1in5-demigods-agree - It May Be A Shit Show But It's My Shit Show
It May Be A Shit Show But It's My Shit Show

Demi |They/Them |22| Drawer of Art, Poster of Shit, Lover of Mythos, and getting Gayer every day.

505 posts

Have Some Highlights From My Last Dungeon And Dragons Session:

Have some highlights from my last dungeon and dragons session:

Me (the DM) describing the stoneskin spell: You watch as he becomes rock hard

My table full of my cis het brothers: uncontrolable laughter

*After five minutes and everyone calms down*

Druid: Keep going, *muffled giggle* the bard got hard and then what?

*My table loses it again*

Paladin: *Rolls five nat 20s in a row*

Also Paladin: *Doesn't roll higher then a ten during the entire combat*

*My Druid Brother nat 20ing his way into inventing a new npc* : I want to find the prisoner who has been here the longest

Me (DM): You see a haggard half elf

Brother: I hand him some food and tell him the revolution has begun

Me: Roll persuasion

B: Nat 20

Me: shit He nods and tells you "I am with you brother"

B: Whats his name?

Me *while quickly trying to make basic stats for this unplanned npc*: His name..is Oliver.?

B: okay........Does he have a hat?


*later during combat during Olivers turn*

B: What are you rolling?

Me: Percentile dice


Me *lying through my teeth*: Uh Yes


Thus Oliver the wild mage was born

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