Minos - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

minos was such a pussy. if my wife gave birth to an epic minotaur baby i wouldn't have locked him in a labyrinth. i would have taken him to the mcdonalds play place (athens) every day and let him eat as many stray mcnuggets (athenians) off the floor as he wanted. i love you hungry son

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11 years ago
Minos-guardian Del Bosque

minos-guardian del bosque

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8 years ago
 - , , . # # #palace #minos On #crete #island #civilization #fresco

Временное мышление все время мечется вперед-назад над океаном воспоминаний и предчувствий, то и дело возвращаясь к призрачному острову, который мы называем «я». #тайнакоторойнет #тонипарсонс #palace #minos on #crete #island #civilization #fresco

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5 months ago

Greek Mythology Characters drawn by Gustave Doré

Note: Most of these are illustrations from the Divine Comedy.

1. Charon

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

2. Cerberus

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

3. Minos

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

4. Asterion/The Minotaur

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

5. The Erinyes/Furies

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

6. Centaurs

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

7. Harpies

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

8. Plutus

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

9. The Oceanids

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

10. Andromeda

Greek Mythology Characters Drawn By Gustave Dor

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6 years ago
Some Doodles From Jashin-chan Dropkick, Minos And Medusa
Some Doodles From Jashin-chan Dropkick, Minos And Medusa

Some doodles from Jashin-chan Dropkick, Minos and Medusa

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