Posic - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Completely forgot to post this yesterday

she loves the attention strangers give her, she doesnt like it when people stare at us weirdly though
Been havin a tough time lately but these girls keepin my spirits up

Kyla says she loves yall!!!!

made a silly gif of kyla

(ignore the weird bg, it wouldnt go away)
she spinnin frr!!!
lil poll for the fellow plushums/objectums here.
Would yall like if i made a discord, where we can post pics of our partners, etc ? (posics allowed too)
Added the Objectum server link to my About me so if you ever wanna join, its there
(its a forever link too)
Idk if anyone gaf BUT I did some doodles of my sona and a car wash. I think if every bath was this way I would be clean always

plushhoney !!
hello and welcome to plushhoney !! i'm plush !! i go by they/them pronouns & am an adult. this is my objectum & posic+ blog !! please keep in mind that nsft will be discussed and rbed so minors please either DNI or filter out the #nsft tag, thanks !!
i don't do DNIs, if any content makes me uncomfortable i will block !! for my labels & my crushes, partners, etc, they can be found under the cut !!
thanks for stopping by !!
my partners !!
quilo snow || he/any - a snow jellycat dragon !! haoran jin || he/him - a golden jellycat dragon !! evolet laven || he/she/they - a lavender jellycat dragon !! percy simmons || he/him - a persimmon jellycat dragon !! midnight onyx || he/bat - an onyx jellycat dragon !!
my crushes !!
nebula mars || it/any - my fiance's projector !! spring || he/she/neos - the season !! summer || he/neos - the season !! autumn || he/they/it/neos - the season !! winter || he/it/neos - the season !! halloween || he/neos - the holiday !! christmas || he/they/neos - the holiday !! valentines day || he/any/neos - the holiday !! vaporwave || he/neos - the aesthetic !! liminality || it/neos - the aesthetic !!
my labels !!
objectum || attraction to objects plushum || attraction to plushies technum || attraction to technology weapjectum || attraction to weapons / dangerous items aesthetum || attraction to aesthetics seasum || attraction to seasons holidum || attraction to holidays pooltum || attraction to pool toys/floats slimetum || attraction to slime
My mom isn't posic and doesn't know I am but she talked about getting jelly (my companion) a car seat so she would sit up straight in the car and i think thats the cutest thing ever
I was thinking of making a posic term for posic but In a plural way mainly because I see people talk about their "system" being "posicgenic" which rubs me the wrong way as a diagnosed with did system but I would love to create a term that can replace it! Just my thoughts I think this would be useful to me but I'd like to here if it would be useful for anyone else
Endo system and their supporters are not welcome here
A mass coining post
Relating to my previous post about thinking of coining some companion types similar to alter roles but it's own thing
Im calling these "companion types"
comforter ; a companion who comforts their beholder or takes care of the beholder or another companion
buddy ; a companion who is constantly needing to be taken care of and looked after
kidpanion ; a companion who is childlike or a child
Trickster ; a companion who's mean or plays tricks
Sleep helper ; a companion who helps the beholder sleep
service companion ; a companion that serves the beholder such as soothing them from panic attacks
A set ; two or more companions who like to stay together
I'll come back and add to this as I think of stuff
Jumper a companion who can change body's
Lover a companion who's makes everyone feel loved
Reminder a companion who gives reminders to the beholder or other companions

A mass coining post
Relating to my previous post about thinking of coining some companion types similar to alter roles but it's own thing
Im calling these "companion types"
comforter ; a companion who comforts their beholder or takes care of the beholder or another companion
buddy ; a companion who is constantly needing to be taken care of and looked after
kidpanion ; a companion who is childlike or a child
Trickster ; a companion who's mean or plays tricks
Sleep helper ; a companion who helps the beholder sleep
service companion ; a companion that serves the beholder such as soothing them from panic attacks
A set ; two or more companions who like to stay together
I'll come back and add to this as I think of stuff
Starting something new for posics beings/humans
Companion types
What's a companion type?
A companion type is a completey optional description role to a companion a companion that helps a beholder sleep can be labeled as a sleep helper!
This was made to help people outside the community understand the different purposes and reasons beings/people are posic and thee relationship posics beings/humans have with their companions
And to also provide a alternative to posicgenic system by providing terms and community rather then turning to plural resources