Non Binary - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I just learned that queers hang out near the rock climbing area and I'm so excited!!!!

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Subtle Pride Badges | Etsy
1.5 inch badges based on pride flags, currently including: Progress Lesbian Gay man/mlm Bi Trans Intersex Non-binary Gender fluid Pan Ace Ar

Just added pride badges to my Etsy!

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Subtle Pride Badges | Etsy
1.5 inch badges with drawings of scenery based on pride flags (the same artwork is used on my sexualiTEA and gender identiTEA stickers). Pac

Btw my pride stuff is on sale

Sexualitea and Gender Identitea Stickers | Etsy
Tea bag shaped stickers with a glossy finish themed around different queer flags 2” by 2.98”. The same artwork is used on my subtle pride pi

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2 years ago

Jim: I don't identify as a man or woman, I identify as a fucking threat

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4 years ago

Friendly reminder that:

• Trans men don't owe you masculinity.

• Trans women don't owe you femininity.

• Nonbinary people don't owe you adrogyny.

Friendly Reminder That:

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4 years ago

I swear to god, y’all really need to learn that you can be upset that your identity isn’t being represented in something, without tearing down the identities that are being represented in something.

Sapphics don’t have “too much representation in modern cartoons” just because there isn’t as much MLM content in cartoons. AFAB enbies don’t have “too much representation” just because there isn’t as much for AMAB enbies. Binary trans people don’t have “too much representation” just because there isn’t as much for nonbinary people. Gay men don’t have “too much representation” in ANY way, shape, or form, considering how much of it is still blatantly homophobic.

It’s almost like we should be directing our anger at the system instead of our fellow marginalized comrades.

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4 years ago

Hey to be honest, I spent the whole morning being blackmailed by my sister (whom I trusted with my sexuality)that if I don’t stay she’ll tell my parents all because she doesn’t want me to “ruin” her engagement party which she plans to do in covid.

Help a Qpoc muslim escape abuse and homophobia, organized by Jay S
Hello! I’m a qpoc muslim living in an abusive and homophobic household where I’m … Jay S needs your support for Help a Qpoc muslim escape ab

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4 years ago

feels like a good night to support trans people, so:

we support trans women, trans men, nonbinary people who identify as such, intersex people who identify as such!! trans lesbians, trans bisexuals, trans pansexuals, trans asexuals, trans aromantics!

we support trans people who have transitioned, trans people who haven’t, trans people who aren’t planning to transition! trans people who aren’t out and trans people who are!

we support trans people with no dysphoria! trans people with a lot of dysphoria! trans people who are still figuring out their identity, trans people who are questioning, and trans people who have known for a long time!

we support trans people who use neopronouns!! trans people who use it/its!! trans people who use multiple pronouns!! trans people who use she/her without being a girl, he/him without being a boy, or don’t use any pronouns at all!

we support mentally ill trans people!! autistic trans people!! trans POC!! black trans people!! disabled trans people!! jewish trans people!! muslim trans people!! elderly trans people!! fat trans people!! trans people who don’t pass and don’t want to!!

on this blog, we support all trans people. you are brave, you are valid, and you deserve to live your life to the fullest. i hope every trans person who sees this has a great day, and that they know they’re incredible <3

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4 years ago


Sign the Petition
Abolish current anti-LGBT laws and protect LGBT people in Poland, call the EU to intervene

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3 years ago


- you support trans kids under 18

- you support trans kids getting surgeries before 18

- you support trans kids starting hormone therapy before 18

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3 years ago
Hey Pals

Hey pals

It's taken me a few days to write this, I'm really nervous about asking for this. But there's just no way I can afford top surgery, especially right now when I haven't been able to find a job and my insurance won't cover my hrt. My goal is to get $10K, but honestly any amount is a blessing.

Any amount you're willing to give will help so much, and I'm willing to do art requests in exchange for donations. If you can't donate, please reblog

Top Surgery For Elijah, organized by Elijah Floden
I am ftm transgender, and I'm looking to raise enough money to have top surgery and live my life … Elijah Floden needs your support for Top

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3 years ago

To all the LGBTAQ+ Muslims, you are not dirty. You are not a walking contradiction. You are beautiful and incredible. I want all my Muslim brothers, sisters and friends to know this that Allah has created you the way you are, and you are a child of his. 

He loves you for who you are and what you do. You are a perfectly valid human and deserve every bit of happiness this world has to offer. This year we celebrate Eid-ul-fiter in the month of Pride to acknowledge our existence and embrace our identity. 

Non Muslims are highly encouraged to reblog this post. 

Islamophobic people, terfs, Nazis, Trump supporters and any lgbtaq+ phobic people DO NOT INTERACT. 

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1 year ago

Can't find the difference between these two. Care to explain? (ノ^_^)ノ

Can't Find The Difference Between These Two. Care To Explain? (^_^)

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