Owen Teague - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Best Friends - Julian Spitzer (Mrs. Fletcher)

So, I watched Mrs. Fletcher recently...and omg Julian is the absolute cutest soft boy ever. I lob him bery much.


Julian and I met in high school. We were both somewhat of outcasts and had a lot of the same bullies, so we had a lot to bond over.

Besides sharing Brendon Fletcher as our main bully, we also got along really well and had even more things in common. Same interests in music and moral and such.

The first time we met was actually when he was getting pushed around by Brendon. I saw this and intervened. I wasn’t that picked on before that, but I pissed off Brendon and damaged his fragile male ego. So in turn, I got bullied a lot more.

Julian felt bad about it, so he tried to ignore me so that I wouldn’t get bullied by association. It just made me want to be his friend even more.

Over time, we kept each other’s backs every time we got harassed. Julian didn’t really have much of a choice to not be my friend at that point. But in the end, we bonded really well and he was glad he had someone to rely on.

Now that high school was over, it was a big stress reliever for both of us. We both decided to go to community college. Julian was very intelligent and I believed he could get into any Ivy League he wanted, but he was too scarred by high school to do so.

In my case however, I didn’t really have a great GPA due to some...depressive states during school. So, community college was really my only option, but I didn’t mind it all that much. At least I got to be with Julian.

Julian and I pretty much had all the same general education classes, which made us both happy. But we were able to choose an extra curricular course, that was the only class we differed from. He chose some writing class and I chose theatre.

I teased Julian that he could totally fit the role of theatre kid, but he wanted to write more. I just had to suck it up, we couldn’t be together 24/7...unfortunately.

Being so protective of each other, I kind of developed a major crush on him over the years. It was problematic at times. I made sure Julian stayed oblivious though, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.

For some reason, Julian and I were at a party. An off to college type party. Surprisingly, Julian was the one who suggested it, to which I laughed until I realized he was serious.

I was absentmindedly circling the brim of my red solo cup filled with cheap, bitter beer. I wasn’t really a drinker, but I felt I had to be just a little bit buzzed to survive this party full of former jocks.

I didn’t really listen as Julian was keeping up a pleasant conversation with a couple people, feeling my apathy starting to act up.

I gasped when I felt the lukewarm beer splash in my face. I turned to see Brendon guffawing with his friends, finding it so hilarious that he kept throwing pieces of candy at me.

“What the fuck?” Julian shouted when he felt candy being thrown at him as well.

Brendon suddenly smiled wide. “Spitzer! Y/L/N!” He kept throwing candy at us. “That one was an accident, actually. Hold on.” He threw more.

“Oh, no. I’m being attacked by a cool guy with...candy.” Julian said, making you giggle the huff when you kept getting hit by the hardened sugar.

“Couldn’t you just bully us online? It’s like, what people do now.” Julian said.

Brendon smirked and walked up to us, throwing a wink my way. “Way more fun in person.”

I felt my blood boil just by looking at his face. “You’re gonna get to college and everybody’s gonna see exactly what you are, you know that right?” I spat, Julian looking at me proudly.

Brendon had a somewhat confused expression on his face, but chuckled. “That is some deep stuff, Y/N. Real deep.”

I rolled my eyes and turned to Julian. “Let’s just get out of here.” I said, taking his hand, but Brendon stopped us.

“Don’t, wait. Sorry, okay? Like...I feel like I was a dick to you, both of you. All though high school.” Brendon said.

I scoffed, remembering all the horrible shit he did to both of us. “Yeah?” Julian said.

“Uh, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry, okay?”

“Then why the hell were you even like that, huh?” I fussed at him.

Brendon avoided our eyes and looked down. “Ah, is that your phone?” He asked Julian.

“Uh, yeah?”

“Why don’t we end on a good note, take a picture.” Brendon forcefully grabbed Julian’s phone. “Let’s take a selfie, yeah?” He started to grab both of us, bringing us closer to his body.

Julian and I both struggled against the jock’s grip. I let out a frustrated huff when I felt Brendon’s hand grope my tit slightly. I knew it probably wasn’t an accident...asshole.

Brendon lifted up the phone and flipped the camera to selfie mode. “High school forever!” He said in a high pitched tone and snapped the picture, the product being blurry due to our struggle.

The douche finally let us both go. “Can I have my phone back now?” Julian asked annoyed.

“Yeah, of course.” Brendon said, dunking the phone into my red solo cup.

“Fucking asshole!” Julian yelled, immediately taking his now beer covered phone out of the cup. “Fuck.”

“You need some rice.” Brendon teased and walked away.

I huffed angrily, storming up to Brendon despite Julian’s protests. I tapped on his shoulder harshly and he turned around, wearing a smug smirk. “Eat shit, asshole.” I said, thrusting my cup up to his face.

Brendon’s face was drenched in beer, and my cup was now empty. He wiped the beer from his eyes and looked at me with a glare, raising his fist.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the painful impact, hearing the thud of colliding skin. But I didn’t feel any pain.

I turned to see Julian with a now bruised cheek. “Cunt.” Brendon spat as he passed me.

I quickly went to Julian, who was smiling slightly, showing his slightly blood coated teeth. “I’m so sorry, Julian.” I tried not to cry.

Julian shook his head. “Don’t be. Let’s just get out of here, like you said.”

I nodded, taking Julian’s hand once more and leading him out of the packed house and to my car. “Fucking limped dick asshole, piece of shit...” I continued mumbling profanities as I gripped my steering wheel tightly, making my knuckles turn white.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Julian looking at me with an eyebrow raised. “You good?” He asked nervously.

I huffed. “Yep. Perfect.”

“Uh...sure you are.”

“Brendon is such an asshole!” I raised my voice, making Julian flinch. “...sorry.”

The rest of the drive to Julian’s house was silent, not an uncomfortable silence but not comfortable either. “I’m sorry about tonight, Jules.” I whispered.

Julian smiled weakly, rubbing my shoulder gently. “At least he punched me and not you.” He said, making me blush. Thankfully, the headlights of the car didn’t illuminate my face that much.

“So, see you at school?” I smile at him.

Julian grinned and nodded. “I will.”

                                            ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

The next couple days were a blur, just preparing for the first week of college classes. I was excited, mostly for the hopefully pleasant experience of meeting nice people and helpful professors.

And of course, seeing Julian.

I wanted to carpool with him, but he insisted on taking his skateboard everywhere during the day. Thankfully, he was going to allow me to drive him to his only night class.

I walked down the decently busy halls of one of the many college buildings on campus in search of my first class of the day. Having a little pep in my step as I finally found the right hallway.

I grinned when I saw Julian standing outside the classroom, playing on his phone. “Well, hi there, classmate!” I smiled, causing Julian to jump at my sudden greeting.

“Hey.” He smiled back, reaching his hand out. “Nice to meet you!” I rolled my eyes and shook his hand, deciding to play along. “You look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?” He joked.

“Shut up.” I laughed, pushing his shoulder.

“Well, shall we?” Julian motioned to the almost empty classroom.

“We shall.”

And a day full classes later, I could finally relax in my car listening to music with Julian. “I didn’t think it would be so exhausting walking everywhere. The classes weren’t bad since it was just going over the syllabus, but the walking...” I huffed.

Julian chuckled. “Yeah, the walking around we’ll have to get used to.”

I turned to face Julian. “So, excited for this night class?”

Julian nodded. “Totally. Since it’s an extra curricular, I’ll probably enjoy it more.”

“Well, I’ll pick you up later then?” I asked.

“Yep.” He said, opening up the passenger side door. “Don’t be late, please.”

“Me? Late? Never?” I giggled.

As I entered my home, I thought about about taking a nap. But then if I did, I knew I’d sleep in late. Getting homework done early it is.

A few more hours pass and it was probably time to pick up Julian. I got back in my car and drove to his place, to see him already sitting on his porch. “Wow, you’re on time.” He teased.

“Oh, hush. I know how much you hate being late to things.”

“You’re so thoughtful.” He smiled, buckling his seatbelts.

“Have fun.” I told him as he got out of the car when we got to the college parking lot.

“I’ll try.” He smiled again, closing the door and heading inside the building.

I decided to go to a Starbucks to pass the time, since the class was only half an hour. I also didn’t feel like going home, plus it’ll save gas.

I looked at my phone to check the time. Eh, I could probably head back over just in case the class gets out early. It didn’t, but I waited in the parking lot anyway. Just playing on my phone, trying to distract myself. It caused me to jump when the passenger side door opened suddenly. “Oh! It’s just you.” I laughed.

Julian got in the car with a bashful smile. “It me.” He giggled.

“What’s got you all smiley?” I asked.

“Uh...” He started, “There was this...gorgeous woman in my class.”

My curious smile quickly fell, turning into a slight frown. “Oh, really?” I tried to sound happy.

“It’s uh, Mrs. Fletcher.”

The awkward silence was suddenly filled by my obnoxious laughter, making Julian frown. “Brendon’s mom? Isn’t she like, 50?”

“I don’t know...” Julian mumbled.

“Julian, you can’t be serious. Right?” Julian said nothing, thus making a silent confirmation that he was being serious. “Oh...” I frowned, suddenly feeling an ache in my chest. “Well...I’m happy for you then.”

...I guess.

As if it couldn’t get any worse, Julian would go on and on about this Mrs. Fletcher every day. Which was annoying since I was with him almost every day. It took a lot for me to not yell at him to shut up, but wouldn’t do that to him...I hope.

It hurt a lot, knowing that Julian was into another girl...well, woman. All the times he talked about her, I wished it was about me instead.

It made me feel selfish for feeling that way. Mrs. Fletcher was probably a nice woman, compared to her son at least. But I keep thinking of ways to murd- “Y/N?”

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Julian. “Sorry, what?” I asked.

“You weren’t here.” He said, looking concerned.

I smiled weakly. “I’m here. I’m here.”

Julian didn’t look convinced, but shook his head. “Well, as I was saying, Eve isn’t 50. She’s 45. But she looks like she’s in her goddamn 20′s.”

“She’s probably made of plastic...” I mumbled out accidently.

“Hey!” Julian shouted, laughing off his slight offense.

“Sorry. It’s just...we’re supposed to be studying.” I sigh.

Julian held up his hands up in fake surrender. “You’re right. You’re right.” He looked back to his notes. “But one more thing-”

“Oh my god, Julian! I don’t wanna hear about Mrs. Fletcher and her perfect personality, perfect body, and her perfect everything! I’m fucking sick of hearing you go on and on about how much you like her and how you feel a connection!”

Julian looked at me with a shocked and hurt expression, making me sigh and rub my hands over my face. “Why?” He asked quietly.

“I...” I stuttered, sighing and standing up from the bed to gather up all my textbooks, quickly leaving his room before he even got a chance to ask why I was leaving.

I heard Julian run after me, but I made it to the door, promptly tripping over my own feet before I even made it to my car. My textbooks flew everywhere as I rolled over on my back with a groan, mostly hurt from embarrassment.

“Y/N! Are you okay?” Julian quickly ran and kneeled beside me. “Please, tell me you’re okay.”

I sighed. “Yeah...yeah, I’m okay.” I sat up to meet Julian’s concerned puppy dog eyes.

“Why did you just leave like that, huh? What’s the matter with you?”

I closed my eyes, not wanting to pour out all my hidden feelings for this pretty boy. But I knew he wasn’t going to let me ignore him. “I like you, okay?” I said suddenly. “I hate listening to you talk about Eve cause I’m jealous. I want you to feel that way about me, not some woman who’s more than twice your age.

Julian stayed silent, making me sigh. “I do want you to be happy, Jules. And if that’s with Eve then...I just have to learn to accept it.” I paused. “I should go.” I whispered, lifting myself off the concrete.

Julian stayed crouched to the ground as I gathered my fallen textbooks and opened my car door to toss them in the backseat. “Y/N, wait.” I heard Julian say from behind me.

I reluctantly turned around to face him. “What is it, Jul-”

I was cut off by Julian placing his lips onto mine. My eyes widened, shocked about what was taking place. Julian pulled away, too fast.

“I’ve like you for such a long time, Y/N. Ever since you saved me from Brendon three years ago. I was into Eve because...well, I didn’t think you felt that way about me.”

My mouth hung open in shock, not knowing what to say. “I had no idea you felt that way about me either...obviously.” I chuckled nervously.

Julian smiled, tenderly rubbing my cheek with his thumb. He leaned in again, but I pulled back. “What about Eve?” I asked.

“I don’t care about her anymore. You’ve always been my number one.”

I smiled and blushed. We both leaned in at the same time, our lips colliding in a passionate kiss that was now filled with understanding and longing.

It took a lot of willpower to pull away from Julian, wanting to stay like this forever. “So, do you wanna be my boyfriend?” I asked timidly.



A bit of a stray from my previous post, jesus 😅

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Having Fun While Phrogging - Alec (I See You 2019) 18+

I’m so nervous about this election dude, so I wrote this to help ease my nerves I guess. Warning: Smut at the end



● ● ●

Phrogging was exhilarating, for obvious reasons. The thrill of breaking into a house at the perfect time, living in someone else’s house right under their nose...the thrill of possibly being caught.

While it was a hobby that keep you on your toes constantly, it was also a way of life for some people. Specially you.

You had been couch hopping for a few months before finding out about phrogging. You instantly fell in love with the idea. It definitely was more appealing than being a burden to some friend’s couch.

It didn’t take you long to get the hang of it. You had a pattern: find a rich person’s house, break in when they weren’t home, and stay for a few days before finding the next house. Pretty simple plan.

You were pretty much homeless, thus the phrogging. Your friend Alec was pretty much the only person that ever invited you to live with him so you didn’t have to couch hop, but again, you didn’t want to be a burden.

Once he heard that you engaged in phrogging, he wanted in. He wanted in so bad, and you had no idea why he’d want to even try the lifestyle.

He hounded you so much, and frankly, it was fucking annoying. So you obliged for once and just let him tag along for the ride. Just once.

But Alec had a condition. You had to laugh. HE had a condition? For fuck’s sake.

Alec wanted to choose the house.

You admitted that you was kinda tried of choosing which houses to temporarily live in. So, you were fine with it.

Alec chose the Harper’s.

To be honest, you hated the Harper’s. They were stuck up, so rich they didn’t know what to do with their money. Spending it all on bullshit, keeping it all to themselves. You never even heard and saw them to anything for charity in their miserable lives. Oh yeah, and the husband gave you the creeps.

You didn’t want to live at the Harper’s, even for a few days. Mostly because you were afraid of trashing the place, and that wasn’t how phrogging worked. But, oh well.

The thrill welled up quickly inside you as you waited for Mrs. Harper’s car to pull out of the driveway.

You and Alec quickly ran to the house, entering through the closing garage door. A pretty clean execution.

“Whoa, we did it!” Alec grinned at you widely.

“Yeah, we did.” You laughed breathlessly. “Well, shall we explore our new home?” You smirked.

You and Alec entered the house out of the garage, it was huge and absolutely gorgeous. “Jesus Christ, these people are fucking loaded.”

“No shit.” Alec sneered.

You walked to the large windows that took up almost half the wall, looking out to the ocean. “Look at the view! That’s so nice.” You awed.

“They don’t deserve this.” Alec mumbled, but you overheard and chuckled.

You and Alec parted ways to explore your temporary home, ascending the stairs to see just how nice the bedrooms probably were.

You furrowed your brows when you saw just how many pictures this family hung on their walls. It was off putting, mostly because your parents never did that kind of thing. Like, ever.


“Ah!” You yelled, seeing Alec behind you. “You scared me!”

“Not my fault you were staring off into space. Why were you looking at these creepy photos anyways?”

You shrugged, laughing it off nervously. “I don’t know. It’s just odd.”

Alec grinned. “Right?”

The house just seemed to keep going and going, you were sure you’d get lost in a house this big. You went to the right, Alec going off by himself. You climbed yet another set of stairs, entering a bedroom. You chuckled as you saw the bed. It looked like it hadn’t been slept in for years.

You took a look around the room, seeing a little door. You opened it to see a storage/attic area. Perfect...

“Alec! I think I found our room!” You called out, walking down to find Alec already walking up the stairs. “Guest room.” You giggled, throwing yourself on the bed.

As soon as your body made contact, a layer of dust seemed to bounce off. You coughed, then chuckled at the situation. “The sheets are covered in a layer of dust!” You laughed.

“Didn’t you say we had to sleep somewhere out of sight?” Alec asked.

“Oh, yeah!” You stood up from the bed, skipping over the that little door. “At night, we shall sleep in here.” You said in an atrocious fake British accent, and opened the door.

Alec cringed at the accent, but entered the attic anyway. He looked around and sighed. “You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

You grinned. “Nope.” You frowned when you felt your stomach growl, Alec sent a questioning look your way. “Mm, I’m hungry.”

You descending the stairs and made your way to the kitchen without another word. You didn’t bother to look if Alec was following you, your body needed sustenance asap.

After making a bowl of cereal, you went back upstairs but seeing Alec was nowhere to be found. You shrugged it off, as at this time of day, it was safe to walk around without fear of getting caught. You just hoped he wouldn’t break anything.

You sat with your back to the door, eating your food and invested in some magazine that had been laying on the nightstand. You didn’t even notice Alec walking up the stairs.

You screamed when Alec yelled in your ear and shaking your shoulders. You turned and almost screamed again when you saw the creepy ass mask he was wearing. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Stop scaring me!” You whined, trying to slow your heartbeat down.

Alec wore a shit eating grin when he took off the mask, clearly amused by your panic. “Sorry.” He laughed, clearly not sorry. “You were just so distracted and it was the perfect opportunity!”

You rolled your eyes, trying to hide a smile as you would’ve done the same thing if given a chance. “Okay, okay...it was a little funny.”

Alec smiled and poked your cheek. “Right?”

You pushed Alec slightly, trying to hide the rosiness of your cheeks. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”

Alec placed his hand over his heart in fake offence. “I would do no such thing!”

You simply just smiled in response, causing Alec to smile back at you.

For a moment, you and Alec just stayed there, softly smiling at each other. You couldn’t help but glance down at his lips a few times, causing Alec to smirk and lean closer to you. “You know,” Alec started, “I’m sure things will get quite boring staying here all day with nothing to do.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, I heard that only boring people get bored.”

“Oh, so you think I’m boring?” Alec grinned.

“Absolutely.” You teased playfully.

You gasped as Alec pinned you to the bed, him hovering over you. “I’ll just have to fix that, won’t I?”

You tried not to squirm as Alec traced his long slender fingers down your torso, making their way to the hem of your shirt and lifting it up gently. His cold fingers made you shiver, but it was nice. “You’re always so cold.” You giggled.

“Don’t worry, they’ll get warmed up soon.”

Alec leaned down, gently placing his lips on top of yours as he grazed your bra covered breast. You moaned quietly as he squeezed the fatty flesh, caressing your face gently as he continued moving his lips against yours.

You tried to relax, trying not to think about the possibility of getting caught by the owners of the home. But hey, that’s part of the fun right?

You helped Alec remove your shirt, revealing your black bra. You smirked when you saw him lick his lips at the sight of you, making you feel confident about your endowment. You lifted yourself off the bed slightly and unclipped your bra. Alec immediately taking a nipple into his mouth as soon as the under clothing was off.

Alec’s mouth made you sigh in pleasure, making your head spin as he bit you and pulled lightly.

Everything was happening so fast that you didn’t even realize the hand that was traveling down and into your jeans. You gasped as Alec gently rubbed your most sensitive spot, him smirking down at you as you squirmed in pleasure.

“You like that, huh?” He teased, you only gave him a hurried nod. “Sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“Yes, Alec! I love it.” You cried out, not wanting him to stop.

Alec leaned down to passionately kiss you again, and you could feel him proudly smirking against you.

You sighed as Alec pushed one of his long fingers inside you, curling his fingers and hitting the right place. You moaned loudly as he pushed in and out of you, rubbing your clit at the same time with his thumb at a vigorous pace.

You gripped his bicep roughly, feeling that you needed to hold on to something as you felt yourself quickly climbing to your peak. “Fuck, Alec-” You whined, involuntarily thrusting up against his hand as the pleasure became insanely intense. “Please, don’t stop.”

Alec smiled softly as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, grasping at his long dirty blonde hair. He watched your face intently, seeing how your eyebrows furrowed together, how you bit your lip harshly, and feeling you cling onto him like you never wanted to let him go.

Alec sped up his pace even faster, making you moan loudly as you felt your climax building and building fast due to his talented fingers.

“Alec, I’m gonna- fuck!” You cried, your eyes tearing up as intense burning heat flowed throughout your entire body. Your legs shaking as the waves of your orgasm hit you in a tidal wave of ecstasy.

Alec pulled his fingers away to not overstimulate you, him bringing up his other hand to push away some of your hair that had gotten in your face.

You goofily smiled up at him, your eyes glazed over from the intensity. You were about to lean up to kiss him, but you both suddenly heard a door slam.

You both jumped up out of the bed, quickly grabbing your discarded clothes and hiding in your designated base. A few minutes later, you finally let out a sigh in relief, thankful you didn’t get caught.

You quickly put your bra and shirt back on, eliciting a whine from Alec. “What?” You grinned.

Alec shrugged and pouted. “I didn’t even get to fuck you.”

You smiled bashfully. “Don’t worry, we have all the time in the world.”


Tbh I felt like I had to add a GIF cause some people might confuse this Alec with another Alec from Shadowhunters (?? never saw the show so) I don’t know if I’ll add GIFs to future posts tho, maybe I will

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9 months ago

The Sunset Trio deserves some relaxation after everything they've been through so I'm sending them on vacation!

Here they are exploring the redwood homes of the first escaped chimps

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

Honoring the old corporate gods

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

Visiting the St. Louis Arch

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

Riding roller coasters

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

Enjoying the beach

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

Adding the trio image if you want to put them on their own adventures; just tag me so I can see!

The Sunset Trio Deserves Some Relaxation After Everything They've Been Through So I'm Sending Them On

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