groaning loudly as you gently bit his lower lip. 

Jungkook moans loudly as he begins to speed up and fuck into your pussy harder and faster, "God if you'd tell me sooner that you wanted a baby with me I would have bred you so well, give you the fucking you deserve baby. I'd make you cum over and over again till your little pussy's full and creaming on my cock." He whispers harshly against your lips as he rocks his hips harshly. 

Your lips part from his, you moan into his mouth as you stare into his eyes. Your pussy tightens, lewdly squelching as more slick coats his cock. He fucks you with such intensity you almost feel like he's gonna knock you right off the damn washing machine. You throw your head back and gasp, "Oh fuck, yes..." You trail off as your cunt clamps down. 

Jungkook hisses softly, "Baby-shit, loosen up a little for me." He grunts as he smacks your ass gently. 

A quiet little mewl left you when he smacked your ass, you stare up at him and watch with a soft grin on your face. The two of you were pretty lost in the pleasure together, moans and groans leaving the both of you. At some point Jungkook reached down to rub your clit in tight small circles. 

You missed the sound of the door unlocking and keys rattling as Hani tosses them into the small bowl sitting on the table in front of the main door. The clapping noises are masked by the sound of the machine running and doing its cycles. Jungkook's smothering you in kisses and holding you tight as he fucks you like his life depends on it. 

"Mmmm...!!" You whimper and try to move around because he's hitting your g-spot dead on and the stimulation to your clit was sending you into a frenzy. 

Jungkook pounds into you so hard the washing machine itself begins to rock and shift a tiny bit against the floor. His muffled groans and growls rise in volume, the sound of his balls slapping against you resonates throughout the room. 

You cum harder than you ever have as your thighs shake and your pussy gushes around his cock. Jungkook moans lowly as he slows down and grinds deeply into you as he helps you ride out your orgasm. "Cum in me," you softly beg as you bring him closer, "fill me up.." You whine softly and lean in to kiss him. 

"Dad are you in there doing laundry?" Hani asks from the room right next to the laundry room.

You freeze in horror and look at Jungkook who was in the middle of coming. He hugs you tightly and brings you closer with a quiet grunt, "Shit, work with me baby." He shakily pulls out of you and sets you down on your feet. 

You both rush to fix your clothes and make yourselves look presentable. "Dad?"

Right when Hani enters through the door you're both already standing in your clothes again trying to look like nothing happened prior. "Hey sweetie," Jungkook smiles as he sets the large box of detergent back up on the shelf, "how was your day?" 

You have a hand on your tummy, smiling as you greet Hani softly with a wave. "Oh.. pretty good dad, I got let off early today which is good. I brought some drinks for us too." Hani says calmly as she shrugs, "Anyone want fried chicken?" She says as she walks away. 

You sigh in relief and look at Jungkook who sneaks a kiss from you, "No thanks, just had my lunch." Jungkook smirks smacking your ass as he walks out.

 Youre A Doll,

much awaited part two hehe, next up: jock!jk Halloween special 🫶

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2 years ago

symmetry; jjk (m)

Symmetry; Jjk (m)

pairing: gryffindor!jungkook x slytherin!reader

genre: enemies to lovers, hogwarts au, smut

summary: with both of you being from rival houses, the smirk that jungkook seemed to throw in your direction every shared class did nothing for your disdain towards him. as far as you were concerned he was arrogant and childish; you just wished he wasn’t so damn good in bed.

word count: 10k.

a/n: i used to write on here a while ago but deleted my blog. since deciding i wanted to come back i figured i would start with what was my most loved fic. i tried to get my old url back, but alas, she was gone. enjoy.


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2 years ago

new romantics



summary: Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. it seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. what he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.

pairing: jungkook x fem!reader

genre: hogwarts au, quidditch player!jungkook, enemies to lovers au | fluff/angst

warnings: jungkook is lowkey a fratboy, slow burn, there’s angst but let’s be real this is me so there’s a happy ending don’t worry 

word count: 24k

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2 years ago



⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader

⟶ genre: hogwarts/harry potter au / enemies-to-lovers + fluff

⟶ words: 5,486

⟶ rating: pg-13

⟶ summary: jungkook loves everything strawberry but the simple pleasure is always kept hidden, stowed away as if some hideous secret to protect the rumours that had built up around him — until a love potion outs him.

⟶ disclaimer: this is a repost of an old fic from my old blog since i know some of you were asking about it! i hope you enjoy!!


Jungkook loves strawberries.

He remembers fondly the warm summers as a child when he would go strawberry picking with his grandmother, and revels in the taste and the memory each time he bites into a fresh berry, the juices coating his tongue in sickly sweetness; he likes the smell of all the lotions and lip balms, candles and fragrances, that carried notes of the red fruit in comforting wafts, remembering distantly a time when his mother’s fruity perfume would breathe warm life into his cold house in the middle of a dull winter; he remembers sentimental times spent at the local cafe near his home, loving and basking in the way the homely and warm aroma of a freshly baked pie and the sugary tartness of strawberry lemonade would fill his nostrils and consume his senses, leaving his mouth watering. 

Jungkook loves everything strawberry but the simple pleasure is always kept hidden, stowed away as if some hideous secret to protect the rumours that had built up around him.

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2 years ago

practice | jjk (series masterlist)

Practice | Jjk (series Masterlist)

→pairing: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader

→rating/genre: m/18+ | college au, fwb, smut, fluff, angst

→status: completed

✧・゚: * playlist ✧・゚: *

Practice | Jjk (series Masterlist)

→part one — | 8.1k |

You usually spend Friday nights on your own. Tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, Jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.

→part two — | 8.1k |

Everything is wet. You and Jungkook tangled up on the shower floor. your eyes afterwards.

→part three — | 12.8k |

Sparks fly as you try to forget about Jungkook.

Practice | Jjk (series Masterlist)

© chryblossomjjk 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost] | gif in graphic is from @jung-koook

Tags :
2 years ago

Chronicles of My Witchy GF | JJK

Chronicles Of My Witchy GF | JJK

We made our own magic.

Chronicles Of My Witchy GF | JJK

✵ Pairing: Jungkook x witch!Reader 

✵ Genre: fluff, smut, crack

✵ Rated: W for Which Witch?

✵ Warnings: little bit of weed smoking, lots of cheesy lines (babies in love), Jungkook accidentally eats something he shouldn’t (twice), lots of crying (in the good way), this shit gets nasty, mentions of food play, masturbation (m), dry humping, thigh fucking(?), pillow fucking, tiny bit of breed kink (it’ll make sense later lol), accidental facial, oral (m + f recieving), throat fucking, face sitting, lots of cum (a lot!), unprotected sex (be smart y’all <3)

✵ Word Count: 31.8k (get snacks :’D)

✵ Summary: Just Jungkook and a few cute tales about his witchy girlfriend~

✵ Now Playing…: Freaky Deaky by Tyga & Doja Cat, Lay it Down by Steelix, Under the Influence by Chris Brown 

✵ Betas: Thank you so much to the amazing @jessikahathaway and @xxxanimangxxx for looking over this monster fic so quickly <3!

✵ Author’s Note: This fic is so unserious yall, I don’t know how I ended up writing this 😭 I had plans for a Jimin fic, but I started this hoping to get it done quickly, but this turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be :’) Anyway, I thought I would experiment a little with this type of formatting for this fic~ Hope y’all enjoy, and Happy Halloween! This couple is so cute and has so much drabble potential (I got ideas~)! P.S. Made the banner myself and I’m tryna get better, hope y’all like 😅

No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much :D

Chronicles Of My Witchy GF | JJK

Hello to the random person who decided to click on this post! I know the title of this might sound a little strange and no one reading this will believe anything I say, but I was just hoping to rant to the void with the high probable fact that this message will most likely be buried under many other users’ posts. I can’t talk to anyone in my life about this. My friends and family have not even heard these stories to their true entirety, as they include secrets that aren’t mine to tell. For once I wanted someone to hear the tales that have somehow become my life. 

I’m Jungkook (pronounced Jeong-guk) and a few years ago I found myself dating a witch (yep, you read that right). We had recently gone out shopping together and I had made up the excuse that I was going to check out another store. In actuality, I was really interested in going to this jewelry place. 

A couple weeks ago on a late night I ended up on their website looking through the array of their jewelry for a birthday present, but I found myself up all night scrolling through the engagement rings page. I had wanted to see a few of them in person. 

We haven’t been dating too long (6 years isn’t that long right?) and we’re both still young with dreams and aspirations that have yet to be achieved in their entirety. That step has always been something I thought should be saved at a later point when things have gotten less hectic, but I found myself looking at this one ring in particular that I couldn’t stop imagining on her finger. All this has just made me reminisce and think about our future. 

My emotions are a mess right now, but for some reason I found myself here wanting to share with a faceless crowd how weird my girlfriend is and how much I love her. 

*All stories were shared with her permission, she’s helping me write this :3*

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

**Bold words are in Korean**

The way he had come to know you had been purely coincidental. Jungkook had always been the type to try his best in his classes. His grades were pretty good considering the notoriously hard courses he was required to take and his gpa managed to show for his efforts. In high school he never cared too much about that type of thing, but after managing to graduate with a 4.1, he was determined to keep it up. 

It had been the fall semester in his 3rd year that he found himself stupidly enrolled in an Ancient History class after his friend Namjoon talked him into it. He was a numbers guy and the class focused on reading a lot of text that he could hardly understand. He tried to pay attention in class but the only reason he was able to absorb any of the course material was listening to Namjoon happily rant about how interesting the story of Gilgamesh was. 

The first few quizzes and even the exam he had a few weeks after, Jungkook found himself stunned at how terribly he was doing. The assessments were hard on their own, but no matter how much he tried to talk with Namjoon about the meaning behind Gilgamesh’s third dream in the story he still found a 65% popping up once he submitted his exam. 

His heart sank, because he knew if he didn’t do well on the next upcoming unit he was sure to fail the class and he could kiss that 4.0+ goodbye. 

With even more help from Namjoon plus a few of his history loving friends Jungkook managed to float at a 70% for all his quizzes but once the midterm was approaching he knew he had to pass this in order to have any chance at getting above a C. 

But as he submitted his very last quiz before the midterm and that 69% popped up he found himself a little desperate for a solution. Somehow his frustrations ended up being received by Taehyung, his roommate and a good friend of both him and Namjoon. He was an Art Major who always seemed to have a little too much time on his hands and enough weed stashed away to make Jungkook momentarily forget about his problems. 

“I can already see it now, all A’s then that one fucking D…” Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his bean bag chair. After that last quiz his overall grade had now reached a spectacular… drumroll please… 68%. It was bad, really, really bad. 

“Hehe D…” Taehyung quietly giggled to himself.

“I haven't had a D on my transcript since elementary school…” Jungkook thought back. “It’ll be so obvious, my parents will see it immediately.” He feared what they might say, the look of disappointment on their faces… the thought alone made Jungkook want to implode.

“Like BAM… right there, just a big fucking D—” 

Jungkook was hardly able to finish before Taehyung burst out laughing. It took way too much time for him to figure out what was so funny. He just rolled his eyes at his friend’s childish sense of humor when he was trying to have a serious talk. 

Taehyung picked up on the vibes and stared at him. 

“Jungkook, I have no idea why you’re thinking about that class right now. Is this weed not good or something?” He genuinely wondered, despite how out of it he felt. 

“I feel like it’s made it worse.” Jungkook groaned, the only thing his mind could focus on was that one D that was probably going to ruin his perfect transcript and– Hehe, it was actually pretty fun– No! No it wasn’t, he was seriously about to fail this class! 

Jungkook sighed and took another hit from his blunt, hoping that would somehow make all his problems disappear. 

“Ok ok ok… how desperate are you to pass this test?” Taehyung eventually asked.

“Hyung, if this is some weird way for you to say I should sleep with the TA again because I swear—“ Jungkook sighed, knowing where this was going.

“No! No… but you really should consider it— I’ve heard she’s pretty hot and maybe that can be your way to pass the class!” Tae tried to reason.

“Hyung, what did I say?!”

“Plus, when was the last time you got laid?” Taehyung suddenly questioned.

“What do you mean? I slept well last night.” Jungkook said seriously, but he just got a hard slap on the back from his hyung at his joke.

“Jungkook, be serious! You don’t come to any of the parties Jimin invites us to, you’re always crammed up in your room. I don’t know, that TA might be a good option for you…”

“Oh my god.” Jungkook suddenly didn’t know the man beside him,

“You both can like read each other lines from the Iliad as dirty talk.” Taehyung laughed but he was actually being serious. Jungkook’s face flushed, both annoyed that this was still a conversation they were having, but he was also embarrassed his hyung wasn’t even exaggerating. 

It had been since freshman year that he had last gotten down and dirty. The only reason he had done in the first place was to check off that stupid virginity box that didn’t really exist in the first place and his sad attempt to fit in with the rest of his peers. He quickly figured out though he wasn’t cut out for the quick party sex. Handjobs in a pantry, blowjobs in a car, fucking in a bush behind the person’s house was not at all his style. Some may call him sappy but he wanted the rose petals on the bed, the picnic blanket under the stars, the shit that makes you cry in movies— all of that was something he knew would probably happen only in a relationship. 

The realization made him basically avoid every party his friends tried to bring him to and Jungkook couldn’t flirt to save his life in the “real world” so as sad as it may sound… everything Taehyung was saying was pretty much true. 

Jungkook took a long hit from his blunt, somehow this whole conversation just made him feel even worse. 

“Anyway though, that’s not really what I was going to mention.” Taehyung circled back.

“What… are you gonna say I should sleep with the professor next?” Jungkook was joking, but he was truly worried about what bizarre thing Taehyung might say next.

“You said it, not me.” 

“Alright then… What could possibly save me from failing this class?” Jungkook stared up at the ceiling, his eyes trained on the spinning fan above. 

“I know this girl who runs this shop downtown, she actually goes here at our school. I’ve been over there before I had big tests and didn’t really get to study, every time I’ve somehow managed to pass using this stuff she gave me.” 

For a while Jungkook didn’t say anything, too focused on the way the fan seemed to slow down if he paid attention to one of the blades. Then it hit him suddenly at what his hyung was saying and sat up to face him. 

“That’s your solution?” He was in disbelief that he was even suggesting this bullshit. 

“I know it sounds crazy, I thought it was too but I promise every time I’ve been over there I’ve somehow managed to pass my test against all odds. Her stuff is pretty expensive so I can’t go over there all the time, but I guarantee everything she sells works.” Taehyung sounded like a spokesperson for the shop. 


“It’s perfect for desperate situations like the one you’re in now.” Taehyung smiled, satisfied with his marketing. 

“I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think you got scammed.” Jungkook put it plainly, going back to staring at the fan. 

“I’m telling you it works! It was worth every penny.” 

“It’s a scam.” 

“All you need to do is go over and tell her what you need help with, she’ll probably give you the same stuff she gave me. You take it home and you can either eat it or smoke it. I usually prefer the latter—“


“Come on Jungkook, think of it as a last resort. I promise to pay you back on whatever you end up spending if you end up doing badly on your midterm!” The suggestion was serious and Jungkook was confused on how this scam had his hyung confident enough to pay him back.

In the end Jungkook promised he’d think about it before he went to get goldfish to snack on. 

As the days passed, what he never thought he would find himself even considering, started to seem like his only hope. Jungkook still didn’t understand a single line of the Iliad and his other classes were taking up all his time so he couldn’t try and ask Namjoon or any of his friends for help. 

When the exam was two days away and after a couple of breakdowns Jungkook found himself in his room, tears staining his textbooks, absolutely mentally drained from taking a test earlier that day. The only thing he could think about was that midterm that was coming up in a few days and the offer his hyung had suggested. 

It was probably a scam, it was 100% a scam, but he had nothing to lose at this point. Even if it was merely a coincidence that Taehyung managed to pass his exams, or maybe it was just the placebo effect at play, he needed whatever luck he could get. 

That’s how he somehow ended up driving himself downtown to the address Taehyung had texted him the day after he told him about the place. 

Jungkook could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the sign so unironically displayed ‘The Magic Shop’ above the door. It just made him feel even more crazy when he got out of his car and pushed open the door, a pleasant bell greeting him. 

He didn’t know exactly what he was expecting going into a place called ‘The Magic Shop’ but he was immediately hit with the pleasant scents of cinnamon and a few other spices he couldn’t remember the name of. Displayed along the shelves were mainly jars with golden labels with words he couldn’t understand along with a couple of funny looking knick knacks in between.

The place was also appropriately decorated for Halloween, or rather much of it was just tasteful fall decor with a tiny skeleton and ghost sprinkled in between. Part of him wondered if this was because of the holiday or did this place look like this all the time. 

“Hello, I’m over here!” Jungkook suddenly heard a voice call out, making him nearly jump. He quickly tried to calm himself before making his way through the aisles over to where he heard the voice. 

“Over here!” He turned his attention over to the counter. 

On his ride over he wondered what kind of girl could possibly be the type to run such a place. A lot of the time he would picture this weird old lady who had way too many cats, colorful scarves, and who was always found hunched over a cauldron brewing up something evil. Any guesses he would have always flew out the window the minute he remembered Taehyung told him that she went to their school. 

Whatever he was thinking was nowhere near the reality. He didn’t expect to be nearly knocked breathless the minute you looked up at him through your big round glasses. You were absolutely adorable and Jungkook was literally rendered speechless as he watched you carefully weigh spices on your little, gold scale by the register. 

Suddenly Jungkook did not know how to be a human being. 

“Are you just going to stare?” You asked, examining the spices up close. 

Jungkook finally snapped out of his daze and made his way over to you. 

“I–I’m sorry…” Were the first ever words he said to you and immediately he regretted it. 

“You’re fine, no need to apologize. I’m sorry I couldn’t greet you at the door. I have a big order I need to finish so…” Jungkook found himself staring at your lips as you talked, all he could think about was what it would feel like to kiss them. 

“I’m sorry.” He apologized again “I didn’t realize you were so busy.” 

“It’s fine, this time of the year always brings more than my regulars and I’m a major procrastinator so I always end up pretty swapped with work. What brings you to The Magic Shop?” Jungkook wondered if he should bring up why he came here considering how busy you were, but knew it would be weird if he didn’t mention it.

“My friend Taehyung suggested I come here–”

“You’re friends with Taehyung?”

“You know him?”

“Yeah, he comes over here often begging me to give him discounts.”

Jungkook suddenly wanted to take it back, the embarrassment making him want to disown him.

“I have a midterm coming up in a class that I just don’t understand. He told me you might be able to help me somehow?” Jungkook felt his face heating up, a terrible sense of shame creeping up at the need to come to you for help. What if you thought he was dumb? 

You stopped what you were doing and stared at him. He couldn’t stop his palms starting to clam up at the weight of your gaze. You probably did think he was dumb.

“I–I’m normally not like this, but my friend made me take the class and the professor’s horrible and I’ve just been so stressed I–” Jungkook suddenly spilled his whole story hoping that would make you think differently but as soon as he started he regretted it.

“Hey woah woah, calm down. No judgment here.” You giggled and somehow Jungkook’s face got warmer as he played with the ends of his blue hoodie.

“Things happen, life gets in the way, people suck. It’s all good.” You reached under the counter and grabbed a sign reading ‘Payment can vary dramatically, all costs go to the ingredients in the remedy.’ in a very spooky font.

“People tend to get shocked when I tell them the price, so I just wanted to brace you.” You said now turning your attention to typing away on the register. 

Taehyung had warned him before coming here that it was expensive, but the ominous warning made him slightly nervous. 

“So when’s your test?”


“Just some basic info I need to account for pricing and to make sure it works the most effectively. So when’s the test?”

“Ummm two days from now.”

“This thursday?”


You typed away.

“Height and weight...” You gently smiled as you trailed off but never asked. 

“No major health concerns?”

“None that I know of.”


It was silent for a while. Jungkook, as much as he tried not to stare, you made it hard not too at the way you cutely concentrated on the screen. What was wrong with him? Maybe his conversation with Taehyung made him finally realize how alone he felt, maybe he was right and he really did need to get laid again, but the way Jungkook’s heart was pounding in his chest made him know that wasn’t it.  

“Soooooooo, do you really own this place?” Jungkook asked in a desperate attempt to talk (flirt) to you. Immediately though he realized how weird that sounded. “Not that–”

“You’re fine. Yes this place is mine– well mostly mine, my grandma technically owns the building and does all the boring paperwork for it, but I’m The Magic Shop’s one and only employee.” 

“Do you just run it for fun?” Jungkook tried to rack his brain at how this arrangement could be possible. 

“Haha, not in that way. She used to work here and then my mom did then me. We used to all work together. This place has become more like a family heirloom of sorts. My grandma eventually got too tired to come here everyday and my mom got busy with her job so it’s just me now.” You didn’t seem affected at all by this.

“You never thought about hiring anyone else?” He asked as you turned to the shelves behind you and started grabbing a couple of the small jars.

“Most don’t qualify and if they do they probably have their own shop already. I don’t mind it just being me though, I’ve been managing just fine by myself over the years. Plus saves more money to buy more high quality products.” Jungkook felt his heart nearly rip in half seeing you struggle to reach up to grab one of the jars on the highest self. You were absolutely adorable. 

“Even with classes?” At this you turned around to face Jungkook, a shocked expression on your face. “Uh– Taehyung told me you go to the same school as us!” What if you thought he was some stalker?!

“Ahhh I see, of course he did… I mean it’s hard on some days but I love my job so I don’t mind the extra work.” You smiled at him before grabbing the last jar and bringing it back over to the register. You opened them all and he was immediately hit with surprisingly pleasant scents that had a smile enveloping his face. It also hit him suddenly that he had really no idea what he was buying.

“Soooo, what’s your major?” He decided to ask instead. 

“Alternative medicine is what they officially call it.” You reached under the counter and grabbed golden measuring spoons and carefully started weighing the ingredients on your scale. “It’s basically me learning about what I kind of do already.” Jungkook nodded, the detail honestly making so much sense. 

“What about you?” You asked eventually.

“Engineering…” While most would consider this something to boast about considering at their college the program was notoriously hard to get into, all he hoped in this moment was that his very logic based major was something you didn’t detest.  

“You really are a smartie then… Alright, I’m impressed.” You smiled pushing your round glasses further up the bridge of your nose. Jungkook’s received many compliments about getting into the engineering program, hell his parents even threw a whole party when he got his acceptance letter, but your words for some reason never made him feel so proud. 

You had managed to weigh all the ingredients and put them on a cloth that you gathered.

You started to type on the register. “Ok that’ll be $50.97.” You smiled at him and Jungkook couldn’t hide the look of shock on his face. Realistically he pictured expensive being at most $20 but even he thought that was unlikely. 

You seemed to pick up on this and pointed up at a sign on the wall that read ‘All products guaranteed to work!’ also in a very spooky font.

If this was any other situation he would have just left because he didn’t want to spend 50 bucks for a scam, but he was reminded that Taehyung was paying for all this if it fails. It didn’t take much to also remember this was a case he was in fact really desperate, and well…you were just hard to say no to.

That’s how, despite his brain telling him this was such a dumb idea, he still found himself pulling out his wallet and handing you his card. 

“Alright cutie, I’ll be right back, this usually takes only 15 minutes.” You said after handing him his receipt but Jungkook stopped listening the minute you called him cute. Either you seemingly didn’t notice your words or it was something you said to everyone.

At first he was about to chalk it up to the latter and this quick crush he formed for you was his reason for looking at it like that, but as you turned around he saw you stop in your tracks before hastily making your way to the back room. 

Maybe he wasn’t reaching?

As the door opened his quick glance into the room showed him a completely different vibe then the rest of the shop. Instead of the cute small town hallmark shop that he was greeted with when he walked in, he’s almost sure he saw a room that almost looked like a dungeon. Stones lined the wall, the lighting was almost non-existent, and right before the door shut behind you he’s almost sure he spotted an actual cauldron, but he just figured that to be a Halloween decoration you never put out in the shop. 

What has he gotten himself into?

While you worked in the backroom Jungkook let himself wander around the aisles of your shop, examining the jars closely and wondering what they possibly could be used for. 

As promised it wasn’t too long before you re-emerged from the backroom and came out with a little bag and handed it to him. 

“So you can either eat it with something or smoke it if you do that type of thing. They’re not any different from each other really and take the same amount of time to come into effect. Take it later tonight and you should do well on your exam— this doesn’t work though if you know absolutely nothing, make sure to look at the material once more and you should do well Jungkook.” You smiled at him and he wanted to say something. He completely missed the fact that he never told you his name. 

“We should hang out sometime?” The words were on the tip of his tongue but all he found himself saying was a simple thank you before he was making his way back to his car. 

As soon as he left he kept cursing himself for at least not asking for your number. Was he really that out of practice at flirting? 

He possibly even had the go ahead to make a move at the way you called him cute… As soon as he was alone in his car he could have squealed at the thought, but he was immediately just filled with embarrassment. 

What if that really was your go ahead? What if he just missed his chance? 

Jungkook’s lack in game was once again so obvious and all he wondered was how he was somehow able to successfully flirt with people at a party back when he was a freshman and managed to get them to sleep with him was a mystery to him as well. Maybe it was the alcohol? 

Slightly dejected Jungkook drove back to the apartment and immediately went to open the little bag you gave him. Inside was another tiny bag that had a ribbon wrapped around it along with a card attached:

‘Good luck with your exam cutie ;)’ 



Jungkook felt his face flush. So he really was an idiot then?

He untied the ribbon and was again met with the scents of cinnamon. In the bag itself was a black powdery substance and he couldn’t help but wonder how this was going to help him pass his exam. Despite his doubts he decided to make himself an early dinner and sprinkled some of the magical black stuff on his chicken alfredo microwave meal.

It didn’t taste like anything but he couldn’t deny that he felt tingles through his body, but he didn’t think that it meant anything. 

Right after he went straight to his copy of the Iliad hoping whatever you gave him wouldn’t kill him and somehow his test scores would improve. 

Two days later he sat staring at the submit button for longer than he wanted to double— triple… he checked over his answers seven times before he finally felt even the slightest bit comfortable clicking submit. He probably would have kept going if the one minute warning didn’t pop up and he closed his eyes as he finally clicked the button.

Jungkook waited a solid minute. His peers that were left in the classroom were already packing up their stuff and leaving the lecture hall, but he waited, praying to every possible deity he could before he finally opened his eyes. 

He could hardly believe his eyes. 


Jungkook could have cried at that very moment, he almost did but he was already getting concerned glances from his peers. 

He left the hall to Namjoon standing outside the hall waiting for him and he couldn’t help boasting to his hyung about his unbelievable score. 

When he got back to the apartment he got a lot of “I told you so”s from Taehyung which he didn’t mind but it did make him wonder what your role might have been. He couldn’t lie, the minute after he ate whatever you gave him and went back to the Iliad, a lot of the lines made a lot more sense and he could remember the countless characters in the story. 

Maybe he just had a good study day or maybe… 

It was a few days later that Jungkook finally managed to muster up the courage and return to your little shop downtown. He was running solely off of adrenaline as he made his way inside to see you. You were behind the counter like you were the first time he met you and you barely got to say hello before he was saying the words he wanted to say since he left. 

“Doyouwanttohangoutsometime?” He said it too fast and as the silence hung in the air and your confused expression seemed to grow even more bewildered that adrenaline he had when coming in started to fade. 

Did he already mess this up? 

“You want to hang out with me?” You repeated back and Jungkook was honestly confused on how you understood him. He pulled himself together and pulled out the card you had given him and tried to put back on his confident face. 

“I think you’re cute too.” Jungkook cringed at his words, quickly realizing he sounded like some middle schooler. 

“I— I ummm I wanted to ask you out on a date… or it doesn’t have to be! We could always just hang out if that’s what you prefer.” Jungkook’s face was growing warm again, embarrassed to the point he feared he may explode. 

Jungkook didn’t really know what you might say but he started turning red when you started laughing. 

“Did your exam go well?” You asked. 

“98%… I could hardly believe it…” He tried to join in on whatever the joke was but he was confused and flustered, worried he fucked this up. 

“Mmmm I’m glad… it seems like it still hasn’t worn off, you were so nervous last time. Alright, where are you taking me?” You smiled at him. 

Jungkook had no way of knowing what that could have meant at the time but all he could focus on was that somehow you agreed to go out with him despite the shitstorm his attempt was at trying to ask you out. 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

If you’re curious I finished the course with an 83%, a B, not an A like I was hoping for, but it was certainly better than what I was expecting. Y/n helped me a lot understanding our last two units and I did a lot better overall after the midterm :)

Our first date was at this cute cafe that was decorated with these beautiful plants growing everywhere we turned. Y/n said it was a bit cheesy but she ended up spending the whole time gushing about all the different plants around the cafe. We ended up spending an extra thirty minutes there going around to every catus, succulent, fern, and taking pictures so she could add them to her collection at home. It's still one of our favorite places to visit every now and again.

I’m a little embarrassed to admit we went on more “dates” than I can count. We were more like friends for a while despite being pretty obvious with our feelings. We hung out a lot after class, I helped her a lot with some of her homework, she met my friends and we would all hang out pretty often (I quickly learned she didn’t have very many, but Y/n would always make the excuse and say the people I hung with were just much cooler). 

She steadily started to work her way into my life and finally one day I mustered up the courage to make it official. 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Jungkook and you had been hanging out at the park that day. You always said it gave you inspiration so you both tended to frequent there after your last class. You both weren’t saying too much, just admiring the view.

“Would you leave me if you were a bird?” You asked him randomly as you both were looking at the lake, a flock of birds flying over catching your attention. 

Jungkook turned to you a little confused. One of the reasons he liked you so much was simply put… you were weird, sometimes even weirder than he was and many of his friends would agree that was a bar they never thought could have been passed. 

“Mmmm no, I would just be like one of those birds pirates have. I’d live on your shoulder.” He smiled at you but your attention was still on the water in front of you both. “Why’d you ask?” 

“I don’t know… you don’t think you would feel trapped being on my shoulder? I mean you could be out flying and seeing the world, but you’re stuck being my… pet.” This was a weird question, something not entirely out of the ordinary for you to ask, but he could immediately tell by your tone you seemed a little down which was more strange.

“I’m not your pet!” Jungkook giggled, hoping to make you smile, but was still concerned about your somber mood. “I’m just a bird on your shoulder. I could fly away at any time but I like being by your side. You’re fun.” He smiled. 

“You don’t think I’m weird?” 

“No— well, maybe a little…” 

“Jungkook! That was your cue to say something romantic like ‘No Y/n you’re perfect~’” You clasped your hands together and batted your eyelashes imagining how much your heart would have melted. Gone was the sadness from your voice, but this was again just one of those cues that Jungkook had a habit of missing.

“You asked!” He tried to defend, but a gentle slap on his arm was sent his way anyway. 

“I’m trying to help you out Jungkook, we’ve been just ‘hanging out’ for months…” You sighed kicking around the dirt underneath the bench. 

It took him a minute to realize what you were implying, but as soon as he did he felt his face light up again. Things really had been on a stand still since he asked you out last semester…

Deciding not to overthink things Jungkook rested his hand on top of yours and interlaced your fingers. “Is this romantic enough for you?” He chuckled, but he was blushing. 

“No.” You said so suddenly, making his attention turn back to you. “I want to skip all the in between. This slow burn has been going on for long enough, I want you to kiss me.” Jungkook was waiting for you to start laughing but he searched your eyes and you seemed genuine, so genuine it almost hurt. 

Jungkook was operating on autopilot at that point and he started to lean in but your finger came over his lips and stopped him. 

“What if I really am too weird? What if you get scared and run away?” It was a cry that almost seemed like he wasn’t supposed to hear, a thought that had been bouncing around in your head so much you finally had to ask. Of course at the time Jungkook had no idea what you were talking about, but no matter what this ‘dark secret’ was that you were keeping from him he really didn’t care. 

This excruciating slow burn that has been happening for the last few months have been some of the best he could have experienced. He finally had a reason to come out of his room, only in a matter of a few months you had become the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up, and the very thing he falls asleep to. He loved the way you’d text him at odd hours in the night and how you’d FaceTime him to fall asleep. He loved being near you and only wanted to pull you closer anytime you were together. 

In that moment nothing you could have said would have stopped him as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug. 

“You’re my weirdo. Let’s stop playing this game… I want you.” His eyes were trained on your lips and he slowly started to lean in again. 

“Where’d this confidence come from?” You smirked and he could have exploded the minute you glanced down at his lips, the tingles running through his body could have powered a whole city. 

“I told you, I want you.” His tone was low and all he wanted to do was kiss you. 

“Is this what I think it means?” 

Jungkook was going to tell you yes, yes he wanted you to be his girlfriend but he couldn’t stand it any longer and finally closed the distance between you two. 

It was like something you would see in a movie. The setting sun in front of you, as you kissed in front of the little pond. Your lips were so soft as they moved against his own. His heart was pounding but he felt so comforted in your arms, you were so sweet, so his. 

Jungkook had no idea how it happened but somehow you found yourselves bursting through your front door of your apartment, not allowing a moment of separation. Maybe it was his fault… it probably was his fault considering how long it’s been since he’d been with someone like that, or the fact he’s never felt like that before, but in the dark he ended up tripping over your couch. You both laughed and you seized the moment, taking a seat on his lap and rode his cock till he cried. 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Our relationship was “normal'' for about a month before I started to notice things. I had noticed things the minute we started hanging out but now that we were official, it started to become a little hard to hide them.

One of the first things I picked up was the fact she knew things I knew I had never told her before. Unlike what happened the first day we met, I would notice there would be times we were talking and she would bring up details of stories I hadn’t mentioned yet, or thoughts I had yet to tell her. At first I figured it was just me forgetting (it’s what I kept telling myself until she finally told me what was going on) but even I started to question myself when it kept happening. 

A specific incident was this one time Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Y/n, and I went out to karaoke. We had played a drinking game and the loser was dared to sing at this bar we knew was hosting Karaoke night. 

Y/n was the one that had lost, we all were prepared to go up there and sing eventually but she was going to be first. None of us, but me especially, was not prepared at all when she got up to do her cover of Ariana Grande’s song Greedy, for her to sound so magical. She seemed so shy, even needing to start over because you ended up laughing, but the minute the song started a second time she blew everyone in the bar away with her voice. 

I was so consumed with trying to process the situation, figuring out a way to convince Jimin to go next because her performance made me a little too excited, and also trying to figure out the quickest way to get us out of there and back to her apartment, that I practically dismissed someone in the background telling everyone to look out the windows. I had looked and noticed that a bunch of pigeons, cats, dogs, rats, and for some reason a deer had seemingly gathered to watch her performance, but I paid it no mind when she made it back to the table because she looked so amazing up there and I enjoyed it way too much when I pulled her into my lap to let everyone in the bar know that this was my girlfriend. 

To be honest, the reason she was able to hide it for so long had a lot to do with my ignorance, a bunch of situations going over my head that might have seemed obvious to someone else.  

There was one time Y/n ended up sick. I decided to stay over at her apartment, despite her protest because I wanted to be a good boyfriend and take care of her.

Well it was weird, but everytime she sneezed this painting she kept on the wall would move completely off center. I had questioned it, but she would always say that it was the wind. It wasn’t a bad excuse because the window was open and it had been pretty windy that day. I’d move it back each time, but everytime she sneezed (I didn’t notice the pattern till later) it would move a good 70 degrees to the left. 

What was even stranger was when I went out to make her some soup I came back to find everything in complete disarray, that painting was upside down, the clothes in her drawer had flown out across the room, and the pile of stuffed animals that sat neatly on a chair in the corner had seemingly been thrown around everywhere. 

You would think I would question it but when she said it was the wind I simply closed the window and went to work trying to fix everything.

Y/n told me eventually that it got to a point where she started to feel guilty about this big secret she had yet to tell me. It was something she felt would be the deal breaker for our relationship that as time passed the harder it seemed to tell me. 

It was at the one and a half month mark of our relationship that the secret finally boiled over. 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

You and Jungkook walked hand in hand back to your apartment after a night out in the town. You both decided to head out to celebrate the school year being over and made a little date out of it. 

Jungkook just wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant but when you both were on your way back to your apartment you passed an arcade and ended up spending way too much time and money trying to beat each other at all the games. In the end he had won and in reconciliation he tried to win you this giant stuffed bear that he noticed you had been eyeing all night. 

In one hand was Jungkook’s and the other was the bear that he worked so hard to get you. He was beaming ear to ear remembering his cool boyfriend move, the way he handed you the bear and how your eyes lit up when you snuggled it in your arms. 

That night was just so romantic. You both had walked along the path that was right by the river, the water gently washed by and the moonlight was beautifully reflecting off the water, the moon had been full and bathed you both in its soft light. Jungkook had told you that he was taking you someplace nice so he had dressed up in a suit for the occasion and you had taken hours dolling yourself up, your plum-colored, sparkly dress was immaculate, the back hanging low and a glorious slit coming up all the way to your thigh. The dress tightly hugged your curves in a way that had Jungkook constantly fantasizing about what he might do to you once you got back to your place. 

As the both of you walked and got closer to your apartment Jungkook had still been riding on the high of the date, but he started to notice how quiet you had gotten and the way you started to drag behind him. While he was holding your hand still, it almost looked like he was pulling you along instead of walking with him as you started to get slower. 

At first he wondered if you were just tired from all the walking you ended up doing, already thinking about how you would react if he offered to carry you back, but one glance behind him was enough to see your dazed and almost pained expression on your features. 

Immediately Jungkook stopped and turned to face you, extremely concerned. 

“Are you ok?” He asked gently. 

Silence passed for a little while and each second he started to become more concerned.

“No.” You mumbled. Jungkook noticed the quivering in your voice and immediately he started to panic. At that point he had never seen you cry like this before. 

What could have possibly made you so upset on what he thought was one of the greatest nights you’ve shared? He tried to rack his brain on what he might have done to make you so upset but everything he thought of just resulted in a big ERROR which made him panic even more. 

“Baby, what’s wrong?” He tried to stay as calm as possible, but his words finally made the tears in your eyes spill over and he immediately felt his eyes welling up. 

You broke down right there, your sobs made him feel like he might as well have been cut in half seeing you like that. He hastily pulled you into his arms and gently caressed your hair, trying his best to soothe you but your sobs easily got to him and the tears were quick to start rolling down his cheeks as well. 

Your arms wrapped around him tightly almost as if you were pleading him not to leave you alone and hugged you tighter to hopefully let you know he would never. 

You both were standing there for a good few minutes, Jungkook trying his best to console you and you just poured out all the emotion that you had kept bottled up inside. 

Eventually you finally pulled away and looked up at him, your tear streaked face and sniffles had all new tears spilling from his eyes. 

“Ba— Y/n… please, what’s going on— what-what’s made you so upset?” He looked you in your eyes, pleading for you to tell him. Just the thought of it possibly being something he did… 

“Did—did I do something?” He finally asked.

You seemed to panic at this. “No! No Jungkook, it’s nothing that you did.” 

“What happened then?” There was a sense of relief knowing he didn’t miss up tonight, but he couldn’t hide the confusion in his voice knowing how that opened up a whole new can of worms.

“Nothing happened… or well— it’s me I guess, I happened.” You looked down at the ground, seemingly ashamed. 

“What do you mean you happened? Y/n you can tell me anything, you know that right?” He grabbed onto your hands and gently rubbed his thumb over your digits. 

“No I can’t…” You said softly, a tear occasionally running down your cheek. 


“I have a secret that I’ve been keeping since we met… I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I just… I don’t think you’ll look at me the same way and—“ You hurried out, looking up at him with watery eyes. 

“Y/n what do you mean?” 

“Jungkook I really… really, really, really like you and I’ve never told someone this before and I’m just scared… scared you’ll be scared of me.” You sobbed and Jungkook was just puzzled. 

He grabbed onto your shoulders making you look up at him again. “Y/n is this the part where you tell me you’re a serial killer with twenty victims and are about to make me the twenty first?” 

He could have melted when he saw the way you cracked a smile at the joke. 

“No I’m not.” 

“No victims?”

“No.” You smiled slightly.

“Well then what you’re about to say can’t be that bad!” He reached up and caressed your cheek softly, wiping away your tears. 

“You don’t know that… I just… I don’t want you to leave me once you find out.” You gripped tightly onto his suit jacket, scared if you let go he might go running. 

“I promise I’m not leaving you because of this.”

“But you might—“ 

“Y/n please tell me so I can prove you wrong. I feel like you’re building this up too much. I’m not leaving okay? You can tell me.” He sent you a reassuring smile. 

You looked up at him, knowing you had to do this at this point. You couldn’t keep this from him any longer and you hated lying to him. 

With a deep breath you grabbed onto his hand and speedily led the both of you back to The Magic Shop. You didn’t live too far from where you both stopped so it was only a 10 minute speed walk until you were crossing the street to head into the shop.  

You hurriedly pulled out your keys and grabbed onto the golden, almost cartoonishly fancy one and pushed it into the keyhole unlocking the door and pulling you both in. 

Jungkook was confused on what this secret had to do with The Magic Shop but he still followed you as you led him to the door that went behind the counter and further back to the door that went to the back room.

At this he was honestly intrigued. Despite knowing each other for months he had never been into the back room before. Most of the time he would hang out with you in front of the counter, but occasionally especially when he came over to tutor you, you would let him sit behind the counter as you both worked through your calculus problems. 

The only inkling of what was back there was when he saw you go back there the day you both met and from what he remembers it was… interesting. 

You didn’t glance behind you as you pushed open the door to reveal the room. 

Just like he had seen that day, stone lined the walls with another door on each wall, the room was dimly lit, boxes stacked against the walls and right in the center of the room was that same golden cauldron he had sworn he had seen before the door closed behind you that day. 

“What’s this?” He asked as you brushed past it. 

“Oh, I got it for the shop for Halloween two years ago but it was too big for me to put it anywhere. I’ve been meaning to put it away but it’s heavy and I’m lazy.” You said turning around to face him and he awed realizing his first assumption was right. 

“What’s behind that door?” He pointed to the left. The door on his right clearly had a bathroom sign and you were standing by the door in front of him. 

“Oh, it’s just a storage closet, plus where I keep inventory for the shop.” He nodded. He was mainly asking questions wondering how any of this could be a hint at the big secret that made you break down like that, but he was just confused. 

He moved so he was standing with you in front of the door. 

“I’m assuming this is where the big secret is?” He asked and you nodded. You moved so you were facing him. Jungkook noticed your grip on the bear he won for you was extra tight. 

“Promise not to freak out?” You asked. 

“I promise, I’m not running away.” He smiled at you trying best to calm you down, sensing you were nervous. 

You took a deep breath before opening the door. Jungkook really didn’t know what he was expecting but a small closet with a couple of mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies was not what he was expecting was going to be the big reveal. 

He looked at you a little confused. “This is it?” He questioned. 

You shook your head.

You closed the door. “Open it again.” You commanded and moved so you were standing beside him again. 

Jungkook was confused by this but when he felt your hand snake into his and grab onto him tightly, he hurriedly did as you asked. 

Instead of the utility closet he saw before, was a room he couldn’t even recognize belonged to the same building. Jungkook slowly stepped in and tried to take in everything in the room. 

It seemed like something out of a fairytale. The room was huge, a second floor somehow fit along the side of the room, the entire wall being covered with books. A light pink cauldron with flowers covering it sat in the center of the room along with a pedestal and what seemed like a fancy book sitting on top of it. On the wall furthest to where he stood were shelves of vials filled with brightly colored liquids. 

The room was also covered in scarves, the fabrics draping along the walls, hanging from the ceiling and was wrapped around the banister on the second floor. Giant windows sat in the wall opposite to the bookshelves, the light outside so bright you couldn’t see out of them, but casted the entire room in this ethereal, heavenly glow. The room had an elegance he couldn’t quite comprehend, the regal furniture that decorated the room, the paintings as well seemed like something straight out of the renaissance. What really made this room stand out was the sparkles that shone in the sunlight and the countless amount of books and vials that were seemingly floating around the room. 

The room didn’t seem real and Jungkook’s logical brain tried to wrack how any of this was possible, how he even got here in the first place. A tad bit overwhelmed, he turned around to face you.

The sparkles that were in the air crowded around you and your soft gaze made his heart melt. You were absolutely stunning and why his brain was desperate for a why and how all he could focus on was you. This, all this, for some reason felt like he was seeing you truly for the first time. 

Jungkook walked back over to you. 

“Y/n…” His voice was soft, truly at a loss for words. 

“I’mawitch.” You hurried before you lost your confidence. 

He didn’t react the way you expected. Anytime you ever thought of bringing someone back here it always resulted in them running out here, ready to burn you on the stake, but he looked at you with so much adoration you didn’t really know what to say. 

He looked around the room, now that he was facing you, he could also see the countless amounts of brooms that lined the walls as well, but his attention quickly went back down to your eyes. 

“Are you scared?” You finally asked after he didn’t say anything. 

“This is all… it’s magic…” He asked, glancing around the room. 

You nodded slowly. “I know this might be a lot to take in right now and you probably have so many questions and I’m happy to answer any one you might—“ You didn’t get to finish before Jungkook pulled you close and kissed your lips. He was so soft and gentle and you could have screamed at how much he gave you butterflies. 

When Jungkook slowly pulled away he was shocked to find the sparkles in the room had formed together to create small butterflies flying across the room. 

“Did you…?” He looked at you. 

You nodded once again. “That kinda happens in this room… you give me butterflies.” You chuckled nervously and you felt his grip on your waist tighten. 

“Y/n I have no idea what’s going on right now and I probably will have a billion questions about this later but… this is so beautiful, seeing you like this is so beautiful.” You looked like a goddess to him with the sparkles around you and this dress shinning even more in the light. “You’re so beautiful, my mind is blanking and all I want to do is take you over there on your fancy fainting couch and—“ 

He finally stopped and let himself breathe for a second as he pulled you closer to him. “Y/n I need you so bad right now it hurts…” He could have cried, he felt the tears wanting to come up but he didn’t let them, instead he kissed you softly and peered into your eyes. 

“You’re not scared?” This was definitely not the response you were expecting. 

“Not at all, just confused and horny.” He moved down to your neck and started kissing it gently. 

Part of you wanted to cry, all your life you had expected the worst if you ever got to this stage with someone. Your mother and grandma would always tell you the only human that was allowed in your special room was the person you felt you were going to marry. Your whole life you feared people getting close and finding out this side of you, the first person outside of your family to see you truly and to see it had this type of effect on him… Jungkook, the man who gave you butterflies…

You hurriedly threw the bear you were holding onto a chair and wrapped your arms around him as he started sucking lightly on the soft skin. The room was suddenly shrouded in red and all the candles that sat around the room lit up. Jungkook noticed this and he nearly whined as he hurriedly picked you up and over to your dramatic fainting couch. He quickly got on top of you and started kissing you once more. 

“Oh my gosh you’re so fucking hot.” He couldn’t stop the whine this time as his hand felt the skin between the slit of your dress, his desperate hands squeezing your thigh. 

“I didn’t know magic would get to you like this…” You giggled as he started hiking up your dress. 

“Are you kidding? I had the biggest crush on Sailor Moon when I was younger…” Jungkook recounted as he pulled you to the edge of the couch and got off the couch and moved you so your thighs rested on his shoulders.

He wasn’t lying either, her posters were sprinkled in between all his comic book posters back in his parents house. 

He was a major fucking nerd and his nerdiest of nerd dreams was a superhero or one of the sailor moon characters swooping into his room and bringing him along on their journies as they fall in love. 

You were a dream he didn’t know was possible, come true. 

He wanted to ask so many questions, he probably was going the minute he could stop thinking with his dick for one second, but you were so cool and hot and—

He tugged down the soaked thong you were wearing, nearly tearing it off in the process. 

“I love you so much…” He confessed right then in there before he hurriedly dove in to ravage your soaking pussy.

This is the night you wholeheartedly admit to crying. You cried as he gave you more orgasms then you could remember, you cried when he came up and fucked you on your couch, you cried in his arms afterward as he was asking you about every possible detail of your life as a witch. 

It was all so… it was honestly the most magical night you ever had. 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

I won’t tell you everything she told me but I learned a lot that night. All witches are women (this was also the time how she went on a tangent about how The Magic Shop won’t have another employee unless she had a daughter one day— making my love sick ass immediately start fantasizing about the possibility) who just have more abilities than the average human. She assured me that she wasn’t evil and only practices magic in order to help people around the world. She also explained the way she practices magic. 

Most of the time she only uses her abilities to ‘enchant’ people’s orders. It was through a combination of different ingredients and her magical touch was, as she put it, the “secret sauce” to bring it to life. But Y/n also has a lot of other fun abilities. She took this time to explain a lot of weird things that have been happening in our relationship. One time when I stayed the night at her place and she was showering, she didn’t notice me sneaking in and I ended up scaring her pretty badly— well right in that moment a pipe burst. I laughed at the horrid timing but apparently that had been magic at play and I was just horrible. 

After that day in her special room we became closer than ever. Our last year of college passed and we ended up moving in together. At that point I was hardly at the apartment anymore anyway. The only times I went over there was to hang and occasionally smoke with Taehyung (but she usually came with me during those times), or to get something to bring over to her apartment so the switch wasn’t all too dramatic. 

She had ended up surprising me with a key to her place at the graduation “party” we had with our friends. I had been mainly using the spare key she had, but it was my own fancy key that was similar to The Magic Shop’s. 

I moved all my stuff out over that summer and was pretty quick settling into everything. 

The whole situation was perfect timing as the apartment she lived in was in the space right above the shop. The downtown part of our town is pretty expensive to live in but since her family owned the whole building it worked out for the better. 

I got a job a few weeks later at a software engineering company that wasn’t too far, campus also wasn’t too far and I ended up going back to school to get my masters so it was great for my schedule. 

Y/n began opening the shop Monday-Friday and it became her full time job, she wanted to take some time to establish the shop a little more before she would go back to school to begin her long journey at getting her doctorate. 

The years we’ve been living together have all been amazing, but I just wanted to conclude this post with a couple of funny anecdotes because living with a witch has been an… interesting experience. 

(He’s loved it >:D)

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Jungkook had come home a little earlier than usual. After getting off of work he checked his phone to see that his class had been canceled and headed straight home. He was excited because his weekend was finally starting after a long week and he had been missing you all day. 

You had woken him up with breakfast in bed because earlier he had called in about coming into work a little later after the fact he’d gone to bed with a bad fever. You came in there looking like an angel as you handed him pancakes and oj, saying it contained your special touch. You checked his fever and it had gone down a little in his sleep but the minute he started eating the breakfast he instantly felt a billion times better. 

He was tempted to just call in sick for work that day because after he finished you both cuddled (something he claimed was the last touch to make him feel better) and the last thing he wanted was to tear himself away from your warmth. He hated when the alarm went off to tell him to get ready but he had an important class to go to after work and he knew he wouldn’t go out later if he stayed. 

In the end he found himself at his desk for a few less hours than normal as he spent the day texting you occasionally to tell you how much he missed you. 

That important class that forced him out of bed earlier ended up canceled and as much as he would have enjoyed that free day he could have had, he was also happy to still have that sick day. 

So he went home after stopping to grab a little desert for you both at that plant cafe.

As Jungkook opened the door he was a tad bit disappointed to not find you anywhere, but he quickly figured you must be in your special room. 

He had learned soon after you told him about this secret side of yourself that there was actually a door you used to get to the room upstairs in your apartment. It had been a door you kept locked and beforehand always just told him it led to a storage room, but he was quick to learn that it was a way to get there without going downstairs to the shop. Ever since Jungkook moved in you always kept the door ‘unlocked’ so he could come in at any time. 

Jungkook knocked slightly before pushing open the door. Usually you would be there working on some type of order for your clients, who typically were other witches or firm believers in alternative medicine. 

Sometimes he was a little shocked at how many clients you would typically get considering if they weren’t a witch no one would know that your products really work the way they say they do. 

The Magic Shop had made a name for itself though, after your grandma founded the business and your mother ran the shop for a little while, the name had spread across town. There were apparently a lot more witches in the town than he originally thought and the shop had a loyal fan base of people who preferred alternative medicine and a bunch of curious people who would stop by to check out the place. Not to mention all of the witches who would stop by for ingredients or ready-made enchantments. As a result you sometimes seemed more swamped with work than he was. Considering he had a full time job and still went to school, Jungkook would often come home to find you busy preparing orders long after he was ready to turn in for the night. 

He was expecting to see you with your big round glasses looking into that fancy book with the cauldron glowing like he usually might, what he didn’t expect was a sight straight out of a horror movie.  

The typical bright room was dark and your cauldron was spilling this ominous red smoke that settled at the bottom of the room. If that wasn’t bad, right in front of him was a glowing symbol on the floor and right in the middle of it was you, hovering in the center of it. Your pupils were gone and you had this terrifying ghostly appearance that Jungkook had never seen before that had him instantly reacting. 

“Y/n!” He practically screamed, fully believing something went wrong and something bad was happening. 

At his voice you quite dramatically dropped to the floor, all the eerie ambience being sucked back into your cauldron. 

Jungkook quickly ran over to you, terrified at what might have happened. 

He picked you up and his panic only got worse when he saw your eyes were closed. 

“Y/n! Y/n wake up please!” He was so panicked and almost on the verge of tears but your eyes started to flutter open.

“Ow…” You groaned, your back sore from the fall. 

“Y/n, are you ok?” He asked, concerned. What he didn’t expect though was your annoyed glare at him. 

“Jungkook, why'd you need to scream? I was almost done with the ritual too…” you sighed. 

He looked at you confused and it was only then that you realized how surprised he probably was at the sight. You were still annoyed though, that took you nearly all day to do. 

“I was doing a ritual… I wasn’t possessed or anything. I was trying to increase our chances at winning tonight’s lottery, the prize reached 500 million dollars.” You could still taste the margarita you were gonna have on your private island if you and Jungkook won. 

Jungkook awed and almost looked like a kicked puppy when he realized he interrupted you doing something important. 

“I’m sorry…” He whispered and you hated seeing him so sad. 

“It’s alright… no need to panic though next time you walk in to see something like this. Rituals are a bit… strange but I’m fine, don’t worry baby.” You grabbed ahold of his hand and smiled at him. 

“Can I make it up to you?” He asked, and you could tell he still felt bad. “I don’t have 500 million to give you but—“

“Gimme a daughter, at least maybe with an extra set of hands I can retire to that private island quicker.” You were both joking and being completely serious. You expected him to laugh with you, but you noticed his face getting red. 

“For now though you can just give me a massage. I hurt my back when I fell.” He pepped up at your request and grabbed your hand to lead you both back to the bedroom. 

“Y/n…” Jungkook called you as you closed the door to your special room behind you.


He suddenly turned around to face you. “I promise you won’t have to work as hard some day… I’ll make sure of it.” His words were sweet but there was a fire in his eyes that made a shiver run down your spine. 

You knew exactly what he meant by that.

◎══════ ❈ ══════◎

Jungkook was hanging out with you in your special room on a Saturday he had no work to do. Normally, he liked to give you your privacy whenever you worked here, but he was bored and you said it was fine to watch. 

Not too much had happened while he was there, you had mostly been reading in your fancy book— you explained earlier that most of the time you’re just researching and experimenting with different spells and enchantments. Your cauldron glowed slightly as you stirred the mysterious liquid inside, each time you tossed in a new ingredient small little fireworks would shoot out. 

The whole process you feared would bore him, telling Jungkook occasionally that he could leave whenever he got bored, but he continued to sit on one of your fancy bar stools by the cauldron, entranced and completely fascinated by your work. 

A while ago, soon after you showed him the room he finally asked you where all your fancy furniture came from, to which you explained that it had always been here. Apparently the room is tied with your abilities. 

You told him that witches undergo a special ceremony when they turn 13 that allows them to open their own room, which then unlocks a majority of their magical abilities, young witches only are able to do so much until they are ready to open their room. The room was created around you essentially and it’s looked like this ever since you opened it for the first time, besides a majority of the books you had bought over the years along with the brooms you’ve collected. 

Jungkook just stared at you as you worked, finding this whole thing still a bit unreal that he was dating you. He couldn’t help reminding you every few minutes on how cool you were whenever you would toss in a new ingredient or when you emptied a beaker you would toss it up and it would float back over to your shelf, and how sexy it was to watch you work. The sparkles that shined around the room flocked to you and made you shine so prettily and your look of concentration was incredibly endearing to watch. You made his heart melt without even doing much. 

The fact you liked him back was something he found a little hard to believe at times, seeing how extraordinary your world was and then looking at his own… extremely ordinary world. 

To make matters worse he knew that you were a hot topic in the community, a young witch as pretty as you were who ran a successful shop by herself was something all the witches would talk about, especially the families who had warlocks in their family. Yes, they exist, it is pretty rare to have a guy get passed down the spark that witches would have, but it happens very very occasionally under special conditions that no one has managed to figure out yet and two apparently lived in your little town. 

One Jungkook had never met before and you never really talked about too much, but the other, his twin, was someone Jungkook knew frequented the shop often. He’s seen it first hand, even when he was standing right beside you helping you out downstairs, Victor (ew >.<) would just walk in and hit on you. Jungkook even knew there were others outside the town who knew about you and would come by hoping to come by and win your heart. 

You had also told him that a lot of people would have jumped on the opportunity to date a warlock, they were rare, powerful, had a lot of influence, and your future kids together would be extremely powerful with both magical parents. Victor wasn’t a bad looking guy, he’s someone a lot of your witchy friends often swooned over. He was just a little older than you both, him and his brother graduating the same year as Taehyung did, the three of them somehow knowing each other (Taehyung not sensing drama, made sure to add when Jungkook was ranting to him that he “loved those guys” and “that they threw awesome parties”). His family was also pretty well off owning another successful magic shop. 

Victor wasn’t even a bad guy, he was just very adamant about dating you. You’ve told him he’s someone who's highly respected in the community. 

All of these details made him so confused on how, despite the opportunity, you still picked him. He tried not to think about it too much because he knew that mentality would make him incredibly insecure and jealous, that being a clear recipe for disaster in a relationship, but watching you here right now made him think about it sometimes. 

What if you were better off with Victor? (I want Jungkookie >:O)

Jungkook’s eyes widened when he suddenly felt your arms wrap around his shoulders. You lightly kissed his neck. 

“You okay? I’m sensing a whole lot of negative energy over here…” You chuckled lightly, but you seemed worried. 

Jungkook didn’t say anything and spun around in his barstool so he was facing you. He rested his hands on your waist and pulled you close so he could kiss you. You were a little surprised, but happily melted into it, enjoying the way his lips moved against yours. When he pulled away he pulled you close once more into a hug and rested his head on your shoulder. 

“Thinking things I don’t want to…” He sighed. 

“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, now really concerned.

“No— it's not that big of a deal, feel better already hugging you like this.” He really did, holding you like this made any of those silly thoughts go away. You picked him at the end of the day and he wanted you to keep picking him everyday. Just the thought of not being able to be with you like this was enough to fuel him into wanting to go over to Victor’s fancy ass mansion and punch him in the face the minute he opened the door and tell him to actually fuck off. 

You loved him, your family loved him, his family loved you, all the people whose opinions really matter approved of your relationship. Who fucking cares about stupid Victor?

“You sure?” You reaffirmed. 

“Yeah, sorry for disturbing you.” He apologized when he looked back over at the bubbling mixture in your cauldron. 

“It’s fine, things weren’t going well anyway.”


“Yeah, I can’t figure out how to make it not result in someone spontaneously combusting— I think I put too much Yvetris in it or—“ You rambled.

“Wait what?” 

“Don’t worry about it, I was just going to ask if you wanted to take a break?” You smiled at him, a little tired of working. 


Jungkook eagerly nodded already a few ideas about what to do during this break, the main one involved you bent over one of these tables, naked and screaming his name, because fuck Victor. 

You smiled but then your attention turned behind him and he turned around to see you were looking at your wall full of brooms. Your eyes lit up at an idea. 

You ran past him and over to the wall. 

“Do you actually ride those?” He questioned, always a little unsure of what they were up there for. 

“What did you think I did with them?” You laughed, searching for the right one. 

“I don’t know, I thought they were all replacements for that broom.” He pointed over to the one that was sweeping beside him and it swiftly came up and hit him. 

“Ow!” He groaned, rubbing his head as the broom almost sassily went back to sweeping. 

“Now you offended him!” You sighed, turning around and looking at them both. You knew your broom did not forgive easily. 

“Sorry…” He looked back at the broom as it flew up to sweep on the second floor. 

“You didn’t know— but no, he’s a different kind of broom.” You chuckled, going back to looking through your collection. 

He honestly should have figured, the broom that would always sweep around your special room was a lot more plain compared to the brooms that lined your wall. The handle being made of a ridgid dark wood, and the gray bristles was something he always pictured a witch’s broom to look like. The ones on your walls came in all kinds of varieties, they all seemed to sparkle the same way you did in here, some were made of white wood, dark wood, some sparkled of gold, and the engravings into them were unreal. 

“Which one?” You turned back and asked. 

Jungkook pointed at the one that he deemed a classic, a beautiful dark wood with light strips running through it and golden bristles coming out the back. The engravings are what made him love it, the indicate swirls and patterns completed it so well, he always found himself staring at that one in particular whenever he was in here.  

You smiled at him and he watched as the broom flew down into your hand. 

“Where’d you get all of them?” Jungkook asked as you walked back over to him. 

“I pretty much bought most of them. I’m a big fan of collecting brooms as you can probably tell. I used to compete in tournaments when I was in high school and the prizes often were these really cool brooms and it kinda inspired me to start collecting them.” You giggled. 

“Wait… tournaments?” 

“Yeah there’s this team that we have here and we compete against other nearby towns, sometimes even on a national scale, and there was once we made it to the world league. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good and won a lot.” You pointed over to the corner where you kept all your trophies and medals, sitting on top of the case was your bear that he won you a few years ago. 

“Why does my girlfriend keep getting cooler and cooler?” Jungkook wanted to say something about Quidditch, but he couldn’t think about his joke anymore… 

“Stoopppp, now, cmon, let’s go for a late night ride~” You turned the broom to the side and Jungkook watched as handlebars and a long bench appeared on top. 

“Holy shit…” Jungkook awed as he got up from the bar stool. He felt like he was dreaming, high, or maybe even both. Then again, he’s felt this way ever since you showed him this part of your life. 

You hopped on top so you were straddling the bench and grabbed onto the handles. You ushered him over and told him to hold on tight. It was only when he sat down did he realize you were already floating. 

You smiled back at him before the broom started flying up to the circular, stained glass window that was at the top of the wall of windows. Jungkook held onto you tight like you advised, laughing and cheering as he watched you both rise higher off the ground. 

Jungkook then turned his attention to the circular window and how it disappeared before you both quickly flew through, sparkles coming flying out with you. Jungkook had no idea what he thought the outside of this room led to, but he was shocked to see you both flying high above in the sky, the clouds far down below and the moon, full, big, and beautiful shining over your little town. 

Jungkook just stared down and around at the amazing view, unable to believe what he was seeing. 

This had to be a dream. 

“No one can see us! I’ll fly us a little lower!” You yelled over the wind quickly rushing past. Jungkook hardly had any time to prepare before you both were soaring downward straight for the town down below, all he could do was hold on and watch as the ground got closer. 

He was screaming, was he terrified? A little, but he loved things like this and he was excited because he trusted you. 

The buildings steadily got closer till he could make out the cars and which buildings were which. Over there was the river you both walked along the day you told him you were a witch, he could also see downtown, and way in the distance the park he had finally asked you to be his. Jungkook was so into admiring everything he hardly realized that you were still heading straight for the ground. 

It was only when the buildings started getting a little too close did he start noticing the ground was right there. Jungkook felt his life flash before his eyes when you finally pulled up and started zooming past the cars rushing by. 

You turned around and chuckled at the look on his face and he was quick to join in, now too caught up at how cool this was. You flew them through traffic, through a tunnel, and you were beating the speeds of the train that was beside you. It was an unreal experience and even though he nearly had a couple of heart attacks, the whole experience was bewildering as you flew across the little town. 

After the initial excitement you both flew over places that took you down memory lane, you essentially gave Jungkook a glorified tour of the town since he didn’t grow up here and didn’t go to too many places when he was in college. You flew him over the spots you would frequent when you were younger and showed him some of the prettiest sights he had ever seen as you both went over the woods and the lake he didn’t even know existed. 

It was also then that Jungkook noticed a few other witches riding by on their brooms, soaring just a little over all of the buildings. 

It was amazing. 

You both were now back over the clouds, cruising along as Jungkook held onto you tightly. Not out of fear, or the fact that he was supposed to, but he just didn’t want to let you go. 

He really didn’t. He never would. 

“Y/n…” Jungkook mumbled into your shirt. 


“I love you so much…” He confessed and he felt the tears welling up slightly in his eyes. “Don’t leave me okay?” He tried to laugh it off. 

In an instant your broom stopped. Jungkook looked around a little confused, until you flipped around so you were facing him. 

“I should be saying that to you idiot…” You looked at him a little concerned. “Like it’s you who’s the one walking around with that pretty face, and who looks a little too good in the suits you wear all the time for work. You have all these girls drooling over you every time we go out, or should I mention Vanessa from work who always calls you even on the weekends. What if you think one day I’m too weird or something and leave me. You have so many better options…” You pouted and Jungkook could hardly believe what he was hearing. 

“Weird? Y/n you’re the coolest person I know, no one could ever compare to you. Sometimes I think you’ll find me too boring and run away with Victor, or his brother, or one of the other warlocks who keep coming to the shop… How could I ever think you’re weird– like with who else could I do this with–” 


“Just you ok, and fuck Vanessa and fuck Victor and everyone else who made us think like this.” Jungkook smiled at you and you hurriedly pulled him into your arms. 

Yep, he was yours and you were his.

“Not to ruin the moment or anything, but I think I heard you call me pretty and say I look really nice in suits.” He cheesed, thinking back to it. You simply nodded as you buried your face in his shirt, already regretting confessing one of your deepest darkest secrets.

“You’re cute~” He laughed, feeling all fuzzy inside seeing you like this. All in the moment, once again, his insecurities were washed away. You really were his. 

“By the way, I think you’re prettier.” He smiled and immediately you lifted your head, taking offense to that. 

“Jungko–” Before you could finish, he pulled you close as he pressed his lips onto yours once more, not wanting this to turn into a long debate, because to him, there was none. He was right.

◎══════ ❈ ══════◎

Back in college, when people would first meet Jungkook there were only two ways first impressions went for him. One, he’s been told that they thought he was probably some arrogant frat boy jock (always soccer for some reason) because they would always see him at the gym. Two, the minute they talked to him they would quickly get that he’s just this quiet nerd who could talk about why Spider-Man was the best superhero for 5 hours straight (really longer if you didn’t stop him). 

For some reason that impression came with the image of being a goody two shoes and whenever he told people he lived with Taehyung they could hardly believe it. ‘You guys are just so different’ was something they would say that always confused him. Jungkook was strange, he knew that, but his hyung and him always got along so well. They were weird in their own ways, but their personalities contrasted each other perfectly. 

Jungkook was just someone who spent way too much time studying and reading comic books all day, basically locking himself in his room, and Taehyung was just… Taehyung was someone everyone seemed drawn to. 

Jungkook was the slightly awkward guy who hung out on the sidelines and made sure to keep his hyung in check and Taehyung would always be there to bring him out of his shell and give him advice when needed.

It was this same idea that whenever Taehyung brought people over to smoke at their apartment that when Jungkook asked to join them, he would always get quite a few shocked looks. You were also on the list of people who were surprised when he brought you over for the first time to find his bong covered with Marvel stickers, sitting on top of one of his shelves.

It wasn’t like he smoked often, he really only did it when he was stressed, but he was in college and an engineer major so that might seem a little contradictory. After he graduated though and moved out from the apartment he pretty much quit cold turkey. Taehyung didn’t live in the same town anymore and he was way too busy (and a little lazy) to try and go out and get it himself. That really wasn’t it though, he was literally dating someone who had a stash of it for the shop downstairs. He more so just considered that phase of his life pretty much over, adulting duties were more so a priority. 

But sometimes… on rare occasions when work and classes were just too much he found himself asking you for help and you’d let him take a bit from your stash downstairs. 

It was one of those occasions that day. Jungkook had been taking hits from his bong and was just laid out on the couch playing some music. It was the weekend and he had a pretty big assignment due on Monday. It was the first time in the past two weeks that he just relaxed and stopped thinking about the deadline. The assignment was done, he just needed to look it over a couple more times before submitting. 

Well, whenever Jungkook smoked he would always suffer from a horrible case of the munchies and so eventually he found the energy to roll himself off the couch and head to the fridge. 

You were downstairs busy running the shop and Jungkook was way too high to notice he grabbed something off the top shelf. You had told him when he started coming over often that you used the top shelf for in progress orders or ones that would require refrigerating. In this case it was neither, rather something you were trying out for the shop. 

Jungkook learned the hard way never to go in the fridge while he was high because after he heated up the tasty looking muffins and took a bite he experienced something he could only describe as the most embarrassing day of his life. 

You had come back upstairs later that evening and you were shocked to not find your boyfriend inside, and the lights were all off. You convinced yourself he just stepped out for a moment, seeing that his bong and lighter were still on the coffee table in the living room, but the minute you went behind the counter of your kitchen you knew immediately something had happened. You were quick to find out what. 

His clothes were strewn around the floor and an opened container with a top you recognized was for the shop was at the scene of the crime. Nearly scaring you to death was a voice coming from above you. You looked up and screamed, shocked… or rather not shocked at all to find your boyfriend on the ceiling staring down at you. 

“Y/n look!” Jungkook exclaimed as he started to climb around on the ceiling. 

Oh great…

“Jungkook what–”

“Y/n, look, I think– I think I’m spiderman!” He beamed as he crawled into the corner. You couldn’t stop the dumbfounded look on your face at his words. 

“Baby, you ate my–”

“I was but a humble guy living in a small college town when a radioactive spider came one night and bit me in my sleep. I woke up with–”

“Jungkook, get down from there!” You interrupted knowing he was about to give you a weird rendition of spider man's origin story. You know, you’ve heard it only a million times. 

“Y/n, I’m spiderman now I gotta go protect the world I can’t come down!” He tried to defend and you were tempted to laugh but decided against it. You would definitely bring this up in the future. 

“No you're not, you ate my enchanted muffins I didn’t perfect yet.” You called out as he started climbing across your walls. In truth the only thing your muffins did at that point was make him able to stick to the walls. You could tell from his eyes alone he was still very high.

High, naked, and on enchanted muffins was a horrible combination.

“I’m spiderman Y/n, look at my suit.” You had no idea what he was seeing, all you saw was a naked man with his dick hanging over your head three feet above you, climbing around on your walls. 

“Jungkook get down here!” You sighed.

“Y/n my suit–”

“If you’re talking about that birthday suit, then yeah I see that. Now come down here.” You crossed your arm.

“The Green Goblin is coming! I gotta save the world!” He was not at all listening to you. 

There was nothing you could do about this. He was just really high and because this was an intermediate stage on an enchantment you didn’t have the “cure” researched already. Besides, with work in progress spells they all wear off by midnight and it was 9:37. 

In the end you ended up spending two hours and twenty-three minutes running around your apartment, picking up all the shit he was knocking down and making sure he didn’t hurt himself. 

When midnight hit you luckily was able to guide him so he was over the couch when he fell down quite dramatically on the cushiony surface. Somehow you were able to guide him to the bed a little later. 

Let’s just say, when he woke up the next morning, he was confused, embarrassed, and you had enough pictures and videos to haunt him for a lifetime.

Safe to say Jungkook learned to be more cautious when picking things from the fridge.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

I feel like as I wrote this, it turned more so into our love story essentially. I have so many other stories I could have told, but these were just a few that came to mind first. I hope you all enjoyed reading! You can make up your mind whether any of this is real or not. For all you know I could be a guy living in his parents basement with way too much of an imagination or by the end of this you might be fully convinced my girlfriend’s sitting beside me right now helping me write this post. 

Whatever you believe this was made for fun and for your entertainment. 

Anyway, that’s it from me! 


⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

You glanced over his shoulder as he typed the end of the post. “You’re not gonna do the other story?” You couldn’t help the giggle as you watched his face turn red.

“No, why would I write about that…” He said bashfully, already knowing what story you were referring to. It followed up the third little story, and all he could think back to was how embarrassing it was. It was definitely not appropriate for a post like this.

“Mmmm good idea… you were a mess but… even you yourself said that it was kinda hot.” You recounted back to his words.

“I mean…” It was hot, extremely. Jungkook was embarrassed about that day in particular because it was no exaggeration… he was a mess, but the event encouraged you to make a modified version and you both would bring it out on special occasions. 

It was the day you finally decided to get another fridge.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Jungkook never thought he’d be one of those guys who’d own one of those big comfy chairs. He’d always picture guys in their 40s with too many stains on their wife beaters who would just never get up from them. 

You both had been out shopping for a new couch when you passed by a little nursery model room and you stopped to admire how the pretty oak set was. Jungkook wanted to take a seat on the rocking chair that came with it just to imagine what it might feel like one day, but ended up nearly falling asleep right then and there as you went off and looked at the other model rooms. 

You had shaken him awake eventually and that’s pretty much the moment he fell in love with comfy chairs. You finally made it to where the couches were and as you both were trying to deliberate on which one you’d buy Jungkook took a seat on a cloud— or at least he thought it was one. The soft fabric made it perfect and it had that right amount of squishy to hard softness that made it so he never wanted to get up again. It was almost like finding the perfect mattress. It somehow got better when he found out there was a massage feature. 

Jungkook had gone on about the quality of the chair with no intention of buying it. You both came for a couch anyway, but it was only two months later on his birthday that Jungkook came home to find the same chair in your living room with a big bow on top. 

Every time he would come home and sit down in his little slice of heaven, suddenly his increasing age became even more obvious, at the ripe old age of 25 he felt ancient at this point. Maybe he was just having a quarter life crisis, but he felt like an old man anytime he would recline his feet up and fall asleep to a random channel on the tv. He was happy though. 

It was this coziness that had him falling asleep in the chair after he came back home from a long day of work. He remembered you vaguely trying to wake him up and get him to come to bed, but ultimately your attempts were in vain. He was just too tired and the chair was too cozy. Instead you gently draped a blanket on top of him and he was out for the rest of the night.  

Jungkook got up that morning, confused, and with sleep still weighing on him heavily. He should have learned the first time never to go in the fridge when he’s out of it, but the minute he woke up he found himself craving waffles like his life depended on it. 

Before he went to work yesterday you had been in the kitchen, humming along beautifully to your favorite song, as you were testing out your new waffle maker. If Jungkook wasn’t in a rush he would have stayed for breakfast, they smelled so good and he was hungry. He had been thinking about them ever since he left that morning, even dreaming about you… the waffles… and a lot of whipped cream. 

Jungkook just hoped and prayed there were leftovers still and low and behold, there were some. He was too sleepy and hellbent on eating the waffles that he once again ignored that they were on the top shelf. To be fair, waffles had never been something you did for the shop and the other shelves were crowded, so he just tried to convince himself that you had set them there because of the lack of room. 

In the moment before it all went… wrong… Jungkook fucked up them waffles. They were as delicious as he had been thinking, which wasn’t a surprise, everything you made was absolutely amazing. Maybe if he hadn't slathered them up with syrup, whipped cream, and an assortment of different fruits, he would have noticed the magical tingling that came with eating your enchanted foods. Maybe he did all along but just chose to ignore it because those waffles were so damn good. 

Jungkook even ended up making a few more for himself and for you when you woke up. As the sun started to rise, the better Jungkook started to feel. It was a glorious Saturday. 

You had come out right as he was taking out the last waffle, looking absolutely beautiful. Jungkook felt his heart swell as you walked over to him, taking a minute to appreciate how amazing his life was. 

“What’s all this?” You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 

“I really wanted waffles.” He giggled. “I made you some as well~” He pointed over to the plate. 

You squeezed him a little tighter.  “Someone’s in a good mood today~” You lightly pressed kisses on his neck and he shivered. Suddenly all he could think about was the way you were covered in whipped cream in his dream. 

Jungkook nearly whined when you pulled away, tempted to ruin this peaceful Saturday morning by licking whipped cream off your titties. 

You turned around and opened up the fridge to get the oj. He was really going to ask you but the reality came crashing down of what he had just done. 

“Hey, Y/n how do feel about whipped cream—“ 

“Jungkook… wait, where did the waffles go that were in here?” You asked concerned, distinctly remembering they were there last night, right on the top shelf. 

“Oh those? I ate the leftovers from yesterday first— I know mine won’t be as good as yours but I thought—“ 

“Jungkook…” You sighed, immediately knowing this was going to be bad. You looked at him and he seemed confused and you wondered how this could happen again, especially after what happened the last time he ate something from the top shelf.

“Jungkook, that was an order for a client. I thought we’ve been through this, the top shelf is for the shop.” You were both a little frustrated you would have to make the order again and a little concerned with the fact he ate all of them… 

You saw the weight of your words hit him in the face and any ill feelings you had disappeared for a moment because you knew he genuinely didn’t know. 

“I ate them about an hour ago…. nothing’s happened.” He looked at you with pleading eyes that this wasn’t going to turn out like what happened the last time. 

“You can relax, you won’t go all Spider-Man this time.” 

“Don’t tell me I’m going to turn into like a goldfish or something…” You couldn’t tell whether he was joking or not but you laughed anyway. 

“No, you won’t turn into anything— glad you didn’t eat the quesadilla beside it because we might be having a whole other conversation—“ 

“Y/n, what’s going to happen?” He exclaimed. You looked at him sensing the panic and took a deep breath because this was going to be a weird conversation. 

“It’s nothing too bad um… The order was for a guy and his wife who are trying to have a baby. They came to the shop hoping for some fertility help so um…” You stared at him knowing this was about to get awkward. 

“You might feel extra horny is the main thing it does, just don’t cum because it’s going to make it even worse. So if you can make it to midnight without any touching or anything it won’t be too bad.” You tried to smile at him, but you couldn’t because of one glaring detail. 

There were three waffles you made for the order. You had designed them so both the guy and his wife would take one each and possibly split the last one for another time. You hadn’t researched what might happen if one person ate all three.

“Then again Jungkook, things might not be as manageable since you ate all three of them. Just take it easy today, ok baby.” You ushered him over to his comfy chair and took up serving for the both of you. 

Jungkook tried to pay attention to his food, but as soon as you told him that the waffles he ate earlier were enchanted it was as if all the effects started hitting him all at once. 

When you came over to bring his plate he couldn’t tear his attention away from your legs. You were wearing a baggy shirt, something he knew was the only thing you were wearing. Maybe he was just thinking about it too much but he couldn’t stop staring at you, even when you went back over to the dining table. 

He tried to turn back around but even when he started eating all he could picture was your legs and covering your body with whipped cream. How nice would it to lick it off your body. He thought about the look on your face and all those pretty sounds you’d make, you’d be so sweet for him… so, so sweet. 

There was no denying he was hot… but as the minutes ticked away and you both ate, the more that normal level of need seemed to spiral. 

It got almost unbearable so quickly, he was sweating and had every urge to do the one thing that you said not to. He wanted to get up and take you right there on the dining table. As much as he wanted to play with the whipped cream that would have to wait for another time because he wanted you so badly. 

“Hey Jungkook, you ok?” He heard your voice cut through the fog. He wanted to hear what you would sound like with his cock inside you. 

“Erm— um, just getting a bit hot.” Jungkook tried to chuckle, but he was very much trying to downplay it. All he could think about was finally giving you the daughter you always wanted.

“I don’t know… are you sure? You seem a bit shaky over there…” You asked, a little concerned. He knew you’d feel so nice, you always feel so nice for him. So nice and all his.

It was starting to hurt.

“Y/n, can you put the whipped cream away…” Jungkook asked as calmly as he could.

“Whhyyy?” You questioned his odd request. 

“It’s making me think things—“ His voice was straining just even mentioning the white, fluffy substance. 

You got up and hurriedly put it away. “Jungkook you got this, ok? All you gotta do is make it to midnight tonight.” Your words were meant to be comforting but he could have burst into tears.

He had to manage this until tonight and it was— 10:38 in the morning?! It already hurt so much, how was he going to not do anything till then??!!!

It was probably only about 10 minutes later that it got to the point of being unbearable. He hurriedly slipped away and headed straight for the bathroom, a little ashamed for you to see him like this.

As soon as the door closed behind him he took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to do. Jungkook hardly managed to withstand an hour of the waffles effects. Usually he was so much better at restraining himself, but, but, but—

Before he could think about it anymore Jungkook slipped his thumbs underneath the waistband of his pajama pants and slowly pulled them down until his cock popped out, hissing at the way it slapped his stomach.

Immediately his mind thought back to all the times you were on your knees for him, the way you always knew how to make him a mess for you. Jungkook thought back to that time he was in this exact position, his back against the bathroom door and you on your knees pleasing him so well. 

The minute his hand wrapped around his aching length, a sigh of relief slipped passed his lips at the instant satisfaction he felt. Jungkook hadn’t touched himself like this since before you started dating, it’s been so long but it’s never felt this good before. 

The minute his hand started to move, the more the relief came and again he so desperately wished you were here in front of him. He got back to the routine that kept him sane throughout his sex drought in college. 

He thought about your legs again and how easy it would be to take off that shirt and have you bare and needy for him. 

“Fuck…” He sighed into the echoey bathroom. What he would do if you were here.

The thought alone had his hand speeding up and a feeling he knew he had to stay away from settling in the pit of his stomach. 

All he needed to do was not cum. That’s all he had to do.

He kept telling himself that but it just felt so good, he couldn’t stop despite the fact he was going to cum soon.

The way you look up at him when you’re on his knees, like you wanted him just as much of a mess as he is now.

“No, no, no…” Jungkook cried. It pained him, but he slowed his pace to something a little more comfortable so he wouldn’t explode. He shouldn’t give in that easily. 

Jungkook hurriedly scrambled to think of the most unsexy thing possible. Normally he would have a go-to thing for times he feared cumming too quickly, but maybe it was the enchantment, his mind was blank besides the most unholy thoughts on what he wanted to do with you.

The way you would do this…

He imagined your hands in place the way you would stroke him before focusing on the tip, something that would always have him crying out and closer than he wanted to admit. Jungkook matched your movements and he wasn’t surprised to notice the amount of pre-cum leaking from the tip. You were making him such a mess and you weren’t even here.  

“Ennggg— fuck, Y/n…” He moaned out softly as his thumb rubbed over the the slit, just like the way you would do it. Just like when you’re in front of him, Jungkook quickly felt himself heading straight for the edge. 

He was just so sensitive, this fucking enchantment, why did this have to happen today of all days? He already woke up eager to play with you today, and his fucking whipped cream plans had to be canceled. 

Jungkook already had a plan of convincing you. He would have grabbed the can after he told you he was interested and sprayed it in the spot on your neck he knew made you weak for him and licked it right off of you. In his dream earlier this morning you were intrigued and somehow he convinced you to let him lick it off of you… everywhere.

Just the fact that you were here made it hard to resist going out there and asking you to help him. He wanted you so bad. 

That was apparently the last straw because his hurried pace returned and he was so so fucking close. 

In his mind he quickly tried to go through the mental gymnastics to justify giving in and cumming now, but he knew you said it would only get worse if he did. As tempted as he was, and he was so close, he still found himself letting go, despite how much he wanted to. 

How was he going to make it through this day? 

After a little while the feeling dissipated and Jungkook felt considerably more hot and bothered than before and he couldn’t stop his hand wrapping around his length once more.

There wasn’t any way he could do this…


It took a little while for you to realize that Jungkook was gone for so long. You had been still enjoying your waffles and got lost in thought thinking about some of the things you needed to do at the shop today. It really wasn’t much, just a few clients coming in to pick up their orders and you needed to check inventory. Well, that’s all you would have to do if Jungkook hadn’t eaten the waffles, you have to redo the order. Luckily the couple wouldn’t be coming till tomorrow, but this was something you wanted done and in the shop since they were picking up their stuff early in the morning.

You sighed getting up and going ahead and doing the dishes from your waffle feast. You also decided to try and be a little productive and go ahead and get a head start on working on the enchantment again so you can head to the shop downstairs. 

You headed over to your bedroom and that’s when it finally hit you that Jungkook had disappeared for a while. You wouldn’t think much of it, thinking he might have maybe been in the shower and he liked to take long showers for some reason, but all it took was a second of you standing still to hear the watering wasn’t running, but the sound of a soft moan from the other side. 

Your whole body lit ablaze at the thought, knowing the sight on the other side of the door would be absolutely otherworldly, but you reminded yourself of the situation. 

You went over and knocked on the door. “Jungkook…” You called out. 

“Ughhh—— yes…” His voice was soft but you could hear the strain. 

“Jungkook, what are you doing?” You asked, but you knew. 

“Y/n… it hurts… wanna cum so bad—“ He whined and once again you wished you were on the other side of this door.

“I told you that’s not gonna help. It’ll make things worse and it seems like it’s pretty bad already.” You tried to reassure, but you knew that wouldn’t help. Jungkook’s usually pretty good at not giving into temptation, the fact that the effects of the waffles has him a mess this much already made you a little concerned. This was bad. 

Silence passed for a while, but through the door you could hear his labored breaths on the other side. 

“Y/n, I want you so bad— fuck…” He moaned, almost like an invitation for you to open the door. “Please… please… I’m not gonna make it till midnight.” He begged and it took everything for you not to open the door. 

“You know we can’t do that… I promise at midnight if you want to, we can have some fun.” You tried to give him hope, but once again you knew you probably weren’t helping. 

Silence passed again, except his moans were a little louder this time. 

“Hey Jungkook…” 

“Ye— yeah?” 

“Why are you in there? It’s just me out here, you know?” You chuckled lightly, but you were curious. 

“I’m a mess, this is so embarrassing…” He sighed and you could hardly believe he thought that. 

“What do you mean embarrassing? You sound so hot just here from the other side of the door.” You smirked, oh what you would have paid to watch. 

“You wanna watch me?” He almost sounded baffled at the idea and you could have laughed. 

“So badly baby, I bet you look so pretty. I’ve never seen you touch yourself, wanna see how you do it.” You were hot, and you thought he would tease you for it but suddenly on the other side you heard his moans get more pained and desperate. 

“Y/n, stop-stop talking! Fuck, you’re gonna make me—“ He cried.

“But you won't, right?” You quickly interjected and you heard him cry out before he started to calm down. Oh, he’s so hot.

“You didn’t cum right?” You asked eventually. 

“No, but I almost did— we really shouldn’t be talking like this…” Jungkook sighed.

“Yeah, you’re right…” Stupid fucking waffles… 

“Did you need to come in here, sorry if I—“ 

“No! You’re fine, just was about to change so I can head to the shop in a bit.” You almost forgot why you were even in here. 

“Yeah… we can’t keep talking, oh my gosh—“ At his words you finally realized the implications of your own. 

“Just the thought of me naked makes—“ 

“Y/n! Please…” He pleaded, you were getting him so riled up so easily. This wasn’t good at all. 

“Sorryyy~” You chuckled, finding a little too much amusement at the situation. “Anyway, I’ll be in and out. Don’t pay me any mind and again… try not to do anything. Don’t give into the temptation, alright~” 

“You make it sound so easy, but alright please be quick.” 

“Promise, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me!” 

You kept your promise and you were in and out of the room quickly. Your brain was a little scrambled from what happened, but you remembered you had another order to reprepare so you got yourself to focus and started back on it. 

You went straight to work, taking some of the elements out of your special room and preparing the ingredients for later. Typical fertility enchantments didn’t take too long but you always wanted the best experience for your customers and the guy and his wife were high payers. You made sure to throw in everything that would guarantee that after they ate the waffles they would finally get that positive test plus have a great time doing it. 

E. Pasos— was a powerful ingredient that really helped increase sexual desire so they would have the urge to do it more = higher chances of it working. 

L. Umtra— was the nasty ingredient that was really biting Jungkook’s ass right now. It added a little more onto this effect, making it so each “round” would only increase the desire, the passion, added once again to increase activity = higher chances of it working. 

F. Earo— is typically the most popular ingredient when making fertility enchantments. It’s a general ingredient that makes their bodies more suitable for conception, the effects are most easily seen in males— increasing sperm count and producing healthier sperm. 

P. Omer— was a fun one you threw in, it increases sensitivity and pleasure felt during the experience. So many times have you heard couples who’ve been trying for kids forever does sex start to become a chore, and your heart was soft for the pleading couple after they told you they had been trying for 4 years, so you threw in some extra spice to make the day they try this out a wonderful experience. 

U. Haqo— was another fun one you threw in that increased oragasm quality.

There was also a bunch of base ingredients for enchantments and others that were a little more technical that essentially go into the enchantment actually working. All the ingredients took a while to prepare and make sure they were perfect before you could add your special touch, that brought the enchantment to life, turning the ingredients from well… ingredients into the magic that you would cook into the waffles again, a request from the clients themselves. 

Some find the process incredibly tedious, your mom did when she worked at the shop, but you found it all calming. Work stressed you out more often than not, but you loved it so much. 

You were happily humming along to that song that’s been stuck in your head for the last week as you plucked off the leaves of R. Tinbi, one of those base ingredients for the enchantment. You had managed to get most of the ingredients prepared, now only left with the simple ones, when suddenly you heard footsteps. 

You didn’t even look up to know Jungkook had finally made his way out of the bathroom and was making his way over to you at the island. You really didn’t think much of it, almost forgetting about the whole predicament once again, but when he finally came into your peripheral you were instantly reminded. 

You finally turned your head to see him hunched over the countertop, his baggy short sleeved shirt that had a picture of Iron Man on it was long gone, and his red, plaid pajama pants haphazardly clung onto his tiny waist. That very prominent v-line that always made your mouth water was on display and suddenly you forgot what you were doing. 

You tried not to stare though, not wanting to make things any harder for him. You went back to plucking off the leaves. 

“P-Please tell me you’re working on a way to fix this…” He sighed, leaning over the counter a little more. It was also then that you realized his hair was a little wet and you noticed the shininess to his skin. 

“Baby you know if there was any way to fix this other than letting it take its course then I would help you… it would take longer than the time left to research—“ You suddenly heard his hand hit the counter before you saw him walk over to you from around the island. 

You watched as he got closer till he was standing right in front of you, you stared at him wide eyed, confused about what he was doing. 

He looked down at you with pleading eyes, his hand coming up and grabbing onto your waist, and you knew what he wanted. You wanted to tell him this wasn’t a good idea, but you couldn’t deny him when you felt him lift you onto the counter, you didn’t want to either. 

Jungkook looked at you with so much need, you could feel it too, how much pain this enchantment has caused and how much you wanted to help him. You felt tingles run through your entire body when his hand came up and caressed your bare thigh, making you instantly open your legs wider so he could be even closer. 

No time left was spared as Jungkook hastily pulled you close smashing his lips onto yours. He was hungry, desperate and he made sure you could feel it, kissing you with such ferocity you could hardly keep up. His hand had snaked up to cup your cheek to keep you close, even taking a second to breathe seemed hard. 

You were also sent the painful reminder that your boyfriend never wore underwear when he was home. Jungkook eagerly chased your hips, you both falling into a clumsy rhythm that made your whole body burn each time he whined softly into your mouth. 

You felt his hands hurriedly reach in between you and he fumbled with the button before he hurriedly pulled the zipper down on your shorts. Your hands ran up his toned arms, feeling the ink that over the years started to decorate his right arm, running up over his shoulder to tangle in his long dark hair. You tugged on that lightly, knowing how much he normally enjoys that and you were rewarded with a beautiful moan that was swallowed into the kiss. 

It was then that you started to feel the tug on your shorts. The angle was awkward since you were sitting on the countertop, it made them hard to pull down without separating long enough for you to try and wiggle out of them. 

At the challenge Jungkook broke away, clearly frustrated at the stupid barrier. 

“Why shorts, why did you have to wear fucking shorts…” He whined, still trying to feel you the best he could and he found it so difficult to stop long enough to make more of an effort to try and get your shorts off. 

The moment apart finally gave you that clarity you needed to realize what you both were about to do. 

“Jungkook, wait, we can’t do this…” You were sad, and you wanted so much to have him like this, but you knew things would only get worse if you continued. You didn’t want to see him in any more pain. 

“No… please… please Y/n, I feel like I’m going to explode.” The desperation in his voice made it harder to deny him. “I can’t make it to midnight, I can’t, I can’t—“ 

“But you’ll just end up feeling worse, plus I have things I need to do—“ You suddenly felt his hand move from your waist and reach between you both once again as he buried his head in your shoulder. 

You looked between you both and a whole new wave of tingles spread through your body as you watched your boyfriend tug down his pajama pants slightly and pull out his cock. 

Oh my g—

“You said you wanted to watch…” He shakily breathed out as his hand wrapped around his length, pumping himself slowly. 

It felt almost wrong to bear witness to such a glorious sight. Even with your shadows in the way you were reminded how beautiful your boyfriends cock was, the tip red and angry, that vein that you loved to lick ran along the side, and pre-cum was just oozing from the tip. To see that along with his pretty ass tattooed hand wrapped around was almost too much.

“Mmmm, oh— fuck, wanna cum so bad.” He said moaning into your skin. 

Knowing you could have a guy as beautiful as Jungkook such a mess and all for you made you want to give in so bad. 

You relished in his soft curses, the way he would moan, and the shaky breathes he would let out each time he would make it to the tip. The scene was lewd, and so much hotter than you could have ever imagined. 

You were in a trance at the sight until you felt his lips on your skin, kissing lightly until he reached that spot. You sighed and pulled him closer. Was this enchantment contagious? Maybe it was your boyfriend working his own magic like he always finds a way to? Whatever it was, was working on you too well. Oh, you wanted him so bad. 

You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck, easily grabbing onto his hair and pulling it just the way he likes. He whined and rutted into you, so sensitive. 

You tilted his head so your lips were right by his ear. 

“Is this what you want?” You whispered softly and you got the most glorious moan out of him.

“Oh g—“ You didn’t give him time at all to finish before you were sucking hard on his neck. You felt his hand come up on your waist, both trying to pull your shorts down and pulling you closer to him, while he rocked his hips into you. 

“Close— Y/n please I’m so close—“ He whined, getting even more desperate at tugging at your shorts. You certainly felt it too, his quickened pace and started to get a little more inconsistent, desperate. 

You took the opportunity and pushed him away slightly. 

“N-No, please please!” He cried as you hopped off the countertop but you were quick at pushing him so he hit the counter across from where you were. He watched you wide eyed as you slowly walked over to him till you were standing only inches away. 

You took a moment to admire the view, giving him a once over at how much of a mess he truly had become. His skin glistened even more, his lips were shiny, and his hair was all frazzled and in his face. Oh how much you wish you could absolutely devour him. 

“You seriously don’t think you can make it to midnight?” You tried to look him in the eyes but his cock was right there. 

He shook his head. “I can take anything, your pussy, your mouth, fuck, I’ll be good if you let me squeeze your boob at this point.” You couldn’t help but giggle at that last part. 

“You don’t care that it might come back even worse?” You asked again, getting a little closer. 

“All I care about is now and you standing right in front of me, I could give a fuck about what happens 5 minutes from now.” Jungkook grabbed onto your waist hoping you won’t leave him. 

“Wellll…” You backed away and turned back to the island, grabbing onto the R. Tinbi leaves. “Someone ate my order today so I’m a little busy but—“ You leaned against the counter and arched your back in a way you knew made your ass look great. 

Jungkook quickly took the hint and grabbed onto your waist already rubbing himself against the rough fabric. 

“You’re perfect…” he sighed, grabbing a fistful of your ass and using his other hand to pull your hips back against his. You moaned lightly trying to focus on the leaves, but Jungkook was quick at making that task impossible. 

“You should see yourself, so fucking hot and mine.” His voice was already shaky again. He was so right, you knew deep down in your heart from the moment he first saw your special room there would be no one else, no one could make you feel as good as he did. 

Dazed and with your attention still on the leaves you felt his hand snake around and slipped down your panties, quickly finding your clit. 

“Oh fuck! Jungkook—“ You whined when he started rubbing your clit. You really weren’t expecting him to touch you at all, but leave it to your boyfriend, even in a state like this, to still try to make sure you felt good too. 

“Shit, you’re so wet for me baby… You like seeing me like this?” Jungkook was trying to tease you but he was so fucking turned on right now saying it out loud just made things worse. He had been so worried about embarrassing himself in front of you, but hearing, feeling you were turned on by his situation was more than he could take. 

Your moans were enough to make rational thinking seem impossible, suddenly the goal of getting your shorts down your legs seemed like it would take too much time and his brain just wasn’t working anymore. 

In a haste Jungkook did the most highschool thing he probably could have done in that moment, lining himself up before pushing himself right between your thighs. Jungkook’s face burned from how embarrassing this was, but he could care less right now. 

“I’m— so sorry, I can’t— I’m sorry—“ He moaned as he started literally fucking your thighs, his pace not holding back at all. 

You were a little confused by what was happening but while his hips were quick so were his fingers, speeding up so fast any questions or witty remarks you had left your brain in an instant. 

“Oh— fuck, fuck!” You moaned.

“So good, you feel so good Y/n!” You could tell just by his voice he was getting close. Part of you was tempted to ask him once again if this was really worth it, but you felt repeating it was redundant at this point. He had already made up his mind. Instead you just squeezed your thighs a little tighter together, hoping that might help.

“Ennnggg, oh-oh my gosh—“ Jungkook hurried his head in your neck, so close he could practically taste it at this point. His pace started to falter. 

“It’s ok, it’s ok…” You tried to reassure, sensing he was holding back. 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—“ Jungkook didn’t know what he was expecting if he came, the build up was just too much he knew he would feel better if only for a little while. What he wasn’t expecting, never would have expected was, as the ropes of cum started to shoot out, the most earth shattering orgasm he had ever experienced. 

As that wave of pleasure washed over him, he swore he transcended to the 10th dimension. He couldn’t speak, scream, moan, the pleasure too much, it was as if time stopped for a few seconds. The sensations were so intense, it felt like it lasted forever, a forever of bliss he couldn’t describe. It was better than a high he had experienced, a better high than he knew other drugs were capable of. It only seemed to get better as the seconds ticked away.

Part of Jungkook thought he had died, that he had transcended to a plane somewhere else, somewhere far beyond this earth. He swore he could see colors that never existed, 7:00 was purple, October was roast beef, Jupiter was a quarter. 

You were at first a little confused about what happened, he had suddenly gone almost silent except a few whimpers you felt in your skin as he steadily continued to rock his hips and how the hand gripping your waist was shaky. It was then that you remembered the U. Haqo and knew that whatever it was, was probably good. 

It was a solid few minutes before he finally came down, as the pleasure slowly faded, Jungkook was hit with another satisfying sensation, the feeling of complete normalcy.

You suddenly felt his weight shift on you completely. 

“Woah, are you ok?” You chuckled as you finally asked. 

“No… so good, feel better, but tired…” Complete sentences seemed impossible right now, that oragasm turning his brain into mush. You were luckily able to pick up on what he was trying to say.

“I bet, you ate all 3 of those—“ You had been so focused on Jungkook you had yet to actually look down, your attention finally drifting downwards when you felt something running down your leg. You weren’t prepared for the sight. What was going down your leg was the least of your worries, right there running down your island was an obvious white stream you knew wasn’t there before. 

“Holy shit, Jungkook…” You were stunned but once again you realized this was another ingredient to the enchantment at work. 

“Mmmmm?” He groaned lazily, still trying to still come back from that orgasm. 

“You came all over our island.” You laughed. 

This was enough to finally get him to lift his head and he was met with the same sight you were. Jungkook could feel the embarrassment creeping up, but his post-nut bliss was enough to keep him from freaking out about it too much. He knew this would make him scream into a pillow later though. 

“Sorry…” He sighed, gently caressing the skin where your shirt had come up slightly. 

Even with your limited Korean knowledge, you knew he had apologized. “It’s fine, it's another thing from the enchantment. I’ll worry about this, you go head to the bed. I’ll come back soon so I can put you to sleep before it comes back, hopefully you can sleep this off till midnight.” 

He nodded and slowly wobbled himself back over to your bedroom. 

You were quick to get to work knowing time was of the essence. You grabbed a towel and wiped the cum off your leg and the island, and headed straight to your room where Jungkook had already snuggled up in the blankets. 

Part of you wondered if he might go to sleep on his own, but as you got closer you noticed the pained look on his face. 

“Is it already back?” You questioned.

“Not yet, but I feel it coming.” He looked up at you. 

“Alright, hopefully this will keep you asleep till midnight, but since it’s magic vs magic, I can’t make any promises. You’ll at least be able to have a few hours with some peace.” You sat down on the bed and ran your fingers through his hair. Jungkook nodded, sleepily. 

“Wish you could stay, wanna cuddle…” He pouted and you were this close to throwing away all your responsibilities for the day away just so you could snuggle with him. 

“I do too, I’ll hop into bed with you as soon as I come back from the shop I promise.” You smiled and he did as well. It was then that you leaned down and softly kissed his cheek, you watched as his smile started to fade as his eyes quickly fluttered closed.

Oh you were so tempted. 

But nevertheless you hopped up and headed straight for the shower, even though you already took one earlier this morning, you figured you needed another after your time with Jungkook. 

You were out quickly and went back to work on getting the enchantment made as quickly as you could. You knew your clients would be coming in soon to pick up their orders and the couple called you when you got out of the shower and asked if they could pick up their order early because of a schedule change. 

Luckily most had already been done before Jungkook came in. You finally finished plucking the leaves and got the two remaining ingredients ready and carried them all into your special room for mixing. It was a good thirty minutes before the sparkly white powder was created and ready to be mixed in with the waffles. 

In no time at all (you did have a little help from your magic utensils helping you out) three hot and ready waffles were on the plate and you took them back to your special room. You closed the door behind you, waited for a second, before opening the door back up to the back room of The Magic Shop. 

It wasn’t long after you got there did you hear a knock on the door and you were delighted to see the couple peeking in through the door. You happily guided them back over to the register where you showed them the waffles wrapped up. 

“Thank you so much for doing this— this is one of our last chances at trying to do this the natural way.” The wife smiled at you. 

“I’m so glad I could help you both, hold up let me just—“ You quietly snapped your fingers making sure the waffles would stay warm until they both decided to eat them and then handed them over to them. 

“Let’s hope this works…” The husband looked over at his wife and squeezed her hand a little tighter, but then turned to you. “We have high hopes though, we heard amazing things about this place so we’re really hoping for the best.”

They were one of your many clients who knew nothing about what was actually the secret behind all of your products working so well. Part of you wished you could tell them so they would be reassured. 

“Really hoping for you both as well, I wish you guys luck.” The couple thanked you before heading back outside. 

As soon as they left you went back to your special room and started bringing out all of the other orders of people you were expecting today. You sighed looking at them all knowing you would probably be down here for a while, hoping that Jungkook would be ok upstairs. 


The first thing Jungkook felt when he came to was pain, it didn’t hurt necessarily but there was no other word that he could describe it with. A need so desperate it almost was painful. The sun had gone down outside, a dark blue hue filling the room, and the clock on his nightstand read 8:34 when he finally looked over. 

You were right, it was so much worse. 

Jungkook was tempted to just make himself cum right now, unable to fathom how he would be able to make it nearly 4 hours. 

He couldn’t. 

This still didn’t stop him from trying his best. Jungkook gripped the blankets and shut his eyes hard, hoping maybe he could make himself go to sleep again. Only after 5 seconds he knew that wasn’t going to happen. 

He was just so— so…

Jungkook shifted his hips slightly and the fabric of his pajama pants was enough to make him lose his mind. 

Gosh, where were you? Jungkook hoped when he woke up it would be midnight (or at least close to it) and you were cuddled up in his arms like you promised. At least if he was going to fail, he’d rather do it inside you this time. 

Jungkook groaned softly thinking back to what went down in the kitchen, how nice your body felt against his, how wet you had gotten at his flustered state. If only he had enough sense to have gotten your shorts down, what he would have done if he did... 

He was tempted to run downstairs and beg you to let him fuck you, he was tempted and honestly he would have done it if he didn’t know the fact you were still downstairs meant you were working. He didn’t want to be any more of a pain than the mess he’s already caused for you. 

He really should have fucking known those waffles were for The Magic Shop, there really was no excuse for his actions other than he was hungry and didn’t care enough to realize what he was doing. 

Fuck— but he just missed you so much. He wished so badly he had opened his eyes and felt your arms wrapped around him, that when he had turned over he could have seen your smile. He would have kissed you and—

“Oh g—“ the moan got caught in his throat when he slid his hand under the waistband of his pants and hurriedly started pumping his cock. Jungkook was not at all prepared for the sensation, so intense, so fucking good he could already feel himself spiraling over the edge once again. 

In a rush he had to let go, knowing in that moment if he didn’t stop he would reach the point of no return already. 

Jungkook sat there for a second staring up at the darkened ceiling, just wondering how the hell he was going to somehow make it to midnight. If you were you— no if you were here, he would have cum already. 

He contemplated once again, heading downstairs, desperate to be inside you at this point, but being a good, respectful boyfriend mattered more no matter how horny he was. Jungkook flipped around anxiously, wondering how he was possibly going to get through this, when in the darkness your empty side made him focus on your pillow. 



Jungkook, you're better than that— is what he tried to tell himself, he was screaming at himself that he was better than that, but he wasn’t, not when he felt like this. 

He finally kicked off his pajama pants and flipped over, staring at his pillow with so much shame, but that didn’t stop him as he slowly pushed the pillow further down. As soon as it was close enough, he steadily started rocking into it. 

Jungkook immediately thought of you again, when you would be here underneath him like this. Jungkook would always watch your pretty face as he thrusted into and— oh fuck, when you would moan his name and tell him how good he was making you feel. 

He hurriedly picked up the pace. “G—g, oh my g—“ 

You would always take him so well, you were so fucking perfect. He wanted to be inside you so bad right now. He missed feeling the way your walls would embrace him, you were always so fucking tight, and wet, and warm, and—

He was absolutely delusional at this point. He could see you underneath him, feel you underneath him, he could hear your moans and the way you pleaded for him to go faster. 

Gosh, he wanted to fill you up so fucking bad. 

It nearly hit him in the face when he felt himself hastily getting way too close, he had to quickly get off the pillow. 

His whole body cried and contorted, trying to get the feeling to pass. Jungkook nearly thought he was going to cum anyway, but he steadily calmed himself down. 

How the fuck is he going to make this? He knew he should stop, he knew that it would be better to wait it out than keep putting himself through this torture but he wasn’t thinking clearly at all. All he cared about was chasing that high as close as he can, until finally midnight rolled around and he could finally fucking cum. 

Jungkook got back over the pillow and rocked his hips a little slower. Maybe this might help, if he goes slow he can get the best of both worlds. A little bit of pleasure but also so he wouldn’t risk going too far. 

Jungkook moaned lightly at the feeling. This will be fine. He can go this, he can do this.


It wasn’t until a little after 11:00 that you were finally making your way back up to the apartment. You were annoyed as hell because you pretty much worked an entire extra shift and of course today had to be the day that this happens. You had a couple of people who were picking up orders call and say they would be late, and late turned into two whole hours later, before you were finally closing the shop for good. Taking inventory also turned into a whole mess, the site where you normally get your ingredients from acted up and you were basically on the phone for a good three hours getting your order straight. And then you ended up spending an extra hour getting the shop ready for Monday, knowing you had absolutely no plans on coming in tomorrow. 

In turn, you were stuck downstairs almost all day thinking about your boyfriend upstairs. You kept hoping that the enchantment was strong enough and that he was still asleep, but like you feared as soon as you opened up the door of your special room once again you could immediately hear muffled moans. 

You hastily made your way down the hall and you honestly didn’t know what you were expecting when you rounded the corner, but you still found yourself shocked when you finally realized what you were looking at. 

The bed had basically been deconstructed, all the pillows and blankets had been thrown to the floor and the sheets were barely staying on. On your side of the bed was your boyfriend, his pajama pants were now gone. In one hand was your purple vibrator you typically kept in your nightstand, the could hear the slow, light buzzing as he slowly ran it along his cock. In the other hand he gripped hard, what you could only assume was your pillow, tightly over his face, making you instantly rush over because what the hell was he doing?! 

“Jungkook?!” You cried, ripping the pillow away. You heard him whine as you pulled it out of his hand. You were met with his wet face. You would have just chalked it up to be sweat, but noticing that his cheeks were noticeably damp making you realize he had likely been crying. 

He blinked up at you a little confused. 

“Y/n, is that really you?” His voice was a little horse. It was then that you also realized one of your lingerie sets bottoms was beside him.

You got down on your knees. “Yeah it’s me baby, I’m sorry I’m late…” You reached over and stroked his cheek. 

“Please tell me it’s 11:59…” He whined, a noticeable tear rolling down his cheek and onto your hand. 

“Almost it’s…” you looked over at the clock “11:21.” You reassured thinking that might be some sort of good news, but he just groaned and more tears spilled from his eyes. 

“How am I going to…” He quietly trailed off, not even bothering to finish. 

“Jungkook, what were you doing with a pillow on your face?” You asked, a little concerned. 

“Your pillow smells like you, missed you so much, I’m sorry.” He softly apologized and you felt instant relief knowing it wasn’t what you thought was happening. “Where were you? Thought you were gonna be here when I woke up…” He pouted. 

“I’m sorry, things kept holding me up downstairs, took me forever to make it back up. A lot’s happened though since I left.” You chuckled, pointing out how disheveled the room was. 

“It’s been so hard, you don’t even wanna know…” He sighed and it was also then that you realized he never turned your vibrator off. 

“You didn’t cum, did you?” You asked, not tearing your attention away from the way he gripped his dick with one hand and the way he ran the vibrator along it, how he shook every time he reached the tip. 

“Ennnggg— once— it was on accident, I had just woken up and… I don’t know what happened, but I ended up cumming on my pillow and—“ 

“Wait… how would you…?” Your imagination had immediately started running wild. 

“I missed you, and it’s embarrassing…” 

Jungkook had reached some of his lowest of lows today. He had fucked the crease between his girlfriend’s thighs because he couldn’t get her shorts off, and then he ended up fucking a pillow. 

It was right after he convinced himself that he was going to be able to do this. He had gotten caught up in imagining the pillow was you and he still was so sensitive from how he almost came earlier from his last attempt, but he really wasn’t ready for that wave to hit him like that. Jungkook didn’t even get a chance to try and stop it, his cum all of a sudden all over his pillow case and the shame, pleasure, and relief he felt in that moment for another earth-shattering orgasm. 

Shakily he wobbled over to the laundry room to toss it into the washer and he almost ran back to the shower and turned it on the coldest possible setting he could before hopping in, hoping it might cool him down a bit before the feeling came back. That didn’t help at all, magic being difficult like that, and that’s how he ended up stumbling out of the shower, grabbed the first thing he saw in your underwear drawer, along with your vibrator and had been here since trying his best to make it till you finally made it back. 

He’s nearly come more times than he could count at this point and just seeing you standing here next to him finally had started making things harder than ever before. 

“What time did you wake up?” You asked. 

“8:30– I’ve been edging for nearly 4 hours… feel like I’m gonna explode.” He couldn’t laugh at that anymore, because he really did feel like he actually might explode at this point— on you, fuck, he wanted you so bad. 

Your hand along his cheek sent a fire in him and this unbearable, unquenchable lust that he’s felt all day, was starting to reach a pinnacle that made his skin burn hotter than any fire. Gosh, a lust enchantment and he hasn’t been able to fuck you all day? 

To make matters worse even before the enchantment he was feeling extra needy, work this week for the both of you keeping you apart and he was looking forward to this Saturday to make up for all the lost time. 

You started noticing the look of distress on his face the more you looked at him. “Baby, you ok?”

“No—fuck, no I’m not ok. Can you leave? I don’t mean to be rude but you right beside me is making me think things, I fucking want you so… so, so, so fucking bad right now and I feel like if you stand here any longer touching my face I’m gonna cum and— it’s already so bad I don’t know if I can do this again—“ 

“What if you did?” You were still dazed staring at his pretty cock and your vibrator. 

“What?!” He sounded pissed, he was pissed, here he was begging you—

“I mean Jungkook there’s only a little over 30 minutes left of the day~ What if we take advantage of this enchantment and you can fuck my brains out or something till midnight hits.” You finally turned back to his face to see him staring at you.

“Take it as an apology for making you feel so miserable all day and… I swear watching you all day has made me so wet, so maybe we call it even and we have a little fun.” You smiled, hoping he might say yes.

He continued to just stare at you.

“We don’t have to if you’re not up for it, I know things have been hard and you might just wanna make it throu—“

“Shut up if you don’t fucking mean it.” He suddenly said, sitting up on the bed. You were a little taken aback by his harsh words, but then you realized what’s going on. 

At the position change you reached up and ran your hands over his toned thighs. “I fucking mean it baby.” You smirked up at him and you heard your boyfriend literally whimper. 

“G—god I swear I’m gonna cum if you keep talking, please— fuck, please do something, anything, I just fucking want you.” He cried and you couldn’t have been happier. 

You were about to have so much fun. 

You watched him throw your vibrator across the room and scoot to the edge of the bed. You didn’t even try and tease as you ran your hands further up his thighs. 

You watched his eyes flutter closed as you made your way closer to where he wanted you. You watched his face intently as your fingers finally wrapped around the base. 

“Mmphh— yesyesyesyes, don’t stop please.” He gasped and this fueled you to push further. 

You slowly brought your hand up closer to the tip and enjoyed the way he whimpered under your touch as precum kept leaking from the tip. 

“Does it feel good?” You laughed slightly, seeing how much he struggled to keep it together. 

“Feel like I’m gonna explode…” His brain was just spaghetti at this point, not even realizing he switched over to Korean. 

Jungkook leaned back so he couldn’t watch you, the sight was too much already and you barely had started. Instead he gripped the crumpled up sheets tight as he felt your hands run over his length. It was just so good, he wanted to cum so bad—

As much fun as this was, seeing your boyfriend like this made you so eager to please and you quickly decided it was finally time to put him out of his misery. 

After working him a little further you brought your hand up to eagerly rub over the slit as you leaned down ready to take him in your mouth. 

“Oh—fuuu—“ He was not prepared, neither were you when his orgasm hit him so suddenly. You couldn’t help but stare as you watched the bliss wash over him, the way his face cutely scrunched up, the sheets were tight in his hands, and just like what happened earlier in the kitchen, you only heard him whimper quietly, the pleasure seemingly being too much. You were so entranced, you didn’t even realize some of it landed on your face.

It took a few minutes for it to finally wash over him, and just as he was starting to come back he let go of the sheets and put his hands over his face.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” You chuckled. 

“I’m sorry— that was— I’m so confused, fucking embarrassed, but ughh that was so hot.” He finally looked down at you, seeing the white streaks on your face. 

“Oh my g— so fucking hot— Y/n please don’t stop—“ He whined impatiently. 

“You sure? You just c—“ 

“I don’t care, don’t stop…” he pleaded, needing to feel you. This night was not ending without him being inside you at least once.

You chuckled as you grabbed a tissue and cleaned your face and hand. You didn’t waste anymore time and happily took him into your mouth. 

Jungkook was not at all prepared to feel your mouth around him— for 13 hours straight he had simply made do with the best he could, his hand, your thighs, a pillow, your vibrator on the lowest setting possible— they were fine and some even managed to push him over the edge. Maybe it had been so long since he felt your touch or this enchantment was absolutely insane because the minute you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and started taking him… he was not at all prepared. You would have thought he had never been touched before in his life at how quickly he felt he could cum again, that feeling returning instantaneously.

His hand quickly went down to tangle in your hair as you pushed down as much as you could. He made the awful mistake of sitting up, wanting to look at you, but it just made things so much worse, seeing the way you were staring up at him as you took him so well. 

“You’re so good to me…” He sighed and he didn’t realize he said that out loud until he noticed you giggle as you came off him. 

“Is it that good? I’ve barely done anything yet.” You chuckled. 

“Mhmmm, go slow, don’t wanna cum too soon.” He pleaded. He wanted to savor every moment of this and this enchantment made it so all he wanted to do was cum down your throat.

Not yet though.

You nodded before going back down and swirling your tongue around the tip. You went slow like you promised and this was enough to get a frustrated whine from him. 

“Y/n— don’t do this to me please.” He looked down at you and you couldn’t help that wave of need travel through your body, making you squeeze your thighs together. Maybe on another day you would have teased him for longer, but you finally took him in your mouth as far as you could go. 

As you pulled back and went back down again, you enjoyed his soft sighs of pleasure he would let out occasionally, and by the look on his face you could tell you were doing well.

You brought your hand up to softly run over his thigh before wrapping around his length as stroking what you couldn’t take. At the combo, you relished in the moan he let out as his grip in your hair tightened. He looked so pretty like this, all you wanted to do was please him, so you steadily sped up your pace anticipating seeing that look of just pure euphoria wash over him once more. 

You were hellbent on getting him to cum in your mouth and you knew he was close, you could tell by his moans getting more desperate, and how he subtly held your head down making sure you wouldn’t leave. You were waiting for the moment, so close, but as you were sure he was right about to cum suddenly you felt him pull you off. 

You looked up at him confused as you saw him try and calm himself down. What was going on? Isn’t this what he wanted? 

You were not left confused for long as Jungkook shakily got up, you at eye level with his cock, shiny from your antics as precum leaked from the tip. You felt his hand cup your chin forcing you to look up at him. 

Jungkook was staring down at you, his lip tucked between his teeth as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip. 

“So fucking pretty…” He sighed as he looked at your delicate features staring up at him. So fucking pretty and you were all his. He wanted to absolutely ruin you.

“Wanna fuck your mouth baby~” He said so softly, his tone almost not matching at all with what he was asking. You felt his thumb reach into your mouth slightly to open your mouth a little wider. 

Your attention went back down to his cock right in front of your face, the way his tattooed hand came up and started stroking it slowly as he moved a little closer to your mouth. Your whole body ached with need, wanting this man inside you immediately. 

“Is that ok?” He shakily asked. 

Instead of responding, you nodded your head slowly leaning in a little closer so your lips brushed against the tip. You enjoyed the whimper you got out of him as a result. 

“Eeeehh— Open your mouth— I mean open your mouth please, fuck!” Jungkook moaned and you instantly followed his command and he moved his hand so it was resting on your head and he guided you straight to his cock as you slowly took him. 

“Ohhhh, yes, yes, yes…” He sighed the minute he saw the last inch disappear into your mouth. You could feel his hand on your head start to shake lightly, and you could only figure he must be close.

Jungkook slowly pulled his hips back before shakily thrusting back in. He was trying to be gentle but your mouth and this fucking enchantment made that almost impossible. 

You felt so good around him and the way you were looking at him as he stared down into your eyes… he was so close. 

He sped up slightly. 

That sensation quickly returned, the overwhelming feeling quickly boiled over into a blinding white light, so so good. He had to force his eyes to stay open as he watched himself cum in your mouth. He wanted to see. 

You let him recover before pulling off eventually. 

Jungkook didn’t let the peace carry on for long before he was pulling you onto your feet and even quicker were you pressed against the dresser behind you as Jungkook kissed you hungrily. 

“You— you sure you want to keep going?” You asked in between his kisses. You were honestly baffled he hadn’t collapsed yet, but that enchantment was all to thank for that. 

“Yes— can’t stop.” He really couldn’t, this enchantment already having that craving back faster than ever and with an intensity that he couldn’t imagine as somehow worse. Jungkook wasn’t done yet with you at all, this was still just the beginning. 

He made the point clear by pulling you back with him so you both fell back on the bed. Jungkook didn’t waste any time as he wrapped your legs around his waist and he was hurriedly leaning over so he could kiss you. 

You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. You wanted him and you knew you were just on the cusp of feeling him inside you. You got even more excited when you felt him tugging on your shorts. 

“Are you serious?!” Jungkook exclaimed as he struggled to get them down once again. They were just comfy shorts you threw on, hoping these might be a little easier to deal with than your jean shorts from earlier, but it seems you thought wrong.

Jungkook got frustrated and instead focused on pulling up your shirt and helped you get it over your head and you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room. You didn’t think too much of it, ready to finally get naked and busy, that is until you noticed his gaze locked on your chest.

You were about to question him, but his hand quickly came up and started massaging the softness. Oh. 

You moaned softly as his thumb flicked over the nipple before leaning forward a little more and sucking it. You were a bit taken aback by his actions, but Jungkook’s eager mouth was quick at pulling you back in the moment. 

“Can’t wait to see you covered with whipped cream.” He mumbled softly, but his eyes weren’t on yours. You honestly had no idea what he was talking about or if he was speaking to you or your boobs? 

“Baby, what are you talking about?” You chuckled slightly, running your hands through his soft hair. 

“Our plans for tomorrow, wish they were for now but— ughh— Y/n, need you please.” His gaze finally met your own and he made sure to accentuate with a firm thrust. 

You were about to say something when you felt his hand travel down your body again and tug on your short strings. You hoped this time he would manage to get them down your legs, but you could sense the growing frustration at the fact he couldn’t even untie the little bow you made. 

“Why?! Why can’t I—?!” The more he pulled the worse the knot he had created got tighter, this enchantment seemingly making his brain all scrambled. 

As funny as it was to watch, you were more eager for what was going to happen next so you pushed him away slightly so you could finally shimmy your shorts down your legs. 

Jungkook looked at you thankful for the help and his whole body seemingly cried when your shorts and panties were gone and flung across the room. Seeing you naked, fuck, he’s wanted you like this all day. As much as he wanted to feel you around him, Jungkook was more interested in pleasing you. 

You expected him to get back on top but he laid back over on your side and started ushering you over on top of him. 

“What’s this about?” You wondered. 

“Sit on my face.” He was blunt but the enchantment allowed for nothing more. You were a little shocked once again he was still finding it in him to take care of you when he’s like this, but were you really? This was Jungkook you’re talking about, the guy who thrives on your pleasure. 

You laughed slightly, but quickly obeyed his wish and moved so you were hovering over his mouth. 

You gripped your headboard tight when you felt his hands come up to stroke your thighs as you slowly lowered yourself over his mouth, worried about squishing his head. Jungkook was quick at pushing those worries aside as he pulled you down to eagerly start lapping between your drenched folds. 

You weren’t at all prepared, your back arching and a moan escaping your lips before you could stop it. 

Even in a state like this Jungkook made sure to remind you he knew your body well after years spent together. 

“Jungkook— fuck, fuck yes—“ You groaned when he used his tongue to circle your clit, occasionally sucking on it. Your whole body was on fire, if someone was watching they might have also thought you had eaten some of the enchanted waffles along with him at how desperate you seemed.  

Truth is, you missed, you missed him so much. You had missed him all week, long hours keeping you both apart even before enchantment came into effect. You missed him all day today, you were stuck downstairs as you thought about what might have happened if you had opened the bathroom earlier, what if Jungkook had fucked you on the counter, what if you agreed to stay in bed with him. All of the possibility was dwarfed by how hot you were thinking about what actually happened. Trapped downstairs on the phone with the fifth tech support person trying to help you with your order, all you could think about was your boyfriend’s pretty ass cock and how much you wanted to be pounded into oblivion right then and there for the guy on the phone to hear. 

You’ve been hot all day. As hard as you knew this was for Jungkook, it almost felt like you were being punished being forced to watch. 

Having him like this, below you, eating you out like his life depended on it made you so fucking hot. 

When your thighs started to get a bit shaky, you finally looked down at him a little surprised to see his dazed gaze on you. You happily took one of your hands off the head board and let them tangle into his long brown locks. 

You felt the subtle vibrations of the way he moaned. You watched as one of his hands that was gripping onto your thighs let go and hastily reached downward. Curious, you broke away from his gaze and to turn behind you and you felt a whole new fire light inside you at the sight of him hurriedly pumping his cock. 

You quickly turned back down to him and noticed his eyes had glossed over, this whole thing apparently getting to him more than you thought. 


Suddenly you were back in the moment and was painfully aware of the skilled work of your boyfriend's tongue, playing with your clit, licking between your folds, and even into your hole. You knew you would cum soon at this rate. 

“Are you enjoying this that much?” You teased breathlessly, moving your hips in a way that the new angle had your grinding against the tip of his nose. Fuck.

His attention shifted back to you, albeit still dazed. 

You gripped onto his hair tighter when he didn’t answer, even though how could he with your pussy in his mouth. You watched intently as the way his eyes started rolling back. Hot. 

You weren’t in the mood for games, you just wanted to fucking cum at this point. 

“Fuck Jungkook, you’re so good to me always. Love you.” It was a hasty confession as your attention turned towards chasing the high that’s been dangled in front of you all day. 

Jungkook seemed to speed up at the praise. It didn’t take long for that built up tension to finally snap when you cried out as you experienced one of the most toe-curling, mind numbing orgasms you’ve ever had. 

Jungkook gave you no time to recover though, because even after he worked you through it and you started to lift up, he showed no signs of stopping. 

You looked down at him and he nodded up at you, needing no words to explain.

He wanted to watch again, have you cum all over his face one more time. You were so sensitive, confused at the blissful sting of overstimulation, but still extremely turned on because holy fucking shit was this hot. 

Jungkook quickly had you back to that point where that feeling was back all too soon and you were crying out once more and your orgasm hit you faster than a freight train. 

Your brain didn’t know how to comprehend what happened as you sat there for a second, letting your heart and breathing calm down. What just happened? You felt fuzzy all over, loved, comforted, and—

Jungkook’s hand suddenly fell from your thigh as you finally looked down once again. You were delighted to see the fucked out expression, his eyes were closed and you cooed internally at the way his eyelashes tickled his cheeks. He was so pretty. His brows were furrowed as the hand that had long left your thigh continued to move. That’s when you remembered what you saw last time. 

You turned around and was shocked to see the cum covering his toned stomach, but he was still harder than ever. Suddenly you were hot all over again. 

You turned back to Jungkook once more, noticing how pained his delicate expression had gotten. 

“Please, inside…” He finally opened his eyes to look up at you. You also noticed how red he seemed and you wondered if he was just hot, flushed, or was it embarrassment? Maybe all three considering? You could also see how wet his face was, you didn’t know whether that was just you or the tears that had especially collected around his eyes. 

You swung your leg over and took a seat next to him. Jungkook was quick at sitting up and turning toward you, you both just looked at each other before Jungkook got too impatient and hurriedly pulled you into a kiss. 

He was hungry, desperate, and had you breathless by the time he moved you both so you were on your back and he was slotted between your thighs, ignoring the stickiness between you. 

You moaned into the kiss when you felt the steady grind of his cock between your folds. Despite having just come (twice), you still found yourself eager to have him inside you, finally. 

Jungkook pulled away to hurriedly line himself up, ready to finally fucking finally feel you, but just as he was about to push in you remembered something. 

“Wait— Jungkook!” You called and he looked up at you, a little startled. 

“Mhmmm?” He almost sounded like he was drunk, his attention quickly turning back down to your pussy and was entranced at how wet you sounded, his eyes glued to the way his cock looked as he pushed it through the slickness of your folds. 

“Do you think we should use a condom?” You asked, a little concerned. You never typically did these days, but with this enchantment it may be better just in case. 

Jungkook was trying his best to pay attention to your words, but fuck, he was so close and you felt so good. 

“I don’t know if my birth control can go up against this enchantment.” 

“Eghhhh— I don’t mind if you think it’s better. It’s up to you.” His brain was not working, of course he had a preference and that preference was clouding any sort of logical thinking. 

“What— you don’t mind if this gets me pregnant?” You giggled at the comment. 

Jungkook's eyes returned to yours but then back down between you both. “Feel like I could give you octuplets right now.” He chuckled weakly, both trying to joke along with you but he was also incredibly serious, painfully serious.

You just laughed realizing you shouldn’t really be asking him when he’s like this. “Ohhh, that’s just the enchantment talking baby~” You smiled, somehow endeared by his words. 

“I’m serious though, whatever you want to do— but wait, we haven’t used condoms for so long I don’t even remember if I have any left.” He panicked. Just the thought of stopping now made him want to throw something out the window. He felt close already.

“Please hurry baby…” He moaned, trying his best to stay calm but this fucking enchantment was making it very hard.

You sensing the urgency decided to think about this. 

There is no way you wouldn’t end up pregnant from this if you just do nothing— or well, there’s just a great chance. Considering you weren’t enchanted by the waffles maybe that would be enough? You also had no idea anyway if you had any condoms in the room anymore. Maybe you would be fine? You could make your own remedy of sorts in the morning as well just for good measure. 

And would it really be that bad if all that fails? Sure you weren’t at that point of your life where you were ready to start having kids, but this was with Jungkook, not some random guy from a one night stand. If things didn’t go to plan, it wouldn’t be that bad. 

Your judgment was questionable though considering you were just as eager to finally feel him inside you and the way his cock slid over your clit made your mind a little fuzzy. Might you regret it in the morning, maybe, but you would solve that issue when you get there. You had a plan as well so—

“Alright— I have a plan for tomorrow, but just get inside before I lose my mi—” You were hardly able to finish your sentence before Jungkook hurriedly pushed inside you, not even making it in all the way before he buried himself in your neck and let out the most glorious moan as he came inside you.  

You were shocked but you still rubbed his back lightly, trying to help him through it. You could only imagine at this point how intense things have gotten for him, the thought turned you on and for a brief moment considered one day downing three of these waffles and seeing what happens. 

Jungkook eventually pulled away and you immediately noticed the tears that stained his face and quickly brought your hands up to wipe them. 

“Was it good?” You chuckled, but you were starting to get a tad bit concerned seeing how fucked out he was beginning to look. 

He shakily nodded his head. 

“You’re lucky I said yes.” You laughed hoping that would pep him back up back you could tell he was hardly paying any attention to what you were saying.

“S-s-sorry.” His voice was soft and you couldn’t help yourself as you brought him closer to kiss his cheek. The lights were dim in your room, but once your lips touched his skin you finally felt just how wet his face was. 

“It doesn’t hurt right?” You asked immediately as you pulled back.

He shook his head. 

“Feels too good.” He sighed as he steadily started to move his hips again. 

Jungkook was not at all prepared for what it would feel like to be inside you with this enchantment. Maybe he was so sensitive from how many times he’s cum already, or things really have escalated to a point that everything has just become so overwhelming, but the minute he started moving his hips he was rendered speechless. 

The enchantment only seemed to enhance every sensation the warm embrace your walls always gave him. It was so good, you were so good to him. Every sense of his made his brain go haywire, the way you wrapped around him, the way your hands ran along his back, the way you looked up at him as he fucked you, your expression, your eyes alone was enough to get him to cum again. 

He loved you so much. 

“Fuck.” He whispered so quietly he doubted you heard it, he couldn’t say it any louder even if he wanted to. Despite the odd circumstances and how frustrating the day has been, being here with you like this made it all worth it. 

Jungkook didn’t even realize how much his eyes had watered up until your expression started to shift to worry when you brought your hand up to wipe his face. 

“Fuck— Jungkook are you sure you’re ok?” You asked, once again concerned. 

“Mhmmmm, good, so good. Don’t wanna cum yet, wanna make you feel good too.” He cried. He was desperate to make you feel even an ounce of what he did. His pace had remained painfully slow, knowing the minute he sped up it’d be over. 

“This feels good— don’t worry baby this is about you, ok?” You smiled up at him. It was meant to be reassuring but it only made him feel worse. 

Jungkook picked up the pace and relished in your delighted moans and the sound of the bed frame creaking at your escapades. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming, that feeling, that need to fill you up once more became harder to ignore. 

He tried his best to distract himself by kissing you hastily but that only seemed to make things worse. It was just so good. 

“Oh— oh go—“ 

It felt like he was hit with a train the way his orgasm knocked him so suddenly, somehow it was even more intense than before. It felt like a fervor dream, he was delirious, and maybe it was this enchantment, but as he coated your walls with his cum there was some strange part in him that wanted all this to get you pregnant. 

It was a guilty confession that he knew he would regret later, but it’s what fueled him despite how exhausted his body felt to flip you over so you were on your hands and knees so he could do it again. 

The position gave him a great view of your ass, and he cursed to himself quietly as watched the way it’d jiggle anytime he pushed into you. 

“So—so good Jungkook…” You whined. 

“Close?” Was all he could ask and you hurriedly nodded. 

Jungkook’s hand quickly came down to smack your ass and gripped on the soft mounds hard, loving the way you moaned for him. As much as he’s enjoyed the thought about whipped cream all over your titties all day, your ass will always be his favorite. 

Jungkook felt your walls tighten around his cock and he knew you were close. 

He pulled you close so your back was against him, the new angle allowing him to fuck into you easily, while his hand went down to rub your clit and his mouth kissed your neck.

The position had him reaching spots inside you that made your mind go blank as you soon felt him fill you up once again, but he didn’t stop until you were soon cumming all over his cock. 

You were hardly able to recover before Jungkook was pulling out of you and laying down only to usher you so you were hovering over his cock. He looked up at you with pleading eyes, and it didn’t take much to figure out what he was asking from you. 

You were already starting to get a little tired and barely coming off your last orgasm you still found it in yourself to sink down onto his length once again. You felt his hands come up and grip your hips tightly as you began to slowly move. 

You also surprised yourself with the fact that you were keeping up with him, no enchantment fueling your efforts, just your love for this idiot who ate your waffles.

You marveled at his soft sighs of pleasure and how beautiful he looked. He had grown more quiet like back in the kitchen and just by the look on his face you knew things had really gotten intense. You could only imagine, you’re not even sure how many times he’s cum at this point.

“You’re so pretty baby~” You breathlessly confessed and he let out a strained moan as one of his hands moved up to play with one of your tits. For some reason you knew he was close once again.

“You’re gonna cum again for me baby?” You asked but you knew. You noticed his eyes started getting watery again, tears falling from his eyes.

“Y-yes.” He strained and you could hardly hear him.

You decided to speed up a little, not wanting to drag this out for him. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of his cock filling you up, focusing on keeping a steady rhythm. It wasn’t too long after you started losing yourself in the pleasure that you felt his grip on your hips tighten before you heard Jungkook out a moan as his eyes rolled back and you felt him fill you up once again. 

You smiled but Jungkook was quick at moving you so you laid on your side, your back against his chest before he was entering you from behind. He didn’t move for a little while and it was then that you were able to look over at his nightstand to see the time. 


Almost there.

Jungkook also noticed that this was finally about to come to an end and knew he wanted to make the most of it. One more time. 

Jungkook grabbed ahold of your thigh and lifted it up so your leg could rest ontop of his so he could fuck into you easier and slowly started to move. 

“One more time.” He sighed, kissing your neck.  

He wasn’t talking about himself. Four minutes at this point was enough time for cum at least twice, but he was thinking about you. He wanted– no, needed to feel you cum around his cock once more. 

Jungkook quickly found a good pace and reached around to find your clit once again. 

You moaned for him, not honestly thinking you could cum again, but Jungkook always had a way of proving you wrong because you quickly felt that growing need once again. 

It was so good, he was so good. Being close like this, his length buried deep inside, his fingers on your clit, his lips on your skin, you felt so loved and still being a little sensitive from your last orgasm you felt so close so quickly.

As much as he wanted to wait until you were closer, the way your walls were gripping made him spill into you quicker than he liked but he never faltered, speeding up instead determined to make you cum around him before midnight.

“Fuck, fuck please baby–” He pleaded and you cried. 

You were close, so fucking close. 

With a couple more thrusts you felt that blinding surge of pleasure spread through your whole body and moaned his name as he somehow gave you your fourth orgasm of the day. It hit Jungkook as well, your orgasm suddenly having him spilling into you once again. 

It was a blissful end. 

Jungkook shakily worked you both through the waves of pleasure as the clock changed to 12:00. Instead of this neverending sea of desire Jungkook had been swimming in all day, the calm silence of that relief was slowly gifted to him as well. 

You both just sat there trying to collect yourselves because– woah. Despite the circumstances this definitely was a night to remember. 

The longer you laid there the more you just wanted to head to bed but you were sweaty, covered in cum, and your room was still a mess. After a little while you finally found the motivation to pry yourself away from Jungkook’s warm embrace. When you turned around you were a little shocked, or well not that shocked, to see his eyes closed and seemingly asleep already.

You didn’t blame him, honestly surprised he didn’t fall out sooner than this. 

You were about to jump out of the bed to start your shower when you felt a hand on your wrist, stopping you. 

“Don’t leave me please…” His eyes were still closed and he sounded so drowsy. You leaned in closer and pushed the hair out of his face, the ends noticeably damp. 

“What’s that baby?”

“Don’t leave.” He looked up at you. The only thing on Jungkook’s mind was falling asleep with you in his arms.

“I don’t want to get up either, but I was just going to shower and maybe get started a little bit on all the laundry–” 

“Don’t leave.” He said once again.

You leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. “I promise to be back soon ok, you’ll probably be asleep by the time I get back anyway.” 

“But I want you with me…” He pouted. 

“You can come join me in the shower if you want.” You suggested. 

“Tirreeeedddd, can’t this wait till morning.” He sighed and you couldn’t help but giggle. He always gets really baby when he’s sleepy. 

“I’ll be back ok~” You reassured him and headed for the bathroom.

As tired as he was, unlike the last time he went to sleep, Jungkook wanted to make sure you’d be in his arms when he wakes up. Despite how everything and everywhere in his body ached, he still found himself joining you in the bathroom. 

You were shocked but found your cheeks warming when you saw him groggily walk into the bathroom to join you. 

You didn’t want to make the shower take too long, he was tired and you were as well and you had laundry to start. Jungkook was hardly awake, almost falling over a couple times as the warm water fell over you both. 

When you went to shampoo his hair and gently massaged his scalp, even in his delirious state he almost felt teary. This was so nice, you were so so good to him.

“Y/n…” He quietly got your attention. 


“I’m sorry…” 

“What for?” You couldn’t hide your confusion at what he could possibly be apologizing for.

“I’ve been a burden all day, ate those waffles, made things hard for you. I’m sorry.” His brain was hardly working, but he’s felt bad about this all day. 

“It’s alright, I should have gotten a fridge for the shop already anyway.” You laughed. “And you haven’t been a burden alright, today was fun!” You weren’t lying, you definitely had fun today. 

Jungkook smiled and pulled you in for a hug, not wanting at all to let go. Not now, not ever. 

You both eventually made it out of the shower and the minute Jungkook got his clothes on he collapsed onto the bed, sleep becoming too much to fight at this point. You had managed to wiggle the sheets out underneath him, still being visibly damp from earlier.

You went ahead and grabbed everything else and took it to the laundry room, but after seeing how much you had to do, ultimately decided it may just be best to save it for the morning like Jungkook suggested. The shower made you sleepy so instead you went to bring out your thick blanket.

When you got to the room you were a little surprised to find Jungkook sitting up on the bed, looking half out of it. 

“I thought you fell asleep already?” You giggled as you went over to caress his cheek. 

“Mmmm, wanted you here. Can’t fall asleep yet.” He sighed, nuzzling into your hand. 

You took the hint and made quick work on tossing the blanket out over the bed, grabbing the pillows that were on the floor, and climbing into bed with your boyfriend.

As soon as you got in the bed, turned off the lights, and got you both situated he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. It probably didn’t take even a minute before you heard his light snores and you were sure it didn’t take long after that for you to join. 

What a day.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

“You think anyone will believe this?” You asked after he clicked the post button. 

“Probably not, but that’s the point. Feels good to talk about these things though.” Jungkook smiled, his heart warm from reminiscing all day. 

You smiled and hugged him. 

“Alright, I’ve been here long enough, I have classes to get to.” You sighed, hopping up from the bed. “I’ll be back from the shop before 6 so I can do dinner today.” You kissed his cheek and was about to run off to put on your shoes, but Jungkook grabbed your hand. 

He looked down at your intertwined fingers, imagining once again that ring he saw in the shop earlier on your finger, how pretty it would look until you both got matching bands. He was feeling a little too sentimental at the thought and how much he wished it was already on your finger. 

“Ummmm, watcha doing?” You asked, noticing him staring at your hand. 

“Ermm– sorry.” He leaned down and kissed your hand. “Be back soon ok, miss you already.” He sighed, hating that you had to leave him on his day off. 

You leaned down and kissed his lips, Jungkook wholeheartedly melting into the kiss, thinking about what it might be like to kiss you like this on your wedding day. 

You pulled away with a big smile on your face. 

“Oh right! Don’t forget to take the broom over to my mom’s, he’s really been missing her these days.” 

Jungkook groaned. “You know your broom hates me, it’ll take forever just to get him out of the room.” He recounted the last time he was responsible for taking your broom out. 

“Cmoonnn you guys need some bonding time anyway, and plus my mom also wanted to see you as well so… good luck.” You said as you left the room. 

“Alright, come back soon! I’m making bulgogi tonight!” He yelled out to you and he quickly heard you running back and giving him another hug before running out the room again. 

“Bye!” You called out, before the door closed behind you, leaving Jungkook alone. 

How this was his life was still a mystery to him as well, who gets to say they need to take their girlfriend’s broom out? 

Who gets to say they need to take their fiance’s broom out?

Who gets to say they need to take their wife’s broom out?

Jungkook’s face flushed at the thought. Maybe this trip won’t be so bad? He had something he needed to ask your mom anyway.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

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2 years ago

Please Teach Me? | JJK

Please Teach Me? | JJK

Pairing: Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader

Genre: Smut, Fluff??, Comedy (enjoy my annoying humor)

Summary: You’re a succubus who doesn’t know a thing or two on luring men, and it doesn’t help that your first task in training is to get the most egotistical fuck boy in the human realm in bed, Beta Tau Sigma president Jeon Jungkook.

Warning: Uhhh where do I start? We’re going on an adventure! Seokjin is the best :D, Second hand embarrassment from our dear OC, OC is kinda ditz but smart at the same time???, also forgets she’s a demon and is confused 999.6969% of the time, Dom Sadist Jungkook (he’s so mean in a good way)/ Masochist Succubus Reader, sir kink, size kink (OC is fun size and a rag doll), dirty talk, degrading/threats lol not really, praising, her wings and tail are sensitive ;-), multiple orgasms (too many to count haha), oral (m and f receiving), tail sucking?? LOL, fingering, wing/tail play hahahah, face slapping, pussy slapping, ass slapping, spitting djdjdjdj, dumbification, unprotected sex (she’s literally a succubus, and you’re not so be safe), creampies

Word count: 18.1K

A/N: I wanna say pwp but there was a plot lol I’m not good with that. I also suck because this one-shot was TOO LONG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME GHEROGHEOGE why the fuck did I make the smut so long ;-; also I guess this could be part of Halloween LOL

I've also cross-posted this originally on AO3 as well! Enjoy~~~

Please Teach Me? | JJK

This was complete and utter bullshit.

There was no way this was supposed to be your first assigned task. Don’t the highers have pity on you?

Well, no, not really. They don’t show as many emotions as you did, yet they were relieved you even made it somewhere in the training program. But this was an outrage for you as you scanned the file sent to your dorm.

Your burgundy wings fluttered furiously while your matching-colored tail stayed straight up due to how uncomfortable you were. You scratched your head in frustration and even accidentally hitting your little horns before letting out a loud whine. You pushed through your dorm room and flew straight to your mentor with the same file that affected your being.

Some of your cohorts watched you and your high-pitched cries, being the famous failure who finally obtained her first assignment after like, what, five years?

Let’s get one thing straight—you were a succubus…in training. 

Okay, so before a succubus goes out to the realms and devours men through sexual activities on their own, they must train and understand the ways of the succubi. Succubi must learn how to lure and attract men, use their bodies in a way that is ultimately captivating to anyone of the eye, and be confident in the art of how the demons perform. During the training process, succubi take exams and complete tasks, and each has their own mentor that passes them or not. It’s kind of like school where grades don’t matter, and if you complete it well, you pass. If you don’t pass, you must repeat the same task on another subject.

In typical folklore, succubi performed sexual activities while men slept. But through training, it eases the demons into this last task until they are full-fledged succubus ready to destroy mankind.

You, unfortunately, knew nothing about anything, really. You weren’t the best learner as is. You also can’t comprehend that well until someone, i.e., your mentor, yelled at you. Throwing the profession you have for eternity, it may be a little challenging to get by. You already failed an exam or three, and you burned half of your mentor all because you simply couldn’t learn how to attract and lure men into bed. 

Luckily, your mentor decided to give you some practice rounds to fully comprehend the works and information. But every round, he’d comment on how rather than turning men on, you’ll leave them immensely uncomfortable or left with a burn.

You were held back, as the standard training for succubi was at least a year and a half, depending on how determined you were. Most of the demons you started with completed training ages ago, leaving you behind. While they’re out and about 69-ing men snoring their dicks off, you were busy trying to pass the pre-exam before going into the field.

Lo and behold, you finally passed and couldn’t be happier. You wanted to be a good succubus and prove to the highers and your mentor that you are worthy of being a sex demon. 

But how can you when you are assigned a difficult task for the first time?

“Seokjin!” You burst into your mentor’s office with teary eyes and a pout like no other. You sniffled as you found him unbothered, standing. His dick was out and hardened as he examined it through his large gold-framed mirror on the wall behind his desk. You couldn’t care about his actions as incubus and succubus were comfortable showing and performing their bodies. You were all sex demons, for fuck’s sake.

“What is it, ___? I’m scrutinizing my cock. By the way, does it look extra curved today?” Seokjin tore his eyes away from his reflection to finally look at his distraught mentee.

“No, it doesn’t! It looks more pointed and the trunk looks like it gained another ripple, but that’s not why I’m here!” You sobbed out in anger as you flew to slam the file on the surface of his desk. “Explain!”

Seokjin rolled his eyes before tucking himself back into his pants. He grabbed the file and flaunted it in front of your stressed face. “Ugh, ___…”

“Why would you give me this? I can’t do this task! It’s way too hard!”

“You’re not letting me speak and—”

“I barely passed my exam. You, of all demons, should know my performance is not as excelled and up to par to face this subject.“ You didn’t even let him explain, and you went on with your rant as you were hovering all over his space. “And—”

“Yes, emphasis on barely but you still passed with a 69%, which by the way, I would give you some extra credit if you did it on purpose but you didn’t so…” He cuts you off to clarify your argument. “Just be glad you don’t need to take that exam again after your fourth time!”

“Hey, it was number five. If you’re my mentor, at least remember the stats.” You corrected him as you wiped the tears off your face. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him do the same. “But my first task can’t be this one! It’s way too hard. Why can’t I get someone easier, like a gamer or a sweet and caring one? Why the fuck does this have to be this one? “

Your mentor pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled exhaustingly. He assumed you were going to comply with his decision. Still, alas, you weren’t because you always bitched and whined about everything he did. It made sense because everything was out of your comfort zone, and he knew. “Your choices were limited since everyone else in your year already completed theirs years ago.” He explained, though knowing you won’t fully grasp that, he added, “It was either this one or a heinous wicked bastard who mistreats women, which I still don’t understand why they give first years that option. You could get hurt, and Lilith should deal with him.”

For some reason, your bothered appearance became relaxed yet shifted into a more shy demeanor. Eventually, you gently landed on your feet, resting your wings and tail. You raised your head to face him. He was much taller and bigger than you, and so was everyone else. “B-but, I can’t. I’ll—“

“No, shh. Don’t say you’ll fuck up. Have faith—wait, have hope in yourself.” He pinched your horns lightly, helping you alleviate your frantic self. He knew you weren’t as confident in your ability. Hell, you even confided in him after your second failed exam, talking about how you felt you were lacking sex appeal, any attractiveness, your features, and your short stature that was well below average than any demon living. You even flashed your breasts at him as you complained they weren’t as big.

Seokjin never saw a succubus like you. You were the complete opposite to all things of your kind. Without your sharp horns, bat-like wings, and slithering dark tail with the end tip shaped like a heart, you could be mistaken as an angel. It was confusing and left him uncomfortable at times. But nevertheless, you were still a succubus.

“There’s a reason why the Seokjin, well-known incubus across the realms who is handsome, stunning, intelligent, funny, handsome, creative, extraordinary, handsome…did I say handsome?”

“Get on with your poorly executed speech.”

“There’s a reason why I’m your mentor.”

“Yeah, you were forced to after like three repeals.”

“Well, yes. But after I forced myself to get to know you, I realized you have much potential as a succubus, more than any demon I met. You’re absolutely gorgeous—almost as gorgeous as me—you’re also one of the most kind succubus I know and you’re very authentic.”

“Aww, thanks Jin. I appreciate you.”

“Of course, you’re still a bit of an airhead and awkward. You are wayyyy too obvious when you fuck up—“

“I take it back.” You spoke out.

“The point is you can do it. It’s literally what you are. This training is just prep for you despite all the technical things.” He reassured me and passed back the file to you. “After this, you can do whatever the hell you want.”

Though you were a bit at ease, you were still unconfident. “But how will I—”

“Remember what I said. “

“Your breasts aren’t what defines you? Every guy is obsessed with any titty?”

Your mentor raised his eyebrow, questioning why you remembered that so vividly. You merely blinked, waiting for his response. “Well, yes? But in this context, not that. Remember what your motto should be.”

“Men are simple-minded and easy?”



Your task was simple: you needed to get your subject in bed and fuck him. But what made it difficult was the subject himself, because he was a man—a human man. And you were a bit afraid of them. You heard some stuff from other demons saying how unhinged they were to the point where there were many instances that succubi got hurt and poorly bruised despite the supernatural strength demons conveyed.

Anyways, your subject goes by the name Jeon Jungkook. He was a fraternity president of Beta Tau Sigma, and through your findings, he was known to be a “fuck boy?”—whatever that was. He slept with many counterparts in college and broke hearts along the way. He excelled in academics and also came from a pretty well-off family. He was also in sports, soccer, and baseball.

That was it from the file because Seokjin redacted the rest by burning it away, including his personality, type, and interests. He did it as “a learning curve” for you to get more experience on your first task. You were about to bitch, but he interrupted you, saying you’ll have a little trip away from the demon realm.

You were still going to complain, but again, he reassured me that communication between you two would still be here.

There were photos of this Jeon Jungkook. He looked like someone who hurt you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Nonetheless, he was pretty attractive and appealing to your demon eyes. His body was muscular and ripped from his neck to his Achilles tendons. There was one of him shirtless and fucking hell, many dents and veins popping out, especially within his arms and hands. Speaking of his arms, his right one was fully decorated with tattoos. He had multiple piercings on his ears and a lip ring on his face.

Seokjin was kind enough to show you subtler pictures of him smiling and laughing which was actually cute to you. It relieved your nervousness in this task. This man was a real piece of work, yet you still knew nothing about him because you had to work for it, and you had no idea how to start—thanks, Seokjin…

Though you needed heavy guidance, you refused to ask your mentor; otherwise, he’d force you to say a statement that was not wholly true before assisting you.

So here you were: Posing as a student in the human realm on the university campus. You hid your wings and tail to look the part, which was unbearable because they were sealed inside your skin and cramped up. You wore a yellow sundress with a pair of cute little block heels while carrying a beige backpack around your surroundings.

People were on the grass in groups sleeping, studying, or talking amongst themselves, others were walking to get to classes, and some were rowdy and playing. You assumed this is typical human behavior, more so college students.

You felt out of place—no shit—this was definitely new territory you’re on. At the very least, you knew how to get around quickly, but that didn’t mean it’d be socially acceptable.

Your electronic device, which was called a phone, buzzed in your dress pocket. You pulled it out and saw that it was Seokjin called.

Once you answered, he greeted, “Hello, my lovely ___. How are you? I assume you arrived on campus. Please tell me you’re wearing something skimpy.”

“Jin, I’m uncomfortable—”

“That’s how I usually felt when you practiced—”

“I’m unfortunately not wearing anything skimpy because I’m uncomfortable—”


“Will you shut the fuck up?” You spat back as you groaned. “Anyways, I’m here and I don’t know where to start. And before you speak, I refuse to say it because that’s literally power abuse and you’re my mentor! You should be guiding me regardless!”

“Okay, okay, fine! Don’t get your cherry printed panties in a twist. Just trying to relax you.“

“You’re no—wait, how do you know I’m wearing cherries?”

Ignoring your question, he continued on with some help. “Before you went, I was kind enough to give you some information. Inside your backpack, I placed a folder in there that has Jeon’s class and practice schedule. There are some new pointers that I had redacted previously, which I kinda regret now since you’re practically clueless.”

“Whose fault is that?”

“You! I practically have to scream at you to get shit into your little head!” He screamed. “I put who he associates with, i.e. his friends, frat members.” While he further explained himself, you quickly found an empty table and sat down as you retrieved what was in the backpack. You read off the papers and scrutinized the pictures given—by the way, also attractive men surrounding him.

“You haven’t given me his interests or personality.” You questioned though you spoke as a statement.

“Even though it was my plan to not show you everything, the highers thought it was best to not give it to you.” He replied as carefully and slowly as possible. Before you could yell at him, he beat you to it. “___, come on and understand. You know nothing on how to lure men seductively. They and I thought it was the perfect way possible for you. You’d be working closely with the dude and knowing your way around a human man. If you fuck up, you fuck up but at least you know next time what to do.”

You sighed, giving up on the notion. “Okay… I’ll try.”

“That’s the spirit! Plus, you won’t die.” He encouraged you. “___, it’s a very simple task. Just fuck him.”

“I know it’s just fucking him! You don’t think I want to?” You yelled but realized where you were. You looked around and spotted a couple of groups staring at you curiously. Trying to ignore the eyes, you returned to your conversation. “I’m just scared, okay? It’s my first time.”

“It’s okay to be scared. I was like that before.”

You snorted, “Really?” Judging by the way he carried himself, scared was definitely not it.

“Well, no. I was a fucking pro, but the thing I’m getting at is that it’s natural how you feel. But you shouldn’t. You’re gonna unlock something in you that you’ve never seen before. I can promise you that.” He countered, trying his best to keep you hopeful. “I’ll be calling you or if you need urgency, just mind communicate me. You got this. You’re a pretty succubus. There’s no way human men would deny you.”

“Okay, I understand.” You nodded. You checked the time and saw it was close to when Jungkook’s schedule started. “I think I need to go to his first class, so I’ll call you later.”

“Good luck, I believe in you!” He gave you one last pep talk. “I’ll give you a little cheat, just for that! He likes the naive ones.”

“What? What does that mean?” You asked, not getting anything from that.

“Exactly, little succubus.”


You walked into the lecture hall—shit, this was huge. How could you possibly learn anything with hundreds of people here? Anyways, this was a folklore and mythology literature class but not like it matters.

Your eyes scanned the students, searching for Jungkook, but you couldn’t see him. It didn’t help that you were short as fuck, having to tip toe and scan the crowd. It also didn’t that you were blocking the entranceway and people didn’t see you there, so you were pushed down by accident and fell to the ground on your knees and hands.

“Whoa didn’t see there, you little troll.” You heard a voice from behind, followed by a roar of deep laughter.

“Hey! How dare you call me a—” You turned your body around to face the culprit and gazed up at three figures, smirking at each other.

It was him, with two of his best friends at each side—from what you remembered, they were Jimin and Namjoon. They were wearing matching jackets with you assumed their frat symbols on them, slapping palms with one another. Holy hell, they all looked so good you wanted to eat metal and scratch rust. It made you more nervous about your task, knowing they looked like that in real life. Right off the bat, you noticed how these are some cocky men by their expression and behavior, but they were the type where you enjoyed seeing it more and still say thank you for it.

My goodness, Jungkook was hot. It frightened you because how were you going to get him in bed? Willingly? He looked like his standards were through the roof.

Distracted by your thoughts, you don’t notice how they all turned to face you and cocked their eyebrows up at seeing you. A cute little thing like you staring up with your big dark Bambi eyes with an adorable pout, wearing a dress while on your knees. The combination made two of the side men weak to your oblivion.

“Oops, sorry, gorgeous.” Jimin…yeah, that one, spoke. He reached out his hand for you to use to get up, which you timidly accepted, but you didn’t dare look at him. You were blanking out.

“Thank you.” You said softly, patting down your clothes.

“Hey, what’s yo—” He couldn’t finish his sentence as you zoomed out of the classroom.

Unfortunately, you bumped into another person and fell to the ground again, to which you mumbled sorry and used your super speed to evacuate the premises.

Yup, this was gonna be difficult for you.


“What the fuck do you mean you escaped? Why?” Seokjin yelled through the phone during what humans call their lunchtime. You were alone in the school cafeteria with a triangular food with red meat and cheese. You didn’t know what it was, but you refused to ask, so now you were stuck with it.

After the class or two you skipped, Seokjin called you for updates. Of course, what you explained disappointed him. You couldn’t get mad this time, it was your fault, and you reacted way worse than you imagined.

“I panicked! Okay?” You groaned, stabbing a fork into the human food. “I fell down and saw him, and I didn’t know what to do, so I just left.”

“___, that’s not what you’re supposed to do.” Your mentor sighed. “I let this one slide, but you gotta get with the program and complete your task.”

“I understand.” You frowned as your eyes wandered at those around you until you reached your target. He was amongst his friends laughing and throwing things at one another, but what was interesting this time was that he had a woman sitting on his lap, nuzzling her nose into his neck. You watched as she whispered something to his ear, making him grin cheekily before he spoke something. “I see him.”

“What’s he doing right now?” Seokjin wondered curiously.

“I think he’s with his friends? I see the other two from before, but there’s more…, and a lady is sitting on him.” You stated your observation, then, out of nowhere, they began making out in front of everyone. “They’re tonguing one another. Should I be worried?”

“No, you shouldn’t. You’re a demon.” He clarified. “Again, he’s a fuck boy. He gets around, so this is probably victim number 090197.”

“Jin, you should have seen him!” You mourned. “He looks like I could never get to him, like he has a standard.”

“___, as a fuck boy, he has no standard.” He tried his best to hold back on his snappy remarks because he knew you needed as much support as required. “Little one, it’s your nerves talking. It’ll be easy for you! You’re much more powerful than those…those human men.”

You continued to keep your eyes on him as those tongues between him and the girl pushed down their throats. Why did the woman make it look so easy? You don’t know why it was so difficult for you. You were literally a succubus! A sex demon! You feed off sex. It’s not like you were clueless, having experienced it from time to time, especially with that one warlock back in Wennale. What was his name again? Taehyung? Then again, this was your first human.

“Little one, don’t you wanna pass?”

“I do! I do so badly.” You cried, although there were no tears in sight. “I just—I just need some time. I have no confidence whatsoever.”

“I’m slightly disappointed when you have me as your mentor.”

“Please, you insult me all the time.”

“Yes, I do and it should only be me. You have no right to insult yourself, okay?”

“Okay.” You grumbled, and Seokjin didn’t like that.

“No, come on! You gotta be more pumped than that! Okay?” He shouted louder, letting his pitch get higher.

“Okay!” You chuckled, feeling better about yourself.

“That’s the spirit! That’s my mentee!”

“Yeah, I’m your mentee!”

“Now get in there and fuck his brains out!” He cheered you on, and you got a little too excited…

You slammed a fist on the table, standing up. “Yeah, he’s gonna reupholster my guts like furniture and clean it out with his cum!” You screamed out in the cafeteria. You didn’t realize it until you felt people’s eyes on you with dilated pupils. You stared back, wondering what was wrong—as it was entirely normal for succubi to do this. You swiftly glanced at Jungkook, who also looked at you shockingly.

Who were you?


There was no progress in your task for the past couple of days.

You were still afraid of going up to him and seducing him. You kept your distance and watched him from far away, during his classes, lunch, practice, and sometimes even late at night as you flew up and peeped through his window when he did and didn’t have someone over. At the very least, you could get a sense of who he was and what he liked.

From what you heard and saw, he was a complete asshole and too much into his ego to let a weakness show. He mainly liked to show off his delicious muscular body when playing soccer during his practices. He loved winning—a competitive motherfucker, and sometimes picked fights.

He didn’t hurt anyone…well, physically, you guessed. But you did see many girls running away crying after he spoke to them with that evil bunny smile, saying nothing would happen between them. There was no preference in girls, so that was good for you.  

His friends aren’t any better. They walked around campus like they were kings in a castle. They were too arrogant. Holy hell, was this how human men were? Damn, though Jin was annoying, you had to be honest and say incubi and other creatures were wayyyyy better than these humans.

You sat at the bleachers with a group of students taking some kind of greenery wrapped in paper. You didn’t know what it was, but you were familiar with the scent as it was usually used to scare away woodland trolls. 

Fun fact: Succubi and trolls had bad blood with them because one of the many reasons, they always sneak into our lands and hump our kinds’ legs since they couldn’t reach them. 

You tried blending in, sometimes getting offered some, but you politely denied it. You munched on delicious granola that you discovered as you scrutinized Jungkook.

Despite his sour taste of choices, you couldn’t help but still want him. Perhaps it was the demon in you who didn’t care about any traits except having sex with men. But nevertheless, you gravitated toward him. 

Now you felt a bit more in-tuned and confident as a succubus. Now knowing he doesn’t care for types except for having a hole, you had a chance to face him. But of course, the question was, how can you not make it obvious you needed to sleep with him?

You saw that practice was over, so now you had to sneakily follow.

Pretending to be part of the group with you, you shouldered your backpack and waved goodbye, which they did back despite not knowing who you were. You skipped down the bleachers and walked in the team’s direction. You took the scenic route, feigning you were looking at trees and shrubbery, even taking pictures with the phone. You didn’t know it could do that until two days ago, so you used it to your advantage by taking pictures of Jungkook for evidential purposes.

You were finally within hearing reach as you listened to Namjoon speak. “Bro, this party tonight is gonna go hard! Jimin called and said that the drinks and tables are set up.”

“The perfect way to end a perfect week.” Jungkook smiled. You enjoyed it when he spoke. It sounded very friendly to your ears.

“Of course, you’d say that.” Namjoon rolled his eyes at his friend. “We all know that you’re gonna get lucky with some girl as always.”

“What can I say? I’m irresistible.” Ugh, such a shitty personality on a red flag—you also learned that phrase here and for that, you loved the color red. “Need someone new though. It’s like I fucked every girl, except the ones you guys had. I’d like no sloppy seconds, please and thank you.”

“I would say go for a freshmen, but it does sound a bit wrong…” Namjoon commented. “Whatever, this party is free for all. Even people from the other university near by can come.”

“Mmm, we’ll just have to see.”

A party? For all? Sounds like you could join. This could be a perfect opportunity to finally get Jungkook. You knew that much more planning needed to be done, but that could be dealt with later. You needed to tell Seokjin!


“Finally, fuck. I was thinking of coming over to the realm and drag the both of you into a room to stick his dick in you.” Seokjin said in relief through what was a video called. Damn, this device was terrific and handy to use.

It was nice to see a familiar face despite it being Jin’s fucking irking one. You missed him, but you weren’t going to tell him that, or else he’d make fun of you until eternity, which was terrible because you both were immortal.

“I didn’t know how to approach him. Every chance seemed not right?” You reasoned as you sat on the couch. Seokjin got or whatever he did—stole?— you a house to stay at during your time here. Although the outside looked deathly abandoned, the interior was similar to your dorm back home and was near the campus. The frat house, so you can say you were relatively comfortable. 

“If that gets you to sleep at night.” Seokjin snorted, shaking his head. “Well, you’re almost there and I hope that you’ll complete this task by tonight. The highers are complaining when you’re going to finish.”

You let out a laugh, rolling your eyes. “This is me they’re talking about.”

“Yeah, I know I told them that.”

You stopped chuckling to pout at him, “Rude.”

“Anyways, what are you gonna wear? Something skimpy I hope. I don’t wanna see a duvet on you. I want to see some tits and ass, maybe even an areola.” Your mentor suggested rapidly.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I brought anything like that from back home.” You shrugged.

“Please stop wearing a lot of fabric.”

“Hey! At least I’m showing some collarbone! You’ve seen how humans dress. I needed to blend in and not get noticed.” You explained. “You think I won’t get stared at if I wore a dark purple thong and a corset around campus?”

“You’ll probably give many people boners though.” He countered, making you roll your eyes. “Lucky for you, I prepared a wardrobe in your room for you to pick. It has some lingeries and short dresses you can choose from. Don’t fail me now. If you need my help, I think it’s best for you to mind communicate with me. And if you really need my help, you can just say—”

“I’m not gonna say it but I will contact you. Good bye.” You hung up before he said anything. You exhaled and paused for a while.

This was it. You were going to complete your task tonight. It shouldn’t be too bad, you told yourself. You needed to have some confidence and encourage yourself. You put on a smile before going to your room to prepare yourself.


“This is how people have fun?” You grimaced as you commented on what you saw.

You arrived inside the house at the completed crowded frat party where people scattered the entire block. You spotted students running around naked, making out that almost reached exhibitionism, vomiting by the curb, and dancing to the sounds of beats that were too loud you couldn’t even hear yourself or Seokjin think. You guess you can say it was rather adventurous, but if it excited people, then so be it.

“Humans are interesting creatures, right?” Seokjin responded in your mind. His voice was crisp and clear, almost like he was right by you.

It was dreadful.

“I also saw what you sent me. Absolutely smashable, my dear!” Seokjin applauded you, turning your cheeks into a deep pink.

As what a succubus does best, you dressed up like dicks were gonna turn red and fall off from the horniest pain they’ll ever experience. You wore a short baby pink glittered dress paired with matching platform heels that were too high for your liking. The outfit was backless, exposing your supple skin. At the same time, the front pushed your boobs up, sitting properly on your chest for everyone—specifically Jungkook to see. You decided to curl your hair into the bombshell style, a trademark for a succubus. The only thing was makeup, and you went pretty natural but still dolled up for your skin to glow radiantly under those poorly-lit frat lights.

As you walked to the party, you noticed many men follow your movement, eyeing your features and gawking at your curves. They were obvious, but you ignored them to continue doing what you needed.

“You’re definitely gonna suck all the semen out of that poor soul.” Seokjin said excitingly. “By the way, where is he?”

“I have no idea.” You shook your head, scoping out the crowd to find the handsome human. “Can’t suck the semen out if I can’t see him.” One of your feet ran into the other, causing you to trip, but you got your balance back up. “Fuck these heels.”

“Relax, I’m sure you’ll find him. The night is still young and you should enjoy yourself before coming back here for your next assignment.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. After this, I request like a month off after the mental and emotional trauma I went through.” You mentioned as you walked passed a group of people, none of which were Jungkook.

“Request denied.” Your mentor responded back. “I would like to also say that since you discovered Jungkook’s behavior, you should also note that he wants to get laid and probably before the night ends. If he does get someone and it isn’t you, then you missed your chance.”

Oh, no. You didn’t think about that. Since you overheard him saying he probably went through every girl, you had tunnel vision that he could only want you since you were “fresh.”

Oh, fuck. You also didn’t realize that there’s literally another school here, so the chances of him sleeping with somebody else new tonight was 99.9%.

What was the other 0.1% chance, one might ask?

 It was you interrupting.

“Fuck, Jin. I need to find him quickly then.” You said under your breath as you pushed through. “I’ll fuck him and leave. Dammit, why does this guy have to be ran through the freeway?”

“Better than someone who isn’t. Go get him, I’ll be here if you need it! Remember those words.”

“I’m not fucking saying them!” You seethed, pushing sweaty bodies out of your way. The body odor was through the roof, and you wanted to gag.

You weaved your way through somewhere but don’t particularly know where you were. Everything was condensed with people. Though you hated the heels, they gave you height. So you turned your head left and saw the kitchen ahead, which was somehow more empty, but you didn’t mind since you just needed some cubic centimeters to breathe. You made it to the kitchen, trying to relax yourself and adjust your outfit.

You had to develop an idea fast before Jungkook ran off with another victim. Nothing was coming to your mind, and it didn’t help when you saw a table of snacks waiting to be taken. You walked up and scanned the snacks in search of those granolas you enjoyed having. Alas, there weren’t any, which bummed you out. But you were still determined to find them.

This was a house. You were sure they had some granolas.

Suddenly, two dudes—oh, one of them was Jimin—walked in carrying a bag of ice and more snacks. Maybe they knew where the granola was located.

You went up to them while they were busy fixing everything and talking to one another. You couldn’t understand what they were saying until the other one, you didn’t know, spoke. 

“I swear that when it popped, there was so much black gunk coming out that it squirted into Yoongi’s eye.” The one you didn’t know laughed and sounded uplifting; you also wanted to laugh, but what he said confused you. 

“He told me. He wanted to beat your ass.” Jimin giggled as he dumped the ice into the jug coolers.

You confidently—or at least told yourself you were—went up to them. Their backs were facing you, so they didn’t notice you coming their way until you tapped on the unknown guy’s shoulder, hoping you got his attention. The guy thought it was one of the pledges trying to ask a stupid question to which he was gonna tell them to fuck off until he saw an absolute doll in front of him.

“Excuse me, do you have granola?” You asked with wide irises with a gentle smile, anticipating his answer as you chanted in your head he’d say yes. But he didn’t say anything to you. He kept his eyes on you, though. Then down to your figure and back up to your face. He has never seen you before.

“Do you have granola?” You repeated yourself, and now Jimin finally had your attention.

“Gorgeous, we meet again!” You could have sworn Jimin’s eyes lit up with heavy passion and jubilance. He glanced at your banging body and cursed under his breath, but you couldn’t hear.

“Jimin, you know her?” Hoseok gasped as his eyes shifted to his friend, then to you.

“Of course, bud.” Jimin smirked. “She’s in my class…I think.”

You didn’t comprehend what was happening, but you went with it. “Yes… I’m in his literature class. Hi, Jimin.” You smiled, puffing up your cheeks and eyes, making their hearts palpitate.

“You’re looking as beautiful as ever…” He slowly went silent as his slit eyes grew at you. You came up blank when you tilted your head to the side, not knowing what he was doing. You thought he would continue, but he kept his mouth shut. You blinked and were about to ask him if anything was wrong, but the unknown guy beat you to it.

“I’m Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. What’s you name, doll?” Hoseok grinned at you.

“Ohhh.” You said in awe, now getting what Jimin was trying to do. You nodded slowly before replying, “I’m ___! Hi, Hobi.” The way you said his nickname made him feel some type of way.

“___!” Jimin raised his arms before coming up to hug you, but you were pulled back by the waist from Hoseok.

“You don’t get to hug her when you clearly forgot her name.” Hoseok scoffed, resting his palms on the tops of your hips. “Come on, doll.”

“Hey, that’s only because she ran away from me when I was about to ask her her name,” Jimin explained. His gaze went back to you as well as his smirk. “I’ve never seen you around campus before. Are you a first year?”

“Uhhh, no?” You answered. Shit, now you had to come up with some story. “I-I transferred here from somewhere.”


“Oh, it’s a part of Hell—I mean, Helena…”

“Helena?” Hoseok raised an eyebrow. “I think that sounds like from the States?”

“I think so, yeah.” You nodded, hoping they won’t ask any more questions. “I’m new here and I don’t know much, so I thought this party would help me get comfortable.” That was believable, right?

Though they tried to hide it, you saw how they shared the same evil reaction followed by a fake ass smile that no one would know except a demon-like yourself. Oh, no. This was going in a different direction than you wanted. 

“Don’t worry, gorgeous. We’ll help you get comfortable around here.” They sounded so genuine you were almost convinced, but you had to remind yourself that they were distractions. The main person was around the house, waiting for his dick to get wet.

“Thank you for your help, but I think I’ll survive.” You turned them down as friendly as possible. “But do you have granola?”

Not giving up, Hoseok nodded and grabbed your hand. Luckily, you didn’t mind, or else he would have lost one of his two personal hand jobs. “Of course, we keep them in the cabinets. We don’t usually give it out during parties, but since you’re one of a kind, we’ll let it slide.”

“Thanks, Hobi.” Hoseok thought you were so cute yet hot as fuck. He couldn’t back down if there was a slight future of you giving him the glug plug triple gorilla twist 3000. The fucker basically ran to get the bags of granola from you.

In the meantime, Jimin butted in and handed you a drink. “Here, gorgeous. I bet you’re thirsty.” When he said that, he wished you were thirsty for him. “Don’t worry, it’s from the jug. It’s our frat’s very own jungle juice made with passion and love. But be careful now. It’s a little strong.”

“What’s in it?”

“Well, various kinds of juices but alcohol content would be three bottles of tequila, give bottles of soju, two bottle of gin, a bottle of Bacardi, and a splash of vodka.” You have never heard of those things before, but you did know alcohol as demons loved to drink. Your favorite was pure distilled moonshine. You took the cup into your hand. The shorter man kept his eye contact, waiting to drink it.

You sipped, taking in the flavor and taste, and nodded. “It tastes like nothing. Just sugar water.” There you chugged down the liquid like it was cum before wiping your lips and giving the empty cup back to Jimin, whose jaw dropped.

A woman who could handle her liquor: he was hard.

Eventually, Hoseok came back with two bags of unopened granola in his hands. “Here you go, doll.” You squealed in glee, finally retrieving the crunchy golden glory that is granola. You were almost satisfied with your night…almost. You were still on the hunt for that frat president.

“Thanks, Hobi!” You praised gratuitously before pecking his cheek. You thought nothing of it as it was a customary gesture, especially between succubi. Still, you completely forgot you did this as a human. A human man.

The slight innocent touch caused a static effect on the man. His skin prickled with his hairs straight up, followed by the tingles on his erogenous points, which were behind his ears, neck, and nipples. Blood rushed from the brain through his veins, evidently reaching his growing phallic.

You gave a gentle smile before waving, leaving both men in shock and turning on. You didn’t even do anything to them, yet you plagued a memory they and their dicks will never forget.

They wished to have you.


You've been here almost an hour and still have not found Jungkook. You'd think being the main guy of this story, he would have already appeared more clearly, had more lines, and interacted with you, but nooooo, you had it hard and had to work for it.

You blamed Seokjin for this.

While you looked for him, you at least tried to take some time to have fun. Humans had fascinating ways to arouse and excite them, especially over weak alcohol. It didn't necessarily make you judge their lifestyle, but more so gained another perspective which you concluded was complete utter shit.

You eventually found Namjoon—of course, you'd see everyone else except Jeon—who was doing a "shotgun" competition. Somehow you got roped into doing it, even though you knew nothing about doing it. You asked the giant muscular man how to do so.

Long story short, you won, leaving with a drunk, dazed Namjoon following you behind Hoseok and Jimin.

Yeah, you weren't alone in the hour and started to get annoyed.

"Beautiful, where you going? Let me take you upstairs and talk our feelings."

"Don't your feet hurt in those heels, doll? I bet if I massage it, you'll feel better."

"You're so gorgeous, you make me want to throw up."

The commentary from the men wouldn't stop as they followed you like ducklings to a mother duck. You inhaled deeply through your nose, attempting to keep calm as you passed by the same group of people you saw for the 58902843 time.

"Seokjin, they're fucking killing me." You said in your mind.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He laughed at your misery. When you said nothing back, he knew you had a deadly glare that was the most serious he had ever experienced. He could feel you, and it frightened him. After a few seconds and a string of confidence, he gulped, "Okay, fine. Hold on." He then hung up.

"Jin? Jin! Hello, did you fucking hang up o—"

"___, are you okay? You seem distress." Namjoon called out, taking your attention away from calling out your mentor. "Do you need some help? I'm a biology major and I have an excellent stash of emergency medicine—"

"Please, we get that you're prepared and trying to impress her!" Jimin insulted his friend's attempt. "We know you just want her!"

"Like you're any better." Hoseok snorted condescendingly. "I actually care for your health, ___, so I would love to assist you with any way to relief you of your distress."

The battle of roasts began between the trio as you stared blankly at them. You opened your mouth to speak, but then Namjoon called out Jimin for not wiping the toilet seat and that there were markings. You stayed quiet and thought it was your chance to escape. You stepped back, but you felt a rigid stature behind you.

An arm wrapped around your waist, and you were about to protest when they said, "Little one, I finally found you!" You exhaled in comfort, seeing your mentor in the flesh. You couldn't restrain yourself from leaning your head into his chest.

His saying paused the trio's banter to get a glimpse of the face behind that voice. No doubt in their minds, they were impressed by seeing such a tall attractive man.

Seokjin's red dress shirt was nearly unbuttoned, leaving the last two buttons together, which revealed his illuminating golden chest. His shirt was tucked into black trousers that accentuated his lean figure. His ebony hair was gelled back, exposing his one-of-a-kind forehead and prominent eyebrows.

Your mentor eyed the trio and grinned, "I see you have some friends."

"Uhh, excuse me, who are you?" Namjoon was the first to talk, refusing to let his eyes leave the handsome demon.

"I'm Seokjin."

"I-is he your boyfriend, ___?" Jimin asked.

You wanted to throw up at the sound of that. Seokjin was handsome, but he was your mentor, and you'd rather throw a chair at him.

"Ahh, no." Seokjin smiled, which made the humans breathe in relief. "But I'm her pimp daddy."

"Uh, what is that?" You thought out loud, but judging by the expressions on the men's faces, it seemed to work?? You went with it. "Yeah…my pimp daddy."

"Oh. Does that mean we have to pay for her?" Hoseok questioned, looking like he was ready to Venmo your mentor.

"She's not for grabs." Seokjin denied it, deflating their moods. "However, I have some girls you can play with for free of charge since you've been so dear to my little one." With the snap of his fingers, three succubi that you remembered you were in class with and passed their training came forward and caught the attention of the humans. Each seemed to play on a human's type as they drooled at one particular demon.

"Would you like to see my art collection in my room?" Namjoon asked the shortest demon.

"Are you up for a drinking challenge?" Jimin suggested the curviest one.

"I wanna massage you feet." Hoseok demanded the tallest one.

With arms linked with the demons, they departed in their own ways, leaving you and Seokjin alone. You sighed as you turned and looked up to Seokjin. "Thank you for once. But you do realize those three might kill them."

"True, but do you really care right now?" Seokjin shrugged, and you muttered nonsense. "You're so lucky I came. If not, you might have had an orgy which is another task, but you're not quite there yet."

"I said thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just fuck the right guy, okay?" He waved it off as he, too, scoped out the area. "This place is packed."

"I know! That's why I'm struggling to find him." You whined, getting annoyed at your circumstances. "Please help me!"

"___, at this point of the task, it's really up to you."

"Please!!!!" You begged as you started bouncing in place. "Please, Seokjin. Please. Please. Please. Please! Ple—"

"Alright, fine! Fuck!" He yelled in irritation at your voice. "Anything for you to shut up!" He calmed down while you cheered in victory, waiting for him to speak. "Okay, so what do you know about Jungkook? After observing him?"

You tilted your head and gazed to the side to think. "Well, I do know he's an asshole. A little cocky? Loves to win from the sports and practices. He likes to show off? But what does this have to d—"

"So he likes to be at the center of attention?" Seokjin pointed out.

"I guess, but—"

"Think, ___." He interrupted you, but with his eyes, he pleaded. "Think and put it together. If he likes being at the center of attention…where would he be?"

Damn, was this a riddle? You never did well at those. You just gave up and went on with life. But by the look on Seokjin's face, he was desperate with you trying to realize something, and he wanted you to learn.

With that being said, where would the guy who enjoyed being at the center of attention be? 

Though you attempted to think, you couldn't hear your thoughts as a cheer of people shattered your brain, catching your focus on that. You turned your head, furrowed your brows, and were curious about the commotion.

"Hey! You bitch, focus." Seokjin snapped his fingers in front of your face, but you were to no avail. You walked away from him and followed the sounds. He groaned and rolled his eyes before footing behind you.

Hollers grew louder, and more and more humans huddled around. You pushed through the crowd, noticing how they circled around a table, giving a lot of room for it. Another uproar came into your ear as you spotted two men on each side of the table. Cups were stacked and laid out on the surface while you saw a small ball thrown into the opposite side's cup, which got another applause.

You cocked an eyebrow, questioning the excitement of throwing a ball into a cup. Again, humans and their odd interests.

Your eyes shifted towards the humans. One looked like he was struggling as his expression turned green with envy with his arms crossed over his chest. The other smiled victoriously when he shot another ball into the last cup, standing with ease. The bodies jumped in excitement, celebrating the win. Though the light was dimmed and colors splattered the room, you noticed who that was.

"Likes being in the center of attention will look for anything that grabs the people's eyes." You commented out of nowhere, surprisingly Seokjin, and made him proud.

"There's your boy right now." He nodded towards Jungkook, who pumped his fists in the air. The other guy walked away after flipping him off while the frat president blew a kiss goodbye. Coming out of the crowd, another girl who you didn't see before latched onto his body and kissed his cheek. She whispered into his ear, and his smile turned lustful with greed.

"Oh, no. He already has someone." You frowned, stomping your heel on the sticky floor. 

"It's not too late yet." Seokjin reassured. "He still has adrenaline rush from the games, he's too focused on that than pussy. You need to infiltrate somehow, but I'm not sure."

"Does anyone else want to lose at the hands of the reigning champion, Jeon Jungkook?" Another man popped into the middle. He was a bit shorter, the same height as Jimin, and had burnt orange hair. He scanned the crowd while Jungkook was too busy, practically eye-fucking the girl as he squeezed her lower back.

You couldn't let it happen.

"I'll go!" Everyone's pupils pivoted towards the high-pitched sound next to Seokjin. You raised your hand, and your voice echoed in the house, making all silent and shocked. You weren't thinking. This was all in impulse. They were staring at you with wide eyes as you stared directly at Jungkook, who had an expression you couldn't read.

"The fuck are you doing?" Seokjin spoke to you through your mind.

"I don't know but here's my chance." You shrugged.

"You, love?" The orange-haired man pointed at you.

You gulped, then nodded. You stepped forward, but again, your shoes bumped into one another, letting you trip and fall for everyone to see. 

"Son of bitch." Seokjin muttered under his breath, watching you in shame.

You were so tired of these heels that you decided to rip them off and throw them to the side, leaving you barefoot and short once again. You finally stood up and wobbled towards the table. You slammed your fist on it with determination as you stared at Jungkook.

But his stare was a bit intimidating now, so you moved your gaze to the orange man. "Yes, me! I'll play him." You nodded towards Jungkook.

"You're a feisty pretty one." Orange man smirked, then looked towards Jungkook. "Wanna play her?"

Jungkook snorted and let out a demeaning laugh, forcing you to face him and frown. "Are you serious right now? Why would I—" He couldn't finish his sentence because he met your eyes, you batting doe-eyes filled with pureness yet mystery. You looked familiar; he wanted to recognize you. A pretty face like yours should never be forgotten. "Yeah, I'll challenge her." He couldn't say no to a gorgeous sight before him.

He pushed himself away from the girl hooking onto him. She was about to complain, but he glared at her, causing her to feel insignificant and run off. His head turned back at you with a smirk you deemed his signature. You smiled back, which only made him scrunch his nose.

Fuck, he's cute.

"Hi, angel. What's your name?" His voice was smooth with so much depth.

"Uhh, ___." You replied. "What's your name, Jungkook?"

He grinned in confusion. "I see you know who I am. You don't need to ask again."

"Wait, no. Oops, forget what I said. Of course, your name is Jungkook. I had to remember it."

"You had to remember me?"

"Yeah." You nodded, then realized and said, "Wait, I know you. I mean…" You blabbered away, leaving Jungkook perplexed as he watched your glossy lips move.

It wasn't until Seokjin yelled, "Shut the fuck up and play!" Though he acted like one of the bystanders, you knew what he meant. You blinked at your mentor, then to an intimidating Jungkook whose eyes never left you.

"Are you ready to play?" Orange man said. "I'm Yoongi, by the way." That was directed towards you, but you paid no attention as your task before you had such a heavy stare it made you weak. 

"Are you ready, angel?" Jungkook asked once more for you.

"I am, but I have to tell you something." You spoke carefully, hoping you won't fuck up. "I don't know how to play."

"You don't know how to play beer pong?" He clarified what you meant, and you nodded. "If you don't know how to play, why would you challenge me?"

Your eyes grew, trying to figure out some bullshit answer. "Well…it-it looks fun. You know with throwing balls in a cup?" You said what you remembered vaguely. "I wanna try."

Jungkook hummed, slowly nodding to your reply. "You know this is a challenge, right? Also adding in that money is being betted on."

"I know!" You didn't know. "Money doesn't matter to me. I just wanna play, and maybe if anything…" You leaned in, closer to him. However, you maneuvered too fast, so half of your body slammed on the table, causing Jungkook to flinch a little at the thump. "Please teach me?"

"That was so uncomfortable. I'm leaving. Don't fuck up." Seokjin said. You glanced in his direction and disappeared before anyone could see him.

You then fluttered your gleaming eyes at your task subject. Though this move would have made Jin slap you to stop, Jungkook couldn't help but be intrigued. Maybe it was how you looked at him with those begging eyes or the tone in your lovely voice. Either way, he nodded and said, "I'll teach you, Angel. But I'm giving you a heads up." You beamed your teeth before skipping towards the opposite end of him with the table in between, waiting for him. "You can come crying into my arms when you lose."

You furrowed your brows in confusion, but without any thought, you merely nodded. "Okay, that's fine. Just teach me."

Yoongi interjected again, "Alright, people! Place your bets with our pledge, Beomgyu. Jungkook versus ___!" He pointed at two large jars that were in front of a boy. You spotted others throwing money into a pot labeled with Jungkook's name while yours was practically empty with only one bet, but it didn't really matter at this point.

"Ready when you are, JK." Orange man Yoongi finalized before stepping back.

Jungkook smirked at you, showing a faint bunny smile as he grabbed a ball. "Okay, angel. This is how you play."

He explained how the game's intent was for the players to throw the ping pong ball across a table and make it land inside the cup that had been—a type of alcohol—on the other end. Typically, there were ten cups set up in triangle formation, but as the number of cups dwindled, you could rearrange it into a straight line or triangle. You had to take turns to throw as many balls into your opponent's cup (two maximum for each turn), and if the ball did land inside, you had to consume the content inside. The person to eliminate all opponent's cups was the winner.

"You got it, angel?" He inquired after his lesson.

"Sure, I think so…" You nodded, kind of getting it. Well, not really. Every word goes from one ear to the other and floats away.

Jungkook pressed his lips into a line, "I think I should demonstrate it. Watch with your eyes, angel."

You observed the man as he stretched his limbs and neck before going into position. He dipped his ball into a cup of water on the side. He bent his knees and had a steady arm. The ball landed in a cup, then another ball went into another cup. The crowd yelled in enthusiasm as their favorite player did a double shot.

"Drink up, babe." Jungkook's arrogant aura could be seen from a hundred kilometers away. You didn't know if it turned you on or wanted him to step on you, maybe both. But nevertheless, you obliged to the game and drank the beers in four gulps. You stacked them to the side and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. "Do you get how to do it now?"

"Yes." You spoke politely. Him watching you replicated a predator waiting for its prey to make a move. It didn't make you uncomfortable but instead made you question why the fuck are you going through hoops for this fucking first task?

His instructions sounded reasonably simple, so you gave it a go. There was no conscious thought in you, so you tossed the ball. Landed. Toss. Landed again.

You hummed in pleasure before meeting Jungkook's baffled expression. "Like that?" Everyone was on pause at the moment, thinking how the hell this clueless hot bitch got it in twice?

Jungkook snapped out of it and cleared his throat. "Beginner's luck, I guess?" He shrugged, trying hard to not make it a big deal. It was his turn, and now he was committed to making you lose. He assumed you knew what to do now, so you were on your own with it. He didn't care if you were hot—well, he does, but for the sake of the game, no.

He was only able to make one in, which was fine. All is good, feeling that you won't do as well. The chances of you getting double again was rare in the game of ping po—

You got two in, and while you were drinking your losing cup. 

What the fuck?

The game continued, and truth be told, you were actually winning. You did miss a couple of times, but you had two cups left while Jungkook had four. People were rooting for you now despite the money they lost. It was because someone was better than the Jeon Jungkook and flabbergasted when there was a chance that he was going to lose his winning streak.

You felt pretty calm, in contrast to the stressed and angered human. After every turn, he grew increasingly upset at his ability and the fact that you, a hot body, were beating him. He even refused to talk to you and mumbled curses after you made a shot.

He was grateful he made two shots, making you both tie. Unfortunately, you got one in, so you had your final cup.

It was his turn again, and he was really focused as he positioned himself and took his time.

"Come on, Jungkook!" Yoongi cheered from the sidelines.

"Shut the fuck up!" Your task spat back at him that you even grimaced. 

He didn't make any, which made him punch the table, shaking the whole furniture and cups. What a nasty loser he was.

He scowled at you like an eagle, bolding his eyebrows. His tongue played with his lip ring, waiting for you to hurry it up. "Angel, what's taking long?" Though his tone sounded composed, you knew there was a poisonous ring to it.

Honestly, you wanted to get this over with, so you can at least try getting him into bed. You sighed and casually threw the balls simultaneously to make time quicker.

Two balls in one.

Something you're not getting right now but hoped for. 

There was a stillness around you as you defeated the champion. Then an uproar ripped through the air, wincing at the noise. Humans congratulated you. Even Yoongi ran up to you to hug and smell you. You awkwardly giggled, attempting to push him away, but he had quite a grip.

"The only winner who betted on ___ goes to the name of Seokjin!" Yoongi announced.

"Fucking Jin." You rolled your eyes. You had enough of Yoongi touching you. Using your super strength, you grabbed his head and pushed him off of you. He flew into the table across, ultimately breaking it down. 

While you watched the orange man in pain, you didn't notice eerily smiling Jungkook walking up to you. You only realized it when he let his hand out. You raised your head, only aware of how large he was, and took in all his features up close.

You reached his chest. His shoulders were broad and muscular, while his waist cinched tightly with a leather belt. He was literally built like a Dorito. His facial features were too unforgettable. His large rounded eyes paired with his prominent nose you wanted to sit on. Tinted pink lips pierced with a ring and glazed at sight. His arms bulged underneath that thinned blue dress shirt that should be illegal for him to wear. His tattoos followed his movement as he flexed his hand.

"Congratulations, ___." He commanded you. You peered at his hand that was in front of you. You didn't know what to do with it, but you guessed you should hold it.

You also brought your hand forward, immediately pinpointing the difference between your hands. He shook it a little, and you were about to let go, but he tugged you forward, pulling your body until it's pressed to his front. Your neck had to extend higher and was now hurting so you could look at him.

The action threw you off, so you were nervous and felt your demon heart palpitating. One had wrapped around your arm while the other held your waist. He looked down at you with a twitch and slight curve to his lips before reaching your ear and said, "I sense you were bluffing."


"You bluffed, my dear angel." He pulled back to stare at you again. If looks could kill, he'd definitely kill. Not you, though; you were a demon. "Acting like you didn't know what you were doing at beer pong, but actually did. You bluffed me."

"I really didn't play it before. I honestly had no idea what you meant other than throw ball in cup." You reasoned with a slight pout.

He didn't buy it, but the face you were making made him weak, but he didn't want you to know that. "Guess you're just good at following instructions."

You snorted, throwing your head back. "I don't know about that."

His aura didn't match your lightness. In fact, his eyes were darkened and leered into yours because he was such a sore loser he needed answers. "Then fucking tell me why you would play me. Humiliating me in front of my party." He interrogated through his teeth.

You winced when you felt his grip tighten, but not enough to not make you in danger. If he were to hurt you, you would be able to knock him out. "Fuck, Jin. Help me out!" You spoke in your head.

Sadly, the automatic reply replied, "I'm sorry. The demon you reached out to is not ava—"

You hated your mentor.

You were panicking, feeling like you weren't going to get him in bed as the conversation worsened. You needed some kind of bullshit to make his ego inflate. "I, uhh, I did it to get your attention?"

He'd be lying if he said he was surprised at your response. Of course, it had to be the reason. He actually wanted to praise you. Though he hated it, you beat him at his own game, and that was something that he would never forget.

He licked his lip and bit down his lower ones, "Really? All this for my attention, angel? You could have just asked, instead of all that hard work."

"Really?" You were in awe. You never thought about that. "Whatever, I'm shy."

"Not shy enough to do what you did back there." He decided to play with you. He released your arm to hold your soft cheek, grazing your skin with his thumb. "Just ask and I might just give it to you."

Yes, this was your chance. You could ask him to fuck you right here, but you didn't know if he liked that. He seemed to be somewhat private since you only observed sexual activity from him in a bedroom or closed area. 

"C-can we go some place more private?" You asked.

He didn't even need to say anything. All he had to do was grab your hand and lead you through and out of the crowd. As you walked upstairs with him, all your thoughts were about how you were executing this because right now, you were winging it like a fucking beast. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all…

"I fucking told you it wasn't that bad." Your mentor's voice interrupted your internal monologue, to which you refused the disrespect.

"Why are you fucking listening?"You complained.

"Well, I'm just ensuring that it's going by smoothly, duh!" He spoke. "I'll give you style points from how you were able to get him into his room though."

The opening of the door disrupted your mind conversation as Jungkook lets you go inside first. You did so before he followed behind, closing and locking the door. You inspected his room to see if there were any abnormal or normal aspects. Though you observed him, you weren't really able to see what was inside through your abilities. You weren't quite there yet.

But it was alright to know that his room was the standard layout of human men's rooms shown in training videos. Blue checked print bed sheets on a queen-sized bed, a white dresser with colognes and oil diffusers on top, a gaming desk, and a PC. Some colored lights, posters, and a display case show figurines with a guitar in the corner. 

"Nice set up you got here." You complimented. Out of nowhere, your heart began beating faster than usual. It was most likely because you felt it happening. It was anticipated in the back of your neck. The question was, just when?

"So angel, I have a small question if you don't mind answering. Well, it's more of an explanation actually." You gazed at him, seeing how he slowly paced around his room with eyes wandering around as if he had never seen his possessions before. You don't say anything for him to continue on. "The more I look at you, the more familiar you look."

You scrunched your eyebrows, then tilted your head. But he didn't give you time to respond, "Then I realized…" His piercing irises landed on you as he stepped closer and closer to you until your neck was aching at the stretch up again. "You're the one who's been watching me."

Your eyes widened. You thought you were being careful. "W-what do you mean?" You acted clueless, hoping he'd buy it.

"I mean, I feel and see your stares during lunch, class, my practices—you know you're obvious right? Sitting next to the stoners?? You're completely out of place. It's also noticeable since I've never seen you before." He listed his smirk grew by the second while you said nothing like the dumbass you were. You opened your mouth, but he spoke up, "And to answer your question, yes being never seen before is noticeable because I've seen a lot of girls and I've never seen such a hot, gorgeous, sexy angel like you before."

Was this human a mind reader? You knew he was brilliant, but damn, it hurt what little pride you had left in you.

"So tell me ___, you've been watching me like a creep, you were trying to get my attention. What is it that you want with me?"

You wanted to fuck; that's what you wanted. But the words weren't coming out, and only repetitive stammering spewed. "I-I—umm…well, you see… I-it's." You felt your cheeks heating, begging yourself to look away, but you couldn't. He affected you so much that you wanted to get lured into his nutmeg-colored irises. You stopped your stuttering and whined with a sulking frown.

"Don't get all shy with me now." He chuckled at your vulnerable state, thinking how cute you were being. "I'm asking a simple question that I'm sure you know how to answer. Now I'm gonna ask again. What do you want with me?"

You had to fight your panicking. You needed to do this; you needed to stop restricting yourself. You had to be explicit, but too much, a little subtle. But most importantly, you must be confident. "I-I-I wanted you to teach me." Fucking smooth like butter with the confidence.

Now it was his turn to be confused, mimicking your puzzled expressions. "Teach you what?"

You cleared your throat before continuing, "You—you know how you, like, get around, like fuck other girls?" You stated. He kept silent as you pointed out the facts. "I was wondering if you could…teach me…how to fuck?" Once that sentence came out of you, you regretted saying it. Teach you how to fuck, really? If anything, it should have been the other way around, dumbass. "I don't know this sounds so stupid. I'm so sorr—"

You stopped talking when he let out a hardy laugh. You could feel his solid chest bouncing, pressing further into your front. "Angel, angel, angel. You're such a cute one." He shook his head and sighed. He wrapped his strong hands around your hips, lightly squeezing them. "Like I said, all you have to do is ask."

"Really?" You questioned, eyes bulging in glee. "Then fuck me, please? I want it now!"

He liked how excited you were, sounding desperate as you went through bridges just for dick. But hey, he wasn't complaining. This was going to be fun for him. "I would be glad to, but, you have to earn it." His arrogant smirk dropped into a stoic frightening glare. "Get down on your knees, slut."

Okay, that was out of pocket. He sounded so serious, but go off. You blinked back, "Okay."

"Okay, what?"

"Okay, Jungkook?"

"No, no, you short bitch. It's sir to you." Your jaw dropped at the insult, but you just went with it, hoping this would be over soon.

"Okay, sir. Sorry, sir." You muttered, and your tone made Jungkook annoyed. He threaded through your hair and pushed you down to the ground. You huffed as you steadied on your knees. However, you were too short, so he had to maneuver you both until he sat on his gaming chair, legs wide open. His crotch leveled with your head. You observed how it was growing harder without even being touched.

"What, you don't know how to give a blow job?" Your task snarled, thinking you were so eager yet so naive. He held your strands, bringing you closer to him.

You actually didn't know how to, despite being a fucking succubus. You kinda skipped that course practice as well as the sex toy lessons Seokjin scheduled for you. It wasn't your fault that they consistently landed on the same day Lilith and her team gave out free slushies.

But being clueless about this, you had to reach for help. "Seokjinnie!! My favorite mentor in all realms. Please help me now!!!" You begged through your mind.

"Hello, Succubus hotline. Darling, you are live." Seokjin chirped from the other side.

"I have to suck a dick and I don't know how! I'm just staring at his crotch and I'm afraid to look up because I know he's sneering at me."

"This is what you get for missing your lessons!" He scolded. "Why don't you go on with your 'teach me' method."

"My angel, are you deaf? Do you not know how to give a blow job?" Jungkook growled, tugging on your head and making you hiss in ache.

"I told you I wanted you to teach me, sir." You pouted. "Please teach me how to please you, sir."

Jungkook's expression softened at the sight of you, but it wasn't enough to wipe off the harsh demeanor he gave you. "Fine, I'll teach you. Just unzip me first, the fabric is chaffing my dick." He commanded, keeping his contact on you.

"Damn, he's vicious." Seokjin heard Jungkook speak.

You nodded and said, "Yes, sir." At least you were compliant. You unbuckled his pants and threw his belt to the side before unzipping his pants. He scooted himself up as you yanked down the fabric until it reached his knees. You spotted his bulge trying to escape his boxers. The view of the darkened wet spot made you drip down your cunt. You pulled them down, revealing his prized possession before sitting back down.

It was a given that humans weren't as big as incubi or other creatures, but Jungkook was definitely up there in the biggest you've seen. His cock looked heavy and unusually on the thicker side. He had three distinct veins, the most evident ranging from the base to the tip on the middle left. His mushroom head was aching red, oozing with pearlized pre-cum. Your succubus senses were coming in, and you could practically smell the sex seeping out of him.

You wanted to touch him, so you did without thinking. You practically manhandled it, causing him to cringe in pain. "You stupid slut, don't just grab it like that! What's wrong with you?!!"

His complaints were similar to those from Seokjin. The only difference was that it turned you on and secreted your essence onto your panties. "I'm sorry, sir."

He groaned, lightly rubbing your head with his thumb. "I want you to lick the head first." He instructed, waiting for you to move. You nodded before obliging. With your warm tongue, you dainty licked the reddening head from one side to the other to the leaking slit.

"Hey, try sucking on the top. Don't do it like a lollipop, kinda like you're gulping your spit. Swirl your tongue." Seokjin recommended, and you took any advice he gave. You did what he said, earning a satisfying growl from your task.

 "Fuck." Jungkook moaned. "Like that, angel. Your mouth is so warm and soft."

The slight praise made your eyes light up red. Fortunately, Jungkook's head was thrown back, and your normal eyes returned. You rolled your tongue over him and suckled on it.

"Use your hand. Don't squeeze tight, but have it firm." He implored. You again followed, stroking his shaft, even grazing the long vein to which he whined hard. You felt your original form attempting to break out, but you forced yourself to not do so as the act of sex was present.

"I think you're getting it. I think you should be fine. I wish to no longer help you. It's all on you know." Seokjin announced happily, but you weren't.

"Wait, Seokjin, please stay. I need support." You pleaded.

"It's your task, little one. I can only go far with guiding. You should know what to do!" He answered. "Plus I refuse to see you fuck someone. I don't want nightmares."

"Please, I'll even surrender and say the phrase—"

"Bye, darling!!"

"Seokjin, you have a massive demon dick that I wanna fuck!" You were supposed to say it in your head, but judging by the uncomfortable silence in the atmosphere and the deadly stare Jeon Jungkook gave you, you actually didn't.

His anger spewed out of him as his nostrils flared and the sides of his lips twitched. If he had tried, he would have had steam coming out of his ears. You still held his throbbing dick, but your mouth wasn't on him anymore. The way he looked at you made you smaller than you already were. Your next steps into this were nonexistent, unknowing what to do but knowing it was never a good sign when you call the wrong name in bed.

"What the fuck did you say?" He seethed, his voice going an octave lower.

"Uhh…Jungkook, you have a massive demon dick that I wanna fuck?" You snickered awkwardly and uneasily.

He still had a grip on your hair, fastened his hold, and used it to pull you up to meet his enraged face. You whimpered as your heart rushed into your chest. "You didn't say my name. Who the fuck is Seokjin?"

"I-I-I…" You had no answer. You were blanking out, so all you did was shrug. "I'm sorry, sir."

Jungkook coerced a patronizing laugh, "I don't think you're sorry. Perhaps you're just another stupid little girl, unable to remember anything."


"Well, angel." He leaned forward, and with his other hand, he grasped your cheeks and squeezed them together for your mouth to open up. "I'm gonna make you remember nothing but my name."

Before you could even respond, he pushed your head down and slammed his enormous cock down your mouth and deep into your throat. Your eyes nearly popped out of your sockets, and you groaned around his dick from the sudden movement. Both of his hands were in your hair. He didn't give you time to adjust as he bobbed your head up and down his length, hoping you were gagging. 

But you were a succubus. There was no gag reflex. Your hands were on the sides of his thighs for support. Your lips caressed his wet cock while your tongue laid flat under the heaviness. Tears breached through your tear ducts at the amount of pain yet pleasure you were receiving. You mewled with each thrust, even gulping all the saliva and pre-cum emitted.

You were messy, and he could tell you weren't experienced in this, but he relished how easily submissive you were. He pondered how far you were willing to go with him because he had a few things to do with stupid and naive yet sweet and kind girls like you.

"God, your mouth is good." He moaned, and though he mentioned a being that didn't like your kind, you weren't really caring. You wanted sex. You needed it. Your senses were begging to come out, but you weren't ready for it. Your mind and body fought against each other as a fat cock was in your mouth.

One hand unraveled off of your hair and brushed down your body. It was a plus that you were tinier than his usuals. He literally was able to reach your ass at an arm's length. He pulled the end of your dress-up to reveal your black thong. He stretched further to meet your soaked middle. You were practically dripping through the thin waste of fabric, so he pushed them to the side.

You whined at the feeling, getting slowly impatient with the act. You were getting weaker by the second, your mind slowly becoming a puddle.

"Fuck, you're so fucking wet." He slotted a finger through your folds, collecting your wetness. He passed through your perineum and landed on your puckered anus, rubbing circles around the rim. The slight action surprised you, gasped in a frenzy, accidentally biting his duck. He heaved painfully, ready to punish you but something unexpected happened because say goodbye to your hold on yourself because you were free and released.

Out came your familiar burgundy wings blooming out your back and ripping through the dress with your matching tail slithering out your tailbone. Your little horns emerged from your head that completed your succubus form. It didn't help that you were unaware of what happened to you. But Jungkook did.

He watched it happening, and he was fucking terrified.

"Holy fuck!" He pushed you off by the shoulders, distancing himself from you. He wheeled himself back with his chair, shaking like a wet kitten with enlarged pupils at what he witnessed. "Ahhh, get away from me!"

"What, what happened?" You questioned his horrific expression. But you answered your own question when you felt your tail swiveling around and noticed how you were elevated off the ground.

You cursed under your breath at your big mistake. You weren't supposed to reveal yourself to a human, especially when you were still in training. It was a safety precaution if other creatures in the realms roamed on Earth and caught you in your act.

The trauma in his eyes was still evident and nearly consuming his entire being as he was unaware that his dick was still out and hard. You needed to settle him, so he won't panic, and you could continue getting him into bed.

"Calm down, please?" You floated towards him with your palms out to indicate no harm. But he wasn't having it as he attempted scooting further away from you.

"I'm not fucking calming down, you fucking freak troll. Get away from me!"

You gasped at his intensive insult, going too far for your liking. You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. "Excuse me! Not even a minute ago, your dick was down my "warm and soft" throat. Just because I have wings and tails doesn't mean I'm not any different from the person you met."

You were sulky and knitting your eyebrows together. Even if he was in a state of distress, he thought you were still cute and sexy. But he really wanted to know what the hell was happening.

He gulped and lifted his trembling hand to point at your new features. "A-are those real?"

You looked behind you to understand that he was asking about your wings or really anything that wasn't human-looking. "Yes."

"Really? No, you're lying! What?! How?" He threw many questions, completely baffled at this. Sure, you were floating right in front of his naked eyes, but he could have gotten pranked. He did have a controversial reputation. 

You shrugged, "I'm not gonna lie, although it would have been better if you didn't know." You whined in annoyance, picturing the future for you. "Fuck, I'm gonna get into trouble!"

"Well, now I know, and I want to leave." He was about to get up, but you went closer to him, and his initial response was cowering away from you.

"Wait, don't leave!" You begged, pressing your palms flat in front of your face as you looked down. 

"Okay, then you leave! You're in my room anyway." He demanded. "I don't want some weird as—"

"Wait, please! Let me explain!" You decided to be truthful and hoped you could still get what you wanted. It seemed like the only thing you could have done. 

Jungkook contemplated your request. He still had no idea what was going on and exactly where you were, but he concluded that you weren't a human and wouldn't kill him. You held your airhead aura and cluelessness so high, murdering him wasn’t coming to your head at all.

So he decided to stay silent and waited for you to explain. He nodded, cueing you, to which you sighed in relief. 

Knowing Seokjin abandoned you and would have probably killed you if he found out what you did, you were actually grateful you had to do this on your own for once. First of all, you disclosed that you were a succubus in training. You described your entire situation and how you came into the human world before revealing that he was your first task and that you needed to have sex with him. 

"I know it sounds crazy, but it really isn't. Succubi and other creatures are conscious about humans and your folklore and supernatural beliefs, so we stay hidden…for the most part." You joked a little to lighten the mood. However, when he didn't reciprocate it back, you stopped. "Look, I mean no harm. Well, I could kill you…" He cocked an eyebrow at you and gasped quietly. "But I won't! I don't have all my succubus powers. I didn't even have the mental capacity when I was assigned to you. I still am not! So please, help me out. I promise I'll get out of your hair once this is over. I'll even provide a cupcake!"

His deafening silence shot your anxiety through the roof. You didn't want to fail this. You didn't want to go through this process again. It happened many times in the past, and you certainly didn't want it to repeat. You wished he accepted you. It couldn't be that bad, but not every day someone saw a real-life succubus in action.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when the blank-faced Jungkook stood from his chair, fists clenching on each side of him. Fuck, you don't think this was going to end well.

But to your surprise, he stomped his way to your levitating stature. You weren't that high up. In fact, you met his height, leveling with his face. He shortened the distance between you two before raising his hand to slap your face. 

You winced in pain, holding your gradually reddened cheek. You were about to protest when you gazed into his eyes. You felt his demeanor become malicious. His jaw clenched, sharpening his feature. He rolled his tongue across his teeth as he snatched your hair with one hand and your leg with the other. He threw your form on the bed with a harsh thud, laying you on your stomach. 

"Wait, Jun—"

He slapped your ass to shut you up before he used his strength to rip your dress completely into shreds, throwing it to the side. You gasped, feeling the cold air brushing through your skin. "Shut up, you fucking whore, and it's sir!" He spanked the same place to which you hissed in pleasure. "Get on all fours or else I'll punish you."

You simply followed directions in fear yet enthusiasm as you were going to get laid in the night. You mentally cried in joy, but this wasn't what you were excepting.

Lastly, he destroyed your thong, finally leaving you in nothing. With your position, he could clearly see your rounded, plumped ass, tail swaying side to side, and wings wagging endearingly. Jungkook groaned at such an erotic sight before him, something completely new but not at all disgusted.

His fingers strolled across your body, roaming from the curve of your spine down to your hips and then the flesh of your ass. He was careful not to touch your succubus qualities just yet. "So you were basically made to be a slut?"

"Sir, I-I'm not a slut!"

"Huh, you literally told me you were a sex demon and doesn't that mean you fuck for a living?" He provoked with a smirk creeping up on his ruthless demeanor.

You pondered at the thought, "Well, when you put it that way—"Slap! You inhaled intensively as you heard and felt the sharp spank on your nether lips. 

"Don't fucking talk back to me." He quarreled, giving you another slap, to which you groaned and bit your lips to ease the soreness. You refused to say stop because he riled you up in ways you haven't experienced before. "You're gonna be a good little slut and take what I give you. Understood?"

"Y-yes, sir."

Without warning, he flipped you on your back with a bounce to your landing. You could get a good look at him—holy hell, he was absolutely captivating with his intense intimidating gaze on you. You didn't even notice that he stripped his clothes off in mere seconds of not seeing him. You didn't feel nervous or scared. Warmth spread across your body as your eyes danced around his toned muscular torso. That was definitely a sight you wanted to see again.

You watched as Jungkook climbed over your body and straddled on top of your shoulders until his weeping cock was right in front of your face. The slit leaked his translucent fluids, dripping down his lengthy shaft. Some of it landed on top of your décolletage. 

"Open your mouth." He ordered, lacing his fingers through your hair. His dick poked your cheeks and nostrils, then swiped his swollen tip on your lips like he applied lip balm. You stared back at it as you licked your lips, then opened it wide for him. He pushed the head in your mouth with a hefty groan. You latched on, puckering your lips around the thickness. He lightly tugged on your strands, urging you to look up and stare. There you were with your dark, lust-filled eyes, waiting for anything he commands. Fuck, he thought he won the golden ticket.

"Look at me when I fuck your small mouth." He said before snapping his hips forward, letting his cock disappear inside you. You groaned around him as your eyes glowed crimson before returning to their normal color. Though he was frightened, he noticed no suspicious activity, so he continued on, making a harsh yet slow pace with his thrusts.

Your esophagus wrapped around him, throbbing with each stroke. The moans coming out of you sounded like you were drowning. The tears running down your face with your eyes bloodshot exhilarated him to go even faster. His tip stabbed the very end of your tender throat continuously. You were aching, but it felt sooooo good.

Using his unused hand, he reached behind him to get you more stimulated until he felt your sticky puffy petals. Just a singular swipe through caused your hips to jerk towards his finger, wanting more pressure on it. Your minuscule doing doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook when he lets out a chuckle. "You're a needy little angel." You hummed noncommittally, vibrations stimulating his cock. "Be a good one and suck my cock. I'll give you what you want." You eagerly nodded that Jungkook's lips twitched at your adorableness. He wondered how you were a succubus yet acting like this. 

"Don't go too hard, but hollow your cheeks around them." He instructed you. You did what he said despite not knowing if you were doing it right. But with the louder groans that left his mouth, you felt confident. "Fucking good demon." He praised, and pearls of your wetness came out of you. "Ahh, you like that, don't you? Filthy slut likes getting praised."

While he thrusts, you hollowed your cheeks and suckled through the length as it went in and out of you. He played with your sodden folds, yet cautious to not touch your clit to tease you. You whimpered, begging with your eyes. Your fingers gripped onto his sheets as you got impatient.

Jungkook pushed himself into your mouth, pressing harder into your throat. Though you had no gag reflex, you surprisingly gagged around his cock, producing more saliva around and down your chin. "You take what you get." He pulled out, and as he was about to go back in, he quickly slid two of his thick fingers in your pussy.

You moaned with your eyes rolling back, feeling the rush of pleasure all over you that you couldn't help but reach your high quicker than usual. He felt your walls convulse around his appendages. You weren't back down from your high when he aggressively pulled back, causing you to fuss around. 

"Dumb little demon, you came without permission." He smacked your overly sensitive cunt, to which you sobbed. He raised his fingers up to his lips to slurp up your cum, even moaning at the sweet taste. His cock withdrew from your red drooling lips. You had a breather, gazing at him with your fucked up expression. He hissed in astonishment, enjoying the way you looked.

He got off you before grabbing your form and scooting his head between your legs. He sniffed. "Fine, if you're so needy, I'm gonna make you cum." So with that, he licked a strip of your petals and jammed two fingers into your hole. You screamed and arched your back at the pressure.

You couldn't do anything but wrap your fingers into his ebony locks. Your mewls amplified through the room when he reached your breast to pinch and twist your nub. He attacked your cunt with his mouth before wrapping around your clit. He listened to your sounds as he curled his fingers until he found your spot.

"S-sir!" You wept, feeling another knot forming in your stomach. "C-c-can I—"

"Cum, bitch." He didn't have to tell you twice as you felt the rush of familiar warmth spread through your limbs, quivering like a damn dog in wet water. Jungkook guided you through your bliss, unlike last time. However, when you assumed you would only feel the aftershocks, Jungkook continued his actions, letting you wince at the overstimulation.


"Nope!" You felt him smirking at your pussy before going back to devouring it. Oh no, you were reaching another high. Your orgasms were like going on a rollercoaster; you were up and down, up and down, but you weren't getting off of it any time soon. You came again, and again, and again, and again until you begged him off of you.

Tears streamed down your inflamed horny face. You breathed heavily, chest rising and your body frail and feeble. You weren't as weak. In fact, you could go more rounds, but you were—in Seokjin's words—lazy as fuck that your strength went down to the ability of a human.

Through heavy eyes, you glimpsed at Jungkook, who tried licking all your cum around his lips before wiping it from the back of his hand. "So…" He lapped his hand messily. The taste was so addicting; was it cherry-flavored? "As a succubus, what can you do?"

"What do you mean?" You rasped and cringed at your voice.

 "Like do you have powers? Anything to spice up sex?"

You needed a moment to think. Sometimes you forgot you were a succubus until Jin had to hit your horns and chase you down, which caused you to fly away. Catching your breath, you answered, "I can, uh, I can morph my body into what you like? Like, I can grow my boobs, change my personality, have fur on my body, I don't know whatever you're into."

He hummed mindlessly, "Just the way you are is fine." You didn't know why his sentence made your stomach flutter with insects. It was all tingling and friendly. "But I do want you to accept my kinks."

You nodded, "Which is…"

He snatched your body and turned you like a spinning top so that you looked at him upside down while his cock was still displayed in front of you. He couldn't see your face, only your body. He didn't bother to tell you as he held your jaw unhinged and rammed himself in your mouth as fast as a human could. You gulped and gagged around him, but when he shoved his fingers again in your red petals, you squealed so much with everything happening to you. 

He could see your throat down to your spreading, shaking legs. His cock bulged through your throat, making his ego increase. His balls swatted your face. Your tail squirmed from under while your wings were being squished in between you and the bed. There was no time for adjustments. He wanted to get himself off.

His strokes were aching hard, making you cry with the amount of pressure. His appendages making your cunt yell. You couldn't even do anything, just letting him, have you. "Stupid fucking angel only good for cock. Well, actually you suck at head. I don't think you're gonna pass…"

Your pupils dilated. "No!!" You spoke with your muffled mouth and shook your head. You refused to fail, and somehow you believed his words.

"The fucked whore wants to pass?" You nodded your head vigorously and whined. "Well, if you can satisfy me." His pace was now instant, and your body reacted well to his liking. You noticed him getting sloppy while he quickened his fingers deep in you.

It was only a matter of time until he slammed into your mouth again, and the gush of his cum splashed down your throat. You gargled and sobbed profoundly, also meeting another round of ecstasy. But only this time, a stream of your fluids leaked out, surprising your task.

"Fuck." He grunted as your mouth milked him. Once you both came down, he pulled out and saw the whites in your mouth. It was a sexy view for him, but you amped it up when you gargled it and gulped it down, showing your now clean mouth.

He was still hard, and he wanted more from you. He was greedy, greedier than usual, so he held your waist and flipped you again like a rag doll, putting you on your hands and knees. You were so small. He liked it so much to throw you around. 

He caressed your plumped ass and stretched apart your cheeks, showcasing your asshole and puffed cunt. The ends of his mouth curled upwards. He wanted a closer look at your puckered hole, but your cute tail wagged happily, blocking his way.

"This fucking tail is in the way." He tugged on it, and that's your nerves triggered. 

Your pupils dilated, producing a bit of froth in the corners of your mouth. You yelped aloud as if you were in pain. "Ahhh, no!"

His smile dropped with big eyes. He feared he hurt you, maybe even past your limits. Though you were a sex demon, he didn't really know much about your kind. "A-are you okay, ___?" He lets go of your end.

You sniffled before glancing behind your shoulder with your pout. He could have sworn your face made him feel all different kinds of emotions. "It's sensitive…"

He quirked an eyebrow at you, then at your still limb. Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around it and rubbed it down gently. He noticed your right eye twitch and inhaled sharply before moaning softly. His attention shifted down your spilling pussy, realizing it was your g-spot. 

"So you like that, angel?" His arrogance shined through his growing smirk and your writhing. "Of course, you do. How about your wings?" His other hand went for your fluttering wings, making you yell in a higher pitch.

"Sir, too much!!" This was really testing your limits. Humans never touched succubi or even incubi's wings as it showed weakness. If they did, the sex demons would kill them off the bat because your kind was supposed to be dominants.

He held onto your tail and wings before positioning his tip with your hole. He played with your clit as you squealed to secrete more wetness. Once he thought it was enough, he slowly pressed his length inside of you. The head was the thickest part of him, and you thought he would have mercy on you.

But you thought wrong.

In one go, his dick impaled into your cervix. You screamed bloody murder at the aching stretch to your wrecked walls. He didn't bother for you to adjust as his penetrations were rampant and harsh. You gasped for air, fisting the sheets under you as he played with your tail, stroking its length and then pinching its pointed end.

"You love having my human dick inside of your demon pussy?" He ridiculed, and you didn't bother to wipe off the arrogant smile on him. You barely could speak, so you blabbered nonsense and nodded. "You're going stupider than you already are!" Your arm reached behind without thought, trying to grab anything. He intertwined your fingers together to keep you in place.

However, he also roughly yanked your tail, which led you to see sounds in the nose as you went back into an orgasm. Your body acted like a screenshot as the pleasure impacted your veins. Your pussy gripped tightly around his cock while he eased you through it. What shocked him was the fact that the end of your tail sprayed cum into his face. It made him flinch, but it gave him an idea that made his smirk wider.

He enveloped his lips around your tail's end and sucked off the fluids. You went into a flurry of raptures, and small pumps of orgasms came your way. You squeaked and throbbed all over, crying buckets at the pain. You couldn't handle it anymore. You were breaking.

"E-en-enough, sir." You mewled, shoving your head into the pillow to lessen your cries. His tongue twisted around your end, earning a long wail from you. "Pl-please!" He popped off your tail, pleased with his doings. While still inside of you, he tossed you on your back once more, revealing your drained, perspiring figure.

"You're beautiful." You couldn't hear him as there was an ongoing ringing in your eardrums. But he guided your arms around his neck and pulled you closer to him. He clutched onto your waist firmly that you know there'll be marks the following days. He fucked you harder, literally rearranging your insides while gawking at you.

Your tits bouncing all over your chest, hearing the sloshing of where you both met, your noises that should be the number one song on Billboard Top 100. Your sobbing and tears were drugs to him, becoming addicted in the short span of knowing you. He couldn't get enough of it. 

You had your tongue out and flapping around, hoping it could get you more oxygen in your lungs, but Jungkook begged to differ.

"Open your mouth." Like a true submissive, you did it. He gathered so much saliva and spat a glob onto your tongue. Not needing him to tell you, you swallowed it and breathed heavily. He grunted before placing his face in the crevice of your neck. He tongued on the surface, creating darkened hickeys all over.

"Please, hurry, sir." You admitted defeat, wanting this to be over already. You could barely even grip around him without trembling. Why were you such a fucking weakling? 

"Almost there, angel. I promise." After three pumps, he finally painted your insides white. He whined into your ear, nibbling on your lobe. Ropes after ropes as your cunt milked him dry. The feeling of his cum sparked you once again as you had your final high. Being as sensitive as ever, your tail sprinkled your cum over the both of you as if it was rain. Your eyes illuminated rubies and absorbed the semen into your body, accidentally draining some of Jungkook's life out, but he didn't notice it as he thought he was too fucked out.

"Fuck, you're so good for me." Jungkook exhaled, lifting his head from your neck to see your broken state. Without thought, which he never does, he leaned forward to kiss your lips innocently. You assumed it was a sort of gratitude. 

You tried kissing him back, but you didn't want to move. You felt dead like you were going to die. Your energy was nonexistent and probably won't be back until the following year. Yet you wanted to cheer as you finally completed your task. But fuck, Seokjin was going to be mad at what you did.

Oh, well. That was a problem for another time. Right now, all you wanted to do was pass out and fall asleep for seven years.


"Congratulations on completing your first task!" Seokjin said elatedly as he threw confetti at your face. You were finally back in your realm, specifically Seokjin's office, after three weeks of being in your dorm. After finishing your task, you left Jungkook, and the human realm before their sun rose. You wanted to get out and finally be in the comfort of your room as you recovered from the night.

You were going to lie because it was honestly incredible, almost too much for your liking. No creature ever got you off like that, and you were bewildered when a human man made you cum in ways you didn't think about before. Though it was a task, you don't believe another job will get your cum like Jungkook did. You pondered on that thought while viewing your mentor frolicking around his space, continuing to throw confetti that you knew he'd tell you to clean up.

"Only 99 more to go!" He announced as he smiled. "Well, actually…you did complete a couple more since this subject had a remarkable history of interests."

You shrugged and brushed it off. You floated on his desk and hovered above as you crisscrossed your legs. "Yeah, hooray for me. Seokjin, I have a question or two, maybe even three."

"Yes, my little mentee? I'm so happy. Even the highers are raving ab—"

"With my other tasks, does it always have to be a different subject?" You questioned, interrupting Seokjin's glee.

Your mentor tilted his head in wonder. He hummed, "Well, it's recommended to have different subjects to gain knowledge of the variety. But most of the time, no, except like three tasks, only because you need another p—"

"Perfect, can I have Jungkook as my task helper?"



It has been over a month since Jungkook last saw you. He woke up to an empty cold side of his bed with all the traces of you disappearing overnight. At first, he didn't bother to care. He usually kicked the girls out of his room once it was over or when he'd wake up. Your departure helped him out a lot. But with you…you…well, you were a demon, so of course, you were different.

Though he went on with his life, even continuing his fuck boy streak, he couldn't stop thinking about you. He didn't want to be honest with himself, but he wanted to see around campus. But he knew it wouldn't happen since you were a succubus. It was all for your training, and that was it.

Maybe it was the way you looked, how you acted, or just perhaps you were not human. He couldn't comprehend why he thought like this. Perhaps you injected some potion that caused him to lowkey simp for you. But after the brief encounter, he knew you weren't as bright to do that to him.

Whatever, the point is that you were unforgettable in his brain, and he only wished to see you again but knew it wasn't going to happen. 

He sat at a coffee shop, trying to do some work before his partner for his class showed up. As he was too focused on his screen, he didn't notice someone sitting opposite of him until they cleared their throat. Though a bit irritated by the disruption, he eventually looked up and lost breath.

You were in the flesh—gorgeous and alluring flesh—smiling at his baffled state. He stared with round, wide eyes with his lips slightly parted. No words can describe how he was feeling, but he knew that he liked that you were back. Millions of questions and sentences ran through his head. He wanted to say so much to you, but you beat him to it.

But not with a hello, not how he was feeling, but—

"Sir, do you think you could teach me again?

Tags :
2 years ago

Please Love Me! | JJK

Please Love Me! | JJK

Pairing: Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader

Genre: Smut, Fluff, Comedy (my humor is broken), Light Angst (because everyone is an dumbass)

Summary: By thirsty popular demand, I present to you a small sequel to Please Teach Me? Your succubus self has been going back and forth to the human realm to be…friends with benefits??? With your first task, Jeon Jungkook. Though you only see it as him, finding the good in his humanity, and helping you with your training, Jungkook suddenly thinks otherwise. Yet, he's in denial.

Until he meets and sees you with Seokjin and thinks you're in a relationship with him??? But is Jungkook willing to break free from his infamous womanizing ways and finally admit his love for you??

Warning: We’re going on another adventure!, Seokjin is the bestest :D, granola x succubus reader, let’s all guess what the fuck is OC feeling rn, BUT GUESS WHO’S IN DENIAL, I wanna say seokjin x OC but let’s not LOL, jealous/possessive jungkook, someone becomes a straight up LOSER, idk what’s going on half of the time. Sir kink is back, dom sadist jk heyyyy, sub masochist oc, the size kink we all know and love, Ass slapping (once with a belt), tail pulling (remember when I said they’re sensitive ;-)), rope bondage, candle wax play fvhidsvsdil, fingering (lowkey fisting), oral (f. receiving), multiple orgasm denials, clit pinching, nipple pinching, dumbification again :D, dirty talk, degradation, again with the tail sucking…but different (oc and jk licking her tail together like a lollipop), cum play, unprotected sex, creamiest of pies, I tried to make it as nasty as the last time

Word Count: 19.3K (yes, small sequel indeed)

A/N: This can be read stand alone but highly recommend reading Please Teach Me? LOL I really wasn't intending a part 2 like I posted this MONTHS ago and dipped but SOOO MANY of y'all wanted sexc demon things so here we goooooo I really pulled this out of my butt and idk if I lived up to the first part's standard . But the smut was longer than expected hreoiheoihg

Also posted on AO3!~~

Please Love Me! | JJK

Flying through the corridors of the dorms, Seokjin’s mind raced faster than he could exclaim how handsome he was—which was a lot. Right now all his thoughts were from what the higher-ups have said…more or less affecting him. But all in all, it had to fucking deal with you.

And now, he needed to have a word with you pronto but has not heard from you for almost…thirty-six hours, which shocked him because he’d typically hear you bitching from a distance.

Once he reached your dorm door, he knocked fire-rapid fists and yelled, “Little one, open this door immediately! I need to share with you some details!” No answer. Then he began kicking in fury, “Fucking bitch, answer! This is important.”

Aggravated and impatient, Seokjin decided to throw in the big guns. With the light use of his highly-acclaimed incubus powers, the demon blasted an energy ball through the wooden entranceway, creating a rather larger-than-regular soot-filled darkened hole. Some of your things even got destroyed in the process, but nonetheless, he opened your door!

He entered fashionably, scanning if there was any sight of a dense yet adorable little succubus. Everything in your living space except your plants and half of your mirror remained intact and still. Bed was neatly made with the mountain of plush toys you’ve accumulated through the months. Books that you never read but were somehow open laid on your study table with your chair pushed out. 

He groaned, rolling his eyes at the discovery. Of course, you weren’t here when he needed you to be here again.

Sometimes, he regretted permitting you to play around with your little first task. 


“Hungggghh, sir!” You moaned as you attempted balancing and gripping the cold tiled wall, yet there was nothing to grip on.

Showers of water pricked your heated skin, heaps of steam circulated the closed space, and the echoed sounds of steady and heavy pumps, your whimpering, and his moaning filled the rest of the bathroom.

Jungkook thought it was an excellent idea to shower after practice to get ready for another school event he had to attend, but also have a little bit of fun with you in there. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.

So now there you both were—you were going into your sixth orgasm while having to tippy toe to level with his fast-pacing industrial hips. You arched your back, pushing your ass at Jungkook so that his dick can go deeper into you. Since you were a lot shorter than he was, the angles were always harder to reach when the two of you stood up.

The slapping of his thighs to your meaty fat progressively grew in volume as he held onto your sensitive tail and the left side of your wing—the way he loved manhandling you. Your moans went a tone higher as you let out sobbing pleas. “Sir, pwease!” Your cramping legs were trembling, slowly losing their strength by the human. “I-I can’t!”

Though the frat president rolled his eyes, he accepted your begging, finding it absolutely endearing. You’ve grown to be accustomed to his wild kinks and likings, but you finally knew when you needed some care to his sadist ways.

He slithered his muscular arms around your soddened waist while keeping his piston thrusts in control. His front pressed onto your wings and back with your little demon tail swinging to the side. He nibbled on an edge of your wings, causing you to moan sharply before he smooched a kiss onto the same area and then maneuvered to the shoulder to peck more snogs.

“My little slut is tired?? We just started.” He smirked at your disheveled face. You didn’t just start, you were in here for almost an hour. His fingers were pruny!

You couldn’t even speak, just blabbering incoherent sounds. One of his hands steered lower to your soaking center, fingers trying to find your inflamed clit. Once you shuttered, he knew he hooked onto it. Making tiny circular motions, you started heaving heavily.

“Kooooooo!” You dragged your new nickname for him, almost like a warning that you were almost there.

His ears twitched pridefully at your calling as he quickened his tempo. His movements became messier, indicating he too was chasing his cloud nine. “Almost there, angel. Cum with me.”

At the immediate order, you snapped, going into ecstasy. Your left eye twitched as you found spots in your vision. Then, Jungkook slammed into you one last time before clenching his stomach. Your squishy cunt walls throbbed around his thickening cock, milking the cum out of him. He coated your insides with white, getting in a few more loads than usual.

Your tail sprayed like a sprinkler, feeling the orgasm wholeheartedly this time. Some of it goes onto Jungkook’s defined abs. But it didn’t really matter because you were in the shower.

Knowing how weak you were after sex, the best he could do right now was lay both of your bodies on your sides on the shower floor. You respired out so hard, he had to move your head to the water splashing your forms so that you can get some hydration. Once you were semi-stabilized, he finally pulled out of you. You winced at the stimulation but he kissed your forehead and murmured praises.

“___, are you okay?” Jungkook asked. Your eyes were closed, with your chest raising slowly.

You hummed softly with a nod before peeling open your eyes. “Why do you have so much stamina even after your practice?”

The human chuckled at your complaint and shrugged, “Maybe I always have energy when I’m with you.”

“Please use at least 25% of that energy into something else, like knitting.” You mumbled as you turned yourself to face him. “Are we done showering?”

“You still need to clean your body, maybe somewhat more since we made lo—I mean have sex.”

“Please clean me?” You always asked so sweetly, with no rush, no hint of irritation, but super whiny.

Yet Jungkook would always say yes to you. “Of course, angel.”


You were finally out of the shower. Jungkook carried your exhausted form back to his room. He puts on one of his shirts on you (you had the habit of sucking back your wings inside of you for this reason only) and even moisturizes your skin with a body balm. Once he finished getting you dressed, you situated on his bed like a starfish. He did the same routine on himself but only threw on a pair of boxers.

“Angel, I have something for you!” He bounced towards his backpack and ruffled the insides to retrieve the content.

“What is?” You were fatigued after the intense session. Even with having someone like a bunny-infused bouncy house like Jungkook, you never improved from your feeble power.

He dramatically pulled his “gift” to you and raised it over his head like he was enacting the beginning scene of The Lion King. Enjoying your entertainment, you went along and stared up, rasping at the big reveal.

You sat up and levitated up in joy, flying towards the human with grabby hands. “Granola!!” You cheered like a child.

“And it has honey-coated pecans and almonds.” He said proudly. “I got two packs…” You squealed, suddenly twirling in the air. “But just one for now. You inhale it and get a tummy ache if you get more.” Once you stopped your twirls, he handed you the bag of your favorite human treat. 

You snatched it off of him before hugging it like it was the love of your life. Distracted and mindlessly, you began drifting away to a corner of the room but Jungkook pulled you back down by the hips to sit you with him on top of his covers. He kissed your temple, gripping his hold around you. 

“Thank you, Jungkook! This is wonderful.” You continued to not face him, staring at the granola so you didn’t see the endearing and longing eyes that the human had on you. “I will save it for home.” You threw the treat into the tote bag that was wide open on the side of the bed. Jungkook got for you a while back when you kept carrying your treats and clothes with your arms. He said it was more efficient for you.

The human laid the both of you down as he nuzzled into your neck. You whined at how touchy he was being and didn’t help that it progressed the more you saw him. “Angel, you don’t like my touch? I thought you loved it.” You felt him smirking which caused you to blush red.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it. But I would like my space.” You pouted as you distanced him away slightly, making him grumble. “You radiate much body heat for a human. It feels like I’m back in the demon realm.”

Jungkook hummed, faulty listening to your speaking only because he felt colder without you fully in his arms. “How is the demon realm? Is it nice there? What’s it like?”

There he went again. After every session or when you’re back on Earth (you learned that’s what the human realm was called), Jungkook seemed to be very interested in learning more about you. Whether it was about you, what you liked, and this time it was about the demon realm. Maybe he was just curious, which you didn’t mind at all, you were a succubus after all and it was the least you could do for him.

For the past months, you’ve been sneaking back and forth to Earth after completing your first task, Jeon Jungkook. Still the frat president of Beta Tau Sigma, still an active partygoer, still what humans call a fuck boy, but now your unofficial task helper. One of the reasons why was that you grew comfortable with him. You technically didn’t need to have a different human all the time when you were completing your training tasks, and Jungkook just so happened to be willing to help you without getting anything back besides your cunt and being.

Typically it was not a big deal as a succubus and other demons travel to the realm, but since you were still in training, it can be quite controversial. When you go on Earth, you always needed supervision in case something happens, especially with a demon like you.

Seokjin would be surveilling you or communicating with you through your minds when you do have tasks while documenting your experience. But when you weren’t completing anything, he doesn’t look over you like a child—though, at times, he begged to differ. So when you’re on Earth without guidance, there was really no telling what would even happen. You could kill someone and your authorities wouldn’t even know. You weren’t fully trained, and you obtained some powers, but overall you were still in need of oversight. Which was now. Seokjin didn’t know you were here.

But you didn’t think you were doing anything terrible. Sure, your exams were borderline passing, you still made your mentor uncomfortable, you were fucking a human behind the higher-ups’ backs and at times, you’d accidentally absorb some of Jungkook’s life force (but you always try to give it back), and you may have begged Seokjin to grant you permission to even do what you were doing, but you weren’t doing anything wrong.

In a way, you were surprisingly progressing! You’ve completed many tasks over the months with Jungkook, got to know more of the human culture, and learned new kinks that you liked with him, maybe even only him.

Though Jungkook was a bit rough around the edges, you swiftly learned that he was indeed a sweet human to you. When he wasn’t fucking your guts out and pulling on your tail like naughty mischief, he liked taking care of you. He washed you up, fed you human foods, gave you piggybacks, kissed you on your forehead, stared at you instead of completing his human studies…what else?? Oh yeah! He always complimented you in your dresses, called you beautiful or ravishing, and even exchanged numbers with the cellular device you kept to talk to or video chat with him when you were away. 

All that was listed made you think about how friendly he was to you! Get this—he was usually quite mean to his friends. You constantly heard from other succubi how humans can be really selfish and vile, but it wasn’t like that with Jungkook! He was so kind to you, except in the bedroom.

Nevertheless, you couldn’t believe how much good he had in him to be willing to help you. You couldn’t be any more grateful, such a wonderful human man!

“Oh! It’s much different to what humans think it is, especially when they like to affiliate Hell with us.” You simply replied as you shifted forward and laid your head on his chest. Jungkook liked that, so you did it. “The simplest answer is to say Hell but we’re far from Hell. There are many realms where many creatures like witches, trolls, and us demons reside!”

The human asked while he gently played with your horns, keeping you calm. “And where would that be for you, little succubus?”


“You always fascinate me every single time.” Jungkook blushed, but when he realized what he was doing, he slapped it off of his face. Yet you didn’t even acknowledge or see it.

“I guess so.” You shrugged, getting off his chest as you sat up. “I am a succubus and you’re a human. Many things are different from our kinds.”

“Do you think I could visit Naameth?”

“No, absolutely not.” You deadpanned.

Jungkook suddenly smiled smugly, assuming that there was a bit of poison to your tone indicating you were jealous. “Why, angel? You think my amazing human charm will attract other succubi and that I won’t want you anymore?”

You furrowed your eyebrows. “No, because you will die.” His fucking smirk vanished and his face went pale. “Remember that succubi feed off human men. I even did that to you on accident. I can give your life force back, but that won’t mean others will.”

Suddenly Jungkook’s eyes lit up, “So you care for me? Care if I die.”

You nodded slowly, “Yes. I need you.” For some reason, his heart fluttered at your reply. His lips curled upwards. “I need your help with my tasks.” Okay, it went back down. “I refuse to find another one.”

“O-oh, okay…” Jungkook couldn’t help but feel upset about that. He expected that feeling to be let go all those months ago, but it stayed and he didn’t like that one bit.

“I can take you to the other realms.” You added in, without realizing what you’ve done. “They’re as lovely as Naameth. We can go to the waterfalls, forests, maybe even hiking, I know you love those things. I can let you try other foods besides human food because…” You rambled on and on but Jungkook stopped listening to observe how eccentric you were being and planning trips in the future with him. It caused him to roar in glee on the inside.

While you kept blabbering off, he encircled his veiny arms around you and kissed your cheek, making you shut your mouth. You slowly turned your head, revealing the bunny smile you enjoyed seeing on him. He then proceeded to attack you with kisses to your neck, making you laugh, a sound that brought jubilance to his ears.

But before you could say anything, you both heard a knock followed by an opening of the door. Luckily, you were dressed, unlike in other instances. These men in this fraternity do not know how to wait.

On the other side was Jimin, one of Jungkook’s close friends, grinning at the both of you as he shook his head with his slit eyes. “Again, with your demon role-play? Jungkook didn’t expect you to like it that much.” You forgot that your tail and horns were exposed again. It was a miracle that his friends bought the whole “demon kink” and you weren’t levitating during the disruptions or else you’d be more fucked than you already were.

Shyly, you parted away from Jungkook and pulled your tail to your back. You grabbed a pillow to hold onto, covering yourself a bit. As a succubus, you were naturally comfortable with your body and showing some skin. However, you also didn’t like letting other men see you bare except for Jungkook.

Slightly annoyed, the frat president leered at his shit-grinning friend and asked, “The fuck do you want?”

“I wanted to talk to you about the event tonight. But I see that you’re nowhere near ready and we have to leave in less than an hour.” Jimin reminded him, checking his boxer-covered friend out.

Jungkook cursed under his breath as he palmed his face and rubbed his skin aggressively. The school event mentioned was a dinner with the university’s board of directors, ensuring a good relationship with not only the dean but maintaining excellent and sufficient status for the fraternity.

“Do you wanna talk out of the room or?” Jungkook questioned.

“Right here is fine.” The shorter man shrugged. “Nothing top secret that ___ can’t hear.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to you while I’ll get ready then.” The frat president got off the bed. He opened his closet and then resumed the conversation with Jimin.

Meanwhile, you too had an unexpected chat but it wasn’t all that exciting as your stomach dropped in fear and scared the shit out of you. “Hello, you little motherfucker! Where the fuck have you been?”Your one and only mentor yelled into your mind out of nowhere.

You screamed and flinched from the ambush, flinging the pillow to the wall as a reflex, causing the human men to stop and look at you questionably. You made eye contact back before smiling and giving a thumbs-up that you were okay. Weirded out (well, more so Jimin), they continued their talk again.

“Seokjin, Seokjin.” You whispered so that the humans wouldn’t hear you. But it was so quiet that Seokjin found it slightly inaudible.

“Why are you whispering? This isn’t a time to whisper, little one!” Seokjin complained. “Are you in the fucking human realm again?” You couldn’t get in a word as he continued his rant. “Of course, you fucking are. That’s where you go if you’re not here. Look, now is not the time to bitch what I say. But you must come back here this instant.”

“Why?” You asked softly and he finally heard you.

“I have important news. In short, you’re kinda fucked.”

“Wait, what? Are you serious right now?” You unknowingly shouted, jumping out of bed as you paced around the room. “What do you mean I’m kinda fucked? What did I even do?!?!”

As you were distressed, Jimin raised an eyebrow while observing you. “Yah, is she okay? Why is she talking to herself?”

Though Jungkook knew what you were doing as you had to tell him when he first saw what Jimin was seeing now, he didn’t know how to explain the situation well. “Uhh, she’s praying?”

“Praying?” The shorter man questioned incredulously. “Doesn’t seem like praying…”

“It is…she does it randomly from time to time. It’s part of her faith.” Jungkook responded the best he can. “Just don’t worry about it. If you interrupt her, it won’t be good.”

Cue back to your freak out. “I say kinda fucked because there is a bit of good news. It may even be a relief for you.” Seokjin clarified.

“You could have fucking said that instead of telling me I’m fucked, Seokjin!”

“Seokjin?” Jimin faced back to you again. “What religion has a Seokjin?”

Okay, that was a name that the frat president heard but never understood but he couldn’t think further into it just yet. “Uhhh, Jinnism. It’s common from where she’s from.” His friend was about to protest but Jungkook beat him to it. “Dude, just fucking ignore her right now. Talk to me about what you wanted me to hear in the first place.”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” You can sense Seokjin shrug casually and unbothered by your reply. “Either way, you must come back to Naameth immediately.”

You sighed, “Give me ten minutes.”

“No, you can’t tell me what to do. I’m supposed to tell you what to do.”

“Seokjin, give me fucking ten minutes. I’ll get there, I promise!” Again, Jimin eyed you and your “prayer” but decided to let it go.

“Fine. Do what you have to do before coming. I’ll be seeing you soon.” Seokjin huffed, giving in. “By the way, I made a giant hole in your room door.”

“You fucking dick! AGAIN? I have to get that repaired!!” You complained, but he was already gone and out of your mind. You rolled your eyes before plotting back on the mattress. You kicked your feet up in fury and whined into the duvet. You rolled like a fish on the sheets to exert more of your frustration. 

Jimin couldn’t help but scrutinize you once again for the last time. “Dang, that’s your type, man.” He mumbled more to himself, but Jungkook who was already dressed heard his commentary.

“Fuck off and get out of my room!” Before Jimin could see him in a blushing frenzy, the frat president pushed his friend out without warning. Though the shorter man protested, a slamming of the door sealed the demand.

The frat president exhaled while fixing his tie, loosening it for now. “___! What’s wrong, baby?” Oh my goodness, why the fuck did he say that? He didn’t catch himself before saying it. Fuck, he hoped you didn’t notice.

Though he hoped you did.

But like always, you don’t seem to bother acknowledging it. “I have to go back to my realm now.” You rolled to see him.

Damn, he wore black and grey checkered dress pants with a black dress shirt tucked into them, exposing his petite waist. Buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbow; his forearms were revealed with parts of his tattoos shown on the right of him. The thin fabric practically adhered to his skin as his muscles protruded out. All he needed to do was style his hair, but it didn’t matter either way because he looked so fucking hot you needed to cleanse your mind…and you were a sex demon.

“I think I’m in trouble.” You frowned.

“In trouble? Oh, fuck. Are you okay?” With enlarged irises, panic ran through Jungkook. “Holy shit! Will I be okay? Am I gonna die?”

“No, no, Koo. You won’t die.” You always tried to comfort him because he has had near-death experiences caused by you. That gave him a bit of relief. “I won’t let anything happen to you. If you die, it would be by the hands of me.” Never mind, his stomach churned and he felt like throwing up. “But I won’t kill you! I told you I would never!” You tried to save what little reassurance he had from you.

He exhaled, trying his best to stay positive and lighten the mood. “So you need to go back now?” You nodded. “Do you know why you’re in trouble?”

You shook your head, “No, Seokjin said I’m kinda fucked but he said there might be good in it.”

Again with that name.

The entire time Jungkook has been…friends with benefits??…with you, you’ve always mentioned someone or something called Seokjin. He assumed it was someone since you’ve always been talking to him through your mind, but he didn’t necessarily know who it exactly was.

It was constantly “Oh, Jungkook, I have to go. Seokjin is waiting for me,” or “Hold on, Seokjin wants to talk to me.” Even when you were fucking the human, you would be like “Seo-k-jin! Pl-please n-not right no—ahhhhh!”

The point he was getting at was he didn’t know who the fuck Seokjin was, and it made him annoyed. But he refused to ask about it because he thought you’d probably think he was jealous, which he clearly wasn’t. He was just fucking curious about who the fuck this Seokjin was and how important this Seokjin was for you to drop everything to go to Seokjin and not be with him?

He couldn’t resist it this time.

“Who’s Seokjin?” He began.

“Huh?” You gaped at him confusingly. You noticed how he bit his lip and met your contact with a much more intense stare.

“Who’s Seokjin? You’ve been mentioning and saying that name all the time.”


That’s it? That was what all you had to say about Seokjin?!?!??!

“Oh, Seokjin. Yeah, don’t worry about him.” Him??? “Just another sex demon, he’s an incubus.”

First of all, Jungkook felt his chest twist when he heard it was a dude! Second, he was a fucking demon!! Of course, he would be. What else would he be? A gremlin? But the human betted this demon was ugly and revolting. Lastly, why did it sound like you were hiding something? Were you trying to change the subject to avoid it? What was going on?

Jungkook got pulled out of his mind when you changed into your clothes. “Anyways, I truly have to go which makes me sad because I was hoping to stay with you tonight.” You slipped out of his shirt and pulled over the purple sundress Jungkook bought for you.

His lips quirked up as he slowly walked to you. He patted your head before caressing your cheek. You were so short that you had to stretch your neck up. You reached the top of his chest and it made his heart melt. You made an innocent smile and he wanted to die in moe.

“Unfortunately, I also had plans tonight,” Jungkook spoke out, feeling rather bummed.

“That would have been okay! I would have waited for you in your room!” Now, why would you say that? He was going weak in the knees as is, you made it worse.

“Though that would be fun and kind of you, maybe going back would be good.”

“I promise if I don’t get punished, I’ll come back to see you soon. Okay, Koo?” Your Bambi eyes sparkled, swearing to your statement. You truly did want to stay, but you had duties…or shit that you had to deal with.

Jungkook had so much adoration when you promise things like that. As cute as you were, you kept your promises no matter what and that was one of the purest things about you.

“Of course, angel.” He pulled you into his chest, embracing you once more before you depart.


Jungkook walked down and outside with you as a courtesy and he wanted to spend a couple of more minutes with you.

Though you could teleport to your realm, he realized how suspicious his friends would be if you left without them seeing you leave. Most of the frat members liked to lounge around the kitchen and living room. Being in a household filled with testosterone, all the men could sense a woman or any feminine body in and out of the house like a built-in radar detector in their brains.

While you walked down with Jungkook, you had a habit of intertwining your fingers with his. You didn’t think much of it as you grinned casually towards the front door, but the frat president flushed like an idiot and cheesing a little too hard. Playful winks were on the two of you. His frat brothers noticed it, especially when their frat president was with you.

The human opened the door. You stepped out and he followed behind before closing it, giving a some privacy. He observed the area, perceiving that the coast was clear for you. You were ready to go, waiting for Jungkook to give you the go. But the human disliked seeing you off again. It was common for him to do this. You came often, but not as often as how he wanted. You’d come back a day or two later, but sometimes, it would be more than a week. If it was his choice, he never wanted you to leave.

You thought about how winsome he was every time you left. Your task looked so funny and lovesick that it felt so real. You then held his cheeks, pushing them together to puff them up.“Stop being sad, Jungkook.”

“I’m not sad!” He mumbled, leaning into your touch. “It’s just…”

“Do you want me to video call you when I’m done with Seokjin?”

The fuck you mean when you’re done with Seokjin? “Yes.” He said with no hesitation. “Text me when you get home too.’ You grinned, nodding like the adorable demon you were, and let go of his face. He sighed at the sight of you.

Jungkook bent down, closed his eyes, and puckered his lips. He hoped to feel yours on the other side, but the more he leaned in, the more breeze he got. He almost fell forward and ate shit. He peeled back his eyes to not see you in front of him anymore.

His head pivoted to the side, finding you skipping down the walkway. You looked back at him before saying, “Bye, Koo!” You fluttered your fingers at him, then you disappeared into thin air. You basically Houdini’d.

Despite that, Jungkook’s smile grew as he replayed the very memory of you saying goodbye. He loved when you said that nickname. He groaned in amazement and couldn’t wait to see you again.

With his rabbit teeth still on display, he went back inside. When he closed the door, he rested his back on the wooden surface. His eyelids closed shut as he tried stabilizing his heart rate. It was going faster than the last time. 

"Dude, you're fucking whipped."

He snapped his eyes open, finding all his frat brothers half-circling him with Cheshire Cat-like smiles. "Pfft, no I'm not." Jungkook pushed himself off and stood tall on his feet, attempting to be all cool and casual. “Just another fuck…”

“Just another fuck, yeah? What is this, the three hundredth time with her alone?” Hoseok retorted, rolling his eyes.

“Seeing you all bright and dandy like the Teletubbies seeing the fucking sun!” Yoongi mentioned. "She's practically curing you, a fucking angel if you ask me."

"So you think she’s an angel…" Jungkook side-eyed his friend.

“We refuse to hear your rancid details.” Namjoon gagged before making a sour expression.

“Well, I’m never telling you.” The frat president informed. “Not like I wanna tell you anything between me and her.”

“Oooo, keeping secrets instead of stories??? What’s going on? What happened to the Jungkook we knew and put up with?” Hoseok laughed, calling his hands to emphasize his statement.

“Fuck off, Hobi Hyung!” Jungkook couldn’t defend himself on that because what happened between the two of you was really between each other, especially with your succubus status.

"JK, this has been going on for months.” Jimin pointed out, trying to be a little mindful compared to the others. Though Jungkook was the frat president, he was the youngest amongst them which meant they can fuck around and get away with it from time to time. “You're never with the same chick unless…Oh my God, are you in love with her?"

“Jungkook in love? Has the world revolved counterclockwise?” Namjoon teased, raising his fingers to his opened mouth like he was in shock.

"Can't blame him. She's so pretty and kind." Yoongi reflected, thinking back to a memory of you back at the party where you practically met everyone. “A bit of an airhead though and has so much shame.”

Yes, all of us were being reminded of how much of a fuck boy frat president of Sigma Tau Beta, Jeon Jungkook, was. He had a different person at every party, every gathering, every lunch, every day, every hour, it shocked them how he didn’t catch anything. But finally, he did.

He caught feelings for you.

"She eats our granola though. How am I supposed to eat my yogurt?" Hoseok complained.

“Shut up you idiots, I'm not in love," Jungkook stated, shaking his head in denial. “She just wants my dick and she has such a great p…beautiful personality.”

YeAh, hE’S deFINitelY noT iN lOvE.

“You brought her to your family’s house during your birthday dinner!” Jimin countered.

“She was visiting that time! Remember she doesn’t go to school here anymore.” Jungkook reasoned, trying to cover the lies. You both had to create lies about you not being in classes with him and Jimin. “I didn’t want to leave her here!” 

“You could have left her here with us.” Hoseok alluded, a smirk morphing on his face.

“Absolutely fucking not.”

You, a clueless succubus, in a house alone with other men that weren’t Jungkook? Nope!

To be honest, he may have had to because though it may not be intentional, he guessed that due to your succubus aura, you kinda charmed his father a bit.

Of course, his mother was there to smack the sense back to him.

“You cuddle with her and fall asleep on the couch, and when you wake up, you carry her to your room!”

“I see you smiling at your phone and I look over to see you texting her. She barely even responds besides an “ok,” or “sure.” She doesn’t even get your memes sometimes.”

"You also take her out almost every weekend and if we have a party, you're either alone or with her. You don't even try anymore."

"What's your point?" Jungkook muttered, his attention roaming elsewhere but his friends. He even kicked his feet in frustration to ease off his embarrassment. 

"JEON. JUNGKOOK. YOU. ARE. WHIPPED. FOR. ___!" The older group of friends shouted in unison.

“No, I’m not! How many times do I have to fucking tell you that I don’t have any feelings for ___?” The rosy-coated cheeked frat president was persistent, he refused to believe such accusations. “If I did, which I’m not, she doesn’t even like me!”

“Huh, well, we’re unsure about that too,” Hoseok told them. “We don’t see any part of her liking you.”

“She did make him a gourmet meal when he passed an exam!” Yoongi notified, snapping his fingers.

“She does praise you even the smallest shit.” Namjoon scoffed. “But you shouldn’t compliment the bare minimum in my opinion.”

“She even is willing to role-play JK’s demon kink!” Jimin boasted, adding to Jungkook’s humiliation.

“Okay! All of you, for fuck’s sake, let this go. Nothing is going on with us. I don’t love her and…she doesn’t love me.” In that last part, the frat president said it to convince not only them but himself. “We’re only fuck buddies, that’s it.”

“Oh, sure, and if Hoseok and I make out, we’re just bros, right?” Namjoon snorted jokingly. “There’s always one person that catches feelings.”

“And it’s you, bud.” Yoongi patted his youngest friend’s back in empathy. “And you’re downright bad.”

“Yeah, you may be feral for her, but that doesn’t mean she like that back.” Hoseok brutally mentioned, which earned a few glares around.

“Hobi Hyung! Don’t say that. We don’t know what she thinks.” Jimin lightly pushed his friend as his scolding. “But Jungkook, he is lowkey right. I mean didn’t you play with others’ emotions before?”

“Yes, but not for months!”

“So? Girls are much more cunning than we are. She’s probably waiting until she destroys you.” Namjoon shrugged.

His friends were not helping at all. They were throwing shade about how much of a player he was too. In fact, they were making him question his relationship with you, which was good…in a way? 

“I’m not sure if you’re trying to support me or insult me. But either way, you bitches suck ass right now!” Jungkook exclaimed.

“We just don’t want you to get your hopes up if she doesn’t like you. Unlike you, she’s not obvious with her emotions besides confused and whining.” Jimin voiced out. “We've never seen you like this. It’s wild and scary.”

Jungkook rolled his eyes, getting immediately tired of this conversation. “Look, Hyungs. I’m not obvious nor do I have feelings, and that is my final answer. You’re all being insane and stalkerish, like observing me and her? Do you even have lives beyond this story?”

“Probably, not,” Jimin answered. “We’re only saying.”

“Well, stop.” Then Jungkook finally ended the discussion as he stomped away from them and back to his room.

When he slammed his door shut, he felt the heat intensify in him. He rubbed his face with his palms as he treaded around his bedroom, thinking about what his friends said. Him being in love with you?? Thinking about that…it would take a deranged enchantress to make him head over heels, with googly eyes, and on his knees to be in love.

Well, for starters, you weren’t deranged…he assumed. As for an enchantress, you certainly weren’t that. You were a demon, a sex demon, a succubus that uses human men to gain power. As a matter of fact, Jungkook was expected to fear you the moment he saw you. But that didn’t happen, considering he threw you around like a cum cloth the first meet.

Yet as time went on, nothing bad overall—highlighting because you would accidentally drain Jungkook’s life and burned him sometimes—happened. If anything, a budding bond flourished between the two of you. How was it that a teeny succubus like yourself was able to get him through your cute smile? Your compassionate presence? Your everlasting patience? Your baffling innocence? Your exasperating oblivion? Fuck, this was bad.

He wasn’t in love, he couldn’t, he can’t. It wasn’t right, it was against all his values and beliefs.

Yeah, right. When did his values and beliefs incorporate a demon into the picture?

Despite getting to sleep with you, any other thing with you was deemed pointless in his upsetting reality. You weren’t as cuddly as him, you didn’t initiate kisses, and you answered his questions objectively. All were similar to what he does to women from his fuck boy mindset.

Yet he hasn’t been with any other apart from you when you came back into his life after the initial time. That’s what’s frightening about all of this. He was willing to drop everything to be with you. He chose not to be with other women. Instead, he thought about what places to bring you like the carnival, wrestling, sky diving, or any rigorous physical activity he could think of to make you fit. He hated it but wanted more.

You know what? Fuck you. Perhaps he should be done with you and your ways. He should tell you that he refused to help you any longer because you’re fucking up his lifestyle, the person he was before and quite enjoyed. He had no regrets prior, and now he was contemplating all his pondering decisions apart from his choice with you.

So basically fuck you and your bomb-ass cunt.

A buzz rang through his room. His phone vibrated on top of his bedside table. He went up to grab his device before unlocking it. It was a simple message from you.

My pretty Angel 😇😩😍🥰: home!

Human Jungkook: Please safe and good luck angel! Text me when you’re done

Human Jungkook: Actually video call me I wanna see your face :-(

Five minutes later…

My pretty Angel 😇😩😍🥰: ok

Jungkook didn’t realize how much he was beaming like a damn idiot. Heart thumping at your two short ass replies. He sat on his gaming chair and giggled like a schoolgirl, swinging his legs up. Oh, how he wished he look at you again. Pulling his phone to his sternum, he yearned for you and hoped you were alright.

Yup, definitely not whipped.


“Listen here, you little shit! You can’t keep disappearing on me like that!” Seokjin scolded you as he floated around the office as you sat on his desk with your head hung down. “I already permitted you and hid it away from the higher-ups. The least you can do is notify me before you’re going to your dick appointment!”

“I-I’m sorry. I took advantage of your consent, I should have told you I was on Earth.” You nodded, taking in his yelling.

“Yeah, well. For that, the higher-ups found out and now they wanna expel you!”

“What?!” Your head snapped up with your bottom lips pushed out. How was that even possible? You were a succubus, all succubus had to go through this training no matter what. It was part of your life! Was there even such thing as expulsion within your training? Was there anyone else who got expelled? Were you the first dumbass to get kicked out? “Really, Seokjin? Awww, noooo.” You shivered in panic and you started crying. Tears falling down your reddened puffy cheeks and weeping gradually escalated. You’ll be nothing anymore, you weren’t worthy enough to call yourself a succubus.

“Nah, I’m just fucking with you.”

His fucking windshield wiper laugh belted over your softened cries, echoing off his office walls. “You should have seen your face. It looked like I stole a part of you and annihilated it!” He slapped his knee because it was that funny he pranked you like that. But an immediate glare from your blinking ruby-infused irises drilled through your mentor’s delight, causing him to stop himself promptly. His spine aligned upwards and he cleared his throat, apologizing feebly.

“It’s nice to fucking know that my own mentor wants to see me crash and burn!” You hissed, crossing your arms over your chest. You levitated up and rushed to him with your scarlet vision and newly developed fangs that grew last month. Seokjin winced in fright, trying to hide behind his lamp. “That was so fucking mean! You know how much I wanna complete this training!”

“Put those fangs away!” Seokjin shrieked. He wished he developed to be a little bit more mindful. You weren’t as weak anymore compared to when you first started, having obtained powers and other features. You were pretty fucking weak in contrast to him anyways, but it still freaked him out.

You moved backward, morphing your teeth and pupils back to their normal size. Your burgundy wings fluttered behind you while your tail slithered like a serpent. Your mentor got out of his hiding place and adjusted himself before continuing his thoughts. “Okay, consider that as punishment for not telling me where you were.”

“Whatever,” You rolled your eyes but there was still sadness in them. “Am I really expelled though?”

“No, you aren’t,” Seokjin reported honestly, relieving you. “But the higher-ups did find out.”


“For the record, I didn’t know. But when I would turn in your completed tasks, they noticed a pattern and got suspicious of how you were able to complete so many with ease.” He explained. “Makes sense, considering you’ve been in this training for years and this is a year-and-a-half preparation.” You shrugged as you understood that part. “They didn’t tell me specifically, because they knew I’d tell you, but I think they hired someone to follow you back on Earth. They saw you with your human.” You gasped. “They brought me in today to inform me about it.”

“What did you say?”

“I naturally said that this was all your fault and that you should take all the blame because that’s what you wanted in the first place.”

So much for him protecting you…

“So am I in trouble?” You were perplexed, creasing your eyebrows.

“This is where the good news comes in. You’re actually not.” He reassured, releasing all the stress that has been built up today. “They weren’t mad because you’ve made tremendous progress in the past months as opposed to starting years. To be honest, all they want is for you to fucking pass and if it involves indirectly cheating or using a human for assistance, they’ll turn a blind eye to your case.”

This was good, you didn’t need to worry about keeping secrets and sneaking around. You could go into the human realm without thinking you’d get caught. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

“However, they wanted safety precautions, knowing that you are a walking hazard,” Seokjin informed, grabbing your file from his desk drawers. “Seeing that you have a human task helper, they thought it was a great idea that I meet Jungkook.”

“Why do you need to meet him?” You asked, not seeing the purpose of it all. You weren’t killing the human!

“Well, while I instruct, give you advice, and keep a record of your training, it’s only fair I meet the person that’s helping you.” Your mentor clarified. “We’ll be able to collaborate and work together with what’s best for you. You know improve your skills, maintain and enhance your strengths, analyzing in-field observations.”

“Like a damn parent-teacher conference?” You questioned, showing a face of “are you serious right now?”

“Correct, little one.” Seokjin grinned, blooping the tip of your nose. “Plus, I also wanna get to know who Jungkook is besides that task folder. Like how the fuck he was able to get you in a chokehold for him? I can’t even put a leash on you!”

“But who’s who?” You wondered aloud, thoughts going in another direction and ignoring Seokjin. “Would Jungkook be the pare—”

"I'm gonna stop you right there because that's wrong on so many different levels." He interrupted you, trying to steer it back to the main topic. “In conclusion, I must see him. It's only fair if he's helping you and I'm your mentor. After that, higher-ups would want a full report on how capable this human is. They think he’s a wizard since he can even deal with you as is.“


Seokjin meeting Jungkook was somewhat concerning. Though your mentor was present at that frat party where you met your task, Seokjin didn’t officially meet him. All your mentor knew was through the paperwork he had for you and that was it.

If you learned anything about Seokjin, it was that he was a fucking menace to you. Though you had a tendency to fuck things up yourself, at times he liked making things worse. He said that it was to challenge you but it was a load of bullshit. Always making damn excuses.

Still, you never saw Seokjin interacting with human men and that idea terrified you. What if he exposed your secrets? Like when you had to practice oral with a cucumber to impress Jungkook! You didn’t want him to know. 

What if he was mean to Jungkook and scare him away? You couldn’t have that; you didn’t want to stop seeing Jungkook. You liked being with the human. His presence made you feel comforted. He always cheered you up when you felt like you weren’t a good enough succubus. He made you feel safe even when being a sadist in the bedroom. You didn’t want anyone else but him!

Like who was also gonna help you with your task??!! You didn’t wanna go through that process again.

But it had to happen whether you liked it or not. If Seokjin meeting Jungkook was the only way for you to get away with in succeeding your training as well as obtaining permission from the higher-ups, then so be it.

Currently, you were video chatting with Jungkook as promised. He kept yapping his mouth about what happened during the school event while you rested on your bed listening in and out. “Overall, it was sooo fucking boring and they expected us to dance on the dance floor.” Jungkook scoffed as he loosened and undid the tie around his neck. “Like how can I shake my ass to Party Rock Anthem? Like at least Gasolina!”

“What are those words?” You rolled over to the other side of your bed.

Jungkook opened his mouth but quickly closed it, “I’ll tell you later. Als—” He stopped for a second, observing your fallen expression. “___, what’s on your mind?”

“Numerous things and one of them has to deal with you.”

The human smirked cheekily, thinking something else about what you said. “Baby, be more clear. I wanna hear the words out that pretty mouth of yours.”

“The higher-ups of my succubus training, aka the succubi and incubi council, found out about you.” You notified. “They saw that I’ve been sneaking to Earth when I’m not supposed to.”

Jungkook felt like he was about to throw up. “T-t-they found out about me? Oh my God, AM I GONNA DIE?”

“No, Koo, you’re not gonna die!” You had to tell him again. “I need your help…”

“What do you mean? Aren’t I helping you already?”

“It’s another thing. I’m sorry I keep asking you for all of this. You must think I take too much from you.” You gloomed, letting out a few of your inner thoughts. You didn’t want Jungkook to think that you were taking advantage of him. You constantly tried to make it up for him somehow.

“Angel, I wouldn’t have helped you if I thought you were taking advantage of me. I know my limits.” He assured but lied because there were no limits when it was with you. “Now what were you going to ask me?”

You paused, breathing in and out before saying, “Seokjin wants to meet with you.”

“Uhh, excuse me. What the actual fuck? Why?”

It wasn’t because he didn’t want to meet Seokjin…wait, that was exactly the reason why. Why would he meet this mystery demon that is very close to you?

“The higher-ups thought it was a good idea for him to meet you since you’re helping me with my tasks.” You clarified further. “If anything, they seem to like you because you helped me progress in my studies!”

“…but why him?” His tone sounded flat but on the inside, he was burning.

“Because he talks to the higher-ups and I guess he knows me better than any other demon.” Your vague answer felt like a shot to his chest. He didn’t even care how you said it, he cared about the words. So this Seokjin demon knew you better than any other demon, huh?

Well, does Seokjin know how you sneezed like a kitten? Does Seokjin know your tail waves happily when you get granola? Does Seokjin know how much joy was in your laugh when you see something funny? Does Seokjin know that you liked to cuddle with something when you’re sleeping? And when you slept over, you’d have your arms wrapped around his torso like a koala?

Seokjin may not know everything about you.

“Please meet him? I promise it’ll be okay. He won’t lay a finger on you. If he does, I’ll try my best to rip him off of you.” You pleaded with your shimmering eyes that you didn’t know was one of his ultimate weaknesses. “Of course, he is one of the most powerful demons in our realm…”

As always, you asked so preciously. He couldn’t say no to that face of yours. It may be the hidden power you had over him or maybe not. Yet Jungkook wasn’t going to sway his decision.

“When do you want us to meet, angel?” He gave in to your request.

You squealed, bouncing off of the bed as you held your phone. “Really? You’ll do it?” He nodded in confirmation before you got elated. He’d do anything to see that stunning pearly whites. “I must tell him now! We’ll have everything set up and I’ll tell you the details, okay Koo?”

“Of course, angel. I’m only a call and text away.” He chuckled, gazing into his device.

You checked the time and calculated how late it was for both of you. “It’s already late, and you have class early tomorrow. You should hang up and sleep.”

Jungkook hummed in response, “I’ll start getting ready for bed soon…but you should hang up first.”

You tilted your head in wonder. “Why? Shouldn’t you hang up first?”

“No, you hang u—”

“‘Kay! Good night!” He didn’t even give you a response as you hung up so hastily. You tossed your phone onto the mattress. You rushed out your door—that was fixed and paid off by Seokjin—and went to your mentor to announce the news.

Meanwhile, Jungkook stared blankly at his darkened phone screen for a good minute after you ended the call. He tightened his grip on his smartphone as he bit his lip in an aggravating manner. He took deep breaths, soothing himself. He needed to relax on this whole thing. 

He doesn’t love you. You don’t love him.

That’s that.

But why does he feel so sad about it?


“Why are you in a suit?”

Okay, quick little update—It has been a week later and you and Seokjin decided to have Jungkook meet the two of you at the house that Seokjin stole—you honestly don’t know but you have it again—since it wasn’t safe for the human to come to the demon realm.

You haven’t seen Jungkook since because you prepared for the conference. You planned the dinner, begged Seokjin what certain topics of discussion were off-limits, took a midterm that you probably failed, and overall mentally prepared for your mentor and human to meet.

Though you prepped, with Seokjin, there was no telling what was happening. He was being vague with what he had intended and usually shoved a fucking hundred-page intake form in your face. You were nervous, flying around the living room and keeping your hands busy with cooking just hours prior.

Now it was happening and you opened the front entrance right after Jungkook texted you that he was here and afraid. Mainly because the house appeared otherworldly and resembled a murder scene.

When you opened the door, you raised your brows in bewilderment, seeing the human clean cut, looking too professional compared to your pastel green baby doll dress under the strawberry printed apron you had over and bunny house slippers. 

Jungkook wore an all-grey suit with black Chelsea boots. The attire included a matching fabric belt that wrapped around his waist, accentuating his proportions. Underneath, he wore an ebony button-down shirt and the same colored tie. But the best part of it all was that his hair was gelled and pushed back, revealing his supple sexy forehead and bold brows with his lip and ear piercings on display. Lastly, in his hands, he had a bouquet of purple roses.

This was a prime example of how he can get you naked with the faintest look to you.

It wasn’t that you hated him dressed like that. You pondered why he was so formal for a dinner inside an abandoned building.

“Wanted to dress to impress.” More like dress to feel better than that fucking Seokjin guy because I am better.

“You do realize it’s only us three. I’m boringly dressed like this.” You presented your dress even twirled around. Your succubus form was mellow and revealed. You didn’t like hiding your wings and tail because it can get cramped for you. You felt at peace when you didn’t need to hide when you were around Jungkook.

Your hair was pushed back by a green headband, making you extra lovely in his eyes. Though obvious with the seductive succubus stereotype, it fascinated the human how…contradicting you were. Most of the time you didn’t know what you were doing especially with other human men, there were times when you made the room feel disturbingly awkward, you were shit at flirting, and every flirt directed to you was in and out of your ears.

Regardless, that was what made you you and Jungkook loved everything about it. You had your own charm and approach to things. When others expected you to do one thing, you do it in another way. You kept your kindness high and on lock. Sometimes thinking of others before you.

An advantage that Seokjin may have used in the past…for education reasons of course.

“And you look so pretty, ___.” Jungkook complimented you in awe of your beauty. He hasn’t seen you for over a week and finally seeing you in person instead of on his phone screen, he wished to never part with you anymore.

“Aww, thanks, Koo.” You cooed and felt a little heat creeping on your cheeks. “I guess you don’t look bad yourself. Very handsome.”

“So you think I’m handsome?”

You giggled loudly and awkwardly. That was…concerning to him. “Yeah…” You almost sounded bored and he regretted bringing it up. You paused for a bit until you finally brought up the flowers he brought. “You brought flowers?”

“Oh, yeah. I got them since tonight felt pretty important.” He replied, handing them to you. You examined the pretty petals and blooming of the roses before sniffing the aroma. “They’re actually for y—”

“They’re so pretty, Jungkook! Seokjin’s gonna love them!” You interrupted him as you went towards the kitchen to find an empty vase for them, leaving the human standing like the emoji. He watched your form disappear to another room before you shouted for him to follow.

Once he reached you, you planted the flowers on the granite counter while you searched through the cabinets for the flower holder. As you did so, Jungkook brought up a question. “So…where is Seokjin?”

You finally found a vase when he asked. “He had to do something in Naameth before this. He should be arriving any minute.” You said as you filled it up with water.

“Huh? Late to the meeting? Doesn’t seem like a reliable person…” Jungkook tried to be discreet but he really wasn’t.

“You’re both late. Almost an hour and a half.” You pointed out without thought as you positioned the purple roses inside the jug and decorated them at the center of the kitchen table. “At least he told me beforehand.”

You weren’t scolding the human, though you were blunt and stated facts. It caused Jungkook to feel ashamed because he was indeed late, but didn’t bother to speak up about it. “Sorry, I got nervous so I had to use the bathroom a couple of times before coming here.”

“Oh, Jungkook!” You chuckled at his shy state, turning back to him. You’ve never seen him like this before. “There’s no reason to be nervous. I think Seokjin will like you.”

Why were you making everything about Seokjin? That wasn’t why he was nervous. “No, it’s not that.” He denied, holding the edge of the kitchen surface.

“Then what is it?” You came forth, grabbing and holding his hand with your two smaller ones. You looked concerned, almost like you wanted to take action to make his worries away.

He still was in denial.

Jungkook could only open his mouth when the two of you heard a loud bang erupt, making you both flinch and search for the noise. It came from the front, so you scurried together and passed the living room to find the cause.

In all his fucking glory and shining ego, your one and only mentor arrived like a celebrity on the red carpet. The Seokjin wore a white double-breasted blazer with a dress shirt that matched underneath. The shoulder pads of the jacket made his wide-set shoulders even more like the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean theorem. The right side of it draped down reaching his thigh, giving an asymmetrical look. Instead of going monochrome, the incubus opted for black pants and boots.

Seokjin’s hair was also pushed back, but there was a ridiculously enormous ivory fedora sitting at the top of his head. What made it even worse was a gold feather attached to it. Though it sounded outrageous, the demon somehow made it work.

Seokjin’s eyes strolled around the house until they landed on your puzzled ones. A smile beamed on his face then he spreads his arms wide open before strutting up to your stature. “My darling love!!”

Once he got to you, he pulled your body into his chest and spun you around. After that, he puts you down and kissed the top of your head, leaving you flabbergasted and Jungkook’s jaw clenched. What the fuck Seokjin?

“Uhh, Seokjin, what are you doing?” You questioned, not understanding what was going on. You stepped away from him and moved closer to Jungkook.

“What do you mean, little one? I’m greeting you.” Your mentor responded oh so causally.

“You’re not really lik—”

“Ahh, you must be Jeon Jungkook.” Seokjin ignored what you said when he immediately faced contact with the only human in the room. “It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many things about you!” He extended his hand for a handshake.

Hmmm, that seemed to give Jungkook a bit of satisfaction so he accepted the introduction and shook his hand. “Same for you…but I never knew she talked about me.”

“Yes, of course. She does…when we’re in her room alone together.”

Jungkook’s face sank. His head craned to you to see you…nodding???

“Yeah, and sometimes in his office.” You agreed. Uhhhh, was this going well?

“Anyways, shall we get started Jungkook?” Seokjin recommended. “You and I can chat in the dining area while our ___ here will finish up cooking. She’s making her signature dish! It’s incredible. Believe me. I’ve had it before.” He exaggerated the last parts towards the human while rubbing his stomach.

Jungkook’s right eye twitched and it doesn’t go unnoticed by a close-lipped smile from Seokjin who seemed unbothered.

Meanwhile, you didn’t see anything. “I wouldn’t call it my signature dish, but I wanted to be mindful of Jungkook’s taste. He doesn’t like anything too sour and many of demon’s dishes taste quite sour.”

Again, you were acknowledging his preferences, being so cautious with him. Jungkook’s heart palpitated quicker than before when you ended your statement with a smile and gaze at him.

“Plus this dish doesn’t have garlic and Seokjin is allergic to that!”

It was great while it lasted.


While you were preoccupied in the kitchen cooking and listening to this band that shined through the city with a little funk and soul, Jungkook was alone in the dining room with Seokjin. They sat across each other on the long table, one sat on the farthest end and the other did the same on the other end. Their posture was straight with their hands intertwined, resting on the table, almost like they were mimicking one another.

Though it only has been five minutes, nothing was said just glares. More so, towards the nonchalant Seokjin who kept his eye contact, Jungkook leered aggressively at the sight of the demon. All because he had three reasons to act this way.

Number one—Jungkook was pissed off because Seokjin was fucking gorgeous and hot. He was wrong. How was this level of sexiness possible? You informed him that sex demons were born to be visually pleasing, but this fucking dude took the prize of most handsome and went home within the minute. He dreaded it so much but had to give props to the incubus.

Number B—was the way Seokjin held and kissed you…and like you accepted? He never wanted to see you in the arms of another, that idea made him want to vomit his brains out. 

Finally, letter 3—it was almost as if Seokjin indirectly challenged him, eyeing the human out every chance he had. Was that it? Does Seokjin want a competition? What was his catch? Weren’t they supposed to discuss your training and abilities? Why was this turning into who gets to claim you?

Well, you shouldn’t be claimed regardless…but in Jungkook’s defense, you were his.

“So are we gonna discuss ___ and her training?” Jungkook was the first to break the ice as scowling at the strong demon was going nowhere. “I want this to be productive for not only her but myself too.”

“Wow, you seem to care a lot about her, human,” Seokjin commented, slowly nodding his head as he wrote down something on a piece of paper in his opened manila folder. “Do you know why I wanted to see you? Better yet, do you know why I’m talking to you?”

The human cocked an eyebrow. “Uhh, ___ said that the higher-ups said we needed to meet.”

The demon hummed in response as he leaned back into his chair. “Well, that’s the main reason, but there are other answers to that question.”

Jungkook grew confused. “What do you mean?”

Seokjin sagged his head to the side to look past Jungkook to watch you dancing stiffly. “___ is a special demon. So special that she had to get a task helper for her training.” He began. “And so special that she’s important to me.”

Okay, we’re getting to the good stuff because Jungkook squinted his eyes at the demon in front of him. “She’s important to you?”

“Yes, why do you sound like it’s shocking?” Seokjin replied, eyes testing the human. “I mean you had to meet me for her sake.”

“Isn’t it the other way around?”

“Nope, because the higher-ups needed me to see how capable you are. You think a strong, powerful, and handsome demon like myself would willingly want to meet an egotistical zealous human like you? You’re practically a side bug ready to be flicked away if I say you go.”

“What even are you to her?” The human scoffed, not caring if he was being rude to a demon who kill his ass with one hit. “You’re acting so high and fucking mighty. You could be meaningless in all of this.”

“Funny you ask that…” The incubus chuckled darkly. He leaned forward as if he was telling a secret to him despite the one-and-a-half meter distance. But with his powers, Seokjin whispered, “She’s my little play toy.”

Though soft-spoken, his words traveled loud and clear in Jungkook’s ear. The tone mocked the human’s ego and pride, his possession over you. He hated it. He fucking hated it. 

And to make matters worse, Seokjin had the power to replay those words in his head. She’s my little play toy. She’s my little play toy. She’s my little play toy. She’s my little play toy. She’s Seokjin’s little play toy.

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he held onto the table tightly to ease his anger. He needed his positive mindset to overcast the shit Seokjin was doing. You were not his play toy. You weren’t Seokjin’s. You weren’t his to play with.

It should be him. But not as a play toy. But one to be with and to be cherished by him. He should be the one to call you his. He should be the one to hug you and twirl you around. He should be the one to kiss your forehead. He should be the one to call you “my darling love.” He should—

“Dinner’s ready!” You announced flying in all perky and filled with joy. Your horns wiggled in delight at the food. Wings flapping in the air, you patted Jungkook’s head, snapping him out of his trance to gawk at you.

Your puffy smile and crinkled eyes consoled his inner turmoil. How was it possible that the sight of you washed away his worries yet made his heart ache so bad he felt like he was about to explore? What was going on with him on the inside? He couldn’t understand it. He didn’t want to understand it. There was no way.

You flew towards your mentor, ready to slap that goofy grin off his bothersome face when Seokjin grabbed you by the arm and tugged you down. You landed on his lap unexpectedly, making a “humph’ sound. You blinked profoundly at him before saying, “What the fu—”

Usually, Seokjin interrupts you by talking and not caring about anything you say, but today was different. He halted your complaint by kissing you on the lips. Your eyes widened, and you didn’t dare to kiss back. Sure, they were soft but fucking disgusting. It was like kissing an uncle.

It was also different from what you’re used to and you couldn’t help but compare.

You stayed still like a dead fish as your mentor tried deepening the kiss. You were too shocked to even push away. But it was a voice that you knew all too well that ultimately stopped your interaction with Seokjin.

“NO!” Jungkook slammed his palms on the table, standing up from his seat.

Seokjin parted away from you and didn’t even bother to look at your disturbed expression. On the other hand, he was very much interested in finding a furious and raging Jungkook before him. Seokjin swore he heard growls from the human. This human must be a different breed, the incubus thought.

Livid heat dragged down his neck, his jaw sharpened and clenched, and steam blew out of his nostrils. Jungkook charged toward the two of you. Though you were innocent and puzzled by all of this, the human snatched you off of your mentor by the waist with one arm, carrying you. 

With his vacant arm, Jungkook thought it was a fast and effective solution to beat the shit out of Seokjin. So using all the force and techniques he learned through boxing, he punched Seokjin once, causing the demon to fall to the ground.

However, it seemed that Jungkook was done with Seokjin as he began to walk away with you now in both of his arms. You said nothing, not knowing how to contribute to this. But you chose to glance over to your mentor.

Knowing Seokjin, he doesn’t hold if someone attacks him. But at that moment, he watched the two of you walk away calmly before winking at you cheekily.

Seriously, what the fuck was going on?

You spoke no words to Jungkook as you migrated elsewhere into the house. It was when he threw you onto a bed, you realized he brought you into your bedroom. You followed his moves when he locked the door and removed his jacket from him. With piercing irises meeting your fazed doe-eyes, he loosened his tie before taking it off as well. He rolled up his sleeves up to his elbow to his comfort and liking.

He stalked around the bed, eyeing your every move, every facial expression, every breath. You sensed his dominating presence radiating the whole area, growing by the second. You surely understood what was going to happen when he was like this but still unsure of why was it happening right now and before dinner.

You feared him in an arousing way because you were excited to do this with him. It has been a while since Jungkook has been very clingy lately. You thought you anticipated his every move but tonight, you were going to be wrong and sorry that you assumed in the first place.

Your submission gradually exposed itself, afraid to speak up but you needed to know. “U-uh, Jungkook, why are you—”

“It’s sir to you, angel. Have I not been clear from the fucking start?” His dark voice spat venom, leaving no signs of care and cuddles for you.

“Yes, you’ve been clear, sir. I’m sorry, sir.” You hiccuped, you felt yourself shrinking before him. It was the way you both loved it. His mouth twitched but restrained himself from showing anything else but this. He came forth, being on the end of the bed, and leered down at you with that familiar stare. “S-sir, I’m just wondering why you—Eeek!”

Perhaps it was Not Let ___ Talk Day because you couldn’t finish your sentence when Jungkook flipped you over effortlessly by your waist. He pulled your legs and rested your knees onto the mattress, ass raised high in the air. He used his other hand and pushed down your back, bending your spine while your face was smushed into the sheets.

You wiggled as a reaction, but Jungkook wasn’t having it. He lifted the skirt of your dress, revealing your purple lacy thong that barely covered your tiny but chubby pussy. Though he wanted to let out a sigh of please, he was on a mission. With a heavy hand, he smacked your ass to keep you still.

You squeaked at the stinging sensation but felt yourself getting leaking down your hole. You couldn’t help it…he was that attractive, you were a sex demon, and you wanted more.

 “You should know to keep still, you fucking slut!” He spat, giving you another spank and you groaned. “Do I have to repeat myself?”

“N-no, sir.” You sniffled, digging your face into the comforter.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Each slap got harder and harder. You swore your ass cheeks were getting numb from the ache. Your skin probably had his hand imprint, feeling raw and tender from his continuous slaps.

You heard the noise of unbuckling and a belt slithering out. You waited quietly until you voiced out a cry when the leather strap touched your swollen red ass cheek and coccyx. “Nooo, Koo!”

The evilness in Jungkook softened when he heard your pleading cry. He dropped the belt and crawled beside you. He helped you move your head to face him. You were flushed, and tears threatened to fall down your cheeks but he found the lust still in your eyes. He noticed how your ass trembled, but your tail looked in shock by it. 

“Angel, did I hurt you?” With no words, you nodded timidly. Fuck, Jungkook wanted to beat himself up for pushing your limits. “Fuck ___, I’m so sorry. I’m such a shithead. We’ll stop this right no—”

“No, we don’t need to, sir.” You reassured, giving him such a precious grin. “Just no belt, please?”

He saw you, serious and promising as ever. He didn’t deserve you at all. Yet you still took him in with all your might and will. You wanted him to continue, he knew it. It was all over your face.

He smiled ever so gently, truly taking you in. He moved down to kiss your ass cheek and caressed your tail which made you inhale sharply. He went back to you grinning once more before came the cynical expression. 

He stood up from the bed, observing your position. You daringly wiggled your behind once again, releasing any guilt Jungkook previously had. Shit, you’re such a tease.

He gave you one last spank before rubbing your pained bottom. You jolted from time to time, experiencing the ghost of the slaps. Once you seemed laxer, Jungkook turned you over on your back and wings. His stare leering at you while you peered open with eyes that screamed “more!”

“Take off everything, slut.” Jungkook demanded.

So with the blink of an eye, your clothes and undergarments were gone, leaving you bare. One interesting power you obtained from the past months was your ability to take your clothes off when you feel like it without even moving an inch. You were confused by it, even telling Seokjin about it. But your mentor told you succubi can develop special and personal powers on top of the standard skills. It was great for you, extra great for Jungkook. 

He paused for a while, pupils dancing all over your supple body. It was something he knew he would never get tired of seeing. From the top of your head, down to your plush breasts, the curves of your waist and hips, and your captivating legs. But in between your legs laid the cunt he wanted to devour for years.

You were already practically flowing a river, drenching the bedsheet under you. He could see a translucent string connected from your hole to the dampened area. You were always so ready for him. 

He grunted softly, his mouth watering at the sight of your center. He wanted to taste it, yet he still had other plans with you. Grabbing his belt off the floor, he walked steadily to your form. “Arms up.” You obliged within half a second. He hoisted you up the bed. Tying your wrists with the leather, he attached it to the headboard. He tugged on making sure it wasn’t too tight for you, so when you nodded, you were ready to go.

He climbed the bed. Your eyes met with his, his warm breathing hit your cheek. He gulped then clenched his jaw, demeanor hardening the more he kept his gaze. “You deserve to be punished, you stupid whore.”

Your irises enlarged, growing puzzled by his statement. “Why do I have t—“

“Did I say to fucking talk?!?!” He fumed, making you flinch. You quickly shook your head in denial. “You talk when I tell you to, and you do as I fucking say! When I ask you a question, you better answer! I’m not gonna repeat myself. Am I clear?”

You nodded cowardly but it wasn’t the right answer. Jungkook groaned in frustration, which led him to reach over to your nipple and pinch it hard. You winced at the pain yet pleasure of his touch. Your body wanted to submit to him. “Yes, you’re clear, sir!!”

“Good little demon.” He finally complimented and your horns twitched, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him but won’t acknowledge out in the open.

Jungkook had his hands on your knees before spreading them wide to get a clearer view of your glistening cunt. Fuck, he wanted to die. So pretty and swollen, just for him. He bent down to be on eye level. You felt him lingering before he lightly blew into your heat. You moaned softly, the cool air touching you though it wasn’t what you wanted. But you stayed quiet so that Jungkook doesn’t get angry. 

He pulled back and it killed you, almost barking back. But when he shoved two fingers in your sudden hole, all thoughts disappeared and a high-pitched whine snapped out of you. He was not slow and steady. He wasted no time pumping hard in circular motions into your pussy, trying to find your sweet spot. When your voice raised higher, he knew he had already found it.

He then pushed in another finger to help you get more stretched out. It was immaculate how tight your cunt was despite taking in his thick dick. He cursed under his breath, watching you having a harder time breathing from all the mewling you did. Your face was already so enamored with what little he did to you, making him grin like an asshole.

“Such a little slut. Do you like it when I finger this tight fucking cunt?”

You nodded like a child wanting candy. “Yes, I love it, sir.” He kept hitting your g-spot and you got so dizzy. Jungkook decided to test your limit again by adding another finger in you. It was a snug fit but he was still able to continue his thrusts. His palm was practically inside of you getting messed up by the amount of essence you spurted out.

The stretch gave a dull pinch, but you handled it well. You dug your fingers into your palm as it was the only thing you could do besides attempting to break free from the belt which was unsuccessful. But holy shit, so many of his fingers touched your nerves. Each swipe to your rough patch made you go crazy. Your petals sang choir songs to his ears, body, and soul. You felt the knot in your stomach breaking, getting closer and closer to your finish line. Jungkook could feel you reaching your high, so he fastened his pace.

You moaned loudly, knowing what was about to come. However, the human decided to pull out of you a second before you came. You winced as your stretched-out walls pulsed around nothing. Your soaking cunt dripped and ached in pain from the denial. Tears escaped your eyes, your nose getting stuffier than before, and the painful eyes you gave to an unbothered human.

“I didn’t say to cum. You cum when I tell you to.” Jungkook growled, then slurping all of your wetness from his palm to the tip of his fingers. 

“P-puh-please, s-sir.” You tried to speak, but you were getting intoxicated by the horniness you had for that man. “C-can…I…cum?”

“Aww, you’re begging. How cute.” He spoke condescendingly yet you gave no fucks because all you wanted right now was his dick. Which by the way looked insane hard and large in his pants. “But no, you don’t deserve it.”


“You wanna cum, you gotta earn it.” He sneered before slapping your inner thigh so close to your wet folds but not close enough. You could only let out a pliant sound, watching his menacing aura boost. “Do you still have those red candles?”

In a haze, you nodded. A while back, one of your tasks was the use of BDSM and you got provided a box filled with toys and other items to use. Besides rope, blindfolds, and ball gags, there were scarlet strawberry-scented massage candles. But they were never used because there was no time and that task went on for AGES.

However, Jungkook thought now was a good time to use them. “Bring them in.”

To his command, you magically brought it from Naameth. They were displayed on your nightstand, unused and neatly placed with the violet-colored lighter next to them.

Jungkook reached over for one of them and the lighter. Concentrated on what he had in his hands, he examined the two. The long candle presented hefty due to its thickness but it weighed light. He wafted the fruity aroma and hummed in delight before igniting the wick.

Ember appeared before him, illuminating a small bubble around it. He waited until he started seeing a small pool of liquid for the real games to begin.

Hovering it over your intoxicated cunt, he titled the candle. The ruby fluid flowed down and dripped onto your sensitivity, making you yelp at the burn. He moved all over your form, going from your nipples, your navel, back to your center, your neck, and any of your parts he knew you were sensitive in. 

The stinging pain electrified your body, cascading a new tsunami of emotions you’ve never experienced before. Streams of wax trickled down and solidified on your burning skin, marking you.

“You like this?” Jungkook interrogated while you measly nodded, quaking as more of the candle wax landed on you. “Of course, you do. You filthy demon.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes before placing the still-lit candle on the table.

Suddenly, he flipped you over in the same position you first started in. Your wrists rubbed along the belt, probably going to get bruises. He wasted no time slapping your ass again once. He retrieved the candle back, which had melted an abundance of fluid that created a deep pool.

Jungkook enjoyed seeing you in painful pleasure when a sinister smirk morphed on his hot fucking face. Without thinking any further, he had the candle over your back and poured all of it on your wings.

If Jungkook had seen your face, he would have seen your eyes shrink into beady dots. An elongating shriek fled out of you, froth foaming around your mouth. Your burgundy tail rested on the side, hiding away from the utter surprise. Your wings fluttered out of control, shaking like two Christmas ornaments filled with mung beans but not at all in a fun way. 

You tried breaking free but you were scrawny as shit. The burn rushed through your blood and went straight to your agonizing cunt and oozing more of your wetness on the bed. A pleasant sight for the human behind you. The sensation didn’t hurt as much as you expected, but fuck, you were about to go pray to the heavens for something to happen. You sobbed harshly into the pillow because though you felt so much but not enough to reach your peak. Your thighs quaked like a wet cat. you wanted to fucking cum, but he wasn’t letting you. 

“I’m impressed that you’re still not talking and taking it like the whore I know you are,” Jungkook commented before blowing out the candle. The smell of smoke mixed with the artificial strawberry scent lingered in the area.

You didn’t bother turning back to him. Instead, you dug your head into the duvet and unconsciously arched your back lower to accentuate your rounded ass. Jungkook groaned at his perfect vision of you. He guessed you deserve something. “Just for that, you deserve a little treat.” Putting his hands in the dips of your waist, he hoisted the lower half of your body up in the air.

Being so small, it was easy for gym rat boxing galore Jungkook to carry you like you were a feather. He settled the tops of your thigh onto his shoulders. You practically were levitating since Jungkook was huge even when sitting down. He pushed your spine down and you don’t even know what position this was. He was lucky you weren’t human because you were practically shaped as a “u.” Thank you demon bones.

Jungkook had such a delicious view of your petaled sex, so bloated and drenched just begging for him. He scooted closer to the headboard, bringing you with him. Now only your head was shoved onto the bed because you hung upside down. His strong arms wrapped around you with your shivering thighs still on him.

He leaned his head before sticking his pink tongue into your cunt, making you mewl like the needy little thing you were. The muscle then swiped up and down, pushing its way into you. Then the tip found your clit, causing you to shudder. Tears broke free but they went straight to staining the sheets. You were too stimulated and not enough to feel the release.  

Fuck, you tasted better than the last time like he was eating sweet cherries freshly picked out from the farm. He loved that you can actually change your essence’s flavor but honestly just as it was natural was the best one in his honest opinion.

Then your horns twitched.

Suddenly the arousal changed to your original taste, shocking Jungkook as his eyes widened but didn’t complain one bit. It only gave him more reason to latch on to your sensitivity and suckled the way you loved. Your legs trembling in ecstasy but he kept you still in his arms. Your moans increased by the second, wanting to speak his name but you didn’t dare to.

Until he gripped your tail.

“Sir!” You wept out, turning your head to breathe some oxygen. Jungkook surprisingly didn’t punish you and continued stroking your appendage. His thumb applied pressure, amplifying the state you were in. If you weren’t a moaning mess before, you most certainly were now. Your mind turned into cotton. Your eyes rolled back as your hips pushed towards his face.

His lapping tongue embedded your shaking center while the tip of his nose poked your aching bud. He ran his fingers from your tailbone to the heart tip. He went back to your base and pulled on it not too harshly but not too lightly either. You swore you were about to see stars from all this stimulation. The build-up in you got stronger and stronger, almost toward the finish line. “O-oh, I gonna cu—”

Subsequently, he stopped again. He released your tail and plopped your body back onto the mattress, bouncing from the impact. “No, you’re not.” He scooted away from you, legs spread open as he felt himself losing patience with him.

You whimpered, hot streams going down your cheeks. Dammit, you were so close. As sadist as Jungkook was in bed, this by far had to be the cruelest thing he has ever done to you. You’d rather have a bajillion orgasms than get denied them.

“Remember what I fucking said, slut. You can’t come unless I say so and you don’t deserve it after what you did.”

You were on the verge of losing the 3% of insanity left in you. You weren’t understanding your position right now. Yes, you loved the pain and the pleasure he gave but why did he do it right before dinner time? Tonight was supposed to be important but now you’re suddenly blamed for reasons you don’t know. So you spoke without caring about the consequences. You twisted onto your back to face his darkened blushed expression. Your wrists were hurt from the constraint. “W-why can’t I c-cum? I ne-never did a-anything!”

Wow, you finally yelled back. It took you long enough. But Jungkook, being stubborn and never wanting to back down, wanted to punish you. Unfortunately, his feelings for you were in the way and he had to let out his thoughts, or else, he was about to explode. “Because you let Seokjin fucking kiss you!” He spat out. “You don’t get to cum until you realize you don’t need him in your life!”

You blinked dumbly, taken aback. What the fuck was he talking about? Seokjin was your mentor, you needed him! Even after you finished your training, he was your mentor for all eternity. “Wh-what? I do need him! He can’t go away!” A bit of logic crept into your brain, trying to understand what Jungkook was getting at.

“Wrong answer, angel.”

Jungkook got off of the bed, pupils never leaving yours. Button by button, he unloosened his shirt, exposing his glistening tan skin and chocolate bar abs. Once he flicked it off of him, his sleeve tattoos were fully visible. He unzipped his pants, freeing him from the clothing. The outline of his hardened girthy dick and the wet spot on his boxers was clearly shown and it made your mouth water. Damn, this human was so defined. You wanted to throw up at how sexy he was.

He cupped himself to relieve some discomfort he went through. He bit his lips while staring into your gleaming pupils, so clueless about how he truly felt yet you still managed to bewitch him regardless. He removed the last article on him, now bare with his curved cock bouncing from his movements. He played with his lip ring, smirking at how you got unconsciously rubbed your thighs together as he played with himself. “What do you want?”

You gulped, “I-I-I want you, sir.”

Jungkook snorted haughtily, “Yeah, right. Go to Seokjin, maybe he’ll give you the half-ass orgasm that you deserved.”

You furrowed your eyebrows again. What the fuck does Seokjin have to do with all of this? You would never let him touch you the way Jungkook does. Why does he sound like he has so much hatred for your mentor? They fucking met an hour ago.

You shook your head naively, “No, I want you, Jungkook. I always have.”

Your voice and words stabbed his heart. How could you even say that when you’re with Seokjin? Wait, hold on…are you cheating on the demon with him? Are you a cheater? But doesn’t Seokjin know that you’ve been fucking him? Maybe it was an open relationship? What the fuck was between you and Seokjin?

But Jungkook realized—he was only your task helper. Nothing more, nothing less. That was why Seokjin was okay with all of this. That was why you weren’t acknowledging what he did for you. It was mindless. You needed a human to help you with your training, and that was what you got.

Your relationship was nonexistent, and it ached Jungkook. Fuck, he can’t do this anymore. He couldn’t suppress it any longer. Demon or not, you were you and he was him. You were vulnerable and dense to everything, you almost killed him by accident every single time, but he loved it because you still had a good heart and you cared wholeheartedly. You were the literal perfect being in his life.

He was in love with you and there was no way of stopping him.

Was this how the hookups and flings felt? Because it was hurting him on the inside very deeply. This was probably karma.

“Jungkook?” You called out, snapping him out of his trance.

The human blinked a couple of times before acknowledging you again. You were naked, legs spread apart. Your perspired skin glowed under the warm light. Breasts were perky and nipples were pointed. Your arousal leaked down your perineum, even landing on your puckered anus.

He thought this was the last time that he would see you like this. He had to stop seeing you. It was no good for his human heart. He didn’t want to go through this unrequited love any longer. He had to give up immediately. Well…after he fucks you into oblivion as a last hoorah, then he’d give up.

Like a hyena attacking its prey, Jungkook was back in bed. He felt his emotions threatening to get to him through his tear ducts. He couldn’t do that right now, he had to suck it up and release all of it through fucking you. He blinked rapidly to keep his cool. His hands reached the back of your thighs, opening you up.

His eye contact was fierce, scrutinizing your soul. It made your demon heart skip a beat at how intense he looked at you. Without breaking, he took himself and positioned it to your slit. He didn’t ask if you were ready as he was already going in but slower than usual. Inch by inch, he disappeared in you and you mewled at the stretch of him. He pushed in once more until the head touched your tiny cervix, promptly making you go unhinged. 

You were drooling, getting the drug you finally wanted. You talked nonsensically as you bit down on your lower lips. You could practically cum, but you knew you couldn’t. How was it possible for a human dick to ruin your entire existence? That, you don’t know but you weren’t complaining.

All you could think about was Jungkook, his body, his cock, his personality, his soul. Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. It was all about him.

He didn’t ask to move; he just did. Knowing you, you also wanted him to start now. However, he wanted to make this last as long as he could. But he felt too stimulated he thought he was going to burst in you once he filled you up. The love he had for you overpowered his control, his dominance. His pace was different, it was slower yet way harder than usual.

Each thrust made you squirm under him. You looked so pretty, cross-eyed, with hair sticking on your forehead, and trying to escape your confinement. You pleaded to get out of it by weeping high-pitched noises. You badly wanted to touch him, hold him. “Pweesh, t-t-toush you!” You yanked on the belt, attempting anything. You were numb on your wrists, only sensing the cock pounding you like there was no tomorrow. “Toush you!”

Jungkook refused for him to touch you because it will only break him into a million pieces. If you laid a hand on him, he wouldn’t want to let go of you. But he was selfish, so so so selfish. He needed this way more than you did. It was for his one last time and his everlasting memory. 

Without contemplating any longer, he penetrated deeper into you. With one hand on your hips for stability, he untied your wrists. When you were free, the weight of your hands felt heavier as they bounced onto the wrinkled covers. They were much more tired than expected but Jungkook took your wrists with his hand to examine the marks that formed around them, noticing the red and purple sores.

He held them to his lips and pecked endless kisses like it was medicine to the pain. It was sort of like that because they weren’t as delicate as they appeared. His tongue lapped around the bruises. Your hands were lighter than before, allowing you to wrap them around his nape. You caught him by surprise as his big bunny eyes widened.

You pulled him near you, your noses meeting. Your lips were swollen and red, relentless moans escaped your mouth. You ran your fingers into his damp raven hair, securing hold onto him. You had no brain anymore, no thinks, no words. You lived and breathe to obey him. You were now and always will be Jungkook’s pocketpussy.

You stretched your head, puckering your lips to finally meet his, also shocking him and his brain. His heart thumped faster than normal, especially when you swiped your tongue over his teeth. The kiss grew messier, slobbering around the rims of your mouths and exchanging and swallowing each other’s spit. 

Jungkook stopped tonguing you but his mouth was still on yours. “Say you’re mine. I wanna hear you say it.” He grunted. His long cock dragged in your battered pussy. “Fucking say it!”

“Y-yours, sir! I yours!”

“No, say my name right now!” Jungkook commanded. Even though he loved his sir kink, he needed to hear his name out of your mouth. “Whose are you?”

“I’m yours, Jungkook!”

“That’s right. Fucking slutty demon creaming around my big cock, you better be.” His pace increased roughly, making the pressure in your abdomen come back again. Your walls ached in hopes that you weren’t going to be rid of another orgasm. The connectedness between you two sounded sticky and wet as his dick collected the ring of foaming white from you. 

“I am—hunghhh! I-I-I’ll always be.” You truthfully said, but Jungkook didn’t believe you. You were drunk in carnality. 

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” There was envy and wrath in his voice but it was to cover his frail judgments. “You take what you fucking get.”

“But mo’! More! Mo’!” You begged brainlessly, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Pweesh, sir!”

“I must have fucking spoiled you. Begging for more that you can’t even handle, slut! Bad demon!” He ridiculed you, but you loved it so much. Your weakened succubus mind loved his cruel insults.

“I not bad!!!” You sobbed, tears bubbling up around your eyes from the stimulation.

“Yes, you fucking are. Bad to me because I can’t get enough of you! Bad to my body, bad to my cock that only wants to be wrapped around this tight fucking pussy.” He impaled you rampantly, your cunt bawling at the crude action. “Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!” With each thrust, he emphasized and then pinched your inflated clit in between his index finger and thumb. 

You screamed as you knew you couldn’t hold it in any longer. The knot in you played tug-o-war. Body vibrating endlessly like a cellular device’s alarm, you were about to die if you kept it in. “Cum! Cum! Cum!” You chanted, wishing he’d finally let you. “Cum! Cu—”

“Cum all over me, baby.”

Once he said those words, the sound that came out of you was neither inhumane nor demonic. Your eyes crossed, making you smell the twinkly little stars around. The warmth coursed through your blood while your brain melted into a puddle. You wailed, gasping for air, sounding like a dying pig that was about to turn into bacon. Body convulsed, shuttering every millisecond while helplessly holding onto the solid man above you. He guided you through your high, rocking into you. You clenched tightly around his flaming cock, making him whine that how he was getting closer to his high.

When you finally came, your tail swiveled out and up then sprinkled cum all over your bodies. Jungkook snatched your squirting appendage, causing you to yelp at the sensitivity. He pressed the tip of it into your slightly parted mouth. “Suck up your cum.” Moaning, you succumbed to his command and opened your mouth as he inserted your spewing heart-tailed end. With your tongue sticking out, you tried swallowing your non-stop cum, but it ended up splashing all over your fucked out face.

Jungkook leaned down and joined in on your slurping session. Both of your tongues glided up and down your gushing limb. He followed the pattern of your tail, shaping around smooth ripples. Your muscles met at the tip, drinking in your pool of essence. You were intoxicated and delirious with passion and overstimulation. Your skull was hollow as an abyss. Nothing from you made sense.

He parted away before gripping back onto your hips harshly and faster, causing you to purr. It was too much, but you sucked it up. His dick continued thrusting inside of you, but he was in shambles from also trying to chase his high. 

“Wanna get stuffed?” He grumbled. You could only nod, tongue lolling from side to side. “Get filled by my golden human cum.” You nodded needier. “Are you worthy of it? Are you worthy of me?”

You thought you said yes but gibberish came out instead. But it was his cue to finally cum too.

His head dropped to the crevice of your neck. He pumped into you once more before stilling himself. He whined in your ear, calling your name like a mantra. His trembling abdomen squeezed hard and his grasp on you tensed as he shot out ropes and ropes of sticky white in your battered cunt. He painted your inside, your exhausted body taking in the warmth.

Your eyes glowed scarlet again, absorbing his semen into your powers. Jungkook felt a slight tingle when you unknowingly took particles of his life force again, but he was used to it by now. It was going to come back to him anyways.

He delicately removed himself from you, but you still wailed. He peppered light kisses on your shoulder to ease you. He sat up, seeing how fucked out you looked with his cum spilling out of your wheezing hole. You looked so gorgeous like this and it was all because of him. Not Seokjin. Fucking him.

Fuck, Seokjin.

He didn’t want his cum to go to waste so he scooped the excess from the sheets and pushed it back into you. You let out a long moan, trying to push away his hand but you were too tired to. Once he was satisfied, he lay beside you, gazing at your blushing expression. You were panting heavily, as usual, never going to catch up with his energy. But you were so beautiful, it pained him. 

You turned your head, drooping eyes saw the sparkles in his. He was utterly out of this world. A star shining above the rest, yet he was next to you and you wouldn’t change it anywhere even if you were realms apart.

Your shaking hand engulfed his cheek, your thumb rubbing his sweaty skin. You closed your eyes and moved towards him to close the gap, but you suddenly felt him pull away. Your eyelids snapped open when you saw him staggering out of bed.

“I-I-I have to get out of here.” He announced, rushingly scanning the room for his clothes. He had to leave now or else he was never backing out.

Though you were in a disoriented daze from post-coital, him saying he had to leave triggered your senses. You jolted up, watching him collect his garments. You never saw him this frazzled or in a hurry before. Every time you had sex, he enjoyed cuddling with you or keeping you in his arms. You were baffled and actually peeved off he was acting like this and he wasn’t telling you why.

“Koo, what’s going on?” You questioned, but you grimaced at how groggy your voice was.

“Don’t you fucking Koo me!” He swore at you. Though Jungkook was vile in bed, he was never like that outside of it. This complete 185 frightened and sorrowed you. “You know what you fucking did.”

“No, I don’t.” You informed but it sounded like a question because you didn’t know what you did. Damn, did you fuck up on dinner or something? “Jungkook, why are you so heated? Right now, in bed, more heated than usual.”

His glare on you softened when he realized the dim-wittedness lurking in your pupils. Not a damn thing in you figured out what was going on. You still knew nothing. “Forget it. It’s nothing but I have to—”

"Okay, even I know that's a straight-up lie." You interrupted him, not buying anything he was saying. You wanted to understand his reasoning. He looked so angry and frustrated. Yet you weren’t, so you wanted to calm him down and be mindful of whatever you did to make him this upset. "Talk to me. I've been easygoing, haven't I?"


"What do you mean?" You pouted cutely, and it only angered him even more.

"You're so frustrating!" Jungkook groaned, then paced around the room with his flaccid dick swinging around like a pendulum. "You really have no sense of what's going on, do you?”

Okay, that offended you. You gasped, “Now you're sounding like Seokjin—“

"Oh, Seokjin now? Wow, me sounding like him. Pfft, you might as well go to him instead of getting someone like him."

“I am confusion!”

"You're confused? You're confusing me!!"

"Jungkook, what the fuck is going on? Be clear with me!” You probed for the last time, losing your unwavering patience. You stood up wobbly from the ruined mattress. Though your legs were practically falling apart, you stood your ground. “Do human men also have periods?"

He paused his steps and pivoted towards you. He encircled an arm around your stature, chests pressing each other. He kept your balance when he picked you up and rested his forehead on your shoulder. He needed to say it before he was free from you. "I love you, ___."

Your jaw dropped, stunning you with his confession. Sadly, for the both of you, you don’t react well so you said, ”Uhhh, excuse me?? What the actual fuck?"

He chuckled but there was so much sadness to it. He knew it was too good to be true. He lifted his head, then touched your forehead with his, smelling his warm garlic bread breath (when did he have garlic bread?), and graze your nose. "I said I love you…and I'm embarrassed and miserable because you're with Seokjin."

You morphed a face of horror when he revealed that. “Huh? I’m not with Seokjin. Fuck that!" Never in your whole life would ever think to be with that conniving, irritating, egotistical, yet handsome incubus. You never had a level of attraction to Seokjin as opposed to Jungkook. 

Now Jungkook grew more puzzled. “Then what the fuck is he to you?"

"He's my mentor!! He guides me through and is in charge of my training. As a mentor, he is with me for all eternity!” You explained.“He's the one who wanted to meet with you. I thought I made that clear!"

"No, you didn't!"


You were flabbergasted, you assumed you told him everything about Seokjin. But when you thought about it a little longer, it seemed your explanations were empty and filled with avoidance. In your defense, you never wanted to think about your mentor, especially when you were with Jungkook.

“Yeah, he's touchy and affectionate with you, even calling you pet names. I assumed you were with him before meeting him too.” Jungkook was distraught, reminiscing about today’s incident in his mind. The way Seokjin held you, and talked to you, it all seemed so real. “Like why else did he kiss you and call you his play toy?”

"Because I like to fuck around!" Seokjin burst through the door unapologetically into the sexed-up scented room, hearing everything that was done and said. You both flinched from the sound, spotting the incubus appearing amused. At first response, Jungkook was quick to protect your body from being shown to another. You weren’t as alarmed. Seokjin saw you naked before due to a physical examination. You glanced blankly at your nosy mentor. "She’s my play toy as in I like to play around and mentally scar her.” Your mentor’s eyes wandered around the mess before landing on Jungkook’s bare ass. “I knew you loved her! Even the higher-ups could see it! You were just being stubborn and ___’s a fucking dumbass to see it!"

“So…Jungkook loves me?” You finally recognized his feelings towards you.

“Did he or I just fucking say that, you dipshit?” Seokjin complained, shaking his head at you.

"But you don't love me either way," Jungkook muttered, peering down at your toes.

"Who said I didn't love you?" You fussed rhetorically. You thought you pointed out your feelings towards him well. "That has to be clear!"

"No, you are immune to my affection. What the fuck?"

“This is spicy.” Seokjin’s commentary was made aware when you leered at him.

“Can you leave us alone?” You yelled. It wasn’t even a question. He needed to leave now.

“Fine, I’ll be right outside by the door.” Seokjin huffed before exiting the broken door and frame. Though he closed it completely shut, the entire door fell, breaking into shattered chunks of wood and leaving the incubus to hear anything you both said. 

"No, I'm sorry! I do love you!" You confessed, taking his large hands into yours. “I’ve always loved you!”

“Finally, fuck!” Seokjin cheered.

Jungkook’s pupils dilated. His heart palpitated faster at your declaration. Was he dreaming? “Stop, no. Really?" You nodded, smiling at his disbelief. “B-but how? You're a demon! I'm a human!"

"So? I love beyond what I am." You simply shrugged before resting your chin on his pectorals, your neck extended to see his face. "I'm also not the first succubus to love a human. Why else did I keep coming back to you?"

"For sex? To help with your training?"

"Well, yes…” He did say something matter-of-factly, so you couldn’t help but agree. But it made him deflate, and you realize it right away. “But also I love being with you because I'm in love with you, Koo!" You tried mending the damage. “I think I can remember my horns twitching during sex. If you thought of something you may like or want on me, I can automatically change it! That only happens when a succubus is in love!” You started saying all kinds of things that were truthful and how much you loved him. “I love spending time with you, I love your kisses, I love your cuddles, I love when you get nasty, and you have very nice penmanship too!”

Your continuous list made his inside warm and flutter like butterflies. He loved every bit of it. He finally glowed brightly with that bunny smile you adored. 

He clutched an arm over your waist before bending you backward and dipping down. “I’m in love with you too." Your noses touched and your lips were only centimeters away. "You've changed me. I don't know if it's because of your powers, or your charm, or your fucking obsession with granola, but I can't think of and refuse to be with anyone else but you, my beloved angel."

“Then please love me, Jungkook?” You asked oh so sweetly and lovingly, curling your lips with the bats you were getting in your tummy.

“Baby, that shouldn’t even be a question. I’ll always love you.” He chuckled before meshing your lips perfectly together. A kiss that was filled with so much love and devotion, neither of you wanted to let go. You were both fucking dumbasses who were in love with each other but had miscommunication to thicken the damn plot.

Fuck you, writer.

Jungkook pecked little kisses on your lips, cheeks, and forehead, making you giggle. He then pulled back and placed you back on your feet. “But you must take responsibility for turning me into a loser who giggles at your short text messages."

"That I will!" You jumped and clapped, beginning to float into the air. Your wings and tail danced happily. “I’m glad to have had you as my first task!" You smooched Jungkook’s cheek, hugging his muscular form.

"You were bitching at me about him!" Seokjin came back into the room with his arms folded into his chest.

Not bothered by your mentor’s interruptions, you rolled your eyes and whined, ”That was beforehand! I didn't know him!"

"Yeah, whatever. So are you all good and together I assume?" Seokjin grinned with the “okay” sign before reaching Jungkook’s attention. "Don't worry, human. She was never my type—whiny and a pain in my gorgeous ass."

"Hey!" You fretted.

Jungkook focused on the sex demon. Maybe Seokjin wasn’t all bad. Though he did it in a fucked up way, the human comprehended how much Seokjin did care for you and he assumed himself too since your mentor helped your relationship finally blossom. He just didn’t like saying how much he cared outwardly. “We're good! Thank you, Seokjin. Sorry for punching you.”

“It’s fine. I felt like I was in a drama and I was the antagonist though I like to consider the anti-hero in this fanfic.” Seokjin glanced at the reader through the screen. You and Jungkook stared at one another, not sure what Seokjin peeked at. "Well, anyways, everything will be fine. I’ll send a positive report to the higher-ups. But Jungkook, you must be okay with helping ___ with her tasks. Some are more far-fetched than others."

"It should be fine with me. We've been experimenting plenty in our love life." He glimpsed at you rubbing your cheek onto his chest, even inhaling his musk. He kissed the top of your head with satisfaction.

Seokjin hummed in response, knowing what he would say may be bad news to the human “However, I did notice the uncompleted tasks that require a bit…more."

"Like what?"

"A threesome, and considering your jealous dick, you wouldn't like that." The incubus informed, making Jungkook’s smile fade.

You halted your cheek rubbing to stare at your official boyfriend miserable at the discovery. “Jungkook, please! I need this for my training." You begged, intertwining your hands together in front of you. "It won't mean anything, I swear!"

Though he understood it was part of your school, he was still wary. ”Does it have to be human?"

"Not necessarily. Just more of a being." Seokjin answered, watching the situation go slightly bad for the human. "But at least one of you has to be a human, which is you."

“Fine.” Jungkook sighed, pessimistically giving in. But your animated cheers put the grin back on him. “So I'm not letting any of my frat brothers near you like that. Do you have any potentials, my love?

"Hmmm, not really.” You replied, tippy-toeing to kiss his cheek. “Many demons try not to perform sexual activities with each other—wait! I do know one!"

"Who is it?" Your boyfriend cocked an eyebrow.

"He's a warlock from Wennale, the witch realm! He goes by Taehyung!"

"Ahh, yes. Taehyung! Gotta love him, so nice and real talker." Seokjin had a hand over his demon hard with the cheesiest yet wicked grin plastered over his beautiful damn face. "Saw him a few times with little one. Real deal if you ask me.“ He directed it towards Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, what?" Your boyfriend asked monotonously.

"It was nothing serious!” You waved it off. “He did take my virginity, what humans call it, and we did see each other a few more after it. He was sweet, called me pretty, gave me flowers, even tied me up and fu—“


Please Love Me! | JJK

A/N: The end…for now. AHAHAHA JK PLS that’s it for the couple as an actual fic. Maybe Drabbles who knows. But thank you for reading <3 Also yes, they were talking to seokjin naked ;-;

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2 years ago

- atu!jaykay ; masterlist 

“there’s no greater evidence of the thin line between love and hate than your relationship with jeon jeongguk.”

jjk / enemies to lovers to established relationship + slice of life au

warnings: explicit smut, oral (m & f receiving), creampie, lowkey dom!jaykay, pet names :), impregnation kink :), dirty talk, body worship, choking, pussy spanking, masturbation, sensory deprivation, spitting, fingering etc….

note: oneshots will be updated as the order changes. they are not posted chronologically, though they are listed as such.

ongoing (currently 53k) | playlist


extra: first meeting extra: drunken butterflies extra: pretty extra: the almost x mine for the night (m) - jeongguk last night in town brings some surprises x addicted to u (m) - you and jeongguk come face to face after six months x caught in the moment (m) - taehyung organises a trip to the cabin x 01:14am (m) - you come home from work and find jeongguk asleep x it’s always you (m) - you take jeongguk to your parents house x right here (m) - jimin comes along and causes problems for you and jeongguk x may the best man win (m) - jeongguk comes up with a little game  extra: happy six months! (m) x a home for two - you and jeongguk take that big next step x panic womb (m) - a tipsy night of passion leads to a dilemma for you extra: going the distance (m) x edge of happiness (m) - a career setback puts a wedge between you and jeongguk

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