a-k-a-l-i - Writer, dancer, sleeper
Writer, dancer, sleeper

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A-k-a-l-i - Writer, Dancer, Sleeper - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Watching Padme's Future

Chapter 2

Watching Padme's Future

Whispers, bets, shouting. That’s all one could hear for miles.

After viewing the first few moments of Senator Amidala’s private life, many have begun to like her even more. The holo-reports saying that she was nothing but a cold woman, one who doesn’t engage in romantic relationships, one who would rather be stuck in a stuffy office all day than be out socializing, are now all rumors, false, not the true Senator Amidala.

“She has lovely children.”

“A bit unorthodox if you asked me…”

“No one asked you.”

“I’m jealous of the man who is the father.”

“He must have some great genes.”

Padme blushed, which she tried to hide. She hopes and prays that nothing embarrassing would be shown, it is still her private life…at least, she hopes she could keep a shred of privacy, she would hate for all the hard work she’s done to maintain a nice quiet life behind the glamor of the Amidala personality to be over simply because the Force decided otherwise.

“Goddesses above help me,” she whispered, managing to catch a glance at her husband.

Jedi were talking furiously, all quiet of course, but one could tell that they were at a loss for words.

“The senator has helped us many times in the past, and she continues to do so now. I think we shouldn’t take her offspring,” Obi-wan said, putting a hand on his beard.

“They already have lightsabers, Master Kenobi, that means we already took them.”

“What about the fact that they are still in contact with her?” Adi Gallia asked, her eyes darted to the petite young senator.

“Hold off anymore decisions, we will, wait until the time is right, yes?” Yoda hobbled back towards the center, chuckling. The other Jedi Masters followed his lead.

The children were shown setting up a table, though not without arguments and protests.

“Oh come on, I think we should do blue today.”

“No! Pink! Pink is the best color.”

“Nuh uh.”

“Yuh uh.”

“Adira, Aleena, I’m surprised at you two, normally you are two peas in a pod,” Padme folded her arms across her chest, an apron tied neatly around her waist.


“No, today, we shall have periwinkle,” She turned and left, leaving the two girls to pout in disappointment.

“Periwinkle isn’t a bad color choice…” Aleena muttered, glancing at her triplet.

“Yeah…it’s a very pretty color…” Adira smiled. The girls shook hands and ran off to grab the napkins.

“They were fighting over the color of napkins?!” She could not believe her ears, Ahsoka wanted to sink down on her knees, how could one fight over napkins?

Some other padawans laughed at Ahsoka, claiming that they were happy they didn’t have to deal with this.

Lyra sat on the floor of the veranda, watching the air speeders zoom by. Huffing she moved to lay down, staring at the sky instead.

“He’s late.”

The father?

Whispers once again broke. Is it the father? “Padme, dear, why not tell us who the father is?” Ruwee moved to his daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. The Jedi unconsciously stepped forward to hear the long awaited answer.

The brunette stared at her father, a long moment passed before she gazed skyward, “I’m sure this scene will tell you who the father is soon enough.”

Many people who strained their ears to hear deflated. The woman was still clinging to privacy that would soon be shredded. HoloNet reporters were typing furiously on their datapads, hoping that once this event is over, they can be the first to publish their article. 

A yellow and gray Jedi Starfighter came into view, landing flawlessly on the landing pad. A man hopped out, patting his R2 unit, laughing quietly when the droid chirped.

Lyra sat up quickly, her eyes widening.


The man smiled, catching his daughter who launched herself at him.

“Hello young one, I missed you,” the girl squeezed him, giving her father a radiant smile.

“So did I, Mom is making dinner with Leia!”

“Let’s go then, shall we?”


All that could be heard was silence for miles. At least, the sounds of speeders above them do not count as noise.

Chaos soon erupted. Shouts of confusion were all anyone could hear.


“Oh my gods…”

“Anakin what did you do?”


“A Jedi? Padme, out of all the men available you chose a Jedi?”

Anakin winced, this is not good. Running a hand through his hair, he stepped closer to his wife. Eyes focused on his movements, he smiled wryly, could he not have a moment of peace where he doesn’t have to think that someone is constantly watching him?



Palpatine felt an emotion he hasn’t felt in years. 



Mace Windu stepped towards him, and Palaptine wanted to bare his teeth at the dark-skinned Jedi. Leaning over, the Jedi Master told him some instructions, to which the chancellor agreed. He cleared his throat, walking over to the microphone, tapping it three times to attract the attention of the people.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that not everything here will come to fruition. I have been informed by Jedi Master, Mace Windu, that the future could change. This is only one possibility.”

Doubts could be heard. 

Only one person won the bet on the father of Padme Amidala’s children, and it was none other than Obi-wan Kenobi.

“Do you have anything to say, Knight Skywalker?” Master Mundi asked.

“I do not, only that I noticed I have yet to be expelled since I still carry my lightsaber in the future,” Anakin replied, bowing slightly.

The Korun Master silently cursed Anakin, this boy will become trouble, he’s sure of it.

Plo Koon and Kit Fisto hovered together, making slight comments on which child they should take as a padawan, that is of course the other masters decided not to expel Skywalker.

Yoda slammed his favorite stick against the tiled floor, causing everyone to quiet down.

“Wait we will, until more is revealed, hasty I will not be, enjoy the peace with young Skywalker we must.”

At this, the Jedi looked at the green master who only pointed upward, where Anakin was shown with his daughter, smiling freely. Not a smirk. Not a grin. Not a fake plaster smile he uses with the paparazzi. But a true, real, authentic smile. That made everyone calm down, just slightly. 

Gasps could be heard once Anakin had appeared through the doorway.


Soon enough the children, minus Luke and Leia, were clamoring to hug their father. Lyra was forced out of the circle, her eyes narrowed slightly.

“How was the mission–”

“I thought you said you’d be back home later!”

Luke and Leia laughed as they soon saw the look on their father’s face. They, along with Lyra, joined in the Skywalker pile. Padme came out, crossing her arms, a content smile on her face.

Anakin grinned, laugh lines crinkled as he did so, he stretched his palm outward, beckoning the woman he deems an angel to join, which she did. The elder man threw his head back, laughing, his entire world is here, safe in his arms.


“I’m jealous.”

Jobal was worried, she knew, or at least read, how dangerous of a job it was being a Jedi, yet looking at this scene she knew that her youngest couldn’t be in safer hands…she hoped so.

Letting each other go, everyone headed to the dining room, laughter and joy was present in the room. Chatter was loud and unrelenting, voices talked over each other and  it was hard to hear one another, yet they happened to manage it.

The Jedi Masters held off their chiding remarks and just enjoyed the peace. If Anakin was here, being as free as a Shaak on the Naboo plains, then the war must’ve ended.



How could they have forgotten? For some reason, Dooku has not attacked, which was highly suspicious, but a relief.

Calming themselves, they returned their attention to the vision orb above.

The scene changed, a hallway was shown, a figure dressed in a dark robe with the hood hiding their features. Smoke made its way inside, giving the figure a terrifying aura.

A lightsaber hummed to life, a purple blade sizzled. A black polished knee-high boot came forward. The heel made a cracking sound. Step-by-step, this action was repeated, slowly.

“A purple saber?” Ahsoka gasped. Anakin turned his head towards Mace Windu. Unless the Korun Master decided to change his wardrobe quite drastically into something more feminine, he had no idea who this figure was.

“This…is strange,” Plo Koon drawled.

Multiple figures ran forward, igniting their own lightsabers, lights of red mixed with purple.

“You have two options, die willingly or die fighting,” one snarled, his own black hood covering his face, but the anger in his voice could not be hidden.

“Lousy options, let me do you one better,” a feminine voice spoke, amusement and indifference present in her tone, “Surrender willingly or die willingly, your choice of course.”

Yoda’s ears flattened against his head, “lost, she is. To the Dark Side, she has fallen.”

Anakin disagreed, he doubted it, he knew this wasn’t a darksider. The other Jedi Masters lowered their heads in mourning for the fallen Jedi. 

What Sith would voluntarily use a purple lightsaber? That was Ahsoka’s only thought.

The masked dark siders all but growled, racing forward attempting to be the first to strike this woman down. Raising her hand, they all froze in mid-air, grunts could be heard.

The woman's head turned slightly, facing the nearest enemy, “you…choose death, then?” A chuckle erupted out of her, causing the beings with the red lightsabers to tremble with fear in the air.

“Excellent choice.”

Two cracks bounced off the empty walls of the room, two figures fell from the air. The woman moved forward, striking two others. She released the others, engaging in a spar, though it was futile on her opponents part, for each of them died within a single stroke of her lightsaber. Twirling her weapon impressively, she extinguished it, sheathing it on her belt.

“That was brutal!” A man screamed from somewhere within the crowd. Many others agreed. 

“I wouldn’t want to be caught in her path.”

Shivers ran down the Jedi Masters spine, what a horribly gruesome way to kill your enemies.

Using both hands, she pulled her hood down, sparkling blue-brown eyes danced with satisfaction. She shook her blondish-brown hair and a smirk formed, she activated her commlink.

“Mission accomplished.”

“Did you do what I think you did?” A voice crackled from the other side.

“I don’t know what you mean, they have been handled, prepare the 501st,” the young woman snorted.

My 501st? The Jedi General wondered.

Ahsoka sighed in relief, “She hasn’t turned to the Dark Side–” 

“–Not yet,” Mace Windu interrupted, making the young Togruta gulp.

Obi-wan coughed, gathering many onlookers attention, “are we going to ignore the fact that this woman said ‘501st’?”

At that, many paled, though Anakin searched the crowd for his clone captain.

“Rex! Come here will you?”

The armored captain heeded his general’s commands, quickly making work of his legs and skipped a step at a time, finally reaching Anakin Skywalker.

“Yes, General?”

“You should stay here, just in case,” Anakin’s blue eyes found Rex’s brown ones.

“Yes, sir.”


People gasped, wasn’t this General Skywalker and Senator Amidala’s child?

Fear struck through many hearts at the thought.

Aadaya laughed, “Kane, where are my troopers? I need their help, I already finished the hard part.”

“They’re on their way, Skywalker out.”

“That’s the Skywalker genes right there,” Anakin smirked. The people near him turned to him in confusion.

“Fighting in a badass type of way, only the Skywalkers can ever do stunts like that,” he explained, making everyone roll their eyes, yet silently agreeing with him. Only the Skywalkers apparently.

“At least we know the young girl hasn’t turned–” Plo was interrupted by Mundi.

“Not yet.”

Grumbling, Anakin looked at his wife who gave him a shaky smile.

Whatever happens, they will do it together.


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5 months ago

Watching Padme's Future

Chapter 1

Watching Padme's Future


This does not follow the original timeline, I might do a story like that later on, but this completely AU. Skywalker chaos mostly, lol.


"LUKE!" A female voice shouted. A girl appeared with brown curls styled into a braided bun, wearing nothing but a robe. A glare formed as her brown eyes settled on the blonde boy relaxing on the couch.

"Where are my clothes?! I know you hid them so don't you dare lie to me."

"Force, Leia, I'm trying to relax," replied Luke, rolling his blue eyes, "And besides we don't have training today, it's a weekend,” he ignored his sister’s fuming and resumed playing his holo games.

"I know that nerf herder, but my entire wardrobe is empty! Where did you hide them?"

Angry at the lack of response, Leia Force pushed him into the wall and summoned her lightsaber to her hand.

"What did you do that for!" he cried out.

Leia ignored him and twirled her lightsaber in response.

Luke, who groaned, called his lighter as well. The two siblings raced forward together and their lightsabers clashed together creating a dance of blue and green colors.

People gasped and whispered.

Holocameras flashed and clicked at a great speed, that for a moment all you could see was white.

“What’s going on–”

“The senator has Force-sensitive children!”

Jobal looked mortified, “Padme, what’s going on?”

The senator looked at her mother, “I’m not sure but I believe everything will be alright.”

Ruwee became slightly flustered, unable to comprehend anything.

"This is most disturbing," said Master Windu, "why would we allow the children to be in contact with their mother if they already started their training?”

Ahsoka looked at the two children of Senator Amidala and wondered what was so special about them.

Anakin, though quiet, was feeling proud at his future children’s display of fighting.

A brown haired girl walked to the living room shaking her head, taking a sip of faeri juice. 

"Ahem?” She waved her hand, knocking both Luke and Leia off their feet, “you know what mom says about using lightsabers in the house? Don’t you?” Her hand was firmly placed on her hip, her head tilted as she smirked.

A padawan looked awed, “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“It’s highly unlikely you could knock someone off balance using the Force when you are less skilled…” Obi-wan muttered, “she must be strong.”

Many Jedi Masters were already planning on how to approach the senator regarding the matter of her Force-sensitive children. Having two was rare, but three? What made them so special?

Facing away from each other, they apologized reluctantly, 

"Mom, Luke and Leia were fighting again!"

Leia looked scandalized.

"Shmi," Luke hissed.

Shmi laughed, unperturbed by their glares.

Anakin looked down, his fist clenched at his side.

We–Padme honored my mother… 

"Master?" Ahsoka questioned, her white facial marks furrowed in confusion.

He exhaled, "...Shmi was my mother's name."

Obi-wan stroked his beard.

“Shmi, I love that name,” Sola muttered, her parents also agreeing.

Padme smiled at the name, knowing how important it is to her husband. 

"Luke, Leia, how many times do I have to tell you you're not little kids any more," Padme chastised, her figure walking into the room, arms crossed. Following behind her, seven others emerged.

A blonde boy hopped on the couch, laughing with amusement, “you guys really need to stop fighting,” imitating his mother’s scolding.

“Qui-gon, don’t instigate.”

Qui-gon? Obi-wan felt as if he forgot to breathe, the dear senator named her son after his master.

Palpatine, who just smiled and nodded as he watched, was fuming with fury that he had to contain. If the blasted senator has this many kids, then his plan must’ve failed. What went wrong?

Coming over quickly to the couch, a mini female version of Anakin grabbed the remote and turned to her favorite channel.


“I know, Ahsoka.”

Many Jedi Masters stole a glance at the Jedi Knight and the senator, slowly putting the dots together.

“Aleena, why must you have a turn? It’s my turn now,” whined another brunette.

“Adira, stop complaining,” Aleena muttered, huffing softly.

Padme, only shook her head, leaving the room to her children, not all worried.

A brown haired, blue eyed boy gave Luke a controller, “wanna play?” his voice was quiet.

Luke smiled, ruffling his younger brother’s hair, “why not.”

The two sat on the floor, enjoying themselves.

“I’ll get you next time, nerfherder,” Leia shook her head, patting Luke’s hair in fondness.

Grinning at the challenge, Luke only promised that he will remain the victor.

“Fighting out of anger, they were not, only friendly sparring they engaged,” Master Yoda revealed, his glimmer stick hitting the ground twice.

Anakin knew as much, the sparring his eldest children engaged in looked like the ones he and Obi-wan would do.

“But, still, where are my clothes?”

“My closet. Bottom left corner.”

Leia turned around and ran into her blue eyed sister.

“Can we do something after you get dressed?” large, wide eyes seemed to sparkle as she begged.

“Sure, Lyra, we can.”


The scene changed, showing Padme out in the veranda, sipping caf while she took a look at the reports.

Sola heaved a sigh, “why are you always working? I’m surprised you even have that many kids!”

Padme only shook her head, it was a wonder how no one seemed to realize who the father is.

Two young figures appeared through the doorway spotting their mother.

A young boy ruffled his sandy blonde hair, doing a shushing motion to his sister who nodded.

Tiptoeing behind their mother, slowly they moved closer and closer moving their hands to the woman.

“Aadaya, Kane, I know you’re behind me,” Padme commented nonchalantly, not taking her eyes off the datapad in her hands.

Shock was the only feature that was written on the youngest pair of twin’s faces.

“How did you know?” Kane gasped.

“Use the Force, you can not,” Aadaya frowned, copying Master Yoda’s way of speech.

Peals of laughter float across the crowd.

“I counted ten kids,” noted Kit Fisto, his hands on his hips as he grinned.

Aayla looked around her, noticing that Anakin had a small smile. Why was he smiling?

“...Seeing as how young Aadaya copied Master Yoda’s speech, is it safe to assume that she’s been around him long enough to do so?” Ki-Adi Mundi wondered aloud. Mace nodded in agreement.

“That would mean that the father of Senator Amidala’s children is…a Jedi.”

Shock stunned everyone, soon enough many bets were placed on who the father was.

Obi-wan rubbed his temple, I might have an idea on who the father is.

Padme laughed, “you’ve been around Master Yoda for too long, just be careful, your father would have a fit.”

Once again, there was a stunned silence.

“This just proves that the senator is involved with a Jedi.”

“But she knows better.”

“The highly respected senator would never involve herself with such a scandal!”

Wincing as the comments grew louder, Padme only hoped that future scenes would–could–sway their thoughts.

Aadaya giggled, “no promises.”

Kane plopped himself next to his mother, “what are you reading?”

“Boring senatorial stuff, people complain way too often.”

“Then why be a senator? Dad says the senate never gets anything done, and it’s such a headache to even try to comprehend what comes out of their mouth,” the young girl says matter of factly, her face was serious as she walked around the couch, sitting on an empty space.

Despite the situation, many continued to laugh.

“The senator involving herself with a man who hates politics? Absurd.”

Once again, Obi-wan knew the answer, an answer he dreaded and prayed every second that it wasn’t true.

“I know it sounds dreadful, but the satisfaction you feel after you know that you’ve helped someone is amazing.”

Loud cheers and shouts were heard. This just made Senator Amidala’s ratings skyrocket, no matter if she had an affair with a Jedi.

“Come, help me make dinner, your dad is bound to come with a stomach rumbling like a shaak rolling around on the plains of Naboo,” Padme rose from the couch, eliciting giggles from her youngest children.

The three left the veranda, laughing loudly as they did so.


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5 months ago

Watching Padme's Future


Watching Padme's Future

The 'Hero With No Fear', the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker is... afraid. Now of course I'm sure you've all heard the stories they tell about the famous Jedi knight, how he recklessly won battles and was never afraid which is how he won the title 'The Hero With No Fear' but not right now today he's scared and I'm gonna tell you why. Every 130 years, the Force decides on a non-Force sensitive person and reveals their future. A group of people, family, friends, strangers, and Holonet reporters come and they watch the Chosen's future. But the Force has chosen Padme Amidala, Anakin's forbidden wife.

Padme walked up the steps to the Jedi Temple and saw her family, friends, Jedi Masters, Anakin, Ahsoka, and a few Jedi knights and padawans near the entrance to the Jedi Temple.

"Everyone," greeted Chancellor Palpatine, "we're gathered here today because the Force has decided its chosen one. The Force will reveal Senator Amidala's future. Master Windu"

"Yes, thank you Chancellor, now what the Force reveals does not have to entirely show the Senator but anyone who is part of her future," he explained, “the future could be changed if she so wished, but it’s wise not to meddle with future.”

"Master Yoda, it's good to see you," Padme greeted warmly.

"Good to see you, it is, Senator," replied Master Yoda.

"What do I have to do?"

"Stand here you must, leave the rest to us, you will."

Padme stood in the middle of the platform while the Jedi Masters focused all their attention on her.

A white eye-shaped orb appeared above Padme's head, she moved aside to get a better look as the scene unfolded.


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5 months ago

Hi, I recently found your fanfics and Tumblr and I love your stories. Especially the Invasion of the Skywalker's. I was wondering if watching padme's future is going to start? Or any watching the future? It's really rare to find these fanfics. Especially in star wars.


Yes! I will post them soon, I have a few chapters already posted on a different website, so I will start posting it on here soon enough, I'm just pretty busy, lol 😅

Don't worry, it should be on Tumblr by the end of this week!

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6 months ago

The Skywalker Invasion

In Hiding

The Skywalker Invasion

After the much needed break, Yoda gathered everyone back into the large room. He observed everyone, watching their body language. 

Anakin orbited wherever Senator Amidala was. Luke was with his twin, Leia. The Solo children were with their new found cousin Ben Skywalker. Ania, Cade, and Marasiah were catching up. Nat and Kol conversed with Plo Koon and Kit Fisto. Mara Jade and Han Solo looked extremely uncomfortable with the many Skywalkers present. His council, minus the two that were with Nat and Kol, were discussing furiously about this new phenomenon. 

Yoda lowered his head, an action that was missed by many but his great-grand padawan, Obi-wan. Why were the Skywalkers here? What was their importance? They were no doubt powerful, that much was clear. But what was their purpose? Why is it only the Skywalkers? Minus Han Solo and Mara Jade, but they too were part of the huge destiny that this clan seems to be tied to. All the questions almost made Yoda’s head dizzy.

Never an easy time, it is, with a Skywalker, thought the wisened Jedi Master. He chuckled lowly, his glimmer stick tapping the floor softly. His small frame walked past the crowd, hopping up to a cushioned seat, closed his eyes and cleared his throat. The occupants in the room stopped their chatter and diverted their attention to the old but wise Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

“Meditate, I did. Found answers through the Force, I did not. Confused…lost…disappointed, I am,” Yoda’s eyes were downcast, he heaved a great big sigh, one that had everyone worried. What does this mean for them?

Ania’s face scrunched, her brows furrowing, and reminded the senators of Alderaan and Chandrila of Padmé when she tended to think hard.

“I…this is what we call the Skywalker chaos, isn’t it?”

Laughter bubbled out of everyone at Ania’s question, diffusing the heavy tension.

“Yes? Why?” Aayla Secura asked, tugging down on the hem of her top. Ania shrugged, grinning.

“Let’s just say this is the first Skywalker Family Reunion in…decades, and there hasn't been this much chaos in one room in a long while.” After the hearty laugh, everyone went back to their solemn mood. 

The Jedi created a large circle, attempting to meditate and find answers. Hopefully a solution as well, but many did not hold onto that wishful thinking, the Force loves cryptic answers as much as Yoda. At least, according to the Jedi Council.





…A temple…

…Red lightsabers.

Pairs of eyes reopened, gasps were torn, many were confused. Yoda felt weak, what was that? What happened? Glancing at Mace, he noticed that the Korun Master was silently fuming, but also sad. This new vision was not reassuring.

Finding his wife’s eyes easily, Anakin gave her a small smile, shaking his head silently promising her he will tell her soon.

“Well, there is no doubt that the Sith have gotten stronger,” Nat grumbled, standing up using the Force to pour him a glass of water. The rest of the Skywalkers looked perturbed.

“Surely you must know who the identity of this Sith Lord you keep talking about,” Bail spoke up, not liking the mood of the room. 

“The Force doesn’t want us to reveal him just yet…I’m not sure why though,” Luke trailed off. “But I’m sure all will be revealed in time.”

Leia had enough of this and marched over to the senators, “in the future, I’m a senator and I believe it’s time for us to take a more political route. I noticed that Palpatine is still in power, yes?” At the nod that they had given her, the young girl nodded and delved into a very deep, but insightful conversation, something that the senators of the past were very much looking forward to. And Padmé had to try very hard to keep the proud smile off her face.

The mention of Palpatine made many Skywalkers stiffen at the name, but it was too quick to be noticed. Although the Jedi still felt a hateful emotion towards the chancellor coming from the clan through the Force, a feeling that the Jedi Council didn’t dare ask after they took a fleeting look at the Skywalker’s faces, one full of contempt.

Bail and Mon started to speak with the Jedi Council, both old and new, figuring that the New Order would help give useful suggestions.

Walking over to her Jedi husband, Padmé rubbed her fingers over Anakin’s arm, soothing his nerves. They spoke in hushed whispers together, not paying any mind to the others.

“Their our children, Angel,” he laughed out in a breathy sigh, “I know this isn’t the place to be–to be talking about, especially here, but–”

Padmé lifted her pointer finger and planted it upon her stuttering husband’s lips. She gave him a smile, one that only Anakin has the privilege to see, “I know, it’s wonderful…isn’t it? Luke and Leia, they look so much like us. Their kids,” she huffed out a disbelieving laugh, “grandkids, great grandkids. Ani, we hold a small legion of Jedi and politicians here, just think about all the ones who haven’t had the chance to time travel. The galaxy would be in trouble from your charming, powerful Skywalker genes and my stubborn, trouble-attracting Naberrie genes, ”  Once again the young senator laughed and her husband joined her. Padmé connected her forehead with Anakin’s, they allowed a small, but brief, moment to pass through them, enjoying the idea that they created wonderful beings.

The moment was unfortunately interrupted by Mace Windu, who gave a frown at the scene. “Let’s not display such inappropriate acts, Knight Skywalker, you are still under much scrutiny after blatantly disobeying the Code.”

Sighing, Anakin removed himself from the comfort of his wife and followed the Jedi Master. When he looked to his right, he saw his son–looking like him when he was a padawan–mouth gaping wide open and his daughter, who looks just like her mother, glaring at him, for reasons unknown to him. What’s with the reactions?

He had no time to dwell on the matter when his attention was forced elsewhere.

“We need to know more about the future, if we are to discover this problem. I suggest you start talking.” 

“And just who do you think you are?”

Small gasps were heard. Did Marasiah just object to a revered Jedi Master? Yes, yes she did. But not only that, she sassed Mace Windu. 

The dark-skinned man had a noticeable frown and glare, he was miffed at the audacity this woman had. Did she not know that he was a Jedi Master? He really hoped he could change the future enough to where possibly all these Skywalkers wouldn’t be running around, one was plenty.

“I am Jedi Master Mace Windu. I suggest more respect from now on, your Order isn’t even valid.”

At this, many future Skywalkers shouted in outrage, the Force could be felt trembling with indignation and that made the old Jedi Council freeze in fear. The temperature of the room dropped, making many shiver and goosebumps appear.

Blue eyes found brown. Marasiah glared as well, not backing down from this imposing man. She shifted her crown making it straight, smoothing the creases in her dress, straightened her posture, and proceeded to move forward, stopping just before the older man. 

“It is very valid, considering yours has been destroyed. I am part of the new Jedi Order, one that Uncle Luke had to rebuild everything from scratch. He’s as much of a Jedi as his father is. Surely you wouldn’t desert a group of people who need the Jedi’s help?” A single eyebrow raised, she folded her arms and lifted her chin, a small quirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. 

This was a challenge, many realized, Marasiah Fel would not back down to pressure.

“I agree with her,” Kol spoke up, “we cannot destroy the future anymore than we already have done. By revealing more than we should, we could potentially shatter the fragile timestream and send everyone in this timeline to a much more dangerous and hostile future.”

Allana slowly backed away from the group, disliking the ever growing tension and walked over to a window. She felt a great darkness brewing somewhere over the large mass of buildings, while she didn't realize the Force signature, she knew it was a dangerous one.

Yoda nodded slowly, “agree, I must, believe them, I do. Find a suitable home for them, we need,” he turned to the senators, “trust you , I can, mhm? To keep this a secret from the senate?”

Glancing among themselves, Mon sighed, “that may be hard to do, Master Yoda, everyone in the senate saw Miss Marasiah fall through a portal, we may need to take them away from Coruscant for now.”

“The only problem is where?” Plo Koon placed a hand under his chin. He watched the young Solo girl, Allana he remembered, wondering what she felt. This young girl might be the answer to their questions about the Force.

Padmé casted her eyes downward, deep in thought, she then got an idea. “What if,” many looked at her, all in hope for a solution. “They stay at the Varykino Lake House? It’s located on Naboo, and is known for its privacy furthermore, no one can get access to it unless they ask the owners.”

“That seems reasonable, but this only begs the question, who are the owners?” Leia settled her hands firmly on her hips, her stance showed confidence.

Chuckling Padmé could only look at her future daughter, her own confidence mirrored Leia’s, “I do.”


The J-327 Nubian Ship soared through space, coordinates were placed before the jump to hyperspace was initialized. Stars become nothing more than a blue blur, giving everyone the sense of nostalgia when the ship entered the faster-than-light method of interstellar travel. 

The tension within the ship was awkward, there were few whispers here and there, each Skywalker grouped together with those in their timeline.  

Anakin and Padmé were sitting in the main bedroom of the ship, mulling over the fact that their descendants were here, with them, alive and breathing, not just some random wish or thought the patriarch and matriarch had, but actual people. It was both thrilling and terrifying.

“What are we going to do?”

Well, that question certainly broke the silence, Anakin thought wryly. His flesh hand grasped his wife’s, squeezing it to offer her some level of comfort. He chuckled slowly, his own mind still not yet able to comprehend the situation. Those were his –their– children! His twin children. His grandchildren. His great grandchildren. His descendants. He has always wanted a family, and now, he achieved it. This is so much more preferable, so much more satisfying, so much more rewarding, than ever obtaining the title of Mastery within the Jedi Order. 

Seeing how most of the Skywalkers followed in their footsteps made it somewhat scary, or really unbelievable. They had to be one of the most powerful Jedi in the Order, they come from a family of them!

Some are Jedi and some are senators.

Then there are the others who are both.

Yes, definitely scary.

Jedi are respected for their power, their kindness.

Senators are respected for their way of speech and thought, and the ability to sway a million minds.

The Skywalker clan has both power and influence. Now he can see why some Masters were wary of his future family. A Jedi who possesses both certainly is a force to be reckoned with.

Just like Obi-wan, he thought.

Padmé tucked herself into her husband’s side, her head finding a comfortable place to rest. As her mind thought of her future family, one thing came to mind was; they all reminded her of them. The attitude, the courage, the leadership, the kindness, the playfulness, the passion, the confidence, all the separate attributes that made up of her and Anakin were now rolled into one, really one of many, and it was beautiful. She couldn’t wait for the future, she couldn’t wait to raise them. Her eyes widened, a thought forming and dreaded filled her.



“They didn’t know who I was.”

“What?” Anakin now looked at her, her eyes glassy from unshed tears. “What do you mean?”

Padmé’s lip trembled and she knew Anakin could feel her sorrow through the Force, “when the Jedi wanted to know who the mother was, they couldn’t answer it! What happened? And-and, they all looked at you like you were a historical figure who had died way before his time.”

At this, Anakin Skywalker now looked back at expressions the time travelers had made regarding him. Nat, Kol, Cade, Marasiah, Ania, he understood, they were decades if not centuries ahead of this timeline, Yoda probably wasn’t even alive anymore in their time. Allana, possibly does or does not know, depending on when she was born. Ben, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin 2.0, as Anakin likes to refer to his namesake as, they should know him unless his children had them much older and he and Padmé just died from old age. But Luke and Leia? They should know them, they should remember them. Why didn’t they? Why couldn’t they? Why did their children look at them like they were nothing but strangers?

He, too, felt worried. His own thoughts became filled with a desperate need to march right to the other Skywalkers and ask –really demand– what happened to them, to Padmé.

“I’m sure everything will be revealed within time, Angel.”

Padmé giggled despite herself. “Really? I thought you would want to storm in there and demand answers,” her lips quirked at the thought.

“Believe me,” Anakin laughed, head bumping his wife’s gently. “I really do, but at this moment, I’m content with knowing that our family is safe.”

For now, they would just focus on the present.


“Your son looks familiar.”

Luke was startled from his thoughts, he glanced at Mara whose arms were crossed. Biting her lip, Mara felt a growing negative feeling rising from her stomach. It felt like bile, yet she didn’t feel the need to vomit.

What’s happening to me?

“Well…he is my son, he should hold some resemblance to me,” the blond boy laughed quietly, his blue eyes lit up at the thought of having a son. He was more than convinced that the mother of his child was sitting right next to him, who else did he know on a daily basis that has red hair? The only problem is that he doesn’t know how Mara would take the news, he’s not even sure if she likes him romantically.

Mara Jade took a stolen glance at Luke, her heart was heavy, she hoped with every fiber being in her that she could have a chance with the son of Anakin Skywalker.

“I don’t know, Farmboy, he looks more like his mother to me…you sure he’s your son?” A smirk appeared on her face which forced Luke to make a noise between a laugh, chuckle, and a cough.

“Don’t die on me Luke,” interjected Leia who was seated a few feet from them, her attention was still turned to Han, but a noticeable smirk was present in her voice.

Fighting the urge to pinch his sister, Luke resorted to verbally attacking her, which probably wasn’t smart on his part considering she’s a politician…like their mother. “Sure, lil sis, whatever you say.”

“Lukie,” Leia now turned fully to her brother, a grin full of mischief was present. “I’m 100% sure that I am the eldest.”

Luke made a gagging noise. “And what makes you think that?”

“I’m smarter and know way more things than you do,” the way she said it made the conversation finalize and it had no longer held room for arguments.

Luke and Leia stared at one another, giving an identical smile and turned to their future partners. Not that Mara knew it, but Luke won’t tell her that just yet.

“If you had to guess who the mother is…who do you think it would be?” Luke asked her, suddenly feeling very shy.

Mara shrugged. She knew that Skywalker hasn’t interacted with any redheads recently, besides her, so he could have possibly met her in the future.

“No clue, but who knows, knowing you, you probably conceived him by yourself.”

“Mara!” Luke whined, which made the red headed girl cackle. They deviated from the conversation of one Ben Skywalker, choosing more appropriate topics.


Nat Skywalker had seen better days, and he certainly has been in better situations. He doesn’t know where to put this newfound anomaly in his “Places and Situations I have been in” list. He sighed, resting his head against the headrest of the seat. Kol sat next to him, his eyes were trained on the HoloNet in his hands. 

Nat has partial thoughts on his last name, part of him doesn’t enjoy the fame it brings, another part of him does, especially when it comes to gathering information that others might not be able to extract. A powerful, well known name is always helpful.

But, here, being with other Skywalkers, even though most of them are from the past, he feels the little boy from years ago rise up in him again. The child who used to stare starry-eyed into the galaxy when his father used to tell him stories, famous and exciting stories, of his grandfather, great grandfather, his ancestors. Nat knew that due to these stories, Kol was more accepting of their last name than he is.

“What are you thinking about, brother?” Kol murmured, his eyes hadn’t left the screen.

“Our last name,” Nat answered, making his brother sigh.

“Again? Don’t you think you’ve been blaming them for far too long?”

Nat snorted, which made Kol shift his eyes to the elder of the two. Kol shot him an unamused grin, he shook his head.

“Anakin Skywalker became a Sith Lord–”

“Luke Skywalker didn’t,” Kol pointed out, which was a good point, but that didn’t soothe Nat’s worries.

“Fine, Luke didn’t, but he married a Dark Sider, a sith assassin. Ben Skywalker,” at this, Nat lowered his voice, not wanting to disrupt the timestream if his ancestor got word of this. He wouldn’t be held accountable if the future got destroyed because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Married a sith apprentice! Ben followed his father’s footsteps, we already have two well known Skywalkers marry people who used the Dark Side.”

There have been a long line of Skywalkers marrying Sith and Nat couldn’t help but feel wary and afraid, he’s seen first hand how the Dark Side twists and corrupts people, people you’ve loved, people you’ve known, into people you no longer recognize.

“Let’s not forget the Solos, Jacen Solo turned into Darth Caedus.”

Kol closed his eyes, the evidence against the Skywalker name was too great to ignore. “But they turned back, they resisted the Dark Side and became part of the light once more,” and that was what gave Kol Skywalker hope. Hope that no matter how torn, how twisted, their family tree was, the Skywalkers would always return to the Light Side.


Marasiah stood behind the pilots of the ship, letting the blue of the stars blur past them, calming the eye of her storm.

“Is everything alright, milady?” Asked one of the pilots. The young woman turned her head and let her gaze fall to the nametag pinned to his chest.

Smiling, Marasiah nodded once, “I am, thank you…Azmir Olleen.”

Azmir grinned wide, obviously preening with praise. He returned to the control board of the ship, ignoring the snickering of his friend next to him.

The Skywalkers of old, as she called them, were quite a group. She saw many attributes and personalities that were present in Anakin, Padmé, Luke, and Leia reflect in her. No doubt the tempting call to the senate came from Padmé Amidala.



Those are the Skywalker genes.




Those are the Solo genes.

She was never one to use her Skywalker or Solo blood to demand something, but she never forgot her roots. She studied them, relentlessly, and she made sure to make her ancestors proud. Padmé Amidala was her idol, and knowing that she was the matriarch of the Skywalker Clan had driven Marasiah even further into her passion.

Anakin Skywalker’s legendary victories during the Clone Wars lit a fire in her to become a great Jedi Knight.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t meet Shmi Skywalker. That would’ve been thrilling. Her bloodline came from a humble background. One that she feels she shouldn’t ignore.

Marasiah Fel honored her traditions, honored her roots, honored her ancestors. She felt honored that she had the opportunity to gaze and stand in the same room as the famed heroes of the Old Republic. 

And there was no way in all the Nine Corellian Hells that she would allow Palpatine to destroy this. Even if she was arrested for his murder. She would kill him, slaughter him, if it was the last thing she did.

Revenge might not be the Jedi way, but it sure as hell was hers.


Ben laughed jovially. Who knew that his cousins could be such a trouble magnet? Judging by how young Anakin Junior is, no doubt it was before he died in the Yuuzhan Vong War. At the brief memory of the war, his heart felt heavy, and in a way, Ben felt as if he had abandoned his father. Seeing his mother young and somewhat carefree, nearly brought tears to his eyes. He remembered when his father brought him the devastating news that his mom had been killed, by his cousin of all people. Luke had mourned for weeks, Leia never felt more guilty, and he felt the Force tremor with such devastation he was nearly worried for all the Force sensitives of the galaxy.

He may be young, 17 isn’t that young, but he will do anything to stop the Dark Side from winning and taking hold over his family.

“Ben, come on! Jaina is gonna show us a magic trick!” The red headed boy was shaken from his mourning thoughts and glanced down at little Ani. Anakin Solo’s bright blue eyes sparkled with life, enjoying the idea of having an older cousin.

“I’m coming, Junior,” Ben laughed, causing Anakin to pout.

Anakin stuck out his tongue.“I refuse to be named junior.” 

Ben smirked, “sorry, sorry, but we already have an Anakin, so it'll be very confusing if we both called you Anakin,” he ruffled his younger cousin who bit his tongue who was thinking extremely hard. R2-D2 beeped a few times, his cylinder body swaying from side to side as he got excited.

“Then call me 2.0! Now I sound like a droid,” Anakin giggled, Ben sighed in mock exasperation.

“Artoo, it was Little Ani’s choice,” Ben tsked, but he silently agreed it was a good nickname.

Following the younger Anakin, Ben was now surrounded by a younger version of Jacen and Jaina. 

“Come on, Jaina, I bet I could beat you any day,” Jacen’s face morphed into one of mischievousness, his sister only scoffed at him.

“Please, Uncle Luke said I was on my way to becoming one of the best sword fighters in the Jedi Order!”

Ben coughed immediately stopping the oncoming lightsaber fight, “I think Jacen has what it takes. Who knows, you two are pretty powerful, maybe wait until you both are older then we’ll actually see who’s the best.”

Anakin Junior laughed when Jaina fell on her bottom, gasping out in surprise.

“You Nerfherder!”

Yeah, Ben is gonna cherish this moment.



“I have a feeling Sia is going to do something drastic.”

“What makes you say that?”

Ania looked at Cade, her brown eyes rolling slightly, “you know how she is, she’ll do anything to stop oncoming threats. Especially when it comes to our family,” shuddering a breath, the brunette crossed her arms. “What do you think about this situation?”

Cade snorted. “Besides the fact that the Force loves to meddle in our family business?” He shrugged. “I just want to get back home…to my timeline. I could care less what happens here in the past.”

“Mhm, yeah,” Ania nodded in agreement. “But what about your…”she waved her hands. “Jedi instincts or something, don’t you want to change the timeline?”

“Do you?”

“Absolutely not,” her voice was laced with contempt, “I left the Jedi and became a smuggler for a reason. I don’t want to do anything with the Skywalkers.”

Two pairs of brown eyes locked together. One with compassion the other with denial.

“You can’t leave your destiny behind…” Cade came over and grasped her arms. “Don’t you at least want to try? To know that you could do everything in your power to–to change the past and live the life we all deserve?” His voice was pleading, making his cousin waver slightly in her decision.

“Of course I do. Darth Vader’s choice impacted us all, looming over us with this–this–this shadow!” Ania cried out, burying her head in her hands. “Seeing Anakin Skywalker acting like a normal man, someone who clearly loves his wife despite the secrecy. He was happy to know us, and that’s what scares me.”

She turned away from her male cousin, her brown hair hitting his face slightly.

“Knowing Sia,” Cade started, his voice growing soft with each word. “She would try to change the past, even if it means that she could potentially lose her empire and possibly herself. She would do it, because she would want the best for everyone who came before her.”

“And the Jedi Council?” Ania looked at the closed door, her thoughts slowly forming into an answer.

“Kriff the Jedi Council, if they won’t help us, then we’ll help ourselves. They’re the reason Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side”

“It was still Grandpa’s choice…”

Cade nodded. “It was. But the Jedi should’ve known that Palpatine was the Sith Lord, we could feel it, and we’re star systems away from Coruscant.” He argued, but he knew she wasn’t listening.

Ania knew her choice. Whether or not Cade, Marasiah, or anyone else would agree with her, she knew it and she was going to stick with it. 


Landing on the landing pad, the Naboo Starship had descended gracefully, making the kids of the Skywalker Clan hop with giddy.

The boat ride there was unusually silent, the tension was still there, but not as potent as it was before.

Padmé smiled softly, watching her descendants gape in awe at the house.

“Why in the whole galaxy would you ever want to leave here?” Nat huffed out a disbelieving laugh.

“That’s a question I ask myself everyday,” Anakin grumbles, he was barely able to dodge the swift pinch his wife was about to attack him with. Her glare sent her grandchildren into heaps of giggles.

Now entering the abode, Padmé had shown everyone to their respective rooms, one that everyone had trouble keeping their mouths closed.

Leia shook her head. “Mom sure was rich, imagine living here, Luke, everyday.”

Her brother sat on her bed, staring out at the clear water. “Would it be possible to change the future?”

“What?” Leia whipped her head so fast she had to stretch her neck. “What are you talking about? In order to do that, we would have to change the past, and that’s impossible.”

The blond boy only hummed, silently agreeing with her.


Anakin was playing with his Solo grandchildren, when their supposed father walked in the room.

“Ah…I-I’ll just leave…”

“Hold it.”

Han gulped, he froze and cursed himself in his head, why did he have to fall in love and associate with a girl who had the most terrifying father in the galaxy?

“I don’t think I caught your name,” Anakin was in front of him now, the three children ignoring the tense exchange.

“Uh, Han. Han Solo–sir!” Han gulped silently, electric blue eyes stared him down. Luke’s blue eyes were more soft, so this was a totally new experience.

“You apparently are in love with my daughter, what is your…” Anakin paused for a moment, trying to form the right words. “Profession?”

Oh kriff, I’m so gonna be dead. It was one thing to go up against Vader in a ship, but it’s a whole ‘nother thing when this man doesn’t have his suit on and you can see his every expression.

“I’m well, was, a smuggler, now I’m a general in the Rebel Alliance and I’m also the best pilot in the galaxy,” his smirk was apparent and that made Anakin arch his brow.

“I doubt it,” Anakin Skywalker laughed, which made Han frown irritably.

“Oh yeah? I bet I could beat you!” Han couldn’t believe he was sassing his idol, his girlfriend’s father, the hero of the Old Republic. Oh he was in some trouble now.

The man crossed his arms, a smirk placed on his lips. “You and me, tonight, we race,” he extended his hand which Han took.

“It’s a deal.”


Marasiah was on the balcony, taking in the sweet air, when she turned her head, hearing a soft cough that dispelled her thoughts away.


“We know you’re going to try to change the future,” Cade’s eyes hardened, his arms crossed with a frown tugging at his mouth.

Ania smirked, her left hand firmly placed on her jutted out hips with her right hand expertly twirling her lightsaber in the air. “And we want in.”

With a disbelieving laugh, Marasiah could only shake her head. “I could never keep secrets from you.” She held out her hand, her two cousins grasping it. 

“Welcome to the club.”


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6 months ago
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't

I swear....Obi-wan is talking about us Anakin and Obi-wan girlies....but we have a good reason, don't we?

I mean, just look at them!

I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't
I Swear....Obi-wan Is Talking About Us Anakin And Obi-wan Girlies....but We Have A Good Reason, Don't

Yeah, we really do have a problem. 😩✨️✨️

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6 months ago

Star Wars: Reaction Masterlist

Star Wars: Reaction Masterlist

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is heavily AU, and won't follow the original timeline, but I promise there would still be a lot of Skywalker Chaos

Watching Padme's future:


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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6 months ago

Star Wars: The Force Masterlist

Star Wars: The Force Masterlist

With Love and Passion, I am Balanced

Falling in Love with a Force God:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Tags :
6 months ago

With Love and Passion, I am Balanced

With Love And Passion, I Am Balanced

It's the Force's time to gain the spotlight. The Dark Side and Light Side of the Force is not as it all seems. Here you can see the love and tragedy they have faced.


The Force.

Mostly seen as energy, mostly seen as one being, is only what people like to believe. They believe a lie only because they have forgotten the truth. The truth, which is simple, is not as it seems.

Jedi believe the Force is energy that bounds all living things together.

Sith believe it is simply a power to be claimed, used for their personal gain.

Which one is right? Which one is wrong? The answer?

Both of them, yet, neither of them.

The Force is split into two beings that rule as the thread that sews life into fruition. Yet, they also use their own power for gain, of course not in the way one would expect.

Jedi and Sith alike lived together, ruling their own side of the galaxy until they lost their way. Bringing unbalance and chaos, the Force watched as their champions fought, disappointed the warriors could not find a way to bring balance.

Day and night.

Light and dark.

Harmony and chaos.

These two contrasts lived in unity, in the only place where one could.



A palace, built on floating rock structures, was set high in the clouds. Waterfalls flowed freely out of designated spots of the grand building. The palace was enormous, futuristic. It had open stairways that led to different parts inside the castle, where you could view the water crystals as you please. A large lotus flower floated just above the palace, stardust twinkling down giving the palace a shimmering glow. White castle walls, gold turrets with silver streaks. The stars hung closely to the home of the Force. The form of the palace was like no other, large arches, glass stairs. A towering pink flowering tree with a thick, white trunk, stood in the middle of the castle where you first enter. Tiny black crystals were the budding of the pink flowers.

Each time the wind flew by, you could see the sparkling trail of crystal butterflies. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black. Each color represents the harmony between light and dark.

The throne room held many glass windows, flowers were stationed at the top of the arches, two thrones, one black, the other white. A red crystal was positioned above the black throne. A blue crystal, above the white throne. Yet, there was a purple-ish white crystal, above the two others, signifying the balance between good and evil.

Below, where the land is fruitful, mountains, plains and sparkling oceans lay, villages were set up. People lived together, uncaring of the chaos that comes by daily. The trees, when the moon arises, glow with a thousand tiny lights. The animals, during the night, luminate, making their path light up as they walk.

The two rulers of such a world, as well as the galaxy, were known mononymously as the Force. Yet, to each other, they were simply known as husband and wife, Hadeon and Meira.

25,000 years ago

Sitting leisurely on a plush couch reading a book, Meira closed the world from around her, her focus set on the object that she now read in her hand. Eyes moved slowly from one side to the other, lips were bitten as she continued to read, losing focus of the surroundings, not noticing the shadows that crept up behind her, threatening to devour whatever lay in their path.

Black tendrils slithered slowly up the couch, their cold touch gripped the woman by her neck, though applying pressure, it was not enough to cause her discomfort. Forcefully, she looked up to meet her captor.

Red eyes bore into blue ones, a smirk playing on the man's lips.

"Whatever has you so entrapped, my light?" A deep voice said slowly, his fingers traced the side of her face, mesmerized at such beauty.

"If you must know, dear husband," her voice twinkled like a thousand stars, "I was reading a book I bought from Skyriver, they truly have such fascinating stories."

Barking out an amused laugh, he settled himself behind her, wrapping his arms around her, "Meira, do you have some connection to Skyriver? Out of all the galaxies we have created, you travel to Skyriver frequently, is there something I need to know?" His eyebrow now raised, the man took his wife's white hair, loving the way it shines when light hits it.

"Hadeon, I simply like their imagination," Meira reopened her book, forcing away a smile that threatened to appear. Hadeon huffed and relaxed, simply enjoying the peace before he turned it all into chaos.

An hour later, he opened his eyes to the sound of a book being shut. Feeling the weight of his wife leaving, Hadeon turned to see Meira put the book back in its proper place.

"Now, I believe we have duties to attend to?" she walked out, laughing in a musical tone as she heard him groan out.

Now seated on their thrones, a large eye-shaped orb appeared, waiting for its command.

"Show us Skyriver."

Hadeon sighed in mock exasperation, wincing when his wife pinched his ear. Meira giggled before she once again turned her attention to the orb in front of her.

The Skyriver Galaxy was shown, planets were brought up as the Force continued to watch, liking the changes made until it stopped on one planet.


There a man was meditating, his body hovering above the ground.

"Well, well," Hadeon was surprised, yet, at the same time, he was not.

"He could use our power…" Meira muttered.

"But to what extent?"

Meira shook her head, "he is not us, he could use only a small fraction."

"How much do you want to bet there are more like him?" Hadeon smirked. She gave him a glare.

"I know enough not to bet against you, cheater."

He looked affronted but did not deny the accusations.

"We'll see how this goes, this is the first time since we created beings that they have ever shown sensitivity to our power," Hadeon thought aloud. Meira nodded.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Years later, they continuously checked on him. The man slowly built an order and taught others who were like him. They studied their newfound powers, and uncovered ancient texts. Now knowing it is considered the Force, the man devoted his entire order to serve the Force, namely the lightside.

"The Lightside?" Hadeon was now laughing with his entire being, "what kind of stupid name is that?"

"You should know what they call you," Meira allowed a smirk to appear as he now stopped laughing.

"What…I swear if I get some stupid name, I'm destroying your followers."

"Oh, my dear husband," the white haired woman patted her husband's dark blonde hair, "you are considered the Darkside."

A slow feral grin made its way onto Hadeon's face, "well, I like the sound of that."

"I knew you would," mirth was present in Meira's eyes.

"Do they know that you could become part of the darkside just as I could be part of the light? But we just favor one side more?" Hadeon crossed his arms.

"Let's not switch sides now, they're still growing."

20,000 years ago

"Meira! It's time!" Hadeon rushed out to his throne that was surrounded in shadows. Waving his hand, a table full of treats materialized.

A white portal flashed to his left, out came the Lightside of the Force, Meira.

"Did I miss the battle?'

"Just in time, my light."

For the first thousand years, the Jedi had become such an established order that Meira considered them her followers, her warriors, her champions.

Hadeon was feeling jealous, though he refused to admit it. Then, a group of Jedi broke away from the Order and became a new group, known as the Sith.

Jedi and Sith lived together, uncaring of the other. Another thousand years passed, soon Jedi and Sith fought battles, each wanting to destroy the other.

The Force watched such battles with amusement, each taking bets on who would win.

Certain years, the Jedi would win, which caused Hadeon to sulk and claim his wife cheated. Other years, the Sith would win, causing Meira to pout and refuse to give her husband the affection he wanted. Of course, it was all fun and games on their part, and they happily returned to each other's arms after a few hours of disappointment.

For the next 3,000 years, the galaxy would be torn apart by the battles the light and dark would have.

"The Sith are becoming powerful, my love."

"Yes, I'm proud of them, of course, we would rule with an iron fist if they could only work as well as the Jedi do," Hadeon muttered in disbelief, shaking his head. Meira merely smiled.

She had become weakened one time, when the Sith completely extinguished the light. Hadeon worried and fussed over her, he knew she could not die, after all she is immortal, but that did not stop the bad thoughts that entered. Meira healed a few days later, much to the relief of her husband. The same thing happened to him when the Jedi snuffed out the dark.

There had to be a balance. When the Jedi and Sith cause unbalance, they weaken a small amount.

"Do they not know balance!?" Meira fumed, her eyes darkening. Pacing in one of the palace's sitting rooms, she could only let out her anger in short outbursts. "They only claim to know us, yet, they abuse us. We are unbalanced, the power we have gifted them is unbalanced!"

Hadeon stood a few feet from a large window, gazing out and into their domain. Ruffling his dark blonde hair, he told his lover to calm down. Walking over to soothe her nerves, Hadeon kissed her.

And he kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

Meira melted inside, she hated the way their followers viewed the other side of the Force, of them. The Jedi viewed her husband as evil, while he was by no means on the lightside, he had good qualities, qualities that made her fall in love with him more.

"My light, everything will be alright."

"Was it a mistake to let them continue one like this? Skyriver hasn't seen peace in five thousand years."

Hadeon put her head under his chin, gathering her up in his arms.

"We will feel balanced again."

10,000 years ago

The air was crisp, the water sparkled with a thousand lights. Crystal butterflies flew together with the wind. Oh, balance has never felt better than this.

Meira rose from a peaceful slumber, feeling the other side of the bed, her head rose and a frown appeared. Where could her husband be?

"Time to eat."

A man, with a strong built figure, dark blonde hair, red eyes, and a smirk on his lips came into view holding a tray full of food. Meira laughed in delight.

"Must we eat now? I'm still feeling unsatisfied from last night." Her head rested against her fist, a small smile illuminated her face.

Hadeon licked his lips, putting the tray on a small table, he pounced on her. Giggles floated through the air.

They kissed, their hands roaming.

Breathy sighs, quiet growls, but most of all, sounds of passion.

Oh yes, this morning is perfect.

"There have been whispers of a 'Chosen One' and they would bring balance to the Force."

Meira raised her eyebrow when Hadeon told her what the Jedi were whispering about.

"A Chosen One? Mhm," a smile appeared, "I see."

"Have you been keeping secrets from me?"

"Me? Of course not," the smile formed into a smirk, "you will find out in a few thousand years."

Hadeon gaped, "what!?"

Laughing, Meira left the room, her hips swaying.

"That's too long!" He ran after her.

"A few thousand years will feel like a month to you."

"No, tell me now," Hadeon had all but demanded of her, cornering his wife against a wall.

"Give me a month."


9,000 years ago

Hadeon stalked his wife. She had promised him a month, it's been a month. How much longer is she going to keep such a secret from him?

She turned out to the garden, walking past a golden Jteri fish pond. The night sky glittered with stars, a full moon shone bright, making it very romantic. Yet, all Hadeon could think about was the secret.

Meria stopped short of a nearby bench, she took quick, fast paced steps, inhaling deeply.

"You can come out now, my love."

Hadeon reluctantly moved away from his hiding spot, not an ounce of guilt showed on his facial expression, his stance confident.

"Will you tell me now?"

Meira patted the seat next to her, which he snapped his fingers and appeared on the seat in a puff of smoke. She held his hands, forcing him to stare into her eyes.

"Something wonderful has happened…Hadeon, I'm pregnant."

Shock and joy. That's what the Darkside felt.

He leaned forward, took her head in his hands, and kissed her.

He kissed her with all his being, feelings could be felt, love, compassion, joy.

Feelings that could not be felt from the Darkside, could be felt now.

The Darkside and the Lightside made a child from their love.

That love would be the balance between light and dark.

Hadeon went to Moraband, the Sith homeworld. His eyes glow a sickening red, it's been a few weeks since he found out he was going to be a father. The darkside was powerful on this planet, not an ounce of his wife's love and light could ever step here. It made her sick, physically and mentally.

He wanted his Sith minions to hurry and become as powerful as they once were. Yet they were stuck on their own arrogant ways to see past their blind sighted nature and look at the bigger picture. Of course, he would never hurt his wife, she could always let go of the light and join him in the shadows, that was the idea anyway. It's been a constant battle of what side their child could take. Would they be dark or would they be light? Which side of the Force would they favor?

The Darkside growled lowly, he wondered briefly when the fighting began, in all their immortal years, they have never been unbalanced. Ever since the first Jedi came to be, unnecessary fights have been issued, now instead of enjoying the petty battles the Sith and Jedi would partake in, he and Meira fought as if they were part of such a troublesome Order that favored half of them. Just last week, they argued over names, and not the normal arguing either. Loud shouting, telekinesis, and crater-like holes were included, stupid isn't it? He surely thought so.

Heading over to the Sith Temple, he was pleased to see Sith students working hard on his side of the Force. Soon the Jedi would be over, he could just smell the sweet, sweet victory the battle would promise him.

"Impressive, most impressive."

Meira crossed her arms, her belly unnoticeable yet. She mulled over her marriage with the Darkside, oh how being unbalanced was such a disturbing feeling. Yes, the two of them were like fire and water, but they had always made it work, after all, they were the Force itself, the powerful energy that binds everyone and everything together. She now regrets allowing the first Jedi to keep the Force as well as teach it to the other beings. They hate the darkside just as much as the Sith hate the light.

For a few thousand years, the Jedi and Sith were in harmony, until they lost their way, making the Force bend to their selfish ways. Meira hated the thought, but she knew her husband was slightly pleased at the notion. He started to act like them now and she fears what he could do in the future. Meira's only hope was the child they created together, the child will bring her husband back, she was sure of it.

If she had to lock her husband up to regain the balance in them, then so be it.

900 years ago

Night consumed day and tiny creatures chirped to fill in the silence. Now in her nightgown, Meira braided her hair to keep it out of her face. Hadeon read a book from Skyriver fully engrossed in it, not noticing the grin his wife had.

"I remember you telling me some thousand years ago that you hated Skyriver books, my darknight."

Hadeon snorted, peering his eyes over the rim of the book, "I said you favored Skyriver books over the others, Meira, not that I hated them."

The woman stood from her chair, allowing her nightgown that was bunched at her knees to fall. Her once toned stomach was now full with child, she waddled slowly over to her side of the bed. Climbing in, she settled herself quite comfortably until she decided to drape herself over her husband.

"May I help you? I do believe this spot is reserved for one person only," Hadeon said seriously, his eyes sharp. She looked at him, giving him a smile that only he has the privilege to see and what a privilege it was.

"Yes, as a matter in fact you can," she took the book from his hands and plopped herself on his lap, "there much better."

Hadeon laughed, "well then, my love, ready for bed?"

She shook her head, "tell your child to calm down, I can't sleep when the baby is set on kicking my delicate ribs." Setting his palms on her stomach, he let his presence soothe the child. Meira sighed in content, letting herself fully relax.

"Oh, you work wonders with this child."

Hadeon smirked, "he might be taking after me then, I can already sense the darkness growing."

Meira's eyes shot open, quickly moving away from her husband who's smirk didn't falter.

"He will be nothing but drenched in the light, I will not allow him to be corrupted!"

At this, his eyes hardened, "corrupted?" He seethed, "is that how you view me? I am half of you, you are half of me! We are one in the same, do not forget your place. Without me you would not survive."

She scoffed, "As long as we are both still alive, we can still live on without the other," Meira removed herself from the comfort of the large bed, "I suggest you keep your dark paws off me and my child!" She turned around and stalked out of the room in a hurry.

"YOUR CHILD!?" Hadeon thundered.

The Force once again became unbalanced.

2 years ago

Drenched in sweat, muscles sore, and feeling fatigue, Meira successfully delivered her child into the galaxy. Hadeon smiled a pure smile, one she hasn't seen in 25,000 years.

"He is beautiful, he has your hair, my love," Meira laughed a watery laugh.

"But with your eyes, he is such a tiny thing," the new father carefully traced his son's face, bending down to kiss his forehead.

"What should his name be? We had many options," he whispered.

"I do believe you chose Osiris, didn't you?" Her eyes met his which had softened considerably.

"Ha ha, yes, but I believe I have grown fond of another name, one we decided on years ago, way before we created galaxies."

Now she was confused, her head tilt in a manner that made his heart melt.


Her eyes watered, "I…I had forgotten about that name, Anakin…our little Anakin. Born of light and dark, love and passion."

They kissed, a strong feeling filled with joy.

Anakin whined quietly, causing the new parents to chuckle. Meira held the baby to her chest, rubbing his back slowly.

My family is now complete.

The white eye-shaped orb came into view, showing two Sith, a master and an apprentice.

Going by the names of Plagueis and Sidious.

Meira could only watch in horror as her husband's servants of the dark tried and failed to create a being of pure darkness. Anakin babbled, giggling as he played with his mother's long dress. Hadeon came to the throne room, lifting his son using his powers, who laughed in delight, grabbing his father and giving him sloppy kisses.

"Do you know about this, husband? Do you know what your followers are doing? This could upset the balance we have set upon Skyriver!" She was furious, that much he could tell.

Shifting his son on his hip, he turned to face the wrath of the Lightside.

"I could have, perhaps, honestly, I believe this seemed to have slipped my mind."

Meira fumed, "I don't see my warriors going around disturbing everything, this is going too far, Hadeon!"

Shocked and surprised by his mother's yelling, Anakin let out a loud wail. The Darkside glared at his wife.

"Look at what you did now," he left the room, "your followers are just as bad as you are."

Hadeon and Meira were now concerned with the Sith's rise to power. At least, it was only apparent to them, the galaxy still had no clue. The woman was disappointed that as much as her Jedi loved to gloat about being powerful in the Force, they could not sense the darkness brewing.

"We need to stop this."

And it wasn't Meira who said this, she shot a surprised look at her husband.

"You want to stop this? What changed your mind?"

"My Sith can do whatever they please, except for creating life, that's not their job," his voice was set firm, his jaw set.

"The Chosen One."

Hadeon furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"The Jedi received visions, visions of the future, visions of the Chosen One. The Chosen One will bring balance to us."

"Great, so where do we find him?"

Her eyes settled on a small being, no taller than an Ewok on the Endor moon, playing with a tiny ball, levitating it a few inches off the ground in hopes to have it fly.

Hadeon followed her line of vision before he vehemently refused.

"Absolutely not, this I will not allow."

"Think about it, he is the son of us, the Force, we are light and dark, he is born of light and dark. Anakin is the balance because he carries both, not one," stressed out Meira. Hadeon let out a deep, dark chuckle.

"Find another to use to become that petty Chosen One, not our son."

Meira circled her arms around the man she loves, settling her head against his chest.

"Our Ani is the only way for us to achieve the balance we need…I hate the thought just as much as you do, but I know this is the right way…" blue bore into red. Red held its gaze a millisecond longer until it retreated.

"Fine, I suppose your idea does have its reasoning, how do you plan to do it?" sighed Hadeon, he felt more weary than he ever has. She only shook her head, muttering her plan softly, as if she was afraid her son could hear the separation his parents had for him.

1 year ago

"Dada, Dada!" Little Anakin wobbled slightly as he walked towards his father. Already, the young Force being was showing signs of powers. Both Meira and Hadeon were surprised, of course, they knew little about Force babies, since they themselves have been around longer than they can remember and no child has ever been born between them.

The father simply grinned at his offspring, encouraging him to walk a little closer.

Oh how he was going to miss this. After his wife told him of the plan, he made sure to spend the last few remaining weeks with his son. Cheering softly once Anakin had reached him, Hadeon picked him up, setting off to find the mother of his child.

Constant worry etched over her face, who would be the perfect substitute mother for her only child? She closed her eyes, looking into the future when she saw her. The perfect one.

Shmi Skywalker.

She was not married, which was perfect, and she would love the child no matter what. Oh, this was wonderful.

Opening her eyes again, the white orb showed the planet Shmi Skywalker lived on. A desert planet was brought into view, and instantly, Meira grimaced.

"Sand, how revolting."

Hadeon walked through the doors dramatically with Anakin on his hip. "Found her yet?"

"I did, Shmi Skywalker, she lives on the planet Tatooine."

He raised an eyebrow, "that planet has slave owners and scum crawling all over the place. Why don't you take him somewhere else?" He showed two planets, both abundant with water, "Alderaan or Naboo. The House of Organa seems like a good match, or maybe the House of Naberrie? They will give our son the love he deserves."

The Lightside only shook her head, "he has to be born with no father, and quite frankly, the House of Naberrie will play a part in Anakin's life in a different way."

At this, confusion spread over his face, to which his wife laughed, plucking her son from his arms.

"Currently, the youngest daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, Padmé, is three years old, if Anakin leaves by the time she is four, Shmi Skywalker will be pregnant with our son and when he is born, Padmé will be five." A picture of the smiling young girl was shown, dressed in a pale yellow dress, her brown curls wild.

Nodding, Hadeon only stared at her, "what does the daughter have to do with anything?"

"Oh my dear husband," a light tone coated her laughter, "Padme will be the future wife of Anakin," his face was nothing short of surprise, "so we can't have him growing up with her when she will only view him as a younger brother," Meira simply showed young Anakin his future wife, "you see her, Ani? Isn't she a darling?" Anakin stared and babbled, reaching out towards the image of young Padmé Naberrie. His mother cooed and grinned.

Yes, this is perfect.

Stars twinkled brightly on this night, which entranced Anakin to no end. His wide blue eyes glowed, a smile formed on his chubby cheeks.

"I have a feeling he will want to travel the galaxy once he reaches of age," Meira sighed softly, the baby in her arms, drifting off slowly.

Hadeon watched his small family, this is all he asked for.

Balance between the dark and the light.

Tears quietly fell, hearts cracked slowly, sadness filled them. Such emotion was strong enough that both the Jedi and Sith could only search the Force for this weird feeling.

Yes, sacrifices had to be, one that the Force wished they could choose a better option. Yet, they knew, no matter how heartbreaking it was, this was the right choice.


Shmi Skywalker didn't know how it happened. Chest heaving desperately trying suck in breaths of air, she cried out in agonizing pain, why, why, why?

The med-droid handed her a small being, clothed in blankets.

"It's a boy," it told her unemotionally.

A boy.

A baby boy.

"What have you chosen for the name, ma'am?"

Oh, oh dear, what should she choose?

Meira's eyes glowed, nudging a name into the new mother's mind. Her husband smirked, letting out a laugh. When she wants to be, the Lightside can be quite devious.

"Anakin," Shmi said after a moment of silence. The droid bore its yellow, unblinking eyes at her.

"Anakin it is."

The brunette gasped softly, her young son had the purest blue eyes she has ever seen. Though that of course begs the question, how?

"Anakin Skywalker…it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" She asked him in a quiet voice, the little baby could only stare sleepily at her.

He whined, who was this woman? He remembered being with a different one, yet, this new mother radiated warmth and comfort. Anakin could not be displeased. Smiling a toothless smile, the boy raised his hand to his new mother who took it gently.

"I promise, Ani, I will love you with all my being."

20 years later

The Clone Wars.

How fascinating.

Both light and dark were truly impressed and disturbed.

When the clones were created, Hadeon promised to destroy every single one, not out of anger, but because the Kaminoans dare to do the job his wife could only do.

Only his wife, Meira, the light side of the Force, could create life.

This, the clones, was pure mockery.

Hadeon had brooded for days, causing Meira to laugh.

"These beings are becoming too smart for their own good..." Hadeon muttered, popping a juneberry in his mouth.

"Darling, stop being a grouch, this is all part of the events that we need to have balance," Meira appeared into her husband's line of vision, soothing his emotions by caressing his hair.

"Doesn't mean they can just do whatever they want, honestly, we need to punish them."

Letting out a little musical laugh, she left the room, sparkles left in her wake.

Her back was facing away from the glowing orb, biting her nails for comfort.


"I-I can't, Ani shouldn't be fighting in a war, I did not give him up just so I can see him lose limb after limb," Meira wept.

She stuck out a hand behind her, searching for comfort which she found when she felt a warm hand encase her own.

"It will be alright, darling, he is our son, he is part of the Force. You know how exceptional Anakin is," the Darkside gave a small smile, believing this to comfort his fear-stricken wife, and he was right. Meira turned around, still grasping her husband's hand, and peeked over Hadeon's shoulder, eyes widening as she saw her only son slice battle droids after battle droids, without a scratch on him.

"He's amazing...we created him...we made him...my love," Meria gasped in awe.

Hadeon bellowed a deep laugh, "he is wonderful, I couldn't ask for a better son, Anakin will be the best, that I'm sure of."

3 years later

"She's PREGNANT!?"

Jaws were dropped as they watched Padme take a pregnancy test.

Slowly, Hadeon and Meira looked at each other, smiles stretched across their faces. They were going to be grandparents!

"Padme is having a girl."

Raising her eyebrow, Meira laughed, draping her arm around him, "My love, she is carrying a boy, I would know."

"This is where you're wrong, she's going to have a girl, just you watch," Hadeon batted her arm away, scoffing at his wife.

"Haha, what's the-wait! I'm too young to be a grandmother!" Meira held her face in shock, "I'm far too young!" She wailed.

Crossing his arms, he gave her an unimpressed look, "you are far too old to be a mother, yet here we are. You look young, but you are not."

He quickly dodged five books that were flying through the air.

"You take that back, Hadeon! I will cut off what you hold dear," Meira gave him a withering glare.

"You brought up the subject!"

"I said I was young, not old! You need to get yourself checked."

Hadeon snorted, "I'm the kriffing Force, I'm perfectly fine."


Fire consumed the once beautiful Jedi Temple.

Meira stood, her fists shaking with anger.

The clones that had once brought peace, now brought destruction. She found it to be funny, really, they were in a way like the Force.

The clones can be used for good or evil.

She felt herself weaken, one by one, the Jedi were struck down.

Falling to the ground, she held her chest, where is Hadeon? She needs him...she hasn't seen him in weeks and she was starting to get worried.

"Ha...deon..." she gasped out weakly.

Standing shakily back on her feet, she stumbled to their room, casting the door wide open.

Using her psychic link she shared with her husband, Meira gasped out.

Her remaining strength gave out, she tumbled to the polished floor.

All she could feel was darkness.







Not an ounce of love was felt.

What is this...who is this?

She has never felt feelings like this before, not through their psychic link. These are foreign emotions that seem intent on tearing the bond of light and dark apart.

As she continued to poke around, she all of a sudden found herself out of the link. She tried to search again but it was like he wasn't there.


She knew what it was.

Meira, Hadeon's wife, was forced out.

Casted out.

Not wanted.

Her heart broke.

The man that she loved, has love in his heart, even though he is the darkside. He carried a light inside of him just like she carried a darkness within her.

It's how it was done.

It's peaceful.


He felt awful, of course. But, he really couldn't feel the guilt. Honestly, he could blame the darkness. He never wanted to hurt her. Not all things could end in happy endings. They were never meant to love each other.

Or is that the deepest, darkest part of his power talking? He wasn't sure and he didn't want to know.

He was ecstatic, his Sith were finally going to rule. The Jedi had their time, now it was his turn.

Walking down the hallway with a purpose, Hadeon let out a cackle, red lightning emerged from his fingertips.

A feral smirk appeared, he ran his fingers over the pitch black throne. Power...

Inhaling, he sat gingerly on the decorated piece of art, in his opinion at least.

"I'm sorry my love, my light, but it's my turn now."

15 years later

Meira stood alone in the throne room, her gaze turned to the empty seat next to hers. Her husband disappeared a few weeks before Anakin turned, finding out he fully embraced the darkside that the Sith practiced.

Tears gathered in her eyes, threatening to fall, she gave up everything to bring peace to the galaxy, yet, all she had acquired was heartbreak and loneliness.

Her husband now became her enemy, she missed the warmth Hadeon brought with him when they laid together. Meira would watch her grandson, Luke, live happily on the desert planet, unaware of the large destiny he must face.

Her thoughts drew to her son. Anakin should've been here, to bring back the balance she so craved. What was she thinking? Why did she give him away?

Her knees gave out. Tears now flowed freely. She has been alone for many years. Her husband hated her. Her son doesn't remember her. What else does she have to give? She protected Anakin with all her being, yet she saw him turn to the darkside. In a way, she was proud. After all, he spent twenty-two years as a Jedi, following her teachings, now it was his turn to follow his father.

But that didn't stop the heartache that she felt.

The Jedi Massacre was the biggest she has seen, the Jedi now arrived in her domain…their domain, if her darknight was still here.

She had allowed Padme access to the Jedi part of her world. She deserves that much, Meira felt terrible, knowing that she had caused the bright, young girl's life to be cut short.

A loud wail bounced throughout the large, highly decorated room.

Surely that wasn't her?

It had to be one of the servants here.

It continued on, not stopping, oh how pitiful it sounded.

Meira stifled the cry of anguish, and forced in the rest of the tears that were waiting to fall. No, no, she will not sit here and cry, she hasn't mourned it twenty-two years, she will not be doing it now. On her hands and knees, she didn't heed her own instructions and let out her despair. The Jedi were the cause of this, of her pain. Ironic, wasn't it? She would laugh if she didn't feel the heartache she felt right now.

Oh, Hadeon, my love, my moon, where are you? I need you, our son needs you, take care of him…please.

She tried thinking of a happy memory, though all they brought on was pain…but her mind brought an image of her grandchildren…yes, there is one. Luke and Leia, two little bundles of joy. A tiny smile came across her face, a wet laugh ripped through her. Meira knows they will bring back her champions, her legacy, her son. But most of all her husband. They will know of love and light. Nothing else.

9 years later


Her lovely son.



She knew she should mourn, yet all she could think about was how happy she was. Meira wanted to laugh, cry, dance, in joy. Her son did it. He brought balance to the Force.

To them.

It took forty-six years, but he did it.

Already, she could feel the peace she once felt that has been missing since the Jedi first appeared.

Strong winds crashed the large doors open, black smoke and tendrils slowly appeared. Out came a man, looking as handsome as he did years ago.

Hadeon looked over every single thing in this room. Nothing has changed, he laughed silently.

There, with her back faced to him, was the love of his life, the light that only she can bring. The guilt, the shame, the regret, the penitence, the remorse, all these negative emotions were eating him up from the inside . Yet, the love, the joy, the adoration, the fondness he feels towards this being, it was indescribable. She looked as perfect as she did when he left her.

"My light," he whispered, eyes pleading in hope.

Her back did not turn, but it did tremble, it trembled with such force he was worried.

"D-do you realize how…I feel? I was distraught, I was worried, I was in pain, I wanted nothing but for you to come back to me! And here you are, strutting around like you just came back from pulling pranks on the beings of Skyriver!" She turned to face him, tears flowed, her voice shook, yet, he could feel her relief, "I wanted nothing more to see you come back, but it took you forever!"

Her eyes narrowed into tiny slits, she stalked towards him with ferocity that he felt himself shake. When the Lightside was angry…she was angry.

Grabbing his face, she pulled him into a long overdue kiss. Emotions were pouring into the single movement. They pawed at each other, only allowing their feelings to do the talking.

Hadeon picked up Meira, setting her on his throne. There they allowed only passion to speak.

Meira missed this feeling, nothing could ever compare to her lover.

Hours passed, but they did not stop, too much was missed. They could talk later, right now, they needed each other in ways only they knew how.

Now in their bed, peaceful silence could be felt. Meira traced shapes on her husband's bare chest. Hadeon kissed the top of her head. They had been talking for what seemed like days to them. Shouts, tears, throwing of items were what their talk had detailed. But they knew that they loved each other. They were meant to be together, how could they not? They were the Force, they were two parts of one whole, they were the opposite, yet they were the same, that was something that could not be broken.

"I want to see him."

Meira knew what he was asking, her husband hadn't seen him in over forty-six years, at least, not in the way he remembered.

"He is with the others, in Harmonia Pellem, we can see him the next thing tomorrow morning," she whispered, her eyes threatening to shut close. He nodded, making them both comfortable.

They slept in blissful silence, only the small critters could be heard, but they created a song, a song of love, peace, and harmony.


Anakin lowered his head, there he was, in the presence of the Jedi once again. He felt such overwhelming guilt that it threatened to overtake him. He didn't know why the Force decided that he should still be here.

When he first arrived, he felt peace, love. Feelings that he had not felt since he killed the emperor, since he first saw his son with his own eyes.

"Forgive you, we do," Yoda spoke first, no accusations were present in his voice, only acceptance, forgiveness.

"Master Yoda…with all due respect…why? I-I killed you all, I slaughtered all the Jedi without a second thought, I'm responsible for everything and more!" He forced the tears away.

A chuckle was heard, when he looked up, he saw his old master, Obi-wan, who looked as young as he did during the Clone Wars.

"You brought balance to the Force, Anakin, though the events that had followed were not ideal, you still did it, and for that, I'm proud of you."

The two hugged, which was long overdue if you asked Obi-wan.

"Thank you, Master," the young man bowed lowly to the other Jedi, he smiled a small smile.

"There is someone waiting for you, Anakin, go down that path, where you will see a pond, that person is there," Mace said, clapping a hand on Anakin's shoulder, giving him a firm squeeze.

Anakin did as he was told, and saw a woman, with brown curls, smiling at the fish that performed tricks.

His voice caught in his throat.

Oh, she is so beautiful, somehow, she looked even more ethereal than she ever did.

"Anakin!" Padme gasped in joy, she ran to him, tightly hugging his body, she cried. Her body racked with deep shakes that stirred Anakin out of his stupor.

They embraced, whispers of love and mutters of 'I'm sorry' were present over and over again.

"I-I'm so, deeply sorry, I do not deserve your forgiveness, I will beg on my knees until I have righted all the wrong I did" Anakin cried.

"No, Ani, I forgave you long ago, I love you, no matter what, you came back to me, that's all I wanted, all I asked for. You saved our son, you killed the emperor, you deserve so much. You went through Palpatine's torment, I wanted to help you so, so, so much," she kissed him again, Padme felt relief in her heart. Her Ani was back home.

Now walking back where the Jedi Council were at, Anakin gave them his apologies, to which they accepted.

"But, I do not understand, where are we?" Padme spoke up.

"You are in the Force, the planet where dark lives in harmony with light," a female spoke, her voice sounding like many melodies all coming into one. White hair cascaded down her back, blue eyes twinkled.

"I am Meira, but you know me as the Lightside of the Force."

A man materialized right beside her, his clothes an obvious contrast to her own.

"You know me as the Darkside of the Force, I am Hadeon."

Meira smiled demurely, "This is Eirithion, the planet of harmony, and we welcome you."

"But, the lightside is with the dark?" Ki-Adi wondered.

The Darkside chuckled, "I am her husband, so yes, I would like to be with her."

The Jedi were in shock, never before has this happened, since when were they together and married?

"But I thought marriage was forbidden…" Padme asked, her voice quiet, it was not every day you talked to the Force.

"I never said that, I encourage my followers to love, and if that includes marriage then so be it," Meira's head tilted, "over the course of time, the Jedi has corrupted my ways and teachings, I was…unhappy at the notion."

"That you were," Hadeon muttered, wincing when his wife pulled his hair.

"So, this means Anakin is the Chosen One then?" Obi-wan got straight to the point.

"He is, because he is our son," the Darkside revealed, causing everyone to still.

Anakin's breath stopped, "W-what? I'm not human?"

"You never were, do you know why you struggled with both sides of the Force? Why you feel at peace when you use both?" The Force woman asked, her voice was kind, "you were born here, but we–I–gave you to Shmi Skywalker."

"Why? Did you not want me?" Anakin's head swam, he was grateful that they chose such a kind woman to raise him, but that wouldn't stop the thoughts of feeling abandoned by the Force rise.

Quickly the woman went over to her son, the Jedi clearing the path for her.

"Oh my dear sweet Ani, I loved you with every fiber of my being, but you were chosen for something special…one that I could not ignore, there were times that I regretted my decision, especially since Hadeon left," eyes turned to him, who glared in response, "but I could never, we could never think of abandoning you, I promise." She hugged him, which Anakin reciprocated.

Oh Force, I'm married to a literal Force god… Padme's eyes widened, though at the same time, she was not surprised, her Anakin will always find a way to make her gape in shock.

The three Force beings hugged, finally feeling complete.


When Shmi Skywalker first opened her eyes, she didn't know where she was, but when a woman, glowing with such brightness that it almost hurt to look at her, appeared and said that her Ani was here, she knew that everything was alright.

When she saw her son, grown up, looking handsome, she nearly cried.

Their reunion was sweet as it was sad.

He told her everything, from start to finish, Shmi was glad that everything had turned out alright in the end.

She had her son and her daughter-in-law, what more could she ask for?


There was finally peace, peace that has been lost over 25,000 years ago.

They continued to look out for their descendants.

The Force was complete.

Dark lived alongside Light.

Day danced with night.

Hadeon and Meira had their son, their in between.

Balance is now achieved.

Tags :
6 months ago

The Great Grandchildren

Chapter 2

The Great Grandchildren

Sirens shrieked loudly, howls tore through the ship.

A blast hit the side of the Falcon, causing the girls to sit up in their seats. 

“Ani, we got a problem…”

“Yeah, I see that, Lana,”

Allana turned on the power boosters, “we need a way out of here.”

“It’s a literal battle–”

“Doesn’t matter. Go, go, go!”

Animé maneuvered them in a way to avoid getting it. Muttering under her breath, Allana manned the guns, blasting whatever was considered a danger to them, and at this moment, it was droids. 

“Hold on tight, we’re in a tricky situation,” she heard her cousin’s voice over the comms. 

The ship spinned multiple times, swerving left and right. 

Two Jedi starfighters zoomed past the cockpit, but Animé didn’t have time to find out why the models were so old.

“Allana, prepare those guns, we’re heading into battle!”

The brunette whipped her head in her cousin’s direction, “no! Away from the battle, are you crazy, Skywalker!?”

The girl piloting the ship laughed, “Always.”

Animé got into an unofficial race with a Jedi who piloted the yellow starfighter. The Falcon flew above the starfighter and twisted upside down, which allowed Animé to give a mock salute to her opponent. She flew right side up again, flying to the bridge of the enemy ship–at least, she hoped it was, it was crawling with droids.

“Lana, shoot!”

The Solo girl did as she was told.

The Separatist ship blew up in different places, before finally splitting in half. Which effectively won the battle.

Animé yelled in pure joy, “That’s the Skywalker-Solo team for you!”

Allana made her way to the cockpit, forcefully pulling the reddish-brown haired girl out the pilot’s seat.

“This is the last time I allow you to fly this ship. This ship belongs to me, don’t forget.”

Gaping in disbelief, Animé sputtered, “I got us out of the battle safely!”

“Yeah,” Allana snorted, “by bringing us into the heat of the battle,” she deadpanned. The younger girl pouted, cursing in Huttese.

Two ships appeared in their vision of eyesight.

*You are to board The Resolute at once*

“Oh kriffing hells,” Allana swore, this was just her luck. She couldn’t wait to strangle her cousin.

“I would like to request that I will be able to leave this battlefield,” Solo held her breath, praying to the Force that they would leave this place as soon as possible.

*Request denied, you will board at once.*

“Bantha poodoo,” Animé huffed, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Yeah, try to guess whose fault this was?”

Allana gained control over the Falcon and she followed the two aircrafts to a large flagship, a flagship that she had guessed was The Resolute. Her blue eyes dimmed slightly, she felt a Force presence that was similar to her Uncle Luke’s, and she hasn’t felt something like this since he died.

“This looks a lot like–”

“I know.”

After landing safely inside, the two girls descended the ramp. There, they were met with three Jedi and a small entourage of troopers with guns at the ready.

The older Jedi out of the three stroked his auburn beard, “well you certainly shocked everyone on board, may I ask for your names?”

The younger man with wild untamed dark blonde curls glanced at Animé, realizing she was the one who he raced against.

Allana coughed, “what are your names? I believe the phrases “stranger danger” and “never tell anyone your name” still apply?” She bit her lip to stop herself from smirking, but she didn’t need to glance at her cousin to know that Animé wasn’t holding back.

The young togruta Jedi smirked. And the blond man laughed out loud despite the situation.

“R-right, of course, my name is Obi-wan Kenobi, this is Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano.”


Oh holy mother of all Sith spawns.


Obi-wan and Anakin’s eyebrows raised in surprise, while Ahsoka covered her mouth in an attempt to smother her laughter.

“Excuse me?”

Animé waved quickly, “uh, we’re extremely sorry, we actually don’t know how we got here…”

Anakin tilted his head, hands on his hips, “you don’t know how you arrived in the middle of a battle and just so happened to fight like experienced pilots?” His voice was laced with doubt, and it was made clear as he spoke. Anakin crossed his arms, “I don’t believe you.”

Animé mirrored his stance, “well that’s too bad for you.”

Groaning, Allana pinched her cousin.

“I do hope you realize that we still await your names?” Obi-wan interjected, bringing the original question back into the conversation. Many troopers stilled their chuckles after the elder general spoke.

“I am Amelia Adova.”

“...Lori Adova,” Animé shook her head, allowing her bangs to fall in front of her eyes.

Allana gave her a weird look, to which Animé responded with a shrug.

Anakin sighed, “Ahsoka, show these two to a spare room, we’ll have to drop them off at the temple, maybe the council will know what to do.”

Ahsoka nodded, “come on–”

“Wait!” The three jedi turned to look at Animé who blushed and couched silently, “I-I mean, we have stuff in our ship…”

“And what’s going to happen to my ship? This baby ain’t going anywhere without me,” Allana narrowed her eyes.

“You actually want to keep this piece of junk?” Anakin raised an eyebrow, hands on his hips.

Reminding herself this was her great grandfather, she released her anger into the Force.

“This belongs to my grandpa, and he still cares for this ship, it's…part of his family.”

Reluctantly, the blonde gave up, nodding his head.

“We’ll wait here until you gather your stuff,” Obi-wan gave them permission.

The girls rushed inside, storing their lightsabers in their bags, along with ration bars and a bag of Republic credits. 

Anji and Sari sniffed, growling lowly, noticing unknown beings outside.

“It’s alright,” Allana soothed, “they’re…friends.”

Animé led the way, with the nexu and Lothal wolf following her.

Guns were raised automatically.

“They’re our pets, no need to be hostile.”

“Well, this just got complicated,” Ahsoka muttered to her master who nodded.

“No kidding. Rex, find somewhere to keep the…pets,” Anakin ordered. Anji growled lowly making the clones step back, not taking any chances. Rex sighed, why must his general make him do all the crazy errands?

“Sir, yes sir.”


 Awed faces were plastered on the two girls.

“Never seen a ship like this before?” Ahsoka asked in amusement.

“You mean a ship this old? Yeah, we haven’t,” Animé snorted before letting out an ‘oof’, glaring at Allana who mouthed a warning.

“Old? This is the newest model, you guys are weird…” Eyeing them with one last look of suspicion, Ahsoka brought them over to the mess hall. Animé chuckled awkwardly.

Receiving their trays, they found a table where they started to eat in peace.

“I heard that the red headed one unofficially challenged General Skywalker to race.”

“No way, who won?”

“–heard it was a tie–”


“That one looks like Senator Amidala–”

“Shh, they’re looking at us–”


Animé could only send a side eye at the clones who were gossiping. 

“What’s with all the similar faces?” 

Ahsoka once again looked at them with suspicion.

“You don’t know? Where have you guys been?”

“Easy now, don’t get all flustered, we live far out so we don’t get current news all that often,” shoving a spoonful of military food, Allana washed it down with water, she really missed her grandmother’s cooking.

“It’s the Clone Wars! It’s all anyone ever talks about, the Separatists take over worlds, how do you not know?” Ahsoka cried out, her eyes wide. Her hands formed into fists as she lightly pounded the table in shock.

Animé gave a look that reminded Ahsoka of Anakin, wondering if the new girl’s glare could give her master a run for his money.

“Well, kriff, thanks for the head’s up,” she drawled, rolling her eyes playing with her food. Allana was strangely quiet, and Animé poked her through the Force.

Allana didn’t look up, but poked the inside of her cheek twice, letting her cousin know she was fine.

Now finished, Ahsoka brought them to the bridge where gasps could be heard.

“Wow, I would love to make modifications to this,” Animé gushed.

“Sorry, Lori, my master already tried, but he was denied time and time again,” the young padawan laughed. Officers saluted as they walked by, showing respect to Ahsoka.

“What’s with the formality?” Allana whispered.

“I’m the commander, so, it’s military formality,” explained Ahsoka, nodding once to the crew members.

Animé appeared below the bridge, watching silently as the officers operated the ship. They hadn’t noted her presence, so when she hummed in disapproval, they jumped in shock, crying out in surprise.

“W-what, someone remove this kid!”

“Kid?” An eyebrow raised in annoyance, causing the older man to sweat, “care to say that again?”

He shook his head, returning to his post, making the girl nod in agreement.

“Lori! Get from over there! That’s not a place for us,” Ahsoka yelled. Allana barked out a laugh.

Allana could only sigh, her cousin, though younger by a mere months, could act like a child in wonder when it came to ships.

When Animé arrived back on the bridge, Admiral Yularen clicked his tongue in disapproval.

The door slid open, revealing Anakin and Obi-wan. Allana and Animé straightened their postures and suddenly they acted much older.

“I trust you’ve been well?” The older Jedi checked in, the two graciously thanked him.

“Lori, who taught you to pilot?” Anakin asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.

A proud smirk also made its way to Animé, “my family are the best pilots known in the galaxy, it runs in the family.”

“Oh really? I would like to meet them, maybe I could induce a challenge.”

The smirk fell and was soon replaced with a frown, “I wish you could, but they’re all dead.”

Anakin was filled with pity, “I’m sorry to hear that–”

“No worries, it was years ago,” Animé laughed and waved away the apologies, “how about you race us?”

Allana settled her hands on her jutted hips, “think you can keep up?”

Fire now sparked in the elder Skywalker, “I should be saying that to you, youngling, we can make the arrangements soon.”

The three shook hands and turned to see deadpanned expressions coming from Obi-wan and Ahsoka, all the while, Rex stifled a laugh.

“Ahsoka, could you show us the way to our rooms? We need our beauty rest if we’re gonna beat Skywalker here,” Allana started to walk to the exit with Ahsoka and Animé in tow.

“Well here it is,” Ahsoka led them to their shared quarters, “sorry it’s small, but it’s not a luxury cruise ship or anything,” Animé only shrugged, while Allana thanked the togruta.

 With the door now closed, the two let their facades melt away.

“This is bad–”

“I’m gonna prank–”

Mouths were shut as one stared at the other.


They both laughed, releasing stress that had built up since they woke up from unconsciousness. 

“I think we need to rest before we make any decisions.” 

“What about the decision we made with great grandpa?” 

Allana coughed, “besides that one…I must be inhaling some type of fumes…”

Animé rolled her eyes, snorting as she settled on the bottom bunk. Allana climbed on the top bunk, stretching leisurely before settling herself down.

“I can’t believe it, Mé , we’re here, in the past…the past…”

“What does this mean?” the brunette turned on her side, letting her hand dangle below her so Animé could grip it.

“I don’t know, but whatever it means, we’ll do it together.”


They slept soundly on their cots. The sound of the ship’s soft humming became a lullaby. 


“Save him.”

“Save Anakin Skywalker.”

“You’re part of my legacy.”

“Save my husband, your great grandfather.”

“The galaxy needs you.”

“We need you.”

A man dressed in black from head to toe, a hood covering his face with only red eyes visible, a black staff in his right hand. A woman in a white dress, sparkling blue eyes, and long, white hair, with a white staff in her left, materialized. 

“The Chosen One needs you.”

“Show him the light.”

Their hands joined together, a bright light flashed. Three golden rings, positioned in a triangle shape, appeared.

Three crystals formed in the middle of the rings.

A red crystal.

A blue crystal.

A purplish-white crystal.

The red crystal was behind the man in black.

The blue, behind the woman in white.

The purplish-white crystal formed just above the two.

“Save him.”

“Save our son.”


Thrown out of the bed, Allana moaned in pain. She held her head, her vision swimming. Her eyes settled on the alarm clock and its red lights were blurry from the sudden jolt of her being awake. Blinking quickly, Allana saw it was only 1400 am, she swore quietly and looked up, hoping the loud crash didn’t wake her cousin.

“Too bad, mission failed.”

Blowing out a raspberry, Allana groaned as she lifted herself up from the floor. Animé lay on her stomach, her feet crossed together and her head resting on her palm. A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips and blue eyes danced in amusement.

Stretching the aches and popping her fingers, Allana sent her cousin a wry smile, “thanks for helping.”

“Anytime,” Animé laughed, she then whistled when she saw the clock, “1402 am, not really ideal–”

Another jolt of the ship had both girls startled, screams tore through them. Red lights blared, sirens screeched, shouts were heard.

What’s going on?


Now dressed and freshened up, the Skywalker-Solos raced to the bridge, dodging many clones who rushed in every way, in every different direction. As the door to the bridge slid open, shouts from the one and only Skywalker could be heard. They caught up with Ahsoka who was looking tense. Allana’s mouth tightened into a thin line, her vision settling on the battle droids blasting their way through the Republic’s forces.

“Wanna catch me up on what’s happening here or should I just go grab myself a ship and blow these bulkheads? Cause we can always go down my favorite route: kill first, ask questions later.”

The adults who were bent over the map looked at Animé weirdly, to which Allana couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of her nose.

“M-Lori, no.” Animé groaned, muttering something about no one ever letting her blow things up.

“Okay…” Anakin looked at the two newcomers quite weirdly, his response? The same look.

“Anyway, we need to get out there, their ship looks like it’s going to fall apart, we just need to destroy it, in a place that’s effective but one that the Separatists aren’t guarding,” Blue eyes hardened, Anakin’s voice was laced with steel, seemingly fed up with this battle.

“That’s impossible, Master,” Ahsoka pressed a few buttons, and a map of the Separatist ship was shown. A red glowing dot was in the middle of the ship with a small opening right above it, “this can destroy the ship in a matter of seconds but it’s near impossible to get one of our ships through.”

Anakin looked grim, not liking the odds. He looked at Obi-wan and the two conversed, wondering how they could destroy the ship.

“You said it was near impossible right, Ahsoka?” Allana spoke up, her hand under her chin when everyone glanced her way.

“Yes? Why?”

Animé laughed, throwing her arm around Allana’s shoulder, “because, we still have a chance at hitting the energy pulsator from here.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” Obi-wan raised a delicate eyebrow, “it’s not like they will allow you to waltz inside.”

“Anakin, you did something like this, remember? During the Invasion of Naboo?”  Startled, he nodded, giving the two girls the answer they needed. “My grandfather did something like this before, not telling you who or when,” Animé gave the Jedi a firm look when they opened their mouths. “So, if anyone has a chance at tearing this ship apart it’s me and Allana.” 

Both Obi-wan and Anakin conversed inside their heads using the Force, unsure if they should allow the two strangers a chance to help, but the two older Jedi came to a decision, nodding at the two girls.

Smiling in satisfaction and one handshake later, Allana and Animé fist-bumped each other and bowed, leaving the crew and followed Ahsoka down to the hangar. 


Palpatine kept his face in a neutral expression, but inside he was utterly bored. He was currently listening to the “concerns” Bail Organa and his committee were presenting him, yet, were they truly getting anywhere?

Senator Organa is truly an inspiring politician, if only Palpatine could somehow move him onto his side, they could do great things together. At least that’s the lie he will use to try to convince Bail to leave his stupid committee.

“...after the events of the Zillo Beast, the population of Malastare believe we should regain another chance of providing them with peace…”

Nodding his head along with whatever they were talking about, he felt the Dark Side of the Force tremor. He didn’t know why he felt his heart beat with nervousness.

Closing his eyes, Palpatine searched throughout the galaxy in hopes of finding whatever was causing this disturbance, but he found nothing.

Reopening his eyes, he found his audience looking at him with concern and confusion.


“It’s not important,” Palpatine waved his hand, shooing away their “thoughtfulness”. “I really do apologize, but I’m afraid something just came up and I will need to tend with this matter immediately,” putting on his best sorrowful and regretful expression, Palpatine stood up and carefully but hurriedly, ushered everyone out of his office. “Please if you have anything else that you need to discuss with me, please talk with one of my secretaries or perhaps Mas Amedda, they will be more than willing to help you. Good day.”

With that, the door shut and Palpatine embraced the Dark Side, the disturbance was not a good one and he needs his apprentice, not the one he wants but the one he unfortunately has.

“Yes, my master?” A blue kneeling figure was shown on his communicator.

“Darth Tyrannus, I have a mission for you.”

Count Dooku rose and glanced at Darth Sidious. “And what would this mission entail?”

“I have a feeling things will soon change and I need you to use your contacts to…spy.”

“Spy? I see.”

“Surely you felt the tremor of the Dark Side of the Force,” Sidous smirked under his hood. “Whoever this is, I want you to find them, and sway them over to the Dark Side, or perhaps convince them to sympathize with me and have them follow my lead.”

“It will be done,” Dooku once again bowed and carried out his master’s plans.

Palpatine took the disguise of a kind, old grandfatherly politician. Mas Amedda walked into his office, a smug smirk plastered on his face.

“It was done, my lord.”


Tags :
6 months ago

The Great Grandchildren

Chapter 1

The Great Grandchildren

Traveling through time was not on their agenda, yet, they have no choice. Can they save the galaxy? Can they change the fate of their family? Can Allana Solo and Animé Skywalker make things right?


“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”

When Animé Skywalker thought of running, she never imagined running for her life. Well…that wasn’t entirely true. She had been in hiding for what seemed to be most of her life. She and her cousin Allana Solo had been hiding from Jedi haters, bounty hunters, and worst of all…Allana’s father. 

Darth Caedus.

For seven years, Animé had been on the run from Jacen Solo. Her father, Ben Skywalker and her mother, Vestara Khai, were both killed trying to save her. Great Aunt Leia and Great Uncle Han had taken her in, along with Allana, when they were younger. 

Jacen seemed to be taking up the old Sith sport in hunting for remaining Jedi and either turning them into slaves for the Sith, or killing them. Currently they were on the plant Lothal, almost hiding in plain sight it would seem. Of course, the surnames Skywalker and Solo were hailed as powerful names. Not just anyone held those names. So in order to hide, Animé and Allana changed their surnames, taking on the name Adova. 

Looking out the window where she worked as a seamstress, Animé shook her head. Once again she was lost in thought, and if her boss hadn’t loved her, she would’ve been fired long ago.

“Ani! Is your head in the clouds again?” 

Animé snorted and smiled at her cousin.

“‘Course not Lana, I have too much work to be completed for my head to be swimming up there with purrgils,” she laughed. She looked back at the work in front of her and continued her project. Hearing Allana snort, she turned her head to Allana’s direction, raising a single brow.

“Please, dear cousin, I know you better than that, what’s on your mind?” Blue eyes met blue, and Allana challenged her to spout another lie. 

Animé sighed, why couldn’t the Force be kinder to her family? Her family always had a knack for getting too chummy with the Darkside, only two members, which was still too many, ever fell. The rest toed the line but managed to be brought back to the light. Including her.

“Your father, Lana…your father.”

Instantly, Allana’s eyes dimmed, and her playful mood vanished. “Oh…I see.”

Animé gave her a sympathetic gaze, one which Allana waved away. Allana knew all too well how her cousin felt.

“One day...everything will be set right, Ani...one day, whether or not the Skywalkers and Solos live,” Allana said firmly. Only the family truly knows how much the Skywalkers play a part in the galaxy falling Yet, time and time again, the Skywalkers were the saviors of the galaxy. 

“But, what if Jacen does hunt us down, and he kills-”

Allana interrupted Animé harshly, “he won’t! My fath-my father wouldn’t be so cruel.” Tears gathered in her eyes as Animé came closer to wrap her arms around her.

“Of course, Lala,” calling her by her first nickname when they were just younglings, “I was insensitive to even consider it.” Although, she kept her thoughts to herself. After all, it was Jacen who killed her Grandma Mara.

“It’s alright, I thought about it too, it just...hurts..y’know?” Allana sniffled and backed away from the hug, wiping stray tears away. Animé nodded, hesitantly turning back to her station. Allana followed her lead and they finished their work in silence.

“I want to see a purrgil,” Allana said suddenly as they were putting their tools back in their proper places. Animé choked on her caf.

“Wh-where did this topic come from?” Allana giggled and handed Animé some paper towels to dry her face.

“You mentioned it earlier, I wonder how they look, and how big they are.”

Animé tapped her chin thoughtfully and shrugged on her bag, “probably really, really, really, big, they’re hyperspace whales for Force’s sake!” 

Allana styled her hair in two buns that closely resembled how her grandmother Leia used to style her hair. “True, you think they can travel anywhere? I heard deep space pilots talk about it once, they can travel between galaxies!”

The girls waved goodbye to their coworkers and headed home, to a house near the outskirts of the city. 


“We’re home,” Allana called out, putting her shoes away on a bench near the front door.

An elderly woman with graying hair walked to them, kissing them both on the cheek. “You came just in time, dinner is ready, go wash your hands.” The girls nodded. 

Walking back to the dining room, Allana, refreshed and dressed in a white top and black sleep pants, noticed that her Grandpa Han was already there at the table.

“Hey, kid, what took you so long?” Han raised an eyebrow as he drank some blue milk.

“Mé and I wanted to freshen up,” she shrugged, taking a seat next to him.

“Speaking of Mé, where is she?”

“Getting dressed.”

Han hummed, going back to the holo news. Leia came with a tray full of steaming, hot vegetables and meat. Animé came back dressed in a black nightgown. 

She set dead birds on plates, calling Anji and Sari, the medium sized nexu and Lothal wolf padded down the hallway.

“Yum,” Animé sniffed, entering the kitchen, “I smell Shaak meat.”

“Come sit, dear, tell us about work.” Leia beckoned Animé over to the table. As the four members of the family helped themselves, Allana and Animé recalled events that happened during their shift.

“There was a going away party–”

“–and it was amazing–!”

“–one of the older workers was retiring–” 

“–it was kinda sad to see her leave–”

“–but it was wholesome in the end.” Han and Leia chuckled, their eyes sparkling. 

“Sounds like fun, girls,” Han commented. He and Leia shared a sad look, one that was missed between the younger girls. 

“Grandpa, is it okay if we could fly tomorrow, on the Falcon?” Allana asked, shoving her greens around on her plate. Animé’s eyes lit up and she clapped her hands twice.

“Yeah, can we? We promise to be careful, it’s our day off tomorrow,” Animé added after swallowing a bite of Nuna Legs. Leia hummed thoughtfully.

“I suppose...but only if you promise not to leave the planet.”

Han looked scandalized, “That’s my ship you are talking about…but, I suppose you could, don’t go breaking it now, that’s the only thing I have left.”

The two girls cheered and talked excitedly to each other.

“Oh, see what you did, Leia? Now we’ll never hear the end of this for the rest of dinner,” Han complained jokingly, he winced when Leia landed a swift jab to his arm.


The next morning, Animé and Allana woke up bright and early, excited. Allana dressed in a short white cropped top, with beige pants, dark brown boots, and an olive green jacket. Styling her hair into twin pigtails.

Animé, wore a short black cropped top, paired with a matching dark gray cropped jacket and skirt. She buckled on her black knee high boots and parted her hair, styling it into a half-up half-down.

When she arrived at the kitchen, Leia was sipping caf chatting quietly with her husband.

“Aunt Leia, Uncle Han,” Animé greeted warmly, giving the two a kiss on the cheek, “is Allana still in her room?”

Leia nodded, “there is some breakfast on the counter, I made pannacakes.”

Allana ran straight to the kitchen, offering a quick hello to the three people occupying the living room.

“Pannacakes!” Shouted Allana in glee. Animé laughed and followed her to the kitchen. Grabbing a healthy serving they returned to the living room and turned on the HoloNet.

It was a quiet morning with the Skywalker-Solos. The soft chatter coming from the HoloNet made everything feel homey, cozy, full of peace.

“Mmm, those were the best, Grandma, thanks so much,” Allana praised. Han grinned.

“You should’ve tasted her food back when we first married, she was awfu–hey! What was that for!” Han suddenly yelped.

“You nerfherder, I have always been a great cook,” Leia sent him the stink eye, mouthing promising words of punishment. Animé rolled her eyes in amusement and shook her head, leaving the two alone.

She grabbed her cousin’s dish and washed it, putting them on the rack.

“You ready to go flying, Ani?” 

“Obviously, wanting to fly runs in the family,” they both grinned at the statement, knowing how true it was.

“Grandma, Grandpa, we’re heading out now.”

Just as they turned to leave, Han called them back to the living room.

“Just a minute, Leia, go grab them, you know where you hid it.”

The older woman stood up and went into her and Han’s room, the two younger girls shared a confused look.

“Uncle, what is it?”

“While we know you’re just out flying, we still want you to be safe, and well…”

Leia came back, holding a box that was crafted using Naboo’s style.

“Here are your lightsabers, use it only in an emergency,” she opened the box, two lightsabers lay there next to a severed braid and a Japor snippet, along with a few letters and other small trinkets.

“Wow,” Allana gasped softly. Animé glanced at the other contents.

“What is that, Aunt Leia?”

Leia looked pained, “according to the research I did all those years ago, this braid belonged to my father, and the necklace was given to my mother, a gift also from my father…it was rescued after she was burned at the pyre on Naboo,” she heaved a large sigh, Han had a look of sympathy at his wife’s sadness, “this made me believe Anakin Skywalker was more human before he turned, that he loved Padmé Amidala truly.”

Leia gave Allana her lightsaber, “I hope you don’t lose it, don’t follow the old Skywalker tradition of misplacing one’s lightsaber, your Uncle Anakin, father and Uncle Luke tended to do this.” Allana gave a small smile and nodded, promising she wouldn’t. She scooted back, wanting to get reacquainted with her weapon.

The woman turned to her niece, “I know you haven’t built your lightsaber yet, so I decided to keep this tradition,” she pulled out the other lightsaber, while it was clean, Animé knew it saw many battles, “this was your Grandma Mara’s, before that, it was your Grandpa Luke’s…and before that, it was your great grandfather’s,” Animé took it hesitantly, not sure if she was ready to continue the Skywalker legacy, she felt Allana sending her comfort through the Force, promising her that will continue it together.

Han came over and gave the Japor snippet to Animé, while he gave a small silver headpiece to Allana. 

“This headpiece signified the Goddess of freedom on Naboo, or whatever hokey-pokey they believed in–” Han was cut off when Leia punched him, causing the two girls to set off in fits of laughter. Animé put on the Japor snippet and helped Allana redo her hair, styling it into a half-up half-down as well, they gingerly fit the headpiece on.

They grinned, they had something connected to their great grandparents.

“While we love these gifts, we’re just going out for a ride, it’s not like we’re leaving the planet or whatever,” Allana ended up saying after a few minutes of silence.

“We wanted to give this to you long ago, but we felt that now was the time,” Leia explained, closing the box and putting it on the table, Han came over and gave her a hug. Animé and Allana saw how old and weary they looked. They saw many tragedies, and they vowed to set things right…however they were going to do it.

“We love you, now go off on your adventure, but be back before sundown,” Han kicked them out with a laugh. The girls clipped their sabers to their belt,  gave them a hug and waved goodbye, running out the door and into the garage.

“Anji, Sari, let’s go, it’s time for our trip,” Allana whistled, the big beasts following the sound.


“WAHOOOO!” Allana yelled out in pure excitement. It was Animé’s turn to fly and she did a series of twists, turns, and other near-death tricks.

“I can’t believe he let us fly!” 

“The Force works in mysterious ways,” Allana said wisely, nodding her head slowly, as if she was an old wisened Jedi Master. Animé laughed when her cousin let out a startled gasp.

“Ani! Look!” She pointed to a large blue hole, swirling in the sky.

The two slowly looked at each other and slow grins formed into smirks.

A Skywalker smirk.

Animé suddenly caused the ship to move forward and fly faster in the hole’s direction. They gaped, the Falcon stopping a few hundred feet away. The hole was blue on the rim and pitch black in the center. Purple dust fell continuously as it slowly rotated in a slow motion.

“What is this…” Animé whispered. Allana shook her head slowly.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be good, we have to go.” Animé nodded in agreement, and set the course back home. 

But they didn’t move after she punched in the coordinates.

The ship started to slowly glide forward, up into the portal’s center.


Animé had a terrified look on her face, “The ship is moving on its own, Lana!”

Soon the girls were pressing every button, trying to stop the ship. They screamed when they finally entered the hole. A white light blinded them for a moment. When suddenly a different world seemed to exist in front of their eyes.

Luminescent purple trees, blue grass that lit the way for anyone who walked across it, five moons were shown. Animé and Allana’s jaws dropped in sheer wonder.

Stars twinkled in the night sky, crystal butterflies danced with wind. 

“What is this place?” Anime gasped once again.

“This is the homeworld, the afterlife, the Force.” A voice answered, making the girls jump up in surprise.

“You will make things right, my children. You must not delay.”

“What do you mean? What’s going on?” Allana said.

“I believe in you, save my son and the galaxy, show my son back to the path of the light.”

“W-wait! No! Don’t go!” They shouted in unison. 

But, the world around them started to blur, the ship beeped and sirens were making themselves known to the girls who broke out of their stupor.

“Animé, help me with this!”

“I’m trying to stop the ship from breaking, Allana!”

The Falcon gave a violent shake, causing the girls to be thrown out the cockpit, hitting their heads against the wall.

Their eyes slowly closed.

Falling into a dreamless sleep, they could only hear one thing:

“Save him.”

Then all was pitch black.

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6 months ago

Star Wars: Time Travel Masterlist

Star Wars: Time Travel Masterlist

The Skywalker Invasion:

The Arrival

Family Revelations

In Hiding

The Great Grandchildren:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

There are three other Masterlists (Star Wars Reactions, Star Wars Next Generation, and Star Wars The Force) but let me know if you want me to posts those as well. Tell me if you also want to be part of my tags!


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6 months ago

The Skywalker Invasion

Family Revelations

The Skywalker Invasion

The Jedi Council Chambers was filled with Jedi Knights, masters, and senators. Yoda’s eyes were closed, focusing on the Force.

The newcomers were occupying different rooms at the temple, as the Jedi Masters believed they shouldn’t have the time travelers interact.

“We need the names of the people you met,” Mace Windu asked, a frown forming on his lips.

“I met two men, both claiming their name to be Skywalker,” Plo Koon said slowly, turning to look at a certain Jedi Knight who was surprised.

“That’s impossible, I mean no disrespect, Master, but I too have met someone claiming to be a Skywalker,” Aayla was quick to inform them.

Anakin crossed his arms, “I would also like to join this confusing conversation, my padawan and I met this boy, going by the name ‘Ben Skywalker’ I’m now curious to know who these others are.”

Ahsoka nodded her head in agreement.

Obi-wan stroked his beard.

Padmé came forward, “Jedi Masters, I have met two women, a young girl, and a young man, one of the women says she is the empress of the Fel Empire, which just happens to be our galaxy.”

Yoda now hummed, “the last names, I need, yes, to uncover the truth. Your hand you must raise, if you met one, going by the name Skywalker, you must.”

Four people raise their hands.

Aayla Secura.

Anakin Skywalker.

Plo Koon.

Master Yoda.

“Going by the name Solo,” Yoda continued.

Padmé Amidala.

Bail Organa.

Adi Gallia.

Mon Mothma.

Obi-wan Kenobi.

Each raised their hand.

“By the name Fel.”

Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa were the only ones.

“And do not forget the young one who goes by the name ‘Jade’, she was in the company of one ‘Luke Skywalker’.” Mace Windu reminded. Yoda nodded.

Anakin’s brows furrowed, more Skywalkers?

“Something on your mind, young Skywalker?” Yoda prompted, his face softening.

“The…other Skywalkers, I’m curious,” Anakin sighed.

The old green Jedi Master chuckled, “revealed, everything will be, with time.”

“I believe we should gather everyone and question them all at once, they must be very powerful if the Force reacted this way,” Ki-Adi Mundi proposed.

“Agree, I do, talk with them, gain their trust, we will.”


Gathering the newcomers, the Jedi Council led them all to a large room where privacy can be assured.

Luke and Leia found each other and crashed into each other’s arms, happy to know that the other was safe. Mara and Han only laughed quietly at the sight.

Ania looked around, noticing that she shared certain features with other people in the room. Her eyes stopped on a woman.


Marasiah turned, her face broke out into a grin. The two girls ran forward and brought each other into a hug.

“It has been so long, cousin, I am delighted to know that I will have a familiar face with me here,” Marasiah exclaimed. Someone cleared their throat behind them, and Ania saw her other cousin.

“Why, Cade, this is turning out to be a family reunion.”

Cade chuckled, “a very weird one, the Force is a tricky one.”

Now confused, the Jedi Council watched as Ania, Marasiah, and Cade all chatted together.

“You’re…related?” Adi Gallia wondered, her eyes wide. Ania nodded. 

Now this just got more interesting.

“But, how?” Obi-wan asked, his face scrunched.

“We have the same ancestor,” Cade crossed his arms.

“And who would that be?” Mace narrowed his eyes.

“Anakin Skywalker.”

Said man faltered, “w-what.”

Luke, was just as confused, they too were related to his father?

“Anakin Skywalker? Here?” Han groaned.

Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came forward, his arms crossed against his chest. The time travelers’ eyes widened comically, gasps were heard, and disbelief rang throughout the Force.


Bail Organa coughed softly, “maybe you can tell us what Knight Skywalker means to you.”

Luke casted his gaze over to the man who claims to be Anakin Skywalker, and there he is, standing in all his glory. Anakin Skywalker.

“He…well…Anakin Skywalker is my father.”

Ahsoka’s eyes grew, oh dear, how is Master going to get out of this one?

Leia nodded, “He is…my biological father, Luke and I are twins,” her face soured slightly as she admitted the fact. She had not forgiven him yet, but in the light of things, she believed it was best to just go along with it.

Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin giggled, “we’re his grandchildren!”

“Jacen is the eldest, then it’s me, Jaina, and our younger brother, Anakin!”

The elder Skywalker felt his face grow hot, his heart racing a mile a minute. He caught the gaze of his wife, who sent him a reassuring smile, she too, was having a difficult time handling this.

“Your last names?” Kit Fisto asked politely.


Han sputtered, “what!? How do you kids have my last name!?”

Jacen looked unimpressed, “it’s cause we’re your kids.”

Anakin Jr. put his hands on his hips, “and Leia is our mother.”

Leia and Han paled at the thought, scooting away from each other.

Mon Mothma could only sigh. A red headed boy stepped up, blue eyes twinkled when he saw his grandfather pale.

“The name’s Ben Skywalker, I’m Luke Skywalker’s son.”

Luke turned sharply to stare at the red headed boy. But, who is the mother? The only woman who popped in his head was the one who was standing next to him. Mara Jade.

Ki-Adi Mundi put his hand under his chin in thought, strange.

Nat and Kol also stepped up, introducing themselves, garnering another round of surprise coming from the Jedi of the Old Republic.

Allana quietly said her name, stating who her father was, making Jacen go red and Jaina to laugh quite loudly, teasing him relentlessly. Ania had a small on her face, watching the smaller versions of the first Skywalker-Solo lineages goof off. 

“What about Marasiah Fel then? If I remember correctly, you said Ania was your cousin,” Mon spoke, trying hard to ignore the fact that the people of the future are Jedi Skywalker’s descendants. Does he ever follow the rules?

“My great great grandmother is Jaina Solo. Ania is Jacen’s descendant, and I, Jaina’s. Making us cousins,” explained the future empress, her hands folded neatly across her stomach.

Ahsoka now only had one question remaining on her mind and she was sure it was on everyone else’s.

“Who’s the mother of Master Skywalker’s children then?”

Several pairs of eyes snapped to her direction making her fix her posture, not wanting everyone to see her as only a child padawan.

The senators and Jedi Masters looked at the future Skywalkers who looked anywhere but at the front of the room where the people of the Old Republic stood.

“W-we don’t know,” Leia finally spoke up, “we thought…well, we thought that our father had a one night stand.”

The people of old looked highly skeptical of this theory.

The other time travelers muttered their own theories, some stating that they thought she was also a Jedi, possibly a smuggler, and other crazy stories.

“We just know she would have to look like Leia, since I look like my father, at least according to Be–I mean Obi-wan Kenobi,” Luke explained.

The auburn haired master coughed as he was now put in the spotlight.

“I’ve noticed that Miss Leia Skywalker,” Shaak Ti started, making Leia sour instantly, “young Allana Solo, young Jacen Solo and Miss Ania Solo all share close resemblances to Senator Amidala.”

The young female senator was now under scrutiny of her colleagues, the Masters of the Jedi Council, and the people of the future.

“Master Ti is right,” Aayla said in her heavy accent.

“Skywalker, do you have anything to say about this?” the face of Mace Windu was clouded, as his anger seeped through. The ones bearing the last name Skywalker all turned to the Korun master.

“What did I do?” The Skywalkers exclaimed in unison, making Mace quickly back track his words.

Anakin wisely kept quiet, his own thoughts getting to the better of him. I have a family…Padmé  and I made a legacy oh how I wish we could talk in private.

Padmé, feeling a headache coming on, could not help the joy that spread through her. She and Anakin made a family, their family made a family and so forth. She was excited and words could not describe the feeling. Oh no, the Jedi Council, she forgot about them in the heat of the moment.

She took a glance to her husband, giving him an unnoticeable nod.

The blonde Jedi Knight coughed, making the attention come his way. 

“Contrary to your…beliefs, I’m married.”

The entire room was not prepared, as a matter in fact, those weren’t the words that they expected to come out of the patriarch of the Skywalker clan’s mouth.

“To who?”

“Me,” Padmé stepped up, her head held high, this wasn’t how she imagined she would reveal their marriage, but no time like the present, right?

Bail and Mon were extremely surprised, their colleague, who had no interest in romantic relationships, was married? They had told her to pursue such things, saying that it was a wonderful thing to be connected to a person, who would love and cherish you. Yet, here she was, steps ahead of them.

“Hm, how many months, were you?” Yoda asked, his glimmer stick thumping softly. 

“Two and a half years, just after the Battle of Geonosis,” Anakin answered, his voice firm, Obi-wan pinched the bridge of his nose.

Force, help me.

“This is going against the Code–”

“What code?” Luke was now confused, while he was thrilled to know that he was a product of his parents’ love, at least he hoped so, he wondered about the code they seem to obsess and worship.

“The Jedi Code states that one should not hold romantic attachments,” Anakin explained to his son.

Kol was now laughing, “that wasn’t in the Code, as a Jedi Master myself and knowing history, Luke Skywalker made the Code after he rebuilt the Order and it never stated that.”

“How can one person, especially a Skywalker, change a code that existed well over two thousand years?” An angered Agen Kolar grit out.

“Rebuilt the Order?” Anakin had a bad feeling about this. Mara rolled her eyes, this was becoming too much, they’ve been here for hours and she needed some rest.

“The Jedi Order was destroyed, Jedi were killed and an empire, under the rule of the sith,  rose the day Luke and I were born, allegedly,” coughed Leia.

There was nothing but silence.

Pure unadulterated silence.

“Take a break we will, come back later, we must, to your rooms, the padawans will take you,” Yoda finally decided, he needed the Force to show him the way.

There were no signs or sounds of disagreement, they moved out of the room, leaving only a few Jedi left in the room.

“Skywalker,” Yoda called out to Anakin, “expel you, I will not, need you here, the Force demands. Until the agenda of the Force is finished, your status of your knighthood, you may keep,” he hobbled away with Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Shaak Ti.

 Anakin slumped against the wall in relief.


Obi-wan was disappointed. That much was obvious.

But he couldn’t place it.

Was he disappointed at his padawan? At himself? At the Code?

What had happened?

When Yoda had called a recess break, he inwardly refused, he wanted answers.

What happened to him? Anakin? The padawans?

Sitting in a meditation position, he searched the Force for guidance.

Though a small part of him was happy, happy that Anakin had a family, though the Code absolutely refuses such a thing. Spending the small amount of time with the Solo children, he could already feel fondness growing, and knowing it was his padawan’s great offspring, made his fondness grow.

Somewhere in his mind, he was proud that the Skywalker lineage were accomplished Jedi Masters, or politicians.

At least he found the answers to that, knowing how much Anakin hated politics.

Padmé was–is–good for him, no doubt about that, she grounded Anakin when he could not, she gave him peace, peace that the Jedi Knight so often searched for, looked for, meditated for.

He only hoped that it did not end in disaster.

Opening his eyes, he left his room and went to the cafeteria. Already there was talk about the strange occurrence of the strange beings who appeared out of nowhere.

Force help him.

Force help Anakin.

Force help the galaxy.

The appearance of the Skywalkers could either mean two things.





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6 months ago

The Skywalker Invasion

The Arrival

Got this on all the popular websites, check me out there!

The Skywalker Invasion

Palpatine believes he will win when he gathers a grand army of various Sith, though unbeknownst to him, the Force gathers an army of their own. The descendants of Anakin Skywalker travel through time to aid the patriarch of the powerful clan. Through family chaos, will the Force ever be balanced?



Aayla Secura

“General Secura! There are more battle droids southwest from here!” Commander Bly found his way to his general’s side. Aayla blocked a blaster bolt that was aimed at his head.

“Thank you, General.”

“No need to thank me, Commander, just be sure to keep up,” she teased slightly.

The 327th yelled, blasting their way through the battle droids. Many clones fell, but that didn’t stop them. Force jumping over an Octuptarra droid, Aayla sliced off the legs and cut the body in half.

She whipped her head around gauging the battlefield, she will need backup, and she needs it fast. 

I could always use another Jedi to help, she thought wryly.

Activating her commlink, she sent a message to her commander, “we need backup, contact the Jedi Temple for assistan–” Aayla dodged a missile that was headed for her. It blew up, sending her flying a few hundred feet from her original spot.

She picked herself up when a powerful tremor through the Force knocked her off balance. She knew that such raw power could be felt from all over the galaxy. The only time she felt power like this is when Anakin Skywalker tended to unleash a powerful Force ability. 

“–neral, General! Come in, Aayla!”

Groaning, the blue Twi’lek held her head, trying to stop the oncoming headache. 

“I’m here, Commander, just getting myself into trouble is all,” she blinked rapidly.

“Hopefully not too much trouble, we need you here, there…has been an anomaly, someone just appeared out of nowhere.”

“Of course, I will be there shortly, Secura out,” using the Force, she ran towards the Republic base. 

Clone troopers saluted the minute she arrived. Nodding in acknowledgement, she headed to the comm room where she saw Commander Bly, a few clones, and an unknown blonde man wearing a lightsaber clipped to his belt.

“General Secura,” Bly and the other clones said respectively. The mysterious man looked at her, his brown eyes scanning her from head to toe.

“These…troopers tell me you’re the general?” He asked gruffly. Aayla nodded.

“And you are?”

“Cade, Cade Skywalker.”

Aayla and Bly shared a look of unadulterated surprise.

“I’m sorry, but did you say Skywalker?” 

The man sighed, “yes, Skywalker, I know what you’re thinking and I do mean the legendary name Skywalker.”

“I must admit, Cade…there has only been one Skywalker and we would’ve known if there was another, especially with your abilities.”

Cade narrowed his eyes, “there are plenty of Skywalkers roaming the galaxy, and if not by name then by blood. What I want to know, General, is why there are clones fighting a sithload of battle droids!”

Bly coughed in his hand, “you mean you don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“We’re in the Clone Wars, Cade,” Aayla said, watching his face lose color.



Adi Gallia

Just having won the battle, many clones headed to the aircraft where they will be transported back to the base.

Crossing her arms in concentration, Adi tried to find the source of the Force tremor that happened moments ago, when a cry of shock from her troopers caused her to open her eyes. She brought out her lightsaber, but did not ignite it. 

A woman fell through a blueish portal above the base. Adi used the Force to bring her down gently. The woman’s brown hair covered her face, but her breathing was steady.

“We need a medic!” Cried Adi. 

Coming to her aid, a clone medic removed the woman’s hair from her face to check her pulse, “she is fine, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.”

Adi searched the woman and noticed a lightsaber hanging from her belt, along with a blaster. Just as she was moving to retrieve it, the woman’s right hand grabbed hers. Recoiling in shock, Adi removed her hand, watching the brown haired woman’s eyes snap open.

“Who are you?” Came the remark.

“I am Jedi Master Adi Gallia, and you are?”

Sitting up, the woman glared at the Jedi Master, “I’m Ania Solo, and I don’t remember you being part of the Jedi Order.”

The Tholothian gave her a kind smile, “I could say the same to you, young one, I don’t remember a Solo ever being administered in the Jedi Temple.”

The clone medic gave Ania a hand, which she gladly took.

“I’m not really a Jedi, I left a long time ago, I just rebuilt a new lightsaber.”

Adi nodded in approval, “which you have done a fine job constructing, if you don’t mind why don’t we head to my base? There we can talk in a little more comfort than here.”

Ania mulled over the offer for a slight minute, “I don’t see why not.”

A Republic Cruiser flew over their heads as they were walking inside. 

“You claimed you did not remember me being part of the Jedi Order when you said you left a long time ago. How do you know I wasn’t at the Temple when you left?” Adi questioned, folding her arms in front of her. 

Ania’s brown eyes took in the base, watching the officers all have the same face.

“How about I do the talking here?” She suddenly said, after a moment of silence, “What’s with everyone looking the same? Are they clones?”

Master Gallia gave a sigh, “they are as a matter in fact, but since I hold the higher title, I believe you should answer.”

Ania snorted, “Of course, master, I would’ve remembered you being there, I know most of the Jedi Masters there. Either way, I was a Jedi Knight when I decided to leave, the family legacy was getting to me.”

“What legacy?” Now looking intrigued, Adi had a thoughtful look on her face.

“Why, the Skywalker legacy, even though I’m not one by name, I am a Skywalker by blood. It was either being a Jedi or being a political figure, it doesn't matter if you’re a senator or part of some royal family.”

“Skywalker!? That’s impossible.”

“Hey now, I get it, that’s why I don’t talk about my family, makes everyone go bug-eyed and star-struck,” she rolled her eyes as she said this, it was clear she didn’t want to talk about it.

“Of course, why don’t you stay here and rest? I will be back shortly for some answers.”

Ania nodded and followed a clone, muttering to herself.

The Jedi Master closed her eyes once again, if what the newcomer said was true, then Anakin Skywalker would have a lot of explaining to do.

Walking to the communication room, the door shut behind her.


Jedi Temple

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade knew the Force was up to no good again when they found themselves at the Jedi Temple, looking as if it hadn't been destroyed over twenty years ago.

“Well, Farmboy, what have you gotten us into this time?” her red hair swished as she took in her surroundings, Luke only shook his head.

“I feel presences I haven’t felt since…I was nineteen,” he muttered. Green eyes looked at him in sympathy.

“...I heard voices over here…”

Two pairs of eyes snapped to the door.

“We’re gonna get caught..”

“Sithspit, Skywalker, let’s go.”

They exited the room and made their way around several corridors, trying to avoid as many Jedi as they could. They made a left turn and ran into a dark-skinned bald man and a small, green troll.

Luke’s jaw went slack with surprise while Mara groaned in annoyance.

“Great, just great, here comes the interrogation.”


Senate Rotunda

Senator Mon Mothma’s office

“The Chancellor may be on to us, we have to vote him out of here, he has been in this position way too long,” Bail exclaimed, his hand stroking his beard.

“As long as this war is going on, we can’t do anything,” Padmé  said, her fingers typing quickly on her datacomputer, “we must end this war, it’s the only way.”

“If I might make a suggestion, none of us is close with Chancellor Palpatine, maybe we could get someone to give him the notion, surely–” Mon was cut off when a loud noise was heard.

Onaconda Farr was quick to walk over to the closet that was in Mon Mothma’s office.

“Be careful, Senator Farr, it could be a spy,” Mon warned.

The Rodian senator placed his hand on the button, the door opened and out tumbled a small young girl with brown hair holding a nexu.

Many senators who were present gasped.

“Who is she?”

“How did she get here?”

“Is that a nexu?”

Padmé  rushed over, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of seeing a nexu again. She brushed the girl’s hair away, and noticed a striking resemblance between them.

“Who is this Padmé? She looks like you,” Bail noted with surprise. The young female senator only shrugged in response.

“I-I’m not sure, Bail, Uncle Ono, help me move her to the couch.” The two male senators complied, lifting the girl gently as possible. Just as her back hit the plush couch, her eyes snapped open.

“Who are you!? Where am I!?” she gasped out, the nexu was still unconscious so the young girl brought the beast closer to her chest.

“You’re at the Senate Rotunda, may we ask for your name?” Mon asked warmly, giving the brunette a small, comforting smile.

“M-my name is Allana Solo…and you are?” Allana blinked, watching the different beings, all dressed in extravagance and perfection, in the room.

“I am Senator Mon Mothma, this is Senator Onaconda Farr, Senator Bail Organa, and Senator Padmé Amidala,” the red headed senator listed off the names of the other senators in the room, but she noticed that young Allana eyes widened at the names Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala.

“B-But…you’re supposed to be dead. You’re all supposed to be dead!” 


Senate Rotunda

Chancellor’s office

Leia didn’t know what to do, which was surprising, but not impossible. When she opened her eyes and saw the Supreme Chancellor’s office, she became confused. This room was drenched in darkness, darkness that she hasn’t felt in a long while. 

“Great. Just when I thought all this Force mambo-jumbo was all dealt with!” Han grumbled out, stretching his neck. 

“Han!” Leia wrapped her arms around him.

“Woah, it’s always good to know you missed me, Princess, any idea what’s happening?”

“No, I don’t,” she shook her head, releasing him,“let’s go, we need to make a plan…hopefully we come across someone we recognize.”

“What do you mean? Are we not in our galaxy?” shouted Han, Leia covered his mouth with her hand.

“Shh! And I think we are, but…it feels different, there’s darkness here, everywhere.”

“Right…” he mumbled.

They left the room, she was grateful they weren’t seen. Walking through the corridor, Leia thanked the Force she hadn’t changed from her senatorial wear, she blended in perfectly. 

We need to find a way out of here and fast, she thought, her eyes dashing around, spotting every door on this floor.

Han muttered talking about stuffy senators and confusing rooms. She elbowed him, though she didn’t allow him to see the smile that appeared on her face.

She opened a door that led to the Galactic Senate Chamber where they witnessed the room erupting in applause. Leia gasped out and covered her mouth not wanting to draw attention to herself. 

“What is it?” Han asked, confused. Leia pointed to the center of the room, his face paled slightly.

There in the Chancellor’s seat was none other than Sheev Palpatine.

Her mind raced a mile a minute, what happened? How could this happen? Darth Vader killed him, Luke said so. Yet here he was, smiling as if he had never died in the first place. Smiling as the Galactic Senate continued to eat out of his palm. Smiling as he knew, he had the galaxy under his fingers.

Leia was about to run off when a bright light surrounded the room, the Force once again bursted with power. A woman, dressed in clothes fit only for royalty with a single gold band around her head, fell through and landed, quite painfully, on the chancellor’s seat. 

Her groan could be heard throughout the room.

“W-where am I? Who are you?”

Chancellor Palpatine smiled a grandfatherly smile, “you’re in the Galactic Senate Chamber, my dear, and who are you?”

The woman looked confused, gazing around the room, “I am Empress Marasiah Fel, of the Fel Empire.”

Han furrowed his eyebrows, “another empire?”

A senate pod drew closer, “where is this empire located? We have never heard of it,” A dark skinned man spoke, an Alderaanian accent present.

“The galaxy is the Fel Empire,” the woman’s delicate hand went up to her head, “I am the empress of the galaxy,” her voice now set firm with authority.

Leia, who was quiet during the exchange, let out a startled gasp, along with thousands of other voices.


Anakin Skywalker

“Come on, Snips, keep up, we have a score to settle,” the Jedi Knight laughed, slicing battle droids left and right. Said girl scowled, leaping from her spot, twirled in the air, and landed a final strike on a droideka.

“Master, you’re cheating, we said no Force powers,” Ahsoka pressed, blocking a blaster bolt five inches from her face.

“Nothing is fair in war, and besides, a little cheating is fun here and there,” Anakin smirked once again leading the way. Ahsoka groaned.

“Cheer up, kid, you might catch the general in surprise,” Rex said, appearing at her side.

“Hardly anything catches him by surprise, Rex,” she rolled her eyes.

“Retreat! Retreat!” Battle droids turned around, fleeing the battlefield. Cheers became louder as the clones chased the last of the clankers away.

The togruta padawan’s grin fell from her face as she felt a warning through the Force.


A boy landed on her, muttering strings of apologies.

“I’m really sorry, I don’t know how I got here,” he helped her up and bowed slightly. 

Ahsoka’s cheeks were dusted a light pink, “it’s alright…” she coughed and regained her bearings, “just who are you anyway?”

“Ah,” the red headed boy scratched his neck, “I’m Ben Skywalker.”

Her eyes nearly bugged from her head, “w-what.”

“I know, son of the famous Luke Skywalker, it’s no big deal. But what’s with the…clone army?”

“Ahsoka, who’s your new friend?” Anakin came from behind her, assessing the newcomer. 

“Master…meet…Ben Skywalker…”

Many clones stopped their conversation, now turning their attention to the newly revealed Skywalker. Anakin’s face was written with sheer surprise.

“Skywalker? I don’t remember any Skywalkers with red hair,” coughed Anakin, his hands on his hips.

Ben chuckled, “I got my hair from my mom, but I have the Skywalker blue eyes though, at least, that’s what my mom calls it.”

And he was right, Ben’s eyes were nearly identical to Anakin’s.

“We need to contact the Jedi Temple.”

The boy winced, “Er, I highly doubt my parents will be pleased, just tell them it was a mistake.”

“Are you not a Jedi? Why do you think we would contact your parents? ”Ahsoka looked confused, glancing at the lightsaber on his belt.

It was Ben’s turn to be confused, “my parents are on the council, my dad is the grandmaster…what’s going on?” he demanded. Anakin pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Grandmaster?” Squeaked Ahsoka.

“This just got a whole lot weirder.  Snips, take him to the cafeteria in the Republic Cruiser, I need to send in a report. Rex, watch these two for me, will ya?” 

The clone captain took off his helmet and saluted, “sir, yes sir.” Anakin nodded and joined a few clones in a Low Altitude Assault Transport.

“Meet me when you’re finished, Ahsoka.”

The door snapped shut and flew off.

“Your name’s Ahsoka?” Ben wondered.

“Yeah, Ahsoka Tano. That was my master, Anakin Skywalker.”

The boy laughed as the trio entered their own transport.

“What’s so funny, kid?” A clone trooper asked.

“Ahsoka said her master was Anakin Skywalker.”

She looked unimpressed, “well he is, and you just saw him, what’s so hard to believe? You two share the same name, so what’s the big idea?”

Other clones nodded in agreement.

“Oh, you misunderstood me,” Ben said, collecting himself, “The reason why I’m laughing is because if he really is Anakin Skywalker then he would be my grandfather, who died over twenty years ago.”

The silence was loud in the transport.

“He’s your WHAT!?”


Obi-wan Kenobi

“This is disturbing,” the older man said, stroking his beard.

Three children rocked back and forth on their heels.

“Well it’s true!” The youngest boy exclaimed, “I’m Anakin Solo!”

“And you were named after who?” Obi-wan questioned. The female sighed as the older boy explained.

“Anakin is named after our grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.”

“He must be getting old, Jacen,” the girl whispered, “I think he needs those hearing specials.”

Jacen nodded, “you’re right, Jaina.”

Obi-wan’s eye twitched, if these children were claiming to be the offspring…or rather great offspring of Anakin, then they inherited the talent of poking jabs at people.

“Cody, set course to Coruscant, I have a feeling this galaxy will either be doomed or saved, depending on how one looks at it.” 

Cody saluted.

“Let’s go, children, we’re heading to the Jedi Temple,” Obi-wan said. The Solo kids cheered, chatting words like “Uncle Luke…training…pranks…”

Force help him, he hopes this was nothing but a prank and Anakin did not reproduce…and that his offspring didn’t reproduce, for this galaxy will truly need help.

The clone commander smirked under his helmet, chuckling silently. 

Oh, this was pure comedy.

Obi-wan commanded the ship with full authority. Left and right, men ran in all directions.

The battle may be over, but with this new anomaly, it required his full attention. Nothing can go wrong.

Anakin walked to the bridge holding multiple parts that Obi-wan’s face paled.

“Anakin, what is this!?”

The young boy gazed at the older Jedi, his face turning into a pout.

“I noticed that this was wired wrong so I decided to come here and educate whoever was in charge,” he grinned, “ this would’ve blown everyone up in pieces.”

Jacen and Jaina nodded in agreement.

“He’s right, Uncle Obi, I’m disappointed,” Jaina tsked.

Uncle Obi? A small sigh left his lips, he will demand a day’s full rest and another day full of meditation. Anakin’s great offspring is just as tiring and troublesome as he was .

What about his offspring? He buried the thought the moment it came, he refused to even think about it. The Force bursted again, Obi-wan lowered his head, this has been going on all day, whatever could it be now?

“Jacen! Jaina! No playing with lightsabers inside the ship!”

Anakin whined with disappointment when an officer took away the ship’s parts.

“You need me to fix this disaster!” 


Plo Koon

The Wolf Troopers surrounded two older men, though they held their fire.

One of the men, with white hair, lit his lightsaber, a yellow color illuminated his face, while the other man, slightly younger than the first, ignited his blue lightsaber.

Commander Wolffe raised his gun higher, his team following his lead.

“Hold your fire,” Plo Koon walked to the circle, “state your names, we are not enemies.”

Sharing a look, the men defused their lightsabers, but still held them in their palms.

“I am Bantha Rawk–”

“Oh, enough with that bantha poodoo of a name,” the younger man drawled, “I’m Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, and this is my older brother, Jedi Master Nat Skywalker. Forgive us, we mean no harm.”

Nat glared at his younger brother, “I don’t want attention drawn to me.” Kol waved him off.

Commander Wolffe faltered slightly, “did you say Skywalker?”

“Great, now our location is known, who knows who will come and try to kidnap us.”

“I was unaware Anakin Skywalker had any other relatives in the Order, General Koon,” a clone trooper commented.

“He doesn’t, much less is related to anyone who is a Jedi Master,” Plo brought a hand to his chin, deep in thought.

“Anakin Skywalker?” Nat interjected. Plo Koon looked in his direction.

“He’s dead, it must be another one then,” Kol mused.

“No one in this family has named any of their children after Anakin Skywalker, besides the Solos,” insisted Nat.

“Please enlighten me, why would you believe Anakin Skywalker is dead?” 

Kol raised an eyebrow, “because, we’re his descendants, and he’s been dead for over ninety years.”

Shocked with the newly found revelation, the clones completely dropped their arms. Though highly unprofessional, they knew the elder Skywalkers would not harm them.

“We must head to the Jedi Temple at once,” Plo Koon turned around suddenly, leading the way.

The two brothers shrugged and followed him.


The Force seemed to laugh jovially, there will be balance at last. Their son needs all the help he can get, especially after the Sith Lord almost cheated his way to victory, but it wouldn’t happen on their watch.

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6 months ago

They are NOT Hot!

They Are NOT Hot!

Luke and Leia refuse to believe that anyone would think their parents (and Uncle Obi-wan) are hot. Can the twins come up with a plan to succeed and convince their friends that they're not?


“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away…”

“...The Trade Federation was eventually blown up by none other than the Chosen One, Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker at nine years old, saving the Planet Naboo.” Terria Marayne explained to her class. Many eyes were focused on the Skywalker twins who held proud smiles, knowing how cool their dad was. 

The bell rang signifying that Prodigious Coruscanti High School was over. 

“Remember students,” the teacher called out as the kids stuffed their papers into their bags, “I want a detailed report of the Battle of Naboo, it’s due next week.”

“No doubt we’ll pass with flying colors,” Luke whispered to his twin, which Leia just snorted and shoved him out of the classroom. 

“Don’t cheat, Nerfherder.” 

“You wound me, Lei-Lei, how can I cheat on something so easy?”

The hallways were filled with students coming in and out of rooms, many stood in the hallways, talking with friends. Leia headed to her locker organizing her stuff when she heard her name being called.


Turning around, Leia waved her friends over. Three girls, a green Twi’lek with green eyes, a Pantoran, and a human with blue hair and brown eyes walked over. 

“It must be so cool to have your dad in history class, huh?” asked Hali, the Pantoran. Leia shrugged.

“I mean, it is, but we grew up with those stories, with way more details, this is hardly anything.”

 Gia pulled her blue hair lightly, “if you say so, but I doubt it though...nine years old? Please, that’s impossible.”

“That’s why he’s the Chosen One, Gia, not some regular old Jedi,” a new voice joined the conversation. The green Twi’lek, Jora, scoffed.

“I don’t remember you being allowed in this conversation, We’lin.” Said girl gave them an unimpressed look.

“Honestly, I thought you guys would be more knowledgeable when it came to Anakin Skywalker, considering you’re friends with his daughter.”

Leia sighed, “That’s enough We’lin, I get why they doubt it, no reason to be so snarky, let’s go guys.” The four girls left the angered Zebrak, who scoffed and walked away.

“What’s her problem?” Jora hissed slightly.

“She’s jealous that I’m friends with you and not her, she wants to be in close proximity with someone famous,” Leia led her friends to the front door of the building,

“Hm, no reason to be so-- hey, what’s going on?” Hali muttered. Gia saw Luke and called his name.


The boy turned his head and waved his hands to his sister and her friends. The small group walked to where Luke was standing. His friends gaping, their eyes unblinking. The girls were confused until they saw who captured everyone’s attention— students, teachers, and parents alike.

Anakin Skywalker.

He stood against the newest model of a LV-80 speeder, it is one of the fastest luxury speeders, only the wealthy could afford one. He wore his usual black Jedi robes, though, today, they were looking very fashionable. Anakin ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lips as his attention was drawn to the datapad in his hand.

“Oh my…” Hali’s words got caught in her throat. Luke and Leia groaned silently, rolling their eyes simultaneously. 

“The senator truly is lucky to have married him–”

“How can he look so flawlessly handsome?”

“He hardly aged, I dare say…”

“You’re right about that, Xeni.”

Luke facepalmed, he didn’t need to overhear the whispers about his father from the teachers no less.

“Bro, your dad looks so cool!” Derran commented.

“Imagine having a father as powerful as him–”

“Look at the speeder.”

“Imagine being this rich–”

“Why doesn’t he come over often, Luke?” A human girl wondered with a dazed look in her eyes.

“He’s busy…saving the galaxy and all,” Luke said, slightly put off at her facial expression.

Leia fared no better as her friends practically drooled at the sight. 

“Leiaaa, you’re so lucky, your dad looks so hot,” Gia gasped. Leia blanched. Seriously? How weird are her friends? Jora had a noticeable pink tint coloring her cheeks. Hali fanned herself, muttering words like “..amazing…lucky...wish I was older…not fair…”

“Guys, that’s my dad, stop calling him hot!” Leia told them, mortified. Her friends stared at her, breaking away from their stupor.

“And!?” They shrieked.

“He’s hot-”

“Only you would see him as mediocre–”

“We hardly get to see him in the flesh–”

“–he’s your dad and we’re your friends–”

“–let us worship him–”

“–and fantasize over him–”

“–in peace, Leia,” the girls finished off in unison.

Shaking her head Leia left her star-struck friends and made her way over to her brother.

“They are so creepy,” Luke mentioned, taking his sister’s bag for her. 

“At least your friends think Dad is cool, my friends find him hot.” Leia informed him, Luke gagged.


“You’re telling me.”

The Skywalker twins pushed their way to the front of the crowd.

“Dad!” Leia yelled out.

Anakin’s head snapped up, spotting his eldest son and daughter. He gave them a grin, stashing his datapad in the speeder.

The Force rang with such admiration, jealousy, and infatuation that Luke and Leia had to hurry away from the seemingly endless crowd.

“Hey, Troublemakers, how’s school?” Anakin smiled, girls once again swooned, he took their bags, and began placing them in the back seats.

“Uh, let’s tell you on the way,” Luke hurried. Their father’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrow raised.

“What’s the hurry?”

“We just want to get home, see Mom, our siblings…y’know, we don’t want to be stuck here,” Leia came up with a cover quickly as Luke tried thinking of a lie. Anakin nodded and ushered them to his brand new speeder. 

Noticing the crowd, he gave them a roguish smirk and a semi salute. Chuckling once he felt emotions ringing through the force, he left the group of people standing there in surprise.

 Luke gawked as he studied the inside of the speeder.

“This speeder is so wizard, Dad!” Anakin laughed, he fired up the engine and set off towards their apartment.

“Glad you like it, son, recognize the model?”

Luke racked his brain, “is it the new LV-80? I thought it wasn’t out yet.”

Anakin nodded in approval, “True, but you know how I receive certain gifts for saving the galaxy, even though it’s been sixteen years. If I like a certain gift, then their ratings go up. It’s business,” he explained, “not to mention, I already modified it,”  Anakin handed him the manual, and Luke smiled like a little kid, reading all the latest features in the speeder.

Leia watched as towers, apartments, and other buildings zoomed by.

“What’s in your head princess?” Anakin looked back at her, before setting his attention back to the oncoming traffic.

“I was wondering, after I become a Jedi Knight, I should maybe start in politics, like Mom.”

Anakin chuckled softly, “I think that’s wonderful, you should tell your Mother about it.”


The 500 Republica came into view. Anakin smiled, thinking of his wife.

Landing the speeder with such speed and smoothness on the veranda, Luke complimented his dad over and over again, with Anakin promising his son that they can go flying over the weekend.

“Dad, Dad!”

“Papa’s home with Luke and Leia!”

Several footsteps could be heard stomping down the stairs as the trio exited the speeder.

“Woah, is that a new speeder!?” a fourteen year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes asked. Luke had a confused look on his face.

“What do you mean, Jinn? Dad, did you just buy this?”

Anakin grinned gleefully, “that’s right, I bought it months ago but I recently just finished the modifications and decided to surprise you guys.”

He noticed his youngest daughter’s blue eyes glowed with excitement, Shiraya was told she acted like her father when it came to droids and ships.

Leia rolled her eyes and shook her head, her hands on her hips as she watched the rest of her siblings fawn over the speeder. An arm was suddenly slung over her shoulder with slight force, she let out an ‘oof’ in surprise.

“I think this one needs her screws tightened, Angel, the rest of my kids love speeders, yet this one malfunctioned,” Anakin remarked in mock seriousness, Leia raised her head to see her dad giving her a mischievous smirk. Padme, along with 3P0 and R2, walked closer to the father-daughter duo and giggled melodically. 

3P0 overheard and exclaimed, “Master Ani, I highly doubt organic beings, such as Mistress Leia, possess the ability to hold screws, much less malfunction.” R2 gave a series of beeps then rolled away to the speeder. “How rude, R2, I will have you know I studied humans for as long as I can remember, after all I–” 3P0 followed his companion giving him another lecture. Anakin sighed exasperatedly. Padme shook her head.

“Ani, may I remind you, they’re my kids as well? I would like to have one normal kid who doesn’t blow up junk everytime I look in their direction,” she crossed her arms, sending her husband an unimpressed stare.

“We do not blow junk up!” The Skywalker-machine-loving members protested. Mother and daughter looked at each other before doubling over in fits of laughter. Anakin and the children sent Leia and Padme identical pouts. 

“Leia, it seems like you’re the only one who actually took after me,” Padme teased. Jinn ran over to his mother and gave her a hug.

“What about me? I look like you!” He tried reasoning with her. She had a thoughtful look on her face, pretending to think about it. Jinn looked at her and was scandalized at the notion.

“Mommm.” Padme laughed and kissed her look-like on the cheek.

“Of course, Jinn, I never doubted it for a second.” Feeling victorious, he ran back to his siblings and chatted about new turbo thrusters their dad could install with Luke.

Anakin crossed his arms with a small smile on his face, “I swear, he’s another mama’s boy.”

“Oh no, Ani, he’s all you, you should hear him talk about lightsaber battles when you’re at the Temple,” Padme said, “He acts like you a little more each day.”

Leia nodded, silently agreeing with her. “Oh, Mom, is it okay if you can pick Luke and I up from school next week?”

Her parents gave her a confused look, “Sure, I can rearrange my schedule, but I thought you were happy when your dad came over.”

“I am, I was happy, but the thing is…”

“Our friends, especially Leia’s, were fawning over Dad, the teachers were even caught in a whirlwind over his looks,” Luke added when he came over to hug his mom. Anakin coughed and blushed as Padme turned her gaze to him.

“Is that so? Did any of them flirt with him? Or vice versa?”

Anakin gaped, “Angel, you hurt me, how could you ever think of a thing like that?”

Padme ignored him and encouraged her eldest twins to finish explaining. Anakin groaned in the background.

“We don’t want to feel such revolting emotions–” Leia started

“–coming from our classmates and teachers.” Finished Luke. 

Anakin snorted, “Tough luck, kids, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, they will probably find her just a little bit more enticing than I am.”

“Don’t listen to him, I won’t attract attention to myself, unlike your father, of course I will come.”

Luke and Leia grinned and high-fived each other. Anakin rolled his eyes and glared non-threateningly at Padme, “I feel so loved, Angel.”

Padme laughed and kissed her husband’s pouty lips, “I only want you to myself, my love.”

“You have me, but maybe I should go, in case some teachers get the wrong idea,” Anakin smirked in a way that Padme felt Nubian butterflies in her stomach.

“Sorry, Ani, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay home on this mission, and watch the rest of your kids.” He shook his head, leaning down to capture her lips once more.

“Mhm, sounds like fun.”

Mimi’s blonde hair bounced as she skipped past her parents, “Mom, Dad, I’m hungry, can we go to Dex’s Diner?”

“Ooh, yea, can we?” Jayden’s brown eyes lit up, already thinking of the yummy Zeltros sliders. The elder Skywalkers looked at each other with amusement dancing in their eyes.

“Why not.”


“Hurry up, Leia, you still need to eat breakfast,” Luke called out, buckling his boots on, while simultaneously drinking blue milk.

“Luke, put your stinky feet down,” cried Mimi.

Leia pulled her braided hair into a ponytail and buckled on her belt. Dashing from her room, she slid into the kitchen where her five siblings were eating breakfast. Grabbing a stack of pannacakes, and pouring herself a cup of blue milk, she sat next to Shiraya who was levitating a small Nubian star fruit.

“Shira, please eat, you need to be at the Temple soon,” Padme instructed, walking by the table plucking the star fruit from the air, popping it into her mouth.

“Yes, mama,” the fourteen year old sighed. Her blue eyes danced around the room, mischievousness sparkled to life, already planning on the fun pranks she would pull at the Temple. Giggling to herself, she poured sticky honey sauce on her pannacakes, and shoved them in her mouth.

A bus horn was heard outside and the eldest twins grabbed their bags running out on the veranda.

“Bye guys!” The two yelled out.

Anakin stretched and frowned, noticing that Leia forgot her comm.

“Leia! Catch!”

Said girl turned in time to use the Force to catch her comm that was thrown to her. “Thanks, Dad!”

Finding themselves a seat, many students were in awe, seeing the Chosen One use the Force in front of their very eyes.

“Hands down, Luke,” Derran said, “your dad is the coolest.”


“Will Master Skywalker be picking you up today?” Hali asked with a slight grin. 

“Not today,” Leia shook her head.

“Pity, Anakin Skywalker is one of the finest creatures my eyes have ever seen,” We’lin commented as she strode by, not stopping for the group to retort.

“For once, I can agree with her,” Jora remarked. The female Skywalker shuddered.

“Let’s just go.”

Luke was hanging out with his friends at the front of the landing docks, eating snacks.

“–I swear, Killian Urden is the best character to play, hands down,” a human-twi’lek hybrid said.

“Orman’s right, he’s the best character that has been released,” Derran agreed.

A male togruta, Fel-qin, objected, “Please, Carlip Brush is the best.” The other boys groaned.

“He’s the worst! Luke, who do you like?” Orman turned his attention to the blonde boy. Luke chewed thoughtfully.

“While Carlip has the best combos, I have to agree with Derran and Orman, Killian’s swordplay can easily beat Carlip’s gun combos.”

Fel-qin looked betrayed, “How could you say that! Luke, you’re my best mate!” The male Skywalker shrugged and laughed as the togruta tried stealing his granos chips.

A stylish looking Nubian speed craft pulled into view, parking in front of the school.

Derran, Orman, and Fel-qin’s eyes practically bugged out of their heads. Seeing a LV-80 speeder was shocking enough, but witnessing a Nubian aircraft was just as rare.

“Holy, look at that speeder…she’s a beauty,” Fel-qin whispered, the other boys nodding.

A man dressed in the Naboo Royal Security uniform, stepped out, opening the back door. A woman dressed in purple and silver stepped out. Fixing wayward strands of hair, she scanned the premises until her eyes spotted one half of the target.


A crowd had already gathered when the aircraft arrived, their attention soon turned to the boy whose name was called out.

“Hi, Mom,” Luke waved and smiled. He turned his head to see his friends’ mouths open wide.

“That-that’s your mom!?”

“She’s so hot, Holy Sith…”

“Luke…you’ve been holding out on us.”

“If only I was older and a  Jedi, hell, if only I knew your mom, I would’ve banged her,” Derran muttered. He winced when a slap was directed toward his head and later three swift punches were delivered. 

Luke groaned and fumed silently, “guys…that’s my mother you’re talking about, stop looking at her like she’s meat,” he glared. His friends looked away abashedly for a hot second before their eyes were drawn towards the pretty Naboo senator again. 

“See you guys…” he waved uncaringly. 

“H-Hey, Luke, wait-!”

Luke made his way over to his mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek. The woman smiled, ruffling her eldest son’s hair.

“How was school?”

“It was okay, we passed on the Battle of Naboo,” he smirked, nearly identical to his father’s. Padme laughed, making the male students and teachers’ heart beat with such vigor, they knew they would do anything for her.

“That’s my son, you knew that story the minute you were born,” she gave him such a proud look, Luke felt his heart burst with love for his mom. “Where’s your sister?” Padme looked over his shoulder for any sign of the brunette teen.

He shrugged, “not sure, she’ll be out in a minute though, I can feel her Force presence coming closer.” the senator nodded and happily chatted with her son.

“What’s with the crowd?” Hali asked. Leia felt a feeling manifest in her stomach.

“Oh no.”

Making their way towards the front, what seems to be a woman, identical looking to Leia, and Luke were chatting in front of a Nubian aircraft.

“For someone nearing their fifties, she sure hasn’t aged…”

“No wonder Master Skywalker married her–”

“–I wonder if I could ever shoot my shot with–”

“Oh shut up, Bron, she married the Chosen One–”

“I’m jealous.”

“She doesn’t deserve Anakin Skywalker–”

“No wonder the Skywalker twins are so good-looking, with parents like that–!”

Gia shifted towards Leia, “I’m kinda jealous, your mom is so beautiful.” 

The brunette nodded, “she is, Dad calls her his light in the galaxy.” She would never dare say the sacred nickname her father calls her mother, only family members know it and she would like to keep it that way.

Jora, Gia, and Hali sighed in wistfulness.

“So romantic.” 

“Man, your dad is the Chosen One, a Jedi Master, an excellent pilot and is hot, your mom was a queen, she’s a senator, she’s super nice, and extremely beautiful, you guys are so lucky! You look so much like them, I’m jealous,” a human female student exclaimed, she turned to her boyfriend who raised his eyebrows at her.

Leia gaped, groaning out,“I gotta go, Luke is calling my name.”

Jora looked confused.

“How–” started Hali.

Leia tapped her temple, “Force powers remember?”

She turned around, not bothering to see them make the connection. 

“Hi, Mom, hi, Lukie.”

Padme smiled brightly and hugged her daughter, “I should find the time to do this again, I’ve missed you all terribly.”

Leia giggled. 

Padme, slightly shocked at the sight of the large crowd, she waved and gave them a demure smile.

She led her twins to the speeder where Captain Typho bowed and shut the door after they got situated. 


The eldest set of the Skywalker twins sat in Luke’s room, discussing plans.

“It’s impossible, how can they find both Dad and Mom hot?” Luke groaned and plopped himself on his bed.

“Unfortunately, Dad was right, that smug look of his when we came home too,” Leia crushed silently. Her face was scrunched as she started to think.

“You look like Mom, you know that, Lei?” 

She broke her concentration and smiled bashfully, “thanks, Lukie, hopefully I can be just as great as her one day.”

“You will, don’t worry.” Luke grinned, picking up a comic from the floor.

“Anyway, I still don’t have an idea…” Leia huffed out. 

Luke snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “ah-ha!”

Startled, Leia looked at him, “well? What is it?”

“Uncle Obi-wan, no one will think the old man is hot!” A grin broke out on Leia’s face.

“You’re a genius! That’s perfect, we’ll be at the temple tomorrow and we can ask him then.”

Identical smirks and heads nodding in unison was the only thing that worried Padme when she walked by her eldest son’s room.

“Oh dear, let’s hope nothing bad will happen.”


At the Temple, Anakin was strolling along the hallways with Obi-wan, chatting leisurely. 

“Master…what’s with everyone’s robes today? All the male species are wearing…pink,” he drawled out. Obi-wan sighed, stroking his beard.

“I have a hunch they aren’t following a fashion trend,” he said, looking pointedly at his former padawan.

A human female Jedi Knight walked by, her hair color different shades of yellow and green. She grumbled incoherently and gave a small bow to the two Jedi Masters, but she gave Master Skywalker a small glare and returned to her destination.

Anakin sputtered, “what was that about? I didn’t even color her hair!”

“Always two there are, a master and an apprentice, follow the rules, you do not, young Skywalker,” Yoda suddenly appeared, dressed in pink robes, his hair had blue and pink glitter. His glimmer stick softly hitting the ground as he walked by with Mace Windu dressed in the same pink robes, drinking tea.

“When has Master Skywalker ever followed the rules, Master Yoda?” Mace nodded at the duo and followed Yoda into another hallway.

“I’m nearing my forties, I’m a Jedi Master, and I have kids who take the title young Skywalker, and he still insists on calling me that!” Anakin slumped against the wall, running his hands through his hair.

His former master chuckled, “you are the youngest member on the council, even now, and besides, he is approaching his 900th birthday.”

Anakin snorted, “Right, Obi-wan, of course. Do you know who dyed the robes?”

Obi-wan glared at Anakin, “your offspring did this, why do you think Master Yoda said what he said?”

“Yeah, but what’s with the Rule of Two though?”

“You taught all six of your kids to terrorize the Jedi Temple,” he deadpanned, “we probably should’ve stopped you reproducing after Luke and Leia were born, now we don’t even know who has pranked us this time.”

Giggles floated down the hallway, the duo turned their heads to see Shiraya running away from a mob of Jedi Knights and Padawans. Voices were clashing and mixing together that not a thing could be heard, but they knew this time, Shiraya started the prank.

“One at a time, my fellow Jedi! I still have to continue my prank!” Shouts of objection rose louder, causing her to laugh. Shiraya jumped on a ledge, causing everyone to stop and stare. She turned around, noticing her father and uncle, giving everyone a semi-salute mimicking her dad, she fell backwards. The Jedi clamored to the ledge, but to their surprise, they couldn’t find her.


“She needs no DNA test to prove she’s Master Skywalker’s offspring.”

“This Temple will be terrorized by the Skywalkers, just you wait.”

Obi-wan raised his eyebrow at Anakin who looked proud. The crowd dispersed, leaving the two alone once again.

“That’s my daughter, I can only compliment and approve of her action,” Anakin nodded, Obi-wan groaned.

“Uncle Obi!”

Said man turned to see his padawan with his sister.

“Hello there,”

“General Kenobi,” the twins bowed. Anakin snickered silently behind Obi-wan who had an exasperated look on his face.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

The twins nodded, Leia speaking first, “can you pick us up from school four days from now? Please.” Luke smiled brightly in agreement.

The auburn man gave Anakin an incredulous look to which he received a shrug in return.

“I would be happy to, but what brought this on?”

The twins shared a look, “we would like for you to pick us up, cause you’re family,Uncle Obi-wan,” they gave a very convincing smile causing Obi-wan to nod his head.

“Very well, if that’s alright with you of course, Anakin ?”

“Take the Troublemakers, you need more excitement, Master.”

“Anakin, you’ve given me more than enough gray hairs, I don’t need anymore from your offspring–”

Leia and Luke quietly drifted away from the famous Skywalker-Kenobi banter.

“Mission accomplished, sis,” Luke high-fived his sister.

“Finally, it’ll be impossible for anyone to find Uncle Obi hot,” Leia remarked.

Luke let out a laugh, “exactly, it’s impossible.”


“...I can’t wait to go on that mission to Hoth! It’ll be so cool,” Luke grabbed his books, shoving them into his bag.

“Literally,” Leia sipped on her Fresca Jamora smoothie, noticing her brother staring at her.

“Haha, funny.”

She gave him a grin, walking with him to the exit. Avoiding students can be a hassle, luckily for her, she was quite nimble on her feet.

“I overheard the masters talking about our Knighthood ascension, we might get knighted at eighteen like Dad.”

Luke’s face lit up, “haha yes! Finally, Jedi Knight here I come.”

“I’m going to start working on my speech towards my campaign for the Queen of Naboo. I believe I might win enough votes, but I can’t rely on my parents' fame to do it.”

“I know nothing about politics, but if you need help, just call my name.”

A look of gratitude made its way onto Leia’s face, the two embraced until Luke pinched her causing the girl to punch him.



“No good troublemaker.”

“Goody-two shoes.”

They chuckled and continued to walk out of the school where a large crowd formed.

“Oh kriffing hells,” they cursed in unison.

“First Master Skywalker, then Senator Skywalker, and now Master Kenobi!? This school will become extremely popular,” the principal exclaimed happily.

“I love his beard!”

“Can’t believe he snagged the Duchess of Mandalore–”

“I can’t believe the Duchess snagged him.”

“He’s so much hotter than his holopictures!” One girl could not contain her excitement.

“Masters Skywalker and Kenobi are the two hottest Jedi I’ve ever seen–”

“I can gladly die happily now.”

Many girls were in awe, they’ve witnessed two very good looking Jedi Masters these past few weeks. Meanwhile, the boys were chatting off making small bets about who would win.

“Anakin Skywalker no doubt.”

“–Obi-wan trained him though, surely that must mean he’s powerful enough in the force!”

“Master Skywalker is the literal Chosen One–”

“–I believe it’s Obi-wan–”

The man who caused the disturbances coughed lightly, and scanned quickly for his nephew and niece. 

This must be why the twins asked me to come pick them up, Obi-wan thought wryly, no doubt they experienced this scenario with their parents.

Holocameras were flashing quickly, girls swooned, and boys gawked. Though, there was no reaction quite priceless like the ones the Skywalker twins were sporting in this exact moment.


I thought for sure it would work…

Luke and Leia shared twin looks of defeat, they simultaneously put their heads in their hands. Chests were heaving as they couldn’t help but feel embarrassment and awkwardness as the school population were continuing their admiration.

“Let’s go, Luke.”

Making their way to their uncle, despite the strong feeling they felt, they couldn’t hide the happiness seeing their father’s closest friend here at their school.

“Hello young ones, I see there is a crowd that seems to be growing by the minute,” Obi-wan acknowledged the two. He bowed to the crowd and settled himself in the driver’s seat.

Wincing, the blonde and brunette gave him sympathetic glances as they strapped themselves in their seats. 

“We thought because you were old, we hoped to repel the crowd and stop their admiration,” Leia explained.

“Clearly that didn’t work, seems like Dad lied about you being extremely old, Master,” Luke tsked, already planning on scolding his father for telling them such a lie when the general public thought otherwise.

Obi-wan sighed under his breath, “Skywalkers and their insults…”

They chatted contently as the elder Kenobi carefully, much to the teens’ disappointment, drove the speeder to their home.


Feeling quite refreshed, Leia left her damp hair to dry before she styled it. Walking to the veranda, the first thing she noticed were her aunts Satine and Ahsoka and her Uncle Lux.

When did Aunt Satine and Uncle Lux arrive? She wondered.

Ahsoka looked up and smiled at Padme’s nearly identical replica. 

“Lei-Lei, how are you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, your mother tells me that you’re planning to get into politics.”

Satine demurely sipped on her tea, “I would gladly help you, should you want my advice, though I believe you hardly need it, considering your mother is already an excellent politician.”

Padme smiled slightly under the praise and waved her eldest daughter to the couch, “come sit with me.”

Leia slowly made her way over there, watching her siblings getting into a friendly physical sparring match. Ahsoka and Lux’s children were also there laughing with Jayden and Mimi.

Jinn was sitting on Padme’s left side, causing her to sit on her mother’s right. 

“I was unaware you had arrived,” Leia commented to Satine and Lux.

“I arrived a few days ago,” Satine remarked, smiling softly at the young girl, as if she knew a secret.

Lux answered as well, chuckling quietly, “I came to Coruscant last night, when your aunt Soka invited me here.”

Nodding in understanding, the three adults including Leia engaged in a simple conversation about politics, Jinn tried to keep up as best as he could, but in the end he turned in favor of following his father out the veranda to help him bring in training sabers.

Leia entered the kitchen with Luke where they met Ashoka.

“What’s got your head in the clouds?”

Luke groaned, “These past two weeks–”

“–three weeks, actually,” Leia interrupted, biting a shurra fruit.

“–what she said, everyone at our school found Dad, Mom, and Uncle Obi-wan to be extremely attractive,” he finished off with a look of disgust, to which Ahoska just laughed out loud.

“Oh, really? Well, that’s not surprising, during the Clone Wars, they were on the HoloNet almost everyday, they were the reason why our galaxy is at peace,” she shrugged pushing away a bowl of Nubian star fruits away from her, since they were only tasteful to the people who had Naboo blood running through their veins.

“But they should be more considerate, like, we don’t want to hear everyone constantly talking about how attractive they are,” Leia whined like a young girl, “someone even said how Uncle Obi-wan’s beard was…hot,” at that word, the twins shuddered. The three exited the kitchen and reentered the veranda. 

Luke and Leia slumped in defeat, waving off their father’s concern. Claiming the problem to be out of anyone’s reach unless they knew how to make themselves less attractive, as to which Lux blinked in confusion with his wife promising him that she will explain later.

Satine laughed softly with her husband, patting his hand affectionately.

“Never lose the beard, my darling Obi, never lose it,”

Obi-wan just shook his head, he kissed her cheek and resumed his conversation with his former padawan who gagged along with his spawns he calls offspring. Padme pinched Anakin who rubbed his arm giving her a mock glare.

The two kissed lost in their own passion for a brief moment.

Luke and Leia shook their heads.

No matter what anyone in the galaxy says.

In fact. they refuse to believe it.

After all, who would believe that the Skywalker and Kenobi clans could ever be considered attractive?

Anakin Skywalker, Padme Skywalker, and Obi-wan Kenobi were not hot.

Jayden and Jinn talked with Ahsoka’s son, Corellan, and Obi-wan’s youngest son, Thelis.

Mimi talked with Ahoska’s middle child, Kerria.

Luke and Leia talked with Obi-wan’s eldest son, Zander.

The adults conversed with each other.

All the while, a brunette girl, an auburn haired girl, and a female togruta, decided that today they would become the bestest of friends. Each girl clasped on a necklace that had a single four pointed crystal star.

They would become a trio that the galaxy feared and respected. Just like the galaxy feared their parents during the Clone Wars.

Shiraya Skywalker. 

Saachi Kenobi. 

Scarlett Bonteri.

These names would then become known as the Azul Trio.

They would be known as some of the most powerful Jedi in history.

After all, how could they not be when their parents are Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano?

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2 years ago


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