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613 posts
(This Happen After This Video)

(This happen after this video)
To understand:
Text = narrator
(Text) = thoughts
*Text* = movements and noises
"Text" = calling/answering the phone
After show #5
Moon was currently running from Sun, because he didn't shut the portal when his twin was in ballpit, so he teleported back in the "Minecraft Dimension", and he's pretty mad for that.
Sun: *angry* *inhale* *scream* MOON!!!
Moon: *running for his life* Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t-!
Sun get out of the Daycare to see Moon running on the stairs.
Sun: oh oh~ you're not going away with that. MOON!! COME BACK HERE IMMEDIATELY!!
Sun start running after his twin to beat the sh*t out of him.
Sun: *get at the top of the stairs* Argh..where did he go??
_Meanwhile, with Moon_
Moon just passed the entrance of the Theatre when he hears Sun's scream.
Moon: (sh*t, I'm screwed this time-)
While the lunar animatronic tries to think how to escape or hide, Solar return from the back of the Theatre and as well he notice Moon rambling about something, so he approaches him.
Solar: Hey Moon, what's up?
Moon: *jumps* JESUS-! ...Solar don't sneak behind people like that!
Solar: Sorry sorry.... but anyways, do you need something? I saw you rambling something..
Moon: EHHH- YES ACTUALLY! You see-
Sun was still searching for his twin as he approaches to the entrance of the Theatre.
Sun: *angry* MOON!! WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU?!
Moon: *screwed* SH*T-
Solar: Uhh- Why he sounds so mad? What did you do?
Moon: Uhhhh- I may or may not accidentally didn't close the portal, when I said I did, while Sun was in the ballpit.. sooooo now he on my back to beat the sh*t out of me-...
Solar: ... *sigh* seriously?
Moon: EHH-! I'M SORRY! I thought I closed it properly!
Solar: *groans* ok, you can hide in the Theatre this time, but you will face the consequences sooner or later, you know that, right?
Moon goes to the Theatre to find a place to hide.
Moon: *whispers* SH*T SH*T, WHERE DO I HIDE?! ....The back of Theatre should do for a bit, until Sun calms down at least..
_With Sun_
Sun cross the entrance of the Theatre to see Solar behind the desk, who is organising the products.
Sun: *storms to Solar*
Sun: *pissed* Hey Solar. Have you seen Moon by any chance?
Solar: *intimidated a bit* (Geez- Moon really pissed him off-) Uhh- why you ask? Did he do something?
Sun: Oh you know, I just want to talk to him about something. You don't have to worry about it. So, where. Is. He?
Solar: (...Moon, this is a pay back for not including us in that contract you signed with Miku) U-Uhh- yes, I saw him going to the Theatre..
Sun: *smiles* Thank you very much Solar!
The solar animatronic storms in the Theatre to catch his twin.
Solar: (sorry, not sorry Moon... you have to face him anyways).
_With Moon_
Moon: (ok ok, I will remain here until Sun calms down, than we will discuss about that like civil people and everything will be-)
Moon: (what?! How did he find me so soon-...SOLAR. I SWEAR TO GOD, YOU DIRTY TRAITOR-!)
Moon: (WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?)
Moon accidentally crushes a stuffed animal, the sound of which reverberates throughout the theater.
Moon: (SH*T SH*T SH*T-)
Sun: Oh~! there you are~
Moon looks up to his really mad twin at him.
Moon: (I'M SO SCREWED-) H-Hey Sun! We can talk about this, right-?
Sun: *smiles* I'm afraid not, my dear brother~
Moon: (F*CK-)
_With Solar_
Solar: *organising the products* Mh.. I wonder how Moon is doing-
Moon: *screams from Theatre* AHHH-!!!*sbang*
Solar: ....
Solar: ...Well, I guess that respond to my question..
Solar: (......God remind me to never make Sun angry-).
(Don't worry, Moony is fine. He is just...a bit beaten up, but he's fine!
And also he said sorry to Sun and Sunny forgave him...after a bit-, but they're OK now!)
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More Posts from 1ris5starlight

I was bored, so here a picture of my precious Sunny boy!
(Hope you like it!)
(I spent DAYS doing this-)
(Also, If you have noticed, my mark keep changing because I can't decide which one I like more, but this one is the definitive mark I think(hope-))
Love it!❤

I wanted to do one with Eclipse and Earth hanging out.
I may have more future pages :)
Earth's character designs was made by @ayyy-imma-ninja
You can watch the show right here:

Abandoned mobs??
(0:38) I love how Moon, seeing Sun's reaction to the flowers cows, put more of them to make Sun happy!
(1:52) Avenge the mooblooms, Sun!!!
(5:15) The precious baby, he's so cute when he's happy!!!!
(9:00) ptf- why is this scene so funny to me-?🤭
Sun: *waiting*
Moon: *a cheating @ss that's cheating*
_In the Minecraft Dimension_
Sun: THAT'S IT, I'M DEAD ONE! *dies in the game*
Moon: Yes you are!
_In the Og Dimension_
Sun: ...Why do I have the feeling that I'm gonna die sooner or later-?
Moon: WHAT-
That was nice!

(0:12) Where you waking up or screaming-?
(1:14) PTF- 🤭
(3:12) Sun- you're not dying- you're just panicking-
(3:24) I don't know if I should feel insulted or not- (because cats are my favourite animal and I act like one so-)
(5:23-5:46) Well, you're not bad at driving!
(7:22) Eat the d@mn burger! It tastes good!
(10:04) . . . Don't say that! He just- doesn't know things!
(10:43) uh- you OK Sun-?
Ok- that was something-

Before watching:
They met Monty!... And I see from the thumbnail that went...REALLY well(bad)-
After watching:
1. If there is one thing that Monty would never let go, is the bald joke and the fact that Sun won't admit he's bald-
2. Did you notice that Moon treats Sun more nicely then the others, like Monty? I think they will consider themselves brothers-twins here too!!!