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(This Happens After This Episode)

(This happens after this episode)
To understand:
(Text) = thinking
*text* = movements and noises
Text = narrator
After show #2
Sun is at the Daycare with not much to do.
Sun: I wonder what Jack is doing... I haven't seen him in a while...
Sun: *pick up the tablet that Solar used to control over Jack* Let's see...
Sun turned on the tablet and hears a loud music coming from it.
Sun: What the-?!
He sees the scene in front of him in the tablet.
Jack is behind Ruin, who is crouched on the floor.
Jack: *playing the song "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" *
Ruin: *Trying to not loosing it* I'M FINE. THIS FINE. TOTALLY FINE.
Sun close the table with an inexpressive face.
Sun: what have I just watched-.
(I'm sorry, but I had to write this-)
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More Posts from 1ris5starlight

*screaming from happiness* YESS!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!!
(1:46) ptf- 🤭
(2:00-2:56) Just Sun mansplaining Earth's lasagna- 🤭
(4:29) PTF- 🤭🤣
(4:43) "GrEeN" got me so bad-🤣🤣🤣
(5:14) Sun really has goose magic- 🤭
(6:17) Sun, she's begging you!🤭
(6:52) Come on Sunny! You can do it! Earth and Lunar believe in you!
(7:37) They genuinely looks so happy-!
(10:59) ptf- Sassy Sun! 🤭
(11:43) *laughing so hard*🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(13:57) Ptf- "honkymansy"
(15:06) Now Sun is an Honkymancer and the leader of the cult of lamb!
(15:28) Lunar stooop!!
Sun: nothing happened besides the mafia thing so-
Earth: THE WHAT?!
Sun: uhh- nothing!
(17:26) LUNAR-!!🤭🤣🤣
(17:48) Sun? Where are you going? What do you want to do with shelf-??
Of- God- I couldn't stop laughing-
Anyway, I love their dynamic, it is so funny and cute!!🌍🌛☀️

This brings back old memories!! When they did videos in the past..
I'm glad they're doing it now, so they can have some fun!!
(3:31) ptf- 🤭
(I love Moon's laugh💗)
(4:09) God d@mn the lyrics-!🤭😂
(I love their laugh so much!!💗💗)
(5:47-8:45) Moony's favourite song!! And I must admit, it's really good!
(9:27) ptf- Sun? You OK? 😂🤭
(9:32) Moon is just chilling!
Sun: *taping really hard on the keyboard*
Moon: *chilling*
(13:16) The lyrics are going hard-
This was nice!
I really missed watching them play like this!!🤭💙💛

1. Finally Foxy have a new body and I love the design!
2. #Foxy and Monty friendship
3. #Sun, Foxy and Puppet friendship.
4. Foxy can put his hands up!
5. I think FC really like Foxy's new suit!!

(Mini story inspired by this video)
To understand:
(Text) = thinking
*Text* = sounds & moves
Text = narrator
Repercussions of magic
5:34 p.m.
Sun, Earth and Lunar were in the Daycare, which they just closed, and they were organising the toys and cleaning it.
Earth was cleaning the floor, Lunar the jungle jim and Sun the barrels.
Earth: uhh.. Sun? Can you help me here, if you have already finished cleaning the barrels?
Sun: oh yeah, sure! I almost finished here!
Earth: Alright, take your time!
Sun finish cleaning the barrels and start going were Earth is with a broom in his hand.
Sun: OK, I finished cleaning the barrels, now I will help you here!
Earth: thanks Sun!
Sun: no problem!
After a while of cleaning.
Earth: *almost scream* LUNAR? YOU GOOD IN THERE BUDDY?
Earth: ok, Lunar has almost finished and we too!
Earth: *looks around* We did a good job! don't you think Sun?
Sun: *zoning out*
Earth: Sun?
Sun: OH! Y-yeah we did a...a good job...
Earth begins to notice that Sun is acting strange: he seem very tired, distant and take a while to answer a simple question or doesn't answer it totally.
She starts to worry.
Earth: ummh Sun? Are you OK?
Sun: *sound even more tired* ..why?
Earth approaches Sun and puts a hand on his shoulder to offer him comfort, if he needs it.
Earth: you seem very tired and a bit distant...have you slept recently?
Sun: OH, yeah- don't worry! I'm..I'm finee-....
Sun collapses in Earth's arms and she begins to panic.
Sun: ...
Earth: *panicking even more* SUN! COME ON! WAKE UP! OH GOD, WHAT DO I DO?!
Lunar hears the screams and get down the jungle jim.
Lunar: *a bit worried* hey is everything OK? I heard screams-..
He sees the scene and rushes to Earth's side.
Lunar: Hey hey hey! Earth what's wrong?! Why is Sun like this?!
Earth: *still panicked* I-I don't know! We were talking and I noticed something was off with him a-and then he suddenly collapsed in my arms! I-I don't what to do!!
Lunar: O-ok, first you need to calm down, because panicking is not going to help ok?
Earth: *nods* m-mh..
Lunar: ok. Now I'm going to call Moon, maybe he knows why is Sun like this...
Earth: o-ok..
Lunar calls Moon and explain what happened, while Earth sits on the floor and holds Sun tightly in her arms.
Earth: *whispers* D-Don't worry Sun, you're going to be OK..
5:41 p.m.
Moon arrives in the Daycare in a rush.
Moon: *worried as h*ll* WHERE IS HE?! IS HE OK?!
Lunar: w-we don't know, as I told, he suddenly collapsed in Earth's arms and he didn't wake up since then!
Moon goes to where Earth was and sits next to her.
Moon: *still worried, but tries to stay calm* *inhale and exhale* Earth? Can I please take a look at him to see what's wrong?
She hesitates for a moment and holds Sun again in her protective embrace, but releases her grip and places the solar animatronic in Moon's arms.
Moon: ok. Now let me scan him real quick to see what's wrong...
Moon: *scanning*
Moon: *finishes scanning* Oh..OH! Now I see what happened!
Earth & Lunar: *anxious* WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?
Moon: well- I guess he didn't tell you this yet, but he has been practicing magic lately and I told him that he might would fell sleepy until he didn't control it fully..
I guess he went too far with training and he end up fully asleep..
Earth: *a bit shocked* O-oh! S-so nothing too serious..?
Moon: Nope, he will wake up in a few hour or so! Nothing to worry about!
Lunar: *let out a sigh* that's good!
Earth: yeah..! He really scared me this time..!!
Moon: mh..I imagine, I mean from the look you gave me when I asked you to gave Sun to me, it looked like you were afraid that I would hurt him-
Earth: OH yeah- sorry about that-! It's just that I can get very protective when it comes to family!
Moon: it's fine don't worry!
Lunar: Soooo, what are we doing now while we wait for Sun to wake up?
Moon: well, we can go to mine and Sun's Island to watch a show or something to relax a bit.
Lunar: that's a good idea!
Earth: yeah..! I like that too!
Moon scoops up Sun and Earth get up too.
Earth: uhmm...Moon?
Moon: yeah?
Earth: Can..Can I pick up Sun? I want to carry him, because all this scared me a little and I want to feel him close to me right now..
Moon: oh, sure!
Earth: Thank you Moon!
Moon: No problem!
Moon puts Sun in Earth's arms and she holds him in the same protective way as a few minutes before and this makes Moon smile; with this they head towards Sun and Moon's house.
7:11 p.m.
Moon, Lunar and Earth were in game room watching a movie, eating snacks, while Sun was still sleeping in Earth's arms.
Moon: *eating a chip* I must admit... *shallow the chip* these chips are very good!
Lunar: yeah, they're my favourite too!
Earth was eating some chips too, until he feel something moving in his arms.
Earth: *confused* uh?
Sun: *groan* mhhh....
Everyone stop moving and almost breathing and stare at Sun with hopeful eyes.
Sun: mhh....*open his eyes* what..w-what happen- ouf-!
Earth: *hugs him thightly* SUN!! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE AWAKE!! YOU REALLY SCARED ME!!
Sun: *a bit confused, but hugs her back* oh hey Earth-! Happy to see you too! Ehmm.. weren't we cleaning or something-?
Lunar: yeah, we were, but you suddenly collapsed, so we called Moon and he explained that you over-trained yourself with magic and fell asleep..!
Moon: yeah, about that. You should take it easy Sun, you are still learning! Don't force yourself too much ok?
Sun: o-OH! Ok, I'll try to!
Earth still holds Sun in her hug.
Sun: uhmm..Earth? You can let go now, if you want..!
Earth: o-oh yeah! Sorry- I just-...You scared me a bit there he hehe...
Sun: it's fine Earth, I understand. I will be more careful from now on ok?
Earth: mh-mh..!!
Sun: if you want, you can still hold me, if it comforts you!
Earth: ..I would like that, thank you Sun!
Sun: no worry!
Moon: Alright, do you want to watch another movie or we can still go with this one?
Sun: what movie is it?
Moon: It's some adventure movie, I picked a random one from Disney, but I don't really remember the name-
Sun: Oh ok then! It's fine this movie!
Moon: Alright!
They watched some more movies, before one by one, everyone fell asleep in a mass of cuddles and comfort.

Finally they meet!!
(2:08) UHHHHH-
(3:10) Well, Moon is already fricking out-
(3:57) Well, Moon didn't take the news well- he literally ran out-
(4:56) mh-mh. Ya sure Moon?
(5:00) ptf- he was so scared that run out like that-!!🤭
(7:08) this scene is so funny-!!🤭
(8:31) Fair point-
(9:14) is that a compliment orr-??
(11:49) mh. MHH. THAT'S PRETTY BAD-.
(12:25) Aww!! Her comfort toy is a Sun plushie!
(19:36) yeahh...
(20:47) .....mh...Well, technically Dazzle remembered something before she woke up as an animatronic, but....they weren't all peasant memories...
(21:35) Moon- that's not the case-
(21:56) mhm....and I think you will find some...interesting stuff in their memory...
(End) I'm glad you do Moony!
This was nice!👍