Palm Sunday - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity
 ! , . , , . !Congratulations To Everyone On The Bright Holiday Of Palm Sunday! May All Sorrows And Adversity

Поздравляю всех со светлым праздником Вербное воскресенье! Пусть все печали и невзгоды уйдут, а счастье и радость всегда будут в вашем доме. Мирного неба над головой, положительных эмоций, душевного спокойствия и умиротворения. Здоровья крепкого вам и вашим близким! Congratulations to everyone on the bright holiday of Palm Sunday! May all sorrows and adversity go away, and may happiness and joy always be in your home. Peaceful sky above your head, positive emotions, peace of mind and tranquility. Good health to you and your loved ones!

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11 months ago

what a grim palm sunday it is

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3 years ago

(This was written back in in 2017, but the points still hold true)

To you, my American brothers and sisters in Christ, on this Palm Sunday, I offer my greetings, a warning, and an encouragement. First, I want to greet you in the name of the Lord and express to you my love, whether you are the outspoken blogger who will share what they think regardless of reaction or whether you are the quiet blogger who hasn’t really talked much about their personal beliefs. It is enough to know you are there, and that we are family.

But now, a warning. To those of us in America – and I know that this does not apply to all Christians in America, I do not speak to those who follow Christ’s example with all their heart but rather those who may be tempted to take their faith lightly, and I confess that I too am sometimes in that number. Do not let yourself be distracted by things that are ultimately of no importance and forget that we are extremely privileged in this country. Do they mock you here? Do they misrepresent you? Very often, yes. It’s nearly the Internet’s fifth favorite pasttime. But do not mistake spiteful and mean-spirited jibes from those who do not know or wish to know what you believe for persecution, I urge you.

Our sisters and brothers in other countries are often not thinking of anonymous hate on the Internet or sneering newscasts or laws that we do not always agree with. (Though some laws ought of course be opposed for as much as is possible, especially if they are in opposition to the laws God has given us, such as caring for the oppressed or the refugee). I urge you not to grow complacent, not to take for granted the fact that in this country we are able to go and worship in the way that we choose without wondering in the back of our minds if today is the day our church will be bombed by people who hate us.

This morning in Egypt, two churches were bombed on Palm Sunday, targeted by people whose minds and hearts are filled with hatred. (But I refuse to give the attackers the attention they so desperately want. Instead I want to address the mosques donating blood for those injured in the attack: You fill my heart with joy and with thanks and I hope you are blessed for your kindness)

In light of this, my brothers and sisters, I encourage you – rather, I encourage us, for I do not give you advice as though I myself am not in need of it – not to complain when we appear to lose “rights” or privileges we were formerly accustomed to here. Continue to trust that God is in control, and focus not on the comforts and annoyances of this world (though admittedly this is a difficult thing to do!) and follow Christ’s example with all your heart.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

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3 years ago

Even though I don't have a church community I feel very close to God today.

This is my second palm sunday but I invested much more time into today.

Just because Covid19 is happening doesn't mean you have to be less of a Christian. Just do it where you are.

God bless you and a blessed day ❤🌿✝️

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3 years ago
Lithuanian Girl With Palm Sunday Fronds - Kanutas Ruseckas, 1844.

Lithuanian Girl with Palm Sunday Fronds  -  Kanutas Ruseckas, 1844.

Lithuanian, 1800-1860

Oil on canvas, 45 x 34 cm.

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3 years ago

As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’” They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, some people standing there asked, “What are you doing, untying that colt?” They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!

Mark 11:1-10 NIV

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2 years ago
Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord!

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

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11 months ago

Hosanna to the Son of David! 🫏

Hosanna To The Son Of David!

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11 months ago

“I’m shocked every year by the two Gospels from the Palm Sunday Mass, by how dramatically the tone changes and how the congregation is swung from one extreme to another. We walk into the church shouting Hosanna and waving palm branches, welcoming our Messiah with joy. Not 15 minutes later, we’re crying out, “Let him be crucified!” I thought it was strange, this bipolar shift from worship to betrayal. And then I realized it’s no accident, not just a convenient way to get the whole story into one Mass. It’s the life of a fallen Christian, crashing from praise into sin without even noticing the change. It’s my life.”

— Meg Hunter-Kilmer (+)

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11 months ago

It always gets me how during Palm Sunday we, the congregation, say the words of Judas, Peter, the Pharisees…hits hard every time. Best week in the whole year.

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11 months ago


Today the people of Poland celebrate Palm Sunday, which means the anticipation for the Easter is growing stronger within Poles, me included. I'm not religious, but being raised in Catholic tradition, I truly enjoy some of its elements, such as feasting on the traditional dishes with your family (and, of course, the preparation of those dishes beforehand^^), but also the historical sights related to Roman-Catholic Christianity.

It has always amazed me how diverse and rich is Polish architecture, especially the castles and churches built in the past. Yesterday, my loved one, knowing so well how much I would enjoy it, took me on a spontaneous trip to one of those places which's historical landmarks manage to combine both<3

Using both the opportunity and my pre-Easter spring mood I shall share some photos of the beautiful Kodeń village with you.


Kodeń [ˈkɔdɛɲ] is a village in eastern Poland on the Bug River, which forms the border between Poland and Belarus. Administratively, it belongs to Biała Podlaska County in Lublin Voivodeship. 

[ the description taken from the Wikipedia ]


Kalwaria Kodeńska | The Kodeń Calvary


Kościół Świętego Ducha | Church of the Holy Ghost

The Gothic castle church, currently a Roman Catholic filial church of St. Anna's parish in Kodeń. The temple, along with the ruins of the Sapieha castle, the former armory, and the stations of the Via Dolorosa processional route, compose the area of the Kodeń Calvary. The church was founded at the same time as the Kodeń castle by the Voivode of Nowogródek, Paweł Sapieha, around 1540. It served as the Sapieha family court chapel until the 19th century.


Bazylika św. Anny w Kodniu | St-Anne's Basilica

The church of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Anna in Kodeń. The church was built between 1629 and 1635 in the late Renaissance style on the site of an earlier wooden church from 1599. The construction was led by the Lublin mason J. Cangerle. In 1657, the church was plundered by the Swedes who removed the lead roof and stole the bells. In 1680, fire destroyed the church and the town, but by 1686, after the completion of its reconstruction and alteration (western tower), the church was consecrated again. The Baroque façade dates back to 1709.


The altar of the Basilica - Matka Boża Kodeńska | Mother of God of Kodeń [ the descriptions of the churches were taken from the Polish Wikipedia and were translated into English by me ]

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1 year ago
Palestinian Orthodox Christians Attend Palm Sunday Mass At The Church Of Saint Porphyrius In Gaza City,

Palestinian Orthodox Christians attend Palm Sunday mass at the Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City, 13 April.

(Yasser Qudih / APA images)

via Electronic Intifada: The Month in Pictures, April 2014

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11 months ago
Brace For A Stoormmmm!

Brace for a stoormmmm!

Brace For A Stoormmmm!

Look who has washed upon the shore!

I'm reading it right now and Odysseus is called Ulises T T , DAMN IT SPANISH!

Brace For A Stoormmmm!

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11 months ago
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!
I Think Today Has Been A Productive Day!

I think today has been a productive day!

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