aaronofithaca05 - Aaron's shenanigans
Aaron's shenanigans

Aaron He/him ἀνάκτανθες Odysseus shitty poster Don´t care if we know a 2%, there´s a 98% out there :D If lost return to water or to the nearest forest. English / Español

1713 posts

Chronically Ill Girlies After Delaying Their Necessary Appointments Then Getting Sick :o

chronically ill girlies after delaying their necessary appointments then getting sick :o

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More Posts from Aaronofithaca05

1 year ago

Ufff I love the dark type choice, may I help you choosing pokemon?

Hector's horses OMG, Galerían ponyta is going to be sparckles for sure!!

Something Something Pokmon Au Odysseus

something something pokémon au odysseus

his signature pokémon is shiny decidueye. i think that penelope sewed his pants herself and the white spots are embroidered and also he wears an archery glove (i have no idea if its right because i don’t do archery myself and just googled it).

i think this au probably takes place like pre- to mid- trojan war, so odysseus is in his early to mid 20s.

1 year ago

Yesterday I took the bus and headed down to the beach because I was really down and not well overall, I started to walk and minutes became hours, arrived at four o´clock and ended around 8's.

It was the best I´ve done for me in a while, so I took some photos. They make me giggle every time I see them, so here´s some photage!

Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,
Yesterday I Took The Bus And Headed Down To The Beach Because I Was Really Down And Not Well Overall,

I´ll probably use them for references and inspiration for sketches and doodles too. :D

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1 year ago

Hi!, If you start to follow me, please have a name and a few posts, I've had a bad experience recently so please do it.

Sorry If your're a good person but I will block anyone who meets these criteria, better prepare than cure. You've been warned!


I´m Aaron, I indentify as male and I'm a collegue student, sea lover, Winion, mythology nerd and shitty poster ( ̄▽ ̄), the main topics of this blog are: The Epic Cycle and related works, Ancient Mediterranean cultures and geography.

I like to write my thoughts and takes and send them to the void, so If i spent a week postín about greek mytho and the next about plants, summer or whatever you've been warned.

Just don't be an asshole and we'll be fine. Assholes are: homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, Any sort of troll, and the likes of that, if you treat a person worse than you'lm treat your grandma or loved one.

My blog will be a safe place for all and if your behaviors fall into any one of these, you make it unsafe and need to GET OUT!

I enjoy : research, gardening, scuba diving and saling, cooking, reading and hiking

Mindless scrolling of Epic the Musical and greco-roman mytho daily.

Current hiperfixations

-Epic: The musical

-The Epic Cycle (Illiad, Odyssey, etc...)

-Anything remotely related to the Mediterranean Sea (I'm a sucker for my natal sea)

-Ancient mythologies

-Everything shiny and/or pretty.

If i have an "a e s t h e t i c" is as fluid as water

Also like sky:cotl, Heathers, SIX (kinda new) etc...


Here my skykid hugging a manta

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1 year ago

Love that you like it!

-How would I not have him with his funny hat? Like hello?

- Hahaha, Not yet, he's getting there. Hi earns freeckles for every lie, mischief or borhs so when he returns to Ithaca it would be more freeckles than skin! Hahahaha

No but I'll die every day of the week for them, they're so cute and so healthy, that they're my standard, (clever, funny and loyal) so yeah all my respect and admiration for the Royal Couple of Ithaca!!

"My Odysseus design" has a shitton of freckles, something he got from Anticlea through Hermes' line.

When young and first courting, even when Penelope really likes him and knows it, she's mostly afraid to take the "final step" of "Hey, I like you." but she'll still do silly shit.

 "You have 56 freckles on your face." "...You counted?" "...Yeah O_O" "..." "..." "I got some on my arms-" And she starts counting them but he's a little shit and flexing and showing off. "Stop that, you're making me lose count >:( "

Since she's memorized the placement of his freckles, (photographic memory. Benefit of being one of Athena's pets) she weaves them as the stars in her tapestries. 🥲

"That's not...That's not how the stars are mapped-" "They're MY stars, asshole >:( "

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1 year ago

I've seen Odysseus been misspelled as Odyssues and it's so right. He doesn't have issues, he has odyssues.

I, too, have odyssues.

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