Mini Story - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
(This Mini Story Was Inspired By This Video)

(This mini story was inspired by this video)


An odd-bad dream


Moon: *gasp*

Moon woke up after hearing a loud scream.

Moon: *still sleepy and confused* what the- what was that???


Moon: *now nervous and confused* a-are those screams?? .....wait...SUN.

Moon woke up definitely and he rushed upstairs to Sun's room, his heart pounding with fear and worry that something bad had happened to his twin.

He knocked on the door.

Moon: *really preoccupied* SUN!! OPEN THE DOOR!! ARE YOU OK!?!? PLS OPEN!!!


Moon could not take it anymore and he kicked down the door and went in.

Moon: SUN ARE YOU OK?!? WHAT'S WRONG-............wha-

He saw his twin tossing and turning in bed very vigorously while talking and shouting nonsense.

He was insecure of what to do, but he approached to his sibling and sat down on her/his bed.

Moon: ....Sun?? Hey! WAKE UP!! You're screaming!! SUUUUNNN-

Moon feels his hand being touched and sees his twin start to tremble and try to take his hand. A tear rolls down his/her cheek.

Moon: ...oh Sunny...Come here..

Moon takes his twin's hand and carries him/her in his arms as he lies down on the bed.

Moon:'s fine, I'm here..

He sees that his twin's shaking doesn't stop, so he decides to sing the song he always sang to him/her when these episodes of stress or anxiety happened.

Moon start singing this song:

As Moon started singing, Sun slowly start to calm down and in a few minutes he/She was finally sleeping well and calmly.

Moon: there you go, is it better now?

He gets a grunt of approval from his twin.

Moon: that's what I thought!

Moon also goes into sleep mode and they stay together hugging each other in bed until dawn.

At that point Moon wakes up and tries to get up, but without success because his twin holds him back and tugs him back into bed.

Moon: *blink* ...Well I guess I have to stay here a little more...


Moon: (*processing what just happened*)


And he just kept fricking out until his twin woke up.

Sun: *yawns* good morning-

Moon grabs his twin.

Moon: *basically screaming* SINCE WHEN ARE YOU SO STRONG?!?!? DID YOU GO TO GYM?!?!? DO YOU TRAIN SECRETLY?!?!?! DID THE STAR POWER DO SOMETHING TO YOU?!?!!?! *continues fricking out like this*

Sun: *still sleepy and confused* whaa-


(Hope you enjoyed, bye bye!!)

Tags :
8 months ago
(This Happen After This Episode)

(This happen after this episode)

To understand:

(Text) = thoughts

*text* = movements and noises

Text = narrator

After show moments #1

11:25 p.m.

Monty and Moon are currently sleeping on the couch of one table of The Black Cat and Puppet is deciding what to do.

Puppet: what should I do now? I can't just leave them here....

Should I call someone??....

I'll call Sun and Earth to come and pick them up..

Puppet: *ringing* come pick up, pick up..

Sun: Hello?

Puppet: HEYY!! Sun!!! How is it going??

Sun: Uhm- I-I'm at my house, not doing much...By the way have you see Moon? He's not back yet and I'm a bit worried..

Puppet: oh- Yeahhhhh- about that- emhhh-..

Sun: something wrong?

Puppet: mmh- yeah. Uhh- So, me, Monty and Moon went out and we wanted Moon to try some drinks andddd we went to The Black Cat, which I'm currently, and Moon started drinking more and more and Monty too andddddd they kinda got drunk pretty bad-...until the alcohol got them and now they're sleeping on the couch of a table-...

Soooo, yeah- can you come and pick Moon up? I will call Earth to pick Monty up soon....please??

Sun: ...*sigh* I'll be there in a minute.

Puppet: Thank you~!!! (Platonically)Love you, bye!!

Sun: *hangs up*


Puppet: Alright, time to call Earth...

Puppet: *looks over Moon and Monty*

Puppet: we'll get a good scolding from both of Sun and Earth-! ....

(Well we kinda deserve it-)

11:43 p.m.

Puppet: (they should be here any minute now...)

Sun and Earth come in the restaurant.

Puppet: (there they are!) Hey guys!!

Earth: Hi puppet!

Sun: Hey..!


Sun: So, where are they?

Puppet: OH, they over there.

Sun, Puppet and Earth walk in restaurant and arrive where Monty and Moon are.

Sun & Earth: *looks over the drunk sleepy animatronics*

Sun: I swear- He just got back! How did he end up like this so soon?!

Puppet: welllllllll-

Sun: it was a rhetorical question. You already told me what happened, Puppet.

Puppet: oh yeah-


Earth: Alright, I'm going to get Monty home and you Sun bring home Moon ok?

I will come tomorrow to see how it is going, ok Sun?

Sun: yeah..Alright..

Sun and Earth pick up Monty and Moon, they say goodnight to Puppet and go to their houses.

12:12 p.m. (late night)

(Sun and Moon's Island)

When Sun come in the house with Moon in his arms, his cats also come to him and star moewing and purring at him, because they're happy that he's at home.

Sun: Oh-! Hey babies!

Cats: *meowing more happily*

Sun: yeah, I'm happy to see you too!

Sun puts down Moon on the sofa.

Cats: *meowing a bit upset at Moon*

Sun: yeah... I got to go to pick Moon up, because he got drunk..

Sun: *looks over Moon* *sigh* well, he got drunk for the first time...and I hope he never do that least not this badly...

Sun pick up a cover and he lays it on Moon; but when he's doing it, the sleepy Moon animatronic grab his hand before he go.

Sun: what-

Moon: *drunk and sleepy* P-please...*ik* stAy wItH me..

Sun: ...fine, Moony. But don't you dare get this drunk ever again, ok?

Moon: *more sleepy* mHmMhmm...

Sun sits on the sofa with Moon and the lunar animatronic hugs him, the solar animatronic does the same and so they fall asleep in each other's arms.

09:34 a.m.

The cats start meowing for food and the Sun is already up in the ski, when Moon wakes up.

Moon: *groan* mmhhhmh....what happened..? Why my head hurts so much..?

Moon: *remember everything*

Moon: oh yeah- I got pretty drunk and fell asleep..


God, Sun is gonna scold me to death-..

Moon: *notice he's in living room* uh? Why am I-

Moon: *tries to get up, but can't* what-

Moon: *notice that Sun is still asleep and hugs him* oh...Sun must have bring me back at home and he fell asleep on me...


Well, I better not wake him if I don't want to get scolded like a kid-!!

Moon lays down again, hugging Sun to him and admire the ski from the window, listening to Sun fans rolling softly, simulating a person that sleeps peacefully(it was like a peaceful music to him that sound).

Moon: *looks at Sun and kiss him on the forehead* good dreams, Sunny.!!


Tags :
8 months ago
(This Happens After This Episode)

(This happens after this episode)

To understand:

(Text) = thinking

*text* = movements and noises

Text = narrator

After show #2

Sun is at the Daycare with not much to do.

Sun: I wonder what Jack is doing... I haven't seen him in a while...

Sun: *pick up the tablet that Solar used to control over Jack* Let's see...

Sun turned on the tablet and hears a loud music coming from it.

Sun: What the-?!

He sees the scene in front of him in the tablet.

Jack is behind Ruin, who is crouched on the floor.

Jack: *playing the song "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" *

Ruin: *Trying to not loosing it* I'M FINE. THIS FINE. TOTALLY FINE.

Sun close the table with an inexpressive face.

Sun: what have I just watched-.


(I'm sorry, but I had to write this-)

Tags :
8 months ago
(Mini Story Inspired By This Video)

(Mini story inspired by this video)

To understand:

(Text) = thinking

*Text* = sounds & moves

Text = narrator

Repercussions of magic

5:34 p.m.

Sun, Earth and Lunar were in the Daycare, which they just closed, and they were organising the toys and cleaning it.

Earth was cleaning the floor, Lunar the jungle jim and Sun the barrels.

Earth: uhh.. Sun? Can you help me here, if you have already finished cleaning the barrels?

Sun: oh yeah, sure! I almost finished here!

Earth: Alright, take your time!

Sun finish cleaning the barrels and start going were Earth is with a broom in his hand.

Sun: OK, I finished cleaning the barrels, now I will help you here!

Earth: thanks Sun!

Sun: no problem!

After a while of cleaning.

Earth: *almost scream* LUNAR? YOU GOOD IN THERE BUDDY?



Earth: ok, Lunar has almost finished and we too!

Earth: *looks around* We did a good job! don't you think Sun?

Sun: *zoning out*

Earth: Sun?

Sun: OH! Y-yeah we did a...a good job...

Earth begins to notice that Sun is acting strange: he seem very tired, distant and take a while to answer a simple question or doesn't answer it totally.

She starts to worry.

Earth: ummh Sun? Are you OK?

Sun: *sound even more tired* ..why?

Earth approaches Sun and puts a hand on his shoulder to offer him comfort, if he needs it.

Earth: you seem very tired and a bit distant...have you slept recently?

Sun: OH, yeah- don't worry! I'm..I'm finee-....

Sun collapses in Earth's arms and she begins to panic.


Sun: ...

Earth: *panicking even more* SUN! COME ON! WAKE UP! OH GOD, WHAT DO I DO?!

Lunar hears the screams and get down the jungle jim.

Lunar: *a bit worried* hey is everything OK? I heard screams-..

He sees the scene and rushes to Earth's side.

Lunar: Hey hey hey! Earth what's wrong?! Why is Sun like this?!

Earth: *still panicked* I-I don't know! We were talking and I noticed something was off with him a-and then he suddenly collapsed in my arms! I-I don't what to do!!

Lunar: O-ok, first you need to calm down, because panicking is not going to help ok?

Earth: *nods* m-mh..

Lunar: ok. Now I'm going to call Moon, maybe he knows why is Sun like this...

Earth: o-ok..

Lunar calls Moon and explain what happened, while Earth sits on the floor and holds Sun tightly in her arms.

Earth: *whispers* D-Don't worry Sun, you're going to be OK..

5:41 p.m.

Moon arrives in the Daycare in a rush.

Moon: *worried as h*ll* WHERE IS HE?! IS HE OK?!

Lunar: w-we don't know, as I told, he suddenly collapsed in Earth's arms and he didn't wake up since then!

Moon goes to where Earth was and sits next to her.

Moon: *still worried, but tries to stay calm* *inhale and exhale* Earth? Can I please take a look at him to see what's wrong?

She hesitates for a moment and holds Sun again in her protective embrace, but releases her grip and places the solar animatronic in Moon's arms.

Moon: ok. Now let me scan him real quick to see what's wrong...

Moon: *scanning*

Moon: *finishes scanning* Oh..OH! Now I see what happened!

Earth & Lunar: *anxious* WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?

Moon: well- I guess he didn't tell you this yet, but he has been practicing magic lately and I told him that he might would fell sleepy until he didn't control it fully..

I guess he went too far with training and he end up fully asleep..

Earth: *a bit shocked* O-oh! S-so nothing too serious..?

Moon: Nope, he will wake up in a few hour or so! Nothing to worry about!

Lunar: *let out a sigh* that's good!

Earth: yeah..! He really scared me this time..!!

Moon: mh..I imagine, I mean from the look you gave me when I asked you to gave Sun to me, it looked like you were afraid that I would hurt him-

Earth: OH yeah- sorry about that-! It's just that I can get very protective when it comes to family!

Moon: it's fine don't worry!




Lunar: Soooo, what are we doing now while we wait for Sun to wake up?

Moon: well, we can go to mine and Sun's Island to watch a show or something to relax a bit.

Lunar: that's a good idea!

Earth: yeah..! I like that too!

Moon scoops up Sun and Earth get up too.

Earth: uhmm...Moon?

Moon: yeah?

Earth: Can..Can I pick up Sun? I want to carry him, because all this scared me a little and I want to feel him close to me right now..

Moon: oh, sure!

Earth: Thank you Moon!

Moon: No problem!

Moon puts Sun in Earth's arms and she holds him in the same protective way as a few minutes before and this makes Moon smile; with this they head towards Sun and Moon's house.

7:11 p.m.

Moon, Lunar and Earth were in game room watching a movie, eating snacks, while Sun was still sleeping in Earth's arms.

Moon: *eating a chip* I must admit... *shallow the chip* these chips are very good!

Lunar: yeah, they're my favourite too!

Earth was eating some chips too, until he feel something moving in his arms.

Earth: *confused* uh?

Sun: *groan* mhhh....

Everyone stop moving and almost breathing and stare at Sun with hopeful eyes.

Sun: mhh....*open his eyes* what..w-what happen- ouf-!

Earth: *hugs him thightly* SUN!! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE AWAKE!! YOU REALLY SCARED ME!!

Sun: *a bit confused, but hugs her back* oh hey Earth-! Happy to see you too! Ehmm.. weren't we cleaning or something-?

Lunar: yeah, we were, but you suddenly collapsed, so we called Moon and he explained that you over-trained yourself with magic and fell asleep..!

Moon: yeah, about that. You should take it easy Sun, you are still learning! Don't force yourself too much ok?

Sun: o-OH! Ok, I'll try to!

Earth still holds Sun in her hug.

Sun: uhmm..Earth? You can let go now, if you want..!

Earth: o-oh yeah! Sorry- I just-...You scared me a bit there he hehe...

Sun: it's fine Earth, I understand. I will be more careful from now on ok?

Earth: mh-mh..!!


Sun: if you want, you can still hold me, if it comforts you!

Earth: ..I would like that, thank you Sun!

Sun: no worry!

Moon: Alright, do you want to watch another movie or we can still go with this one?

Sun: what movie is it?

Moon: It's some adventure movie, I picked a random one from Disney, but I don't really remember the name-

Sun: Oh ok then! It's fine this movie!

Moon: Alright!

They watched some more movies, before one by one, everyone fell asleep in a mass of cuddles and comfort.


Tags :
8 months ago


To understand:

(Text) = thoughts

*Text* = sounds & movements

Text = Narrator

After Show #3

19:00 p.m.

Sun and Jack were on Sun & Moon's Island.

The rain was loud and the ocean was a bit agitated.

Sun was asleep on the armchair in the living room, with one cat on his legs and the other on his shoulders and they both were asleep as well.

Jack was perched on the arm of the sofa next to the armchair and he end watching Sun and the cats as they slept.

He had witnessed Sun's mental breakdown shortly before and did his best to comfort him until he fell asleep.

He had never seen the solar animatronic in that state.

It made him feel sad, because there wasn't much he could do to improve the situation they were in.

So in order to provide some sort of comparison, he promised Sun that he would watch over him, so that no one could disturb him or hurt him.

The yellow animatronic nodded in agreement and soon fell asleep with tears still streaming down his cheeks.

So, now Jack is observing the dim light of the house and also the storm looming outside; until he hears someone knocking on the door.

Jack: (mh..who could it be? Should I go open or wake up Sun first.............

I don't to wake him up, he has already gone trow so much, I want to let him rest..).

Someone knock again.

Jack: (...I will go check who it is, without waking up Sun).

Jack get up from his spot, go to door and opens it.

Jack: Hellooo-...

Eclipse: Oh. I didn't expect you to be here honestly.

Jack: proceeding taking out dagger-hands.

Eclipse: NO NO WAIT WAIT WAIT! I'm not here to hurt anyone, I just want to talk to Sun..

Jack: retiring dagger-hands.

Jack: Why do you need to talk to him?

Eclipse: *a bit irritated* It's something really important, so can I please talk to him?

Jack: He's asleep.

Eclipse: *groan* Well, I can still wait him to wake up. So may I enter or you want me to wait in the rain until I become a pile of rust?

Jack: may enter, but if you do something, I won't hesitate to use my dagger-hands.

Eclipse: *annoyed* yeah yeah, I know.

Eclipse enters in the house and Jack follow behind; the crimson animatronic looked around the house.

Eclipse: (God, they have terrible taste)

Eclipse's eyes rest on the sleeping animatronic and on the tufts of fur on his lap. He sits on the sofa, while Jack goes on Sun's side and stare at him in an hostile way.

Eclipse: Eh. You really don't like me, do you?

Jack: No, I don't. You made Lunar's head explode and did make everyone life a hell.

Eclipse: *laugh without joy in it* yeah...I did. What do you want to make me feel bad for what I did? *whispers* It's not like I don't regret it already..

Jack: No, because I know you already do, judging by how you've been acting lately.

Eclipse: Eh...As if...

They remain silent for a while; Eclipse was looking at the floor and Jack was watching the storm outside, while sitting on the arm of the armchair where Sun was asleep.

Suddenly they hear a sob and another again. They turn their heads to Sun and see that hot tears are flowing from his closed eyes.

Jack places a comforting hand on his shoulder and this seems to calm Sun down a bit, but the tears continue to fall.

Eclipse: *groans and whisper* God, when will he stop being a crybaby?

Eclipse gets up from his seat and walks towards Sun; Jack is about to stop him, but Eclipse puts his hand on Sun's rays and starts stroking them.

This seems to calm Sun down completely, as he stops crying and relaxes against Eclipse's touch.

Jack watches surprised the scene.

Jack: How did you do that?

Eclipse: *a bit annoyed and embarrassed* I was in Sun's body for a while, I know more about him than you can imagine.....


Eclipse: this.....the old version of Moon used to stroke Sun's rays when he was stressed or sad. It always made him feel better..

Jack looks at Eclipse without saying any words.

Eclipse: *still a bit annoyed* what? Can't believe that I can do this? Or that I have a soft spot? *whisper*...or that I'm starting to care for one of the persons that I hurted the most, even if he was innocent...

There was a moment of silence between the two, while Eclipse was still petting Sun's rays.

Eclipse zones out for moment while thinking that petting Sun's rays did feel good and relaxing. No wonder why Earth did that so often.

After realising what he just thought, he immediately withdraws his hand (even though deep down he would have liked to leave it there a little longer).

Eclipse: *groans* Anyways, I'll go now, because I don't to stay in this house any longer. I'll pass later.

Eclipse moves away from the two, but when he is about to leave he finds Jack behind him.

Eclipse: *a bit freaked out* JESUS CRIST-!...*groans in irritation* what now?

Jack: Thanks for calming Sun down!..

Something indecipherable passed Eclipse's eyes before he shakes his head and responded.

Eclipse: Yeah yeah, whatever.

19:56 p.m.

Eclipse leaves the house and teleports to his lab; he looks over the incubator where supposedly Solar will be reconstructed.

Eclipse: ...*sigh* well, when Sun wake up and I'll bring him here to press the bottom, I hope this will be done as fast as possible...

.....I hope this will make them happy.....they deserve some happiness after what they have gone trow. After what that idiot(Nexus) has put them trow!...

Eclipse goes sit on the chair near the his desk and close his eyes.

Eclipse: maybe I will take a nap as well.


Tags :
7 months ago
(This Happen After This Video And I Hope You Enjoy This Parent-child And Siblings Moment)

(This happen after this video and I hope you enjoy this parent-child and siblings moment)

To understand:

(Text) = thoughts

*Text* = movements & sounds

"Text" = calling/answering the phone

Text = Narrator

After Show #4

18:47 p.m.

Sun and Dazzle go trow the portal; Dazzle looks at the place with amazed eyes and Sun laugh a bit a it, finding it cute.

Dazzle: Yours and Moon's house is amazing, Sun!!

Sun: *giggle softly* Yeah, it is....but now it's your house too Dazzle! So, do you wanna get inside and have that dance party you told me before?

Dazzle: *gasp excited* YES YES YES!!! I'D LOVE THAT!!!!

They went inside, prepar the stuff for the party and begins it (Lunar is at Earth and Monty's house and Jack doesn't know he leaves there yet).

20:11 p.m.

The living room was full of food, light stickers and sticks and pillows; the TV was on a channel were they projected music all day.

Dazzle and Sun were laying on the couch, both tired.

Sun: Ouf-!...that was quite a party!..

Sun: *looks around* Uh- I think we should clean up, before Moon and Lunar comes back, don't you think Dazzle?.....Dazzle?

Sun looks over Dazzle and sees she fell asleep; he decide to let her rest and clean the mess alone.

After a while he finally finishes to clean up everything and goes pick up Dazzle from the couch, go upstairs and put her on her new bed.

He sits beside her and watch her sleeping for a bit(like a mother that watches over his child).

Sun:....*sigh* you didn't deserve all you have gone were just a innocent kid who had all their life to live and now... *a tear falls from his eye*.....I'm so so sorry...

Sun lays down to give a goodnight-kiss on Dazzle's forehead, but when he's about to leave he feels a hand taking his and sees the little deer holding his hand: she doesn't him to leave, she wants him to stay.

An indescribable emotion passes through Sun's eyes, an emotion that he had never felt before towards any child: the need to protect (the need that a mother cat has in protecting her kittens).

Sun feels his heart fill with love and with tears of joy in his eyes he lies down next to Dazzle, holding her in his arms and cradling her gently and so he falls asleep too, holding the little girl close to him and that goes the same way around.

21:23 p.m.

Moon got home really tired from work.

Moon: *groan* God, it was a h*ll of a day, today.

Moon: *looks around* HEY SUN! I'M BACK!

He doesn't get response.

Moon: SUN?....Where is he?

Moon starts to look around the house, but still he doesn't find him; he starts to get worried.

Moon: *worried* mh..Where is he?...Did I check everywhere in the house?....Oh wait, I haven't checked Dazzle's room still...

Moon: (I hopes he's there, if not...I'm going to do some calls and go look for him, because I'm getting worried..)

Moon go upstairs, in front of Dazzle's room.

Moon: *opens the door* Hey Sun are you here-..

Moon sees Sun and Dazzle cuddling each other on Dazzle's bed, while sleeping; he smiles at them and goes near them.

Moon: *sits on the bed* *laugh softly and whisper* So you did do the party, and I see you had a lot of fun from what I'm seeing~

Moon lays down near Sun and hugs him to himself with Dazzle still in his arms.

Moon: *kiss Sun's forehead* Goodnight brother!

Moon goes on sleep mode, while cuddling Sun, whose still holding Dazzle in his arms protectively, like a parent would do with his kid.


Tags :
7 months ago

{LOADING . . .}






{Hiiii folks!!!! Welcome to my channel, I hope that you will enjoy my post and stories!!

(And what I'm cooking😈).

But anyways, here some things about me:}

• My name is IrisStarLight; you can call me Iris, Star, Light or whatever nicknames you want (except insults).

• I'm a Demi-girl and (probably) Aroece.

• My pronouns are she/her, they/them (but I prefer she/her sometimes).

• I'm probably autistic.

• I'm a mess of creative mind and laziness.

• I'm obsessed with A LOT of shows and when I say the I'm obsessed, I MEAN IT.

• (like I said) English isn't my first language, so I might do grammar error...pls don't judge me, I'm trying my best and I'm still learning it.

• I'm a depressed and anxious person that probably needs therapy-.

• I'm mentally unstable👍.

• Mini stories will be written on Tumbler, AUs on my AO3 account(I will put my link when I start writing).



{But enough of me, now I will talk about all the ideas and stories I have (Most of them are still in process and I haven't even started writing them down).}

☆ AUs:


- The Corrupted Star (aka Sun gets corrupted by Dark Star-power; he can see Witer Shards = 1⁰ sign)

- Kidnapped (aka someone, sent by the Creator, kidnaps Sun for the Creator's plan).

- My SaMS/EaLS AU (aka my version of SaMS/EaLS).

- MALAVITA (aka my mafia version of SaMS/EaLS).

- Jumanji AU (aka Sun, Moon, Eclipse and Solar are trapped in the Jumanji dimension and the others try to get them out, but with a lot of complications).

- Experiment AU (aka Sun, Moon & Earth get kidnapped by Creator, because he needs to "finish what he started").

• TMF:

- Two notes of the same song (an SaMS × Tmf) (Timeline: after ep. 9) (aka Jake finds an old friend that will helps him with the current situation).

• Solarballs:

- Trapped on Earth (aka all the planets, minus Earth, and some Moons in their human forms are trapped on Earth's surface).

- My Solarballs AU (aka my version of Solarballs).

• Ninjago:

- A growing flame (aka Kai gets kidnapped by Imperium).

- Switched places (what if Kai and Nya switched places in season 15?)


- My friend from the jungle (aka some Mha characters get teletrasported in another world by someone, that Izuku knows very well).

- Sams meet Mha (aka Sun and Moon meet the MHA characters).

• Voltron

- Found you (During a mission, Lance meet someone from his past that he misses a lot, but that someone really changed from the last he saw them).

☆ Stories:

• Mini stories(Old channel)

- A child always protect his parent (1,2,??)

- Sun is bi (1/1)

- The trauma has been summoned (1/1)

- Sun expose himself two times in one (1/1)

• Mini stories(New channel)

- Lunar has a new trauma (1/1)

- An odd-bad dream (1/1)

- The siblings reunion (1/1)

- Repercussions of magic (1/1)

- They're besties! (1/1)

- "I love you dad!" (1/1)

- "NOT MY MAMA!" (1/1)

- Moon learns how to cook(kinda-) (1/1)

- "Not a good boy" (1/1)


- Grilled cheese (1/1)

- "We did it..." (1/1)

- "New friend!" (1/1)

- After Show (1,2,3,4,5,6,??)

- Moon's ADHD has returned (1/1)

- Moon, you naughty boy! (1/1)

- Sun needs a better twin(joke) (1/1)

- The Celestial family finds out that Sun is autistic (1/1)

- Dazzle is the King Lion now! (1/1)

☆ Tags:

{LOADING . . .}

{So, that's everything for now.

Bye Bye Folks!}

{LOADING . . .}


{NO or YES}

{ • • • }



{ / / / }

Tags :
7 months ago

"Not a good boy"

(A recent Meme I think-)

(Context: Nexus wants to make someone proud of him)

Moon and Dark Sun/Solstice went on a mission(sorta of-) and it went bad.

Nexus: *looking at Solstice with cat's eyes*

Solstice: *pissed*

Solstice: No Nexus. I'm not calling you a "good boy", this mission was sh*t.

Nexus: *hurted deep in the inside*


Tags :
7 months ago


(This is an old meme)

(Just after the KC arc, Sun still doesn't know KC is good now)

(Context: Sun is tired of Moon's Kill Code taking control over his twin-brother again).

Sun is on Moon, who's being controlled by Kill Code, and he's blocking the lunar animatronic down to the floor.

Past Sun: *angry and yelling* GET OUT OF MY BROTHER, KILL CODE!! *Slaps Moon*

Past KC(in control): *shocked and hurt by the slap* OWW-!! THAT GONNA LEAVE A MARK!!

KC letting Moon take control again, because he doesn't want to deal with an angry Sun, ever.

Moon regain control, but is confused on why his face hurt and on why he blocked on the floor by his brother.

Past Moon: *confused and hurt* Wh-?

Past Sun: *more irritated* THE POWER OF PATTY COMPELS YOU!!! *Slaps Moon, thinking KC still control him*

Past Moon: *shocked and hurt* OWW-!!!


Past Sun: *isn't convinced* Moon?

Past Moon: *hurt by the slap* Oww-...Why did you slap me?!?!

Past Sun: *irritated again* STOP IMPERSONATING MY BROTHER, KC!! *proceeding to slap Moon again*

Past Moon: *hurt and panicked* NOT KC, NOT KC, YOU MORON!

Past Sun: *still isn't convinced* Name one thing that the only real Moon would know.

Past Moon: *panicking* UHHH- You kiss Roxanne plush every day!

Past Sun: *embarrassed and convinced* O-OK, Yeah- it is you-.

Past Moon: Fantastic. Now that you're convinced, CAN YOU PLEASE GET OFF OF ME?!??

Past Sun: O-oh yeah- Sorry..

Sun get off of Moon and the two animatronics get up from the floor.

Past Moon: *still a bit hurt by the slap* OW.. Did you really have to slap me THAT hard??

Past Sun: *a bit sorry* Ehh- I had to made sure KC let you out-...I'm sorry If it hurt you that much...

Past Moon: Nah, it's fine. You finally grew some balls to actually defend yourself.

Past Sun: *nervous* Eheh eh...Y-Yeah..


Past Sun: ...Can I hug? I-Is ok if you don't want to, I just...missed you a lot..

Past Moon: *surprised by the sudden question* Umh- Sure? Why not?

Sun hugs Moon and he hugs back.

Past Sun: *whispers* I really missed you..

Past Moon: *feeling loved* I missed you too, brother.


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7 months ago

Grilled cheese

(An old meme)

(Context: Moon is hungry)

It's early morning, Sun has just woke up and is in the kitchen preparing breakfast, when he hears a sleepy Moon walks in.

Moon goes to Sun.

Moon: *half asleep* I'm hungry.

Sun: So lick that coat, you smell like a-

Moon: *has an idea* Grill me cheese.

Sun: Wha-?

Moon: *sparks in his eyes* *grabs Sun by his shoulders* Grill me a cheese.

Sun: I'm not grilling you a cheese!

Moon: *crying ugly and dramatically*

Sun: *tired and confused* wha-

Moon: *cries more*

Sun: *irritated* oh for God's SAKE.

Literally 5 seconds after:

Sun: *grilling a cheese*

Moon & Dazzle: *watching Sun like two cats, with smile on their face*

(Dazzle woke up after Moon asked Sun to grill him a cheese).


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7 months ago

"We did it..."

(Short one-shot)

(Context: Ruin really did it...he broke and exterminated the Creator's council.......

But at what coast?..)

(You can listen to this will you read:)

Ruin was on his base in space and was looking at the stars, when he sensed someone near him: he knows who they were.

Ruin's Sun(he's a ghost kinda): ...I guess we really did.....

Ruin's Moon(he's a ghost too): Now they won't hurt anyone, anymore...

Ruin: .....yeah...they won't...we finally succeeded...

Even if he keep telling himself that was the right thing to do, Ruin, in the deep of he's mind, knows that there could have been other ways to do this, but those paths can never be traveled again, because of him...

¤ End ¤

(Headcanon: The Sun and Moon that merged to form Ruin didn't disappear, they are still in there and agreed with Ruin's plan.

They are a sorta of ghosts that only Ruin can see when they appear).

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6 months ago
(This Happen After This Video)

(This happen after this video)

To understand:

Text = narrator

(Text) = thoughts

*Text* = movements and noises

"Text" = calling/answering the phone

After show #5

Moon was currently running from Sun, because he didn't shut the portal when his twin was in ballpit, so he teleported back in the "Minecraft Dimension", and he's pretty mad for that.

Sun: *angry* *inhale* *scream* MOON!!!

Moon: *running for his life* Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t-!

Sun get out of the Daycare to see Moon running on the stairs.

Sun: oh oh~ you're not going away with that. MOON!! COME BACK HERE IMMEDIATELY!!

Sun start running after his twin to beat the sh*t out of him.

Sun: *get at the top of the stairs* Argh..where did he go??

_Meanwhile, with Moon_

Moon just passed the entrance of the Theatre when he hears Sun's scream.

Moon: (sh*t, I'm screwed this time-)

While the lunar animatronic tries to think how to escape or hide, Solar return from the back of the Theatre and as well he notice Moon rambling about something, so he approaches him.

Solar: Hey Moon, what's up?

Moon: *jumps* JESUS-! ...Solar don't sneak behind people like that!

Solar: Sorry sorry.... but anyways, do you need something? I saw you rambling something..

Moon: EHHH- YES ACTUALLY! You see-

Sun was still searching for his twin as he approaches to the entrance of the Theatre.

Sun: *angry* MOON!! WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU?!

Moon: *screwed* SH*T-

Solar: Uhh- Why he sounds so mad? What did you do?

Moon: Uhhhh- I may or may not accidentally didn't close the portal, when I said I did, while Sun was in the ballpit.. sooooo now he on my back to beat the sh*t out of me-...

Solar: ... *sigh* seriously?

Moon: EHH-! I'M SORRY! I thought I closed it properly!

Solar: *groans* ok, you can hide in the Theatre this time, but you will face the consequences sooner or later, you know that, right?


Moon goes to the Theatre to find a place to hide.

Moon: *whispers* SH*T SH*T, WHERE DO I HIDE?! ....The back of Theatre should do for a bit, until Sun calms down at least..

_With Sun_

Sun cross the entrance of the Theatre to see Solar behind the desk, who is organising the products.

Sun: *storms to Solar*

Sun: *pissed* Hey Solar. Have you seen Moon by any chance?

Solar: *intimidated a bit* (Geez- Moon really pissed him off-) Uhh- why you ask? Did he do something?

Sun: Oh you know, I just want to talk to him about something. You don't have to worry about it. So, where. Is. He?

Solar: (...Moon, this is a pay back for not including us in that contract you signed with Miku) U-Uhh- yes, I saw him going to the Theatre..

Sun: *smiles* Thank you very much Solar!

The solar animatronic storms in the Theatre to catch his twin.

Solar: (sorry, not sorry Moon... you have to face him anyways).

_With Moon_

Moon: (ok ok, I will remain here until Sun calms down, than we will discuss about that like civil people and everything will be-)


Moon: (what?! How did he find me so soon-...SOLAR. I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU DIRTY TRAITOR-!)


Moon: (WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?)

Moon accidentally crushes a stuffed animal, the sound of which reverberates throughout the theater.

Moon: (SH*T SH*T SH*T-)

Sun: Oh~! there you are~

Moon looks up to his really mad twin at him.

Moon: (I'M SO SCREWED-) H-Hey Sun! We can talk about this, right-?

Sun: *smiles* I'm afraid not, my dear brother~

Moon: (F*CK-)

_With Solar_

Solar: *organising the products* Mh.. I wonder how Moon is doing-

Moon: *screams from Theatre* AHHH-!!!*sbang*

Solar: ....

Solar: ...Well, I guess that respond to my question..

Solar: (......God remind me to never make Sun angry-).


(Don't worry, Moony is fine. He is just...a bit beaten up, but he's fine!

And also he said sorry to Sun and Sunny forgave him...after a bit-, but they're OK now!)

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6 months ago

Dazzle is the King Lion now!

(Old meme I think-)

(Context: Moon & Monty get drunk and Sun is a disappointed mum).

Sun was returning from a very tiring day from the Daycare; he had to stay longer, because he had to clean and organise some stuff, but now he could relax and watch a movie maybe.

That day Moon informed Sun that he was going to invite Monty over to spend some time together and maybe drink two shots.

The solar animatronic was a bit against the idea, considering what happened last time they drunk, but at the end he accepted to let Monty come over, he just hoped that didn't drink too much.

So, here he was at home, opening the door with his keys, ready to finally relax with his family and friend; but as soon as he entered, he noticed Moon and Jack looking up at the ceiling, kneeling on the ground.

He enter in the room and approached the two robots.

Sun: *VERY confused* Uhh Moon, Jack? What's happening-

Monty: *drunk* *scream/sing* NAaAAaaaaAAATS INGoNyAMAAaaAAA, BAgiThI BaBa~!!!!!

Moon(also drunk) & Jack: *sing along* SITHI UMH INGONYAMAAAAA~!!!!!

Sun now storms to them and look up to Monty holding Dazzle like that scene in the "lion king movie" over the edge of the balcony above them, while the other three kept singing.

Sun: . . .

The yellow animatronic runs a hand over his tired face.

Sun: *extremely irritated* *groans* I don't get paid enough for this.

_5 minutes later_

Sun: *holding Dazzle in his arms, while scolding the other three animatronics*

Monty & Moon(still a bit drunk), Jack: *being scolded by Sun*

Dazzle: *in Sun's arms* *confused* wha-?


(Moon & Monty are not allowed near a drink for a LONG time-


Do you wonder where Solar was?

He was knitting with Earth!).

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1 year ago

Seriously can someone explain to me why the hell did I just got jumpscare by a freaking elf on the shelf holding an ad? I was literally minding my own business, then I turned around and BAM! I COME FACE TO FACE WITH THIS ABOMINATION WHO IS SMILING AT ME AS IF IT WAS MOCKING ME!!


Seriously Can Someone Explain To Me Why The Hell Did I Just Got Jumpscare By A Freaking Elf On The Shelf

The elf:

Seriously Can Someone Explain To Me Why The Hell Did I Just Got Jumpscare By A Freaking Elf On The Shelf

I swear it felt like that 😭

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1 year ago

So today there isn’t supposed to have school because of the teacher’s strike. I forgot about that and I almost went there! 😭. I put my alarm and everything! I was about to leave when I saw on the school web that today there wasn’t any school.

Fun fact: I take the bus because it’s free for me so I don’t have to waste any money on car and gasoline. So that means that I would have been stuck waiting in the cold for another bus to arrive 🫠 …

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3 years ago

"Growth Formula"


OTTER: *Runs in a hurry* What's wrong, Mike, some problem.... *She's in shock*

MIKE: Otter, this green juice kind of tasted weird.


MIKE: Well I can explain this one, *Flashback* I was looking for you to talk to you about something important and suddenly I saw a green game on the lab table and well, without thinking twice I took it because I was very thirsty, and a few seconds later I felt something strange like my body began to inflate very quickly and I didn't know what was happening and I panicked and that's why I yelled at you *Flashback ends* and that's all that happened...

OTTER: But... Mike wasn't green juice it was a growth formula that Rocky developed, Alex and I hadn't tried it yet and we don't know what effects it will have, and apparently you were the first to try the formula.

MIKE: Well, you must admit that the formula works very well, and you know exactly when the side effects will end, you know, so that my body can return to normal...

OTTER: Aah, um... I know it's going to sound funny to you hehe *Gets nervous* as you were the first to try the growth formula, the side effects will pass inside... At least a month and a half...


"Growth Formula"

Hello everyone, today I want to share a drawing of my fursona Wolf with his Kingdom Force suit, and it is the first time that my fursona is muscular and apparently his suit does not fit him anymore... I hope the mature can bear those pecs (@_@)💦

But luckily it is accompanied by a Mini Story entitled: "Growth Formula" 🐺💛 💪

This drawing was made by @/yetdarked (Twitter) thanks for making me this magnificent drawing (。・ω・。)ノ💞✨💞✨💞✨💞✨

Well without further ado I hope you all like them (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)👍💖

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4 years ago

i just created a mini story called" Burning the bridge " it's in my book" mini stories ". gepubliceerd.

If you decide to read it, let me know what you think about it!

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11 months ago

Selfish Top Bottom

When it came to distinguishing whether a man was a top or a bottom, there was no way that anyone could look at Ryan Thompson and know that he was an absolute top. With the bulky and imposing physique of a powerlifter and an obscenely large cock that was instantly noticeable that no matter how loose or tight his pants were, the man could absolutely be the perfect individual to represent what a power top was.

Selfish Top Bottom

Due to living in a relatively small urban town (at least in comparison to a huge city like Los Angeles or New York City), word seemed to travel fast around queer circles to the point where if you didn’t know who Ryan was, you at least knew of his reputation. He was a perpetual manwhore, constantly hooking up with anyone he wanted and discarding them immediately after they fulfilled his needs. Although most people understood that that was just the way that things worked in their community, the same could not be said about Mitchell. Although he had never actually met Ryan or been intimate with him, the young twink knew that it was someone he had no desire of ever interacting with. 

However, all of that changed once Mitchell found out that the hunk had hooked up with his best friend Shane and mistreated him once Ryan had came. As Shane recollected how the stud ridiculed the “pale” and “pathetic” man and told him to leave his apartment as soon as possible before threatening to beat his “weak pansy ass” up, Mitchell could only see red at the other man’s behavior. There was certainly no problem with hookup culture if that was how Ryan wanted to live his life, but Mitchell drew the line at blatant disrespect and homophobic rhetoric. So with that in mind, he decided to put a plan into action – one of complete revenge to teach a lesson to the asshole meathead. 

To Mitchell’s amusement, it didn’t take much for him to catch Ryan’s eye. All he had to do was show up to the same club where Ryan had met Shane and sneak peeks at the ginger-haired hunk’s beefy body and playfully avert his gaze once Ryan realized that someone was staring. After a good 30 minutes of this back and forth, the beefy stud and twink finally met before heading off to Ryan’s place to “have some fun”.

Once they were walking up the stairs to the apartment, Mitchell wasted no time giving a performance of a lifetime by pretending to be fully infatuated as he felt up the man’s thick muscles and remarked about how hot and sexy the stud was. As a result, the duo couldn’t even make it into the bedroom before they ducked into the first bathroom they saw to get more intimate. Upon undressing himself and helping Ryan take off his clothes as well, Mitchell’s right hand began to traverse down the man’s pectoral shelf and cobblestone abs as he quietly whispered under his breath. As the twink’s dainty fingers finally began to graze along Ryan’s impressive and girthy manhood, Mitchell then grit his teeth and smirked as he forcefully wrapped around the man’s cock and balls and tugged.

The immediate tension caused Ryan to gasp and scream in shock, but rather than intense pain, the tugging was soundtracked by a resounding POP that echoed through the spacious bathroom. As he looked down at himself, a guttural scream escaped his lips as he noticed two things – his crotch was completely flat reminiscent of a Ken doll and Mitchell’s frail hand was still holding onto his real cock and balls.

As Ryan desperately asked what was going on, he watched in pure horror as he watched the man whisper more words under his breath which led to a chain reaction onto his detached genitalia. Before his eyes, his cock and balls were losing its realistic organic composition and shifting to gain an artificial shimmer – his cock was turning into a rubber dildo (with a suction cup even added onto the end to fully seal the deal).

While the hunk was acting absolutely manic at the transformation that had befallen him, Mitchell was completely calm and even joyful as he savored the other’s utter helplessness. Revenge felt oh so sweet… and he still had one more thing planned to make it even sweeter! As he continued to recite the words underneath his breath, the young warlock couldn’t help but smirk as he watched his magic going to work immediately. In an instant, the man’s firm muscular butt had been replaced with an insanely large and flabby ass that would wobble with every step he took. 

Selfish Top Bottom

Despite wanting to wring out the pathetic twink’s neck, Ryan realized that there was something preventing him from either speaking to the man or physically attacking him. So instead, he could only watch in disbelief as the twink cockily stared at the man before turning and exiting the apartment.

Now alone with his new body and desires, Ryan stood at the sink and looked back at the dildo that still hung from a nearby wall. Despite how eager his mind was in regards to getting fucked, the perpetual top had no practice bottoming and thus knew what he needed to do before he got on Grindr and searched for a man to fill his needy hole…

Eager to read more stories like this? Head over to my Patreon to discover tons of hot transformation fiction including monthly mini-stories like this one!

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2 years ago

I really need to stop thinking, cause every time I do I go into a previously unexplored section of the world building and now I have even more things to worry about. Like just now, I was thinking about how normal people would behave if Lord Valthoraxe actually ruled an entire world. Obviously, mostly paranoia and fear, but there would also be idiots dumb enough to see it as a good thing and create cults worshipping him. Now Valthoraxe is undoubtedly evil, but he always fights fair. Honor is everything to him, and by that logic, he would be extremely offended by cultists murdering defenseless innocents in his name.

He would as first go after them himself, but realize they crave to be killed by “their master” and would need a better solution to the problem. He turns to bounty hunters, who are obviously skeptical at first, but he is willing to give anyone who can prove they’ve killed cult members that worship him one of his many relics that they can choose themselves.

Valthoraxe is one of the heavy sci-fi factions I told you about earlier, and so this created a lot of potential for some very interesting characters. My favorite so far is an autistic, bisexual half-elf named Meloï Dio, who is shunned by her people for her disability, sexuality, and race. (I’ll explain my take on elves in a later weekly update, but tldr, very racist culture) Feeling desperate, hated, and depressed, she successfully hunts down a cultist and reluctantly claims her reward at Lord Valthoraxe’s castle in the Lord’s Wastelands. She is welcomed in personally by Valthoraxe, who is behaving far politer than she expected, and he leads her to a large room full of magical and electrical tools, relics, and weapons.

One particular set of items catch her eye, a pair of boots, fingerless gloves, and headphones dancing with light and a faint rhythmic beat. Valthoraxe explains these are magic conduits basic on music, amplifying the wearers magical capabilities, but only for the duration and to the beat of the of a selected song. She tries on the headphones, and the music immediately makes her feel calm and safe, despite being in the most dangerous place on the planet. She happily takes the musical clothing and thanks Valthoraxe as she leave, his expression not having changed once during the entire encounter.

After a lot of practice and music, she regains her confidence and tries returning back to her Elven home. The Elves however, hate her even more now, calling her a traitor, slut, murderer, and many other thing too terrible to say. They even threaten to kill her if she didn’t leave, and so she did, not with sadness this time, but with new found purpose, and she never looked back.

Hating her Elvish name, she changed it to Melody, and became a bounty hunter full time. She fully embraced the musical aspects of her abilities. She now wears the Magic boots, gloves, and headphones, a pair of dark purple knee-socks, as well as a gray skirt and a lime and cyan crop top. She also dyes her hair the same colour, making it look like the bars of a visualizer. The openness of her clothes made her feel as free physically as the music did mentally, and her new found family of bounty hunters was all she needs now.

I’m not good at drawing humanoids, so feel free to draw this unique character in whatever style you like. Unfortunately this character is not planned to be in any full lengths books I am writing, but perhaps I could write a short story if you guys like her concept enough.

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    Nightmare Headshot art + mini story

Here's a little story that I wrote with it! Kind of a reader pov, tell me how I did an if you enjoyed it!!

Nightmare Headshot Art + Mini Story

You were just walking peacefully in the City, when you were grabbed and pulled into an alleyway, with Poachers surrounding you. You could tell, because of the symbols seared into their bare shoulders. As a demon, you were still targeted by them, no beast, demon, or angelic being was safe from these humans. They weren't even allowed in the City! How did they get in?! You slowly back into the biggest one, a giant, burly man with a wicked face.

    "Look here, sweetheart, just come with us, an' we can all leave peacefully together. How's a weekly paycheck and a place to stay sound? "

    You knew what he really meant. Be a slave to him, and he would reward you. You, however, didn't want to go down like this.

    Not like this.

    "Sorry, I'm not becoming a prisoner today!"

    You shout, your hands glow with magic as you summon your blades and take a swing. You were never much of a fighter, but you weren't going to not fight this time. Your time away from practicing your blades hit you at full force as thean expertly grabs your wrist and knocks you into the ground, the blade scattering away from you. Taking the other you desperately attempt to slash, but that wrist was grabbed too, and the grip was so, so crushing. You drop that blade, too.

    You open your mouth to scream, when the man's face above you suddenly turns to shock. You blink as his grip loosens and he's lifted off of you, realizing that a silver diamond blade tip was pierced through his chest, and his side. Whoever had stabbed him was strong enough to sling the leading Poacher into the opposite wall, next to a dumpster. You look up at your savior, and you seem to recognize her. Her hair was cropped short, curling around her face, and outwards in the back. Her bright, angry red eyes glares from the man to his buddies, who snarl and draws their weaponry. The girl who's saved you, however, was faster. In a blink of an eye, one of the men chokes, and his headless body falls to the ground, his head rolling to stop in front of his friend's feet. The man looks around wildly, the girl had seemed to disappear. You hear another slash of those deadly swords, and he lets out a silent scream as he's- literally- cut in half, his body colliding to the ground in two pieces.

    You blink as the girl slides her swords back into their scabbards before they dissolve, then turns to you halfway and winks.

    "You okay there, darling?"

    You nod, then roll over to all fours to stand, stretching out your wings to help balance you as you get to your feet. As you face the girl, you falter. Her face was crossed with a look of sudden shock and sadness. Before, she was confident and quite the badass, but now she was nervous, and looked scared. You opened your mouth when you notice something that you hadn't before due to being on the ground. Her crown. Or, dare say, his crown. One you'd seen so many times when you were in hell. His Majesty. Your thankfulness suddenly turned to anger. Nightmare shies away, lowering his eyes to the ground.

    "I should... Ah... Leave..."

    You hear him mumble as he speed walks past you. No way, he wasn't getting away that easily. You spin around and grab his arm, yanking him back to face you. Your heart was pounding in your chest, that anger was threatening to bubble out-

    Then, you see his face so much more clearly. Once, it had been soft, and glowing, like a child's would. Now, he just looked... Exhausted. Dark bags hung under those wide, bright red orbs, and he looked so much more... Mortal. He didn't glow, like he had. As you slowly settle your anger, you remember that day the heavens and hell had fallen. You remember that... That thing that Nightmare had let into hell.

    Though, the more you looked back on it, the more sense everything was becoming. You remember how... Lonely the God had looked before it had showed up. Sure... He had his brother, and had friends, but you realize that they were almost always busy helping the two Gods with souls entering both Heaven and Hell. You remember how awkward he could be greeting his subjects, because that's all they saw him as. A ruler. None had never used his actual name, and you now recall how his ears would drop when he was addressed so formally, even by his friends.

    You also realize that the thing he had let in was the only one who didn't refer to him that way. It had probably tricked him. He was lonely, and it offered to be his friend.

   He's now looking away from you, his ears tilted down, and he flinches when you speak.

    "... Why did you let it in?"

    You had meant to be harsh, but it came out soft. His response confirmed your theory.

    "... I wanted a friend... To fit in."

    Your anger vanished. He didn't really have any of those, did he? You gently rub your hands against his arms for comfort, like you'd seen his brother do so many times when he was sad.

    " I... Was always so angry..." You whisper. "Now... Now I see."

    He looks at you, his face had softened into curiosity now. You give him a gentle smile, and bring him into a hug. He lets out a small squeak like a toy a dog would chew on. It was kind of cute. You feel him bring his arms around you, his body trembling, and you were now aware of the tears slowly streaming down your face. As you hear a soft, pitiful sob, you whisper to him.

    "... I forgive you, Nightmare."

    His breath hitches, and he suddenly starts bawling. You can't help but weakly chuckle. You hang on to him, waiting for him to calm down. You realize one more thing as you do. You'd expect him to smell like decay, or blood, or some other horrible smell, like, well... Death.

    He didn't.

    He smelled like lavender.

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