New Little Guy: Weston "Wes" Pike, Tourist And Nuisance

New Little Guy: Weston "Wes" Pike, Tourist and Nuisance
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this is on steam but it's also on ea. go get them
Enemies to "I accidentally came across you while you were vulnerable and scared and I'm not a total asshole so I tried to help you" to "accidental mutual uncovering of softer sides and vulnerabilities" to "I can't be mean to you anymore, not out of pity but because it would feel weird betraying that brief truce we had" to "Fine I'll make an effort to be nice to you now I guess" to "actually now that we're not actively hating each other you're not so bad I guess" to "i think we're friends but I'm not going to say that because I'm afraid you're not gonna feel the same way" to "oh you also think we're friends? Great" to lovers
it's always "you need to quit using the demon blade that is corrupting your soul and encouraging you to shed oceans of blood in its name cold turkey, you need to stop right now" and never "let's discuss some harm reduction techniques that will help you to form a more positive, safer relationship with the demon blade"
u know someone’s about to get dragged through the mud when an academic uses the phrase ‘it’s tempting to assume’
plot 150 words bed-sharing 200 words smut 800 words projecting my fears, insecurities, and anxieties onto a fictional character 9,356 words fluff 150 words someone who is good at fan fiction please help me budget my WIP, my family is dying