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Ace and the Bees

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Can I Get An Order Of Headcanons With The VDL Boys Asking You To Dance At One Of The Camp Parties? Thx

can I get an order of headcanons with the VDL boys asking you to dance at one of the camp parties? thx

*ding ding* order up!


The thought of asking you to dance certainly crossed Arthur's mind when Dutch first turned on his gramophone but he doubts himself. He watches you laugh the night away, overthinking it completely and debating whether it’s even a good idea. 

It's Hosea's encouragement that gives Arthur that last bit of courage he needs, taking a deep breath as he walks over to you and finally asks if you'll dance with him.

Arthur tells you he's not that good at dancing but he still tries to impress you with his dance skills, spinning you every once in a while and dipping you too. He's nervous but Arthur loosens up after a while once he realizes you’re having fun. Honestly he’s relieved you're having a good time.

Arthur doesn't dance for long, preferring to keep it short and sweet. When you both pull away from one another, Arthur bows slightly and tips his hat to you as he thanks you for the dance. It might have been short but this is something Arthur will remember for a very long time, hoping it meant just as much to you too.


Charles isn’t sure if you’ll say yes but decides to ask you anyways, knowing it’s at least worth a shot. The camp has quietened down from the celebrations so he hopes this is the perfect time for a dance.

 He can’t help but smile brightly when you accept, putting your hand in his as he guides you to an open area of camp. 

Charles is a simple dancer, not bothered about showing off and instead preferring to keep you close so y'all can talk properly. He might twirl you every once in a while but Charles only does that if it'll make you smile (He really can't get enough of your smile).

His favourite part of the dance is when you fully relax into him, resting your head on his chest and slowly swaying to the music, not focusing on the actual dancing aspect anymore. Honestly, Charles could stay like this all night long.


The o n l y reason Dutch decides to put on some music was so he could ask you to dance. Seriously, he’s been planning this all evening. He gives you a quick, sly glance as he walks over to his gramophone, putting on a record before he makes his way over to you.

Dutch knows what he's doing when it comes to dancing but he likes to keep things simple and sway with you to the music, only trying to impress you with a twirl only once or twice.  

His main goal isn't to impress you with his dancing, instead Dutch sees this as some time to talk without being interrupted by any of the gang.

Dutch has a way of making this seem so private and intimate even though y'all are dancing as the gang celebrates around ye. Everyone's there and yet it's like only you and Dutch are in this moment, smiling at one another as he begins to compliment you.


Micah doesn't have great timing so unlike the others, Micah only thinks about asking you to dance after Dutch has turned off his gramophone. He does it at the very end of the night, when he's finally plucked up the courage and probably downed another bottle of beer.

He tries to be charming with his words, picking up a few phrases from Dutch and hoping that'll make you swoon all over him. When you agree, you take Micah by surprise. He really didn't think he'd get this far.

He's so goddamn stiff while dancing and in a strange way, it's actually kinda impressive that Micah doesn't have a single piece of rhythm. Afterwards, he doesn't mention the dance again. This is one of the very rare things Micah did that he doesn't want to try and use against you or tease you about later. 

Micah doesn't mention the dance half out of embarrassment that he actually attempted to dance but also because he wants to keep it as a small but special moment between you both.


Don't get me wrong, John would love to be able to serenade you or recite a poem about love before asking you to dance but he doesn't have that class. He just kinda looks to you and shrugs asking if you wanna dance.

Although it sounds like this isn't a big deal to John, it really is. He isn't a dancer but he wants to dance just to spend some time with you. You mean a lot to him and he wants to make you happy.

Let's be real, there's a very high chance John accidentally steps on your foot. He apologises instantly, becoming more stiff and giving you a sympathetic smile.

When John's sober he isn't a good dancer but if he's had a few beers and you're in a secluded part of camp with just the two of you then John is more willing to mess around and make a fool of himself trying to dance.


Javier spontaneously asks you to dance. He's sitting beside you at one of the tables, watching Dutch and Molly dance when Javier decides he should ask you.

Javier stands, holding out his hand to you with a warm smile. I mean, technically he doesn't ask you to dance but you get what he means and honestly, you and Javier are so close sometimes you don't have to talk to communicate.

He holds you close as you both sway to the music. Javier makes some casual conversation with you, complimenting your dance skills and asking if you'll help him improve his.

Usually Javier is the one creating the music the others dance to so his moves are a little rusty, but spending the rest of the night learning how to dance properly with you sounds absolutely blissful to him.


Bill doesn't like to dance. If he's being completely truthful, he doesn't know how on earth to dance. But if asking you means you might spend some more time with him, then he’ll muster up as much courage as possible and ask you to dance with him.

Bill feels like he's floating on air once you agree, though it quickly becomes pretty obvious that Bill has no idea what rhythm is or how he's supposed to move his feet to the music.

He gets flustered when you ask Bill if he knows how to dance, presuming he has completely fucked this up but then you begin to give him instructions and help him with his dance moves.

Bill feels his face become warm as you both start to dance properly. He’s baffled by your kindness and how you’d prefer to help him learn than make fun of him but he’s so goddamn grateful, knowing this is something he’ll remember for years to come.


Sean wants to act like he's being casual and that he doesn't care too much when he asks you to dance. But I’m reality, he's trying so hard to keep his voice level and to seem cool in front of you.

It's only when he has one hand intertwined with yours and the other on your waist does Sean realise he has no idea how to slow dance. He hesitates slightly but tries to make a quick recovery by awkwardly shuffling from side to side in the hopes that's good enough to be classed as dancing.

Now if Dutch had some upbeat music then Sean would be able to dance the night away, impressing you with his many, many jigs. But slow dancing? This isn't Sean's forte.

He really has no idea what he's doing but it is strangely endearing. Thinking it'd be funny, when Sean goes to dip you, he pretends to drop you as a joke but accidentally loses grip and actually drops you. He spends the rest of the night apologising and tending to your non existent injuries.


Hosea? Nervous? Pfffffffftt never, he's not nervous, he's just waiting for the right moment, that's all. He's asked many people to dance in his lifetime... Sure, most of them were to distract people or sneakily pickpocket a fancy watch or bracelet but for some reason it's difficult to ask you to dance.

He keeps walking up near you but then Hosea feels his heart start to beat faster and he decides to wait longer before asking. Hosea doesn't understand why this is so hard for him to do, it's so simple and yet it's so hard to get the words out.

It's the end of the night by the time he asks you, everyone beginning to get tired and the party winding down. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Hosea asks you and much to his relief, you say yes.

Since the atmosphere is much more relaxed than earlier in the night, the dance is more like swaying gently to the music. Hosea's glad you're both dancing like this, everything feeling much more intimate and genuine as you both talk softly to once another, eyes closed peacefully and truly savouring the moment.


Dutch has barely put the record on his gramophone when Trelawny promptly walks over to you and holds out his hand, asking if you'd like to dance with him.

You already know Trelawny is going to put his all into this, trying his very best to impress you with his skilled dance moves. He dips you as long as he can, spins you as fast as he can and flourishes as much as humanly possible.

Afterwards, Josiah kisses the back of your hand but he notices there’s something behind your ear. C’mon now this is Trelawny and he really wants to make you smile so of course he magically finds a beautiful rose hiding behind your ear.

Handing you the rose, Trelawny thanks you for being such an immaculate dance partner, mentioning how good of a team you both are and that he's always ready for another dance.


Kieran's been praying to whatever higher power there is that you'll wander out by the outskirts of camp. There's no way he'll ask you to dance in the middle of camp, too nervous to ask when he’s sober and scared he might puke on you if he asks you when he’s drunk.

Besides, Kieran doesn’t want the rest of the gang breathing down your necks while dancing or teasing him if you reject his dance proposal. Kieran prefers asking by the outskirts of camp, hoping it’ll be special with just the two of you there. 

Kieran tries to be as courteous as possible when he asks, timidly holding out his hand to you. When you say yes, Kieran lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, feeling as though the weight of the world has just been lifted off of his shoulders. 

Kieran hasn’t danced much in his life but he wants to do good so he really focuses on the steps. It’s cute how determined he is to get the steps right, not wanting to step on your feet or make any other mistakes. Even after the dance, Kieran’s still in disbelief you said yes but he's quick to accept another dance from you if you're up for it.


Lenny has been hyping himself up all evening. As soon as Lenny noticed Dutch was in a jolly mood, laughing and telling stories about the early years of the gang, he knew it was only a matter of time before he turned on his gramophone.

Lenny repeated the words a dozen times in his heads, wondering how he should ask you to dance and if it would be better if he said it casually or more formal. 

He waits for the right moment once Dutch turns on his gramophone. Lenny really overthinks all of this, analysing if asking you too soon seems eager and if that might be a turn off for you or if dancing is something you’d even enjoy. Pushing all of his doubts out of his head, Lenny seizes the moment and asks you the question.

Although Lenny doesn't know any fancy moves, he knows the basics of dancing. Once he relaxes, Lenny doesn't take the dance too seriously. He just wants to make you laugh and have a good time and even asks if you think you can dip him towards the end of the dance.

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