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5 months ago
"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

"I know you are," she stopped herself there. Ready to give a lecture about how how a moment ago he couldn't even walk on his own and decided to just let it be. There was no point to the argument right now. They had already crossed that bridge, both too stubborn to admit if they were hurt. They were a lot alike in that manner, not letting whatever came their way deter them from their goal, no matter how hurt they were. Returning his small smile, with a small one, herself, she decided to let it go.

"It hurts my feelings to think you would assume I forgot about that week." It was a tease but there was a sliver of truth to it. A minute part of her that felt slightly bruised but there was the louder voice that said that of course people would assume that. If it wasn't for what she stole or the injuries she left in her wake, no one would remember her, why would she them? Even then, it wouldn't be her, it would be whoever she had been to them. "No," hint of a laugh in her tone. "We did. I did. It was the most fun I've had since I moved."

The answer that came to mind was automatic. Its not me that you miss, it's who you think I am, but that wasn't quite right. It wasn't the truth. Her hazel eyes took him in, really took him in. Not the injuries, not the physical that could be seen, but everything about him that she had come to know. There was a realization that dawned on her, in the time that they had spent together she had never lied about who she was. Omitted, yes. Her past was something she never liked to share or dwell on, pretending a lot of it didn't happen, it was how she was able to get out of bed every morning. But she never lied to him. He knew her and still wanted to spend time around her anyway. It was all too much so she looked away, let her head fall back on the door behind them and willed whatever the feeling that blooming in her chest away. Convincing herself it was just because she was tired. "Yeah, the small hours." She repeated back, voice low and soft unsure of herself as her right hand traced the scars on the palm of her left. There was a moment there where the silence did take up space between in an uncharacteristic way before she cleared her throat and spoke up again. "Does it squeak? The new toy?" For now she'd chalk this all up to the medications, she knew all too well the side effects most drugs had and what they could make you do or say.

"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

As most questions Wally came up with, this one was just as complicated. Taking a moment to think of the right way to answer this, she sighed before just saying a great amount of things without saying much. "I learned at a very young age, you can't trust anyone at all. That all I had was myself." The scar on her back sent a shiver down her spine in memory. "It was best to just watch my own back than risk someone sticking a knife in it." With a gesture he would probably find all too common by now, she shrugged. "Surviving is what I do best in any given situation." Lips pursed into a straight thin line, she considered what he said. "Just because you're not dead doesn't mean I haven't failed but yeah, I guess it counts for something. I mean," she crossed her legs and leaned forward trying to bring some levity to this all, too many things beginning to swirl in her head, a small smirk thrown his way. "Maybe now I can have you sign over rights to Dolly so she can be mine."

Shaking her head, she laughed. "No, there's nothing I love, never really stayed in one place long enough for something to become a favorite. But I will say that Coney Island Nathans hot dogs are something I find myself missing. Mostly because Orion and I would race to see who would finish theirs first." Snaking her arm between him and the door, she wrapped it around his waist while her other held onto his wrist over her shoulder. "Alright, we'll get up slow, okay?" True to her word, she took her time, never pulling him up, just being support for him as he needed her. Carrying Charlie after being called by local bartenders who she come to know more than she cared for, was great practice for this.

Another shiver electrified her spine at just how close they were, it wasn't a bad thing, but something she rather not think about right now. Letting go of his wrist for a brief moment, she opened the door and cautiously led him in. "You're crazy if you think you're sleeping on the floor. What kind of a monster do you take me for?" Once they made it over to the bed she let him take his own time sitting on the edge of it, laughing. "And don't make promises you can't keep. You be as quiet as a mouse? That's the day I-" give back everything I ever stole, it was an old joke she used to say to Charlie on days he was being outlandish, it wouldn't land the same way in this situation. So, she modified it. "Set sail and never set foot on land again. Anyway," she sat next to him for a moment. "Is there anything you need before you lay down? Something to drink?" As soon as he got comfortable, she'd settle on the couch and sleep for an hour or two before getting up again.

"I Know You Are," She Stopped Herself There. Ready To Give A Lecture About How How A Moment Ago He Couldn't

"I feel okay," he nodded with a smile. "I'm stronger than I look. Just don't tip me over." He let out a light joke knowing that this would wear off and he'd feel his body scream out in pain. At least for now he could forget he had gotten the shit beaten out of him. He turned his entire focus on Elizabeth and threw her a small smile. He wondered what went on in that head of hers. Sometimes he felt like he could read her mind and then thought that would be his coolest superpower. It would be fun to get a look in her head. Maybe then he'd figure her out fully.

"Really?" Wally asked surprised that she had remembered that. "I thought you'd forgotten."he hummed as a small chuckle escaped him. "Are you lying to me?" It wasn't an accusation but a curious question. "We had fun. I thought I had scared you away." A long sigh escaped him. "You kept running in my mind afterwards. I don't know why really. I saw something that would remind me of you and then think back to our week of fun. It was fun." He didn't work and that was probably the most time he'd spent not thinking about work. "I always notice you," he reaffirmed. "I ended up missing seeing your face. I like spending time with you. If it wasn't that obvious already. Work was work. Spent that week at home. Dolly got a new toy by the way." He wasn't sure why he had told her that but he thought she'd still like to know. He laughed and shook his head while his hand wiped at his eye. "I couldn't get tired of you. Call me crazy but I could spend a lifetime with you and I'd not get tired." He made a small ah sound as it made sense and squinted up at her. "Sure that makes sense. The small hours."

"It's my most irritating trait but it's what has kept me alive all my life." Not his agent lifetime but his entire life. There was no difference there. "We clash but somehow it works. I don't understand one thing about you though. Try as I might I still don't get it. Why don't you trust when I say I have your back? Have you really been burned deep by others that promised the same?" He shook his head adamant that her claim was false. "That is untrue. You haven't failed. I'm still alive aren't I? I mean, you are still talking to me. I'm talking back. That counts for something right?"

"I Feel Okay," He Nodded With A Smile. "I'm Stronger Than I Look. Just Don't Tip Me Over." He Let Out

The muffins talk made him smile. Glad that she was going along with his questions and not being put off by his need for sounds. The silence wasn't something he could take. "This one I like. In general no. Actually not true. I had never had a muffin before. They don't have any in the island. Online? You can learn so many off the internet. This is really good. I can see why it was a hit. If not muffins then is there something you really love?" He wanted to say says you but he really didn't see a point. He would crash at any point. "Okay, let's go."

Being so close he nuzzled the air between them. He was affectionate by nature but something about being this close to her. The one he knew meds or not that he had a crush on, was a little too much to bear. The kiss they shared, she didn't know that was him. Not his a character he was playing. Almost in a sorrowful sigh he closed his eyes and leaned on her. "If you don't mind me crashing on your room floor. Promise I'll be quiet as a mouse maybe if I crash in your room. Stairs seem like too much right now. Once was enough. Coming down was easy."

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5 months ago
"Oh, I See!" Charlie Laughed As He Realized The Man Had Backup. It Was Adorable To Watch And It Endeared

"Oh, I see!" Charlie laughed as he realized the man had backup. It was adorable to watch and it endeared him more to this family. "It doesn't seem like you need any help, you have plenty of helpers. But I also have back up."

"Oh, I See!" Charlie Laughed As He Realized The Man Had Backup. It Was Adorable To Watch And It Endeared

Orion seemingly came out of nowhere with a water balloon in either hand. One he held up to his father to take while he cocked back his arm, the way his aunt taught him to when throwing a baseball, and made a decent throw towards Wally. The balloon landed on the mans thigh as the boy laughed and hid behind his father. Charlie did the same, his aim low to land on the other leg so how he stood there with both legs wet.

Charlie looked down at Orion and side whispered, which wasn't much of one at all. "How many kids are there?" "Lots!" Orion smiled back up at his father. As much as he enjoyed this, he hadn't been prepared to be bombarded with water. Not a fan of becoming target practice for littles with water balloons, he decided to bow out gracefully.

Letting Wally's niece spray him one last time, he dropped to his knees, eye level with his son. "Son, avenge me!" Orion for his point laughed and took the water pistol from his father, then began to run towards Wally with a huge toothy grin and laugher ringing from him.

"Oh, I See!" Charlie Laughed As He Realized The Man Had Backup. It Was Adorable To Watch And It Endeared

"Oops." Came the tiny voice she had just hit an adult and she wasn't sure what the reaction would be but she stood there, toothy grin on full display. Being cute worked sometimes. When she heard her uncle laughing she giggled and ran to him.

Wally laughed as he gave his little helper a high five. The little girl giggling like she'd just won the grand prize at a county fair throwing the water balloon right at Charlie and hitting him without really aiming to. He scooped her up and played defense after he got sprayed once again. "Good thing you're here then. We can get to that later." She didn't like to be held like this so she climbed over his shoulders and perched herself on top of his shoulder blades, gesturing for his water gun. She aimed at Charlie and let go with her index finger. "First, I'm gonna let my tiny best friend take you out. Just be glad she hasn't given the signal," otherwise the troop of kids would come out ready for an ambush.

"Oops." Came The Tiny Voice She Had Just Hit An Adult And She Wasn't Sure What The Reaction Would Be

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5 months ago
 , 1990 [#650GIFS]DARK WINDS S1 /kiowa Gordon Ishualapai & White, Please Cast Accordingly And Use Appropriately.
 , 1990 [#650GIFS]DARK WINDS S1 /kiowa Gordon Ishualapai & White, Please Cast Accordingly And Use Appropriately.
 , 1990 [#650GIFS]DARK WINDS S1 /kiowa Gordon Ishualapai & White, Please Cast Accordingly And Use Appropriately.

   —   ⁺  𝐊𝐈𝐎𝐖𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐎𝐍 ,  1990  [ #650 GIFS ]  DARK WINDS S1  /  kiowa gordon is hualapai & white, please cast accordingly and use appropriately. all of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. to access the gifs please click the source link. do not edit, claim as your own or add into your own hunts! time and effort were spent into making these gifs, a like or a reblog would be much appreciated!

[ ! ] commission work: to view commission info, click here

[ ! ] content warning: eating, alcohol, firearms

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5 months ago

🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?🍝 — favorite food(s)?✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?🎮 — favorite video game(s)?

munday asks!

🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?

my birthday! lol just kidding. this one is really hard because when we immigrated I grew up in a very melting pot of a community that all cultures and holidays were celebrated, so we still keep some of them up. But my favorites growing up were Mexico's Independence Day, which is coming up and is also know as Grito de Dolores, those celebrations were always so much fun. And Las Posadas! Music, piñata, food until  El Niño Dios came around and left us presents why not! lol

🍝 — favorite food(s)?

omg all the things i grew up with. enchiladas, pozole, tamales, I do love ramen and pho a whole lot now too. I love soups and potatoes in all forms.

✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?

I don't know if others find it interesting but the Georgia Aquarium ( i love whale sharks ) and the Guachimontones in Mexico.

🎮 — favorite video game(s)?

oh no! you got me started! I grew up playing with my brother so there are so many I hold near and dear and now I play with my husby and kiddo and there are so many we love. I will narrow it down to the Assassins Creed games, the Fall Out Franchise (New Vegas for life! thought i love the building in 4 ), The Elder Scrolls Franchise ( Oblivion hands down, I know people want me to say Skyrim but I love Oblivion so much ) and of course the Bioshock Duology

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