Xiao Comfort - Tumblr Posts
Hi! Could i please request (if you open;;) female reader with Xiao, Venti (you can add someone else if you like!) , when reader is Lumine/Aether's (you can choose!!) Adventure partner but not as popular like Lumine/Aether! It's like all people attention goes to Lumine/Aether and not you. Even though you also doing your best helping people but they're only thanking Lumine/Aether :(
I'm sorry if this confusing you ;; i'm kinda bad at english;;
Dear anon,
IVE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR SO, SO, SOOOO LONG! So watch me also make more parts of this with other characters hehehehehe. Also it wasn’t confusing at all! Your English is great ^^
Hope you’ll like it!
A/n: I’ve never wrote Venti before, so I hope it’s okay! It’s not the type of character I usually write ^^’ and as always tell me if I made any big mistake aaaaaa
[Kazuha and Albedo version is here!]
“What were you thinking??“
Xiao was standing in front of you, anger shining in his eyes. You took a step back, intimidated by his sudden outburst. You had just came back from a mission with Aether, where you hurt your leg. It wasn’t anything too bad; you’d just need to rest for a week at most. Yet, Xiao made it look like you had almost died. You furrowed your brows, confused by his action.
“I was just doing my duty! I was just helping!”
The adeptus sighed and rolled his eyes at your answer. This just made you even more confused. If you weren’t supposed to help, what were you supposed to do?
“You should have let Aether do it, (Y/N).”
“So… I’m not supposed to help him? I should have let him do all the work?” You took a few steps in his direction. You blood was starting to boil with anger. “Am I just supposed to stand to the side and let him work?”
Xiao didn’t move as you moved towards him. Then he answered, looking you straight in the eyes:
“Exactly. Aether is stronger than you. You’re going to be a burden to him if you keep acting like that.”
The blood that was boiling in your veins was now frozen. You felt as if Xiao had stab you in the heart with a cold blade, then freezing your blood inside your own body. You stayed there, looking at him with a pain expression. Xiao slowly realised what he said, and panic flashed quickly in his eyes. He tried taking your hand, but you dodged his.
“(Y/n)… I-“
“Is that how you see me Xiao? Is this how everyone see me?” you asked, looking at him. Tears were pooling in your eyes, threating to fall at any moment. “Am I a burden because I try to help?”
“(Y/n), that is not what I meant!”
“But you said it! You said that I was weak and that I was a burden!” Tears were now rolling on your cheeks. “I am not weak, and I am not a burden! Why can’t anyone see it?”
By now, tears were cascading on your cheeks and sobs were getting caught in your throat. Your head was dizzy from all the thoughts spinning inside. Lately, you’ve been training like crazy, just so you wouldn’t be a burden. Did you fail at that too? You were in so much pain from all the physical training you were putting yourself through. And you were in so much pain from being ignored all the time by everyone.
“Didn’t you see how hard I’m trying Xiao? I’m training daily, so that I won’t be a burden. I’m in pain from all this training! I’m in pain from everyone ignoring how hard I’m trying! Because no matter what I do, people only see Aether! They never see me! Even if I’m helping him all the time!”
Xiao stayed silent, looking at you. Of course, he had noticed how hard you were trying and how hard you were working out. But he never thought of telling you how proud of you he was. And now, the guilt was eating him up. He took a step forward and put his hand on your shoulder. This time you let him do so and he felt relieved when you didn’t move away. Slowly, he pulled you into a hug. He hugged you close as your body was still shaking from the sobs.
“It hurts Xiao… It hurts so much. I’m so tired…” you whispered between sobs.
“I know (Y/N), I know… I’m sorry, I didn’t notice everything you were going through sooner…”
“It hurts Xiao, it really does… Why does no one notice how hard I’m trying? Maybe I should just give up…”
Xiao shook his head and you felt his hug becoming tighter.
“You don’t have to stop entirely. But you do deserve to take a break. You don’t have to push your body over and over like that. You’ll just hurt yourself even more if you continue! You’ll get sicker, and then… And then… Maybe you won’t be able to help anymore… You are so important to me and to Aether (Y/N). We don’t know what we would do without you. I do not know who I would be without you. So please, take a break. You deserve it… I’ll go grab some food from YanXiao and I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
You nodded slowly, still not looking at him. You felt guilty for feeling this way, because you knew how hard Aether was trying as well. But you couldn’t help but feel your heart hurt when people were always thanking him and ignoring you. Xiao then spoke up, as if he had read your mind:
“You’re doing amazing (Y/N), you are amazing. But let me take care of you, okay? You deserve it.”
You had met Lumine a few months ago when she first arrived in Mondstadt. You weren’t a high ranked knight or anything, but you two often crossed paths during your respective commissions. This led to you helping each others quite often. And so, Lumine and you decided to team up to take care of some business together. You were not the strongest person out there, but since you started working with the traveler, you definitely felt that you were getting stronger.
But you were the only one noticing the changes. No one else ever did. And no one else acknowledge your presence in this teamwork. It was always all about Lumine.
Tonight, you and the blonde were staying in an Inn near the Dawn Winery. You had to track down some Cicin mage that was roaming the area. The mission was successful, but as the Sun was going down, you and Lumine decided to stay in the small inn. Lumine stayed downstairs with the employees and other guests of the small house. You quickly made your way to your assigned room to the second floor. There, you try to tend to your wounds. You could have asked the inn’s healer, but of course their attention was all focused on the girl. So you were once again left alone, to deal with the pain yourself. As you were trying to wrap some bandages around your wrist, you heard laughter bursting from the first floor. Until then, you were able to ignore them. But now, they just seemed to get louder and louder, and you couldn’t ignore them anymore. You were now forced to listen to their words.
“Ah Lumine! You did such an incredible job today!”
“We truly don’t know what we would do without you!”
“Always fighting all by yourself… You really are the strongest person out there!”
As more praises and laughs spilled from their mouths, tears started spilling from your eyes. You only realised that you were crying when the tears started to fall on your bandaged hand and when they left a wet spot on the fabric. Realising that you were crying, you couldn’t help but feel even more horrible. Were you jealous of Lumine? These thoughts were now spinning in your head, and guilt was starting to consume you. No, that’s not… That’s impossible, right? Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the window opening suddenly and felt the cold wind entering the bedroom.
“Eh, (Y/n)! I heard Lumine was here, so I figured you’d be here as well!”
You quickly wiped your tears with your hand before turning your gaze to Venti. He was sitting on the windowsill, his usual smile displayed on his lips. Of course, he knew you were here only because of Lumine. You shook your head slightly to chase those thoughts and offered him a small smile.
“Well, your intuition is always right, isn’t Venti?”
“Mh-hm! But my intuition also tells me that you’re not okay (Y/N).” He got up from the sill and closed the window before walking to the bed, where he sat. “Did you get hurt during the commission? Do you want me to go get a healer?”
“No… That won’t be necessary… They don’t have to lose their time with me.” You answered, shaking your head.
Venti lost his smile at those words. He furrowed his brows and looked at you with clear worry in his eyes.
“Why would they be losing their timewith you (Y/n)?”
You felt your lower lip trembled a little at his question. You were no longer able to look at him, so you cast your gaze on your hands, resting on your knees. The wet patch on the bandage made it clear that you cried earlier. You didn’t want to tell Venti how you felt. You felt so horrible for being jealous of Lumine, and you knew he’d see you as someone horrible if you told him. Yet, the answer slipped out, and you couldn’t stop it.
“Because I’m not Lumine.”
Your eyes widened when you realised what you said. You squeezed them shut quickly, ashamed of your words. Venti wasn’t saying anything, and it just made you more and more stressed. Was he despising you now? Was he mad at you? Was he going to leave you here? Was he going to-
“(Y/n)… Is that why you were crying?” he asked, gently cupping your cheeks with his hands.
Fresh tears started to fall from your eyes again. Venti carefully wipped them with his thumbs, still talking to you.
“Of course you’re not Lumine… But that’s why I love you! You’re the one I love, you’re the one I absolutely adore(Y/n)! Lumine is great, but not as great as you. I know how you feel, love. But you work so hard, I know how hard you work. You’re the strongest person I know (Y/n), and you deserved to be loved, okay?”
request: for the request, im not sure if you're comfortable with this since i can't find your rules post, but can i ask a scenario with thoma, xiao and gorou where the reader is pretty touchy like their love language is physical touch but one day they stopped being as affectionate because they think that they're being a bother to the boys? @elychee
gn reader
character(s): thoma, xiao, gorou
genre: hurt/comfort
tw/cw: insecurities, ooc characters(?), lmk if there are more

thoma knows that your love language is physical touch, partially due to the fact you’ve been dating for a few months and he’s quite an observant man.
he’s also observed that lately, you haven’t been as touchy, and he misses when you hold him and give him kisses on his head. he decided to talk with you about it when he came back home from being a housewife his house keeping duties.
“( name )? I’m home” thoma greeted, shutting the door behind him as quietly as possible, thinking you had maybe fallen asleep already, it is quite late after all.
toeing his shoes off, he shuffles to your shared room, only to freeze hearing some sniffling from the other side. thoma debated wether or not to barge in, deciding to comfort you instead of leaving you to cry on the bed.
thoma opened the door, before walking towards you and embracing you into a warm hug. you placed your head into the crook of his neck, desperately grabbing onto the shirt to somewhat ground you.
thoma shushed you, rubbing circles against your back. “do you want to talk about it?” thoma whispered, loud enough for you to hear. the only thing he heard was a muffled “I don’t want to be clingy to you anymore, isn’t it bothering you?” you sniffled. thomas’ heart shattered, of course you’re not a bother! he enjoys receiving your affection, no matter how small or big. placing a small kiss onto your forehead, he murmured “no, no, of course you’re not a bother! I love you so much and whenever you cling to me, it actually helps me relax knowing that I have my partner with me no matter how tough things get.” looking up at him with teary eyes, trying to rub off the remaining tears, thoma helping.
“I’m going to tell master ayato that I’m taking the day off tomorrow, I’m sure he won’t mind.” you were about to protest, being cut off by thomas’ lips on yours for a small peck. “go to bed love, tomorrow we can just spend the day in together.” thoma explained, laying down and letting you lay on his chest.

xiao wasn’t really into pysical touch, especially in public. the slightest touch from you makes his face tinge a bright red. xiao will never admit this out loud, but he looks forward to you giving him cuddles and kissing his face.
however, that didn’t happen when he got back from his duties. at first he brushed it off as you being tired, but he eventually became suspicious that it wasn’t that, and something more.
mortals are confusing, so confusing to him. but you help him understand better, and so do other mortals that he talks with now and then. he decides it’s best to confront you about this.
xiao waited at the wangshu inn for you, as usual. when you met up with him, you noticed that he seemed a bit off. xiao sighed, motioning for you to sit across from him. “you haven’t been your usual self lately. usually when you see me, you would hug me or hold my hand or kiss my face all over, but you haven’t done that in a while. why is that?” he asked, eyes widening when you let out a sob, tears collecting at your eyes. xiao instantly placed you onto his lap, gently stroking your hair.
“aren’t I a bother to you? I’m so clingy all the damn time, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or be a burden.” you managed to sniffle out, refusing to place your hands onto him. xiao glared, not at you, but at himself. he should’ve tried to reciprocate at least once, but he was too unsure of what to do or how to do so.
“no, you’re not bothersome. I’m just not sure how mortals work, or how to properly love someone and show affection. I look forward to your hugs every day when I see you.” he mumbled out, his face flushed a slight pink.
you gripped onto his back slightly, giving his neck a small kiss. you couldn’t see it, but xiao had a small smile gracing his usually stoic face.

gorous’ love language is also physical touch, he’s got dog genetics and dogs can be very affectionate. he likes to de stress after work by coming home and just letting loose whilst you smother each other in affection.
he noticed how you would hesitate to reciprocate when he hugged you or gave you a small kiss. he confronts you about it instantly.
“honey, I’ve noticed you’ve become a bit less affectionate and touchy, is everything ok?” gorou whimpered, ears flat on his head and tail droopy. you shook your head in response, climbing onto his lap and letting out the water works.
gorou helped soothe you by rubbing your back and occasionally kissing your cheek. “I just feel like I’m a burden. I just keep on clinging onto you like my life depends on it.” you hiccuped.
gorou cood at you, happily exclaiming “I love your affection so much! it helps relax me and I enjoy cuddling with you and giving you kisses, I enjoy when you cling onto me like a koala too, it’s adorable!” you noticed how his ears had perked up and his tail was now thumping onto the couch, it looked like it was going to fly off if it went any faster.
you yawned, the break down making you tired and sleepy. gorou picked you up, walking to your shared bedroom and plopped you down, jumping in afterwards. gorou then embraced you from behind, pecking the back of your neck making you giggle slightly.
late night talks with modern au!Xiao 😼
(not proofread we die like real men,, stream mitski on spotify 😋😋)
he’d be sleeping over at your house and it’d be in the middle of the night with school the next day;
he’d be half spooning you with one arm under your head and the other around your waist, legs entangled under the thin sheets. There would be moonlight Seeping In the room from the window while you talked in hushed tones, going back and forth about the littlest things, he’d pull you closer and your eyes would meet, and your breath would hitch,
he looks so ethereal, since when did his eyes look so, pretty? They seem to be glowing in this light, Its amber hue bright against the golden undertones and specks of red and orange. He’s so,, pretty.
”what’s on your mind?” Xiao mutters, as he takes his hand to cup your cheek stroking under your eyes with his thumb.
”Your just really pretty” you whisper, as his ears flush
he’d pinch your cheek in a timid manner,
“d-don’t say things like that” he’d respond as you let out a chuckle as a smirk forms on your face,
“oh, but it’s the truth?” you continue, watching as his face grows increasingly red
”honestly it really surprised me when I found out I was your first s/o— I know a bunch of people who have the hots for you y’know” you say as you get ready to fluster your boyfriend even more,
but before your teasing could escalate any further he cuts you off, with a kiss.
you barely have time to process before he lets go of your lips with a soft but audible pop.
”shut it, won’t you” he grumbles, already used to your teasing, surprised when you grab his cheek and pull him into another kiss,
it really doesn’t help that your lips lock with each other so perfectly. one kiss turns into two, then three, then four,
kiss after kiss after kiss, finally pulling away, his forehead resting on yours, wait, when do you two sit up? weren’t you two laying down just now? seems the Fatigue is getting to you, your barely aware of your surroundings.
he smiles just a little, before pulling you in once more, this time its much slower, more sensual than the others.
‘’I could never bring myself to love them, not when I could love you instead.’‘
‘‘I only have eyes for you,’‘ he shrugs with a smug look on his face, now whos the embarrassed one?
you roll your eyes as he starts laughing.