Dutch Van Der Linde - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

OH. oh..

Tilly told her children that she was an outlaw, every night before they went to bed. In her own way.

They adored the tales of young, brave Matilda  who ran with an infamous gang led by the notorious, charming Tacitus Kilgore. They pulled their blankets tightly around their shoulders and watched with widening eyes as their mother described wagon chases, the smell of a freshly shot pistol, the mud and the heat and the endless sky.

"But what happened to Tacitus, Mama? Where did he go?"

The same question, every night. Tilly would smile, and shake her head, and promise that the story was far from over. Be good, she'd say, and tomorrow you'll hear about how Tacitus and Matilda rustled a whole herd of cattle in the dead of night. Be good, be good, be dear, sweet boys.

The newspaper was a dagger in her gut. It pushed its way into her flesh, slowly, delightedly, as she continued to eat her eggs and toast and fresh strawberries from the garden. Her husband asked her if she was quite alright and she nodded too quickly, too desperately. He watched her for a time, before looking away and leaving her to whatever it was she couldn't tell him yet. She had told him plenty, but not all. He knew. He loved her evermore for it.

Tilly carried the newspaper with her all day, up and down the hallways and in and out of the nursery. She read it again and again, her teeth clenched, her knuckles white.

He was dead, finally dead. The man who raised her. The man she lost. The man she hated and loved and grieved for every time she saw a sunset. The man who first laid eyes on a terrified child and saw everything she could be.

Death had found him after all.

And if he couldn't outrun it, nobody could.

Tilly carefully cut on the article and placed it in the back of Leslie Dupont's first novel.

That night, her children sipped warm milk, like they always did. And Tilly stroked their heads, like she always did. And like they always did, they asked her what happened to Tacticus Kilgore.

"Another time, my loves. Not now, not yet."

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4 years ago



Title: Run Kid Run

Summary: Dutch and Hosea are trying to teach John how to read but he runs off after they got frustrated and Arthur goes deep into the woods looking for John.

Word count: 2298

Notes: mild cursing | brief scene despicting an almost hanging | feedback is appreciated!!!

Tags: @onlytherocksliveforever

Happy late Christmas and Happy new year! I’m sorry I’m so late, this took me forever; I’ve been giving it a long thought and decided to comply to your second item in your wish list!

2) i love DUMB ASS John Marston and his better looking brother Arthur; give me a slice of life with the two of them pre-canon, or a story about them helping the other thru a tough time.

I’ve decided to combine both ideas and so this story came to be.

When Arthur was twenty-three, he saw a boy—dirty, savage and with a look in his eyes that had given up on living. This boy was with a rope in his neck, ready to be hanged. Dark gray with no reflection but death itself; no tears, no regret. Dead Eyes that held onto dear life with a fierceness reflected in his fists.

Next to the boy, an unnamed man spoke words of dead wisdom and nonsense which to the eyes of Arthur was meaningless.

“We have come to see the of law enacted. We will not sit idly by as people take the law into their own hands!”

Heavy kind of bullshit that Arthur didn’t enjoy a bit.

The crowd of the town roared loudly in excitement and agreement. For them, it was only entertainment, a show that made Arthur’s gut churn with anger. He tilted his hat lower and turned around, ready to move on. However, Dutch’s hand landed on his shoulder and stopped him.

“He looks like you did, a while ago,” Dutch said with a smirk before the gun in his hip shot the rope on the boy’s neck.

“He doesn’t.”

The boy’s shine returned in a glimpse that Arthur caught with both his eyes and heart. A will to fight and survive, to get the hell out of the mess that was about to start.

“What the hell Dutch?!”

“He was not meant to. Not yet.”

A sense of relief in his chest appeared with a long deep breath. He was glad for the boy that had gotten a chance to live, what was Dutch and Hosea thinking when they brought him into camp?

Arthur got wounded in the dirty fight they had in town for freeing the boy and he was resting in his tent, with Susan on his side cleaning his injuries. When Dutch and Hosea walked in, he asked: “What took ya’ so long?” with a warm grin that quickly faded into disbelief.

The boy stood between the two men, pouting his lips, frowning and crossing his arms as means to make himself more intimidating. The way Dutch smiled, looked and treated him with his gentle gestures and Hosea had given his jacket to protect him from the chilling breeze of that night was so familiar to Arthur; he had been in that place after all. What was that boy doing in camp? Similar to himself in the past, why did they needed to bring someone as intense and dumb as him? Wasn’t one dumb enough? He wondered.

“What’s your name, kid?” Arthur asked after he noticed Dutch’s gaze on him.

The boy stood silent.

“Come on boy, tell him.” Dutch crouched to his side and whispered words to him that Arthur wasn’t able to hear.

He remained silent.

When Arthur was twenty-four, he met the boy. A month had passed from his rescue and Arthur’s birthday quickly arrived with the cold and mean air of winter. There was no snow landscape yet, the skies had become dark and gray like the boy’s eyes and the fallen leaves

“John Marston,” the boy said with a mean streak that left Arthur with a bad taste in his tongue.

“Arthur Morgan.” He extended his hand to greet but John had already abandoned and left him with the words unsaid in his lips.

Arthur sighed and placed his hands on his gun belt; he could see John’s silhouette far away, hiding somewhere where he thought no one could see him, and grinned. A part of him still refused to acknowledge John, prouder than a bull and wilder than a cougar in a midnight sky, and another part of him found itself in that boy who slept with a knife under his pillow.

“John, come here!” Dutch called the next morning.

Arthur was laying in comfortably in his bed, with his worn-out leather hat covering his eyes, thinking about what to draw in his journal. A bird? A flower? An herb? His imagination was as dull as dishwater and his brain couldn’t tell skunks from house cats. Boredom was partly guilty of the dullness, too.

“John, come on.” From his closed tent, Arthur saw how Hosea’s figure grabbed John’s arm and took him somewhere beyond the reach of their shadow. A loud growl, from the boy, echoed through the whole camp that Arthur scoff. The boy was that stubborn?

The blue-eyed man closed his journal, stood up from his bed and walked out of his tent to do the chores of the day. As he chopped wood, he could see Dutch and Hosea, with John between them, sitting together in one of the round tables near the food station with a book in hand. This was going to be fun to see, Arthur thought.

“Okay, let’s try this again,” Dutch said firmly. “Read this part here.”

“No,” John scowled.

“Why not? It’s not that hard if you try. Here. The king in his…” Hosea slowly talked

John went silent.

“Boy,” Dutch lowly growled.

Arthur swung his axe over the log and splat it in half. When he was putting the wood aside, he peeked at John. The boy had his arms crossed, frowning and giving the book in the table a deadly gaze. Did he hate reading that much? Arthur laughed to himself and got caught by Hosea who looked at him with disapproval. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. He tried to slowly walk away, feigning ignorance, but the older man approached quicker than he predicted and grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Arthur.” Hosea squeezed hard the shoulder blade and grinned in a way that created grimace in Arthur’s expression, “wanna’ join us? I thought I could show you the new book I got!”

Arthur grunted.

Just great. He knew Hosea’s way of scolding Arthur and thinking about it annoyed him, however, he didn’t expect to see Dutch vexed, red-faced and squeezing the book with both his hands, yelling to John.

On the other hand, Hosea was perplexed. He dragged his hands over his now tired face and sighed.

“He wasn’t this troublesome!” Dutch said to Hosea, referring obviously to Arthur.

Something in that statement made Arthur chest puff in pride. Oh boy, he really liked that. Even if he refused to acknowledge this feeling to everyone else, he liked it when Dutch or Hosea praised him.

Arthur remembered the days when Dutch and Hosea were teaching him to read. Hot summer days, mosquitoes everywhere and that smell he couldn’t forget, berries and lemon, which brought his mind ten years back, when he was a thin, small and young boy. He grinned to the loveable thought and looked at Dutch fighting with John.

“Dutch, what’re ya doin’!? Don’t ya’ grab him like that and rub his head!”

“I know he can do it, but he’s not even trying!”

Something Arthur knew is that Dutch would take as “true” whatever he assumed; and hardly took back his words—standing for what he believed, a true blessing for the wise and a curse for the ignorant. Later on, Arthur didn’t know which of those Dutch was. A true mystery until the very end.

“Dutch, calm down, you’re gonna scare ‘im…”

“But I know he can—"

“Shut up, you pair of dimwits!” Susan yelled from afar as she sewed one of Arthur’s shirt.

And before any of them could say any further word, John slammed his hands against the table and ran away into the woods that surrounded the camp.

“Get back here, boy!”

What a mess. When Arthur saw no signs of Dutch calming down or Hosea backing down, he decided to look out for the now goner.

“John! Where are ya’!?” Arthur yelled as he stomped over some broken sticks. Definitively John.

“Ya’ damn bastard, dontchu’ ever get tired?” he whispered to himself, wondering as he furrowed his brows and rushed his pace.

As he walked deeper into the woods, the stars that normally would be faded under sunlight, had come out without any shame, telling Arthur to hurry. The breeze got colder and the sky darker and even if he found clues of where he could have gone to, the boy sure knew how to keep out of sight. He was going nuts; what the hell was the kid running from?! He had nothing to run from and nowhere to go, what was he thinking?

“John!” He called once more before he heard a gasp to his side.

The moment he turned his head, he saw a terrified boy who had fallen into the ground. Unlike the first time he saw him, fierceness shone in his eyes despite of the fear that his thin body could not hide—however, that didn’t mean it wasn’t agile. He quickly got up into his feet and started running towards the glowing moon.

“Oh no, you ain’t!”

He could hear John’s broken breathing and how he gasped for the air he didn’t have; it broke Arthur’s heart.

“Watchu’ running from, kid?!”

Arthur got closer with every step he took and grabbed without any restrains John’s wrist to stop him, quite brusque for his liking but there was nothing he could do. Those iron eyes gazed at him with the loathe and anger he deserved which left a sour flavor in his mouth. John struggled to free himself from Arthur’s grip but it only got stronger.

“Lemme ask you again, kid. Watchu’ running from?”

John struggled again and Arthur grabbed his other wrist. He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes for a moment. Was it this hard for everyone else to deal with him? Being a kid in the streets wasn’t easy, it roughens you up in a way that shatters what you truly are, breaking and eventually rotting every corner in your mind. But he was no kid in the streets no more, he could finally begin living and not just survive.

“He wanted to kill me,” John replied in a quick low whisper.

Arthur raised a brow. “Dutch was shootin’ his mouth off and by now Hosea and Susan must have given ‘im a black eye for that.” He tried to sound reassuring.

“Let go!” John fought with all his strengths to free himself; Arthur tightened his grip.

“Listen to me, kid. You got nothing to run from; here you got a bed, food and people who want ya’—”

“Dead…” John interrupted.

“Let me finish! Goddamit—as I was saying. None of ‘em want ya’ to be a goner.”

“How can I trust you? They all said I was an idiot, useless. They all hate me and they’ll kill me. It’s better if I’m gone.”

“We’re family.” Arthur meant it. He had found a part of himself in the little black-haired boy that wanted to keep running; running to never look back, from all the things he didn’t deserve.

“We ain’t.”

“Listen to me you little piece of…! You became part of us the very moment Dutch cut that rope on your neck and brought you into the camp.”

“Still; that doesn’t mean I can trust you guys. You’re outlaws.”

John wasn’t buying a single bit of what Arthur was saying. Shit. At this rate he was gonna run off by himself and God knows what would happen to him.

“They took me in when I was your age.” John’s eyes widened in curiosity; “I… well, my momma died when I was real young and my daddy… let’s say I wish he did too. They taught me how to read and Hosea taught me how to draw.”

Despite of the nervousness inside him, Arthur took the journal out of his satchel and gave it to John without letting go of one of his wrists. He eagerly flipped through the pages and stopped to look at some of the drawings it contained; some of the graphite stuck into his fingers, but it didn’t stop him from eyeing with detail each illustration.

“Why didn’t ya’ read? Back then, when Dutch and Hosea asked you to.”

There was a long pregnant pause. “I did—read it, I mean. I, uh, wasn’t sure to er, say it out loud.”

“Really?” Arthur smiled from ear to ear. “See? You’re smart, John! Ya’ ain’t that bad, there’s potential.”

John blushed at Arthur’s praise and kept looking at the drawings until he reached the last one, that page that had remained blank for the whole day.

“They are family to me. Family is everything; I’d die for it.” His voice didn’t shake even once.

John closed the journal and gave Arthur a gaze full of admiration that Arthur wasn’t worthy of. He could be one nasty son-of-a-bitch, rash to anger and emotions; unfamiliar to giving inspirational speeches like Dutch would do or smooth-talking like Hosea the Conman.

“And I will…” he stuttered, “I, uh…”

“You what.”

“I won’t let them kill ya’; just in case.”

A mischievous grin appeared in John’s face. “That won’t stop me tho.”

Arthur had let his guard down. John escaped from his grip and started to run the fastest he could. Where the hell was he going to and, most importantly, where the heck had he gotten all that damn energy from?

“Cuz’ I’ll kill ya’ myself, you little piece of shit!”

“Thank you, brother” John screamed in the distance.

“You ain’t got the right to be my brother!” Yet, he wanted to say but kept it to himself.

That day, when Arthur was twenty-four, his family grew by one member. Even if mocked him every now and then and behaved like assholes, it was the most important thing to Arthur. It was everything he had—not like money or gold; those two could go straight to hell unless Dutch and Hosea gave the word.

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5 months ago

Results for round 6 are in! And I can't lie, it was very obvious how two-sided this poll was. But anyway, time to talley:

Rankings, in order from 1-6:

Sousuke Aizen (Bleach)

Zuko (ATLA)

Anton Chigurh (No Country For Old Men)

Dutch van der Linde (Red Dead Redemption)

El Indio (A Few Dollars More)

Lou Bloom (Nightcrawler)


The winner of this round, with a big ol' 37% of votes for him, is Sousuke Aizen from Bleach!

Results For Round 6 Are In! And I Can't Lie, It Was Very Obvious How Two-sided This Poll Was. But Anyway,

Good job buddy! (I hate you for turning this poll into a Zuko vs. you battle with your seductive twinkiness.)


The loser, with a damaging 0.8% votes for him, is Lou Bloom!

Results For Round 6 Are In! And I Can't Lie, It Was Very Obvious How Two-sided This Poll Was. But Anyway,

Are you kidding me right now guys? Jake Gyllenhaal only had 1 vote this round?? JAKE GYLLENHAAL??! WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE'S EYES?!?!


And my personal winner for this round is El Indio from A Few Dollars More, (although I love pretty much every character here. Except Aizen.)

Results For Round 6 Are In! And I Can't Lie, It Was Very Obvious How Two-sided This Poll Was. But Anyway,

And that's it, see y'all in the FINALE!! LET'S GOOOOOOO!!! 😁😁😁😁😁

Round 6!

Round 6!
Round 6!
Round 6!
Round 6!
Round 6!
Round 6!

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8 months ago

Riding up to Cochinay has never been more stressful. 1. Got attacked by three bears

2. Nearly fell off a cliff like five times

3. Eerie music started playing when I was searching around Dutch's old camp

And 4. I didn't even find the herb I was looking for..... Nice scenery, but it's safe to say I'm never going into Tall Trees ever again.

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6 months ago

Went to Fanboy Expo yesterday thinking I was only gonna be able to afford getting a picture with Rob ... I ended up getting to see everyone who was there !!! <3

Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob
Went To Fanboy Expo Yesterday Thinking I Was Only Gonna Be Able To Afford Getting A Picture With Rob

It was SO much fun.

They were all so nice to me and I had a lot of quick yet silly conversations. I was especially excited to meet Rob and when I did I started crying--he was... SO. SWEET. He told me not to be nervous and that I looked amazing. Gave him a very big hug and couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. I told Alex about the conversations I've had with my lesbian aunt and how she thinks Sadie's a total cowbian badass. Alex replied with : "Yeah, I imagine she likes to go with the flow." Which, slay. Overall, I wish I wasn't so awkward with Roger and Benjamin (and a little bit with Peter and Kaili) but honestly I was kind of intimidated with them being the 'main characters' of Red Dead 2 while I've only ever played Red Dead 1 (IK Benjamin played Dutch in the first game as well but his appearances were a lot more important in the 2nd). Hoping the next time I get to see any of the Red Dead cast I won't be so shy -- and not to mention I'll be prepared with gifts !!!

When I'm not so busy with school I'm hoping to create some silly art of some stuff that was said about the characters during the panel... hehehe... <3

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3 years ago
The Matthews Family (fanfic Cover)

The Matthews Family (fanfic cover)

Even if you are not in the fandom, guys believe me this is one of the the strongest story I ever read. Maybe because it is truly deeply personal. I can't be sure, but the writing is amazing and feels real. I had to do this cover even because the Author is an amazing person, who helped me without knowing it. Life can be so cruel but, when you realise it's ok to keep fighting is still ok, even if you feel like a completely disaster, even if you feel alone, you re not...If you are curious and have time, it's here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/23781100


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7 months ago
Sort Of Related To The Other Comic Pages I Made, But Can Also Stand By Itself. The Ending Of RDR1.

Sort of related to the other comic pages I made, but can also stand by itself. The ending of RDR1.

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5 years ago
OH MY GOD! Short And Sweet! This Was So Levely! Soft Dutch Is The Best Dutch.Micah Was A Dick But Its

OH MY GOD! Short and sweet! This was so levely! Soft Dutch is the best Dutch. Micah was a dick but it’s nothing new to him

Thank you for participating in our challenge. ~Panda Squad 🐼💖

OH MY GOD! Short And Sweet! This Was So Levely! Soft Dutch Is The Best Dutch.Micah Was A Dick But Its

"You ain't addle-headed" || Dutch Van Der Linde X Reader drabble

A/N: Howdy! This one's written for @thepaperpanda writing challenge, thanks guys for this little opportunity. My prompt was no. 15 :)

Words: 515

Summary: After your plan went wrong, you come back to camp and you're afraid how Dutch's gonna react at your failure. But he has something to let you know about...

"You Ain't Addle-headed" || Dutch Van Der Linde X Reader Drabble

It wasn't a good day for you, at all.

You came back to the camp, in ragged clothes, with several bruises and stung pride.

This wasn't first carriage that you robbed, yet everything went horribly wrong.

It occurred that you planned everything in a wrong way, your trap happened to be not as effective as you thought, so in the end it all eventually resulted in a huge failure and you almost being captured by sheriff's people.

You knew that Dutch won't get past it either.

As soon as you've been spotted by Micah, you heard his awfully rotten laughter.

"Y/N! You won't believe how happy I am to see you back here, above snakes! But! Why so quickly?! Did anything happen to our little nasty whore? Was she acocked?," he teased leaning back against an old tree and smoking a cigarette. "Dutch's gonna be disappointed with you, little whore."

You shook his nasty comments off your shoulders and it was when you spotted him.

Dutch was standing in front of his tent, his arms crossed over his chest, his hat slipped more onto his face so you couldn't say if he was glad or mad that he saw you.

"Dutch, I can explain...," you said walking closer to the man.

"Come with me, fella, we have to talk," he announced and led you at the hill outside the camp.

As you both got there, you watched him laying down on the ground, slipping hands beneath his head, before that he took hat off and out it on his chest.

You sat next to him rubbing back of your head.

"I'm so sorry," you started. "I thought I have planned everything properly. Apparently I was addle-headed, I admit it."

He hummed at your words but didn't say a thing, so you continued.

"I'll afly, I swear. I'll work harder for us to get more actuals, I'll..."

Dutch raised his hand silencing you without words.

"You ain't addle-headed, Y/N, you're just young and not careful enough," Dutch cocked corner of his mouth in a grin. "Don't ya worry, darlin', it's gonna be good. But you gotta learn the lesson life is bringing. And instead, you believe on what you see, so you receive on what you give, it leads you to nowhere."

You nodded biting your lower lip.

"How can you stand me still, after all this?"

He turned head towards you and smiled lazily.

"Because I love ya, darlin'? Ain't it funny, people like you and me created a strong and powerful couple?," he spread his arms so you could lay down on his chest, and you did quickly. Dutch's hand quickly was placed on your nape where he stroked you, you let out a giggle.

"It tickles!"

"I know, Y/N."

You both laid like this for a longer time, inhaling your scents and enjoying your common company. Time seemed to stop for awhile.

"Okay, let's go back to camp," Dutch kissed top of your head as he sat and put hat on. "We still have some new planning to do."

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5 years ago

The Choice || Arthur Morgan x Reader x Dutch Van Der Linde smut

The Choice ||Arthur Morgan X Reader X Dutch Van Der Linde Smut

Summary: Reader's member of Van Der Linde gang. She has feelings for both Arthur and Dutch. Whom she's gonna pick?

Warnings: smut, threesome

Words: 2964

Requested: Yes

Authors: Cass & Rouge

The Choice ||Arthur Morgan X Reader X Dutch Van Der Linde Smut

It was middle of the night and party in the camp was still going, everyone who still was up, was happy and drunk. Only a few people left to go and rest, Javier was playing songs on his guitar still.

You were the one that was still up, you stood near the fire with a bottle in your hand, singing songs with others.

It was till Dutch approached you. "Miss Y/L/N? Would you like to dance with me?" He asked offering you his hand.

You nodded slightly and tried to set the bottle on the ground but you almost lost balance, thanks to Dutch you didn't fall on the ground. You giggled nervously and wrapped arms around his neck. "Saved me, again, hahaha, you're amazing, Dutchy."

Dutch laughed softly and wrapped his arm around your waist while the other took your little hand into his big one. "Miss, I just try to do my best to protect my people." Dutch hummed as he started to lead the dance. "And I need to say, it would be a shame to lose such a charming lady as you, miss."

You giggled and put your head to his best covered with checkered shirt. You hummed something lazily and inhaled his strong scent. Your hands moved lower and rested at his hips.

"Dear miss, I think you had one bottle too much," Dutch chuckled, looking down at you. "I think you should go and rest." He said lowly and gently petted your hair.

"I can take her there." It was Arthur, he smiled at both of you. "Miss?" He offered you his hand.

You happily turned around and slipped out of Dutch's arms. You grabbed Arthur's hand and nuzzled to him instantly. "Lead me anywhere, I go with ya, fella."

"Well, I feel betrayed and this is not a pleasant feeling." Dutch laughed as Arthur picked you up.

"Okay, miss. I think you really have enough fun for today, lady." Arthur said carrying you to your little tent.

The Choice ||Arthur Morgan X Reader X Dutch Van Der Linde Smut

You woke up in the middle of the day, dizziness vanished and you felt way better. "No more alcohol, ever," you whispered to yourself as you got up and improved your clothes, then rushed out of tent. You walked in the direction of Dutch's tent. You had to apologize for your silly behaviour.

Dutch wasn't at his tent alone, he was with Arthur talking about yet another big idea. They both looked at you as soon as they saw you coming closer.

Arthur tipped his hat, greeting you. "Miss." He nodded.

"My dear, how's your head? We started to get worried you ain't gonna get up today. I think that little miss Y/L/N here drank more alcohol than her body could has handled." Dutch said, looking up at you.

You bowed head a little and stepped in tugging on hems of your dress. "I want to apologize for my awful behaviour, it's not how lady shall behave," you said. "I might by illy still but now I'll go back to my duties," you whispered hesitantly.

Arthur laughed. "Don't be sorry, miss! I guess you have never seen drunk Karen. She is worst than you and is mostly drunk during days but she is a good lady. I just hope you won't start to be like Swanson 'cuz I don't look forward to chasing you and then saving you from the train." Arthur muttered, lighting up his cigarette.

"Don't be stupid, boy. Miss Y/L/N here is nothing like Karen on Swanson." Dutch said to Arthur and then turned back to you. "You, my dear can stay out today and simply rest, recover from your night full of fun. I will talk with Miss Grimshaw to not bother you today."

"But sir...," you whispered. "I want to be useful. And besides, thank you both of you, for saving me last night," you giggled softly observing both men. Dutch was definitely type of a leader, while Arthur was a good man with great ability to getting into troubles. "I mean, you both are wonderful men..," you added and blushed, not knowing if you should go back or stay.

"My dear, you are useful most of the time," Dutch said.

"I always see you runnin' around like a crazy rabbit." Arthur joked, looking at you. "Always goin' somewhere or doing somethin'."

Dutch shook his head. "Miss Y/L/N, is everything okay? You look like something is bothering you."

"No, sir.. I mean.. I like you, and I like Mr. Morgan..," you stated. "And I am sorry I didn't get a proper attention to any of you yesterday but I couldn't decide... To which one..."

Arthur raised an eyebrow as he threw away finished cigarette. "You like me? You must be out of your God damn mind, girl." He muttered.

Dutch rolled his eyes and smiled at you. He gently grabbed your hand and pulled you on his lap. "Oh, is that so? That explains why you were so cuddly yesterday, dear."

"I'm always cuddly...," you whispered and blinked when he pulled you onto his lap. You also gave a quick glance to Arthur. "Stop it, sir. You're an amazing fella."

"I can see that, Y/N," Dutch whispered, wrapping his arm around your waist to be sure you're not gonna run away. "So you say that you like both of us and you can't decide which one you shall choose?" He asked as his hand lazily stroked your belly.

You nodded and sucked your lower lip in. "Yes. Exactly. I usually try to make a mash on... You... And Mr. Morgan... You both are cute... And I feel all alone..," you were whispering as you stroked Dutch's cheek briefly.

Dutch smiled and gently bounced you on his knee. "Well? What do you say to that, Arthur? We have our little charmin' miss Y/L/N here and she says she fancies us both."

Arthur crouched and looked at you, his hand gently cupped your cheek. His thumb stroked it. "Well, if she can't decide? Maybe we could share?" He said with a smile.

You couldn't describe what kind of sensation Arthur's words have created in your lower stomach. You nuzzled to his hand, being touch-starving. "Yes, please...," you almost whimpered wrapping one arm around Dutch's neck.

"Look at that, boy, she enjoys the idea of us both taking her. I am not surprised if I can be honest." Dutch said before grabbing your chin and pulling you into a kiss. "How about taking her inside, boy?" Dutch asked and Arthur only nodded. Dutch got up with you in his arms and walked inside his tent holding you close.

He set you down and Arthur joined you soon after making sure the tent is closed for the privacy.

"Look at yourself, miss." Arthur purred and kissed you.

You kissed him deeply, slowly slipping our tongue into his mouth and messing with his hair as your fingers tangled with his locks. You broke the kiss and looked at Dutch, your heart was beating fast and hard in your chest like a small animal that tried to escape from your chest.

Dutch looked at you and smiled. "Oh, don't mind me, just do your thing." He hummed taking off his hat and vest.

Arthur did the same.

Dutch walked behind you and gently kissed your nape. "Just go on, son." Arthur chuckled and pulled you back into the kiss, Dutch meanwhile started to play with your long dress before pulling it up enough to slip his hand between your legs. He pulled your panties aside and began to play with your clit.

"Son?," you asked lazily between kisses. You let out a long moan when you felt Dutch's hand slipping between your thighs. You wrapped arms around Arthur's neck and kissed him deeply as you knelt between two of them. One of your hands slipped down, right onto his crotch where you pressed your palm.

Dutch looked at you. "And what about me, darling?" He asked and looked at Arthur.

Arthur let out a heavy breath. "Let's give her something to do. If the lady wants to be useful... Who are we  to stop her." He smiled and dropped his belt, then started to open his pants.

"I need to agree," Dutch said and followed Arthur.

You turned your head and pulled Dutch in messy kiss. You slipped hand in his opened pants and pulled his soft cock out. You turned yourself so you were standing between two men, having Arthur on your left and Dutch on your right. With other hand you grabbed Arthur's cock as well, you pumped both hands.

"Fuck." Arthur growled and started to kiss your shoulder as his hand traveled to your front to play with one of your breasts as he bucked his hips into your hand.

Dutch's hand moved to the back of your dress to remove it. "You won't need this, darlin'. Trust me."

You stroked their cocks humming softly. You let go of Arthur's so you helped Dutch take your dress off. You were wearing only panties and you blushed slightly. You kissed Dutch's cheek and leant down a bit to lick his cock, from base to top, meantime jerking on Arthur's already hard dick.

Dutch looked at you and then at Arthur. "Ain't she a stunning little thing, Arthur?" He asked.

"She sure is, Dutch," Arthur said as his hand moved into your hair. He let out a loud growl, enjoying the feeling of your hand on him.

You slipped Dutch in your mouth, bobbing head hardly, sucking at the same time.

Soon, you pulled him out and did same thing to Arthur.

Dutch pet your head and hummed happily. "That's nice and all, my dear, but I don't think you wanna the fun to be over so soon." He said and pulled you up.

Dutch took you to his cot, he lied you down and kneeled between your legs. "Well, let's take care of our poor little miss, Y/N." He purred and removed your panties, tossing them aside as Arthur stood besides the cot.

You reached one hand back to stroke Arthur's shaft while your other hand moved into Dutch's hair. "Look what you do to me, boys," you whimpered quietly.

"You better look at what you are doing to us, darlin'." Arthur purred. "Such a good girl."

Arthur smiled at you as Dutch's mouth attacked your clit. Two of his big fingers soon slipped inside of you.

You were moaning like crazy, rocking your hips. You were already wet and your juices started to pour down your thighs. Meantime, your hand jerked hardly onto Arthur. "I wanna suck your dick, sir," you asked, rolling head back at the feel of Dutch's mouth on your clit.

"So open up." Arthur purred and pushed his cock into your wet, warm mouth. "Fucking shit... So good." He hummed and moved his hand into your hair to control the movements.

Dutch looked up and started to suck on your clit harshly. He started to push his fingers even deeper, you could feel the cold metal of his rings on your pussy lips.

You tried to bob you head for Arthur as much as it was possible. Your free hand traveled to his base when you jerked, then cupped his balls and you squeezed them gently between your fingers. Meantime your other hand started to rub you own clit as Dutch was eating you out. The sensation was unbearable for you. You pulled Arthur's cock out only to spit on its tip and suck on it hardy second later.

"Fucking shit, woman. Look at you, always so quiet and gently, and now? Sucking cock like a real whore." Arthur smiled as he forced his cock deep into your throat.

Dutch sat up and looked at you gently stroking your belly. "Maybe our Lady would like to take a real cock in, huh?" He asked, playing with your clit.

You slipped Arthur's dick out of your mouth and licked your lips from his precum. "Fuck me, Dutch," you said firmly parting your legs wider.

Dutch smiled. "With pleasure my dear." He grabbed your legs and pulled you closer. Dutch quickly pushed into you, he wrapped arms around your waist and pulled you up.

Arthur slowly walked away and sat down on the chair to watch the show.

You tried to buck your hips fiercely for more friction, you didn't pay attention to fact that pain was so sharp though Dutch's cock was thick as hard like a rock. You wrapped arms around his neck and rock hips back and forth, moaning his name and looking at Arthur.

"Look at yourself, taking my cock so damn well." Dutch growled kissing your cheek and moving his kisses lower to your neck. He started to bite and suck on your skin as he picked up his pace.

Arthur winked at you and watched this little show, stroking his shaft with one hand. Other one was grabbing his balls.

You used your all strengths to roll on top of Dutch, you picked pace up, moving hips back and forth quickly. Your pussy was taking entire of his shaft and it felt so good. You traced your fingers along Dutch's lips. "Lick 'em," you sounded too harshly but you didn't care.

Dutch smiled at your sudden change of persona. First shy and gentle lady and now you were giving orders to HIM, but he followed your order s anyway. Man wrapped lips around your finger and started to suck them.

You pulled fingers out of his mouth and leaned to kiss him, using your tongue to penetrate his mouth. You used fingers slick from his saliva to run over your clitoris.

Dutch smiled and moved his hand between your bodies. He played with your clit a little before two of his thick fingers slipped into you alongside his shaft.

You rolled head back and whimpered loudly. "I wanna Arthur too, look at him, he's left out here, all alone...," you whimpered. "Fuck, so good! So fucking good, oh God!"

Dutch grabbed your tights and squeezed them hard enough to leave marks. "Oh, you will get him, don't ya worry about this boy. Just look at him."

Arthur just gave you a smile, his hard cock was resting against his stomach.

"If you cum like a good whore then I am sure he will gladly take care of you." Dutch whispered into your ear.

Cold shiver ran along your spine. You arched your back rocking hips in unbearable pace, Dutch's cock slipping deeply in only to slip almost fully out. You bended down and sucked onto his lips, then reached hand back to squeeze his wrinkled balls.

Dutch's fingers still moved inside you alongside his cock. He let out a loud moan as he emptied himself inside of you.

You then simply got up removing his cock from your pussy, you rubbed your clit letting your mixed cum ran down your curvy thighs as you looked at Arthur.

Arthur walked to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "You okay? You can do this again?" He asked softly.

Dutch took Arthur's previous spot.

"Yeah. I just need your beautiful cock in me," after these words you stroked his shaft hardly.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Wrap your arms around my neck," Arthur said.

You obeyed and kissed him deeply.

Arthur kissed you back and picked you up with no problem. He slowly slipped into you. "Just let me know if this will be too much for ya." He purred softly.

You nuzzled to him. "Just fuck me. I need to be fucked nicely. You already feel amazing inside of my tight cunt," you nibbled on his nape.

Arthur held your hips and started to fuck you hard and deep. "You feel so good around me, Y/N. I couldn't wait till my turn." He growled.

"Me too," you whispered into his ear. "I love both of you, like father like son, ough, fuck me, Arthur!," you rolled head back and scratched his back. Your inner walls started to clench around his hard member.

Arthur happily obligated your wish and started to pound into you harder. "Who is a good girl? Letting us both to use her pussy like a whore." He growled into your ear.

"Me! Me, Arthur!," you rolled head back again and slipped hand between your bodies to rub your clitoris and to stroke his cock anytime he was backing from your pussy. "I'm gonna cum..."

"Good. Come on girl, cum girl. Cum around my cock." He huffed out and started to fuck you even harder.

You held onto his shoulders and let out a loud scream mixed with moan. Your pussy clenched tightly around his cock, preventing him from pulling out.

Arthur let out a grunt as he cum deep inside of you. "Fucking... Shit... Woman." He breathed out and looked at you.

When he put you down, you waved a hand to invite Dutch closer. You kissed them both, giving his cocks long strokes. "Thank you, boys, it was an unbelievable pleasure to me," you said looking around for your dress.

"I hope you realize it's not one-time thing, miss," Dutch said looking at you.

"I hope it ain't." Arthur muttered to himself.

"If you both will deserve this," you chuckled putting dress on. "For now, I will leave my panties here. So I'll have a thing to come back for," you winked at them and sent them kisses, then left.

"That woman will be the death of us." Arthur muttered.

"For sure she will... But now, boy. Time to talk about the train robbery we have planned. I have a great plan for what we're gonna do with the money!" Dutch said grabbing his pants.

The Choice ||Arthur Morgan X Reader X Dutch Van Der Linde Smut

Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving @arthurmorgan-bae

Tags :
5 years ago

Fraidy-cat Girl || Arthur Morgan x Reader x Dutch Van Der Linde

||Part I||


Summary: With each passing day your relationship with Arthur and Dutch is deepening. But will the fierce and fearless outlaws be able to persuade you to get on the horse?

Warnings: none

Words: 1693

Authors: Cass & Rouge


The morning was peaceful.

The whole camp was mostly calm and quiet, just a few short talks could be heard through the camp.

 Dutch was sitting in his tent reading one of his books, while Arthur was sitting near the fire. He was still half asleep, drinking his morning coffee. "Mornin', Y/N." Arthur said, nodding at you as you walked past the campfire.

 Dutch smiled as soon as he saw you walking past his tent. "Y/N, my dear! How are you today, can walk just fine I see." He teased you.

 You smiled shortly at him, blushing at his words. These two men could be the death of you anytime soon.

 You made yourself coffee and sipped on hot, bitter liquid. "How do you feel, Dutch?," you asked walking closer to the man.

 "I am fine as you can see." He said presenting himself to you. "How are you, I hope we didn't hurt you too much last time," Dutch said looking up and down at you. "Any plans for today?"

 Arthur joined both of you soon.

 "No plans. I'll clean our place a little, and well, today's my shift with horses, aye," you gasped sadly rubbing your temple. "You both know how much I hate it. Arthur, maybe you could kind of do my job, I'd take your duties."

 Arthur laughed. "I would like to see a pretty, skinny lady like you taking John and Micah to rob a bank, sweetheart," he shook his head. "No can do, Y/N. My duty doesn't suit lady like you."

 "I'm afraid Arthur is right, my dear. Robbing and killin' ain't for ya. You have no experience when it comes to this," Dutch nodded his head.

 "Why you hate horses anyway? It's not like you see them for the first time. I thought you said your pa had few at his ranch when you were little," Arthur asked resting his hands on his belt.

 You nodded at Arthur's words. "Yes. Indeed, my father used to have horse's on his ranch. He used to breed them. I hate them even now, when I was seven I was beaten by a horse. I was wearing huge bruise on my left palm," you explained. "That's why I'm mostly afraid of them. They're killers, silent ones...," You said openly. "Don't giggle, Morgan!," you frowned seeing how Arthur covered his mouth with hand. "I mean it! And well, I have experience in killing and robbing... I robbed... I mean... Okay. You got me. No experience."

 "I'm a sorry, sweetheart, but it's kinda funny. Horses ain't that scary nor they are killers! They are nice and kind creatures that help us work and bond with us," Arthur said and rubbed his chin, looking at you. "You can't even shoot, Y/N," he reminded you.

 Dutch laughed listening to Arthur's talk about horses. "That's right, son. Without horses, we would get too far," he said. "Shall we take care of Y/N's fear?"

 "I think we should," Arthur said with a big grin on his face.

 You weren't happy about their agreement. Yet you followed Dutch and Arthur.

Horses were always your disadvantage but you would never claim it openly.

 "I think we shall go to stable and get Y/N her own horse so she can get used to the animal," Dutch said and mounted his horse.

 "I guess you are right. Hope on, darlin'," Arthur said looking at you. He frowned when he received no reaction from you. "Sweetheart, don't ya tell me you even can't get on the horse. Really?"

 "Shut up, Morgan or everyone at the camp is gonna learn how do you suck on your thumb during nights," you growled. "No. I can't get on that bastard," you said looking at Dutch. "Is it really necessary?"

 Arthur blinked at your weird comment. "I dunno whatcha talking about, girl, but I have more interesting information about what you can suck," he rolled his eyes and mounted his horse.

 Dutch looked at you. "Well, if you don't want to simply run all the way to town then yes. It's necessary, my dear."

 "I always can tie her up and just throw her on the back of my horse," Arthur suggested with a soft chuckle.

 "Arthur!," Dutch scolded the other man and shook his head. "Come on, dear. You will ride with me."

 You blinked and opened mouth at Arthur's comments. "You're mean, fella," you informed him and climbed with problems onto Dutch's horse. "Oh, God, why this creature has to be that tall!"

 Dutch laughed and helped you sit in front of him. "I think Arthur is honest, Y/N. To answer your question, there are bigger horses," he hummed and gently kissed your shoulder, wrapping his arm around your waist to make sure you won't fall.

 "Let's just go before our lady gets too scared," Arthur said.


  When you all got to the stable you went with Arthur to look at the horse. "Look, it ain't gonna bite," man took your hand and put it on horse's nose.

 Horse only huffed through its nostrils and gently licked your palm. Arthur patted the horse and looked at you.

 Meanwhile Dutch was looking for, as he stated during the way, 'the BEST equipment' for his lady.

 At first you were about back you hand and run away but you stayed on place. "It's fluffy a little," you told Arthur as you patted horse's nose. "It tickles!"

 For the very first time you stepped into a real stable. When you were a little girl you were always too scared to attempt this. But now, when Dutch and Arthur were by your side, you felt brave enough.

 "Nice and soft like some kind of a fancy material. Go on, pick a horse you like the most. Don't be afraid," Arthur said rubbing your back. "I will better go check on Dutch before he gets ya a gold saddle with fancy diamonds in it," he laughed and walked away.

 You walked from horse to horse. One started paying more attention to you. It looked curiously at you and started to sniff your hair moving them gently with its muzzle.

 "Oh Gosh, Morgan! Morgan, horse tries to eat my hair! Help me, save me!," you screamed after Arthur but eventually you started petting horse's nostrils and head. "You ain't that scary..."

 Arthur looked over his shoulder as he heard your screams but when he realized you were fine he simply shook his head and returned to Dutch.

 Horse let out a quiet mutter and nuzzled to your shoulder before placing its head on it.

 "Dutch! Dutch, love, come here!," you said loudly as you were standing still.

 When Dutch and Arthur came closer, you posed and smirked. "I think I've made a new friend, what do ya think, fellas?!"

 They looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, if horse picks you, you can't really argue with that, dear," Dutch said with a smile.

 Arthur looked at the horse and hummed.

"Nice and young Appaloosa and its lady. You will have a lot of time to teach her stuff and bond with her properly," Athur smiled and waved to stable workers. "EY! Fellas! We take this horse," he shouted. Then he looked back at you. "Think about the name when we will take care of the papers," Arthur told you.

 You nodded and thought for a second. "I have one name, I'm not sure if it's gonna suit her... I thought about Calisto," you said shyly.

 Dutch clasped his hands. "AMAZING, DARLING! It sounds so beautiful and poetic. Just like your name," he said, wrapping his arm around your waist.

 After a few moments, Calisto was yours, you got the papers that you are the owner and you got the most expensive saddle and halter.

All three of you walked back to the camp, guiding your horses behind.

 "Y/N? I think it's time for you to learn how to ride a horse. You have your horse now, so? Get on," Dutch said.

 "I can show you," Arthur added quickly.

 "Nah," you waved hand and slowly climbed on the horse's back. "I think I know how to do this. I have just buck my hips back and forth, just like when I am riding one of you," you said happily.

 Arthur watched your clumsy way of getting on the horse, he wanted to laugh.

 Dutch stopped you and asked to get down, when you did, he smiled softly. "My dear, I think you really need to learn how to do it right. Look at your saddle. You have stirrups there, put your feet in them and pull yourself up," he said and showed you what to do.

 "And make sure to keep your feet in these. They will make sure you won't fall out of the saddle," Arthur added, improving his hat. "Grab the reins rightly and gently nudge your horse on the sides. You can also swing your reins."

 You did as Dutch and Arthur instructed you. It seemed so easy after their advices and soon you were sitting in the saddle like a pro.

 "Our girl is growing up so quickly, Arthur," Dutch said and looked at Arthur as their horses started to move.

 "Yea, let's just hope she won't fall out from the saddle and get scared again," Arthur commented, looking at you.

 You pretended that you didn't hear them and you nudged your horse's sides gently. "As you might be witnessing now, I can handle horse riding pretty well," you said. "Now, let's move your asses, fellas, there's still a lot of to do around the camp. And I have to brush my lady," you smiled petting horse's ear.

 Dutch laughed loudly. "So? How about the race, huh? Arthur?"

 Arthur nodded. "Sure, Dutch."

 Dutch smiled at you. "The last person in camp is fucking only once tonight!," he informed before his horse started to gallop.

 Arthur's horse quickly followed him, leaving you behind.

 You frowned and tried to force your horse to run faster but mare refused and she was walking with steady pace. You rolled eyes. "I'll teach you how to obey, horsy. I fucking will."


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving @arthurmorgan-bae

Tags :
5 years ago

She Likes to Play || Arthur Morgan x Reader x Dutch Van Der Linde Smut

||Part I||  ||Part II||


Summary: The further you are stepping into the relationship with Dutch and Arthur, the more you crave them both

Warnings: smut, threesome

Words: 2402

Authors: Cass & Rouge


After long day of working and keeping the camp tidy, you flipped down on the cot in your tent, you slipped hands under your head and sighed out loudly.

 You enjoyed Dutch's and Arthur's presence in the stable with you that day and you were grateful for another lesson they had given you. Of course, Arthur was the one that won the little race with Dutch, you didn't even count because you arrived to the camp 15 minutes after them.

 Arthur gently knocked on the wooden support of your tent. "Hello there, miss," he said and walked in. "Still afraid of your new horse?," Arthur asked with his cocky smiled and sat next to you on the cot.

 Dutch was currently busy with Hosea so he asked Arthur to visit you and 'prepare' you.

 "Howdy! No," you stated proudly. "I ain't afraid anymore." You watched him for awhile. "You came alone...," You whispered.

 Arthur nodded. "I know, but don't worry. Dutch will join later, you know him. Planing and all," he patted his lap. "Come here, girl," Arthur said with soft smile.

 You laid for longer moment, then got up and walked to him, you took a seat on his lap. "Hi."

 "Hi, there," he purred and hugged you tightly, nuzzling to your shoulder with a soft purr.

Despite being a big and rough outlaw, he was still really soft and gentle with you. It looked like he was afraid of breaking you.

"Y/N? You are beautiful," Arthur whispered, cupping your cheek gently. He pulled you into a gentle kiss, his thumb moved gently across your cheek.

 You gave the kiss back, soft hum left your mouth after it. You looked him in the eye, you cupped his cheeks. "You know, you're such a good man to me. Even when sometimes you're mean and even when you make jokes about me. I think I fell for you... So much," after these words you smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

 Arthur nuzzled to your hand and then grabbed it to kiss it gently. "I am not the right man to fall for, Y/N, and you know this very much. I am not good, I just do what is right," he kissed your wrist before moving to press a soft kiss to your cheek, then moved down to your neck.

His hands gently touched your sides, moving up and down. Soon, they found their place on your lower back.

 It felt so right and what he was doing to you was getting unbearable. Butterflies in your lower stomach made you twitched at his touch. "Let me decided by myself, duh?," You whispered tilting head aside to provide him better access to your neck, your hands played with his nape.

 Arthur laughed quietly and moved to your shoulder. "I hope... I hope you don't mind…," he whispered and his hand sneaked under your dress. Arthur gently touched your inner thigh, then his hand moved to your stomach.

"Can I take it off?"

 You kissed his rough, dry lips longily and almost moaned at the touch of his hand on your thigh. "Don't ask me, Arthur... Do whatever you want... You know I'll do everything for ya, fella," you whispered into his ear before nibbling onto his earlobe.

 "I just want to be sure, darlin'. I don't want to hurt you," he whispered and gently placed you on the cot, looking at your body carefully.

Arthur started to slowly remove your dress, he was treating you like you would be made of glass. He let out a quiet growl at the sight of your naked body under him. Arthur placed a few kisses to your stomach before moving down.

 The softness of his touches was absorbing. You arched your back, looking at him. "Please, I need ya...," You told him softly, it wasn't more than a whisper.

 Arthur looked up at you and sent you smile, he slowly put your legs on his shoulders.

He lovered himself and placed gently kiss to your clit before taking the little bundle of nerves between his lips. Meantime, his thick fingers gently played with your entrance, probing it from time to time just with their tips.

 "Oh, God," you whispered, your eyes rolled into your head. You closed them for a second, then looked down on Morgan. "Oh, God... Keep doing this, you're so skilled, fella," you praised him as you put your index finger into your mouth, sucking on it.

 Arthur just looked at you and gladly continued his work for a whiled before moving away.

He licked his two fingers before pushing them into you, his thumb replaced his tongue on your clit.

 You caught your pillow and nuzzled to it, muffling your scream with material. It felt good and right, you moved hand down your body and helped him with rubbing over your clitoris.

 "Well, well. Look at that? Kids enjoying themselves? You two could at last close the tent, thank God that Y/N's tent is not so close to others," Dutch said lowly as he closed the tent's laps.

 Arthur looked briefly at other man and returned to his work on you.

 "It looks like our boy here is starved for you and your attention, my dear. He even didn't undress," Dutch pointed out.

 Other man just growled annoyed at the comment and started to work on you harder, using his teeth.

 You only moaned louder, slipping hands into Arthur's hair. "Howdy, Dutch...," You managed to whisper. "I thought you forgot about me, darlin'."

You tried to buck our hips for more friction from Arthur's actions.

 Arthur muttered between your legs to give you some vibrations, his hands held your hips firmly.

 "I would never forget about such a beautiful creation as you, my dear," Dutch said and walked up to you. "But you two ar doing just fine as I see," he hummed before kissing you deeply.

 "Maybe but we do lack our partner," you teased and slipped out of Arthur's grasp to kneel and kiss Dutch. Your hands moved to his leather belt, you unbuckled it quickly. "Let's see."

 Arthur growled highly annoyed by your action. He sat up and looked at you with frown.

Sure, Dutch is here so she run to him like a rabbit, Arthur thought to himself.

 Dutch grabbed your hands, stopping you.

"Y/N, my dear angel," he said to you softly.

"Look at Arthur there, you've made him upset. You want our boy to be upset?"

 "Never...," You whispered and looked up at Dutch. "I love him so much," you said openly and looked at other man above your shoulder.

 "Then finish your buissneses with him and than we will will have fun together. This boy is really touch starved and simple presence of yours gets his all hot and bothered," Dutch said and patted your hair.

 Arthur groaned and blushed deeply at Dutch's words.

 "I will be here, watching our girl cumming," Dutch smiled and moved away to sit on your little chair.

 On all fours you crawled back to Arthur who was sitting on your cot, you simply straddled him as you pushed him on it. "Lay down, like a good cowboy you are," you instructed him and kissed his neck.

With your hands you undressed him as quick as you could.

Then, using only tip of your tongue, you licked trail down his body, from clavicles to his tummy, and lower.

 Dutch got himself comfortable in the chair and watched.

 Arthur's breath shuddered, he tried to stop you. "Darlin', no... You don't have to," he gasped and soon got comfortable on your cot.

 You only have him a long gaze, then kept on your actions. Your tongue licked his lower belly, then you licked his hard shaft, from base to tip. You grabbed his cock with your palm and wrapped fingers around it. You kissed his tip before shoving it into your mouth, you gagged yourself instantly but never stopped.

 "Fuckin' hell, darlin'," Arthur moaned and bucked his hips. He took a deep breath to calm down, he nuzzled to your pillow, inhaling your scent. "You feel so fucking good, girl."

 You bobbed your head back and forth, massaging his balls at the same time. When you pulled him out of your mouth it was only for spitting on his member before shoving it back into your mouth, deep-throating him.

 Arthur whimpered loudly, your touch was so good. It was so soft and delicate.

 "Dalin', you are killin' me," Arthur growled and bucked his hips slightly and he cum on your tounge. Arthur moaned and rubbed his face, embarrassed a bit. "Shit... Sorry, darlin'."

 Dutch laughed.

"Look what are you doing to him. I always expected Arthur to hold longer."

 You sent a cocky smile to Dutch and then looked back at Arthur. "I will tell you a secret," you said as you straddled him and leant down to him, only to whisper into his ear. "You taste amazingly good, Morgan, and I want that cum of yours in my dripping cunt."

 "So Arthur is getting the good stuff today? Fine. In that case I will wreck your ass, miss," Dutch said getting up, he removed his pants.

"Better come here, let the boy regenerate a bit and fogive me not undressing fully but I have important stuff to do," Dutch opened his arms for you.

 You got off Arthur and moved to Dutch. "Hi, darlin', I love your cock," you said wrapping hand around his cock and pumping it.

 "I hope you do darling," Dutch hummed to you. His arm wrapped around your waist to start playing with your butt a bit, then he licked his figers and started to prepare you.

"Well, if Arthur is so lucky to the the front today than I need to make sure that your are ready."

 "I'm always ready," you teased him and pumped hand harder around him. "Look at you, you already leak precum, darlin'. Someone's so eager for me."

 "It's hard not to. Look at yourself, girl. You are beautiful," he purred and kissed you, pushing his fingers past your butthole.

 Morgan slowly moved from your bed and joined you two. He nuzzled to your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist. You could feel his hard cock against your lower back.

 "Well, I can't describe how much do I love the attention from both of ya," you whispered and grabbed Arthur's cock as well, you jerked them both. "I need to be fucked."

 "Come on boy," Dutch said looking over your shoulder at Arthur.

 Man muttered something and gently turned you around, then he gently picked you up.

"You sure, Y/N?," Arthur asked as his cock rested against your pussy.

 You nodded only licking your lips. "Of course I am! I need it, I fucking crave you and Dutch to fuck me," you touch his cheek. "You ain't gonna hurt me."

 "Of course we ain't gonna hurt you, darling. This would be a shame. Just relax," Dutch said and without more preparation he pushed his thick cock into your tight ass.

 Arthur looked at you unsure what to do and nodded, kissing your hand before slowly pushing his shaft into your cunt.

 You screamed loudly, then muffled your screams against Arthur's shoulder. Though tears streamed down your cheeks, you managed to whisper. "God... It feels so good, boys..."

 Arthur stopped his movements, his hand gently stroked your hair and massaged your nape to hush you. "It's okay, darlin'," he hummed, kissing your cheek. Arthur made sure you are fine before moving his hips slowly.

 "Of course it feels good, girl. Because it's us," Dutch announced proudly, moving his hips harder.

 You nuzzled to Arthur's chest, at the same time wrapping one arm around Dutch's nape. "Just like that, oh God... You're so fucking good," you told him, licking your lips again. You kissed Arthur's jawline and hummed into his ear.

 Both men were fucking you hard and deep.

Arthur was making sure you feel fine whole the time while Dutch was complitly focused on his thrusts.

 "Fuck, Y/N. You feel so good. I can feel you squeezing me. You're close," Arthur hummed in your ear.

 "How can I not?," You rolled head back. "You're sending me to heaven."

Your pussy was clenching already around Arthur. Meantime Dutch spread your butthole nicely that it was driving you crazy.

 Dutch simply chuckled and started kissing your shoulder and neck while Arthur pulled you into the kiss.

 Both man found common pace, fucking both of your holes deep and hard.

 Dutch was growling behind you and Arthur was moaning against your lips from time to time.

 Soon, both man reached their climaxes and they filled you up.

 Arthur let out a shaky breath. "Fuck... Darlin'," He purred.

 "Look at yourself, darling," Dutch said pulling out from you after a moment. "Looking so nice and sweet, even after being fucked by us. Such a good girl. Now, I wish I could stay and take care of you as I should, but duties call."

Dutch dressed up and kissed you before leaving.

 Arthur looked at you. "You okay?"

 You looked after Dutch but as soon as he went out of your tent, you nuzzled to Arthur. You kissed his jaw, your fingertips traveled against his wife chest, you were smiling. "I love ya, ya know this?"

 "I know and I love you too, Y/N," Arthur answered and kissed your cheek, then he placed you back on your cot. He grabbed random rug and started to clean you up gently. "You should rest. It had to be intense for you," Arthur muttered as he helped you dress up, he put his shirt on you.

 You smiled at him. "Can you stay? I believe you ain't having any duties now...," you said grabbing his palm.

 "Well... I had to go hunting but it ain't urgent now," he smiled back and joined you on the cot. "It can wait till tomorrow and it will be a pleasure to stay wirh you," Arthur said and hugged you.

 "Promise me something, Arthur," you asked, placing head on his chest. "Promise me to always be around. I don't know what would I do if something would happen to you."

 Arthur took your hand and kissed it gently.

"Y/N. I promise, I ain't going anywhere. I will always be around to take care of you."


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving @arthurmorgan-bae

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3 years ago


How the gang would react to you gifts Jack a little pony

(part 1 )


[RDR Masterlist]

Inspired by this video :)

Gender neutral reader



You where in Valentine cause you needed to buy some food for your horse. While you where talking with the seller. A little pony comes to you. You don't think about her at first, but when you where heading to your horse she starts following you. When you look at her you think that little Jack doesn't have a friend of the same age. And that she thinks your their parent and you couldn't leave her like that. So you go to speak with the seller if you could buy her. They say that the little pony didn't have a mother, and you could take her for free. After you take the supplies for your horse and your new tiny friend. You go to the camp with her following you behind.

Their reaction:



When Arthur see the little horse following you he's like "wtf!!". But he thinks it's cute. He'll ask where did you get her and when you say what happened. He'll let out a little giggle. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. Arthur was smiling while watching the scene from far away. That's one of the thinks why he loves about you.



When John sees you new little friend. He's like Arthur. But he didn't say anything. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. John didn't like the idea that much. But when he sees his son playing with you and his new friend. He start to think otherwise.



Dutch ask to himself why that baby horse was following you. Then he goes back to what he was doing. You go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to him you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. After some time he hears some laughs. So he starts to search where does the laughs came from. When Dutch founds you and little Jack with the little baby horse of before playing together. He smiles and comes back to what he was doing before.



Hosea will first go to you and ask where did you get her. When you say to him what happened he starts to laugh. Then he goes to his tent and comes back after some minutes. He gives you some little apples to give to little Jack for the baby horse. You thank him then you go to little Jack with her still following behind. When you say to Jack you have a gift for him, he'll be very curious about it and ask what is the gift. When you show him your little friend, he's the most happy kid in the world! You told him to take care of her and he, o'course, nods. Hosea was smiling from the distance. After some minutes he goes back to read his journal

[Hope you all liked it :D ]

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2 years ago

The canon time period for Red Dead Redemption is terrifying because of the constant threat of physical violence, torture, murder and deadly disease but modern AUs are also terrifying because Dutch would have a podcast

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