And This Art - Tumblr Posts
I like to think OG Springtrap feels pain in a very supernatural way, in fact feels EVERYTHING in a supernatural way.
Phantom pain. Phantom touch.
Like an amputee, but it's his entire self.
Not quite there, but so very real.
Angst potential, wonderful.
Imagine touching his face and asking if he could feel it and he doesn't have a concise answer, he just doesn't want you to let go. Because it's something, something gentle and good. Not quite the way something alive would experience it, but the closest thing he can experience to it.
Or imagine him feeling the echoes of the springlocking pain, the utter confusion at the psychological torture of not being alive but feeling that pain like its happening all over again.
Phantom feelings, it's more like a memory of sensation.
"A memory of sensation..."

toilet quartet!!!

The silly!! I love them!!!

scenes from this fic by @samthefrank i think these are from chs 3 and 5 respectively.
i miss drawing comics. kinda just using scenes to experiment w layout and color

was finally able to get around to doodling some art for this super cute au idea that iishiimondo made, ITS SUPER CUTE GUYS AND I LOVE IT A LOT I JUST WANT CUTE THINGS ALL THE TIME.

New Little Guy: Weston "Wes" Pike, Tourist and Nuisance
you're TOO SWEET and this is TOO BEAUTIFUL

Hiiii! I briefly leave my little cave to tell you that @deerdens just published the epilogue of one of the most beautiful and detailed stories I have read. And I'm not just saying it because she's my friend, but because she's talented, careful and loves bethyl in such an insightful way… Few authors are as respectful and loving with the characters (all of them, not only Beth and Daryl) as Gabi does. TANPFNH is pure bethyl, a new classic i would say... So, to celebrate, i did this little drawing of adult Nora Dixon. I hope you guys get to love her as much as i do... Thank you my wonderful friend for everything you give us, and everything you give me! You are a delight of an artist and of human being. I hope this is just the first chapter of all this beautiful story that you have planned. I love you, i still owe you the tanpfnh art!!

Bless the telephone!