Junk's World - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Quick post that might evolve into a story while I re-edit ‘Eyes on Me’ which is definitely On the way, I did not lie about that no ma’am. Never that. Not me… I would never
Ft. Principal Asano from assassination classroom
Rated T for suggestive language | not edited | judge your god not me
“Why don’t I take her to the nurse while you all have a quiet study hall amongst yourselves? No need to worry her more.”
Like a spell, his tone brought actual nausea to her stomach, weakening her body until pressing her forehead against his palm became the only feasible way to stay upright.
“Don’t worry. Focus on your studies. I’ll be back in shape in no time.” She forced out. The students watch their beloved teacher be led down the hall, hastily throwing a weak smile their way before turning the corner, set on the path to the infirmary.
The stinging smell of disinfectant and cold metal came and went as the pair passed the room. She sighed as her fate became glaringly obvious. In her last moments, she thought it be best to reflect on her choices that led her toward death’s door.
Black eyes. Tan skin. An unmoving scowl. Broad, broad shoulders with a cinched waist. Thick hair that would look absolutely delectable caught between her nails. His voice remained unknown for now, but her mind was more than ready to fill in that hole with something raspy and seductive enough to talk her into climaxing.
Oh, how her tongue yearned for her teeth to sink into such a fine specimen. She had to know how his flesh tasted, and how fast his blood pumped when under the influence of arousal, just like how they had already learned this about the principal.
The only man she’s been steadily kneeling for these past few months.
Let it be known now in his office with no witnesses besides the dust mites and the janitorial staff responsible for cleaning up their afterschool messes, the foreign English teacher was a salacious beast led by her primal desires. And the esteemed Principal Asano represented every filled desire she had. A man of his… pedigree was worth their weight in gold. Under his employment, she gained access to stable income and housing, a lovely slightly above modest life. Under his desk, she gained pleasure so painful she struggled to revel in the jewels and his highly sought-after attention.
The same attention focused on her now like a target light. One long blink and she found herself back to supporting herself as best she could under his heavy stare. Only the desk separated them. He had yet to sit down.
“What was that?” Teddy frazzled under his red eyes. Red. Black. She’d trade her soul to see those colors together. Focus.
“I’m disappointed in you. Someone under my leadership should never be seen in the hall of my school, salivating and whimpering like a bitch in heat.”
“Principal Asano, sir. Let me explain.” Within a second her head was pressed against mahogany wood with his palm keeping her trapped. She could feel the threads of her skirt ride up the back of her thighs. If anyone were to walk in on them…
“There’s no need, Professor. I can see it written all over your face. In some ways, this is my fault. Employing a salacious woman such as yourself,” Asano shifted his brutish hold from her cheek to her hair, balling his fist in her locks. “Remember how quickly you fell for me. It was my own arrogance that brought this on, I believed you were a woman of impeccable taste in men. But now I see.” Dragging her up by her hair strands, he forced eye contact.
“You’d bend over for any man that gave you a glance. What a shame. A woman as beautiful as you should really have higher standards. What was it about the little government stiff that had you dripping out your skirt?” His hand didn’t slacken in power as he walked back around to her side of the desk. Asano stared her down with fury and greed lighting a fire behind his irises.
"Wrong one, Nanami-san!"
Welp guess who the cat done dragged back out of hell and outta her shell. Quick lil post, and yes I did just get braids.
Rating: PG | warnings: cursing probably, one asscheek squeeze, poorly edited
introducing Bambi, my newest reader stand-in
"Wait, you said you took zelle?! I didn’t bring cash.” Bambi looked back at the woman, bewildered. It was 3:40 pm, and she had been in the small braiding shop since 7:30 am. Her head hurt, her leg started cramping, her stomach been growling since noon, and her ass was numb like she got injected with novocaine on both cheeks.
The struggles of being a bad bitch.
“No, no, no. my sister does zelle, but she is not here. I only do cash.” As she spoke through with accented tongue, the braider had begun retracting her hands, resting the tools of her trade that had been working non-stop all day. Bambi could feel her irritation grow. As much as this whole situation peeved her off, she would be damned if she returned home with half her hair done.
“Okay, lemme call my boyfriend. He’ll bring the money.”
“Okay, honey. Call him now. I take break now.” Bambi nodded, getting out of the worn stylist chair to get her blood circulating while her fingers tapped on the phone screen. The call was brief, all she had to do was ask for him to stop by with the money. A question from him had Bambi call out to the braider, who had moved to the front of the shop to check in with her family and other clients.
“Gena? What time will we be done?” The woman paused her vivid storytelling to respond to Bambi.
“Two more hours. Remy, come help me finish and we’ll leave after. Okay?” Called to attention, a little girl no older than 12 removed her earplugs and put down her iPad.
“Okay, momma.” Bambi relayed the message to the receiver, smiling, and pressed the red end button when he promised he would personally come to deliver the money.
“He coming with the money, hunny?”
“Good, good. Okay, let’s finish.”
Two hours passed torturously, her focus spit between pressing down on whatever braid was being tugged on to relieve pain and prevent her follicles from getting ripped out, and watching the foreign romance drama playing on the mounted tv via the mirror’s reflection. In the two hours, Bambi watched with envy and scrunched nose as two of the seven other clients leave, the scent of hairspray and small drips of boiling water showing their trail.
“Stay still, hunny.” With a minute nod, Bambi did as she was told, steam licking the fine hairs of her ears and neck. “Almost done. Where is your boyfriend?”
“He’s-” the sound of the old bell above the door being ringed silenced Bambi. Call her crazy, but she likes to think her senses were acute when it came to her boyfriend. She could tell by the summer breeze that filled the room he was in the room.
“Bambi?” Yuji’s upbeat voice reached all the way to the back where she, Gena, and Remy were stationed.
“Here.” He followed her reply into the back, pushing beads that separated the front from the back out his way. He gave a soft smile, in awe of seeing her in such a state. It wasn’t often anyone got a glimpse of her primping and preening. Most of the time the group only got the end result, hair and accessories already perched in place. The Bambi in front of him looked vulnerable, unease written clearly in her expression.
“Who do I give it to?” he looked at the other two people in the corner, fighting the muscles in his face wanting to keep his expression neutral.
“Gena.” Without hesitation, Gena got up from the chair, hand out, ready to accept her payment for almost twelve hours of labor.
“Thank you. Your boyfriend is very handsome, Hunny.” Gena quipped as her fingers ripped open the sealed envelope.
“He’s not him, Yuji, where is Nanami?” She could feel young eyes peep up to her, to Yuji, towards the front, before refocusing on dipping the ends of the braids. Remy’s mother gasped, done counting her payment.
“Too much! Almost ten thousand.” She uttered, mind frazzled at the amount in her hand. Bambi gave a scrupulous glance at the braider before looking at Yuji, who had turned a soft pink.
“I’m sorry, give me one second!” Ripping the money out Gena’s hand, the young man flounced back to the front, ringing the bell as he opened the door to talk to his boss.
“Wrong one, Nanami-san.” The occupants of the shop went hush, waiting on how the mysterious man that had been pacing back and forth like a predator, talking swift and curt on the phone, would respond. A few still chirped on though.
Bambi heard the bell ring once again, ignoring the whispers between mother and daughter trying to speculate who the hell was in their shop. Bambi liked Remy’s guess of ‘conman’ the least. Nanami would never do something so lowbrow as conning.
That was her territory.
He came in with the next gust of wind, trenchcoat flowing behind him like a cape. The conversations come to a full halt then, all the patrons and workers fixated on his simple movements. Bambi swore even the beads moved out of the way for the man as he crossed over to the back, the phone still pressed to his ear, the ticked-off expression he wore morphing into a fonder one. He tapped the mute button on the screen to address the room.
“Sorry, ma’am. My mistake.” He said nothing more, producing a new unopened envelope for Gena. This package was noticeably less dense. Just as she accepted her payment, Remy squeezes the last of the boiling water out of the fibers of synthetic hair. Bambi can’t control the groan released from her spirit.
Yuji followed his boss back in and was about to offer a hand to help her out of the chair until Nanami gave him an unreadable expression. She got her boyfriend’s hand instead.
Bambi smiled cheerily as he gently pulled her out of the chair, raising their joint hands towards the yellowed fluorescent lighting. He looked at her like a king does his god. Her long braids flew behind her when she fell into his embrace. Letting go of her hand, Nanami wrapped his arm around her waist, securing her to him.
“Absolutely stunning.” His low tone sent shivers down her spine. Already she could feel skin melt and stick to his aura. He didn’t care about the others in the room with them, he only had eyes for his Bambi.
“Thank you,” Swallowing the lust in her throat, Bambi turned to Gena and her daughter. “Thank you, see ya’ll next time.”
“Okay, hunny. Goodnight.” Gena spoke automatically, her focus refusing to move from the stack of money in her hand. It was still twice as much as she charged. She didn’t even attempt to cover her daughter’s eyes or admonish the couple when Nanami gave a quick but strong squeeze to his girlfriend’s ass.
“Let’s go. I have to make another stop and get a new envelope and-” The voice on his phone increased its volume, reminding everyone he was on a call. Kissing Bambi’s gleaming forehead, he mouthed a sorry as he pressed the mute button again.
“Yeah, I’m here.”
Bambi waved as she left the shop, happy to be free from the pain and suffering. The door hadn’t even closed all the way when she heard the explosion of conversation they left in their wake. She turned to Yuji and poked him in the cheek, right under his scar.
“Make a stop at Whataburger, yeah? I’m craving a shake.”
“Sure thing, boss.”