90milewaterwall - hellojessicacho: references/distractions/personal
hellojessicacho: references/distractions/personal

433 posts

90milewaterwall - Hellojessicacho: References/distractions/personal

90milewaterwall - hellojessicacho: references/distractions/personal
90milewaterwall - hellojessicacho: references/distractions/personal
90milewaterwall - hellojessicacho: references/distractions/personal
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8 years ago
Claude Paradin. Devises Hroques. 1551.
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9 years ago
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Mark Rothko, Untitled, 1968

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9 years ago
Bad Luck Isnt Brought By Broken Mirrors, But By Broken Minds. Suspiria (1977) Dir.Dario Argento
Bad Luck Isnt Brought By Broken Mirrors, But By Broken Minds. Suspiria (1977) Dir.Dario Argento
Bad Luck Isnt Brought By Broken Mirrors, But By Broken Minds. Suspiria (1977) Dir.Dario Argento
Bad Luck Isnt Brought By Broken Mirrors, But By Broken Minds. Suspiria (1977) Dir.Dario Argento
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Bad Luck Isnt Brought By Broken Mirrors, But By Broken Minds. Suspiria (1977) Dir.Dario Argento

“Bad luck isn’t brought by broken mirrors, but by broken minds.” Suspiria (1977) dir. Dario Argento

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8 years ago

When you don't know anything about linguistics: The plural of "memorandum" is "memoranda", why can't people get it right

When you know a little about linguistics: The plural of "memorandum" should just be "memorandums" because that's how people naturally say it, "memoranda" is just prescriptivism

When you know a lot about linguistics: Oh my god? So certain English words borrowed from Latin and Greek have competing plural forms, with one form using the English plural -s and the other using a borrowed Latin or Greek form? Do you realize how crazy that is - a language borrowing *inflectional morphology* from another language? And here the two competing plural forms have become markers of education, expertise, and social class, isn't that incredible?

When you have a degree in linguistics and dgaf anymore: memorandibles

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