21rstrejectedsoul - the true one
the true one

autistic/undiagnosed ADHD/trauma survivor/occasionally blackpilled

485 posts

I'm Always Angry And I Love Haxorus So Yeah, I Guess It's Enough To Justify This Edit

I'm always angry and I love Haxorus so yeah, I guess it's enough to justify this edit

I'm Always Angry And I Love Haxorus So Yeah, I Guess It's Enough To Justify This Edit
  • fluffy-fusion
    fluffy-fusion liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from 21rstrejectedsoul

1 year ago

please include schizospectrum people in your mental health positivity post. please actually include schizophrenic, schizoaffective, schizotypal, schizoid and other psychotic people. still to this day, i get called dangerous for being schizophrenic. my last ex told me they "knew" i would lash out and become dangerous and that they shouldn't have dated me specifically because i'm schizophrenic. i never lashed out to hurt them, by the way, but they routinely hurt me.

schizospectrum disorders do not make someone inherently dangerous. people still believe this firmly. our fight isn't over we still have to continue to speak about schizospec people and how unfairly we are treated. we are dehumanized instantly the second people find out about our conditions. we are treated like ticking time bombs. people openly admit that we are scaring them when we talk about our psychosis and how it affects us.

people tell us to calm down and that our delusions aren't real and that we're overreacting. people give reality check us and force us to try to think in ways that scare us. people refuse to trust our own accounts of our own lives and what is happening to us, even when we are not actively delusional or hallucinating. people infantilize us and treat us like we're stupid and have zero autonomy.

we are not dangerous. we are not scary. we are literally just existing in a world that refuses to accept us. please keep talking about schizospectrum struggles and how we need to be seen as just another human, just like anyone else. we can be as unique and varied as anyone else with any other neurotype. we are not all the same person, and we are not inherently dangerous or scary.

1 year ago

People who can't enjoy any piece of media 'cause they dislike or disapprove whatever the author does/did not only doesn't know how to separate the author from their work but also are influenceable af

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1 year ago

i needed someone to protect me.

1 year ago

I still dislike the fact that Mimic was entirely slapped into Security Breach despite being originally something only from the books

I don't have any problem with actually using characters from other media, it's just the way they just throwed it into SB and well, good luck trying to understand wtf is happening when a glowing eyes endoskeleton starts to chasing you if you didn't read the books

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