Not The Best Quality, But Here's Some Old Marinos Related Sketches For The Dnd Class I Homebrewed, The
Not the best quality, but here's some old Marinos related sketches for the dnd class I homebrewed, the Dreamspinner.
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Drawn during Covid. Burn up all the Covid, phoenix!
Glass jar luminary created via the use of dripping acrylic, incising tools, Mod Podge (any craft glue would work), an electric candle, and a reused pesto jar.
Step 0: Gather a jar, black acrylic paint, large paintbrush and optionally smaller paintbrushes (junk brushes are usually fine), cup of water for the brush, paper towls, colored acrylic paint, incising tools such as those for clay (a toothpick may be used instead), and mod podge or other craft sealant. Place on a surface that can get dirty. Step 1: Clean the jar, removing all labels and as much glue as possible. Step 2: Coat the jar in black acrylic paint. Wait to dry. Recoat the jar in black acrylic paint. Wait to dry. Step 3: Place desired light source within the jar to check for thin spots. If the light shines through the black paint, recoat the thin areas and let dry. Repeat as necessary until the paint is oapaque. Step 4: Turn the jar upside down. Pile wet acrylic of whatever colors you like on the upward facing bottom of the jar such that the paint runs in goopy streamers down the sides without covering too much of the black paint. You can also swirl colors over the lid if desired. Do not allow the paint to get inside of the lid where it can prevent the cap from being able to twist back on. Step 5: Use incising tools or sturdy toothpicks to scratch out designs in the black acrylic between the drips. Step 6: If necessary, fix any mistakes by carefully reapplying paint, waiting to dry, and incising again. Step 7: Apply one or two coats of clear mod podge to the painted areas to protect them. Matte or glossy is fine. Step 8: Insert the light source and turn on. Enjoy in a dark room. Turn off when done to conserve batteries.
Find this item and more for sale on my Discord server: . If you don't have a Discord and are interested, DM me here for info.
Dragon from Wildebowe's web novel Worm. Can't spoil the meaning behind this work, but I adore this character so much. She's crazy interesting. And she pilots mecha dragons to fight supervillains. So that's pretty neat.
Fanart of two excellent comics both happening to be about deer and both starting off looking like they would be about perfectly normal talking deer doing woodland things but turning out to be anything but.
Boneslav from DoePrince's Golden Shrike and Plucky from SleepySundae's White Tail.
Pixel art draw the character aboves and artfight attacks. Draw the character above for chromechrome on Discord