69constellationsinatrenchcoat - misadventures of a queer disabled DID system
misadventures of a queer disabled DID system

No, there are not 69 of us but we are hiding in a trenchcoat.. medically recognised adult DID system studying to become a clinical psych. We are aware we make mistakes, we know we make mistakes, we're open to kind discussion!!!! 🇳🇿🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Please remember, there is a person behind almost every post on the internet, including syscourse. Be kind.

1611 posts

...you Know It's Got Bad Again When Not Even Music Can Stop The Noise.

...you know it's got bad again when not even music can stop the noise.

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Terms and such

Are you a singlet who’s partner or friends are a system? Are you a new system who has been slammed by all the terms and no one wants to explain? are you just confused? 

Same. So let’s fix that. This isn’t a comprehensive list and if there’s multiple terms for a role, i’m only doing a couple. Also I’m including Endo and tulpa cause they’re in syscourse.  K? K. 

As always, let me know if I missed something. 


DID/OSDD: abbreviations for Dissociative Identity Disorder and Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder. MUST BE CAUSED BY C-PTSD

System: multiple people in one body as a result of DID/OSDD. 

Alter: Stands for alternate states of identity. Caused by dissociative barriers during trauma. 

Traumagenic: System caused by trauma

Endogenic: System not caused by trauma, often “willed” into existence. Often seen as ableist. Often shortened to Endo

Tulpa: Ancient Buddhist Practice. 

Syscourse: Discourse surrounding DID systems, often discussing the existence of Endo systems. 


Host: Alter who’s in control of the body the most. 

Co-Host: Second alter who controls the body

Gatekeeper: Alter who can control who fronts, memories, etc. 

Protector: Alter who often fronts during traumatizing experiences to protect the host. 

Caretaker: Alter who takes care of the body, host, or rest of the system

Sexual protectors: Alters who protect during sexual moments. 

Religious protector: Alter who protects during religious moments. 

Littles/Syskids: Alters who appear as children, have a child-like conscious, and processes things like a child. Can hold traumatizing memories and double as caretaker, protector, persecutor, etc. Ages vary but usually between 0-12

Teens/Middles: Alters who are appear as teens and process things like a teenager would. Usually between 13-17

Persecutor: Alter who harms the system as a means to protect them, whether through starving, self harm, sex, etc. 

Perpetrator: Alter who harms people outside of the body as a means of protection. Also called Prosecutors

Trauma Holders: Alters who hold specific traumas

Symptom holders: Alters who hold specific symptoms of other disorders if applicable. 

Age-slider: can also be called age-regressing. An alter moving ages for the situation needed. 


Innerworld: Also called headspace. the world that the alters live in if not fronting. Not all systems have this and not all hosts can access this. 

Splitting: Creation of a new alter during a stressful or traumatizing time. 

Front: Taking control of the body

Co-Con: Near control of the body, but not complete control

Introject: alter based from an outside source

Fictive: alter based on fictional character. Also called fictroject. Originally endo term claimed for the DID community

Factive: alter based on real people. Can be family, abusers, celebrities, etc. Also called factroject. Originally endo term claimed for DID community. 

Non-human alter: Alter who doesn’t appear human in innerworld. Can be animals, biblical characters, fantasy characters, etc. 

Headmate of Color: Alter who appears a different race than the body. 


Fusion: two alters fusing together during healing

Integration: increased communication

Functional Multiplicity: Living as a functional system with little to no ptsd memories/responses

Final Fusion: where the entire system fuses to one identity. This isn’t a cure and the host can still split if needed. 

..when you scream into the void and the void

screams back

They were cooking with some of the original concepts for the #WishMovie 

Asha with her natural hair out 

The first Evil Disney couple with the king and queen 

The Star being a shape shifting love interest for Asha pic.twitter.com/EXf4ri12R4

— Okiro (@TheFirstOkiro) November 24, 2023

Honestly, this make me so sad. I would have preferred this story so much. THIS feels like a love letter to Disney's past. I'm sure others will have their opinions on it. But this pretty much sums up mine.

(I kinda hope they'll do a remake someday with this instead. That's probably wishful thinking. But hey! I can dream. Lol.)

EDIT: People seem to think I mean a live action remake. I don't. I mean I would want it completely done over. That's a bit out there, but like I said, I can dream. It's just my fantasy.

every single time I open A03 I remember the existence of ‘digital footprint’, shake my head and read the fics anyway

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