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▀▄▀▄▀▄First Meet Ups▄▀▄▀▄▀(𝚐𝚗!𝙼𝙲)
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍: 𝙽𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚕 𝚡𝚢𝚡 𝙼𝙲 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢𝙱𝚘𝚢 (𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: Some are a tad bit more suggestive than the rest, just a heads up.

𝙽𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛
Anxiously he stood in the airport lobby, being in public spaces has never been their greatest strength- social anxiety sucks ass. However that wasn't the only thing he was anxious about- they were just about to meet up with MC. The two of them had been planning this for months, and now that MC has quit their old job (honestly it was about damn time) because they refused to grant them their vacation days- the two were finally able to be in each other's arms after seven months.
His phone lit up with a new notification, followed by another and another. The shit connection from the airport had delayed their arrival times.
"Landed, going to baggage claim.""Gods I'm nervous, but super excited!" "Toasty, where are you?" "Toasty" "Toast?"
Quickly they respond, foot tapping on the floor as his anxiety peaks. MC was in the building. They were so close. Excitement bursts through his chest, while the anxiety that they just couldn't shake- twisted their stomach into knots. What if he wasn't what they were expecting? What if they regret agreeing to come? The thoughts made him feel much smaller in the room crowded with people.
"Let me know when you get to the lobby, there's too many people here for me to get to the baggage claim."
MC had shot back a quick thumbs up emote, most likely focusing on their current task of retreiving their belongings. NakedToaster stood there, back to a beam, their foot tapping the ground faster now as he looked back and forth between the escalators that people were coming down from baggage claim on. When he saw an all too familiar person, typing away at their phone while going down the escalator before he got a notifcation- they knew it was them.
Carefully but also instinctively he navigated through the crowd, eyes locked on their target before he stood not even two feet away. "MC?" he spoke, reaching out and tapping the person's shoulder gently. They looked up shocked before a grin spread across their face, dropping their suitcase before jumping to pull the 6'4 giant into a hug. "TOAST!" they shouted happily, their grip tightening around his shoulders as they slowly return the embrace and a smile grew on his lips.
"H-Hey!" he said, internally beating themself up for stuttering like a fool. "C'mon let's get out of here. Too many people." they said before grabbing MC's bag for them and guiding them to the exit quickly, getting to his car. Once inside the vehicle he began to calm down a bit, "You alright? I know you don't do well with crowds hun, but I didn't think it'd be that bad. Do you want me to drive?" MC said quietly as to not overwhelm him, taking his hand gently and rubbing their thumb over the backside of it.
NakedToaster shook their head gently, offering his partner a soft smile as they blush slightly- giving their hand a gentle squeeze. "No, thank you though... I- I love you." he said softly, blush blooming farther across his cheeks and ears. MC giggles softly before Toast groaned loudly and rested their forhead on the driver's wheel. "I love you too Toast. But look at me for a second, please?" they asked, scooting closer to the center consol of the car. He picked up their head and looked towards his partner still flustered but curiously. "What gonna embarass me mo-" he started before being cut off softly as MC leaned over the console and kissed them gently.
It took a moment for Toast to register what was happening before they melted into the kiss, bringing a hand to cup MC's jawline gently- hand shaking from nerves. When the kiss broke, they both were blushing. "I- woah." he muttered softly, resulting in MC nodding softly in flustered agreement with a shakey smile before backing away to sit back in their seat.
With what just happened- Toast knew that once the month long visit was over, it'd be extremely difficult to let them go back to their house. But right now? That didn't matter to either of them.

MC paced around their house, rearranging everything to be perfect for his arrival. They needed something to do so that their nerves didn't swallow them whole, after all- Quest was coming to their house. He was going to be here, alone, with them- in all of his tattoed glory. Just the thought alone brought a small blush to MC's face before they shook the (possibly sinful) thoughts of him from their mind and contiued patting down the banket thrown over their coach for the fifth time in the last thirty minutes.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, the pre-set jingle flowing through the house- stunning MC to a stop. He was here. Quest was right outside the door, waiting for them. Quickly they take a breath, hoping to calm themself down at least a little bit more before answering the door. Wiping down their clothes from any excess dust, they take one last moment before opening the door- revealing a 6'0 man standing there in a dark blue turtle neck, a black cover up, matching slacks and a bundle of fresh red roses in his hands.
"MC! For a second here I thought I had the wrong house!" He said with a nervous chuckle, making them laugh a bit as well as they moved aside motioning him inside. "Come on in Quest, sorry I took so long opening the door. Was in the middle of something." they explained with a smile, fiddling with either hands nervously- being in person was way different then seeing this absoulte unit of a man in person.
He entered the house, looking around a bit before his eyes fall to MC's nervous form- closing the door behind them. "You alright? You seem more nervous then when SoceityBoy was in the Bloomic server..." he said softly, reaching out a free hand to them but not touching them- just in case. "Oh! I'm alright, just- it's different having you here. In my house. Rather than through screens... I- don't know exactly what to do first." they say with a small laugh, slowly guiding him towards the living room- him noticing the excessive preening the smaller of the two had done before he had gotten here.
"Well, let me try then. Here- I brought these for you." he said, extending the flowers to MC gently with a soft smile on his face. Graciously they accepted the flowers, giving them a quick whiff before looking back up to the tall man with a smile. "Thank you Quest, you really didn't need to get me anything- but this is...very sweet of you." they said, looking around for one their stored away vases to keep the gentle flowers in.
"I wanted too, after all..." he started before he gently pulled MC closer to him by the waist and leaned down towards them slightly. "I'm getting to see the most amazing partner in the entire world in person for the very first time, it felt like a necessary thing to do." he said lowly with a small smirk intergrating into his smile as he observed the blush that radiated off of MC's cheeks at their proximity.
Carefully, Quest put the flowers on the counter behind MC so they wouldn't get crushed before pulling them even closer. "Is this okay?" he asked softly, his flirtatious front falling as he took their comfort into account. After dealing with a terrible ex-boyfriend like SocietyBoy, he didn't want to make any moves that could hurt them in anyway- guess that's the Xander in him. They nod softly before their eyes flit between meeting his and his lips before they gulped softly- avoiding eye contact, but the nervous acts did not go unnoticed by Quest as he gently brought his lips to theirs. It was soft, but intense at the same time- all of the built up love and affection of six months of long distance crashing down on the two of them.
When the kiss broke, MC found themself instinctively following after him- not ready to be seperated just yet, and Quest happily obliged to his lover's desperate need for closeness. When they reconnected, the kiss was far more heated as MC gripped tightly at his turtleneck and he seemed to pull them ever closer to him as he pushed them against the counter. When it broke again, MC putting their hands gently against his chest as they looked down- catching their breath and trying to still their racing heart.
"I love you MC." he said through baited breaths. "I love you too Quest, thank you for coming." they replied with a smile, nuzzling into his chest and hugging him tightly.

He was excited, having finally been granted permission to leave his college campus for good- shown by his architecture degree that was carefully framed and packed away in his suitcase that stood right beside him by the curb. Nightowl wasn't the type to enjoy driving, but lucky enough for him he has a loving partner in the same state that just so happens to be willing to drive for hours to bring him home. Some would call it 'going to fast' but it felt like it took too long for him.
It has been three months since he'd met and gotten together with MC, sure it was definetely a fast growing relationship- but it worked for both of them. And now? He was moving into their house, just to be closer physically. As a sleek, black Hundai Genesis G80 rolled around the entry corner he felt his excitement grow- despite the tinted glass he could see his lover in the driver's seat. When the car pulls to a stop by the curb in front of him, he started to grab his bags but paused when he heard the car door open and rushed speedwalking.
"Darling!" they said with a grin, wrapping him into a tight hug quickly before he could properly react. When the shock died down he laughed cheerfully and hugged them back just as tightly, "My love! Thank you for coming to get me, it feels so good to have you in my arms..." he said, nuzzling his face in between their shoudler and neck- memorizing their warmth and smell. MC laughed a bit, being slightly tickled by his hair brushing against their skin gently.
"It's no problem, it was an excuse to see you for one AND you're moving into my house so might as well." they say, putting a hand into the boy's hair letting him stay there as long as he felt like it. A comfortable silence erupted between the two, only the hum of the car's engine persisting. The feeling of his lover finally being in his arms was euphoric, and he couldn't stop his tendancies as he started to gently pepper kisses across the skin availible to him on the neck and shoulder space.
MC's breathing took a swift halt, the gentle kisses making their skin shiver- it had been so long since they were given this level of affection in person. It felt both foreign and familiar- but in the best way possible as they let out small shaky breaths. "Hun- we...we should get your bags into the car." they said shakily before nightowl raised his head and gave them the puppy eyes, letting out a light whine. "But gorgeous!!! I just wanna shower you with affection, pleaseeee??? A few more minutes???" he asked, puffing out his bottom lip a bit to intensify his pouty face.
MC laughed lightly at his silly shenanigans, cupping his face and placing a light peck on his nose before breaking from his grasp and grabbing his bags off of the ground to put them in the trunk. Nightowl stood there stunned for a moment before literally shaking his head like a puppy, a blush on his cheeks "H-Hey! You missed!" he practically shouted, making his partner laugh lightheartedly. "The sooner we get home, the sooner you can get an actual kiss birdy. I promise." they said with a playful smile before slipping into the driver's seat.
With a happy grin he got into the passenger side of the car, excited by the prospect of their house now becoming both of their home. Even as he sat down and buckled up, he couldn't sit still- his excitement evident and making MC chuckle a bit as they started the long drive home, a soft hand resting on his thigh the whole ride home.

Xyx was focused, being more careful then usual on his motorcycle as he sped towards their designated meet up point- he was just moments away from the love of his life, MC. A grin spread across his face as he sped up a bit more, hoping to get there faster- he needed them close sooner rather than later, after's been nine months since they've gotten together and they've never even within physical range of each other. Not once did he get to feel their delicate skin against his own, nor did he get to see their face bloom a beautiful red as he teased them directly and not through a screen.
Cat sat in front of him, strapped to his chest with a custom made helmet on their little head- they were also excited to see MC. After all, they now meowed at the screen everytime they realized Xyx was on call with them- pawing gently at the screen, trying to get to them. Eventually, he pulled to a stop in front of an apartment building, a temporary living arrangement they've made until they find a place they can both mutually agree on.
Quickly he got off the bike, turning it off and taking the keys from the ignition- putting the kick stand down and pulling off his helmet as well as Cat's. He entered the establishment quickly, carefully unstrapping cat from his chest as he approached the elevator- he knew which room he was going to already and had been given instructions for once inside the building. Apparentally, the staff at the establishment aren't permitted to show people to rooms without them having proof of rooming there- privacy and legal contracting stuff. Luckily they didn't question him as the elevator closed, and he went to the top floor- the bought out apartment he insisted on was of course the suite, only the best for the best.
He approached the door, setting Cat down on the floor before knocking and adjusting his backpack strap. The door swung open swiftly, revealing MC grinning excitedly bouncing on their toes and before Xyx could get a single word out Cat meowed loudly- pawing at their shins, making them giggle. "My two favorite beings are here! Hi hi!" they said excitedly, picking up the cat and pulling Xyx inside the suite. "So Cat gets a hug and I don't? I see how it is." he teases, pulling off his bag and leaning against the entryway wall.
"No no no! Hold on! The baby was just- she got to me first." MC defended quickly, hugging the feline to their chest and nuzzling into their fur. "Oh so it's a competition huh?" he says, a devious smirk on his face as his eyes showed he was planning something. "Y'know what? Yeah. Yeah it was, Cat just loves me more." they say turning around, acting overly sassy for show as they pet Cat's head gently- the feline releasing calming purrs.
Suddenly Xyx wrapped his arms around MC's waist, making them squeal as he picked them up from behind and walking to the couch- gently tossing them down, making Cat scurry off to explore. "H-Hey! X you could've hurt Cat!" they said playfully glaring at their boyfriend before he crawled over them, putting his face in their chest and holding them close. "She's fine, but right now? You're mine. If I have to prove it, I will. Mine." he muttered into his partner's clothed chest- his cheeks heating.
MC chuckled a bit, blush spreading across their cheeks. "How exactly would you prove that huh? Gonna make me wear a collar like a cat or something?" they tease with a laugh. He groans into their chest before lifting himself up, a soft blush on his cheeks and ears before he leans back down- face in the crook of their neck. It was a moment later that he was biting down gently on their skin, leaving soft red marks behind. "I'll think about that collar, but for now these will do." he says teasingly, kissing each one softly.
MC laughed fullheartedly, despite being flustered they found it adorable how he felt the need to show off that they were exclusively his. "You're a big softie under that memeable surface, and I love it so damn much." they say, hugging his head into their chest again. "Only for you." he muttered into their chest as he cuddled into them, listening to their heart beat- studying it and trying to match his own to it. "I never thought I'd get to say this to someone- but I love you MC." he said quietly, listening to their heart race slightly faster afterwards- making him smile. "I love you too Xyx, all of you." they said quietly in return.
The two stayed bundled up like that until Cat returned and hopped onto Xyx's back, curling into a ball and chosing him as her new bed for the moment- making him unable to move. It was a small family, but it was perfect for them.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2,942