39 posts

Story Time: So I Stay After School Because I Go To A Poor Private School And We Don't Have Busses For

Story Time: So I Stay After School Because I Go To A Poor Private School And We Don't Have Busses For

Story time: so I stay after school because I go to a poor private school and we don't have busses for locals. Since my parents can't get me I hang out at an after school program until my parents get me. I'm listening to music because that's just how I do when I realize I hear a deeper voice than usual(the aftercare is run by three women). I peek up to see that the new fifth grade teacher is helping one of his students with hw. The teacher was quietly listening to the student explaining the problems he didn't understand, and responding with the best advice he could give and reasoning as to why the problem was solved that way. Now this dude, who probably has a shit ton of lessons to prepare because tomorrow is a Thursday, is helping this kid with every problem. Every.single.one. When they finish they both calmly get up and the teacher gives a few notes to the aftercare ladies and explains what problems the student has and how best to fix them to help with future assignments. Now I never really talked to this particular teacher much because I've only known a select group of teachers and my school is very tight-knit. I don't even know his first name but Mr. Hall has restored my faith in the education system.

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More Posts from 69-cabbages

8 years ago
So My Mother And I Are Sitting Across The Room From Each Other And Watching Law & Order. I Started Chuckling

So my mother and I are sitting across the room from each other and watching Law & Order. I started chuckling at something on John Green's Tumblr and this proceeds to happen.

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5 years ago

Using Magic.

Using Fire magic fills the users body with warmth, starting with a slow heating up of the fingertips to a sudden rush of warmth going through the arms- the feeling will spread to the stomach and start to snake it’s way around the muscles in the casters legs. Gradually the feeling spreads to ones head, becoming unbearable to test whether or not the user is ready to cast this spell; if someone fizzles, it means that they were either mentally or physically unprepared to cast the spell.

Using Ice magic has the opposite effect of Fire magic, it freezes the caster to the bone and numbs their body; due to this effect, thaumaturgy is very much a mental magic and one must be extremely focused to be able to successfully cast a spell. Ice magic causes the feeling of being so cold that ones bones and skin begins to hurt, aching and becoming stiff- if the spell is too much for the caster, ice may start to form on their bodies and they must force themselves to fizzle before they do irreversible damage.

Using Storm magic sends electricity through the users nervous system, it as if they are being struck by lightning. The users entire body becomes numb from the shock and their hair stands on end, they’re body becoming static and having the potential to shock people with just a touch of the fingertip. Divination uses the body to cast spells, meaning the wizard must overcome the numbness to cast a spell- while Storm spells haven’t really had any severe cases of damage to a wizard, there have been the rare report of it hurting someone.

Using Myth magic will fill the user with visions, they will see things they never thought they would see. Visions from the past, present and future all blurring into one spell- Myth magic is one of the less dangerous types of magic, the most it can do is give the user a migraine. Conjuring forces the user to sculpt the visions they have into a spell, they must locate the vision that correlates with the spell the most and build onto that to summon what they desire.

Using Death magic makes the caster feel sickly, nauseous and frail- as one may have guessed, Necromancy is in the top 3 most deadly of magics to use. While effects of casting a Death spell varies, they usually consist of making the caster feel drained of life; it is visible on the wizards body as they pale and begin to sweat, looking as if they have a fever. Necromancy is one of the only magics known to kill many people using it- it can feel as if the persons soul is being sucked out of them and there are rumours around the Spiral that the undead the wizards face are wizards that were not strong enough and had their souls sucked out. However, they’re just rumours, right?

Using Life magic is by far the most pleasant, it fills the user with an energy like no other and has positive effects overall. Theurgy makes the caster feel like they have energy, to make sure they do not tire easily- however, this is considered a negative effect by a wide variety of wizards as the caster is filled with a false sense of strength, not knowing if they are wounded or their body is growing tired due to the magic filling their body with energy that will only last till the end of the battle.

Using Balance magic requires the user to be at a blank state of mind, knowing nothing but Balance and tranquility. They must focus on one thing and one thing only: Balance. Every time Sorcery is used, the caster is judged- if they are not in the correct state of mind, they will fizzle and are less likely to survive the battle due to how they are judged. Sorcery makes the user feel calm, in order to be able to cast the spell and that clouds their judgement of the battle- it is in the top 3 most deadly of magics.

7 years ago
HERMAEUS MORAThe Daedric Prince Of Knowledge And Memory. His Sphere Is The Scrying Of The Tides Of Fate,
HERMAEUS MORAThe Daedric Prince Of Knowledge And Memory. His Sphere Is The Scrying Of The Tides Of Fate,

         HERMAEUS MORA          The Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory. His sphere is the scrying of the tides of fate, of the past and future as read in the stars and heaven, and in his dominion are the treasures of knowledge and memory. His realm is known as the Apocrypha, an endless library where all forbidden knowledge may be found.

                                            tes aesthetics | daedric princes

5 years ago

[W101] Floral Symbol Headcanon

Storm School - Violet Rose


From my experience of keeping roses, I noticed how short a rose’s lifespan is, and how quickly it would wilt - I thought this could represent how a Diviner/Storm wizard has low base health as a natural weakness. But, most roses have thorns, which is their defense mechanism against animals or people who wish to pick them. This could be an accurate representation of how Divination/Storm magic is regarded as being insanely powerful from the very start for all students of this magic art.

Ice School - Blue Tigerlilly


As it is seen as the embodiment of pride, but also wealth - it could easily indicate how Thaumaturges are prideful in having naturally high base stamina - being able to tank and to withstand any powerful spell thrown their way. Keep in mind that the meaning of “pride” in the tigerlily has a positive connotation which is confidence - and not vanity or arrogance. Tigerlillies are also believed to symbolize protection against harm - it could reference the fact that Thaumaturges use Tower shields to defend themselves against a major strike.

Fire School - Red Sunflower


Sprouting sunflowers are said to follow the direction of the sun in order to grow to the height they’re known to be when full-grown - it could well represent how Pyromancers strive to look for the light - which is crucial for their spellbinding.

Symbolically-wise on the other hand, sunflowers represent happiness, loyalty and adoration - which characterizes wizards of Fire fairly well.

Balance School - Orange Chrysanthemum


In spite of this flower’s frailty, it still does hold symbolism that could be relevant to Balance magic and its students - such as the symbol of perfection and meditation - which could reference the logical aspect of Sorcery, and how wizards of Balance manage to mend the other six elements of magic; both Elemental and Spiritual. It could also represent wisdom - which is passed down to every Sorcerer in order to master the art of Balance.

Myth School - Daisy


Daisies are steretotypically known to be a flower of innocent childhood, and the root of a creative mind - which is perfectly describing the will of most Conjurers, and how they would use the power within their mind as to summon beasts to aid them in duels against opposing forces.

Life School - Cherry Blossom


Within Japanese culture, the cherry blossom is highly regarded as a symbol of rebirth and the arrival of the spring season - this could truthfully represent the sheer essence of Life magic and what it is capable of. Theurgists’ renowned healing abilities - could easily be interpreted through the storm of cherry blossom petals carried by the wind, which is dubbed hanafubuki in Japanese.

Death School - Queen of the Night

[W101] Floral Symbol Headcanon

This certain night-blooming flower is said to symbolize false hope in the story entitled “Out of the Dust” where the night queen is written as hopeful when it blooms upon contact with moonlight, and then how hope is withering away when it eventually closes upon contact with sunrise. This could be representative to Necromancy in several ways - how most Necromancers are taught to decieve through their spellbinding - how to take away the strength of the enemy for oneself. This could be interpreted by the continous yet mysterious blooming cycle of this flower, its mere healthy appearance during the night, and its dying state in the morning.

5 years ago


I was asked to write something on the schools after a long battle. Thank u again @save-the-spiral for the ask that my dumbass deleted.

Storm would be angry. Beyond angry. Battles shouldn’t take this long. They’re practically a walking taser, electricity is oozing from their finger tips and any possible teammates are avoiding the crap outta them. But despite the anger, they’re exhausted. They feel low, like a drained battery. It feels like every ounce of magic is costing their skin instead of rushing through their veins. The second they step out of the fight they want to find the nearest wall and crumple up into nothing. But they don’t. They stay with their chest puffed and feet on pedestal. They still did it. They still won. That’s all that matters, even if they feel terrible Fire seems dull. These students have a fire in their eyes and a bounce in their step, they don’t right now. It’s there. But hidden behind walls of exhaustion They’re tired. The last spell flys from the tip of their wand, the enemy dies, and a loud sigh escapes them. They’d probably say something like “I’m never doing a battle again.” But the truth of it is: when the fight ends, and they’ve been there for who knows how long they get this surge of warmth, this surge of accomplishment. And despite the exhaustion, that’s what they chase.

Ice isn’t too exhausted at all. They’ve built up a resistance to these long battles. But these ones, they were extra long. Tons of shields, a l o t of hits being taken. They come out hot. They come out sweaty. Ice students come out with their eyes droopy and palms heated. They probably have a headache but are going to trudge their way towards the next step of their quest. Push through the pain as they slowly regenerate.

Balance comes out… odd. They feel dry, and can’t truly explain the feeling that coats them when the battle ends. They aren’t tired, per say, but they wish to go home. Wherever in the spiral they are, they need peace. They need meditation. They feel imbalanced, and just how unstable they feel depended completely on the battle they had just finished up.

Death is quite the opposite from all the schools in this situation. Their magic revolves around taking to give to themselves. The longer the battle took, they more they were able to gradually give to themselves. They come out of a battle the same way they went in. Just fine. Blank. Though, mid battle they may’ve gotten a bit frustrated or a bit mad, they finish the battle well and rejuvenated.

Life, well needless to say it took life a while to finish it. It was a very time consuming fight for them all but even more so for the life students. They leave tired and boiling to the top. The usually kind, calm, and loving students at some point can’t stay an angel when they’ve been in a battle for hours on end. They leave the battle taking deep breathes. They’ll smile at you when they come out, even if a bit tattered. But they’re at their brim.

Myth is the most over dramatic in this situation. They mourn their minions and need one of them or a mount to carry them away from the site. All their hard work payed off but WAS IT WORTH IT? Yes. These students are going to act like they just saved the spiral after they finish this battle only to run to Professor Drake and get the “Why do you think this was at all important?”