Anakin Skywalker - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i saw you said something about ex!anakin and i crave that pleeeeease 😇


omg thank god someone wanted this! lmao lie laugh love exbf!ani

I Saw You Said Something About Ex!anakin And I Crave That Pleeeeease

ex!anakin skywalker...

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ who shows up to your apartment early as possible in the morning because he knows you're more likely to open the door. he likes how drowsy and needy you look. even though it's not for him, because of him, he loves seeing you that way. he'll beg for just a little of your time

'just breakfast. i'll pay.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and he'd insist on waiting for you to dress up. he wouldn't mind if you didn't, he truly does just want to spend time with you, but the idea that you'll still dress up for him. yeah, he enjoys that a bit too much. and god, will he treat you. if you're walking to breakfast, he's stopping street vendors and practically begging you to let him buy you something

'please, honey? it'd look so cute in your apartment.'  or  'let me pick you out a bouquet, okay? for my pretty girl.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and it won't matter how many times you explain, show, or tell him that you aren't 'his' in any kind of way— he'll still act just the same. if he's driving though, he'd make a big show of putting on your most recent spotify playlist. truthfully its the only reason you don't block him on it. all other apps, however, he is blocked. his messages are muted and barely get answered, but he still never stops. anakin is so dedicated to you that most people think you're still together, maybe just one of those 'lowkey' couples. at breakfast, anakin will urge you to order your favorite cocktail

'you deserve it! one drink won't hurt, baby.'

₊˚౨ৎ˚₊ and you listen almost every time. your time with him is never only relegated to breakfast though. he'll make up anything just to keep you around; you need to get groceries? anakin can take you. you need new shoes? anakin can buy them. you have an appointment? anakin's offering to take you. he once sat at the dmv with you for an entire day just to be near you. you'll play into it, because you figure you deserve it. payback for how inconsistent and absent he was in an actual relationship.

'why couldn't you have remembered i liked this when i was actually dating you?' 'oh baby, it's 'cause i'm stupid'

—anakin skywalker would be the best ex.

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4 years ago


   I’m so sorry its so long and sad. I hate it. It might make you cry beware.

   Warning: Death, angst

    The war was done. The Empire had fallen, the Rebels had won. Rex let out a shout for his brothers he lost. For the Jedi who had fallen. Rex let a tear slip out, as he looked upon his generals, and honorary brothers, children. Even after a year it still felt like yesterday he had helped win the war. He had known there was something special about them when he had first met them. They looked like them. He knew he’d give his life for those children just like he would have their parents. 

    He was lost in thought when the boy, Luke, came up to him. He looked so much like his father but had his mother's personality. She would have loved him. He let out a small chuckle, it was funny he looks so much like his father but acts nothing like him. 

    “Commander Rex.” Luke's voice broke through his thoughts.

    “Whatca need Kid?” Rex said standing at attention and saluting. Luke laughed and saluted back. 

    “You don't need to do that Rex. Not anymore. Anyway I came over to ask you something.” Rex relaxed and sat down on a crate and motioned Luke to follow. And Luke obliged.

“You worked with my dad right? What was he like? What was my mom like?” Rex laughed. Maybe he did have some of his father in him. 

    “I did work with him. I worked with him for all of the Clone Wars along with his master and padawan. He was my brother. I would have given my life for him and he would have sacrificed his life for me and my brothers. He was one of the best generals in the army and I was proud to serve alongside him.” 

    Rex paused a minute to take a breath. And saw Leia trying to act like she wasn’t listening. She looked so much like Padme but acted so much like Anakin. “Anakin Skywalker was a proud man who would have given the world for those he loved. He fought right alongside us and never left our side. He was kind, and protective. He only wanted the best for those he loved. He was inventive, and creative. A great flyer and brother. He was everything a man could be. I don’t know why he did what he did, but that wasn’t him. Sure he had his faults but every one did.”

     “What were his faults?” Luke asked. Rex laughed.

     “He was reckless, and could be selfish. He could be impatient and over-confident. He could lie like nobody's business. You should have seen him woo the Queen of  Zygerria. He got her to believe anything he said until he was revealed as a Jedi, even then she was still infatuated with him. Leia reminds me a lot of him. He was charming beyond belief. I will miss him.” Rex trailed off and Luke looked at his hands. Rex wondered what was going on in the youngsters mind. 

     “What about my mother.” Luke said looking the old soldier in the eye.

      “Padme Amidala. The senator of Naboo. Close friend to the Jedi. Padme was a great speaker. Kind and loving. Always looking for the best. Calm in trying situations. She spoke for those who had no voice. She spoke with a confidence beyond her time, with a voice that drew every eye to her. She was an amazing politician. Always looking for the good in people. Always giving mercy. You remind me of her. And so does Leia.” Rex stopped to smile. 

      “I see both of them in you. In the way you smile. In the way Leia talks. In the way Leia stands up for the weak. Luke, as I get older I see the same eyes in different people. I see Anakin in Leia’s eyes and Padme in yours. I look at you and see all that could have been and all that was. I miss your parents but like them I’d give my life for both of you.” Rex looked at the blonde haired boy sitting beside him. And Luke looked up at him and smiled. Rex felt some discomfort in his chest. Rex shot up and his breath came in short spurts,  and collapsed. Luke shot up. 

    “REX!” Luke shouted and ran to him and Leia did too. Together they both rolled him over. Luke shaked him.

      “Rex are you ok?” Rex gave a small smile, but he wasn't looking at Luke. He was looking past him.

      “Fives, Echo, Hardcase, Jesse, Tup, and Cody. You're all here. You're all here.” Rex looked behind Luke and was looking at his brothers. All of them. All who died in the name of the Jedi and all who died during Order 66. He saw Gregor laughing with Hardcase and Jesse with his arm around Tup. Fives and Echo with their arms around each other. And Cody, his best friend Cody had his hand out to him. But the one person he didn’t expect to see was Anakin. His general looking  like he did during the Clone Wars. With that grin that showed he was up to no good, Obi-Wan right beside him, his eyes shining brightly. 

     Rex smiled. They hadn’t forgotten about him. They had come for him. A single tear slipped out of his eye down his face and he reached out. He reached out, one last time. For those who had gone before him. His time had come, and it was finally his turn to pass. A small smile was on his face as his hand passed through the air and his heart beat its final beat. Tears streamed down Luke's and Leia’s eyes as they saw a strong soldier die happy. This was a warrior who had fought two wars and survived. He died a warrior's death. He lived a long life and deserved to have peace. 

    “Sleep well my friend.” Luke whispered.

     While Rex may have died he was finally alive. While his hand may have slipped through air in the air. His soul had left his body. He had grabbed onto the hand of his brother. Rex was young again! His blonde hair was back and his brown eyes sparkled with the joy of youth again. Cody pulled him into a hug. 

     “Good to have you back brother.” Rex said nothing as he hugged his brother back and turned to his other brothers. Fives and Echo ran up to him, shoving to take point. Before Fives shouted at him. 

    “Permission to take point sir?” Rex laughed and made his way over to his younger brother. 

     “I’m always first kid.” Rex laughed and grabbed him pulling him into a hug, Echo joining in. Rex let out a small sigh as he looked at Hardcase bouncing and laughing to giddy to stay still.

    “You're a good man Rex.” His generals voice said from behind him. 

    “Always quick on your feet.” Said the other Jedis' voice. Rex saluted them and saw behind them the last brother. The brother he had been looking forward to seeing. The brother who thought he didn’t deserve to be there. Rex pulled away from the Jedi and walked towards him. 

     “Jesse.” Jesse refused to look at him. 

    “Jesse, I don't blame you. It’s not your fault. I don’t blame you.” Tears slipped down Jesses’ face and Rex walked forward and grabbed him into a hug. 

    “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I tried to kill you. I tried to kill the commander.” Rex didn’t let him pull away. 

    “Your chip. That's the reason you attacked us. We knew that.” Jesse finally hugged him back. Soon the others had joined them. Reminiscent of what would happen after a battle. A giant pile of clones just holding and comforting each other. Rex smiled. He was home. He was happy. 

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3 years ago

OH MY GOODNESS!🤣😂 That Hilarious! I also like artwork. Great job!😁👍

Anakin Gets Traumatized
Anakin Gets Traumatized
Anakin Gets Traumatized
Anakin Gets Traumatized
Anakin Gets Traumatized

Anakin gets traumatized


Anakin Gets Traumatized

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2 years ago

Master and Apprentice

Master And Apprentice

And lastly, my last star wars fanart that I had worked on for my Design and Color 2 class.

For this, I had to use only analogous colors and I think the colors that I have chosen show the emotions between my two favorite characters perfectly.

I hope you enjoy and May the 4th be with you!😁

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9 months ago

(What really happened in ROTS)

Obi-Wan: It’s over, Anakin! I have the high ground!

Anakin: Nu-uh!



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3 years ago
Felt Nostalgic Tonight After The Bad Batch. Miss Seeing These Three Weekly. They Showed Me That Family

Felt nostalgic tonight after The Bad Batch. Miss seeing these three weekly. They showed me that family Isn't just blood.

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4 years ago
There's That Smile

There's that smile🥺🥰

Sparkles Sparkles✨✨✨

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4 years ago

The hair

The Hair


Looks like Obi wan made this for him...💖

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4 years ago

Posting the first time in 2021

Posting The First Time In 2021

This man swapped armor with rex cuz' he wants to get cool. 😎🥵

Anakin(in rex's clone armor): *holds rex's two guns*

Rex: *rex noises*

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4 years ago

Look at me, I know you love me...

Look At Me, I Know You Love Me...






Extra: Ahsoka is there with them while doing the thing...the thing😂

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4 years ago

Anakin Skywalker's death: Death blow by the sword

Anakin Skywalker's Death: Death Blow By The Sword





When Rex warned him, Anakin intended not to listen. Well, that wasn't part of their plan to eliminate who is involved in attacking the homeland.

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4 years ago
Where There Are Two Persons But There Is Only One Human...

Where there are two persons but there is only one human...

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4 years ago

Hope you enjoy the vid, I really appreciated 😊❤️💕💕

Here’s the final piece:


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