Clubmarties | Wally & Elizabeth - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

━━ ✦ @clubsmarties said :

❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style ( walabizzie;))

As much as she hated to admit it, she had fun. When Wally first asked her to accompany him to one of these functions she expected it to a joke. After he convinced her it wasn't a joke, she expected it to be boring. Expecting to just be his plus one and maybe leave a little early when no one noticed, not like anyone would have noticed. Oh, how wrong she'd been. Attending things like this in the past it had always been under the pretense of someone else, a goal in mind. The confidence she usually had in those situations was nowhere to be found as she tried to figure out who she was here.

Slipping away from her friends' side as he chatted with someone, she had intentions of slipping out and sending a message later about how she suddenly felt ill or something. That was the plan before someone struck up a conversation with her. Being polite, she suddenly found herself in a whirlwind of conversations, new acquaintances, and even some dancing. It was all something she hadn't planned on when getting ready.

It had been a while since she had worn heels and she'd be able to tolerate it for a while but now as the two walked to his car to find something to eat, she couldn't stand them. ❝ I don't know why I chose heels, ❞ Muttering she began to bounce from one foot to the other removing them so she was walking barefoot instead. They were close to his car anyway. She was about to ask about someone cute who had invited her to their bar but suddenly she was off the ground, a yelp escaped her as she was about to drive her elbow into whoever it was that was holding her when she realized it was Wally. ❝ Fuck, ❞ she said and instead wrapped her arms around his neck to keep from falling. Part of her wanted to be mad that he had done this, but her feet complained otherwise. With a small laugh, she added. ❝ Warn me next time, I almost broke your nose. ❞

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8 months ago

Rolling her eyes, she let out an exasperated sigh. Why she had let herself befriend him was still beyond her but she appreciated the help he gave her when she needed to talk a case over. And the late-night coffee talks, she would never admit it but he had an uncanny ability to show up on the nights she couldn't sleep and could use the company. ❝ So anytime someone complains about their shoe choice, you lift them up without warning? Nah, I'm already up here, might as well just walk me over to your car, wouldn’t be gentlemanly of you to just drop me now. ❞ With a small sigh, she decided to not be that big of a brat, her feet had been killing her. ❝ Thank you, though. ❞

❝ Did I? You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I'm just a really good actress or you have me confused with someone else. ❞ There was no way in hell she was going to admit to him now that she had even a little bit of fun. ❝ It would be poor manners and bad refection upon the person that invited me if I just sat in a corner and frowned all night. I was simply being a good guest. ❞

As they neared his car, she was about to let him know that it was okay to put her down when he mentioned snacks. First time in a long time, she was hungry and the couple glasses of alcohol that she had indulged in was not helping. ❝ Well I'd offer sewing pockets on the inside of your jacket, but it seems like you lost it. So, there goes that. ❞ Tapping his shoulder, she pointed to the ground asking silently to be let down. ❝ But no more talk about snacks, I'm starving. Oh! ❞ Her eyes hazel eyes glazed over with a playfulness fueled by the alcohol. Her usually closed off self dissipating with the assistance of the spirits running through her. ❝ Someone invited me to their gastro, bistro, pub, thing or other. Said I could drop by anytime for a good time. Promised food and drinks on the house! Wanna go? Beer and a burger sounds so good right now. I'm sure there'd be something you'd like, they talked it up a lot, said they had a chef with tons of experience. They were up for some award and blah blah blah. Honestly, he had me at the beer and free and then lost me when he kept talking. ❞

"Now, what fun would that had been?" He flashed her his grin as he wasn't really bothered. "Also not the first you'd accidentally smack me. I guess I should say elbow me." Still, he wore his grin, even though this function had him at his wits end, he was glad she had agreed. "Didn't you just complain about your heels? You're gonna really tell me that you're not relieved to be off your feet? I could put you down if that's what you really want."

As soon as they were out he had undone his tie and his shirt, his jacket was somewhere he couldn't remember now and he really couldn't wait to go home and sleep for the next few weeks. 'Speaking of, you looked like you had fun?"

If he could bow out of these galas he'd be happy but he knew he couldn't. Someone always had to be the face and he knew his sisters didn't like the limelight. Neither did he but here he was. At least Liz made it bearable. "I gotta figure out how to sneak snacks into these because I feel like I was one tray away from being killed."

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7 months ago

Sighing, she rolled her eyes, not at his reassurance but at herself. She replayed it over and over in her head, how had she missed it. How had she forgotten to sweep outside of the place before getting to the door? Maybe she was just tired. Her face leaned in towards his touch involuntarily as soon as she felt the fingertip on her skin.

"That's not fair." She muttered with a small pout. "I can't beat infinity." Everything began to feel better as his hands played through her hair, closing her eyes she smiled at the touch. "I've dealt with worse Wallaby, I'll be okay. I'm not dismissing you care about me I'm just," shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know, want to keep you from worrying about me. Okay. There's enough on your plate already. I hate that they even called you over this."

Letting out a happy sigh at the thought of being able to go home soon, her smile became wider. She couldn't wait to get home and review the file again with Mai, see if there was another lead to follow now that this one went to shit. That all came to a halt the moment Wally suggested he play nurse. "That sounds nice," she stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck to nuzzle her nose against his. "When you say snuggles, do you mean snuggles or do you mean, snuggles?"

Sighing, She Rolled Her Eyes, Not At His Reassurance But At Herself. She Replayed It Over And Over In

Wally's hand went up to caress her cheek as he shook his head. "You're not stupid. Far from it." Knowing she'd take this on herself. It wouldn't be her if she didn't. "That's why they are called accidents. You can prepare for every possible scenario but even then things don't always go as planned. You can't beat yourself over it. I'm just glad you're okay all things considered." His thumb ran over her cheekbone and down her lip. Part of him was checking her out for his own piece of mind but doing so in a subtle manner.

Wally's Hand Went Up To Caress Her Cheek As He Shook His Head. "You're Not Stupid. Far From It." Knowing

It took a second for him to hold her hand after she reached for his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Feeling the warmth against the palm of his hand was another way that told him she was here and safe. "I love you plus one to infinity." His hands went to thread through her hair and gave her head a kiss. "Okay but you promise me something. When you inevitably play this back, promise me you will not think you're stupid. You're still the smartest one of the two of us." The conk to the head made him laugh and was sure it vibrated against her ear. "You're the one injured shouldn't I be the one comforting you?" One finger played with her hair and twirled it. Looking down at her beautiful eyes he nodded. "In the process of. A comfy bed and a snuggle ready dog are awaiting you. Possibly a snuggly cat too but can't confirm that." He added just to make her smile. "There is an upside to this. I get to play nurse. Beignets sounds so good right now but first you let me take you to bed so I can snuggle you for a bit. Deal?"

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7 months ago

"Well, I have been here and by the looks of you, I might have failed. So don't put too much faith in me. I can only try." There was a moment there where she wanted to insist. Make him believe that he was a good man but didn't. Everyone needed to accept and believe things in their own time.

"Your report?" She asked, her own head tilting to the side, trying to surmise the answer she wanted to give to this. A part of her wanted to comply and tell him who it was, but she knew all too well what it was like to be the caged bird with nothing left to do but sing. Deciding that it wasn't important to his report, why would something that happened to someone not on their payroll matter? "Don't worry about him. It's not like he knew that I had boundaries, he's just doing the part that he needs to do to survive, Wal's. I'll just make sure that when I step out of here to expect anything. Just, let it go. I have."

"Well, I Have Been Here And By The Looks Of You, I Might Have Failed. So Don't Put Too Much Faith In

Laughing with him, she added. "I'll shove you into the car if you need me to." Watching him get into the bath, she waited another moment. Still concerned about him getting hurt or passing out. When he looked up at her, institing that he'd be okay, she nodded. Her hand absentmindedly tucked the hair behind his ear, so she could see both his eyes. But then rolled her eyes at his comment. "God, you must feel better already to be so bossy." But inside she was glad that he was starting to some what resemble the man she knew before this. "Yes, sir. Right away." She replied over her shoulder as she made her way back to the other room where her things were.

Taking a quick shower, she felt better about washing the long day away. Everything played over and over in her head trying to figure out where she could have done something different, what else could have been done. Accepting that there probably wasn't, she tied her wet hair up, as best as she could at its new short length a lot of it remained out of the ponytail, and grabbed an oversized cartoon t-shirt of the latest thing Orion was obsessed with and a pair of shorts before going downstairs to get them food.

Looking through the fridge and the cupboards, she made a note of not to grab anything he might be allergic to. Making turkey sandwiches with whatever was there and reading labels to make sure that garlic or peppers weren't in anything. After making sandwiches, gabbing some yogurts, and a bottles of water, she found a tray to bring it all up on. It would have to do for now, baking something or trying to cook something would just take too long and she still worried about him being able to get out of the tub alone or hurting himself some how.

Making it back to the room, she called out. "The missuses has returned from the kitchen. Ready to eat?"


He blinked as she took his hands and the corner of his lips automatically started to curl up into a smile. Though he did try to hide it. Her hands were soft which was a nice surprise to him. He could feel his thumb itch to rub over her index but refrained and concentrated on her words and laughed. "I won't argue with that. If you saw who I work with you'd know you nailed it." His eyes showed surprise and it glazed his emeralds over in an emotion not yet categorized. A silent head nod at that he smiled. "Sounds like I'll definitely be less injured with you watching my six." A joke he hoped landed well enough. "I don't know about that." He wasn't looking for pity but he didn't feel like he was a good man somedays. Not when he had red in his ledger even if the means were justified. More so if he chose himself over them in an attempt to ensure his sister's and niece's safety. "But thank you." The moment didn't lend itself to tell that story just yet. He didn't want her to look at him differently.

A soft chuckle escaped him as he brought his hands together. "Tell me about it. Feels like it was the day that never ended. Hey, when you get a chance, would you show me what the guy who crossed your boundary looked like? I need it for my report." He tilted his head and stared at her. Wondering if he should call her out on it or leave it. As he debated he didn't drop his gaze and then decided not to say anything. Finally dropping his gaze he laughed softly. He'd give it her way tonight.

That expression was one he'd often get and it made him laugh. Leaning half of his weight on her he let out a sigh. "This is gonna go great when Lennox has to make his presence known at the Grand Prix. Well, at least if I can get into the car, I can do it." One of the reasons he took point on this was because he was the only one who knew how to drive stick shift and knew the way around a track. It was the only thing he and his alias of Lennox had in common.


He sputtered out a small laugh, "I think meant to be. Just hope no repeats of earlier. Or no last minute communications come in." Quickly shaking his head he waved her up. "No, please. Go change. You need to be comfy. Scouts honor I'll not move." He got a little more comfortable and let his body finally relax in the water. The temperature was just right and he felt the soreness fade away. His leg had started bothering him but he knew if he stretched it then it'd be better. As he looked down at himself he started to scrub at his wrist having dried blood on them and that had his long bang cover one of his eyes. "Seriously, I'll be fine. I'll save you a seat." He looked up bang still hiding one eye and smiled. A genuine smile for the first time since they'd arrived and gotten into this mess. "The longer you take the longer the wait to eat is."

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7 months ago

"Touché," she simply said at that fact, knowing that it was a sad fact. In the relaxed state that she was in, she couldn't help the smile that came to her lips. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself, Elias." A small chuckle. "Maybe I just have a short attention span and when you go on long rants I tend to tune out. Maybe you need to be straight to the point next time." A joke, she paid attention all the time, but when it came to this kind of thing she tended to drown it out. Having to do them against her will for jobs, they weren't something she cared for. A book fair on the other hand. "Huh, that sounds awesome." His eye roll and mimicry made her laugh. "What if I wanted to know how many yachts they had? How else will I ever marry rich and not have to lift a finger ever again? Do I ask about their portfolios next time? Did I do a faux pas?" It was a jest and she had to fight giggling with every word.

"Touch," She Simply Said At That Fact, Knowing That It Was A Sad Fact. In The Relaxed State That She

The fun feeling was replaced with a dark feeling as he bought up the case. Facts from the case that he had shared began to take up space. It was a tale she knew all too well, someone who didn't know how to handle the situation. She might have seen something that she shouldn't have and didn't know how to pretend or talk her way out of it. To know that that mans father was the one suspected in that case made a small shiver call up her spine. His words drew her out of her thoughts. "What?" Provide for her? What on earth was he talking about? Her confusion about where the conversation had veered off to disappeared as she shook her head at his use of the word princess and dimpled smile. "Yeah, you have and all this talk about stars makes me feel like you're going to ask for another favor."

Occasionally nodding or humming in agreement to let him know that she was paying attention, she took it all in. How much more complicated his personal life was than she had initially given him credit for. Laughing at being his partner in crime, her reply came out as a joke even though it held a lot more truth in it than she had ever shared. "Sounds tempting but I recently turned over a new leaf or whatever people say. My partner in crime days are behind me, sorry." But then he went again commenting about being taken care of. "For the record, I'm not looking at them for a relationship. And I'm not looking for someone to take care of me in any way." It wasn't said in a mean way. Just a fact. Then the fact that it might make things complicated if they continued to work together and she slept with someone he might consider a friend, she added. "If you'd rather I not sleep with anyone in your social circles, just say so and I will move on. No hard feelings."

Enjoying the drive, she looked out the window and fought the instinct to turn around and listen as he spoke with his sibling in French. It was nice to listen to him talk to her, he always sounded so happy. Something about a sibling, someone who grew up with you and knew everything you knew because they were there, it made her feel like she had missed out on a lot. Just another thing to add to the column of things she was denied growing up. Pretending that she didn't understand a word he had said to his sister, she simply nodded at his explanation. "Sounds good. I'll make sure you don't forget." Still not having explored a lot of the islands for herself, she was excited but the sound of a pebbled beach sounded more like a pain. "Pebbled like Brighton Beach? " Her eyebrows furrowed. " I hated that. The rocks hurt. Jellies? Are the rocks soft?" She felt so confused about it all.

Off the top of his head he thought of a few. "Husbands who don't love them enough?" Giving a shrug he smiled. "Library one won't be cocktail attire. More comfort casual. Don't take this the wrong way but you look beautiful." He didn't mean it because she had such a dress or because her legs looked killer but he meant her. "That's because you hardly listen to me when I yap." A joke clearly as lived to tease her. "Probably forgot to mention it. The last few weeks cases have taken over our fun banter. Library event is at the library park. Free to people so it's kind of like a book fair but more fun. The charity aspect of it is that big names drop loads of money to fund public libraries and stock classrooms. This is the good side of wealth." Her nose wrinkle held him captivated on how cute she looked and laughed. "No. Not the same people. These are literate and can carry a conversation further than I've got four yachts and eat caviar. He mimicked their voices and gave an eye roll.

"Funnily enough, these parties or more specifically, the yacht parties. He's also retired so time is all he has. People like that marry for money not love. I've never been to one but have heard about them. I worked a case on one of them. Women went missing without a trace. Actually, it's the case I told you about with stilleoutte heel marks on the walls. Still a cold case." He involuntarily winced at one night of fun. The dark, dark side of wealth were people who thought anything and anyone were disposable and there for their taking and amusement. Taking a quick glance at Liz, scanning her features for a brief moment, he didn't say anything just sighed. His features showed a pained look if only it flickered momentarily. "You deserve much more than what they'll even be able to provide." He finally said as his eyes went back to the road. Safety for one and the comfort of being home for another. Smiling he let out a breath through his nose and couldn't help himself. "You barely tolerate me." The makings of a smile showed as his dimple made a quick appearance. "I do actually enjoy your company. Did I thank you for coming yet, princess?" Since she seemed to like it he figured he'd use it.

Off The Top Of His Head He Thought Of A Few. "Husbands Who Don't Love Them Enough?" Giving A Shrug He

"I don't want to go anywhere. I mean it." Wally smiled as he gave a quick glance over to her. "All I want from you if you're thinking I want something," his smile grew knowing where her head might go. "Is for you to take the compliment and believe it. You glow maybe even brighter than the stars."

Another little sigh escaped him. "Before it got ran over with these assholes, my mom built it from the ground up. This, believe it or not, was different back when. It meant something. Now I come because mom still wants to let people know her charities are still being ran by the same person with the same heart. I hate this one specifically," it was the night the family fight erupted. "I have to watch out for my father's sisters." He laughed and shook his head, "I wish. That'd be a cooler story. Although you're onto something there. If I do, want to be my partner in crime?"

Curious eyes glanced at her and the water bottle. Momentarily understanding what could have possibly had her look like that. Then it clicked and before he could reach over to take the bottle to drink from it to show her it was safe, she'd taken a sip. Softly smiling at her and silently thanking her for trusting he wasn't the type he dropped his gaze. "Again, you're too good for them. They are trash humans whod fumble someone like you immediately not knowing how to take care of you. Emotionally I mean." There were a lot of truths that had come from his mouth and if Liz was paying attention, he'd basically told her a lot in a few words.

Having his wrist watch up on the wheel he decided to ring his sister. Call the dork brigade. Heading East and I need help. Left or right? I'd say not as bad but might need to soak up a bit of the alcohol so the hangover isn't terrible tomorrow. Uh I don't know might be. Would you just pick one. The one near the pebbled beach? Well, okay. Yes, after I get her food, I'll swing by and bring you guys take out. Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. Thank you. Turning to face Elizabeth again he smiled and let her in on the conversation he had just had with one of his sisters. "Heading to a burger joint called the Halibut. It's greasy and delicious. They serve curly fries and sweet potato ones though those I don't recommend since they're not as good as when they're fresh. Called my sister to have her pick. I'm indecisive and would have taken you to all four places. She asked how bad you are and I said not too bad. Just needed good food to absorb the alcohol. I'm taking them food afterwards so don't let me forget." He smiled softly as he swiftly made a turn while his hand was still on the gear shift. Having just spoken to his sister in French he didn't know if Liz could even understand it but regardless didn't hide what he'd said from her. In a way didn't want her to think he wouldn't still be honest with her. "She picked pebbled beach because it feels like you're walking on jellies."

Tags :
7 months ago

Liked spending time with her? There was something about that statement that she couldn't understand, less so in her state. The only times people said they liked being around her was because they wanted something from her, and she was playing into it so they were in her hand. At his question, she shrugged not sure what to make of it, feeling herself sobering up with every question he threw at her. Everyone tired of her eventually, it was how she ended up where she was in life, right?

There was something about the way he worded that concern that made her giggle. She tried hard to hold it it, not wanting him to think that she was belittling his concern. But there was just something about it that made it hard to contain. "I get it, you're just being a good friend. Advice taken. Thank you, numbers will be deleted. Scouts honor. No rich creeps."

Liked Spending Time With Her? There Was Something About That Statement That She Couldn't Understand,

For a moment the thought of saying that maybe another time because that would mean wearing her heels again crossed her mind but then there was the mention of a lighthouse. "I'd like to see the lighthouse." A smile came to her face at the thought of seeing it, she had come to love those solitary towers, a spectral in the foggy distance, a fellow draugr. She could bare wearing the heels for a little while longer for that.

Instead of taking his phone from his hand, she held his hand in both of hers to hold it steady so she could look at the video. "Awww," she said as she watched the video, there was no denying how adorable it all was. "Maybe you should." Letting go of his hand, she smiled at him. "But aren't they native to Mexico and Africa? I remember seeing some in the Yucatan, in a pink lagoon. They're gorgeous in a flock. You would need more than one because they seem like social animals. What would you name it? Also, wouldn't it be sad when you're gone if it's imprinted on you? I remember as a kid wanting a penguin once when saw them on the Galapagos. " One sure way to know that she was relaxed and possibly inebriated was the questions, the conversation. The curiosity she was reprimanded for growing up, was on full display when the habits and walls she was forced to build were temporarily down.

Following the waiter and Wally, she smiled at everyone as she took everything in. "You're not supposed to tap the glass." It was a jest, as she slid in across from him. "Was that a dig? Are you judging me, Elias? I'm not drunk. I'm just slightly happy is all. Believe me, everyone would know when I'm drunk." She smirked before looking over the menu. "Hmm." Her stomach flipped at the smell of the fries as they were set down. "Yes, it is. " She looked up with a smile, watching the two interact and thinking just how nice it was to know someone. To be a regular somewhere, to have grown up in a place. "I'd like a wonderland punch, Wally here says it's amazing. And I think I'll just go ahead and say I would love to have the grilled chicken sandwich, chili cheese fries, and some water, please. " There was a big chance that she wasn't going to be able to eat it all but it all sounded so good right now and the voice that had been implanted long ago as a child to only eat the bare minimum was silent.

"Oh," she looked across to Wally. "You said you had to order for your sister, right?"

It was almost cause for offense the way she asked. "Not at all. I like spending time with you. More so when we're not knee deep in cases. You're fun." Maybe, fun wasn't the right word but he was always intellectually stimulated around her. They never ran out of things to talk about and the fact that she gave it back just as good as he did her, that made time spent with her worthwhile. "Do you really think I'm tired of you?"

Quickly shaking his head trying to let her know she had nothing to apologize for. "Don't be sorry. Please don't take this as me telling you what to do or who to do," that made him cringe the way that was phrased, how do you even say please don't have sex with anyone cause I'm fucking in love with you. Without crossing a line there. When that answer came to him he'd be sure to use it. "I really just," still no words so he opted for a head shake instead. A man with so little words who knew an entire encyopledia and yet came up empty.

"A likely excuse," he stated with a smile, reverting back to himself. He was proud of his home state he grinned and nodded. "This may be my complete bias but I sure think it is. It's really beautiful at night. If you're not too tired tonight I'll take you to see it from the bottom level. If not then I'll take you another day so you can get the full view from up top. Oh, you should also see the lighthouse. Nothing quite like it on the island."

"According to this article," he showed her the phone and reached out his arm for her to take. "It says when this one hatched at the zoo that their handler was the first they saw and imprinted on them. Now the flamingo is two and runs toward the handler. There's a video too." He pressed play and smiled as the animal flocked right into the person and then did a little dance. The laugh from him was genuine as he thought that was cute. "Not gonna lie. I want one now. Maybe I should go ahead and buy that land." She knew his dream, one of, of owning a farm.

It Was Almost Cause For Offense The Way She Asked. "Not At All. I Like Spending Time With You. More So

The waiter greeted them with a gleeful aloha as he walked them to the table. Wally liked this restaurant, aside from the chill vibe, the staff were kind and he got leftover breadsticks to take home afterwards. Before the waiter could leave Wally asked for the special and the drinks could be added after. He took the corner seat in the booth near the giant tank they used for decoration and tapped it gently before grabbing the drink menus. Putting it up to read he hummed. "They have really good drinks," bringing the menu down to look at her, "the non alcoholic kind. The wonderland punch is pretty good. I, myself prefer the vanilla shake." A nod to when they went to that diner in New York. "You can order whatever you want. Anything jump out?" The waitress came out with freshly baked fries and smiled at the two. Aloha Wally. Out so late so very unlike you. Then looked at his companion. "Welcome. Is this your first time here? I'd recognize an angelic face as yours if you were a regular. Wally, you've been hiding this gem." The older woman patted him and grabbed her notepad. "Would you like something to drink?"

Tags :
7 months ago
"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

"Been called worse," she muttered back as she rolled her eyes at the weirdo comment, but it made her smile nonetheless. "That won't be necessary," she waved her hand off at his offer to wear his extra pair of shoes. "I just need to sit for a while and I'll be good to go. And trust me, I won't break a leg. I've ran in higher heels than these. I'll be okay." The sweater was already enough, she wasn't going to take more from him tonight. "Charlie once called me Bryace Dallas Howard in Jurassic Park when I provided it to him. I'll be just fine." That memory sparked a bit of sinful pride, there was nothing she liked better than proving people wrong and herself right.

"A zoo? So we're just upgrading now, aren't we. First a farm, now a zoo." It was said with a hint of laughter in her tone and voice." At the request of telling him more about the pink lagoon, her smile faltered if for a second. A corner of her lips twitching down as the thought of her stepmother and the things they did, she did, at the forefront of her mind again. But it was but a fraction of a second before it twitched back up and she shook her head but lying a little. "It was a long time ago, I don't remember much. It's called Las Coloradas, its pink, flamingos and other animals love to eat in it and it looks great on sunset when they're in it. You should see it sometime maybe one of them will imprint on you and you get to keep it."

A deep frown came her face now, upset at herself for ruining it for him. "I'm sorry," she said sincerely. "If you get a flock it'll keep them from being sad while you're away?" It was a feeble attempt to try and not crush this dream of his. "Oh, a zoo and a farm! You know, I've never given it a thought as to what my favorite animal is." Or favorite anything for that matter. When everything was always changing, it was best to not attach to anything. The idea of a favorite animal seemed silly but she couldn't help but think about it and smile at the memory of one waddling around. "You know what, I think that, they might be my favorite animal. I'll hold you to it! I want a whole colony of penguins giving me cute little rocks when I come to visit."

"Hmm, sure you aren't." Her eyebrow arched but it was sarcastic, playful. In the time she had come to know him, she knew that he wasn't the type. It was the very reason that she had accepted the water bottle without a second thought. He was a good man. It didn't mean that she wouldn't tease him though.

"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

"I'm loving it. It's beautiful, what I've seen so far. I haven't seen much. Work has taken a lot of my time but I'm planning on making some time. And no, he hasn't. Yet, " she added at the end trying to not make him look bad in front of someone that knew him. "He did say we'd get to see a lighthouse in a bit. Are there any places you'd recommend I see?" At the thought of her drink coming with a flower lighting up in it, her eyes grew wide like a childs, the logical part of her brain telling her to not be as excited about it shut off at the moment. "Oh, yes please.

"Great!" More time to see the lighthouse was actually something that excited her. "So what is this lighthouses name and why haven't you told me about it sooner? " Then leaned over the table and in a slightly hushed tone, hoping he'd get the joke. "Is it where you take all the girls after you get them drunk and full?" Then leaned back in her seat with a smile taking a fry from the basket. " Dad warned me about guys like you." Another lie, he dad never warned her about anything.

As she chewed it, she took a moment to look around the restaurant and take it in. She was sobering up every second and then something registered. "So, you and your family come here often? Growing up, I mean? " The thought of Wally and family coming here, growing up here seemed like such a nice one. The regularity of having a favorite place, a favorite thing to eat there, celebrating things together. "Or just like a once-in-a-while kind of thing?" She tried to act like she didn't care as she grabbed another fry.

"Been Called Worse," She Muttered Back As She Rolled Her Eyes At The Weirdo Comment, But It Made Her

Why on Earth would anyone not like spending actual time with her. That he'd never know but still her face was gonna haunt him. The giggle made him pause as the melodic sound of her laughter rung through his ears. Instead of asking her what about the things he said made her giggle, he decided not to. The pure joyous ring of giggles were enough for him to keep wanting to hear that sound. He did, however half whisper weirdo under his breath holding absolutely no bite whatsoever. "Yeah, no creeps."

"Then the lighthouse we shall see. Though remind me to give you the extra pair of sneakers. I don't want you falling and breaking a leg with those heels."

The rapid fire questions made him half smile. A few things were clear. She was in a relaxed state of mind, even more so around him. It felt like her walls that she had normally were coming down. The electricity that shot through him as their hands touched made him avoid her gaze. Nodding his head he cleared his throat and chuckled, "Hmm you may have a point. Maybe not Flamingos. Or maybe just open up a zoo in Mexico and go visit them there. A pink lagoon? Now, that sounds like an interesting story. Do tell." Just like she liked hearing stories he'd ramble on, he too, liked hearing her talk. "Maybe Flora. Flora the flamingo. I like illiteration. Well, now you just made it sad." He chuckled softly, "Maybe not a good idea to have them." A penguin made him smile. "A penguin? Really? Is that your favorite animal? In my zoo and farm there's room for penguins. Maybe I'll give you one to see it waddle your way."

The laughter rang out as his eyes crinkled with amusement. "No not at all. Just wanted to let you know I'm wasn't getting you drunk." He got shy when Karine came around and started talking. Chuckles escaped him as he shook his head. She kept his hand on his shoulders already knowing his order.

Why On Earth Would Anyone Not Like Spending Actual Time With Her. That He'd Never Know But Still Her

"How are you liking it? Have you gone sight seeing? Has he taken you? You got it hun and welcome to our humble island. Now eat up those fries don't eat themselves. Food will come out in packs. Wonderland punch, now would you like a light up flower with it?" Wally laughed and that earned him a light smack to his shoulder. To Liz's question he shook his head. "I put in the order while you were getting dressed," he looked up knowing how it sounded. "In the hoodie. I called it in so it'll be delivered in a few I would suppose. So, we're free to go to the lighthouse."

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7 months ago
The Warmth Of His Hands On Hers Was A Welcomed, And Scarily, Wanted Sensation. Something About His Touch,

The warmth of his hands on hers was a welcomed, and scarily, wanted sensation. Something about his touch, his fingertips on her skin, the gentle touch of his hands made her feel better. Feel cared for. Feel safe. A small smile came to her face as she watched his hands play with hers, knowing now so much about him that it was something he needed, while she listened to him. "Hmm." Was all she could seem to say as she thought about Annie and remembered their day at the center. How quick the girl and she had bonded over books and mysteries. At the time she hadn't thought much of it but hearing this now made her feel special in a way. Knowing how hard it was to trust people herself, now she knew how much it meant that Annie had liked her.

"I only say that she likes me because I feed her. Besides that I'm pretty sure she's attached to you and looking for you. She probably misses you." Maybe she was projecting now. While it had only been a few days, it had felt like a year. She had not realized just how much she had missed him until he had shown up at the office just moments ago. The thought of Dolly made her smile, the cute little wag of her tail made her miss her even more now. Just glad now that she'd be able to see her soon, and that Wally was here. She sighed contently as he spoke and ran his fingers through her hair. What he said was something she could agree with, this felt more like a dream she had once rather than reality. Her arm wrapped around his waist a little bit tighter, knowing all too well what he meant. "Not modest, just honest. They did most of the work. I just gave them the tools."

The Warmth Of His Hands On Hers Was A Welcomed, And Scarily, Wanted Sensation. Something About His Touch,

Thinking about Antares, she was about to say that she wouldn't know, not ever having any pets or knowing much about cats to begin with, when he said we. Are we ready for kittens? The manner in which he just so casually made them a unit. Them in this situation. Something about it, just made her feel good. Hazel eyes looked up at his emeralds, searching for something, but didn't know what. This all being new territory to her. Pursing her lips, she gave a tiny shrug of her shoulder. "I kind of just want her to be okay. I think anything else that comes is just something to face as it happens."

The healing wound on her side began to bother her and she gave a soft grunt as she sat up and repositioned herself so she sat side by side with him instead as she listened to him. It wasn't lost to her how in the entire time that she had known him, he never talked about his father. It was none of her business she had deduced long ago, he had never pushed to know more about her than she was willing to share, and she would do the same. Never asked about anything he didn't willingly openly share. The thought of Wally as a child feeding strays was a nice one, not farfetched at all from what she knew of the man now. He had in his own way, taken her in as well. A stray in the world not knowing where she wanted to go or be until now.

And there it was again. Ours. How he just so easily was able to include her like that. Like she hadn't iced him out for a week to figure her shit out. "Ah, so you had practice." A small giggle in her voice, teasing. Thinking about how kind Dolly was, not cut out for the k-9 careers, made her think about him. How he led with his heart in almost every way , his job included. Even at the expense of himself. "Just like you." She said softly, taking his hand into hers, fingers tracing over his palm and wrist. "You're both so kind. Befriending a thief." Chuckling to herself before giving him his hand back.

With a sigh, she looked at him. Unsure about all of this. About them. She knew how she felt about him, but she didn't know how this worked. Not when it came to real life, not when it came to her. Still unsure why he would love her back. "Wally, where do we go from here?" The words were soft and unsure, not because she doubted either of them, but because she didn't know, not ever having a real relationship before. Letting him take the lead on his, she would follow, she put her trust in him.

The Warmth Of His Hands On Hers Was A Welcomed, And Scarily, Wanted Sensation. Something About His Touch,

"When you hear that she likes you it's because she pretty much dislikes everyone else." He teased but got serious. "You kind of gave her mom a fright because she'd never gotten attached to someone like she did you." He continued to play with her hands finding comfort in doing so when his mind rattled off thoughts. Another little tick that made him who he was. He never could sit still and this showcased it. When his body couldn't really move, his hands did it for him.

He pretended to think about it and couldn't help but smile. "You think so? Maybe we should try it and see what happens when she shows indifference with me too? Will you believe me that she likes you better? For the record Dolly could never be mad at you. She's got too much love for you. You've basically been here since she was a puppy."

He continued threading his fingers through her hair, paying special attention to the soft tendrils that weaved between his fingers. "Mhmm." Wally chuckled. "Sure. What's funny to me is you. I'm just thinking back and I honestly can't believe we're here. Actually can't believe I'm here." There were times when he knew he shouldn't be. He had one too many close calls and one that had nearly taken him out completely. "Threading my fingers through your hair. Being here with you just doing nothing but basking in the stillness." A sigh escaped him. "You're too modest for your own good you know that?"

His smile widened since that much was clear, she did care. "Safe to say I think that she's grown attached to you too. Wouldn't come back if you didn't matter to her. So, what do we do if she is expecting? Are we ready for kittens?" His finger trailed over her cheekbones as he stared down at her.

"When You Hear That She Likes You It's Because She Pretty Much Dislikes Everyone Else." He Teased But

"Not really. My aunt was allergic to animal fur. But, I guess in a way I did. There was an alleyway close to the house that I'd always sit in after school." The memory washed over him as he saw it pulled to the front of his mind. "School got out at two but I'd sit there for three hours just waiting until it was safe to go back home. This was before we lived with my aunt Laura. I was still at home with mom and — uh my parents. He'd leave for the night after four so I took my time. I actually befriended a cat, same color as ours now. That cat scratched my wrist once because I hadn't given him the can of food quick enough. Then a month later there were dogs just waiting in that same spot. Asking for more cans of food had people give me weird looks but I just continued feeding them. When I moved I asked mom to take them to a shelter. I didn't want them to go hungry or die because I wasn't there anymore. Last I heard they had a good life. All thirteen of them." He chuckled softly and shook his head. "No, Dolly isn't my first. She's my second. Technically. I lived with lu before she married janny so I lived with their dogs that's what made me feel confident in taking care of one of my own. Dolly failing her training at the K 9 unit was sort of a blessing. She was too kind to be in it."

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6 months ago
"Ah, You Are A Kind Sir Considering My Charging Time. So Few Even Acknowledge That A Charging Time Is

"Ah, you are a kind sir considering my charging time. So few even acknowledge that a charging time is needed for us lot." It was said in another joking manner. Had it been anyone else but but Wally, or hell, if she had just been in a bad mood, she might had taken the comment personally. There was just something else about not taking everything so personally and letting herself enjoy hanging out with the man that seemed to be in her best interest right now. Not that she didn't enjoy it normally, but she knew that she was guarded, suspicious of his want to be around her. It was natural to her survival, if she let her guard down too much, he might learn the truth of her, which would just be the worst, dangerous. End up with her behind bars and that was the last thing she wanted.

With a sigh, she answered. "Good. They're enrolling him in a new school, closer to their home. Charlie says he seems to be interested in little league, so if there's still time, they're going to try to see if they can get him on it too. So, well I would say."

"Ours?" Her surprise evident in her tone. Something about being included in this scenario of his made her feel happy, it was a strange way though. Chalking it up to just being tipsy, she shook it off. "No, I'm pretty sure she loves you too much to want to just willingly follow me anywhere I go. Maybe a day, but I'm sure she'd miss you after that."

"Ah, You Are A Kind Sir Considering My Charging Time. So Few Even Acknowledge That A Charging Time Is

It wasn't that she didn't want to go back, but there were places that just held onto tiny bits of her that she didn't want back. Memories that she rather not have come back, had she been stronger like Charlie, she'd have no issue going back anywhere and everywhere to revisit sites with new eyes, new perspective, but that wasn't her. Always outrunning one things or another. "Yeah, something like that," she muttered in agreement. "I don't remember much," she lied. "So I would just say the lagoon, its where the flamingos were anyway."

There were moments where Elizabeth truly felt like she was someone else. Not the criminal pretending to be a regular person, just another person having a conversation with a friend, in a place that could become a home. These were one of those moments. Talking with Wally about inconsequential things like the mating rituals of animals and going to the zoo made her feel like a normal person. "That's because there's nothing as cute as penguins." She felt the need to defend, what she now knew , thanks to him, was her favorite animal. Her brows quirked at the sound of a head flag, a closed lip smile at his laugh as she tried to hold back laughter herself at the thought of a flamingo just shaking its head around to try to find a mate. Her hand came up to her mouth to keep her from laughing too loud at the image Wally presented of a person doing such a thing. Controlling her laughter, she added. "Penguins are too. They usually don't stray unless their partner dies or never comes back when they go for food, which is a long time, when the chicks are hatched. They build their little nests, rookeries, together starting with that one rock that the mate accepted and that's where they come back, stay, hatch their eggs. Everything."

It wasn't that she assumed she knew him, because that was further from the truth. She only knew what he had shared with her, which was a lot, but not everything. The only thing she did know well was that he always had some quip, fact, remark ready at the go to fill the silence that she always seemed to want to settle between them but he never did let it. It struck her as strange now that she couldn't recall the last moment they shared in silence, and stranger still that she actually had began to enjoy their conversations. To imagine him as anything but talkative seemed farfetched but the way he spoke about that time in their lives just clued her in that the upbringing that she had assumed he had was the furthest from it. Okay, so she might have made some assumptions, but based on her old experiences, it was miscalculated assumption. "It must have been nice to have them there, growing up I mean. And I thank you," she decided to be nice. "For the access to friendliness."

"Oh, you mentioned that during Easter. What's that like?" She was nothing, if not curious. Even if she wouldn't be around to experience a lot of what this place had to offer, she would at least hear about it. "Christmas, so," she took a moment to think before chuckling out. "Predictable." It wasn't meant as a mean thing, but she knew that someone like Wally, with family, would love the holiday. Most of them anyways. More interested on the flower before her, she added. "Not in a bad way, but with the way your family is so close, I can see why you would like Christmas. I bet you guys get all together and do the Christmas dinner thing and wait until the kids go to sleep to say Santa came, huh." It was more wistful than presented as a fact. She hoped that he did, something about him, though the little time she had known him, wished that for him. The kind of families that she read about, saw through windows, an actual family.

She had to stifle a laugh at glow in the dark room, thoughts of an old dealer that ran in the same circles as her came to mind. The darkened room with tie dye glow in the dark, black light posters of psychedelic designs that littered the walls. "Umm." Thinking over how to best answer that, she took another sip from her drink and thought about a time she did laser tag with Orion, that seemed like a better answer. "Does a laser tag room count? From the way you describe it, it sounds like its something that I can totally skip. I'm more excited about this lighthouse." For some unknown reason, she felt the need to show that she took could be filled with useless facts about something they liked. "Did you know Michigan has the most lighthouses and there's even one off Lake Superior that you can see the aurora borealis at but the prettiest ones are in Maine." That was actually a matter of opinion, hers, and it would not change. "But there are some nice looking ones around the world, want to see them all one day."

"Ah, You Are A Kind Sir Considering My Charging Time. So Few Even Acknowledge That A Charging Time Is

The amused smile her statement brought out couldn't be hidden. "That's a record with you lot." Wally nodded his head and thought it'd work. "In that case, we'll be sat here for a while. Just so you can really recharge." There were some moments when she let him see her past the wall she set forth, where he saw that little insight to her own family. He'd not mentioned that Charlie and Orion were her family since he could already forsee what she'd have to say about that. But, it was there when she talked about them. "Not gonna lie I kind of want to see that. It sounds like that bet did what it intended to do with entertaining him. How is he? I haven't asked since I last saw him err met him."

"Mmm no. It'd be ours. I wouldn't take full ownership if I'd be asking you to partner up. You've got a fair point there. Animals are better than humans. You're dolly's favorite and you can't even deny that." He wasn't jealous at all over that fact. "For what it's worth I'm glad she likes you. Would be hard to sit and work out cases with you if she spent the entire time barking at you. No lie she'd go willingly."

He took a moment to stare her down not saying anything at all before he settled back into his seat and made an mn sound. "Some places only serve one purpose and it's to go once and done. Well, maybe you can tell me about your favorite spots sometime instead." Wally really only traveled for work and when his entire lot wanted to go somewhere. Usually the hot spots family were from. Other than that he liked being home.

"You're hitting me with adorable penguin facts and it's really making me want to take us to the zoo. Flamingos don't have a mating ritual as cute as penguins but they do." His head was filled with random facts and tonight was the first time they'd come in handy. "These aren't nearly as cute but their mating displays typically starts off with their "head flag" which is just them being loud and waving their heads back and forth." That made him laugh just thinking about how ridiculous it sounded. "Imagine someone calling your name really loudly in a crowd and looking over to see the person just waving their head back and forth. Anyway, then they do their wing salute which has them stretch their necks displaying their back flight feathers by spreading their wings. They show affection by walking side by side spreading their wings and swinging around their outstretched necks. Also they're monogamous creatures which means they are with their mate for life until they die and then find another one."

He chuckled thinking that was a fair assessment. "It was true. I was shy as a kid. Shy wouldn't be the accurate word. I was quiet and kept to myself and sisters. It was a turbulent time in our lives. Kind of didn't have enough spoons for everyone else. Just them." It was no secret he loved his sisters deeply. They came before himself and that was a constant thing. "At Quantico was when I shed that quiet and reserved side. It's still there and it comes out at these functions and galas sometimes." As she talked he couldn't help but clock in her expression after talking about home. She was leaving something out and though he could just ask her, he wanted to wait and see if she'd tell him first. "Only friendly with the ones that deserve it. Not everyone gets this treatment or access."

"In passing once during harvest," he looked up and further explained. "Name for the festival before October. It was from what I saw very pretty. As lights always are. Personally I like the Christmas ones they put only because those lights sing Christmas songs." Was he a sucker for the holiday? Sure was though he ignored the religion aspect of it and it also had nothing to do with his birthday. "These are nice. They kind of look like glo in the dark lights. Ever been to a glo in the dark room?"

The Amused Smile Her Statement Brought Out Couldn't Be Hidden. "That's A Record With You Lot." Wally

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6 months ago
The Suggestion That It Might Have Been Because Of Her That Her Godson Might Be Into Baseball Had Her

The suggestion that it might have been because of her that her godson might be into baseball had her narrowing her eyes at him. She couldn't recall if she ever talking about it around Wally, but she must have. She hated how much attention he put to everything, she had to be careful to not be too careless around him. "Maybe," she said with a smirk. "What can I say? The kid has a wicked arm, if he likes the sport good, he could make friends and have a great time. If he doesn't," she shrugged. "Then we'll find him some other club or hobby. I just want him to make friends honestly. I think the quicker he makes friends, the better acclimated he'll get with everything." Sighing, she sat back into her seat. "Not like I would know, I just think it would help, but its up to his parents."

Ours. There was a nagging feeling in her, telling her that she needed to tell him that she wasn't here for long. That this was just another stop on her never-ending journey, for what, she didn't know anymore. But there was another part of her that wanted to pretend, slip into old habits and be someone that did stay. Someone that could just enjoy a night out with Wally. “You really wouldn’t mind if I took her with me from time to time?” The thought of having Dolly around for walks and just company sounded nice but there had to be a catch.

The Suggestion That It Might Have Been Because Of Her That Her Godson Might Be Into Baseball Had Her

"See, penguins are just the better, cuter animal. They also do that belly slide thing on the ice into the water. Adorable all around." Waving his concern away, she had accepted "Maybe it was just the company I was with, never thought about going back. Maybe one day. There's still a lot of other places to see first before going back to others." Which was true, there were still plenty of places she wanted to see.

Hearing his adventures of being the third wheel to his siblings made her think about the times she would be with Anna and Charlie. They didn't do it on purpose, so in love. She was so happy for them but it made her feel on the outside of something she didn't understand. A thing she saw as unnecessary to surviving. Simply nodding in commiseration at a shared experience.

She had indeed never been to a luau before and it made her smile as he said that it was nothing like that. Unsure why he would have even picked that in the first place. But the more she listened, the more her smile grew, hazel eyes not looking away from the man in front of her. A part of her wishing that she wasn't her. That she was someone else, someone that could consider this a date, someone that he could consider to date. But he deserved better, just listening to him proved that. He had a family, he deserved someone who understood that. Cared for others the way they all cared for each other. The way they were making sure their kids had more than they did growing up, emotionally. All she had ever done was look out for herself. It was all she knew how to do and would continue to do. So for now she would settle on these moments until he finally bored of her and moved on, or until she finally settled the office and left. Whichever came first.

"The point of laser tag isn't to win," she said with half a shrug. "It's to just run around having fun in a room full of colorful lights and lasers. But yes, I do let him win more times than I do. Have you never done it before? How about paint balling?"

When he usually paid attention to her the way he did now, she hated it, but they were talking about lighthouses and that was something she would love to talk about with anyone about for hours on end. "They are. I've already been to Maine, thus my conclusion is that they are the prettiest." Being vague about it, she just simply said. "I spent about a year on a boat and just," shrugged. "Fell in love with them. I know my dad said we had pirate ancestry once and that's why he named me Elizabeth, after one. That the ocean was something that would be something we always loved because of it. Something about salt water in our veins," she rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't put much faith into that, he liked to make up stories so sometimes not even I know what was real or not. "

Taking her phone out, food forgotten, she opened up a list of the lighthouses in the world. "Here," she got up and moved to sit next to him so that they could read it at the same time. Setting her phone between them, she brought up a list and a map. "These," she showed the x's on the coast of Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico and a couple in Brazil. "Are the ones that I've seen but I know it's not even half." Then she moved it over to the East Coast. A couple of marks on the coast of New York, one on the coast of Connecticut, a couple of the coast of Maine, and more out on the edges of Nova Scotia. "And then there's," she zoomed out and moved to the other side of the world. Many more x's on Iceland (the most x's), Ireland, and a handful on the coast of India. "When I said I loved lighthouses, I mean it." Scrolling back to where they were, she showed the one x she had where they were. "I've seen Aloha Tower, but then work got in the way and I totally forgot to look up which other ones are here. We can add an x to this today so thanks." Smiling at him, she grabbed her drink and took another sip. "I want to say that they all are on my bucket list, but realistically, I just want to see as many as I can."

Had she not been so excited to talk about lighthouses, she would've seen the careless mistake that she had made. Her landmarks, her history, her travel patterns all laid out there for someone to know. But she could care less at this moment. "I just traveled a lot growing up and can't stop now. How about you? Have a list of places or a bucket list? Not lighthouse-wise, I know people don't like lighthouses the way I do. But like, is there something you like, besides flamingos, that you would travel to see? Sites of interest? Dream destinations?"

The Suggestion That It Might Have Been Because Of Her That Her Godson Might Be Into Baseball Had Her

"Good. I need a moment to rest after being on all night with everyone at the gala." Wally made a slight face as he knew how new schools could go. "He's in for a new adventure. I hope he finds a happy little note in his new school. Little league? That sounds fun and like something that could potentially help acclimate him to his new surroundings. Was little league your idea?' There was a slight smirk at the question. He'd once heard her talk about baseball but it had been so brief he didn't think she'd think he'd remember.

"Ours." He repeated. "Why do you sound surprised? This is a you and I endeavor. Well, she can love both of us at the same time. You can't deny that you are special to her." Dolly made it clear she liked Liz whenever she'd come over and spent the night. That pup had a lot of love to give. "Next time ask her if she wants to come with you on a new adventure. Maybe better for her when I have to travel for work."

"Penguins take the cutest cake. I'll give you that. I can't believe that they have one of the sweetest mating rituals. If I could be any animal I'd be a penguin. For multiple reasons." He watched her and felt his eyebrows knit together. "That's okay. Maybe it was for the best. You can make a better nee memory next time. But if not at the place then maybe someplace else."

He nodded his head and sighed. "It was nice but still sometimes it was a bit lonely. I was my sister's third wheel when they met their future husband's and wife. We're close and in a way I'm lucky that my brother in law's were cool with me but still somedays it was a little weird to be surrounded by couples when you were just the odd man out." Wally had never shared this part of his reasons why he left to do his own things when the couples were out for an adventure. "It worked out too because then I got to explore." Her thanks made him nod in response.

"Good. I Need A Moment To Rest After Being On All Night With Everyone At The Gala." Wally Made A Slight

"I don't know if words do it justice. I guess it's kind of weird to assume you'd ever been to a luau? It's nothing like that," he laughed, nervous all of a sudden. "They have projections on the tallest buildings. Each year it changes but the lights are colorful. The archway you walk through moves a little bit. So you get to see the lights reflected as you walk by."

Wally couldn't help but smile as he, too would call his family predictable. But it was only because they never really had a real family holiday growing up so doing it for the kids was like they were healing some part of their childhood that had been broken. The laugh still making it clear he didn't take offense at all. "I'm with you there but no, it's more like my sisters and I didn't celebrate the holiday as kids. You'd think, why? Weren't we rich? We'd have everything. Thing was that my mom was in Louisiana. My aunt didn't celebrate any holiday. So for us growing up December was just another month. Just birthdays for half of us then normal. We'd go out to the lake to see fireworks. My aunt worked four jobs to keep herself and us afloat. Her husband, my uncle cut her off when they divorced. We still missed our mother. Wanted her to come. In our innocence we wished for Santa to bring her to us every year. Took nearly a decade and some change for Santa to bring us all together again. When my aunt couldn't take us to the lake because she was waitressing here," he pointed to the establishment they were in. "She'd take care of us and we'd see the Christmas lights from the balcony." He laughed as Liz hit it right on the nail. "We do dinner. Usually at Andy and Di's. We all help out to make sure we all get fed. We actually took on my brother in law's tradition of staying up until midnight on Christmas Eve so the kids can open their gifts and then go to bed. Then in the morning they wake up to see what Santa brought them. Every year is rotates who gets the Santa gifts. Adults get something from the guy too. Watching the kids be so happy and filled with so much joy, that is what makes the holiday worth it. What we couldn't have as kids, the second generation have."

Wally shrugged his shoulders not really knowing if they were the same. "I suppose so, never been to either. Just heard of them actually. Laser tag any fun? Do you win or do you let Orion win?" The idea of a dark room could be fun but it also made him uneasy. Dark rooms usually weren't the most safe. Things could get out of hand quickly. "This is another reason why you and I go. Lighthouses are more interesting." He smiled given the topic at hand and how it seemed like it had her excited. At least if he nerded out she wouldn't completely think he was weird.

In a show of interest he stopped eating and pulled his eyes into attentive mode. Watching her with a smile as she reciprocated a lighthouse fact. This intrigued him and liked that she felt comfortable to do the same to him. He liked that she was comfortable talking to him and not letting the conversation die out. "Actually no I didn't. We should go to Maine." He'd take some time off work and thought why not go seek adventure with her. "I promise I will keep my random facts under ten if we go together. How'd you get into lighthouses?" Anything she'd share with him he'd eat up. He wanted to know her in a way she had never been known before. "Is it being the prettiest a scientific fact or your opinion?" He asked just wanting to know why if it was her personal opinion, was it the prettiest. What made it so for her. "How many are on your bucket list?" As he asked he took out his phone and opened up his notes. He wanted to see how many they could cross off the list just by being on this side of the world.

On the side there were about five wait staff that looked over at Wally's table and murmurs could be heard over his date. The whispers kept coming as they saw how invested Wally was and it seemed like to them that his companion also shared an interest. It was all in the body language they said.

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6 months ago
The Thought Of Having Dolly Over So Soon Had Her Slightly Excited But She Also Wasn't Going To Let Him

The thought of having Dolly over so soon had her slightly excited but she also wasn't going to let him know that. "No, I don't think it'd be too soon. I'm sure that something could be moved around." But the smile on her face was also giving her away. "I'll take good care of her, scouts honor. How long will you be gone?" Part of her wanted to ask about his case but she didn't want to ruin this. For once she would take the advice of someone and not think about work for a second. No clues to follow or mysteries to unravel, for one night.

"Ah," she nodded in acknowledgment. "It runs in the family, huh. Well, fear not, there is nothing to be nervous about here and I'm," A small shrug of her shoulders. "Comfortable. So no need to talk me ear off anymore." Chuckling, she added. "But I think I have become so accustomed to it that if you stopped talking I'd think something is wrong."

Her new home? How to tell someone that their home was nice but not a place that she considered her own. Not that she ever felt at home anywhere, ever. Listening to him talk, rather passionately about hanging out more often, she couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her when he said to grab it by the horns and ride it. Thinking of something else she had wanted to do that night, the irony not lost on her. Live. What was it to actually live, not that she knew. Life had just been a series of tasks to accomplish. Once one was done, she had moved on to the next one. “That’s a lot coming from someone who works just as hard. I don’t recall us not spending more than two hours before work comes up. Your phone is always ringing, and its always work.” With a sigh, she laid her hands flat on the table. “I’m not saying no, just, later. This case has to be perfected I have to meet with the clients lawyer and prepare with them for deposition. Everything needs to be perfect.” While she hated this tedious part of some cases, she also knew how important it was to make sure things were wrapped up and the client was able to have some sort of relief from it all.

The Thought Of Having Dolly Over So Soon Had Her Slightly Excited But She Also Wasn't Going To Let Him

“Nope.” She said proudly. “ Never got seasick actually,” as for the missing part, that was still something she was coming to terms to. It wasn’t until she left New York behind that she found herself missing her friends. “I guess.” Finishing her drink, she smirked. “What is a fabricated story but a pretty lie though, Wally.” She would know, having spent her whole life spinning them like a spider weaving an intricate beautiful web of lies. Her father’s stories just helping her imagination, helping her be a better liar. “Where? Maine? Maybe. California, I go back all the time. But.” Her eyes narrowed slightly at him as she began to think back about how he could’ve known about her inclination to baseball and had began to realize something. “I’m sure you’ve heard about that from Orion, didn’t you.” Orion was an open book and knew that he had liked the man when he spent Easter with her on the island. There was no one else who could have shared so much but him.

“Well someone,” she said pointedly looking at him. “ Didn’t mention great places to see before so how is it my fault?” Waving away his thanks. “No thanks is needed. People just suck and you can’t let them make you feel like you can’t enjoy the things you like just because it isn’t their thing, we are always learning and evolving and anyone who isn’t is dumb. And I’m full of weird quotes and sayings.” A small huff of a chuckle, thinking about all the books she read and the stories her father had told her once upon a time.

Giddiness filled her and she tried her best to keep it at bay as he said that he was ready. She began to reach for her phone, for the money stuck between her case and phone ready to pay for this dinner as a thank you but he was already signing a bill. “Can you at least send me a request for half?” The request she knew would most likely go ignored but she couldn't help but ask.

Now she felt like she was encroaching on a family thing. "Oh, so being pregnant is no excuse for being hormonal?" It was a tease anything to get her out of her mind for now. "Now I'm going to make it my mission to make a bee line straight to them and tell them what you think of their pregnancies." A joke, it was the last thing in the world she would ever do, just embed herself in a family, unless she was stealing from them.

"Exactly!" Her hazel eyes grew wide with excitement and her smile wide displaying her teeth. "They are all so different yet the same. Uniquely themselves in uniformity. Hope?" The idea through her off. The light was always just that to her. A light in the distance letting her know that her time at sea was coming to an end. It wasn't hope to her. It was an end. But she could see what he meant by it. She could recall the pitch black nights on the water where you couldn't even see your own hand unless you had a light on you. The only thing that put through it in the distance would be the faint light and off distance echoing sound of its horn. "I should take you?!" The words were said with an exaggerated surprise and small giggle as she put her hand in his without a second though scooting out ready for this adventure. "You are barely taking me to a lighthouse that I didn’t know about and you want me to take you across the world?"

She never talked about her trips to Iceland, a depressing homeland trek, the fact that she even brought it up caught her off guard. Standing straight, she shrugged one shoulder. "There's not much to see, not like here." A lie but thinking about a place she had dreamed of being home, it felt empty each time she went to see where her father once lived. Where a piece of paper said she had been born. Where her father had always written and talked about as a magical place only for her to feel bitter that it didn't feel like that each time she walked its land. Stepping into the night air, she took a deep breath and shook the thoughts away, becoming a one track mind and smiled at Wally. "She never talked about her trips to Iceland, a depressing homeland trek, the fact that she even brought it up caught her off guard. Standing straight, she shrugged one shoulder. "There's not much to see, not like here." A lie but thinking about a place she had dreamed of being home, it felt empty each time she went to see where her father once lived. Where a piece of paper said she had been born. Where her father had always written and talked about as a magical place only for her to feel bitter that it didn't feel like that each time she walked its land. Stepping into the night air, she took a deep breath and shook the thoughts away, becoming a one track mind and smiled at Wally. "Did you know the oldest lighthouse in the world is in Spain? Built by Romans." The topic of lighthouses would for sure keep her from straying to other things she'd rather not slip up.

The Thought Of Having Dolly Over So Soon Had Her Slightly Excited But She Also Wasn't Going To Let Him

It seemed like he'd just found the nickname for her and based on that beaming flicker across her face he couldn't help but feel a bit smug that he had put that look on her face. He wasn't a parent either but knew if there wasn't a mutual trust then it'd show in the way that they'd keep the kid away with any bogus excuse.

The nickname for his pup made him laugh and quickly had him nod his head. "Then it's set. I am traveling to LA for a case on Friday so if it's not too soon for you, you can take her and I can give Lenny a break." His face took on a somber expression. The case in LA was the one that kept him up at night with all the possible outcomes and he knew getting it closed was not going to be easy. Especially knowing that there was no DNA matches since it'd been a few years. "She does love to walk, I'll give you that. If you take her out before sunset you'll get to see it on your walk over the horizon. It makes the beach glimmer."

"It's actually a nervous habit I inherited from my mom. Either I do it when I'm trying to make someone else comfortable or when I'm nervous and want to break an uncomfortable ice barrier." Naturally, he was the one most like his mom, personality wise while his twin was the one who looked like their mom.

He shrugged like she had just said the most obvious thing in the world. "I can multitask you know. Also why not. You just finished saying you want to explore more of your new home. There's so much to see when it comes to the islands. Not to mention there is Pearl Harbor. Though, maybe not that one. You'll need clearance for that," he murmured as a sly little smile overtook his features. It wasn't like he hadn't gotten his own family in there twice. "A big case has not stopped us before. Why would it now? Unless, this is your polite way to say no you've gotten bored of me. Listen, work is always going to be there. Life happens and sometimes you gotta grab it by the horns and ride it. Take it from me, someone who had to learn to take my vacation days just because." It was no secret he took his job seriously and more often than not would overwork himself to get things done. "I'll help you with it. If that is what you'd want but don't bury yourself in work. Let yourself live."

He snorted when she agreed Maine folks weren't the nicest. Glad he wasn't the only one who thought that. Listening to her talk about her time on a boat made a smile appear. It seemed like quite an adventure, one that someone would hold dear. "That sounds nice. Except for the motion sickness. Isn't that how it always goes? You miss something when you no longer have it." There was ancestry dot com he thought but really she needed to want to know for it to work. "There's ways to know but I guess it'd be fun to have that pirate ancestry. Sometimes a fabricated story is better than a straight out lie." He didn't necessarily agree with that statement but he also he wasn't one to talk.

"Would you want to go back?" Wally asked, unsure if this would be one of the places she'd want to go back to. "California reminds me of Louisiana except it doesn't hold a candle to my beloved Bayou." He smirked as if that was any secret that his hometown held a special place in his heart.

With the rim of the drink against his lips he ended up laughing into his sparkling water. "First," he took a sip and tried to control his laughter. "You never asked how long it'd take and secondly, there's a billion places to see and lighthouses on each island so your bad for thinking this wasn't gonna take some time." He swallowed the water and set it back down, the nickname she had for him made his green eyes sparkle. He liked the name more than he actually admitted.

He tried to make his blush less noticeable and only nodded. "I'm sure I'm missing about ten more places but it's not the same when you travel for work as it is to travel for fun." The saying was pretty accurate. "I like that saying. Also thank you for not thinking it's nerdy. I think once you're not in school people tend to forget you keep learning as an adult."

It Seemed Like He'd Just Found The Nickname For Her And Based On That Beaming Flicker Across Her Face

The excitement was charged in the air as he finished off his drink and did the signal for the check. "Mhmm. I'm ready. I'll just grab the check." The exchange of the credit card and tab was quick enough that if she blinked she missed it. He took the pen in his left hand and signed it. His penmanship was neat, something he attested to his time working on his cursive. It was almost comical how much he resembled his sister in this moment and how much they resembled their mother. They all drew their B's the same. He signed two since he knew the food was en route to be delivered to his sisters homes and added in a 25 tip for them. His skills at fast mental math weren't as good as Lucie"s but they weren't too shabby.

"I've seen about eight in total. With my sisters having babies every year or so it seems like, we don't get to explore as much and they hate it when I go on my own. They tend to say they miss out on the experience so I have to wait until they're cleared and have given birth to go to drive to the other islands. Hard too when they're all hormonal and the heat makes them insufferable." He looked up from his check and smirked. "Don't tell them that." Then went back to his writing. "What fascinates me most about them though is the lights. They each have a different shade of light. They're not all the same. Though, it may seem weird or odd but I like lights. It's like a beacon of hope. I also like how each is built so different from the others. Not one looks exactly the same."

"Iceland? Maybe you should take me." His eyes finally looked up and smiled as he put his pen down and closed the book. Gave his thanks and started to move to get up off the seat. Holding out his hand for her to take if she so chose it he waited.

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6 months ago
There Was A Giddiness That She Felt Over The Fact That Dolly Would Be Indeed With Her For A While, That

There was a giddiness that she felt over the fact that Dolly would be indeed with her for a while, that she just seemed genuinely happy. "Okay, tomorrow." Simply nodding and smiling as he spoke, but her mind already thinking about snuggling with the dog when reading or walks and hiking on routes she had yet to explore. "Ah, so you're trusting local law enforcement? I should expect you back in three to four weeks instead then." It was half a joke. "As long as you remember everything and take good enough notes, paperwork can be done anywhere."

Her thoughts showed on her face? Cared? He only cares because he doesn't know you, she convinced herself and shook the thoughts away. She could have misconstrued this conversation, just him speaking in general, she needed to stop being so comfortable around him. It confused her at times, caught between what was really her or a face that was being shown. She hated it, still unsure in who she actually was now in this new life. "Ah the brainiacs."

"See the fact that you know their astrological signs and that yours isn't there often just shows the early signs!" It was the pot calling the kettle black seeing how she had a small line art tattoo of the Scorpio constellation on her left rib just above where her heart was. She didn't give astrology any weight but she had learned to appreciate the stars when she was out at sea. "Its you doing your homework and making sure that others don't suspect you. Tell me, what does me being a scorpio mean? Am I a serial killer?" The last part was said in a playful whisper, then she laughed. "So you admit it! You just bother me to annoy me! You admitted it. No taking it back now."

There Was A Giddiness That She Felt Over The Fact That Dolly Would Be Indeed With Her For A While, That

"I have a lot," the words were emphasized, because it was true. "Like I said I really like them. Wanted to be a keeper once but then found out they were automated now so that was a bummer." she laughed. " And no, I'd probably make it white with different colored polka dots. Or with red stripes that look like the stitching on a baseball, or maybe have Orion just chose his favorite color. I don't know, never thought about it, but I think its standard for them to be white, red or a variation of it. I'd be very boring and unimaginative with it."

The warmth and softness of the sweater was not something she expected but it was more than that. There was a faint smell of his cologne and warmth remaining on it, and it felt like being hugged. "I see what you mean," she replied but she just watched as he drove so confidently. There were small things that she was noticing that she hadn't before, unsure why. "No, I couldn't bear to part you from a sweater this comfortable, unless you somehow had them in bulk. Then I'd be mad that you hadn't shared sooner." Also making mental notes about the hidden pocket.

"Ah," she exclaimed yet again. " Another misconception. Plenty of women were wickies. Most inherited from their husbands, or through their families. In fact, the life of a wickie had been so solitary and demanding in the beginning that the government began to hire people with families. That way they wouldn't be alone and the family would help them with the duties, which there were a lot of by the way. Gardening, farm animals, repairs, salt deterioration, keeping the fire lit that needed to be kept up 24 hours a day, responding to emergencies and ship wrecks. it was hard and laborious. But sometimes life of a wickie was all some knew and even daughters kept it up when their parents passed away." Her eyes squinted as she looked ahead trying to recall a fact way back in her head, a name. "In California, Thelma Austin, her dad kept a lighthouse and when he passed away from a broken heart, she petitioned to be the keeper. Saying that she did not think the role romantic or looking for adventure but that having been raised in that lighthouse that it was ' a sacred duty to perform.' And on the East Coast, Ida Lewis was a wickie for 50 or so years, her father had been a wickie so she grew up in that life. She regularly saved people from capsized ships, first recorded one she had was when she was 12 years old. Because of her savings she was known during her day, a famous lightkeeper and hero, regularly saving lives and got a silver medal and parade." She realized that she had ranted more than she had initially wanted. "Yikes, sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that." For the first time she had become self conscious and actually shy about how she came off. But then he was telling her to look the way he was pointing.

Leaning over, her hand fell on top of his hand on his thigh as she tried to not block his view of the road while also trying to get a good look out of his window. Her face came out of the sweater and a big smile came across her face as she saw what he pointed at. The lighthouse. No matter how many she saw one, she would never get over what a sight they are. "It's beautiful," she simply said, eyes glued to it through his window before she realized she was all over his side. " Oh, sorry." She pulled back and sat in her seat properly. "Just excited." Reminding herself that they would be there soon held her over. "You know, there are some lighthouses you can actually stay at? Also, I never asked you, what color would you paint a lighthouse?"

There Was A Giddiness That She Felt Over The Fact That Dolly Would Be Indeed With Her For A While, That

That beaming smile wasn't overlooked. That made him smile in return. "Oh, I'll bring her bag of food to the office. One bag should cover you for the two weeks. I'll pack her bag too. She does sleep with one of my old alumni sweaters and thats just when she gets ansty. Which I can assume will happen by the second week. Don't leave for longer than a week so this would be a first for her. But you will have loads of fun. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures when I come back. She loves biscuits. She will give you the eyes if she sees you have the box. It's happened to me before. Clearly knows I won't say no."

"Good thing obligation has no place here." Wally smiled softly meaning the sentiment. He wanted to be there with her. "Maybe to other people but not to me. I'm one of those boring ones who likes to stick to one." The way he looked at her was pretty obvious if she really paid attention. "Consider it done then. Tomorrow I'll come by. Should be back next Wednesday if the detective on sight isn't a lazy fuck. What might be the delay is the paper work."

He hummed as his head nodded. "You are. It's all in your face. Your thoughts show on your face sometimes. Maybe it's just me you do it with who knows. Sometimes it comes right after I surprise you with something. It's pretty funny." He didn't think anything of it really. It was just fun to see her face turn into a wheel of emotions. "You don't have to know someone long to know their cues. Not if they care about said person. Everyone does it, some do it for the wrong reasons but listening to someone when they talk even if they don't say a lot, just makes it easier to get to know them. If said person built a brick wall, well patience goes a long way to let them know it is okay to let that guard down. They're not going to get hurt." He shrugged, "I took a class at Quantico but it wasn't my forte. That's more for forensics and analysts."

All he could was hold back that chuckle that threatened to spill. "Just be glad I didn't keep the entire receipt. This was gentleman behavior." When she seemed to agree he grinned like he had just won that elusive teddy bear at the county fair. "It better be a super cold treat. Freezing ice cold." That spoke to his inability to get cold. He always ran warm. That was probably the reason his family always loved to snuggle up next to him when they went to cold places or the supermarket frozen aisles.

"Oh, so all I needed to do was ask? I didn't know that. Again, I'm blaming this on you." A dimpled smile shot at her as he looked back to the road. Letting out a playful eye roll he smirked. "That's what you think." Would he turn competitive just for the sake of watching her challenge him like she did every other time? That was clear in his smile he gave her. "You're ridiculous. Guess you'll just have to trust me. Maybe watch out for signs that I may be a serial killer. Though doubtful, they aren't many that are Sags." Wally teased as he didn't believe in that. Birth signs had nothing to do with people and their behaviors. "Besides, you're too fun to kill off. That'd shoot me in the foot. I hate quiet. Who else would I annoy."

He looked at her with that small smirk he did whenever she had him fascinated by a topic of hers she'd run with. It was nice to hear her talk about something like she'd heard him. There was so much on the surface that hid in plain sight and one of those was the fact that she was just as nerdy as he was. That alone made him chuckle to himself making his green eyes sparkle with genuine amusement. "They were inventive that's for sure. Think about it lighting fires to act as the flare so they'd be seen. What other facts do you have? Do you think if you could pick a color for a lighthouse you'd choose red?"

That Beaming Smile Wasn't Overlooked. That Made Him Smile In Return. "Oh, I'll Bring Her Bag Of Food

The laugh couldn't be helped as he took a quick look at her in his sweater. "Ah, so you notice." He smiled clearly wanting to tease her. The sight a welcomed one as he thought she looked adorable. His eyes went back to the road as he backed out one handed and left his other hand over his thigh. Anyone else would fear the dark but he was used to it. These were the parts he learned to drive around first so now he was more than one with the darkened streets. "If I could live in them I would. You look good in it. Keep it. Afraid I ruined hoodies for you. Won't find one as comfortable as that one. Did you know it has an inside inner pocket for the super cold months. Not that we have them here in Hawaii but still hidden compartment." He still couldn't help chuckling thinking she was cute and noticed how relaxed she was in the moment. Fearing if he said anything else on it she'd revert back to acting like she needed to be rigid he kept his mouth shut and focused on the drive.

"Egypt?" His eyebrows raised in surprise. "Kind of a big bummer that the earthquake made it blur out of existence and now someone else took the credit. Fascinating though. Now, see," he sighed as he made that turn over the cliffs slowly. "I didn't know that. That's got to be the most fun job. Imagine telling someone they get to man it. Though, why is it man and not womanned?" A little silly he had to add. "It's scientific fact that women are stronger, better, smarter." A robotic tone took over as he drove slowly. "Look over at my side." He pointed over to where the lighthouse could be seen over the horizon making it collide with a tall cliff and making the water shine.

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6 months ago
There Was A Moment There, When She Wanted To Say Yes. That He Should Quit That She Didn't Want To Have

There was a moment there, when she wanted to say yes. That he should quit that she didn't want to have to worry about him being out there unprotected while he protected everyone else. There was also another part of her that knew what a difference it made and what it meant to him to be able to make that change, no matter how small or great it was, it would be selfish of her to ask him to give it up with everything he already did for her. "I know," she sighed, like a parrot, she echoed back her earlier sentiment. "I just don't want you to feel like just because we're together that you have to base decisions off how I feel about them." Him asking for her opinion, she could accept any day. Him basing decisions like quitting an entire career he worked so hard for because of her opinion, not what she wanted.

"Not honesty moment," a small childlike huff came from her. It wasn't like she'd ever lie to him, she never did. But being brutally honest about certain things was still a bit hard. Taking a deep breath in, she let it out as she admitted. "Yeah, I'd like to not see you hurt. I hate worrying that there's no one watching your back when you need it the most. But!" She added as she stepped in front of him and faced him. "I know the difference what you do makes and I would only support you leaving if it was your choice. If it made you happy. That's all I want for you," her hand caressed his cheek. "For you to be happy. I wouldn't want it to be something you did to please anyone else except yourself."

There Was A Moment There, When She Wanted To Say Yes. That He Should Quit That She Didn't Want To Have

"I will," She smiled as she stepped out into the New Orleans heat, answering the Facetime call, and smiled at the sight of Orion and her friends. Walking across the street so as not to block the entrance to the shop, she found a tree to stand under for the duration of the call. They all smiled and asked how her trip had been going and how she was doing. Filling them in on the sights and travels so far, seeing Wally come out with the cool treats, she smiled and waved his way, letting him know she understood what he meant and that she'd be there soon. Turning her attention back to her phone, she was met with a best friend who teased her for a moment before letting it drop and continued to ask about her trip before she turned it around and asked about the office and how Anna's pregnancy was coming along. There was still things that needed to be in order before the little one came along and she wanted to make sure that anything she could help with would be done. Then Orion got back one asking for views, he was starting to catch a bit of wanderlust. Giving in to his request, she turned the camera view on her phone around so that she could can around the streets and show him where she was. That was when she caught sight of Wally and his mom, waving at her which made her stomach flip and her heart bounce. She waved back at them before telling everyone that she loved them and that she would promise to send more photos this time before hanging up and taking a deep breath.

The nerves that had consumed her before coming here were beginning to resurface but she remembered what Wally said. She could let him know anytime she needed out. She needed a break. She'd be okay. Making her way over she smiled and made sure to use her French knowing that Wally had mentioned she was more comfortable with it. "Madame Bordeaux, j'espère que je n'ai pas causé d'ennuis à Wally en se faufiler. J'avais besoin d'une friandise froid et d'un guide. Je ne suis pas habitué à toute cette chaleur."

There Was A Moment There, When She Wanted To Say Yes. That He Should Quit That She Didn't Want To Have
"I Don't Want You To Quit." A Small Frown On Her Face Before It Became A Thoughtful One. She Knew Well
"I Don't Want You To Quit." A Small Frown On Her Face Before It Became A Thoughtful One. She Knew Well

"I don't want you to quit." A small frown on her face before it became a thoughtful one. She knew well why he did what he did. "I just want you to be safe. What you do is important, I just wish you had a partner, a good one, watching your back is all." Which was true, she loved him, loved why he did what he did. Understood it. But knowing that he was out there with a target on his back with no one to watch it for him upset her to no end. Worried her, though she hid that well. Thinking about him going out there getting hurt never settled right with her. " I understand why your mom would want you to quit. She loves you and she just wants the best for you too but like I said, I understand why you do what you do. I support you however you want to do it."

A closed smile spread as he called himself a thief. She didn’t want to burst his bubble and admit that he couldn’t steal something that rightfully belonged to him, but it was neither here nor there when it came to her heart. There was something about it that seemed to say that it had always belonged to him, she had just been holding if for a while. Playfully, kissing one of his dimples, she added. “That would depend of your definition of good, ástin.”

There was something to be said about her blushing. Somewhere she knew that anytime she had blushed, before Wally came into her life, it hadn't made her react the way it did now. It was a forced reaction when the moment had called for it, now it felt real, the warmth of her cheeks a welcomed rouge only because of who had put it there. Making her feel bashful in a way she had not known before. Instead of thinking about what she must look like, a mad woman with a smile on her face, and reddened cheeks, glad to be able to blame the heat for it, she listened to his story. Always glad to collect more pieces of what made him, him. By the end of the story, she felt much more curious now about what the priests could have had in that bottle. A small chuckle knowing that only such things could happen to Wally.

Taking a deep breath in, she smiled wide and nodded at his comforting words. Keeping a struggle to herself. She was still coming and grasping the concept of just being herself after spending so long being other people and catering to others, that she still hadn’t figured out what made her, her. Who was she? Who was Elizabeth? Because up until a couple of years ago all she was, was a zombie, a ghost, just existing. Not living. Now she was in a limbo, caught between everything she had been taught to be, what Charlie had wanted for her, and unsure of who she wanted to be or what she wanted. Was it something you chose?

Having just changed skin like a snake time and time again, she didn’t know who was supposed to be under this next layer now. But then that meant that there was another layer waiting, didn't it? Was there even another one? What would the next one be? Would she like that one? Which skin was best? Could she stop changing skin and begin to be comfortable in the one she was in? Oh god, she was overthinking this again.

The last thing she wanted was to ruin this trip with her existential crisis, so she kissed his cheek and kept a smile on her face. “Got it." She nodded enthusiastically. "Books, croissants and give you the look when I need to divert.” Turning her attention back to the ice cream, she said with a hint of a laugh in her tone. "Well, all of them honestly but I guess your mom the most. So we can go with the La Vie en Rose and the Lavender Honey and we're here for a couple of days right? I can come back and get other flavors for everyone tomorrow or the day after. I aim to be liked by at least a majority of your family by the time we get back." Which was the truth, she had never wanted people to accept or like her as much as she did right now.

Her phone rang in her pocket and she knew that ringtone all too well. "I forgot." She groaned as she grabbed it from her pocket and looked at the screen, Charlie. "I was supposed to call when we got here and send some pictures to Orion. I'm just going to head outside and take this, okay. Be right back." Leaning over, she kissed his cheek before heading outside, answering the phone as she waved to the new acquaintances. Stepping out onto the hot sunny street, she answered the face time call with her godson on the other end.

"I Don't Want You To Quit." A Small Frown On Her Face Before It Became A Thoughtful One. She Knew Well

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5 months ago
"It's Better To Bat My Eyelashes And Ask For Forgiveness Than Ask For Permission And Be Told No." She

"It's better to bat my eyelashes and ask for forgiveness than ask for permission and be told no." She shrugged as if it was a good answer. Knowing how many times that option got her out of trouble in the past. It was also a good way of claiming any deniability, asking permission, being told no and still doing it was a fine way of being in double the trouble. "I think it's funny that you think I'd listen to the messages after not answering." Small smirk on her face as she rebutted. "Me jealous? Not at all, You do know that bats use their voices for echolocation since they can't see, is that why you talk so much ?" There was a small nugget of truth that she had come to listening to his voice.To his small random facts, his need to fill the silence that would sometimes fill the moments where they had nothing to talk about. It kept her mind from wandering sometimes.

"Oh," she laughed. "I think demoness might have been my favorite but I'd rather not get into the things I've been called." The nickname made her smile and feel happy in a way that she didn't know how to properly define but blamed it on his warm palm against hers and the comfortable hoodie. "I guess not," the words were soft as she took in that a dream was not childish, mostly because of how passionate he seemed about it. The way he said her dream was important to him just because it was important to her, it felt strange. It was something indescribable. Reeling herself in, she stared straight ahead instead. "Thanks but like I said all lighthouses are automated these days so," shrugged. "Guess I got to find a different dream." Snapping her fingers, she laughed. "Damn, and here I thought I could finally rid of you with your preference for bark."

The salt air and crashing waves had memories creeping in. Her first night out on the water, the inky darkness of it all that ate and swallowed everything. "When you're not used to the dark, or perhaps scared of the dark, it can seem scary. You literally can't see anything. Just complete and utter darkness except whatever light your boat has. One wrong move and you can find yourself overboard. It's oddly, peaceful. Reminds you just how small you are in the world."

"Hmm." Her head leaned back against the lighthouse as it tilted slightly so she could look over at him. "I never pegged you for someone scared of something, especially in your line of work. Did something happen on one?" It wasn't said in a playful way or a teasing way, it was an honest caring tone. Having learned something about him, something in her wanted to share something back. It was only fair right? "I hate rain, not like small rain but storms and small spaces. Like really small spaces, like cave exploring. Who the hell does that for fun? Squeezing into the smallest holes in the world and getting stuck or unable to breathe. How is that fun?" Both fears had come directly from her care under Jennifer, but that was neither here nor there. Glancing over at him, she saw his hair covering his eye and couldn't help but let a small chuckle out. "You look like those kids who say their life is miserable but live with mom and dad and listen to those bands that scream a lot. Here." She reached over and let her fingers take the hair and pull it gently back. "There. I never realized how long your hair actually is. Aren't there regulations about that?"

"It's Better To Bat My Eyelashes And Ask For Forgiveness Than Ask For Permission And Be Told No." She

Settling with her back against the lighthouse again, she decided there was no harm in telling him. It was a good story, perhaps the only good story in her life. "I needed a break," the word was emphasized in a way that said it meant more but that wasn't going to be something that was going to be shared. "Charlie knew someone who knew someone who knew someone, as he usually does. And there was this fisherman, Michael. He had a small family fishery he had inherited from his parents. The thing is, he was deaf and his partner had left the business. He thought it would be no issue, but ended up being fined by the Coast Guard when he went out on his own and didn't heed their calls. He needed someone who was hearing on board to go back out, so he agreed to take me on for a while even if I couldn't help with the catches, in the beginning anyway. My sign language wasn't that great but good enough. Ended up staying on for a year until he found someone else to take over. I learned more sign language and a lot more about fishes and shellfish than I ever thought I would learn in life. Did you know that lobsters can live up to 140 years? Also when you go somewhere that sells cod, you are most likely eating pollock? Tastes just like it but cod is so regulated, they have to be a certain size and weight, and blah blah blah. Pollock is the better way to go. No limit on those bad boys. "

"It's Better To Bat My Eyelashes And Ask For Forgiveness Than Ask For Permission And Be Told No." She

An amused smile overtook his features as she had a point. "It's like ask for forgiveness not permission sort of thing." He rolled his eyes and laughed, he set himself up for that one. "If you don't answer I'll still leave voicemails and you know I can ramble like no other about different topics. So choices for you are answer the call or be prepared to have a hundred voice mails all talking about different things." There was not going to be a day where he wouldn't enjoy annoying her just to get a reaction from her. Of course now it wasn't as bad as when they first started talking but still fun. That giggle was quickly becoming one of his favorite sounds. His heart picked up at having her so close but kept his composure. Being in a lions den with people who wouldn't hesitate to kill him if they knew his actual job was nothing compared to the way she made him feel. "Now you're taking a shot at my eyesight. Two for two. You're on a roll." That smile still plastered on his face as he said that. "Sounds like you're just jealous of my bat eyesight."

"You say that but I don't know there might be some part of you that likes hearing me talk. Especially when you've got random questions that aren't so random. I have a feeling you like my voice." She gave him food for thought. It would be funny to pull a prank on him for the fun of it. He hadn't pulled those types of shenanigans in a few years. More like a few months since he and his brother in law's would always one up the other. "A degree is just a piece of paper in the grand scheme of things. It just means that tasks were completed. Doesn't measure how smart you actually are."

"Oh okay. Now you got me curious to know what else you've been called. How imaginative these jerks have been." He could tell there wouldn't be words that would affect her the way people intended it to. That alone made him smirk. "Whatever you say, lila. Just know I'll still think you have the weirdest analogies. You can't stop me," he smiled as a soft chuckle escaped him.

"It's not childish to have a dream," he expressed. "Everyone has them. Adults and kids alike. Even animals. Whoever says that dreams are childish clearly don't understand what they actually represent. I don't know about others in life but I'm not one to squash dreams no matter how childish," he threw her words back. "They may seem to others. If it's important to you then its important to me."

The question made him think for a brief moment then grinned. "Well, milk chocolate can actually kill me so that one is out. I like both white and dark chocolate but have a preference for dark chocolate. The Godiva ones are so good. But all time favorite are the ones my sister makes. Regardless of your answer you can't get rid of me."

That elicited a laugh from him as he still stood his ground. "And you accuse me of being blind? I wore polka dots bracelets just like week. Also I do have a polka dot tie." It was the one his niece gifted him for his birthday and one he cherished as much as he did the small child. "Now hang on a moment. Why do you think a cat is scary, wouldn't you smile if you saw a friendly lighthouse instead of a boring one? Ones every other sailor has seen before?" Now he was just being difficult to be difficult. He loved when he ignited that small little fire in her when she couldn't help but contradict him.

An Amused Smile Overtook His Features As She Had A Point. "It's Like Ask For Forgiveness Not Permission

He laughed as his brain zeroed in on how perfectly their hands fit together. Almost like they were meant to fit together. This was going to be the thing he'd get hung up on he just knew it. A startled chuckle escaped him as he followed behind her, eyes sparking with amusement at her head start. The fancy free manner in which he saw her let go if only slightly made his heart constrict in that way that Liz could make happen. Oh was he in trouble. He caught up to her and saw her sit down with her hands in his hoodie and he knew right then and there if he would have no problem being swallowed up by the ocean if the sight in front of him was the last thing he saw. He took a seat beside her and leaned his elbows over his knees as he tore his gaze away from her and focused on the water. It was serene, something shared between the two. "No," he whispered as he shook his head, letting his longer part of his hair cover one eye as he did so. "I've always wanted to. Though I may have a tiny fear of boats. Unsure though." It was a real fact he hadn't let anyone know about. He wasn't one who visibly showed his vulnerabilities easily. He kept things close to the chest most times and if it wasn't necessary to say then he wouldn't.

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5 months ago
"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

"I know you are," she stopped herself there. Ready to give a lecture about how how a moment ago he couldn't even walk on his own and decided to just let it be. There was no point to the argument right now. They had already crossed that bridge, both too stubborn to admit if they were hurt. They were a lot alike in that manner, not letting whatever came their way deter them from their goal, no matter how hurt they were. Returning his small smile, with a small one, herself, she decided to let it go.

"It hurts my feelings to think you would assume I forgot about that week." It was a tease but there was a sliver of truth to it. A minute part of her that felt slightly bruised but there was the louder voice that said that of course people would assume that. If it wasn't for what she stole or the injuries she left in her wake, no one would remember her, why would she them? Even then, it wouldn't be her, it would be whoever she had been to them. "No," hint of a laugh in her tone. "We did. I did. It was the most fun I've had since I moved."

The answer that came to mind was automatic. Its not me that you miss, it's who you think I am, but that wasn't quite right. It wasn't the truth. Her hazel eyes took him in, really took him in. Not the injuries, not the physical that could be seen, but everything about him that she had come to know. There was a realization that dawned on her, in the time that they had spent together she had never lied about who she was. Omitted, yes. Her past was something she never liked to share or dwell on, pretending a lot of it didn't happen, it was how she was able to get out of bed every morning. But she never lied to him. He knew her and still wanted to spend time around her anyway. It was all too much so she looked away, let her head fall back on the door behind them and willed whatever the feeling that blooming in her chest away. Convincing herself it was just because she was tired. "Yeah, the small hours." She repeated back, voice low and soft unsure of herself as her right hand traced the scars on the palm of her left. There was a moment there where the silence did take up space between in an uncharacteristic way before she cleared her throat and spoke up again. "Does it squeak? The new toy?" For now she'd chalk this all up to the medications, she knew all too well the side effects most drugs had and what they could make you do or say.

"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

As most questions Wally came up with, this one was just as complicated. Taking a moment to think of the right way to answer this, she sighed before just saying a great amount of things without saying much. "I learned at a very young age, you can't trust anyone at all. That all I had was myself." The scar on her back sent a shiver down her spine in memory. "It was best to just watch my own back than risk someone sticking a knife in it." With a gesture he would probably find all too common by now, she shrugged. "Surviving is what I do best in any given situation." Lips pursed into a straight thin line, she considered what he said. "Just because you're not dead doesn't mean I haven't failed but yeah, I guess it counts for something. I mean," she crossed her legs and leaned forward trying to bring some levity to this all, too many things beginning to swirl in her head, a small smirk thrown his way. "Maybe now I can have you sign over rights to Dolly so she can be mine."

Shaking her head, she laughed. "No, there's nothing I love, never really stayed in one place long enough for something to become a favorite. But I will say that Coney Island Nathans hot dogs are something I find myself missing. Mostly because Orion and I would race to see who would finish theirs first." Snaking her arm between him and the door, she wrapped it around his waist while her other held onto his wrist over her shoulder. "Alright, we'll get up slow, okay?" True to her word, she took her time, never pulling him up, just being support for him as he needed her. Carrying Charlie after being called by local bartenders who she come to know more than she cared for, was great practice for this.

Another shiver electrified her spine at just how close they were, it wasn't a bad thing, but something she rather not think about right now. Letting go of his wrist for a brief moment, she opened the door and cautiously led him in. "You're crazy if you think you're sleeping on the floor. What kind of a monster do you take me for?" Once they made it over to the bed she let him take his own time sitting on the edge of it, laughing. "And don't make promises you can't keep. You be as quiet as a mouse? That's the day I-" give back everything I ever stole, it was an old joke she used to say to Charlie on days he was being outlandish, it wouldn't land the same way in this situation. So, she modified it. "Set sail and never set foot on land again. Anyway," she sat next to him for a moment. "Is there anything you need before you lay down? Something to drink?" As soon as he got comfortable, she'd settle on the couch and sleep for an hour or two before getting up again.

"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

"I feel okay," he nodded with a smile. "I'm stronger than I look. Just don't tip me over." He let out a light joke knowing that this would wear off and he'd feel his body scream out in pain. At least for now he could forget he had gotten the shit beaten out of him. He turned his entire focus on Elizabeth and threw her a small smile. He wondered what went on in that head of hers. Sometimes he felt like he could read her mind and then thought that would be his coolest superpower. It would be fun to get a look in her head. Maybe then he'd figure her out fully.

"Really?" Wally asked surprised that she had remembered that. "I thought you'd forgotten."he hummed as a small chuckle escaped him. "Are you lying to me?" It wasn't an accusation but a curious question. "We had fun. I thought I had scared you away." A long sigh escaped him. "You kept running in my mind afterwards. I don't know why really. I saw something that would remind me of you and then think back to our week of fun. It was fun." He didn't work and that was probably the most time he'd spent not thinking about work. "I always notice you," he reaffirmed. "I ended up missing seeing your face. I like spending time with you. If it wasn't that obvious already. Work was work. Spent that week at home. Dolly got a new toy by the way." He wasn't sure why he had told her that but he thought she'd still like to know. He laughed and shook his head while his hand wiped at his eye. "I couldn't get tired of you. Call me crazy but I could spend a lifetime with you and I'd not get tired." He made a small ah sound as it made sense and squinted up at her. "Sure that makes sense. The small hours."

"It's my most irritating trait but it's what has kept me alive all my life." Not his agent lifetime but his entire life. There was no difference there. "We clash but somehow it works. I don't understand one thing about you though. Try as I might I still don't get it. Why don't you trust when I say I have your back? Have you really been burned deep by others that promised the same?" He shook his head adamant that her claim was false. "That is untrue. You haven't failed. I'm still alive aren't I? I mean, you are still talking to me. I'm talking back. That counts for something right?"

"I Feel Okay," He Nodded With A Smile. "I'm Stronger Than I Look. Just Don't Tip Me Over." He Let Out

The muffins talk made him smile. Glad that she was going along with his questions and not being put off by his need for sounds. The silence wasn't something he could take. "This one I like. In general no. Actually not true. I had never had a muffin before. They don't have any in the island. Online? You can learn so many off the internet. This is really good. I can see why it was a hit. If not muffins then is there something you really love?" He wanted to say says you but he really didn't see a point. He would crash at any point. "Okay, let's go."

Being so close he nuzzled the air between them. He was affectionate by nature but something about being this close to her. The one he knew meds or not that he had a crush on, was a little too much to bear. The kiss they shared, she didn't know that was him. Not his a character he was playing. Almost in a sorrowful sigh he closed his eyes and leaned on her. "If you don't mind me crashing on your room floor. Promise I'll be quiet as a mouse maybe if I crash in your room. Stairs seem like too much right now. Once was enough. Coming down was easy."

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5 months ago
Her Wrists Garnered With Bracelets Were Something She Liked To Show Off. It Wasn't Expensive Jewels Or

Her wrists garnered with bracelets were something she liked to show off. It wasn't expensive jewels or gold bracelets that she treasured and beamed with pride to show off. It was these, little colorful threads that children had given her because they cared for her. They meant something. Of course, the meaning of the one she had the longest was something she had not known until now. It was when Annie told her what the red one meant that her smile faltered a little. Not because it upset her or concerned her, but because he had known all along. He had always known her better than she knew herself, how many times had he said that he saw her, but she refused to believe it. Even back then, he knew somehow they'd end up here. Taking a moment to process it all, it further cemented her decision. Her smile came back and she nodded. "Me too. We'll make so many that I'll have to start an art galley! Maybe even start your own business."

Her Wrists Garnered With Bracelets Were Something She Liked To Show Off. It Wasn't Expensive Jewels Or

Lifting her finger up with a serious look on her face, she held it out for Annie to take while using her other hand to sign a cross over her chest. "Pinky swear and cross my heart."

Her heart began to pound against her ribcage and she felt a surge of adrenaline run through her from the happiness that filled her. The nerves as well, though she didn't know why. As they passed by Wally, she took a second to give his cheek a quick kiss before heading off with Annie to pack. Her hazel eyes relayed how elated she was they were taking this trip and how much she loved him back. "Yes," she answered the girl as they walked towards the bedroom. "It is cold and the hoodie sounds like a wonderful idea. See, what would I have done if you weren't around to help me pack?"

Leaving the bedroom door slightly ajar, so she could hear if Wally was coming down the hall, she went into the closet and grabbed the hoodie. The one in her favorite color, her favorite one the one that once had been his and placed it on the bed, before whispering to Annie. "Want to know a surprise I have for your uncle?" Grabbing the box where she kept some old things in it, she reached into it and grabbed another box, but a smaller one, flat and not thick at all, at a glance it looked like it could hold a thin notebook. Kneeling on the floor by the side of the bed that Annie was on, she laid it between the two. "Have you ever heard of a handfasting?"

Taking the lid off the top of the box, the girl could see what she had been working on for months with no one none the wiser. It had begun as a way to practice new bracelet patterns on a bigger yarn before trying it on smaller threads, but then it began to take a life of its own. Slowly but surely she realized what she was making. A handfasting rope. "Like you said the red one is when you picture someone being in your life forever, this is like a big bracelet version of that. It's my way of telling your tio, that I also want to be in his life for as long as he wants me around. What do you think?" She bit her bottom lip as she stood up and though this over. Heading back to the closet to grab some more clothes, she asked over her shoulder. "You think he'll like it?"

Her Wrists Garnered With Bracelets Were Something She Liked To Show Off. It Wasn't Expensive Jewels Or

"I'm looking forward to that. Someone who comes in and crash lands into my solar system." The saying was funny to her but that was something she understood. Her thought process was trailed off as she looked at her wrist and grinned like she had just been given the secret recipe for the sour apples at the pumpkin patch. "Oh my gosh! That one," she was quick to point out seeing the red one. "He gave you that one. He liked you. We don't share the reds unless we see them in our lives forever. It was the first thing I learned when I saw them." She trailed her fingers over each one and smiled. "This is beautiful but yes we need to add more." She clapped her hands giddily. "I'm so excited!"

"Pinky promise?" Annie lifted her finger for her to take. "I worry because I want all my people safe." Still the thought of having Liz as an actual family member gave her hope. Yet another member of her family would lock in their happiness. "You sound just like tio wally." She murmured as a laugh escaped her. But the prospect of accompanying her and seeing a case was enticing enough to hold her over until that day came.

"I'm Looking Forward To That. Someone Who Comes In And Crash Lands Into My Solar System." The Saying

His eyes shined an I love you and his smile showed amusement at how quick she agreed. Annie jumped up from her seat and quickly to grab her hand. "Yes please! No time to waste! Is it cold?" A million questions were fired off as that left Wally chuckling to himself cleaning up the living room and finding the travel items for Dolly. He had gotten the confirmation for their flight and that had him put away his phone. "Come, lady. Let's go get your suitcase." The dog wagged her tail and followed him over to the hall closet being followed by Antares trying to see what was happening.

The little girl climbed on the bed already knowing her way around and sighed blowing hair out of her eyes. "What's first? Exciting. This time is for fun." She crawled over to the other side and giggled having fun rolling to one side. "If it's cold you should take the hoodie! Maybe a dress if he takes you to dinner." Shaking her head she didn't know what was to happen but was excited nonetheless and waited for Liz to say something.

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5 months ago
"Exactly! Even If You Miss, You Land Among The Stars! My Dad Said That Once." Beaming At The Girl, She

"Exactly! Even if you miss, you land among the stars! My dad said that once." Beaming at the girl, she couldn't help but think that the truth for Annie. She was so capable and intelligent she would succeed at anything she wanted to do. "And my ears?!" She laughed at Annie’s thoughts of being adorned by bracelets everywhere. A silly sight but a sight that made her heart burst with joy. It meant that someone cared about her. It reminded her of an old song she knew once. "No one prettier than you though." A finger tapped the end of the girls nose.

She bit her bottom lip as Annie looked it over, happy that she liked it. "Sort of, this is where that tradition comes from. It's a very old sign of commitment to someone. A promise." It was the best she could surmise it to, because while it had come to play a big part in marriages, it didn't technically mean any of that. It was more symbolic than anything. "Yes and no. The colors I chose because one is my favorite and the other reminds me of your uncle eyes. But they also mean, love, courage, luck, health, longevity, strength. Most of all, its my way of saying that to me, your tio is my one."

"Exactly! Even If You Miss, You Land Among The Stars! My Dad Said That Once." Beaming At The Girl, She

She wrapped her arms around the girl and lifted her up for a proper hug. "Thank you sobrinita." After a moment, she placed her back on the bed. "Now lets pack this up before he see's it." A devious smile on her face as they packed it up together and she wrapped the hoodie around it so it looked like it was just folded up for packing.

As they finished some more packing, Wally and Dolly made their presence known. "Yeah, babe." She called out, zipping up her bag. "You hear that, we're babysitting when we get back. So think up what you would like to do when we get back. Do you wanna take the rest of the cookies back home with you to share with your moms?"

"I'm sure I'm ready to go." Mentally she began to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything, and then declared. "I just got to grab my toothbrush and hairbrush and I'll be set." Jittery nerves began to fill her, excited for what was to come. "Are you ready?"

"Exactly! Even If You Miss, You Land Among The Stars! My Dad Said That Once." Beaming At The Girl, She

Her eyes lit up thinking of their small little set up at an art gallery. "That's a big dream. I like it. Shoot for the stars and further! We can make a whole business out of it. Lucky you have two arms and two feet and two ears because we can fill you up like a canvas. Only you're prettier."

"Always. I love surprises especially if I know them before someone else." She gasped as she put her hands over her mouth to keep her from squealing. "The rope is very pretty. I like the colors. Does each color mean something? So is this like a tied rope like the ones that bind two people in marriage at churches?" She had no idea what that was like but she'd seen pictures of pretty veils and trains on dresses and white string that were around two people at an altar. "Is that what handfasting is?" Curiosity circled in her light eyes that she couldn't help but wonder if these were the same thing.

Annie's eyes hadn'tbugged out as wide as they were and pulled all her focus on the intricate rope on the bed. She got quiet for a long moment paying close attention to the intricacy of it. A small smile spread across tiny features as she nodded softly. The tiny tot became a little overwhelmed with emotion as she cleared her throat and gently trace fingers over it not wanting to ruin it. "It's so pretty." She finally spoke, happy tears pricking her eyes. Her facial expression asked if she was joking. "I think he'll love it. He won't expect it that's for sure," she giggled finding that sometimes he could become clueless. Didnt happen often but when it did it was because he didn't expect it. "You'll surprise him like really, really surprise him. I get two of my favorite people forever. I love that for me." She got down from the bed and made sure the pretty thing was still in tact and went to hug Liz's waist, pressing her head against her back. As if she needed any more confirmation. This hug Annie hoped would let her know she belonged. Like she had always belonged. "You want to be with him for a long time. I am so happy. Two deserve happiness."

Her Eyes Lit Up Thinking Of Their Small Little Set Up At An Art Gallery. "That's A Big Dream. I Like

As Wally finished packing two suitcases he went into the kitchen and grabbed a baggy for snacks. One thing he didn't travel without was snacks. Airport food was fine but with his deathly food allergies he was always one to be extra careful and vigilant. That done he went down the hall to turn off the lights and texted his sisters to warn them he'd bring Annie back tonight before their flight. They'd take over babysitting duties when they came back. Another thing checked off he put some towels away and turned off the light inside the outside closet and padded down to their bedroom. "Hey babe, has Annie finished helping you? I told her moms I'd bring her back before we left. I also kind of promised we'd take babysitting duties for her and her baby brother when we came back." Wally sped talked as he made a pit stop in their bathroom to get toothbrushes and the mouthwash. Then finally reached their bedroom door before Dolly stopped him mid way in the door wanting to be let in first. He chuckled and softly rubbed her ears. Dolly for her part barked to let Liz know she was coming.

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5 months ago

The pitter-patter of rain against the windows had awakened her in the dark hours of the early morning. Having always been a light sleeper, that had only seemed to have developed into a more sensitive ear in motherhood, she had laid in bed not ready to get up and start the day that early in the morning. When her husband began to stir, she knew that once he was up, the day would officially begin but she wanted to take a moment with him before that happened.

As he humored her, she nuzzled against him, eyes closed, humming happily. The warmth of his body chased the small cold that had begun to sink into her as she wrapped her arms around his waist, molding her body against his. At his question, she chuckles against his body. "I can think of something." In a swift movement, she pulls him and flips them so that she's under him. "But you'd have to be quiet."

Her lips waste no time in peppering his neck with kisses and her hands reach up to tangle up in his hair. "Of course, I'm not." She chuckles, as she presses her mouth against his. "I love the chaos they bring, but how often do we get moments like these to ourselves? Unless," she says with a small sigh, hands falling to either side of her. "You meant that you wanted us to just get up and make some muffins, then we can totally do that instead." With that, she begins to wiggle out from underneath him to sit up and get ready for the day.

The Pitter-patter Of Rain Against The Windows Had Awakened Her In The Dark Hours Of The Early Morning.

( @clubsmarties cont. from here )

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