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Hey You, Pretty Boy, Reblog This Post wearing nothing but Natural Puppy Threads
Sometimes I often think about Nagi Usui and how she’s one of the best characters to have come out in the past few years.
-One of her main motivations to get back into the real world is so she can play more of her mobile gacha game.
-She gains an instant crush on someone just because he resembles one of the main characters from said mobile gacha game.
-She’s the only one of her team to actually like the Grilled Alligator meal from SBY BBQ.
-The kanji on her shirt changes for every situation she finds herself in whether it’s for fights or eating.
-Some of her other kanji shirts reference The Art of War, kendo, Buddhist proverbs, JRPG terminology, and chuuni terms, among other things.
-One of sayings on her shirt translates to "Now I'm motivated" when in battle which means that yes, Nagi is a DMC Vergil fan.
-In the Field Walk RPG, Rindo wonders about how the letters of her shirt keep changing and Nagi tells him that she changes her shirts in between fights and food. He then wonders about how he never notices and Nagi tells him that she’s mastered the art of changing them in a millisecond before saying that she’s just joking.
-Is the only one out of the team with a dedicated maid outfit.
-Brags about being a one time Quiz Academy Queen Quizster after going head-to-head with a DRS member over the title and winning over him in the manga category.
-Accidentally intimidates other EleStra fans from approaching her through sheer aura.
-Her English VA based her performance off of Peridot from Steven Universe and Entrapta from She-Ra.
-Said VA also confirmed that Nagi would most definitely be a Sonic fan, with her being a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog in particular.
-Surprisingly, she has the most connections on the Social Network outside of Rindo due to her natural ability to understand people
-Gets into a pissing contest in Another Day with a ojou-sama, metalhead fan over who’s the bigger Takeharu Ishimoto fan
-Owns and is raising at least 10 snakes in Another Day
-Only knows how to cook sunny-side up fried eggs from the box, with the yolks described as 'frozen' and the eggs described as unpleasantly chewy.
-Is insanely competitive at fighting games
-She considers video game arcades to be the perfect date location.
-All of her "gurgly sounds" combined make for more than two minutes straight of audio.
-In Japanese, her personal pronoun is a neetspeak version of a pronoun usually used by sagely old male characters.
-In general, she uses a lot of netslang, including the Japanese equivalent of "kek" basically.
-She's too anxious to use a phone and to work a job that requires her to interact with people regularly such as retail.
-She’s the most bloodthirsty of the Wicked Twisters when it comes to fighting Noise and even lets out an evil laugh when unleashing a Grenade Launcher pin
-She really likes jigsaw puzzles and finds them calming; more specifically, the "1000-piece" type of jigsaw puzzles.
-Even with her eccentricities, she’s one of the most emotionally intelligent and empathetic characters in the series, and is never once treated as off-putting for her interests and actually uses the life lessons she took from EleStra to help out others in need.
-Is more than capable of killing a man with her psychic mind powers.

been commissioned to draw characters for a The World Ends With You inspired TTRPG, Vibe Check by josh hittie, you should CHECK it: