Mutuals Please Talk To Me - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
what someone needs to be/ do/have in order to be your friend ?
I am so lonely it doesn't matter
communism, capitalism, facism or..? ✨️
Idk I just hate all forms of authoritarianism especially communism I hope all communists kill themselves
a band everyone likes but you dont
Fuck korn
favorite song at the moment?
do you have enemies? Let's go kill then with swords
I have many enemies
how do you think I am ? Lmaao
Scrumple dumble the 3rd earl of dorchestington
how was the festival ?
This is the closest you'll get to a face revial
What about adding a skull, dragon, snake or some political symbol to your jacket ?
I don't like to be political also its already got a skull
What did you like the most in the festival ?
I saw a band called cauldron which is Canadian and its like Kinda black metal idk it was a pretty good band but also I did a hell of alot of crowd surfing
can you show more closely the pins you got in your jacket ?
There's nothing to interesting on there
Time for your daily testicular torture
😨😨😨😨😨😨 no it definitely is not
I want to kidnap you.
Please do I wanna get away
Your dick is next.
Atleast give me estrogen first 😭😭😭😭
I need to eat you.
Chomo chomp I guess 😔 suicide by cannibalism would be a sick band name 🥳
Should I draw my pfp and stick it to my wall with the rest of my drawings?
Idk if Banana Krueger is worthy of the mini art museum.
Do it or else!!!!
everyone should wish chloe a happy birthday she is celebrity and deserves posts made about her honestly
This is true she definitely deserves one everyone wish her a happy birthday