4l0r4s - Luxcille

genderfluid I think I don’t really ‘love’ fictional characters in a romantic way, I just slap my oc name onto there for cute stuff

221 posts

Hi! Could I Please Request (if You Open;;) Female Reader With Xiao, Venti (you Can Add Someone Else If

Hi! Could i please request (if you open;;) female reader with Xiao, Venti (you can add someone else if you like!) , when reader is Lumine/Aether's (you can choose!!) Adventure partner but not as popular like Lumine/Aether! It's like all people attention goes to Lumine/Aether and not you. Even though you also doing your best helping people but they're only thanking Lumine/Aether :(

I'm sorry if this confusing you ;; i'm kinda bad at english;;

Dear anon,

IVE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR SO, SO, SOOOO LONG! So watch me also make more parts of this with other characters hehehehehe. Also it wasn’t confusing at all! Your English is great ^^

Hope you’ll like it!

A/n: I’ve never wrote Venti before, so I hope it’s okay! It’s not the type of character I usually write ^^’ and as always tell me if I made any big mistake aaaaaa

[Kazuha and Albedo version is here!]


“What were you thinking??“

Xiao was standing in front of you, anger shining in his eyes. You took a step back, intimidated by his sudden outburst. You had just came back from a mission with Aether, where you hurt your leg. It wasn’t anything too bad; you’d just need to rest for a week at most. Yet, Xiao made it look like you had almost died. You furrowed your brows, confused by his action.

“I was just doing my duty! I was just helping!”

The adeptus sighed and rolled his eyes at your answer. This just made you even more confused. If you weren’t supposed to help, what were you supposed to do?

“You should have let Aether do it, (Y/N).”

“So… I’m not supposed to help him? I should have let him do all the work?” You took a few steps in his direction. You blood was starting to boil with anger. “Am I just supposed to stand to the side and let him work?”

Xiao didn’t move as you moved towards him. Then he answered, looking you straight in the eyes:

“Exactly. Aether is stronger than you. You’re going to be a burden to him if you keep acting like that.”

The blood that was boiling in your veins was now frozen. You felt as if Xiao had stab you in the heart with a cold blade, then freezing your blood inside your own body. You stayed there, looking at him with a pain expression. Xiao slowly realised what he said, and panic flashed quickly in his eyes. He tried taking your hand, but you dodged his.

“(Y/n)… I-“

“Is that how you see me Xiao? Is this how everyone see me?” you asked, looking at him. Tears were pooling in your eyes, threating to fall at any moment. “Am I a burden because I try to help?”

“(Y/n), that is not what I meant!”

“But you said it! You said that I was weak and that I was a burden!” Tears were now rolling on your cheeks. “I am not weak, and I am not a burden! Why can’t anyone see it?”

By now, tears were cascading on your cheeks and sobs were getting caught in your throat. Your head was dizzy from all the thoughts spinning inside. Lately, you’ve been training like crazy, just so you wouldn’t be a burden. Did you fail at that too? You were in so much pain from all the physical training you were putting yourself through. And you were in so much pain from being ignored all the time by everyone.

“Didn’t you see how hard I’m trying Xiao? I’m training daily, so that I won’t be a burden. I’m in pain from all this training! I’m in pain from everyone ignoring how hard I’m trying! Because no matter what I do, people only see Aether! They never see me! Even if I’m helping him all the time!”

Xiao stayed silent, looking at you. Of course, he had noticed how hard you were trying and how hard you were working out. But he never thought of telling you how proud of you he was. And now, the guilt was eating him up. He took a step forward and put his hand on your shoulder. This time you let him do so and he felt relieved when you didn’t move away. Slowly, he pulled you into a hug. He hugged you close as your body was still shaking from the sobs.

“It hurts Xiao… It hurts so much. I’m so tired…” you whispered between sobs.

“I know (Y/N), I know… I’m sorry, I didn’t notice everything you were going through sooner…”

“It hurts Xiao, it really does… Why does no one notice how hard I’m trying? Maybe I should just give up…”

Xiao shook his head and you felt his hug becoming tighter.

“You don’t have to stop entirely. But you do deserve to take a break. You don’t have to push your body over and over like that. You’ll just hurt yourself even more if you continue! You’ll get sicker, and then… And then… Maybe you won’t be able to help anymore… You are so important to me and to Aether (Y/N). We don’t know what we would do without you. I do not know who I would be without you. So please, take a break. You deserve it… I’ll go grab some food from YanXiao and I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”

You nodded slowly, still not looking at him. You felt guilty for feeling this way, because you knew how hard Aether was trying as well. But you couldn’t help but feel your heart hurt when people were always thanking him and ignoring you. Xiao then spoke up, as if he had read your mind:

“You’re doing amazing (Y/N), you are amazing. But let me take care of you, okay? You deserve it.”


You had met Lumine a few months ago when she first arrived in Mondstadt. You weren’t a high ranked knight or anything, but you two often crossed paths during your respective commissions. This led to you helping each others quite often. And so, Lumine and you decided to team up to take care of some business together. You were not the strongest person out there, but since you started working with the traveler, you definitely felt that you were getting stronger.

But you were the only one noticing the changes. No one else ever did. And no one else acknowledge your presence in this teamwork. It was always all about Lumine.

Tonight, you and the blonde were staying in an Inn near the Dawn Winery. You had to track down some Cicin mage that was roaming the area. The mission was successful, but as the Sun was going down, you and Lumine decided to stay in the small inn. Lumine stayed downstairs with the employees and other guests of the small house. You quickly made your way to your assigned room to the second floor. There, you try to tend to your wounds. You could have asked the inn’s healer, but of course their attention was all focused on the girl. So you were once again left alone, to deal with the pain yourself. As you were trying to wrap some bandages around your wrist, you heard laughter bursting from the first floor. Until then, you were able to ignore them. But now, they just seemed to get louder and louder, and you couldn’t ignore them anymore. You were now forced to listen to their words.

“Ah Lumine! You did such an incredible job today!”

“We truly don’t know what we would do without you!”

“Always fighting all by yourself… You really are the strongest person out there!”

As more praises and laughs spilled from their mouths, tears started spilling from your eyes. You only realised that you were crying when the tears started to fall on your bandaged hand and when they left a wet spot on the fabric. Realising that you were crying, you couldn’t help but feel even more horrible. Were you jealous of Lumine? These thoughts were now spinning in your head, and guilt was starting to consume you. No, that’s not… That’s impossible, right? Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the window opening suddenly and felt the cold wind entering the bedroom.

“Eh, (Y/n)! I heard Lumine was here, so I figured you’d be here as well!”

You quickly wiped your tears with your hand before turning your gaze to Venti. He was sitting on the windowsill, his usual smile displayed on his lips. Of course, he knew you were here only because of ­Lumine. You shook your head slightly to chase those thoughts and offered him a small smile.

“Well, your intuition is always right, isn’t Venti?”

“Mh-hm! But my intuition also tells me that you’re not okay (Y/N).” He got up from the sill and closed the window before walking to the bed, where he sat. “Did you get hurt during the commission? Do you want me to go get a healer?”

“No… That won’t be necessary… They don’t have to lose their time with me.” You answered, shaking your head.

Venti lost his smile at those words. He furrowed his brows and looked at you with clear worry in his eyes.

“Why would they be losing their timewith you (Y/n)?”

You felt your lower lip trembled a little at his question. You were no longer able to look at him, so you cast your gaze on your hands, resting on your knees. The wet patch on the bandage made it clear that you cried earlier. You didn’t want to tell Venti how you felt. You felt so horrible for being jealous of Lumine, and you knew he’d see you as someone horrible if you told him. Yet, the answer slipped out, and you couldn’t stop it.

“Because I’m not Lumine.”

Your eyes widened when you realised what you said. You squeezed them shut quickly, ashamed of your words. Venti wasn’t saying anything, and it just made you more and more stressed. Was he despising you now? Was he mad at you? Was he going to leave you here? Was he going to-

“(Y/n)… Is that why you were crying?” he asked, gently cupping your cheeks with his hands.

Fresh tears started to fall from your eyes again. Venti carefully wipped them with his thumbs, still talking to you.

“Of course you’re not Lumine… But that’s why I love you! You’re the one I love, you’re the one I absolutely adore(Y/n)! Lumine is great, but not as great as you. I know how you feel, love. But you work so hard, I know how hard you work. You’re the strongest person I know (Y/n), and you deserved to be loved, okay?”

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More Posts from 4l0r4s

10 months ago

what is this

Basically The Eclipse For Those Who Missed It

basically the eclipse for those who missed it

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11 months ago

Hello! Could I request a Chuuya x reader story (no AU please) where she is someone important like a princess, and they hire the best executive to protect her when she goes to Yokohama? 🩷🩷

𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶 𝓍 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇

𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓂𝒶𝒻𝒾𝒶

𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎

Hello! Could I Request A Chuuya X Reader Story (no AU Please) Where She Is Someone Important Like A Princess,

The royal family would do anything to protect their daughter, anything. Including hiring one of the most feared men in all of Yokohama from one of the most dangerous organizations in the world.

The port mafia, with some of the most dangerous executives.

Chuuya Nakahara, that name just yelled power.

Your family was their on business, and most of the guards needed to protect the other members. Only the most trusted, highly trained, powerful people were to be working for the family.

The meeting was set late at night. One of the high floors in the port mafias headquarters. Safe to say, you didn’t exactly expect skyscrapers. But here you were, being accompanied by a woman named Kouyou to meet your new bodyguard.

“You’ll like him, I’m sure of it. He’s a gentleman.”

You looked over, this was the first time she had spoken to you.

Looking to your feet, you didn’t respond.

“I can sense you’re nervous. About meeting him I presume?” She was calm, very easy to talked to.

“I’m afraid to say I’m a bit on edge. Never have I been protected by a stranger.”

The elevator opened, sleek floors of polished marble were to be expected of the meeting floor for a princess.

“Follow me, he should be with our boss in the main office.”

Shoes clicked as the two of you walked. Hers much more confident than yours.

Then, you met with a group of bodyguards in front of some wooden doors. They swung open, revealing a ginger man. He was facing the wide windows overlooking the port city. Adorn in a very expensive looking suit. Very well dressed was he, kinda cute too.

Next to him was a seated man, supposedly the boss. Mori. He noticed you and Kouyou first.

“Well, we have been expecting you.”

Chuuya turned around to see who he was speaking with. He waved politely to Kouyou before taking you in. So simple, yet so classy.

Even if you knew you should’ve said hi to the boss, you focused on your new bodyguard. And he was just as focused on you.

“Chuuya, this is your new assignment.”

He smiled, and tilted his head as a greeting.

“Hey princess.”

Leaving the office, he walked next to you. It was awfully quiet.

“Where are we going?”

“Eh? Oh, just your new place. It’s nice, and right next to mine.”

You looked at him from your peripheral, then back to the floor with speed when he looked at you too.

“Nervous? That’s alright, I’ll protect ya.”

“I’m… not nervous.”

He laughed, well more of a quick one.

“Why is that, princess?”

“You seem very strong…”

You didn’t mean to be so honest. Shit, what if he-

“Thank you. You know, how about we tour the city first? I’m sure it’s your first time in Japan.”

“How can you tell?”

“I have a feeling~”

You felt butterflies in your stomach, was he teasing? Why did this wanted criminal have to be so damn alluring?

“And I have a feeling you’ve never been around a princess with those manners of yours.”

He froze, and quickly stopped smirking. Until you laughed. When he realized you were teasing too, he rolled his eyes playfully.

“You’re feisty. Good thing, I thought this mission would have me walking on egg shells with everything I do.”

Soon, a group of men walked by. They stared at you, obviously not the stares you would want. And hell, was Chuuya pissed.

“The fuck you looking at? Damn underlings, move those eyes before I crush you!”

They quickly looked away, terrified. No wonder he was your bodyguard.

“Say princess, how about that tour?”

He took you through the city. It was beautiful, the port was cool and calming. The ocean smell was like a lullaby.

It was alright, until a group of thugs saw you. An enemy organization.

He grabbed your hand, and hid you in his coat. Gun shots went off, and you thought that was it. You were good at dead.

Until, no bullets hit you.

Screams from the men. You try to look, but he pulls you to his chest.

“No, I’ve got you. No need to look. Stay right here, pretty.”

You hadn’t noticed you started shaking, the guns obviously scaring you.

“Let’s go to where you’re staying. A nice, warm bed.”

Had you started, floating? What in the world?

“Shh, it’s okay. I’ll get you back.”

Soon, the cool air went away. And so did the noise of the city.

He moved your body gently away from his, and your feet met the ground.

“Where are we?”

“My plac- I mean, where you’ll be staying.”

“It’s warm.”

“Let’s get you to bed, princess.”

11 months ago

why this is so sad

Chihiro and Kokichi with a crush on someone who acts like Kyoko Kirigiri

Warnings: Major spoilers to Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony! You have been warned!

A/N: Been rewatching playthroughs of the games while I was sick and got the itch to write something! There was so much more I wanted to do with Chihiro's part, but kind of backed myself into a corner when I decided to write this taking place during the killing game. No worries though, I plan to write a bunch more Chihiro x reader content in the future! ( Can you tell I love Chihiro? Lmao- )

Chihiro And Kokichi With A Crush On Someone Who Acts Like Kyoko Kirigiri

↪ Off rip, Chihiro was very intimidated by you. Your stone cold exterior and the general vibe you gave off was kinda scary to him.

↪ He didn't talk to you at all during the first couple of days, simply watching and observing you whenever you made your presence known/whenever you spoke.

↪ During the first class trial, you absolutely owned it. You constantly kept everyone on track and gave them clues to help them figure out the mystery themselves and diverted them from anything that led them to the incorrect truth. You helped everyone crack the case without flat out giving them the answers and he found that really cool of you.

↪ When Leon's execution came, Chihiro felt a swarm of negative emotions to the point he couldn't contain his tears. It was terrible, all of it was. Even if Leon killed Sayaka and even though Sayaka attempted to muder Leon, he couldn't help but feel bad for the both of them..

↪ That following day or two, he was in a rather gloomy mood. Everyone was. After the events of what happened, he couldn't really stomach much food. It was a small thing and Chihiro thought no one had cared to notice his lack of appetite, but he was surprised that someone did; you did. One morning, he was presented with a large portion of a simple meal by none other than the stone cold mystery themselves.

↪ "Eat it if you'd like. If you don't trust it, that's fine too," Was all you said to him, but it made his heart do a backflip regardless. He didn't understand it, but the scene kept playing in his mind the rest of the morning which kept him red in the face the entire time..

↪ After that, Chihiro started observing you even more and he started picking up on the small things about you. How, although most of the others misinterpret your intentions, you truly don't mean harm to anyone and just want to find the way out like everyone else. You're actually really sweet but your tight-lipped and mysterious nature just throws everyone in the wrong direction, he thinks.

↪ The more he watched you and the more he interacted with you, ( although interactions with you didn't happen often ) the more his heart fluttered until it eventually evolved into something bigger. At first, he thought what he was feeling for you was simply admiration until one of the others pointed it out to him one day. The way he speaks about you with such passion, the way he sometimes stares at you like a puppy wanting attention, the amount of times he's caught staring at you.. To them, it was painfully obvious that he was crushing on you!

↪ Even with the knowledge of his crush on you, Chihiro made no attempt to act on it. For one, you two are in a killing game and you're probably way more worried about figuring out the mastermind and getting out of here than getting a partner and two, he was too embarrassed to. The last thing he wanted was for you to laugh or berate or be disgusted by him for pretending to be a girl because of how weak and sensitive he was.. ( The last thing he wants is to confess under the rouse of a girl anyway. )

↪ This ( along with the embarrassing secret motive ) ultimately boosted his motivation to achieve his goal; to get stronger. Once he's strong enough to protect you and his friends from any danger, then he'll tell you how he feels!

↪ He was determined, and unfortunately, that determination ultimately led to his untimely demise. It was ironic, especially with that conversation you had with him that afternoon prior..

↪ "I've decided! I have no other choice but to get stronger. I'll try my hardest and..! And when I do, I would like to talk to you about something very important, okay?" He had told you, eyes burning with uncharacteristic fire. It was..certainly a look for him. ( One that may or may not have made your heart do a few tricks without your permission.. ) And you remembered briefly mutter something to him about staying safe and not overdoing it..

↪ If only you had offered to join him. Maybe things would've went differently..

↪ Huh, how odd. It's not like you to be sentimental like this. Actually, as of late, a lot of things you've been doing have been out of character for you.. Honestly, what has gotten into you lately?

↪ Well, there's no time to dawdle on it right now. You have to seek justice for Chihiro. With the clues you've gathered, you already have a sneaking suspicion of who the culprit is..

Chihiro And Kokichi With A Crush On Someone Who Acts Like Kyoko Kirigiri

↪ You immediately spiked Kokichi's interest. The fact that you didn't give him any information about yourself intrigued him. It was as if you had something to hide..

↪ When it came out that everyone would be participating in a killing game, Kokichi was surprised by how well you kept it together. Unlike everyone else who were in denial, you wholeheartedly believed the kubs and kept a levelhead about the whole ordeal. It was as if it didn't affect you at all..

↪ "You seem oddly calm about this. Don't tell me you're actually some psycho and was waiting on something like this." He said to you only to get silence in return as you outright ignored him.

↪ For the first day or two he observed you, but he quickly decided to take a more upfront approach and was all in your face. He was always trying to poke and prod and tease information out of you, but you never caved. He couldn't get under your skin at all.

↪ But he did, at least, get your name.

↪ When the first murder finally happened, you again, didn't panic. While everyone else were screaming their heads off, you talked to Monokuma, verifying things about the upcoming class trial before immediately starting your investigation.

↪ When the trial came about, you kept calm. As if you had done this a million times, you helped guide everyone. You gave hints and helped paint a clear picture of what happened. When everyone began to deny the truth, you, along with Kaede, helped everyone come to grips with reality.

↪ And then, when the killer was executed, you didn't freak out. He also noticed you saying something to Shuichi before swiftly leaving to go god knows where.

↪ And just like that his interest in you hit it's peak.

↪ He began speculating. What could you possibly be hiding? Why are you the way you are? How many times has something like this happened to you? Do you hold the key of getting out of here?

↪ Could you be the mastermind behind this? It's definitely a possibility..

↪ After the trial, Kokichi officially set his sights on you. He began to bug you even more.

↪ He would drag you around places and rope you into his shenanigans. To everyone else, it may have just looked like Kokichi was just doing it for the fun of it or to annoy you, but in actuality, he was doing it in an attempt to get a feel for your personality. He wanted to know what made you tick and what didn't. But alas, you were harder to crack than he expected.

↪ So, he began stalking you.

↪ Everytime you distanced yourself from the others and disappeared for long periods of time, he would try to follow after you, however..

↪ "Kokichi. I know you're there."

↪ ..he never got far before he was found out.

↪ Then the second murder rolled around and the cycle repeated. The body discovery announcement played, you gave no reaction to it, disappeared to start your own investigation, and carried the class trial.

↪ After the trial and execution, ( and after you saved his butt from Maki's wrath after he exposed a certain secret of hers ) he approached you with the supposed intention of wanting to be your friend. ( Although he worded it more as him wanting you to be his sidekick ) He didn't give you ang room to deny his friendship and before you knew it, he was shamelessly latched to you like some annoying pest.

↪ Almost everywhere you went, he attempted to tag along. Of course, if you were going on one of your little side investigations, you gave him the slip and he wouldn't be able to find you for a while.

↪ Other than that, you humored him. He talks your ear off and the conversations between you two are more or less one sided but he can tell you're listening to every little word he said and didn't mind his presence. Although he doesn't know much about you, he's gotten to know you enough to know that when you don't want to talk to someone, you'll make it very clear to them that you don't want to talk to them.

↪ And then something most bewildering happened. Shuichi gave you a gift.

↪ "How did you know I liked this?" Kokichi heard you say before you accepted the gift, "Uh..lucky guess? I honestly had no idea. It just seemed like something you'd like." He heard him say..

↪ "I see.. Well, thank you."

↪ Like the stalker he is, he watched the whole interaction and to Kokichi's surprise, he felt..odd watching you two interact. Although it wasn't the most intense feeling, it certainly wasn't a pleasant one..

↪ Anyways, the third murder rolls around and shortly after it happened, he stepped on a faulty floor board and..yeah y'all know what happened to him.

↪ When you and Shuichi found him, he was laid out on the floor and bleeding profusely from the head. Shuichi was startled at first, thinking he was dead, but upon him sitting up, the detective slowly stopped caring.

↪ Chuckling to himself, ( and feeling the very, very strong urge to vomit ) Kokichi stumbled to his feet. However, as soon as he did, you grabbed him by the arm..

↪ "You shouldn't move around so much. You likely have a concussion."

↪ "What..are you talking about? I'm..fine! Just..eheh.. Just peachy.." Another obvious lie. Honestly, what does he expect to gain from acting like this?

↪ After he let that ridiculous statement tumble from his lips, you forced him onto your back with ease. ( As expected, he's very light ) After telling Shuichi to continue his investigation, you left with Kokichi riding on your back.

↪ "Heyyyy, where are we going.. Do you plan to..to take me out while I'm like this..how..cruel, nishi..hi..heh.."

↪ You ended up taking him all the way back to your dorm because you remembered that you had some medical supplies lying around that you found while out on one of your side investigations. They weren't the best, but it was enough to make sure Kokichi wouldn't bleed out and die.

↪ With quick and kinda rough movements, you bandages up his head and the entire time you were supposed to spend investigating ended being spent in your room. After you finished bandaging his head, you dimmed the lights and applied a makeshift cold compress ( which you made by stuffing some ice in a bag and wrapping the bag in a thin towel ) to his head.

↪ Your eyes were completely on him the entire time and something about that made the displeasing feeling he felt before swell into something lighter and fluffier in his chest and around his heart. He didn't know what it was, but he's certain that he loved hated the feeling with a passion and hoped to never feel it again. Oh the lies he tells even himself

↪ The trial rolls around, and although you were kind of in the backseat for some time, you still managed to crack the case wide open. Well, with some help from Shuichi that is.

↪ Speaking of which, after the trial and execution, Kokichi began to notice the most bewildering thing; little Shuichi was getting oddly close to you.

↪ Like, a day or two after the trial, he saw you outside with Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito. You seemed to be working out with them but he took note of how you seemed the most responsive with Shuichi.

↪ An uncomfortable feeling bubbled in his chest, but even so, Kokichi, who had begun to slowly come to grips and realize his attraction towards you, pretended like he was fine. So what if you're hanging out with Shuichi? Lately, the detective has started to peak his interest and he plans to befriend him just like he did with you. Once he achieves that, he'll have you back and he'll have Shuichi to himself too!

↪ But alas, things didn't go as planned. Shuichi, untrusting of him, didn't want to be his friend. How sad..

↪ But he's not one to give up so easily. He'll find a way to rope him into this little game of his..one way or another.

↪ Fourth trial comes and the truth is revealed that Kokichi had a part in Miu's murder. Upon revealing the truth to everyone and completely ruining all the fun of the mystery, you seemed to be the one person to initially believe him. ( Although he noticed you seemed uncharacteristically bothered about the whole ordeal )

↪ Then Shuichi helped you further reveal what happened, forcing everyone to believe what really happened was the truth and that Gonta was the blackened. ( Gosh, it was agitating how in sync you two were )

↪ After the trial ended, things escalated. Kaito and Kokichi got into it and Kaito ended up lunging at Kokichi. However, it seemed the ultimate supreme leader was stronger than he let on ( or maybe something else is at play here.. ) and he ended up throwing his own punch which sent Kaito flying to the ground.

↪ That's when the others finally intervened.

↪ Shuichi, angered by everything that had happened, screamed at Kokichi. He yelled and fussed about how he was horrible and had no friends and how he had no one to turn to because he was horrible and blah blah blah.

↪ Kokichi didn't care much for his speech, ( it was nothing he hasn't been told already ) but his eyes seemed to drift to you. Unlike everyone else, you hadn't jumped to Kaito's defense nor were you screaming at him. In fact, you just stood in the back, watching with that iron expression of yours. How..like you..it was to do that, he thought.

↪ When he left, you followed after him.

↪ "That was quite the show you put on back there. Tell me, Kokichi. What are you planning?" You had asked him.

↪ "Heh, wellll since it's you I feel the sudden urge to spill everything, nishi~! ..Hm, fine then. I'll tell you for a kiss right here on the cheek, nishishishi~!" And then he saw it. For only a split second, he saw the surprise flash across your face. He saw your brows twitch and your eyes widen. He saw your cheeks flush.

↪ He finally saw you truly caught off guard and it was the cutest thing he's ever been able to witness. It's disgusting how much he's grown to like you, he thought. Not really.

↪ You didn't see him for a few days after the trial. You had no idea where he went, but you didn't bother wasting your time searching for him. Not that you could, with Kaito breathing down your neck wanting you to hang out with him, Shuichi, and Maki, you never found the reason or necessary time to go and look for him. ( But for some odd reason, you couldn't stop thinking about him. )

↪ And then he showed his face at last and when he did, he had weapons in tow.

↪ He claimed that he wanted to help end the killing game but of course no one believed him. Maki, who was at her wits end with the male, jumped to attack him and you, of course, jumped to his rescue.

↪ "Why do you always protect him? Are you two working together?" She questioned, her fiery crimson hues staring into you like sharpened blades.

↪ "..." Your silence gave nothing away as you stared back at her with your own icy gaze, gripping her by the arm as you awaited for her to release Kokichi.

↪ She let him go eventually.

↪ Kokichi then went on to explain what the weapons he persuaded Miu to make did ( the "electrohammers" as he put it ) before saying he'll no longer intervene with the others and their plans and leaving.

↪ And without a second thought, you followed after him which automatically labeled you a traitor in certain peoples' eyes. ( Cough cough Maki and Himiko cough cough )

↪ Alas, you quickly lost sight of him despite your tailing. But you couldn't give up now. He knows something and you're determined to find out what that something was.

↪ But all your efforts got you nowhere. You looked everywhere but couldn't find him, however when you finally reconvened with the others they all seemed oddly..depressed about something.

↪ You questioned each of them but only Shuichi would explain what happened while you were gone. Apparently, they used the electrohammers to cross that Death Road and found a large hatch that led outside. They got it opened but what they saw was simply despair-inducing..

↪ Everything was destroyed, there wasn't even air to breath out there. To put it simply, it was the end of the world.

↪ And the supposed mastermind behind the killing game had finally shown themselves and it was none other than the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself; Kokichi Ouma.

↪ But the whole story seemed..odd to you. Something about it simply didn't sit right ( especially with the evidence you had gathered while secretly investigating this place ) and in the end you incurred that at least some part of what went down was a lie. ( And you had a sneaking suspicion of which part it was )

↪ You ended up disappearing after that to do some more investigating. You spent the entire evening, night, and following morning digging up what you could. It was a shame it was cut short in one of the worst ways possible..

↪ "A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time that you can spend however you'd like, the class trial will begin!" You certainly wasn't expecting that. And at a time like this..

↪ You make it to the crime scene soon after that and waste no time investigating. Everyone is certain that Kaito was the one who was murdered, but until you gather the clues and come to a collective verdict at the class trial, nothing is certain. ( Although, there's this sense of dread that's beginning to bubble at the pit of your stomach. You're hoping—praying—that it's not because of what you think it is.. )

↪ And then the class trial comes and for the first time, you were uncertain. You had a possibility or two, but with the clues presented, you weren't sure of anything..

↪ And after a long time of going back forth and around in circles, Kokichi's plan was finally revealed. His true goal was to end the killing game by making an unsolvable case where you aren't able to figure out who was murdered and who was the culprit.

↪ But then new evidence came about. Maki's confession and the video tape along with Shuichi's deductions helped you make a vital connection and that connection helped crack the entire case wide open. ( Because of you, Kokichi's final efforts were in vain.. )

↪ After the trial, no one was happy. I mean, how could they be? The blackened was Kaito. Aside from that, for some reason, you just seemed a little too upset. Something about the entire situation, about Kokichi's entire plan to kill himself for the chance to end this killing game, to stop the suffering, it made your heart sting. It effected you more than you would've liked and Kaito seemed to notice that.

↪ "I know you really liked him, Y/n," He told you, "He really liked you too. He never outright admitted it, but I could tell.. He wouldn't stop talking about ya'! Even..even in his final moments.."

↪ Was that supposed to make you feel better? Because it didn't. All it did was make things worse. You wish he would've just kept that to himself. Kokichi was thinking of you until the very end? What was the point of putting that painful thought into your head? It was unnecessary.

↪ And so, as soon as Kaito's execution was over. You fled the scene, silently but hurriedly. You knew why, but you didn't want to accept it. To accept that you left in such a rush because you couldn't keep your emotions in check..

↪ Ugh, that damn Kokichi! Could he have been anymore selfish? Forcing his way into your life, making you feel such wonderful inconvenient emotions, only to snatch all of it away and leaving you with the miserable feeling of anguish..

↪ He was truly the worst, you thought.

Chihiro And Kokichi With A Crush On Someone Who Acts Like Kyoko Kirigiri

Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx

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11 months ago

Hi there! Could I request fem!reader x husk reuniting in hell?

Maybe they used to be together when they were alive but then a misunderstanding happened and they split up/ or one of them just died 😭

Someone from hotel found about it, found her and brought her there or maybe she just came there and met him. Idk I leave it to you.

I know it might be stupid but I really love this trope and want to read something like this with Husk :3

We’ll Meet Again

Hi There! Could I Request Fem!reader X Husk Reuniting In Hell?

“So,” Angel began, laying in the bar with a perfect view of Husks’s hands as he fluidly went through the motions of mixing a drink, “what’s the ring for?”

Angel had said a lot of dumb shit. Like, a lot but he’d never said something that threw Husk off enough to actually spill something.

“Fuck,” Husk grumbled.

He grabbed a rag to clean the mess. It was then Angel realized that the only reason he’d ever seen Husk grab the cloth was to clean up someone else’s mess, never his own.

Angel sat upright. “So, I’m guessing it’s personal?”

Husk looked at Angel and paused his cleaning. “No shit.” He continued on.

It wasn’t until weeks later that Angel would see Husk wasted. In fact, all the hotel residents would see Husk truly wasted for the first time.

He came in, barely able to stand much less walk and ignored everyone, promptly flipping Charlie off when she asked if he needed help, and continued to make his way to the stairs.

“Oh, yeah,” Niffty said, “it’s that time of year again.”

“What could possibly have our resident day drunk absolutely plastered?” Angel asked.

“This happens every year?” Charlie asked, much more concern coming from her voice compared to Angel’s snark which covered his own.

Alastor appeared at the end of the stairs. “Ah, the woos of a broken heart strike once again,” he said as he spun his microphone before he leaned on it, staring up the staircase. “One would think after over seventy years, he would be over it, hmm?”

“That’s not fair, sir,” Niffty said as she joined him. “She was the love of his life.”

“And his life is now over,” he said in response.

“I’m gonna go check on him,” Niffty said as she began darting up the stairs. “I don’t want to have to clean vomit out of the carpet.”

“What’s wrong with Husk?” Charlie asked, standing with her hands clutched close to her chest.

“Nothing he hasn’t faced before, my dear,” Alastor said. “It happens every year. For a week expect him to disappear for long periods of time and come back completely zozzled. Although, he may be inclined to stay if I procure him something stronger. I would love a front row seat at a stage play compared to a parade, a rather sad parade but a parade nonetheless.”

“What happened?”

“Hmm? Yes, well, I suppose you don’t know, do you?” Alastor said. “Our dear Husker used to be married, unfortunately before they could grow old together, they happened to get into a lover’s quarrel and before it could be resolved, his darling wife was murdered in a street mugging gone wrong.”

Angel felt his heart sink down into his stomach. That’s why Husk had gotten so defensive. He’d probably been trying to avoid thinking about it and there Angel went with his big mouth, bringing up something that hurt him right around a trauma days.

“That’s horrible!” Charlie exclaimed.

“Yes, indeed but life is hardly kind, my dear. Death is rather the same,” Alastor said before he went to take stock of the liquor at the bar.

It was a long time before Angel learned a name but that’s all he had to go on, was a name and a description of what you looked like with an off hand comment or two about some of your hobbies.

A year paced and Angel was on his way back to the Hotel from a long night at work when he saw a woman crying as she walked. Normally he’d walk on by. It’s not like it was an uncommon sight to see in Hell but he didn’t. Something compelled him to stop.

“You alright, toots?” he asked as he slowed down so he didn’t walk past you.

You looked up at him. You weren’t ugly crying. You weren’t really showing any emotion but Angel knew just how much of a curse it was to bottle things up. He knew a vacant cry wasn’t any less concerning than a violent one.

“I’m fine,” you said as you quickly tried to wipe you tears.

Angel’s eyes flickered down to where you were fiddling with a ring.

“Martial problems?”

You huffed a laugh. “Yeah, something like that.”

“You wanna talk about it?”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “Maybe it’s because I’m just bored and noisy but I’ve also been staying at the Princess’s redemption Hotel. Maybe it’s made me a more carin’ person.”

You said nothing. The two of you walked side by side for a few minutes, both going in the same direction.

“It’s my death anniversary,” you blurted out.

Angel winced in sympathy. “Those are rough. I’m sorry.”

You shook your head. “It’s not dying that bothered me. It just—“ you felt yourself getting choked up— “I died while having a fight with my husband.”

“Did he kill you?” Angel asked.

“No, no, someone else did but we were fighting and it was over something stupid,” you clarified. “I slammed the door after yelling some bad things. They were the last things I ever said to him.”

Angel’s brow furrowed. “This is gonna sound stupid if I’m wrong but,” and he asked if your name was the one Husk had given him not that long ago. When you said yes, he laughed a bit hysterically. “Fuck, I didn’t think I was right.”

You followed Angel into the Hazbin Hotel. You were wary. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t want to get your hopes up.

“Hey, where’s Husk?” Angel asked.

Charlie looked up from the charts she had spread across the table as she sat on the couch. “Vaggie helped him go up to his room not that long ago.”

“How was he doing?”

“Not good.” Charlie got up. “Who’s this.”

When Angel said your name and Charlie gasped it gave you a bit of hope. A random sinner on the street fucking with you was to be expected. The Princess of Hell who prided herself on her kindness? That’s as a bit more trustworthy.

“Here, let me take you to his room,” Charlie said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you up the stairs.

The door barely creaked as it was opened. It revealed a damn near exact replica of your home in life and on the bed was a black tuxedo cat with red wings curled up on his side.

“That’s him?” you asked, twisting your ring on your finger.

Charlie nodded. You hesitantly stepped into the room.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Charlie said as she closed the door.

You stood there for a minute. You just stared at the cat that was supposed to be your husband. He looked so tense, even in sleep.

You took another step forward and then another until you were beside the bed. On the nightstand was a hat and tie.

You picked up the loose tie and twisted it between your fingers. For some reason you couldn’t explain, you held it up to your nose. You nearly collapsed as so many memories rushed to you from the smell, from his smell. It smelled like the same cologne he used to dot on before he went to perform or go play a round of cards at the bar.

You tried to keep the sobs bubbling up in your throat at bay but it was all for not. They came out anyway as you curled in on yourself, standing at the bedside.

There was a groan.

“The fuck?” your husband’s voice said.

You said his name, his real name and his eyes went wide as he shot up. He swayed and caught himself on the headboard.

“Am I hallucinating?” he asked.

You couldn’t get words out to answer. Instead you’d hugged him, causing you both to fall onto the mattress as neither of you had the energy to keep yourself up.

You woke up the next morning wrapped in Husk’s arms and wings. You felt safe for the first time since you fell to Hell.

You didn’t want to leave. You didn’t want to let go. Luckily you didn’t have to.

No one was surprised when they didn’t see Husk for the next week. They were surprised when he came out of his room smiling, with you by his side and he refused to let go.

11 months ago

"if you have wings she def returns the favor (very much willing to elaborate on a reader w sensitive wings 😇)"


GLADLY NONNIE!!!! for anyone who doesn't know this is ab my main girl lute btw 😇

🥀Cw: fluff, smut, overstim, wing kink?, dom lute, sub reader, the wings are an erogenous zone ig

🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion

"if You Have Wings She Def Returns The Favor (very Much Willing To Elaborate On A Reader W Sensitive


as i've said before, Lute doesn't spend much time preening herself or taking a lot of care of her wings

that compleEEEETELYYY changes when it comes to u tho

she will absolutely offer to clean your wings for you, and is definitely at least a little touchy with them

when your wings get itchy and irritated from molting she'll sit you down and start working on cleaning them and pruning them. she definitely takes her time and by the end your wings look (and feel) lovely

lute is the type of person to have freezing cold hands all the time and will come up behind you and place them on your wings to scare you

yk when people come up behind you to trail their finger down your spine to make you jolt? yea, lute does that but with your wings

its one of the few times she'll ever truly tease you, but she adores how flustered you get

she'll always subconsciously have her wings touching yours, or be wrapping her wings around you in general

lute would really appreciate it if you gifted her one of your feathers, she'd never say it aloud but she likes having a piece of you with her

when going to an extermination she'll keep the feather on a little charm attached to her belt or something, and will look at it as a reminder of what she's fighting for (sobbing crying screaming)

while she isn't huge on pda, lute will occasionally just brush her wings against yours in public or reach out to smooth any of your ruffled feathers

lute just loves your wings, and she loves that you trust her enough to let her touch them


this is the part yall have been waiting for ik it ANYWAYS

the first time you mention that you want her to touch YOUR wings lute is genuinely touched that you trust her sm and also hella turned on ab the thought of dominating you like that

the first time you try it out, she's tentative with her touches, gently stroking your feathers and slowly learning which spots felt best for you

emotions are definitely high, shes so tender and slow about coaxing each noise out of you

lute runs her hands over the most sensitive parts of your wings to watch you shiver and squirm beneath her, only to lean down and press airy kisses over those sensitive areas to make you whine

she cherishes each noise you make, and memorizes everything about your wings that makes you tick

sometimes when initiating softer sex, she just comes up behind you and starts rubbing soft circles onto the most intimate parts of your soft wings

lute may even tickle them a little while your having these softer sessions, just the sound of your soft giggles and moans melting together only makes her want to worship you more

she isn't always so nice when it comes to your wings tho

if you ask her to be rougher she'll gladly oblige, in fact she almost wants you to ask just so that she can overstimulate you until your sobbing

LUTE LOVES TYING YOUR WINGS UP, the way you twist and turn against the restraints, whimpering as the ropes grind so sweetly against the erogenous zones on your wings- ugh it makes her feral

i also think she'd make you cum using only your wings in a punishment sort of way. you've been acting like a total brat? fine, she's going to make you cum only by stroking you wings, not touching a single part of the rest of your body, no matter how much you plead and whimper

lute will also very, very occasionally tease your wings in public. like you could be talking to adam and just casually chilling when all of a sudden her hand will slowly wrap around your waist and start caressing your wings- she has all of your sensitive spots memorized so it doesn't take long until you're squirming, praying nobody notices the way your clenching your thighs and slowly rolling your hips under the table in search of friction

this might sound insane but lute would totally use a vibrator on your wings too. she'll pull you onto her lap as if to spank you, but instead she'll spread your wings, running a small vibrator over each exposed erogenous zone and watching you mewl and buck at the vibrations

she'd def degrade you about it too, calling you a slut for getting off just by some friction on your wings

tiny side note, lute loves seeing you in the laciest lingerie with your wings out too. just coming home from a stressful day to see her pretty doll all dressed up in a frilly red getup, your back is fully exposed as your wings drape over the shared bed as you turn your head back to look at her with innocent eyes... theres just something about you (and your wings) all dolled up and pretty that makes her want to ravish you

please lute one chance please please (i could fix her guys!!!)