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Favorite Thing About Writing The Muse? / Favorite Thing About The Muses Appearance? / Favorite Ship

✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse? / 👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance? / 💕Favorite ship for the muse?  / 💢Something about the muse that annoys you? /😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?  /📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse?  /😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse? 

( let's go for Charlie and Liz )

Munday Memes

✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse?

both - everything ( i know a cop out but I love them a lot )

👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance?

EVERYTHING! omg I can't even begin with it, their smiles, their eyes, the little crinkles around their eyes when they smile. The hair!! When they glare and looking menacing, when they smile and are soft. I just can't!

💕Favorite ship for the muse? 

that's such an unfair question because I love all their ships but their main one's do hold a very dear and near place to my heart

💢Something about the muse that annoys you?

Charlie -> he holds a lot of guilt onto himself so he tends to want to carry the world on his shoulder without letting people know he’s struggling Elizabeth -> she’s very smart when it comes the world and life/survival but stupid when it comes to her personal life/relationships

😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?

 there are so many but main verse has one where Charlie and his wife, Anna, are getting it on in the office one morning and Elizabeth walks in with coffee and is traumatized forever. Makes it a point to either be the first in the morning or text before showing up.

📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 

Charlie -> He loves the Spice Girls, his little sister Annabelle/ "Belly" loved them and would sing them all the time and he would dance along to make her happy. Elizabeth -> She watched old hollywood movies with her father so all the alias's she comes up with are names from them. when she misses him she watches them, knows all the lines by heart.

😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse? 

Charlie -> depending on when or where it is he can be very violent and angry Elizabeth -> she’s always in her head calculating things

  • isleofmuses
    isleofmuses liked this · 8 months ago

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8 months ago

Liked spending time with her? There was something about that statement that she couldn't understand, less so in her state. The only times people said they liked being around her was because they wanted something from her, and she was playing into it so they were in her hand. At his question, she shrugged not sure what to make of it, feeling herself sobering up with every question he threw at her. Everyone tired of her eventually, it was how she ended up where she was in life, right?

There was something about the way he worded that concern that made her giggle. She tried hard to hold it it, not wanting him to think that she was belittling his concern. But there was just something about it that made it hard to contain. "I get it, you're just being a good friend. Advice taken. Thank you, numbers will be deleted. Scouts honor. No rich creeps."

Liked Spending Time With Her? There Was Something About That Statement That She Couldn't Understand,

For a moment the thought of saying that maybe another time because that would mean wearing her heels again crossed her mind but then there was the mention of a lighthouse. "I'd like to see the lighthouse." A smile came to her face at the thought of seeing it, she had come to love those solitary towers, a spectral in the foggy distance, a fellow draugr. She could bare wearing the heels for a little while longer for that.

Instead of taking his phone from his hand, she held his hand in both of hers to hold it steady so she could look at the video. "Awww," she said as she watched the video, there was no denying how adorable it all was. "Maybe you should." Letting go of his hand, she smiled at him. "But aren't they native to Mexico and Africa? I remember seeing some in the Yucatan, in a pink lagoon. They're gorgeous in a flock. You would need more than one because they seem like social animals. What would you name it? Also, wouldn't it be sad when you're gone if it's imprinted on you? I remember as a kid wanting a penguin once when saw them on the Galapagos. " One sure way to know that she was relaxed and possibly inebriated was the questions, the conversation. The curiosity she was reprimanded for growing up, was on full display when the habits and walls she was forced to build were temporarily down.

Following the waiter and Wally, she smiled at everyone as she took everything in. "You're not supposed to tap the glass." It was a jest, as she slid in across from him. "Was that a dig? Are you judging me, Elias? I'm not drunk. I'm just slightly happy is all. Believe me, everyone would know when I'm drunk." She smirked before looking over the menu. "Hmm." Her stomach flipped at the smell of the fries as they were set down. "Yes, it is. " She looked up with a smile, watching the two interact and thinking just how nice it was to know someone. To be a regular somewhere, to have grown up in a place. "I'd like a wonderland punch, Wally here says it's amazing. And I think I'll just go ahead and say I would love to have the grilled chicken sandwich, chili cheese fries, and some water, please. " There was a big chance that she wasn't going to be able to eat it all but it all sounded so good right now and the voice that had been implanted long ago as a child to only eat the bare minimum was silent.

"Oh," she looked across to Wally. "You said you had to order for your sister, right?"

It was almost cause for offense the way she asked. "Not at all. I like spending time with you. More so when we're not knee deep in cases. You're fun." Maybe, fun wasn't the right word but he was always intellectually stimulated around her. They never ran out of things to talk about and the fact that she gave it back just as good as he did her, that made time spent with her worthwhile. "Do you really think I'm tired of you?"

Quickly shaking his head trying to let her know she had nothing to apologize for. "Don't be sorry. Please don't take this as me telling you what to do or who to do," that made him cringe the way that was phrased, how do you even say please don't have sex with anyone cause I'm fucking in love with you. Without crossing a line there. When that answer came to him he'd be sure to use it. "I really just," still no words so he opted for a head shake instead. A man with so little words who knew an entire encyopledia and yet came up empty.

"A likely excuse," he stated with a smile, reverting back to himself. He was proud of his home state he grinned and nodded. "This may be my complete bias but I sure think it is. It's really beautiful at night. If you're not too tired tonight I'll take you to see it from the bottom level. If not then I'll take you another day so you can get the full view from up top. Oh, you should also see the lighthouse. Nothing quite like it on the island."

"According to this article," he showed her the phone and reached out his arm for her to take. "It says when this one hatched at the zoo that their handler was the first they saw and imprinted on them. Now the flamingo is two and runs toward the handler. There's a video too." He pressed play and smiled as the animal flocked right into the person and then did a little dance. The laugh from him was genuine as he thought that was cute. "Not gonna lie. I want one now. Maybe I should go ahead and buy that land." She knew his dream, one of, of owning a farm.

It Was Almost Cause For Offense The Way She Asked. "Not At All. I Like Spending Time With You. More So

The waiter greeted them with a gleeful aloha as he walked them to the table. Wally liked this restaurant, aside from the chill vibe, the staff were kind and he got leftover breadsticks to take home afterwards. Before the waiter could leave Wally asked for the special and the drinks could be added after. He took the corner seat in the booth near the giant tank they used for decoration and tapped it gently before grabbing the drink menus. Putting it up to read he hummed. "They have really good drinks," bringing the menu down to look at her, "the non alcoholic kind. The wonderland punch is pretty good. I, myself prefer the vanilla shake." A nod to when they went to that diner in New York. "You can order whatever you want. Anything jump out?" The waitress came out with freshly baked fries and smiled at the two. Aloha Wally. Out so late so very unlike you. Then looked at his companion. "Welcome. Is this your first time here? I'd recognize an angelic face as yours if you were a regular. Wally, you've been hiding this gem." The older woman patted him and grabbed her notepad. "Would you like something to drink?"

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8 months ago

Someone teach me how to be okay queuing things rather than insta posting once I’m done with a reply 😭😭

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8 months ago
"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

"Been called worse," she muttered back as she rolled her eyes at the weirdo comment, but it made her smile nonetheless. "That won't be necessary," she waved her hand off at his offer to wear his extra pair of shoes. "I just need to sit for a while and I'll be good to go. And trust me, I won't break a leg. I've ran in higher heels than these. I'll be okay." The sweater was already enough, she wasn't going to take more from him tonight. "Charlie once called me Bryace Dallas Howard in Jurassic Park when I provided it to him. I'll be just fine." That memory sparked a bit of sinful pride, there was nothing she liked better than proving people wrong and herself right.

"A zoo? So we're just upgrading now, aren't we. First a farm, now a zoo." It was said with a hint of laughter in her tone and voice." At the request of telling him more about the pink lagoon, her smile faltered if for a second. A corner of her lips twitching down as the thought of her stepmother and the things they did, she did, at the forefront of her mind again. But it was but a fraction of a second before it twitched back up and she shook her head but lying a little. "It was a long time ago, I don't remember much. It's called Las Coloradas, its pink, flamingos and other animals love to eat in it and it looks great on sunset when they're in it. You should see it sometime maybe one of them will imprint on you and you get to keep it."

A deep frown came her face now, upset at herself for ruining it for him. "I'm sorry," she said sincerely. "If you get a flock it'll keep them from being sad while you're away?" It was a feeble attempt to try and not crush this dream of his. "Oh, a zoo and a farm! You know, I've never given it a thought as to what my favorite animal is." Or favorite anything for that matter. When everything was always changing, it was best to not attach to anything. The idea of a favorite animal seemed silly but she couldn't help but think about it and smile at the memory of one waddling around. "You know what, I think that, they might be my favorite animal. I'll hold you to it! I want a whole colony of penguins giving me cute little rocks when I come to visit."

"Hmm, sure you aren't." Her eyebrow arched but it was sarcastic, playful. In the time she had come to know him, she knew that he wasn't the type. It was the very reason that she had accepted the water bottle without a second thought. He was a good man. It didn't mean that she wouldn't tease him though.

"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

"I'm loving it. It's beautiful, what I've seen so far. I haven't seen much. Work has taken a lot of my time but I'm planning on making some time. And no, he hasn't. Yet, " she added at the end trying to not make him look bad in front of someone that knew him. "He did say we'd get to see a lighthouse in a bit. Are there any places you'd recommend I see?" At the thought of her drink coming with a flower lighting up in it, her eyes grew wide like a childs, the logical part of her brain telling her to not be as excited about it shut off at the moment. "Oh, yes please.

"Great!" More time to see the lighthouse was actually something that excited her. "So what is this lighthouses name and why haven't you told me about it sooner? " Then leaned over the table and in a slightly hushed tone, hoping he'd get the joke. "Is it where you take all the girls after you get them drunk and full?" Then leaned back in her seat with a smile taking a fry from the basket. " Dad warned me about guys like you." Another lie, he dad never warned her about anything.

As she chewed it, she took a moment to look around the restaurant and take it in. She was sobering up every second and then something registered. "So, you and your family come here often? Growing up, I mean? " The thought of Wally and family coming here, growing up here seemed like such a nice one. The regularity of having a favorite place, a favorite thing to eat there, celebrating things together. "Or just like a once-in-a-while kind of thing?" She tried to act like she didn't care as she grabbed another fry.

"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

Why on Earth would anyone not like spending actual time with her. That he'd never know but still her face was gonna haunt him. The giggle made him pause as the melodic sound of her laughter rung through his ears. Instead of asking her what about the things he said made her giggle, he decided not to. The pure joyous ring of giggles were enough for him to keep wanting to hear that sound. He did, however half whisper weirdo under his breath holding absolutely no bite whatsoever. "Yeah, no creeps."

"Then the lighthouse we shall see. Though remind me to give you the extra pair of sneakers. I don't want you falling and breaking a leg with those heels."

The rapid fire questions made him half smile. A few things were clear. She was in a relaxed state of mind, even more so around him. It felt like her walls that she had normally were coming down. The electricity that shot through him as their hands touched made him avoid her gaze. Nodding his head he cleared his throat and chuckled, "Hmm you may have a point. Maybe not Flamingos. Or maybe just open up a zoo in Mexico and go visit them there. A pink lagoon? Now, that sounds like an interesting story. Do tell." Just like she liked hearing stories he'd ramble on, he too, liked hearing her talk. "Maybe Flora. Flora the flamingo. I like illiteration. Well, now you just made it sad." He chuckled softly, "Maybe not a good idea to have them." A penguin made him smile. "A penguin? Really? Is that your favorite animal? In my zoo and farm there's room for penguins. Maybe I'll give you one to see it waddle your way."

The laughter rang out as his eyes crinkled with amusement. "No not at all. Just wanted to let you know I'm wasn't getting you drunk." He got shy when Karine came around and started talking. Chuckles escaped him as he shook his head. She kept his hand on his shoulders already knowing his order.

Why On Earth Would Anyone Not Like Spending Actual Time With Her. That He'd Never Know But Still Her

"How are you liking it? Have you gone sight seeing? Has he taken you? You got it hun and welcome to our humble island. Now eat up those fries don't eat themselves. Food will come out in packs. Wonderland punch, now would you like a light up flower with it?" Wally laughed and that earned him a light smack to his shoulder. To Liz's question he shook his head. "I put in the order while you were getting dressed," he looked up knowing how it sounded. "In the hoodie. I called it in so it'll be delivered in a few I would suppose. So, we're free to go to the lighthouse."

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8 months ago
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Like Or C Btscomics
Like Or C Btscomics
Like Or C Btscomics
Like Or C Btscomics
Like Or C Btscomics

like or c btscomics

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8 months ago

There was nothing more she loved than a pretzel with her beer at the ballpark. Which she was currently trying to do as she flagged down the vendor walking up and down the stairs near their aisle. In the middle of exchanging some cash for a warm pretzel, she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned about to ask Rafe if he had changed his mind and wanted one when he kissed her. The thought and words disappeared at the action.

Still in a slight daze that he did it, she followed where he pointed and saw what it was. Wrapped up in the moment, she didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was that after everything, they had ended up here, that they were where they first met, that he learned and came to these even if he might not like it because she loved it or if it was just because. But in an instant she wrapped her arm around his neck and brought him back for another kiss, her cap falling off the top of her head as the ballpark erupted in cheers and oh’s before moving on to another couple.

Pulling back but not letting him go she smiled and having only said it once before, she said now. “I love you Rafe.”

♥ ( rafe and elizabeth )

Neither of them were ones for public displays of affections. After agreeing to come to a game with her, he dressed like anyone else. So, no suit this time. He found that he enjoyed it more, with no other reason to be there but the game and Elizabeth, he shared in her excitement.

He hadn't expected a kiss cam, didn't actually know what one was as they were flagging down food and drink, when the guy behind him tapped his shoulder. "Pal, you and your girl are on the kiss cam." He pointed to the monitor. He wasn't sure whether it was the excitement from the game or the man calling Elizabeth his girl, but he tapped her shoulder to get her attention, and as she turned, he kissed her. It was sweet and soft, and he could taste the beer on her lips before pulling away and pointing at the monitor.

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