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Reblog If Your Muse Has Ever Suffered A Life-threatening Injury.

reblog if your muse has ever suffered a life-threatening injury. 

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More Posts from 4fter-hours

7 months ago

Mun VS Muse — send a symbol!

😊 = What makes the mun and muse happiest? 😭 = What makes the mun and muse the saddest? 😡 = What makes the mun and muse the angriest? 👻 = What is the scariest thing to ever happen to the mun and muse? 💙 = What is one thing that can calm down the mun and muse? Is it a person, thing, or place? 💚 = What is one thing that makes the mun and muse jealous? 💛 = How would the mun and muse describe their best friends? 💜 = How would the mun and muse describe their relationship with their parents and/or siblings? ❤️ = How does the mun and muse approach romantic relationships? Is either currently in a relationship or do they have a crush? 💩 = What do the mun and muse usually do when they feel bad? 🛍 = What sort of things do the mun and muse usually shop for? What is the last thing either of them bought? 🗺 = Where would the mun and muse like to travel to most? Have they ever traveled away from their home city/state/country? 🚿 = Do the mun and muse have any bathing routines? Any habits like singing in the shower? 🎈 = How do the mun and muse react to surprises? When is the last time either was surprised and what surprised them? 🎁 = What sorts of gifts do the mun and muse like? What were the last gifts they gave and received? 📚 = What sorts of books do the mun and muse like to read? Do you they have a favorite author or book? 📕 = What was the last book the mun and muse read? What genre was it? How would they rate it? Are they currently reading anything? 🎮 = What genre of video games do the mun and muse like best? What are their favorite systems and video games? 📻 = What music genre do the mun and muse listen to the most? Any favorite bands? 🎸 = Can either the mun or muse play an instrument? Which one(s)? 🍳 = What are the mun’s and muse’s favorite foods? 🍎 = What do the mun and muse like to eat for a snack? ☕ = What drinks do the mun and muse like best? Do they prefer cold or hot drinks? 🥂 = How is either the mun’s or muse’s alcohol tolerance? What are their favorite alcoholic drinks? 💫 = How does either mun or muse handle being sick? Do they need someone to take care of them, or are they capable of taking care of themselves just fine? 🐯 = What animals would best be associated with the mun and muse? 🌙 = Are the mun and muse more morning, day, or night people? When are they the most relaxed? When do they get the most work done? 🎨 = Do either the mun or muse have artistic talents? What are they? 🎬 = What genre of movies do the mun and muse like best? What are their favorite movies? Do they prefer watching alone or with others? Do they prefer watching at home or in the theater? 💮 = What are the mun’s and muse’s opinions of each other? 🍀 = Who is an important person in both the mun’s and muse’s life?

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7 months ago

“Grief is like a deep, dark hole. It calls like a siren: Come to me, lose yourself here. And you fight it and you fight it and you fight it, but when you finally do succumb and jump down into it, you can’t quite believe how deep it is. It feels as if this is how you will live for the rest of your life, falling. Terrified and devastated, until you yourself die. But that is the mirage. That is grief’s dizzying spell. The fall isn’t never-ending. It does have a ground floor.”

Taylor Jenkins Reid, Carrie Soto Is Back

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7 months ago

Reblog this post to let mutuals know you're a-okay with them spamming you with ic asks / memes at any time!! Spontaneous interactions are great, fam

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7 months ago
"I'll Take A Rain Check," She Shook Her Head, Smile On Her Face. " You Should Definitely Take That Pit

"I'll take a rain check," she shook her head, smile on her face. " You should definitely take that pit stop yourself though. Well deserved rest." It had no longer made her uneasy when he wanted to spend more time around her but it did still make her slightly nervous. Their positions, what he didn't know about her always loomed there in her mind. Had she been someone else, she would have said yes but alas, she wasn't.

There was a moment there where she wanted to tell him that she would take anything that he wanted that she was just being a brat. That she hated where they were now with everything that went down. Him injured and her floating out in the middle of the sea, shark infested, with no sign of land in either way. But to make him happy, she would do and take whatever ow whoever he wanted if it meant keeping him safe. Her mouth shut the moment he began to talk, feeling a story of sorts coming.

"Hmm," was all she could muster to say as he told her all about Memo. She knew plenty of men that turned in her day, it wasn't a new story, but at least she knew that the man was loyal to Wally, if need be, she could use that to her advantage to keep him safe, not the other way around. He was right about one thing, he was an odd one, a conscious and a heart had no place in this world. In her world. It felt strange how quickly she let herself revert to that. She had only been clean for four years now, some part of her how thought maybe she had as her stepmother told her once, born for it. It was like riding a bicycle. Maybe Charlie was wrong, maybe they both won't meant for something else, maybe he was. But not her. Never her.

"I'll Take A Rain Check," She Shook Her Head, Smile On Her Face. " You Should Definitely Take That Pit

Rolling her eyes at the puppy dog bit, she couldn't help but add. "Save your strength. It wouldn't work in the state that you're in right now anyway. I was going to agree anyway, anything to keep you from getting all worked up. And honestly," she smirked. "I'd like to see them try." While the new career path that Charlie had chosen for them didn't leave much for her to use what he taught her, she was itching for a fight, some sort of release. "Well, can't be mad at a man that keeps his word, now can I."

Not being able help the giggle that came from her as she took a drink from her water, putting it off to the side before closing an eye and scrunching her mouth up to the side, pretending to think before she answered. "Hmm, maybe. You haven't broken my finger yet so you're somewhere in the middle. But show up like this again and you'll probably be on my shit list. I'd have to have Charlie train you instead."

His mother, whenever brought up in conversation, drove a wedge into her. The same one she had since the day she was realized what a mom was and how every one but her had one. There were plenty that she came across that made her wish she had one, and others that made her happy she didn't have one but Miss Bordeaux, was the one that made her long for a mother. Wally never spoke ill of her, or bitched and complained as many of the people she had to deal with in life when she pretended to be there for them. Dates, wedding nights, hours spent with so many who never spoke about their mothers the way he did. Someone who had made a hard choice to send them away for their betterment but whose presence was never gone from their lives. She'd never understand it.

The question threw her off, she moved back slightly. Uncomfortable now. She had let her guard down too much. "Don't do that." It came out harsher than it should've, she felt emotions she had held down coming up. He had found a sore spot. "Don't use that psych babble 101 bullshit they make you all do on me. Why I do things or say things isn't your concern, okay. I just thought it wasn't something that was important right now, its not like we don't talk about your family enough." It was mean but she realized that there was a line in the sand that was being washed away in the current of their comradery and she needed to stop. It wasn't like they were going to be in each others life's for long, she reminded herself. She needed to stop letting whatever this friendship they had built from getting out of control.

Taking her hands back from him, a simple nod was all she offered at his list of ailments as she stood up. Not wanting to be there right now, now that her childhood was swirling through her head, she spoke as she made her way out." Well, I'm just going to go make that ice pack Charlie taught me to do." Finger nails digging into the palms of her hands, almost as if trying to reopen old scars, reminding her of who she really was, what she had endured and that this was just another job that she needed to finish. "Its, uh, an alcohol and water mix, it'll stay cold for like ever and helps wonders with swelling. I'll see if there's anything else to eat too. I'll come back or send Memo with it once its cold and ready."

"I'll Take A Rain Check," She Shook Her Head, Smile On Her Face. " You Should Definitely Take That Pit

Her laughter rung in his ear and brought him to give her a head tilt. "Got the jet to go anywhere. Maybe we will make a pit stop at Baton Rouge so you can really have the entire experience. Yeah, online i can get a lot but nothing really beats walking in and having the wafting smells attack your senses." Sometimes he missed hometown a little extra than others. After all he had promised his mother she was going to have a weekend with him to sight see.

"Take Memo with you, please. It'd make me feel better. He's not just a security guard." A long sigh escaped him as he might as well tell her. "He has a record. By now he's paid his dues and has gotten it expunged. He was going to have thirty five to life. If I can't be there with you. Please, take him. If need be I know he will keep you safe. He doesn't have loyalty for an agency, he's not former anything. Just a guy who had been branded a criminal by the very people who'd throw one of their own into the fire just to get ahead. His loyalty lies with me though I've told him countless times he doesn't owe me anything. I didn't care about his record but that is what makes me the odd duck. The agent with a conscious and heart." This also made him think of his best friend, Arturo. Another one who'd he helped without a moment hesitation. "At this point I'll pull out the puppy dog eyes to get you to say yes. I know you can take care of yourself, I don't doubt that but I know I won't sit still if I know you don't have backup in case shit goes wrong. Which by now with a price on my head, it wouldn't take long for them to come after you as my wife."

He smiled and nodded in agreement. "He did promise you adventure. I think he pretty much stuck to his word. Apparently he wasn't easy to settle down." That wasn't something he could blame her for and he wasn't going to try. "You're right. They're all assholes. Got that power trip going for them. Most have been bullies in their lifetime." Most also asked after they punched through for information. Again, that begged the question what the fuck was Wally even doing. To make change sometimes you had to roll in the mud. "I'm going out on a limb here and say the impression for me has changed. Maybe for the better? Or worse with how I look like right now."

Eye contact coming from her was new but he didn't break. She was thinking he assumed just by the way her eyes shimmered. Something he hadn't noticed until recently when it usually happened before she asked a question. The surprise chuckle escaped him as he took a second to think of the answer. Chuckling a little more now he simply said. "My mom would literally kill me if I ever did. Besides the second and third last name are incredibly ugly." Nothing truly went as well as Bordeaux did. "My mom would also see it as a slap in the face if I ever changed my last name. This last name is hers. We're contuning her line." Another little tidbit he had shared. Most people assumed his last name came from his father but that was so far from the case. Like his mother once said, this was her family. Her line. The one she fought for tooth and nail. She'd be dammed if she let some no name fool get the credit when she was the one who pushed them out without medication. That woman when she gets mad gets mad. The thought made him chuckle.

Her Laughter Rung In His Ear And Brought Him To Give Her A Head Tilt. "Got The Jet To Go Anywhere. Maybe

"Why do you do that?" The question was simple in his mind. "You're sorry for what? It almost feels like you never got a chance to be genuinely curious or got silenced as a child which then made it harder for you to understand genuine interest in what you need to say. You'll never have to apologize to me especially when you ask questions. I'm not gonna get mad at you."

The gentle sweep of his hair made his breath hitch momentarily. The tender moment shared made the electricity in the room charge up. He knew it must be from his since there was no way she'd be feeling the same way. He made himself look up to her, momentarily taking in her hazel eyes. Never had a color become so bright as it did in hers. "Eye still stings. I can still see from it just know it looks ugly. I should get an eye patch. Live out my pirate dreams." he chuckled and shook his head. "But no, no ice. Maybe later. Thank you." He looked down and moved to his side. "Ribs are still killing me, though I don't think that can be patched up. The cut to my leg isn't drenched so think I still have a solid few hours before it needs to be rebandged. Knuckles will still bruise which is fine. Annie won't see for another few weeks so it can heal properly. The gash to my side which I saw in the bath made me sigh. They got that side pretty good but unfairly. They used a knife which again coward move. How's the eyebrow cut looking?"

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