autistic/undiagnosed ADHD/trauma survivor/occasionally blackpilled
485 posts
I Still Dislike The Fact That Mimic Was Entirely Slapped Into Security Breach Despite Being Originally
I still dislike the fact that Mimic was entirely slapped into Security Breach despite being originally something only from the books
I don't have any problem with actually using characters from other media, it's just the way they just throwed it into SB and well, good luck trying to understand wtf is happening when a glowing eyes endoskeleton starts to chasing you if you didn't read the books
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More Posts from 21rstrejectedsoul
to be honest, I understand why so many trans people defend their ideology with teeth and claws and call anyone who disagrees with them a nazi. if I had body parts removed, my body permanently altered by hormones, taken on tons of medical debt and possibly stopped talking to my family all in the belief that this would somehow make me a member of another sex, I would hang on to the ideology that made me do this with every fiber of my being as well.
Golden Freddy still scares the shit outta me and gives me shivers
i needed someone to protect me.
Yknow, the worst thing about liking a not-so-mainstream content it's the lack of a fanbase, especially if it's something +18 and despite Tumblr being a really open place to share whatever I wanna 'cause (almost) everybody here is open mind to not judge our interests, I still feel kinda lonely when sharing about the few hentais I did read even if I'm only interested in the artstyle and the interactions.
Having said that, take this one edit of Alison cuz she's my favorite character from That's not you do it/The Carry, a manhwa I'm currently following

Please tell me you didnt mean to reblog a radfem post, this is so disappointing
Well... how can I explain?
From my knowledge, terfs/radfem along with some spectres of manosphere like redpill, blackpill and by some extension incel too, these are the few places and communities where I see people discussing about the roles of both sex including their social construction and althought I still didn't had patience enough to fully study it I personally think that some topics from radical feminism are surprisingly accurate and interesting af to me and necessary to society even if in parts
honestly that wasn't even my most unpopular take, I have some takes I'm still typing and rewriting to post here (including themes like gender dysphoria and the direct relation to mental problems)