You Know - Tumblr Posts
so slutty when a man stretches and exposes his lower tummy. you know what you're doing.

Inej with gouache (and watercolour)..
Day 3
It's been three days since I woke up on this beach. I built a small shelter in this cave, but the buzzing is making me nervous.
Day 10
I've gotten good at cooking crabs. Mango and crab go well together, and I've also started to build more muscles from breaking all these coconuts.
Day 21
I was spearfishing when a huge fucking croc lunged at me. I managed to dodge it, but it moved again quickly to bite me. I managed to move out of the way, stabbed it in its eye, and ran to my shelter. I pray to God that will be my last encounter with that.
Day 23
Three days after seeing the croc, I finally left my shelter as my clean water supply was running low. I swore, from my studies, I saw what looked like a Pteranodon fly away. I can't be hallucinating already.
Day 28
Another bad storm, almost like the one that happened when I crashed, but this time, I swore I heard a roar instead of thunder.
Day 30
God, why did you do this? What did I do? Why? I'm going to miss my daughter's graduation. I said I would make it this time. But this fucking island will be my grave. I should have known after the croc.
I think Iroh is the perfect example of a person that radiates opportunism and moral flexibility:
Just as @lbibliophile-atla says, he adapts accordingly to any situation given to him and strives for the biggest personal benefit the particular context can provide him with. He's a Fire Nation Royal? Okay, big military-career, expanding social status, climbing the hirarchy. He's declared traitor by said nation only a few years later and is on the run with his nephew? Alright, fleeing to the city that's most secure at that time, it is. The war is tipping to the disadvantage of the Fire Nation? No problem, Iroh already took precautions for that by joining the White Lotus and playing on two sides a long time ago.
Iroh doesn't seem to be tied to any deeper loyalties or ethics, allowing him to adapt to every circumstance that his life is throwing him into. This makes it possible for him to take on any moral code and behaviour that's fitting the context: Joking about burning Ba Sing Se to the ground and being emotionally invested in liberating it years later isn't that inauthentic, if Iroh sees it as two seperate situations that each needed different behaviour from him.
He doesn't care about Fire Nation ideology. He doesn't care about Ba Sing Se. He cares about things that benefit him in the respective situation.
But does that mean that Iroh, former Fire Nation General, war criminal, teashop-owner and White Lotus member is free of any moral compass? Is everything he does solely for his own - and only his own - benefit?
I'd say, not exclusively.
His opportunistic behavior is immediately stalled when his family is involved: Iroh instantly stopped the invasion of Ba Sing Se when Lu Ten died. He sailed together with Zuko into exile when Zukos own father had mutilated and banished him. Both of these actions were really contraproductive from an opportunistic point of view, but Iroh chose them anyway.
Because the people he cares about outweigh his ambition to gain the highest personal profit.
Iroh didn't care about soldiers and civilians dying in Ba Sing Se, but he drew the line when his own son became one of the many people who lost their live in the battle. Only then he saw the invasion as a mistake. Not because thousands were killed under his command before, but because Lu Ten became a victim to the war he had greatly contributed to. He doesn't care about the cruel ideology of the Fire Nation, just until his beloved nephew falls victim to it.
Irohs morale is not tied to right and wrong. It's tied to himself and the people he cares about.
So yeah, @gaylord-zuko, I think he didn't really redeem himself or was a good person in general. He was smart, a good strategist and highly capable of adapting to his enviroment. What makes him morally grey is the fact that the love for his family outweighs his Machiavellism and leads him to some of the right decisions.
Hot take: Iroh didn’t actually get a redemption arc in ATLA.
Zuko’s redemption required him to admit that his previous actions were wrong and to do whatever it took to make up for them.
Iroh did a lot of good things to help the protagonists, but we never saw him take ownership of the damage he caused as an imperialist. The way he switches gears once he’s living in the Earth Kingdom and starts valuing the people he was trying to destroy without any acknowledgment of the change makes it seem like…maybe he knew what he was doing was wrong the whole time. Which kind of makes it worse? To me, anyway.
I don’t know, I’m just suspicious of his “redemption” because, unlike Zuko, he never took responsibility for the suffering he inflicted on others despite the fact that he’d been going at it for much longer than Zuko. He admits that the Fire Nation has done terrible things, but he never takes personal responsibility for his own actions. Just because Iroh is a kind and loving person doesn’t mean he’s absolved himself of his crimes.
I’d love other peoples’ input on this if you feel like it!

Ayy, we're kind of expanding our skills
Minor rant in the tags if anyone wants self drama

♫ Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest...

:) Futaba Sakura, BEST girl

♫ Making my way downtown Got a cool sword With my boyfriend's soul ♪
This would be an absolutely supreme freeman’s mind bit holy smokes
ghost using stilts

They'll get their growth spurts one day
I woke up and I'm... happy. What is this? It's nice
More of this please
I know I shouldn't give the horror writers/artists ideas but, why aren't there more horrors based around hair??? I don't mean just creature that has some hair, nonono, a horror that uses hair to scare.
Just imagine, you're at some creepy abandoned place (preferably damp) and suddenly this weird hair thing just appears, slugging its way over to you, it's all greasy and damp, you can't even see its body through all the hair. Just like the thought of hair in my mouth makes me very uncomfy, so a horrid pile of malicious hair that's only goal is to get in your mouth is very terrifying to me, and I feel this should be something more capitalised on.

I should be studying for finals but nah, gotta ‘Josh-Washington-Staring-At-Chris-Inappropriately’ it up. After practicing chair-sitting with Chris I wanted to try Josh and here we are--quick lil’ doodle (quick, hahaHA).
arkayne to me is the kind of ship dynamic where for arthur it's psychological horror and for kayne it's hot girl summer
me: finally sends in a message after the 60 post the op reblogged on wanting followers to interact also the op: takes 3 weeks to respond
thoughts on horror movies?
My....mirror? Alternate self?
It largely depends on the type of horror. Pointless jump scares are dull, and unneeded. Gore-fests do not bother me particularly, but I can not watch them with Cykes-Dono, as it is upsetting to her. though Fool-bright and I do enjoy picking apart inaccurate scenes in them, it's amazing how many ignore how blood actually works.
Phycological horror is, at times, a fascinating exploration of the human mind. To plunge into the abyss and see what lurks underneath. Unfortunately, it is not always as easy to climb back out. For this reason, I tend to steer clear except for occasional films, lest my paranoia become crippling. Of course, that is only if it is done well, not poorly. A poorly written film is easily cast aside.
That said, anything with faces disappearing or being removed is not welcome in our home.
I would be interested in hearing your thoughts, and if you have any you particularly like. Are you a great watcher of these films?
-Simon Blackquill
Having internet friends is an experience. Did you eat today? I can’t believe your sister hasn’t apologized yet, what a bitch. Drink a glass of water right now. Want to see a cat picture? I love you. I know you better than your parents. I don’t know your name. I’m having a rough day, can you talk to me about your favorite videogame? I love you. Good morning means good night means good afternoon means go to sleep. Here’s a doodle I made in class. I’m stealing your clothes as we speak, they’re so pretty. I love you. I love your pet. What does your hair look like? I’d love to see that weird leaf. I love you. I’m making you your favorite food. Thank you for holding my secrets for me. I love you. We’re having a coffe date. I love you. I’m giving you a screen-sized hug. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Good afternoon!