Leland Coyle - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Officer resssssponding.

Some drawings of coyle i did today!! Not the best since I did them with cursor but🫶🫶
This is so pomerous
I just wanna share this really stupid video i got of coyle😭 very pomerous @rearmingstrafbomber
He cheeks out

It’s almost Halloween.
That means it’s time for Coyle to put on a slutty cop costume.

Ру ФД прости меня.
ru fendom sorry ....
Cool guys 👍🗿

Как они связаны? А я не знаю, просто захотелось нарисовать их на одном листе
How are they related? And I do not know, I just wanted to draw them on one sheet

coyle shit inspired by the comics bc whaaat .. coyle and gooseberrys comics style is sooo cool,,
coyle playlist :3 might add more to this. feel free to convert this to spotify or whatever music thing u use if anyone wants. id like to make ones for gooseberry and franco eventually too but i have less ideas for them

mmhb idk how to feel but its chill at least i made something

i swear to yall rb intended for coyle to be weirdly attractive I SWEAR TO YALL . LISTEN!! hes a mean old man (freaks (me) love that), he has a sort of deep and rough voice, an accent, he wears leather, has incredibly suggestive or outright explicit sexual voicelines often, and is constantly horny. RB DID THIS ON PURPOSE THEY WERE FUCKING WITH US IM TELLING YALLLL