@HanaIsSunshine's side blog dedicated to BTS. [[ Oops, my bias is showing... ]]
956 posts
Shattered (A Jikook Story): Prologue
Shattered (A Jikook Story): Prologue

Summary: Park Jimin was 7 years old when he first saw another little boy staring back at him from the mirror in the hallway of his childhood home, a face that would follow him as he grew up and into a life that is far different from the one he hoped for.
Jeon Jungkook is haunted by the losses he’s suffered and helpless against a father that is deadly in his grief and tearing apart the kingdom that Jungkook will one day rule. His only true comfort is the familiar face of the boy that watches him from the place where his reflection should be.
When their two worlds collide, reality as they each know it will shatter into pieces. But will Jimin and Jungkook be able to free themselves and put the pieces back together? Or is it already too late?
Pairing: Jungkook x Jimin
Warnings: Fantasy AU, supernatural elements, slow burn, mentions of death/violence
Word Count: 1,071
Masterlist || Padlet || AO3
Author's Note: Oh, hi! Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted my writing on Tumblr or written fanfiction at all really. If you've come here from my other blogs then you'll already know that I've previously written for The Walking Dead and Supernatural over @twdsunshine and Sons Of Anarchy over @charmingoutlaws. But both of those blogs are now closed and I'm here writing for BTS instead. Forever a fangirl, I swear.
So, this is obviously my first time writing for these characters and I've basically built a whole new world for them just to make it extra challenging! It's an AU with two different worlds and magick and monsters and all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on, and there will be angst and hurt and comfort and fluff and some spicy moments, and it will all centre around the beautiful Jikook, and you're all going to love it, okay? Okay.
It goes without saying that my characterisation of the boys is based on their public personas/comments made in interviews and such like. I don't know them. They are essentially fictional characters here but I hope you will love them as much as I do.
Are we ready, ARMY? Not sure I am, but here goes nothing.
Let's get it!
The storm is closing in, rain-heavy clouds rolling overhead. The thunderous footsteps pursuing the two men reverberate off of the trees that surround them, the thick trunks dense and dark, tangled roots protruding and causing them to trip and stumble as they flee. Jungkook’s heart pounds in time with the name that is repeating in his head.
Jimin’s palm is sweaty in his, and Jungkook can’t keep himself from casting anxious glances at the other man, taking in the pale cast to his skin, the panic in his wide eyes. Jimin’s hair is plastered to his forehead, his breath coming in short sharp gasps, and Jungkook fumbles in his pocket for the device he has been given, feeling it slip and slide between his slick fingers. The switch is right there. He is so painfully aware of it that it’s almost burning him through the fabric of his pants. One touch and it will activate, but who knows what will happen then? Right now, all Jungkook really knows is that Jimin is at his side, running for his life, and it’s his fault.
It is all his fault.
After all, isn’t it because of Jungkook that Jimin is here in the first place? Not just fleeing from the oncoming troops and their mutts, but in the Geoul Kingdom instead of safe and sound at home in his own world where nobody wants to hurt him, to use him to force Jungkook’s cooperation. Wasn’t it Jungkook that had sought comfort from the smaller man, needed the strength Jimin brought him in order to do what he should’ve done years ago? He’d been so close to giving up before Jimin had tumbled into his life, fragile and afraid and so, so lost. Jungkook had been bordering on apathetic, unable to care any longer about the atrocities he’d witnessed, the cruelty inflicted on his people. He’d been too worn down by his own divided loyalties to even consider fighting like he should have. Because he should have fought sooner, so much sooner.
Perhaps if he had, he wouldn’t be seeing moments from his past flash through the front of his mind, his history in fast forward as his feet pound against the packed earth, wouldn’t be counting his regrets as they come upon the cliff edge faster than he ever would have imagined possible. He’d thought he’d turned them away from the sheer drop a mile or so back, trying to lead them in a wide curve that would take them to the mountains, where they could maybe lose their pursuers in the rocky outcrops, regroup and recover, but here they are: nothing but air in front of them, towering waves whipped up by the fierce wind ready to toss them around and tug them down and steal the breath from their lungs.
Jungkook’s feet send loose stones clattering over the edge of the rock face as he skids to a stop, throwing his free arm out to curl around Jimin’s waist and bring him to a sudden, jarring halt. He can feel the ragged rise and fall of Jimin’s chest as he pants, whipping his head left and right as he searches desperately for a way out.
There isn’t one. Jungkook knows it. He knows this land, these woods, the wild rugged cut of the coast. It’s his home after all, the Kingdom he had been born to one day rule, that he loves too fiercely to leave but has been too weak to stand up and protect.
Oh Gods, Jimin.
Breathless shouts reach his ears above the gale, at the same time as shadowy figures appear from between the trees at their back, some moving in formation and sporting weapons, others creeping low to the ground, bodies taut with tension and rumbling with deep, hungry growls. They lurk in his peripheral vision as he stares at Jimin, his hand buried deep in his pocket once again, drawing up every ounce of faith he has as he fists the device and draws it out into the open. He watches as the other man’s gaze drops to take it in before meeting his, a look of understanding in Jimin’s eyes that Jungkook swears he can feel deep in his heart, steadying him as he runs the pad of his thumb over the switch.
“Do you trust me?” The words are snatched away by the howling wind, too quiet to be able to stand up to its wrath, but, when Jimin nods without hesitation, he takes it as the confirmation he needs it to be. “Okay.”
He readjusts his grip on the smaller man, their fingers lacing together, sticky and searing hot with exertion, but solid, reassuring all the same. Because even in the midst of the chaos and the fear and the torrential downpour that has been unleashed upon them, Jimin is all that Jungkook can really see, all that he can feel. Just Jimin, watching, waiting, trusting, hoping… And Jungkook hopes too; hopes that this won’t be the end for them when they’ve only really just begun.
Around them, soldiers ready their rifles. They’ve formed into a tight semi-circle, trapping the two men between themselves and the sea, as their mutts pace back and forth behind them, strings of drool dripping from their gnashing jaws, but Jungkook shuts them all out, keeps his attention on Jimin, swallowing hard as the other man nods again.
“Let’s go, Kook.” He follows the movement of Jimin’s lips as he urges him on, still offering him strength even as his life hangs in the balance. Because this is Jimin, and of course he’s selflessly trying to be there for him even as the world around them crumbles. So, Jungkook has to be strong, he has to. For him.
He casts one fleeting look at the troops that trap them, condemning them to their fate on his own father’s orders, and then he fidgets with the device once more, deaf to the commands being bellowed at them across the open clifftop.
“On three,” he murmurs, tugging Jimin a step closer to the edge, still gripping him tight. “One…
He jumps, propelling himself forward and pulling Jimin with him into empty air, plummeting downwards as the breath is punched from his lungs.
A flash of lightning blinds him, and Jungkook flips the switch.
Thank you so much for reading! Remember, likes, comments and reblogs are all very much appreciated. And I will be creating a tag list if anybody wants to be notified when the next part drops, so hit me up if you want to be added!
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Jungkook for Vogue Korea, October 2023
Shattered (A Jikook Story): Prologue

Summary: Park Jimin was 7 years old when he first saw another little boy staring back at him from the mirror in the hallway of his childhood home, a face that would follow him as he grew up and into a life that is far different from the one he hoped for.
Jeon Jungkook is haunted by the losses he’s suffered and helpless against a father that is deadly in his grief and tearing apart the kingdom that Jungkook will one day rule. His only true comfort is the familiar face of the boy that watches him from the place where his reflection should be.
When their two worlds collide, reality as they each know it will shatter into pieces. But will Jimin and Jungkook be able to free themselves and put the pieces back together? Or is it already too late?
Pairing: Jungkook x Jimin
Warnings: Fantasy AU, supernatural elements, slow burn, mentions of death/violence
Word Count: 1,071
Masterlist || Padlet || AO3
Author's Note: Oh, hi! Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted my writing on Tumblr or written fanfiction at all really. If you've come here from my other blogs then you'll already know that I've previously written for The Walking Dead and Supernatural over @twdsunshine and Sons Of Anarchy over @charmingoutlaws. But both of those blogs are now closed and I'm here writing for BTS instead. Forever a fangirl, I swear.
So, this is obviously my first time writing for these characters and I've basically built a whole new world for them just to make it extra challenging! It's an AU with two different worlds and magick and monsters and all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on, and there will be angst and hurt and comfort and fluff and some spicy moments, and it will all centre around the beautiful Jikook, and you're all going to love it, okay? Okay.
It goes without saying that my characterisation of the boys is based on their public personas/comments made in interviews and such like. I don't know them. They are essentially fictional characters here but I hope you will love them as much as I do.
Are we ready, ARMY? Not sure I am, but here goes nothing.
Let's get it!
The storm is closing in, rain-heavy clouds rolling overhead. The thunderous footsteps pursuing the two men reverberate off of the trees that surround them, the thick trunks dense and dark, tangled roots protruding and causing them to trip and stumble as they flee. Jungkook’s heart pounds in time with the name that is repeating in his head.
Jimin’s palm is sweaty in his, and Jungkook can’t keep himself from casting anxious glances at the other man, taking in the pale cast to his skin, the panic in his wide eyes. Jimin’s hair is plastered to his forehead, his breath coming in short sharp gasps, and Jungkook fumbles in his pocket for the device he has been given, feeling it slip and slide between his slick fingers. The switch is right there. He is so painfully aware of it that it’s almost burning him through the fabric of his pants. One touch and it will activate, but who knows what will happen then? Right now, all Jungkook really knows is that Jimin is at his side, running for his life, and it’s his fault.
It is all his fault.
After all, isn’t it because of Jungkook that Jimin is here in the first place? Not just fleeing from the oncoming troops and their mutts, but in the Geoul Kingdom instead of safe and sound at home in his own world where nobody wants to hurt him, to use him to force Jungkook’s cooperation. Wasn’t it Jungkook that had sought comfort from the smaller man, needed the strength Jimin brought him in order to do what he should’ve done years ago? He’d been so close to giving up before Jimin had tumbled into his life, fragile and afraid and so, so lost. Jungkook had been bordering on apathetic, unable to care any longer about the atrocities he’d witnessed, the cruelty inflicted on his people. He’d been too worn down by his own divided loyalties to even consider fighting like he should have. Because he should have fought sooner, so much sooner.
Perhaps if he had, he wouldn’t be seeing moments from his past flash through the front of his mind, his history in fast forward as his feet pound against the packed earth, wouldn’t be counting his regrets as they come upon the cliff edge faster than he ever would have imagined possible. He’d thought he’d turned them away from the sheer drop a mile or so back, trying to lead them in a wide curve that would take them to the mountains, where they could maybe lose their pursuers in the rocky outcrops, regroup and recover, but here they are: nothing but air in front of them, towering waves whipped up by the fierce wind ready to toss them around and tug them down and steal the breath from their lungs.
Jungkook’s feet send loose stones clattering over the edge of the rock face as he skids to a stop, throwing his free arm out to curl around Jimin’s waist and bring him to a sudden, jarring halt. He can feel the ragged rise and fall of Jimin’s chest as he pants, whipping his head left and right as he searches desperately for a way out.
There isn’t one. Jungkook knows it. He knows this land, these woods, the wild rugged cut of the coast. It’s his home after all, the Kingdom he had been born to one day rule, that he loves too fiercely to leave but has been too weak to stand up and protect.
Oh Gods, Jimin.
Breathless shouts reach his ears above the gale, at the same time as shadowy figures appear from between the trees at their back, some moving in formation and sporting weapons, others creeping low to the ground, bodies taut with tension and rumbling with deep, hungry growls. They lurk in his peripheral vision as he stares at Jimin, his hand buried deep in his pocket once again, drawing up every ounce of faith he has as he fists the device and draws it out into the open. He watches as the other man’s gaze drops to take it in before meeting his, a look of understanding in Jimin’s eyes that Jungkook swears he can feel deep in his heart, steadying him as he runs the pad of his thumb over the switch.
“Do you trust me?” The words are snatched away by the howling wind, too quiet to be able to stand up to its wrath, but, when Jimin nods without hesitation, he takes it as the confirmation he needs it to be. “Okay.”
He readjusts his grip on the smaller man, their fingers lacing together, sticky and searing hot with exertion, but solid, reassuring all the same. Because even in the midst of the chaos and the fear and the torrential downpour that has been unleashed upon them, Jimin is all that Jungkook can really see, all that he can feel. Just Jimin, watching, waiting, trusting, hoping… And Jungkook hopes too; hopes that this won’t be the end for them when they’ve only really just begun.
Around them, soldiers ready their rifles. They’ve formed into a tight semi-circle, trapping the two men between themselves and the sea, as their mutts pace back and forth behind them, strings of drool dripping from their gnashing jaws, but Jungkook shuts them all out, keeps his attention on Jimin, swallowing hard as the other man nods again.
“Let’s go, Kook.” He follows the movement of Jimin’s lips as he urges him on, still offering him strength even as his life hangs in the balance. Because this is Jimin, and of course he’s selflessly trying to be there for him even as the world around them crumbles. So, Jungkook has to be strong, he has to. For him.
He casts one fleeting look at the troops that trap them, condemning them to their fate on his own father’s orders, and then he fidgets with the device once more, deaf to the commands being bellowed at them across the open clifftop.
“On three,” he murmurs, tugging Jimin a step closer to the edge, still gripping him tight. “One…
He jumps, propelling himself forward and pulling Jimin with him into empty air, plummeting downwards as the breath is punched from his lungs.
A flash of lightning blinds him, and Jungkook flips the switch.
Thank you so much for reading! Remember, likes, comments and reblogs are all very much appreciated. And I will be creating a tag list if anybody wants to be notified when the next part drops, so hit me up if you want to be added!

im gonna watch every fancam of the last
Shattered (A Jikook Story): Prologue

Summary: Park Jimin was 7 years old when he first saw another little boy staring back at him from the mirror in the hallway of his childhood home, a face that would follow him as he grew up and into a life that is far different from the one he hoped for.
Jeon Jungkook is haunted by the losses he’s suffered and helpless against a father that is deadly in his grief and tearing apart the kingdom that Jungkook will one day rule. His only true comfort is the familiar face of the boy that watches him from the place where his reflection should be.
When their two worlds collide, reality as they each know it will shatter into pieces. But will Jimin and Jungkook be able to free themselves and put the pieces back together? Or is it already too late?
Pairing: Jungkook x Jimin
Warnings: Fantasy AU, supernatural elements, slow burn, mentions of death/violence
Word Count: 1,071
Masterlist || Padlet || AO3
Author's Note: Oh, hi! Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted my writing on Tumblr or written fanfiction at all really. If you've come here from my other blogs then you'll already know that I've previously written for The Walking Dead and Supernatural over @twdsunshine and Sons Of Anarchy over @charmingoutlaws. But both of those blogs are now closed and I'm here writing for BTS instead. Forever a fangirl, I swear.
So, this is obviously my first time writing for these characters and I've basically built a whole new world for them just to make it extra challenging! It's an AU with two different worlds and magick and monsters and all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on, and there will be angst and hurt and comfort and fluff and some spicy moments, and it will all centre around the beautiful Jikook, and you're all going to love it, okay? Okay.
It goes without saying that my characterisation of the boys is based on their public personas/comments made in interviews and such like. I don't know them. They are essentially fictional characters here but I hope you will love them as much as I do.
Are we ready, ARMY? Not sure I am, but here goes nothing.
Let's get it!
The storm is closing in, rain-heavy clouds rolling overhead. The thunderous footsteps pursuing the two men reverberate off of the trees that surround them, the thick trunks dense and dark, tangled roots protruding and causing them to trip and stumble as they flee. Jungkook’s heart pounds in time with the name that is repeating in his head.
Jimin’s palm is sweaty in his, and Jungkook can’t keep himself from casting anxious glances at the other man, taking in the pale cast to his skin, the panic in his wide eyes. Jimin’s hair is plastered to his forehead, his breath coming in short sharp gasps, and Jungkook fumbles in his pocket for the device he has been given, feeling it slip and slide between his slick fingers. The switch is right there. He is so painfully aware of it that it’s almost burning him through the fabric of his pants. One touch and it will activate, but who knows what will happen then? Right now, all Jungkook really knows is that Jimin is at his side, running for his life, and it’s his fault.
It is all his fault.
After all, isn’t it because of Jungkook that Jimin is here in the first place? Not just fleeing from the oncoming troops and their mutts, but in the Geoul Kingdom instead of safe and sound at home in his own world where nobody wants to hurt him, to use him to force Jungkook’s cooperation. Wasn’t it Jungkook that had sought comfort from the smaller man, needed the strength Jimin brought him in order to do what he should’ve done years ago? He’d been so close to giving up before Jimin had tumbled into his life, fragile and afraid and so, so lost. Jungkook had been bordering on apathetic, unable to care any longer about the atrocities he’d witnessed, the cruelty inflicted on his people. He’d been too worn down by his own divided loyalties to even consider fighting like he should have. Because he should have fought sooner, so much sooner.
Perhaps if he had, he wouldn’t be seeing moments from his past flash through the front of his mind, his history in fast forward as his feet pound against the packed earth, wouldn’t be counting his regrets as they come upon the cliff edge faster than he ever would have imagined possible. He’d thought he’d turned them away from the sheer drop a mile or so back, trying to lead them in a wide curve that would take them to the mountains, where they could maybe lose their pursuers in the rocky outcrops, regroup and recover, but here they are: nothing but air in front of them, towering waves whipped up by the fierce wind ready to toss them around and tug them down and steal the breath from their lungs.
Jungkook’s feet send loose stones clattering over the edge of the rock face as he skids to a stop, throwing his free arm out to curl around Jimin’s waist and bring him to a sudden, jarring halt. He can feel the ragged rise and fall of Jimin’s chest as he pants, whipping his head left and right as he searches desperately for a way out.
There isn’t one. Jungkook knows it. He knows this land, these woods, the wild rugged cut of the coast. It’s his home after all, the Kingdom he had been born to one day rule, that he loves too fiercely to leave but has been too weak to stand up and protect.
Oh Gods, Jimin.
Breathless shouts reach his ears above the gale, at the same time as shadowy figures appear from between the trees at their back, some moving in formation and sporting weapons, others creeping low to the ground, bodies taut with tension and rumbling with deep, hungry growls. They lurk in his peripheral vision as he stares at Jimin, his hand buried deep in his pocket once again, drawing up every ounce of faith he has as he fists the device and draws it out into the open. He watches as the other man’s gaze drops to take it in before meeting his, a look of understanding in Jimin’s eyes that Jungkook swears he can feel deep in his heart, steadying him as he runs the pad of his thumb over the switch.
“Do you trust me?” The words are snatched away by the howling wind, too quiet to be able to stand up to its wrath, but, when Jimin nods without hesitation, he takes it as the confirmation he needs it to be. “Okay.”
He readjusts his grip on the smaller man, their fingers lacing together, sticky and searing hot with exertion, but solid, reassuring all the same. Because even in the midst of the chaos and the fear and the torrential downpour that has been unleashed upon them, Jimin is all that Jungkook can really see, all that he can feel. Just Jimin, watching, waiting, trusting, hoping… And Jungkook hopes too; hopes that this won’t be the end for them when they’ve only really just begun.
Around them, soldiers ready their rifles. They’ve formed into a tight semi-circle, trapping the two men between themselves and the sea, as their mutts pace back and forth behind them, strings of drool dripping from their gnashing jaws, but Jungkook shuts them all out, keeps his attention on Jimin, swallowing hard as the other man nods again.
“Let’s go, Kook.” He follows the movement of Jimin’s lips as he urges him on, still offering him strength even as his life hangs in the balance. Because this is Jimin, and of course he’s selflessly trying to be there for him even as the world around them crumbles. So, Jungkook has to be strong, he has to. For him.
He casts one fleeting look at the troops that trap them, condemning them to their fate on his own father’s orders, and then he fidgets with the device once more, deaf to the commands being bellowed at them across the open clifftop.
“On three,” he murmurs, tugging Jimin a step closer to the edge, still gripping him tight. “One…
He jumps, propelling himself forward and pulling Jimin with him into empty air, plummeting downwards as the breath is punched from his lungs.
A flash of lightning blinds him, and Jungkook flips the switch.
Thank you so much for reading! Remember, likes, comments and reblogs are all very much appreciated. And I will be creating a tag list if anybody wants to be notified when the next part drops, so hit me up if you want to be added!
Shattered (A Jikook Story): Prologue

Summary: Park Jimin was 7 years old when he first saw another little boy staring back at him from the mirror in the hallway of his childhood home, a face that would follow him as he grew up and into a life that is far different from the one he hoped for.
Jeon Jungkook is haunted by the losses he’s suffered and helpless against a father that is deadly in his grief and tearing apart the kingdom that Jungkook will one day rule. His only true comfort is the familiar face of the boy that watches him from the place where his reflection should be.
When their two worlds collide, reality as they each know it will shatter into pieces. But will Jimin and Jungkook be able to free themselves and put the pieces back together? Or is it already too late?
Pairing: Jungkook x Jimin
Warnings: Fantasy AU, supernatural elements, slow burn, mentions of death/violence
Word Count: 1,071
Masterlist || Padlet || AO3
Author's Note: Oh, hi! Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted my writing on Tumblr or written fanfiction at all really. If you've come here from my other blogs then you'll already know that I've previously written for The Walking Dead and Supernatural over @twdsunshine and Sons Of Anarchy over @charmingoutlaws. But both of those blogs are now closed and I'm here writing for BTS instead. Forever a fangirl, I swear.
So, this is obviously my first time writing for these characters and I've basically built a whole new world for them just to make it extra challenging! It's an AU with two different worlds and magick and monsters and all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on, and there will be angst and hurt and comfort and fluff and some spicy moments, and it will all centre around the beautiful Jikook, and you're all going to love it, okay? Okay.
It goes without saying that my characterisation of the boys is based on their public personas/comments made in interviews and such like. I don't know them. They are essentially fictional characters here but I hope you will love them as much as I do.
Are we ready, ARMY? Not sure I am, but here goes nothing.
Let's get it!
The storm is closing in, rain-heavy clouds rolling overhead. The thunderous footsteps pursuing the two men reverberate off of the trees that surround them, the thick trunks dense and dark, tangled roots protruding and causing them to trip and stumble as they flee. Jungkook’s heart pounds in time with the name that is repeating in his head.
Jimin’s palm is sweaty in his, and Jungkook can’t keep himself from casting anxious glances at the other man, taking in the pale cast to his skin, the panic in his wide eyes. Jimin’s hair is plastered to his forehead, his breath coming in short sharp gasps, and Jungkook fumbles in his pocket for the device he has been given, feeling it slip and slide between his slick fingers. The switch is right there. He is so painfully aware of it that it’s almost burning him through the fabric of his pants. One touch and it will activate, but who knows what will happen then? Right now, all Jungkook really knows is that Jimin is at his side, running for his life, and it’s his fault.
It is all his fault.
After all, isn’t it because of Jungkook that Jimin is here in the first place? Not just fleeing from the oncoming troops and their mutts, but in the Geoul Kingdom instead of safe and sound at home in his own world where nobody wants to hurt him, to use him to force Jungkook’s cooperation. Wasn’t it Jungkook that had sought comfort from the smaller man, needed the strength Jimin brought him in order to do what he should’ve done years ago? He’d been so close to giving up before Jimin had tumbled into his life, fragile and afraid and so, so lost. Jungkook had been bordering on apathetic, unable to care any longer about the atrocities he’d witnessed, the cruelty inflicted on his people. He’d been too worn down by his own divided loyalties to even consider fighting like he should have. Because he should have fought sooner, so much sooner.
Perhaps if he had, he wouldn’t be seeing moments from his past flash through the front of his mind, his history in fast forward as his feet pound against the packed earth, wouldn’t be counting his regrets as they come upon the cliff edge faster than he ever would have imagined possible. He’d thought he’d turned them away from the sheer drop a mile or so back, trying to lead them in a wide curve that would take them to the mountains, where they could maybe lose their pursuers in the rocky outcrops, regroup and recover, but here they are: nothing but air in front of them, towering waves whipped up by the fierce wind ready to toss them around and tug them down and steal the breath from their lungs.
Jungkook’s feet send loose stones clattering over the edge of the rock face as he skids to a stop, throwing his free arm out to curl around Jimin’s waist and bring him to a sudden, jarring halt. He can feel the ragged rise and fall of Jimin’s chest as he pants, whipping his head left and right as he searches desperately for a way out.
There isn’t one. Jungkook knows it. He knows this land, these woods, the wild rugged cut of the coast. It’s his home after all, the Kingdom he had been born to one day rule, that he loves too fiercely to leave but has been too weak to stand up and protect.
Oh Gods, Jimin.
Breathless shouts reach his ears above the gale, at the same time as shadowy figures appear from between the trees at their back, some moving in formation and sporting weapons, others creeping low to the ground, bodies taut with tension and rumbling with deep, hungry growls. They lurk in his peripheral vision as he stares at Jimin, his hand buried deep in his pocket once again, drawing up every ounce of faith he has as he fists the device and draws it out into the open. He watches as the other man’s gaze drops to take it in before meeting his, a look of understanding in Jimin’s eyes that Jungkook swears he can feel deep in his heart, steadying him as he runs the pad of his thumb over the switch.
“Do you trust me?” The words are snatched away by the howling wind, too quiet to be able to stand up to its wrath, but, when Jimin nods without hesitation, he takes it as the confirmation he needs it to be. “Okay.”
He readjusts his grip on the smaller man, their fingers lacing together, sticky and searing hot with exertion, but solid, reassuring all the same. Because even in the midst of the chaos and the fear and the torrential downpour that has been unleashed upon them, Jimin is all that Jungkook can really see, all that he can feel. Just Jimin, watching, waiting, trusting, hoping… And Jungkook hopes too; hopes that this won’t be the end for them when they’ve only really just begun.
Around them, soldiers ready their rifles. They’ve formed into a tight semi-circle, trapping the two men between themselves and the sea, as their mutts pace back and forth behind them, strings of drool dripping from their gnashing jaws, but Jungkook shuts them all out, keeps his attention on Jimin, swallowing hard as the other man nods again.
“Let’s go, Kook.” He follows the movement of Jimin’s lips as he urges him on, still offering him strength even as his life hangs in the balance. Because this is Jimin, and of course he’s selflessly trying to be there for him even as the world around them crumbles. So, Jungkook has to be strong, he has to. For him.
He casts one fleeting look at the troops that trap them, condemning them to their fate on his own father’s orders, and then he fidgets with the device once more, deaf to the commands being bellowed at them across the open clifftop.
“On three,” he murmurs, tugging Jimin a step closer to the edge, still gripping him tight. “One…
He jumps, propelling himself forward and pulling Jimin with him into empty air, plummeting downwards as the breath is punched from his lungs.
A flash of lightning blinds him, and Jungkook flips the switch.
Thank you so much for reading! Remember, likes, comments and reblogs are all very much appreciated. And I will be creating a tag list if anybody wants to be notified when the next part drops, so hit me up if you want to be added!