Aaron He/him ἀνάκτανθες Odysseus shitty poster Don´t care if we know a 2%, there´s a 98% out there :D If lost return to water or to the nearest forest. English / Español
1713 posts
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!

I think today has been a productive day!
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More Posts from Aaronofithaca05
PEBBLE THE CAT! Adorable 😍
Also foamy??, crystal ohhh Lotus..yeahhh....:D
GASP i could give my riverwives a pet cat
Yes!!! Even though it has creative licenses it´s so fun! So good to find also a Winion as me! And thank you for being so kind and polite also we are here to have a great time! Also check the replies section as my friend @katerinaaqu has worded out important information I ommited. :D
Aaron of Ithaca
Odysseus has the rep of being such a good guy, but he wasn’t the best. I mean, most of the hero’s weren’t. It’s questionable who actually did the deed, but some versions say that Odysseus threw Hector’s son off of a wall as a victory thing. And then he cheated on his wife with our favorite pharmakis, Lady Circe. By the way, read Circe by Madeline Miller. So, Greek heroes were morally gray, if not just asshats. But, I bet everyone here loves a morally gray character. I mean, I like Odysseus because most of the things he did had dubious reasons.
If we’re taking about him cheating with Circe, Madeleine Miller put it beautifully. Btw I don’t agree with cheating in real life, I just think it was written well.
“When you are in Egypt you worship Isis, when in Anatolia, you kill a lamb for Cybele. It does not trespass on your Athena still at home.”
…I mean. This is sort of incredible.
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything really) then send it to 10 of your most cherished friends or followers
Ahhh thanks!!
-Myself: I have always been in the sea, my first memories are being at the beach in my little boat with my mom, while salt and sun on the face so is natural that i'm sucker for my natal sea (Mediterranean) , being also this is the reason of why I'm studying marine biology. Excuse my sentimentalism 🌊
-Favourite songs: I have always loved spanish 70-2000's songs and one I really like is: Pero a tu lado But by yourside I don't have words when I hear it, it fills me with joy, sadness and hope in that order. It's old but it still punches in the heart.
-Favourite book: the Odyssey, yes, more so I have bought one this morning so yeah...

Aaron in a nutshell is the image above, hahahahaha.
Thank you for the tag Titi!. @jarondont
• Blur the line between divinity/humanity
• Blur the line between feminine/masculine
• Live by your own rules
• Love by your own rules
•Die in your slut era
He's asking why he can do that with a finger like he used to :D. Poor Nestor unable to hoist it like he used to, at least he can a peaceful life.
*While trying not to drown trying to reach Ithaca*
nestor my man what the frick
he says this:

and then does this:

like ... what?????